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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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I guess if you're going to develop a feature that gets around the stuff which should only happen to people over 16, you may as well set the minimum age low, if only to avoid the inevitable "can you lower the age from xx to xx? because this guy in this promotion actually debuted back in this year and right now I can't replicate it".


While I can't think of any need for five year olds in my fictional database, I do have a number of workers that should be around ten or so.. atm I've just been faking it, but it never quite sits right.


Actually I just had a brain jolt and remembered that Japan did or does have a "promotion" which is all pre-teen girls "wrestling". I think it was called Ice Ribbon or something. I also recall a small-time cult japanese promotion which had a really young girl as a creepy goth manager


Oh yeah I forgot about Ice Ribbon, Emi Sakura trained a bunch of little girls for some reason. I do remember that little goth girl too, she used to chokeslam people I think.


Now I am hoping the Cornellverse has a children's promotion just for the weirdness of it.

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Actually I just had a brain jolt and remembered that Japan did or does have a "promotion" which is all pre-teen girls "wrestling". I think it was called Ice Ribbon or something. I also recall a small-time cult japanese promotion which had a really young girl as a creepy goth manager


This is partially true. Ice Ribbon is owned by Makoto (who used to do a scared goth gimmick and is 21). It's key feature would be comedy. It started as a kind of exercise program for young girls where veteran wrestler Emi Sakura would train them in pro wrestling as a physical fitness program. They occasionally had matches on gymnastics mats. But for the most party the pre-teen girls would just be there to cheer for Emi and occasionally be called in to all pile on top of someone to get the pin. Riho was the exception, she just turned 13 but has been involved in comedy matches for a few years now. The girl in the face paint at the end of the video is Ramu-chan , 666's equivilant of Riho. This is probab ly the cult promotion you were talking about but she's mostly a wrestler. Ice Ribbon has been a real wrestling fed for a couple of years now but aside from Riho their wrestlers are in their teens or veterans from other promotions.

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The NWA umbrella promotion idea is a fantastic idea for realism! Japan also has something vaguely similiar with it's global professional wrestling alliance.

I think it would work out as having the 'NWA' being a sort of mass promotional pact, which can start with 2 or more promotions coming together to agree on and recognize a couple of shared championships (eg: NWA world, tag team), and can later invite other promotions to join or have other promotions wanting to join (to share in using the champion's services and the prestige the belt brings to the area). They don't nessisarily have to share workers outside of the champions, and they are allowed to have their own promotion specific belts.

It seems very do-able if broken down into basic building blocks of what the NWA actaully is: a loose affliation of promotions that share a common champion and a name, which has a prestige value that is equal to the highest prestige value of it's most over member. so when NWATNA started out as part of the NWA, the NWA as a whole had the same prestige as TNA, even if individual members (ie: NWA Wildside, etc) didn't have that same level of prestige. the name value itself would result in increases in overness of smaller promotions as the 'NWA' name is most represented by the most visible (and therefore over) member of the alliance.

I would imagine that the voting for a champion would begin with each member of the alliance picking a member of their roster (the AI would probably pick someone based on booking style of the booker, so it could be the best talker, wrestler, or most over person) and then put all the picks into a pool of candidates and picking the best one based on their preferences from there.

Now, deciding when and where the champion defends the title should be done on an advance booking basis, with the 'home' promotion of the champion having dibs on good dates. I would venture to say at least a month of booking is booked in advanced for the champion.

So the champion is a ppa w/ creative control (they know they remain champion unless otherwise voted so) on each member of the alliance's roster but only available on certain dates. the championship appears on each member's title page but cannot be vacated normally. the championship can be defended as many times as the promoter likes, but cannot do the title switch unless it is approved beforehand.

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Have to say my ONLY dissapointment is no monthly rankings (like in Pro Wrestling Illustrated), but hey Adam cant put everything in always otherwise they cant release any more TEW's!


Monthly rankings don't really make sense for TEW as the vast majority of workers only wrestle two or less matches per month. A yearly one works because it averages out over a large period of time, a monthly one would be too prone to extremes.


I'm hoping massively reduced loading times, greatly improved UI, and massive increase in database size are a given. Those are like the three auto changes in every new sim version. The UI changes have been mentioned a little bit(drag and drop booking, improved information screens). And the database size problems that specialized feds(like an MMA fed or Daredevil Fed) have are alievated by dojos. But no entry about loading times?


Loading times are slightly quicker, but not by a dramatic amount. As I already stated, TEW08 was running at near to optimal level, there is no room for a "massive" reduction.

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Wow! Adam you are a gaming god!


One thing I was wondering is will we have the option to search or filter by workers sexual preference?


I was wanting to start Hot Lesbian Action federation and it would be so much easier to be able to search and filter who is a lesbian and who isn't!


Just something little and kinda weird but still curious! :)

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Monthly rankings don't really make sense for TEW as the vast majority of workers only wrestle two or less matches per month. A yearly one works because it averages out over a large period of time, a monthly one would be too prone to extremes.


Has the rankings system been altered in anyway? I only ask cause the current is far too reliant on WHERE they work then how good they are. My example is after two years of my TNA game the awards came out and I had Angle, Styles, Joe and Lesner in the 40s of the top 100 workers list...they where the highest ranked guys in my promotion, which was international and actually of higher popularity then WWE in the States, WWE just had a stronger overseas popularity. It's cosmetic, but Lesner was tops in TNA at 41, and his match average for the whole year was a B+! He also held the TNA title for 10 of the 12 months of the year, yet WWE had midcard guys like Dreamer, Regal, Bourne and JTG ranked higher than anyone on my roster, despite none of them having match averages like my top guys.


Again, a minor detail, but one that always annoyed me abit. Not make or break, just curious if any tweaking was done to the year end rankings system.

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Has the rankings system been altered in anyway? I only ask cause the current is far too reliant on WHERE they work then how good they are. My example is after two years of my TNA game the awards came out and I had Angle, Styles, Joe and Lesner in the 40s of the top 100 workers list...they where the highest ranked guys in my promotion, which was international and actually of higher popularity then WWE in the States, WWE just had a stronger overseas popularity. It's cosmetic, but Lesner was tops in TNA at 41, and his match average for the whole year was a B+! He also held the TNA title for 10 of the 12 months of the year, yet WWE had midcard guys like Dreamer, Regal, Bourne and JTG ranked higher than anyone on my roster, despite none of them having match averages like my top guys.


Again, a minor detail, but one that always annoyed me abit. Not make or break, just curious if any tweaking was done to the year end rankings system.


I suggest you save a game the day before the awards and use the Technical Support forum, and what you've written above is completely incorrect - the system isn't reliant on any of the factors you mentioned, it's purely on match ratings. If Lesnar is below JTG and his top ten matches for that year are significantly better then it's an error - although I find it hard to believe that you haven't missed something, as I've not heard of anybody else experiencing this.

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I suggest you save a game the day before the awards and use the Technical Support forum, and what you've written above is completely incorrect - the system isn't reliant on any of the factors you mentioned, it's purely on match ratings. If Lesnar is below JTG and his top ten matches for that year are significantly better then it's an error - although I find it hard to believe that you haven't missed something, as I've not heard of anybody else experiencing this.


Ok, then it could of just been a glich or something, the game is well past that point now, so it's not a big deal. My apologies on the assumption of knowing how it was factored, just what seemed to be the case based on that years list.


Thanks for the quick reply aswell.

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My understanding is that you will see them in the game world instead of just magically appearing one day.


For instance.. You have Sean McFly & Victoria Stones child Lucy Stone-Mcfly currently aged 8(ish) who people have high hopes for just because of the pedigree. In the old game she magically appears one day and you can use her.


The new system would mean that you could keep an eye on the girl and know when she might finally debut.


And if you can use them when they are young, they could be used in feuds (divorce angle??)


One thing I didn't think about, (with the kids Under 16 thing), is the famous angle from ECW between Raven and The Sandman, the one involving The Sandman's son. That angle was one of my favorite of all time, (as well as one that I shamelessly ripped off... I mean, one I faithfully paid homage to - yeah, that's it - in the backstory of my own data).


Dunno how I could have forgotten that...



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And don't forget about Eddie and Chavo Guerrero wrestling during intermission at Gory's shows while they were little kids... Up until the grown-ups realised none of the fans were going to the concession stands during intermission because they were too busy watching Eddie and Chavo.
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Reading about all this Under 16 stuff makes me feel like people are going to abuse it.


For example, the above post about Eddie and Chavo Guerrero. Sure, they were allowed to mess around during intermission at the age of 10 or whatever, and I can see a ton of modders now putting them into a game to debut at those ages.


The reality of it though is that Eddie didn't make his PRO debut until he was around the age of 19, and so he shouldn't, in my opinion, appear in any historical mod until he is at least 17 (just so that he can improve some before anyone big will even consider picking him up, although again another thing modders do is tend to give guys like him amazing stats from their debuts anyway).


Just all my opinion, though.

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Well, there's always the potential for abuse with any feature in the game. All we can do is be careful, I guess. For this, I don't think it's too hard to find out when a worker officially debuted. Though I don't mess much with real world stuff, I do tend to be somewhat conservative with my editing.


Dunno about everyone else though...



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Then maybe we should make a post in the suggestions forum about having a "current rating" and a "peak rating" for each stat. Baseball and Basketball games (text-based sims) have employed this method and I think it could be beneficial for TEW as well. I really have no problem with the way the game is designed now, but after reading the last two posts this idea came into my head, so I guess I needed to post it.
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Just on the Masks feature, if a worker wins a title under a mask, is the title linked to the mask or the worker?


For instance, can I do as TNA did, and have Christopher Daniels win the X Title as Suicide, then transfer the Suicide mask to Kaz and have him defend it?



Don't think this has been raised; apologies if it has.

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Then maybe we should make a post in the suggestions forum about having a "current rating" and a "peak rating" for each stat. Baseball and Basketball games (text-based sims) have employed this method and I think it could be beneficial for TEW as well. I really have no problem with the way the game is designed now, but after reading the last two posts this idea came into my head, so I guess I needed to post it.


If you are changing history, which is what you would be doing, then how could one, assume that their peak would be the same as it was in real life?

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One thing I was wondering is will we have the option to search or filter by workers sexual preference?


I was wanting to start Hot Lesbian Action federation and it would be so much easier to be able to search and filter who is a lesbian and who isn't!

Well it's not like Angles check on sexuality... So you could have plenty of angles where the girls do raunchy stuff together, and it wouldn't matter if they're straight, bi or gay.


The only factor that I think would come into play is their conservative/liberal balance towards your heavily Risque product.


Just on the Masks feature, if a worker wins a title under a mask, is the title linked to the mask or the worker?


For instance, can I do as TNA did, and have Christopher Daniels win the X Title as Suicide, then transfer the Suicide mask to Kaz and have him defend it?



Don't think this has been raised; apologies if it has.


Speaking of Daniels... How about Los Conquistadors?


Los Conquistadors (Edge & Christian) beat the Hardyz for the tag belts.

The belts belonged to "Los Conquistadors", as E&C then challenged them (Aaron Aguilera & Christopher Daniels)

BUT the Hardyz pulled a switch and beat up Aguilera & Daniels backstage, coming out as Los Conquistadors themselves. When they won, Foley recognised the title change as being from Los Conquistadors to The Hardyz.


I guess it's actually perfectly simmable since Aguilera and Daniels were never in a match, so the game can just recognise that Edge & Christian won the tag titles "As Uno & Dos", then lost to The Hardyz.


The only thing that might not be simmable is transferring the masks mid-show. In (I believe) a pretaped segment after Los Conquistadors won, Edge and Christian appeared on screen with them and congratulated them on the win. I can't see this being strictly possible in-game.

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Then maybe we should make a post in the suggestions forum about having a "current rating" and a "peak rating" for each stat. Baseball and Basketball games (text-based sims) have employed this method and I think it could be beneficial for TEW as well. I really have no problem with the way the game is designed now, but after reading the last two posts this idea came into my head, so I guess I needed to post it.

There's a hidden "Potential" stat that changes from game to game (although it can be guided by settings in the database). This pretty much does what you want it to.

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Wow! Adam you are a gaming god!


One thing I was wondering is will we have the option to search or filter by workers sexual preference?


I was wanting to start Hot Lesbian Action federation and it would be so much easier to be able to search and filter who is a lesbian and who isn't!


Just something little and kinda weird but still curious! :)


I'm assuming you can do that in the exported spreadsheet at least.

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