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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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#2: User Preferences


Different people choose to play in different ways, and so the new User Preferences has been introduced to maximise your ability to customise the gameplay experience.


Each player in the game has access to their own User Preferences screen, from which they can enable or disable any of the fourteen choices. Below are eleven of the fourteen (the remaining three refer to features yet to be announced, and so will be discussed at a later date):


- Show all stats as grades rather than number



personally I'll be keeping the grades (letters A-whatever) as I don't think a head booker could look at two wrestlers and say: Wrestler A has a technical ability of 86, but wrestler B has a technical ability of 89! You can look at real life performers and say a guy is about a grade A etc... but to nitpick in real life by a few % would surely be impossible. Theres a similar topic with a football game called pro evo. Can you say a guy has a dribbling ability of 94 or should it be 96? Just give him an A* and be done with it!


I believe some folk use spreadsheets though and this sort of feauture will probably excite them as they can be more thorough and accurate and detailed.

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all looks pretty good!


#5: The Dirt Sheet

should be great for guys like me who don't take it TOO seriously (purely down to other commitments such as work - not a personal preference!) as I'd love to simply know how to make some matches and events better etc... seems like a good improvement for me and the hardcore gamers. Basically what Adam said!


Personal favourites:

#17: Outside Media Opportunities


#4: National Trends


#20: Promotion Momentum


#32: Dojos (2)


#37: Chemistry Store - saves me from writin it in shorthand into the notebook all the time!


#49: Gimmick Type Effects



Hair: Workers have a hair statistic, which keeps track of the length. This is set via the editor, and obviously allows for bald wrestlers. This stat is used in conjunction with a new Shave Head road agent note that allows wrestlers to lose their hair. Once shaved, hair can grow back slowly over time. Wrestlers will also eventually start going naturally bald as they age.

Um, not a gamebreaker in the slightest, but I presume not all guys will go bald eventually, or at the same exact time in their lives! My grandad still has a full head of hair at 93! My mate needed hair plugs at 24! Like I said though, not a gamebreaker, although it would be cool if a lack of hair maybe automatically lowered a guys sex appeal!




Basically, the gist I get is that the game is more realistic and has more depth, but also will be easier for casual gamers such as myself who wanted 08 to be slightly more forgiving - (yet I could also see why guys investing huuuge amounts of time would also want the original difficulty of 08 to be maintained.) All looks damn good. Roll on2moro!

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I'm still holding out hope for playable development territories & umbrella orgs, but I'd consider those big enough to be mentioned before release and not one of those features to just "discover" on our own.




I'm still super excited about the game, especially the .xls export feature. This has got me marking out hard as I think about all the hours I spent making spreedsheets for '05, '07, and '08.


What I'm thinking about doing is pulling those .xls sheets into an access database of my own so I can do even more advanced searches and pull out the super SQL 1337 5k1llz :D

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I think one of my favorite features is going to be Starting Storylines: although I don't know how many modder's are going to take the time to really put alot of these in there, it could be conveniant for starting a new game as well... Then if you don't like where you went, can start over quicker with some things already in place how you wanted them to start with.
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