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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<p>Rumor from Wrestling Observer Live:</p><p> </p><p>

<em>"The big news today is what's going on with Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan has been removed from the WWE European tour, which, of course, has a lot of people concerned [about] what's going on with him, is it his neck, is it his elbow. I've been told that the situation with Daniel Bryan is that he suffered a concussion. I don't know what the status of his neck is or his elbow, that may still be a problem, but the big issue on the tour was a concussion that he suffered and it was in fact, for those of you who saw the Smackdown show where Sheamus came out and gave him a beating, we actually talked about this on the program, there had been some heat on Sheamus for, I don't know if being careless is the best word, but he did give Daniel Bryan a beating and apparently Daniel Bryan suffered a concussion in that beating, so I guess that's the situation. I presume there has to be a little more to the story because if Daniel Bryan got a concussion he shouldn't have being doing anything on the shows and they did put him in some tag team matches, some six-man matches, he was in the ring, so I don't know if he maybe got cleared, maybe after suffering the concussion they cleared him, but he was still suffering symptoms. I don't know exactly what the story was, but all of the issues did stem from that situation there with Sheamus and Sheamus' return so far [has been] one problem after another."</em></p><p> </p><p>

Not sure how much is true but Bryan himself has been reckless since his return. He could have insisted on modifying his moveset and make sure his opponents know not to target his head or neck. Something has to change or he'll get jobbed further down the card like Ziggler has been in the past after concussions (and the fans will hate WWE for it), or worse he'll end up with another serious injury.</p>

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NXT Review:


Parker vs Crowe - Solid match. The Stretch Muffler is a cool submission. I'm sad to see Parker go as he had the potential to be a fun douchey heel like Miz.

Corbin vs Cutler - Squash match. I suspect they're stalling while Corbin tries to learn more moves.

Enzo & Cass vs Dawkins & Sawyer - OK match.

Blue Pants vs Brooke - OK match. Brooke's look and touchy-feely entrance make her look like a blonde stripper with big biceps, which I hate. The Falcon Arrow finisher could be good if she learns to smoothly transition into the leg hook.

Zayn vs Rhyno - Good long match. Rhyno can still go.


Verdict: Filler show outisde of the main event.

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Something has to change or he'll (...) end up with another serious injury.


This, and he has to think about the rest of his life. He's had his moments. It can only get downhill from here. He can stay in the business, but I'd take a different role. He'll still be popular as an authority figure or a solely matbased guy.

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This, and he has to think about the rest of his life. He's had his moments. It can only get downhill from here. He can stay in the business, but I'd take a different role. He'll still be popular as an authority figure or a solely matbased guy.


He doesn't need the flying to make his style work. He's a fantastic technician with a huge repertoire. WWE likes imitating MMA, so have him be the guy who is deadly once he takes you to the mat. It's not like it's far from the truth.

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Does anyone else love the crowd turning on New Day? Also, did you see Xaiver's face during the interview with Big E talking about the kid?


I love New Day's reactions more than anything. This is what they should've been doing from the start (well, they should've been something like a Nation 2.0, but I mean since the start of the New Day promo videos)

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I'm going to presume it's purely political. With all the concern regarding head injures recently (with past wrestlers filing lawsuits against the company over head injuries and negligence, Perro Aguayo Jr. dying in Mexico and Daniel Bryan's rumoured health concerns) it seems to me that WWE are just trying to get out in front of it like they've done in these positions before. When wrestlers were dying left, right and centre and the media was looking into steroids in sports, WWE brought in their wellness policy. When there was a concern about wrestlers high-flying arsenal, they banned things like Shooting Star Press's for a while. And when there was a similar concern about the head/neck/spine area in wrestlers, they banned Piledriver's and such like. Most professional wrestling fans will know the Curb Stomp isn’t as risky as it looks (unless you're Brock Lesnar and sell it like a mad man) so the decision to ban the move will be for anti-WWE/anti-wrestling critics who'll point towards the move - just because it looks lethal and real life Curb Stomps are lethal (watch The Sopranos :p) - to aid their claims that the sport is dangerous.
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I don't have a problem with them banning the Curb Stomp, for the reasons already articulated by Mammoth. Plus it looks awful if the opponent is a bigger guy/ not good enough at selling to make it look good.


The thing i will say is he needs something other than that move he used last night. It looked like a very awkward single arm DDT meets the old Dirty Deeds. IF Ziggler can't sell that and make it look ok, it's not going to work as a finisher.

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I went to Smackdown last night and it was a decent show. I obviously will not post spoilers because while they are all over the internet, I really don't see the point of spoiling a show that will be on in a few hours anyway.


I will say that Roman Reigns and Neville seemed to get really good reactions, I ma not sure how well it will translate onto the TV but the crowd was really into both of them.

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There's an article on Cageside Seats suggesting that Rollins should use the Pedigree as a finisher. That would be pretty cool.

I'm not sure about the Pedigree itself because you've got to think at some point, either Rollins' or The Authority is going to turn on one another and then the Pedigree wouldn't make much sense. However, a variation on the Pedigree wouldn't be a bad shout like Christopher Daniel's "Angels Wings" into a kneeled position (à la the Pedigree) rather than a sit-out position. I think it allows the commentators to refer to the similarities between Rollins and his "mentor" Triple H at the moment but then when it does all come crashing down, it's not an exact reference to his history as Triple H's stooge. I can't see it happening though, as I imagine Seth will either choose one from his previous arsenal in either Florida Championship Wrestling/NXT and/or the independent circuit or stick with the average DDT that he used on Raw.

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I'm not sure about the Pedigree itself because you've got to think at some point, either Rollins' or The Authority is going to turn on one another and then the Pedigree wouldn't make much sense. However, a variation on the Pedigree wouldn't be a bad shout like Christopher Daniel's "Angels Wings" into a kneeled position (à la the Pedigree) rather than a sit-out position. I think it allows the commentators to refer to the similarities between Rollins and his "mentor" Triple H at the moment but then when it does all come crashing down, it's not an exact reference to his history as Triple H's stooge. I can't see it happening though, as I imagine Seth will either choose one from his previous arsenal in either Florida Championship Wrestling/NXT and/or the independent circuit or stick with the average DDT that he used on Raw.


I'd be happy seeing him bring back the Gods Last Gift, his Fishermans Cradle DDT but likely wont happen...

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NXT Review:


Balor vs Dillinger - Solid squash.

Bayley vs Becky vs Charlotte (#1 Contender) - Good match. I love that Becky won and the crafty way she did it.

Parker vs Itami - Solid match.

Rhyno vs Jobber - Pointless 30 second squash.

Riley vs Owens - Good match (helped by the crowd getting behind Riley) followed by a run-in from Zayn. A fun brawl ended with Owens crawling back to the stage.


Verdict: Good show.



Smackdown was better than Raw this week. Ambrose & Reigns vs Rollins & Harper and Ziggler & Neville vs Sheamus & Barrett were good matches. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Fatal Fourway with the latter for the IC belt at Payback if Bryan is forced to vacate. A David vs Goliath style feud between Sheamus and Neville over the belt would be good.

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Yeah the finish to the divas match was something I'm suprised WWE didn't do earlier.


Axel won the IC title from that exact finish actually




In both cases I thought it was used perfectly

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