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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Unless this interview is a work (which would be unethical imo), Sting does put some of the blame on himself. And what if it was Rollins' fault: you mention that it's the first time he's truly tested in this regard, but he experienced now that it might be necessary to adapt in rare cases. You expect people at the top to know all these things, but reality often tells a different story.

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Injuries and mis-timing happen regardless of how many years you've been doing it.


If Seth "stood up" to creative and said he didn't want to do the spot because of Stings age, how many people on here would then be saying Rollins has no respect for Sting? That's the thing with wrestling fans, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Sting was happy to take the bump, Creative were happy for him to take the bump. Granted, Rollins messed it up, but then you show me a wrestler who has never messed up a move in their career and I'll show you a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


Akitoshi Saito accidentally killed Mitsuharu Misawa with a belly to back suplex, a seemingly simple move for a guy who has been wrestling since 1990. Rey Misterio and Perro Aguayo Jr. more recently. Accidents happen and putting all the blame on Rollins shows a complete lack of knowledge when it comes to wrestling. I agree it wasn't a "freak" accident, but it was still an accident based on what Rollins was asked to do.

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Someone saying Nikki was the "second best diva after Paige" shows how bad the division was. Nikki cannot act, she is like a 15 year old girl in her first school play with absolutely zero chemistry with her opponents (or own sister) or charisma. She is (at best) an average in ring worker. Natalya is a better in ring worker, and has more charisma, Naomi has more charisma and in my opinion is a better worker and Tamina has a better character in that shes just a bad ass that lets her actions do the talking. Now if we're talking about Nikki being more "over" with the fans, then I'll agree to that, but that doesn't mean she was better than those not being used, just that she was able to garner more heat from the crowd with her 1995 style teenage mean girl antics.


On the "looks" spectrum of things, unfortunately that is the way men and women choose their favourites a lot of the time when they have nothing else to base their opinions on. You think all those women who scream for Cena are doing it because he is the greatest thing since Antonio Inoki in the ring? No. It's because of his physique and jock style looks. However, there are those who know that "looks" don't always make for compelling storylines or entertaining matches in Sports Entertainment and those people couldn't care less if Charlotte looked like the second coming of Trish Stratus, or the twin reincarnation of Bertha Faye because she has talent - regardless of who her father is. You think Stu Hart never helped his sons? You think Rocky Johnson didn't help The Rock? or Bob Orton Jr. didn't help Randy Orton? Every second/third/fourth generation superstar have had their parents input of help along the way and to think otherwise is just naive.


Getting off this subject, and on to the New Day, am I the only one that thinks Kofi Kingston clapping and skipping in pigtails makes him a better fit for the Divas division? The guy acts like he's a 5 year old girl who just found out she's going to get Ice Cream after school.


Please no. Three burials in a row...

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Well for starters she's been employed since 2013 and has even skipped shows she was set to work and presumably improve on.


Just because she wants to take wrestling seriously years later after already being handed PPV matches people work a decade for, on top of her being completely inept in the ring, on top of HHH trying to brand NXT as "developmental my ass" you can't use the developmental argument for Eva Marie.


She's not Dana Brooke who only started wrestling matches in 2015 and is full of potential while being far ahead of Eva, who is lagging behind people who started wrestling 6 months ago. When you have people like Sasha Banks, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Neville, etc just stored away in "developmental" for a very long time there becomes an expectation from the fans. When you tell them it's not developmental no matter how much of that is hype, people will see it as something else. You can't say this is its own brand or promotion and then expect people to accept people who clearly aren't up to par and have been portrayed for years as someone who didn't care to be.


Well, Eva Marie has wrestled just 60 matches since her debut in August 2013. Dana Brooke, by comparison, has already wrestled 68 and she debuted a whole year later. It's hard to get better at wrestling, especially in front of a live audience, if you aren't ever actually in the damn ring working a match.


With regards Seth Rollins, I really like him but considering his ring work is supposed to be his strong point (it sure as hell ain't those promos), he has a lot of improving to do. I'm not putting full blame on him for the injury, I just have to question why he was doing Buckle Bombs and pushing a 56 year-old man back first through a table. It was like they were trying to end Sting's career or something.


Maybe it's because I watched La Sombra vs. Atlantis this weekend and saw a basic, yet absolutely fantastic match - one where La Sombra was absolutely phenomenal in not only his execution but also protecting the old legend he was working with. Sting vs. Rollins rubbed me the wrong way. It was something I'd expect to see in ROH between two 25-year olds that are trying to make a name for themselves. Two Buckle Bombs is a Michael Elgin vs. Tomasso Ciampa match, not a WWE Championship match. But that's WWE in-ring product in a nutshell to me. They only know how to kill themselves to wow the fans instead of actually working a good story and that's why half the roster is working through six injuries and needs a bloody break.

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Dana Brooke is definitely an improvement by leaps and bounds compared to Eva Marie - she hasn't impressed me so much since she returned, and the Sliced Bread #2 she does looks a bit off to me, but that is ok, she is on NXT, and that is where people improve, and she has actually improved (Unlike Cameron, who still can't wrestle a lick after 3 years with the company and fails miserably to get a reaction regardless of what they do with her - she is irrelevant, and there is really no reason why she still has a contract), and she has a lot of time to get even better, and one of the things that I like in Eva is that it really feels like she is trying to improve, and she has lost whatever laziness she had back in 2013. I wouldn't like to have her rushed into a feud with Bayley already, though. Let's see what happens. It seems like Eva is getting the belt after Bayley goes over Brooke. Let's wait and see...
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Dana Brooke is definitely an improvement by leaps and bounds compared to Eva Marie - she hasn't impressed me so much since she returned, and the Sliced Bread #2 she does looks a bit off to me, but that is ok, she is on NXT, and that is where people improve, and she has actually improved (Unlike Cameron, who still can't wrestle a lick after 3 years with the company and fails miserably to get a reaction regardless of what they do with her - she is irrelevant, and there is really no reason why she still has a contract), and she has a lot of time to get even better, and one of the things that I like in Eva is that it really feels like she is trying to improve, and she has lost whatever laziness she had back in 2013. I wouldn't like to have her rushed into a feud with Bayley already, though. Let's see what happens. It seems like Eva is getting the belt after Bayley goes over Brooke. Let's wait and see...


Thing is that Eva Marie is in no way ready for tv. The performance center is the true developmental where they learn to wrestle not NXT. NXT is the place to showcase the guys who will be moving to the main roster and the ones who have advanced enough in the PC to work tv.


People need to lift and slowly walk her up the turnbuckle for her to hit the Sliced Bread not to mention she looks afraid to even take bumps. Even Kelly Kelly was better.


I understand that most of the fault lies with WWE who hired her simply for Total Divas and never sent her to actually train until now.

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Post-NOC Sting interview:




As for Eva Marie, I'm happy that she's trying to learn. She's not the problem, Vince & Dunn are. Given Eva's lack of talent at anything but photoshoots she shouldn't be getting a push until 2016 at the earliest. She certainly shouldn't be on an unbeaten streak when anyone but an extreme casual can see her opponents are better. You can literally see them working a slower pace and lying down for the pin. Instead of having her pay her dues with some losses they are trying to generate a reaction by p***ing off the fans. They should be generating kayfaybe heat but that would require some acting skills on Eva's part.

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Raw was a mixed bag. New Day was great again, especially Xavier. The Divas storyline is an entertaining trainwreck but they need to book better matches than the one they gave us. The ridiculous Kane/Rollins storyline is more interesting than it has any right to be. The end of the Reigns/Wyatt match was awesome. The rest of Raw was a random Orton match, building up Big Show for a squash on a glorified hose show and a bunch of rushed set-ups for HIAC which isn't for another 4 weeks.
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It was just another raw where Sasha Banks can't be found with a search party


Pretty impossible to take that division seriously when Paige slut shaming Nikki Bella and accusing Charlotte of nepotism is the only story in the division. They certainly are athletes


But, remember, it's the Diva Revolution! :rolleyes:

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It was just another raw where Sasha Banks can't be found with a search party


Pretty impossible to take that division seriously when Paige slut shaming Nikki Bella and accusing Charlotte of nepotism is the only story in the division. They certainly are athletes


Yea I don't get that one with Sasha.


Is it possible they just want to feed Charlotte Paige, and with Sasha (presumably) about to lose a Iron man match to Baylee for her NXT title rematch they just want Sasha to be on the back burner so people don't focus on her again, presumed, loss to Baylee in a few weeks and then the go to Charlotte v. Sasha and never mention Sasha's recent loss to Baylee?


That's the only reason i can think of to hide Sasha from the title hunt, that they don't want her front and center while she does the job for baylee as she leaves NXT.

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Sasha's busy with NXT and they don't have anything for her on RAW so best to keep her away. She's still very active on Twitter, though. Not that it's easy to keep track since the "Revolution" began but Sasha is undefeated in singles matches. After Charlotte burns through a few challengers Sasha should get her title shot. They can't go wrong following the NXT blueprint.
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My hope is some sort of screwy finish to set up Cena's next open challenger. One can Dream.


New Day will be there so I wouldn't put it past them to break into the cage. I expect Kofi will face Cena on Raw and hopefully we get Cena vs Big E at HIAC :D


The only matches I'm interested in are Owens vs Jericho and New Day vs The Dudley Boyz.

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In amongst all of this Cena talk, news has broken that he's missing the European tour and most November shows for "personal reasons".


He's getting a boob job, he can't be outdone by Nikki.


Edit: Owens vs Jericho should be amazing. Also a random prediction but I think Zayn will take the IC belt of Owens.

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