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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I get they are trying to make Rollins the weasel champion but this didn't work well for Triple H in 1999 and it is not working anymore for Rollins in 2015. He is way too good to be featured like this...they need to go ahead and pull that strap off of him and rebuild his image. They are on the fine line of recreating the reign of terror....I still have nightmares of those god awful years.


Oh and for this "Diva Revolution" I think this video says it all


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I get they are trying to make Rollins the weasel champion but this didn't work well for Triple H in 1999 and it is not working anymore for Rollins in 2015. He is way too good to be featured like this...they need to go ahead and pull that strap off of him and rebuild his image. They are on the fine line of recreating the reign of terror....I still have nightmares of those god awful years.


The difference is that Triple H even as a weasel-y heel was still built up as a cool tough guy who could beat 95% of the roster but needed to cheat to deal with a guy like Austin, who was a level above him. He was consistently able to beat other main eventers like Mankind and the Rock, and was a level above guys like Test and Al Snow when they challenged for the title. Compare that to Rollins, who at this point I think would need tons of chicanery to defend his title against literally anyone, and you have a problem; where does Rollins go when he loses the title? How do you sell a guy who loses cleanly to Kane in 2015?


It really is a shame too since the guy is able of getting real heat with the fans, but WWE has consistently cut the legs out from him for what, six months now?

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The difference is that Triple H even as a weasel-y heel was still built up as a cool tough guy who could beat 95% of the roster but needed to cheat to deal with a guy like Austin, who was a level above him. He was consistently able to beat other main eventers like Mankind and the Rock, and was a level above guys like Test and Al Snow when they challenged for the title. Compare that to Rollins, who at this point I think would need tons of chicanery to defend his title against literally anyone, and you have a problem; where does Rollins go when he loses the title? How do you sell a guy who loses cleanly to Kane in 2015?


It really is a shame too since the guy is able of getting real heat with the fans, but WWE has consistently cut the legs out from him for what, six months now?




I don't remember one clean victory that Triple H got on The Rock in 99...




And here is Triple H vs. Mankind



Triple H couldn't even beat Big Show with all of DX



Trust me Seth Rollins is Triple H 1999

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Trust me Seth Rollins is Triple H 1999


Trust me, he's not. Yes, Triple H was made to look a level below the very top guys, but he consistently beat the Rock and Mankind and was portrayed as a clear level above the company's mid-carders. There's a huge difference between occasionally showing *** and being made to look like an idiot every week. Even if you say "well he had DX helping him," Hunter came out on top a lot of the time. Since beating Sting, Rollins has lost every match he's been in and has been consistently putting over Kane in the ring and in angles. Triple H would occasionally get beaten to send fans home happy, but far more often there was some sort of beatdown on the face to build up to a title match.

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I just finished the career retrospective part of Sting: Into The Light and really enjoyed it. It was really nice seeing Lex looking and sounding happy.


I do wish it was longer and a more in depth at times, but I loved it.


Is it on the WWE network or on DVD only? Wrestling DVDs er insanely hard to come by here, and I'd love to watch it. That cheap-looking documentary of his from years back was very underwhelming, and I'd love to see a real Sting piece with quality production.

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Is it on the WWE network or on DVD only? Wrestling DVDs er insanely hard to come by here, and I'd love to watch it. That cheap-looking documentary of his from years back was very underwhelming, and I'd love to see a real Sting piece with quality production.


It was just released on DVD and blu ray this week, so I imagine they'll wait a bit before adding it to the Network. The TNA one was a giant let down, but this one is able to use footage from every part of his career(except TNA, but it does get mentioned) and he's really candid and open about almost everything. The only things he doesn't really go into depths about is the mid to late 90s when his personal life wasn't going so well, cheating on his wife, drugs, and divorce. All he says in that regard is he faced some pretty heavy temptations and was giving into them.


Him and Bischoff both shed a little more light on Starrcade 97 though, which was pretty exciting.

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I wish WWE would do DVDs chronicling the kayfabe careers of a single wrestler, kinda like a long highligt reel that uses clips from matches and angles to take us through his entire career with an added narrative. I would mark out for something like that.
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You know what's so weird about Hell in a Cell? WWE have essentially booked themselves into a corner in all three of their headline matches.


First up, you have Masked Kane vs. Rollins. If Masked Kane loses, Corporate Kane is fired.

1: Corporate Kane is now far more entertaining as a face than he ever was as a heel. I've enjoyed him lately and I'll be somewhat sad to see him go because all it would lead to is the tired Triple H and Stephanie shtick returning. Nobody likes it so why do they keep persisting with it?

2: Rollins has lost far too many matches already to lose to Kane of all people. Genuinely, he is dead if he loses. He needs to win so they can start damage control.


So, it's a Catch 22. The obvious choice is to put Rollins over, but neither result is particularly that attractive on paper.


Then you have Reigns vs. Wyatt. This feud was designed to help both, but with the recent Reigns promo bombing in Chicago, we are back exactly where we started. And The Wyatt Family are nowhere near as over as they were when they split them up for reasons I am still trying to figure out. Having them lose their first feud doesn't exactly bode well for them going forward.

1: You can't really have Reigns lose the blow-off match. They're booking him to be legit and so far, the story has been the Wyatt Family interfering and such to constantly cost him matches. Logically, the babyface goes over here.

2. But Bray Wyatt can't really lose here either. From Cena, to Taker, and now Reigns, all Wyatt is doing is losing feuds and being made to look like an imbecile that spouts absolute drivel. You can't really build top faces if the top heels are never put in a position to even seem like a threat.


So, another Catch 22. Reigns going over would be a tiresome, predictable story and would still leave them needing another program for him to move into before Mania season starts in January. Are we going to have a schmoz finish in the apparent blow-off match to a blood feud that has no heat? Who knows!


Then, Taker vs. Lesnar. I was sure they were going to do it on Mania.

1: It's another blow-off match and it's one that Brock Lesnar cannot lose. If he does, all that good work they've done over the last two years building him up will be a waste. I'm genuinely curious as to where he goes after this match. He's still in a position where he could, and probably should, headline Mania.

2: Who is Taker facing at Mania if not Lesnar? If he loses clean, what do you do with Taker then? And why bother with the SummerSlam finish if you're just putting Lesnar over clean here? This is a B-PPV with a potential Mania main event headlining it, surely it's not as cut and dry as Lesnar going over clean so both guys can move on to different programs. Or is it?


Once again, neither outcome is all that attractive on paper. Obviously, Charlotte, New Day and Kevin Owens go over in their matches but I am genuinely curious as to how WWE book the three matches above and where we go afterwards.

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Reigns vs Wyatt, if Wyatt wins, it won't be clean. Even with the cell, someone would find their way in there. Maybe Strowman from under the ring.


Rollins will probably get DQ'd against Kane, allowing them to keep Corporate Kane (wins the match, doesn't get the title).


As for Brock/Taker, my assumption would be that Undertaker is going in the Hall this year and won't be wrestling at Mania.

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It's probably going to be Sting vs. Undertaker at Mania...Let it be the Deadman's last Mania


I think Seth's buckle bomb might have ended that, though I agree that was the likely plan prior to the spine injury. Sting is talking in interviews like he's retired, not sure he'd risk further spinal damage for just a third loss at Mania. No way Sting goes over there.

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Reigns vs Wyatt, if Wyatt wins, it won't be clean. Even with the cell, someone would find their way in there. Maybe Strowman from under the ring.


Rollins will probably get DQ'd against Kane, allowing them to keep Corporate Kane (wins the match, doesn't get the title).


As for Brock/Taker, my assumption would be that Undertaker is going in the Hall this year and won't be wrestling at Mania.


I expect Rollins to win clean, and for them to fire "corporate kane" and have demon kane seek revenge.


They have just been driving home so much that "corporate kane's" job is on the line. They never once say "kane, your job is on the line."


I would love to be wrong, as Demon Kane in 2015 being a major player makes me throw up in my mouth a bit. Love the man, but he should be a mid card gatekeeper at this point.

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