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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So, it's a Catch 22. The obvious choice is to put Rollins over, but neither result is particularly that attractive on paper.


You're right in the sense that it's bad booking, but I'm not sure whether it fits the definition of a catch22. Sure, you want both of the workers to be elevated after the feud is over, but why will that not be an option if Kane loses? Rollins gets over if he wins, and Kane might want a vacation. Honestly I too think they can stretch his current persona some more. You presume the Authority gets back, but maybe it's something else entirely? If we don't know their intentions, we can't speak of a catch22. It's just predictable (and arguably bad) booking.


Crownsy's scenario sounds like a good option. They'd just be firing 'corporate' Kane anyway. The following article (a month old) makes sense too, given Kane's boost (thanks to Rollins taking a fall for him):




Since Sting's injury, I think they put the kibosh on their Mania plans for him and Taker.

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You know what's so weird about Hell in a Cell? WWE have essentially booked themselves into a corner in all three of their headline matches.


First up, you have Masked Kane vs. Rollins. If Masked Kane loses, Corporate Kane is fired.

1: Corporate Kane is now far more entertaining as a face than he ever was as a heel. I've enjoyed him lately and I'll be somewhat sad to see him go because all it would lead to is the tired Triple H and Stephanie shtick returning. Nobody likes it so why do they keep persisting with it?

2: Rollins has lost far too many matches already to lose to Kane of all people. Genuinely, he is dead if he loses. He needs to win so they can start damage control.


So, it's a Catch 22. The obvious choice is to put Rollins over, but neither result is particularly that attractive on paper.


Then you have Reigns vs. Wyatt. This feud was designed to help both, but with the recent Reigns promo bombing in Chicago, we are back exactly where we started. And The Wyatt Family are nowhere near as over as they were when they split them up for reasons I am still trying to figure out. Having them lose their first feud doesn't exactly bode well for them going forward.

1: You can't really have Reigns lose the blow-off match. They're booking him to be legit and so far, the story has been the Wyatt Family interfering and such to constantly cost him matches. Logically, the babyface goes over here.

2. But Bray Wyatt can't really lose here either. From Cena, to Taker, and now Reigns, all Wyatt is doing is losing feuds and being made to look like an imbecile that spouts absolute drivel. You can't really build top faces if the top heels are never put in a position to even seem like a threat.


So, another Catch 22. Reigns going over would be a tiresome, predictable story and would still leave them needing another program for him to move into before Mania season starts in January. Are we going to have a schmoz finish in the apparent blow-off match to a blood feud that has no heat? Who knows!


Then, Taker vs. Lesnar. I was sure they were going to do it on Mania.

1: It's another blow-off match and it's one that Brock Lesnar cannot lose. If he does, all that good work they've done over the last two years building him up will be a waste. I'm genuinely curious as to where he goes after this match. He's still in a position where he could, and probably should, headline Mania.

2: Who is Taker facing at Mania if not Lesnar? If he loses clean, what do you do with Taker then? And why bother with the SummerSlam finish if you're just putting Lesnar over clean here? This is a B-PPV with a potential Mania main event headlining it, surely it's not as cut and dry as Lesnar going over clean so both guys can move on to different programs. Or is it?


Once again, neither outcome is all that attractive on paper. Obviously, Charlotte, New Day and Kevin Owens go over in their matches but I am genuinely curious as to how WWE book the three matches above and where we go afterwards.


Mate, there is no way that the Kane shtick is leaving TV, so count on a Rollins win...

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I liked some segments of RAW but fast-forwarded through several other segments. On the one hand it's nice seeing the legends (and not C'ing Cena). But on the other hand it hurts the current talent pool.


NXT's roster seems way too big these days. It's like me playing TEW introducing new characters each episode. :p I didn't like the battle royal. It doesn't suit NXT imo.

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I liked some segments of RAW but fast-forwarded through several other segments. On the one hand it's nice seeing the legends (and not C'ing Cena). But on the other hand it hurts the current talent pool.


NXT's roster seems way too big these days. It's like me playing TEW introducing new characters each episode. :p I didn't like the battle royal. It doesn't suit NXT imo.


Yea NXT has too many ppl for a 1 hour show. I wouldnt mind seeing a brand split for a 2nd show or a 2nd hour. Give more people exposure.

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2.2 rating for Smackdown against the NFL. Well deserved.


As for NXT, half the roster are developmental and aren't ready for much TV time yet and there are more regular call-ups to the main roster now. The only area I see getting short-changed (post-Dusty Tag Team Classic) is the burgeoning tag division. Maybe if they cut all the Raw & PPV promos they could fit another match on each show but they would have to tweak the taping schedule.

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I love the 1 hour format of NXT. I actually miss the old syndication shows where they'd cut recaps and maybe show one whole match, because it didn't require three hours of my time.


Yes. They'd just cherrypick the important moments and show them. In the end, it's the segments that really stick around in the long-term memory. At least in my case.

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Cesaro is the man.


That is all.



I lied, that's not all. Why are they saying the Dudleys are 10 time champions? Excluding reigns WWE doesn't acknowledge(2 TNA tag, 2 IWGP, and 1 NWA tag) they are 18 time world tag champions.


They are:

8 Time ECW Tag Champs

1 Time WWE Tag Champs

1 Time WCW Tag Champs

8 Time WWE World Tag Champs


Why are they suddenly ignoring the ECW reigns?


*edit again*

They later specified they'd be 10 time WWE tag champs if they beat New Day.

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Why couldn't the announcers shut up during Undertaker's post match moment? The moment would have been infinitely more powerful if they weren't talking.


Solid show though for the most part. Strong main event and the best match in the Lesnar/Taker trilogy.


Team Taker vs Team Wyatt at Survivor Series?


Who could be Taker's team? Demon Kane should be a given. Sting maybe, but who else? Reigns and Ambrose? What about Lesnar?

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King talking never equals a 'powerful moment'. In fact: his commentary today was horrible. Team Taker seems like a weird thing. Doubt that's going to happen. :p


JBL was more guilty of talking during Taker trying to regroup than anyone else. We get it, you've faced Undertaker a billion times, you're ruining the moment, not enhancing it.


As for Survivor Series, it'd be a good way for Undertaker to get a win going into his next appearance(WrestleMania). So it'd make perfect sense for the Wyatt Family to face Undertaker at his 25 Anniversary show in the match Undertaker debuted in.


Wyatt Family would either have to recruit a fifth man, or they'd go for a 4 vs 4 instead of the traditional 5 vs 5 style match.

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That Lesnar vs Taker match is what WWE needs. Go hardcore once in a while. Let blood and head shots with chairs happen in big matches. Also Lesnar ripping the ring... This man is just a flat out monster.



Also i had a huge smile when Wyatts music hit! Hoping Wyatt gets this victory. He is long overdue. But who will it be for SS?


Wyatt family vs Brothers of destruction/Reigns/Ambrose?


Im tired of Super Reigns...

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Hell in a Cell Review:


Kick-Off Tag Match - Cesaro was awesome on the hot tag. He deserves a proper feud.

Cena vs Del Rio (US Championship) - Solid match but it ended too abruptly. I'm surprised they signed Del Rio so quickly and disappointed he won't be on Lucha Underground next season. He's still AAA Mega Champion, which is interesting. Fingers crossed WWE don't waste him again.

Wyatt vs Reigns (HIAC) - Great match. The clever use of weapons and tables helped elevate it above an average cell match.

New Day vs Dudley Boyz (Tag Team Championship) - Solid match. New Day winning was a nice surprise.

Nikki vs Charlotte (Divas Championship) - Solid match. There was psychology on display, a few nasty bumps and no interference. Still not polished enough to be NXT quality. Nikki was the better worker.

Rollins vs Kane (WWE Championship) - Solid match but nothing we haven't seen before on Raw. The important thing was Rollins won clean.

Ryback vs Owens (IC Championship) - Poor match. They got stiffed for time and it was no better than a Raw squash match.

Lesnar vs Taker (HIAC) - MOTY contender. It was a brutal, bloody throwback to the pre-PG era. Undertaker, Demon Kane, Reigns & Ambrose vs The Wyatt Family at Survivor Series could be fun.


Verdict: 2 memorable HIAC matches saved it from being an average PPV. Is it just me or was the camerawork worse than usual?

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Cesaro is the man.


That is all.



I lied, that's not all. Why are they saying the Dudleys are 10 time champions? Excluding reigns WWE doesn't acknowledge(2 TNA tag, 2 IWGP, and 1 NWA tag) they are 18 time world tag champions.


They are:

8 Time ECW Tag Champs

1 Time WWE Tag Champs

1 Time WCW Tag Champs

8 Time WWE World Tag Champs


Why are they suddenly ignoring the ECW reigns?


*edit again*

They later specified they'd be 10 time WWE tag champs if they beat New Day.


I guess they are only counting their WWE Tag/World Tag title runs to not make them look so OP as a tag team.


But then again if the acknowledged and put over the fact that the Dudleyz are 23 time World Tag Champs and New Day beat them it would put them over hugely.

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That depends on how it's used in Cena's absence


It's similar to the ROH TV and IWGP IC belts, they've been on the top guys so they've been treated as top belts because they have to protect top guys (Cena, Lethal, Nakamura). If they book Del Rio (or Roderick Strong in ROH) like another midcarder the belt means nothing but on its own the belt isn't really that strong because it was booked strong for the top guy.

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Wyatt family vs Brothers of destruction/


That would make a lot of sense now Kane is supposedly 'fired'. It just wouldn't make sense to me as a traditional SS match. The Wyatts do have a team, but Taker is supposedly a loner. Would it be 4 on 2? Or will we see a Edge and Christian get back for a reunion (wishful thinking :p)?


'Biker' Taker was in the SS2001 match, but I don't recall seeing him in any other (though I missed quite a few years of WWE).

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