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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I don't care who wins the tournament but I'd prefer a heel given the state of the current roster. Let Cesaro, Ambrose and Reigns chase the title. Or they want to turn Reigns have Ambrose win it. Heel Reigns would have to be a slow burn because it wouldn't be consistent with his character to do a snap turn like Rollins.
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Ugh, why do they keep on putting the NXT tag titles on the most generic teams?


Blake and Murphy, though they've gotten better, are pretty generic.


The Vaudevillians are interesting, but I don't think they wrestled at all when they had the titles, and were completely taken off the air.


Dawson and Wilder... I just don't see it.


They need to be ready willing and... Gable to put the belts on a tag team that's actually interesting. Or even Enzo and Cass. That'd work too.

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Ugh, why do they keep on putting the NXT tag titles on the most generic teams?


Blake and Murphy, though they've gotten better, are pretty generic.


The Vaudevillians are interesting, but I don't think they wrestled at all when they had the titles, and were completely taken off the air.


Dawson and Wilder... I just don't see it.


They need to be ready willing and... Gable to put the belts on a tag team that's actually interesting. Or even Enzo and Cass. That'd work too.


Alexa was the best thing to ever happen to Blake & Murphy. But in all honesty, I'm quite shocked that Ceritifed Gs haven't had a title reign yet. They're easily the most over team.

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Alexa was the best thing to ever happen to Blake & Murphy. But in all honesty, I'm quite shocked that Ceritifed Gs haven't had a title reign yet. They're easily the most over team.


They are probably the next ones considering the Mechanics were attacking Cass and Enzo before winning the title.

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Alexa was the best thing to ever happen to Blake & Murphy. But in all honesty, I'm quite shocked that Ceritifed Gs haven't had a title reign yet. They're easily the most over team.


When they were feuding with Enzo and Cass they needed the titles to be relevant because Enzo and Cass were way more over. But I agree keeping Enzo and Cass away from the titles for this long is a bit of a headscratcher.

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I just watched Becky vs Sasha on Main Event. Not NXT Takeover quality but good for a 10 minute match and better than just about every main roster match since the start of the Divas Revolution.


I don't believe you. How could it be a good match without 6+ Divas participating!? Impossible!

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When they were feuding with Enzo and Cass they needed the titles to be relevant because Enzo and Cass were way more over. But I agree keeping Enzo and Cass away from the titles for this long is a bit of a headscratcher.


I think the reason why is that there's no story to tell. You can't do much with them as Champions in my opinion. Enzo has never been booked as a good wrestler either, he's basically a comedic foil to play off Cass' big man bravura.

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I don't believe you. How could it be a good match without 6+ Divas participating!? Impossible!


Yea some "Revoloution"....


I think the reason why is that there's no story to tell. You can't do much with them as Champions in my opinion. Enzo has never been booked as a good wrestler either, he's basically a comedic foil to play off Cass' big man bravura.


You might have a valid point but it still doesn't change the fact that I wouldn't mind seeing them wear the straps at least once before their main roster debut.

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Ugh, why do they keep on putting the NXT tag titles on the most generic teams?


Blake and Murphy, though they've gotten better, are pretty generic.


The Vaudevillians are interesting, but I don't think they wrestled at all when they had the titles, and were completely taken off the air.


Dawson and Wilder... I just don't see it.


They need to be ready willing and... Gable to put the belts on a tag team that's actually interesting. Or even Enzo and Cass. That'd work too.


Ready...Willing... and Gable will get the titles. They are by far the best in ring team in NXT. I think thats why they get TV time and are going up against The Ascension. To give them a huge rub and boost while keeping them away from the tag titles

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Bockwinkel is one of my all time favorites. I didn't have the chance to see him wrestle until I got older thanks to YouTube and various DVD sets. My only real exposure to him as a kid was when he was commissioner for WCW in the early 90s.


Whenever they released a Legends Roundtable and he was a part of it, you knew you were in for a treat. He's forgotten more about professional wrestling than most people learn.


On a lighter note, The New Day Socks are officially sold out on wweshop. At least in the US they are. Kofi says on twitter they should be restocked soon. I went to buy a pair and shocked to see they were all gone.

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Raw was good but not great.


Cesaro vs Reigns, Neville vs Owens and Ambrose vs Ziggler were great. Del Rio vs Kalisto was sloppy and I cringed at the (accidental?) demasking.


Breeze vs Truth was a well-booked squash match. New Day vs The Usos & Ryback was fun. The Ascension needed a win to help the tag division long term but instead they just had the Dudleyz squash them for a cheap babyface pop.


The novelty of the Wyatt Family/Brothers of Destruction feud has already worn off. The Divas contract signing shouldn't have main evented and was poorly scripted but at least the brawl was entertaining.


Survivor Series looks good on paper at least so I'm cautiously optimistic.



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I disagree about Survivor Series. I almost went, but I'm glad I didn't. This card looks awful. Sure there's a few good matches, but nothing's been hyped. There's not even a hyped 5 v 5 on the card! That's what Survivor Series is!!! Sure they announced a 5 v 5 but it's just insult to injury when they don't even say who the participants are. It's disgusting.
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Considering that they had to reshuffle so much in the wake of Rollins injury I think the card looks fine. The Tournament matches look good the diva's match should be awesome compared to what we've been accustomed to and the Wyatt BoD match will be a fun spectical. The survivor series match being an afterthought is nothing new it's been that way for years. Plus I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple more matches added before Sunday.
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Probably an eight, ten Survivor Series match is bound to happen, too many people left on the card.


With a probable Ziggler vs Breeze in the card, here's the people remaining, out of the WWE WHC tournament.


Face side: Cesaro, Neville, Kalisto, O'Neil, Ryback. Heel side: Sheamus, Barrett, Big Show, Stardust, Miz.


Here's the match.

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It's not like it'd be the first Survivor Series to not feature the match. Survivor Series 1998 and 2002 didn't feature the traditional match. Both were great shows.


It would have been better if the entire tournament took place at the show like 98, but as a card it looks fairly decent. Considering they've had to make adjustments due to injuries and whatnot anyway.


I expect Owens and Ambrose to steal the show.

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It's not like it'd be the first Survivor Series to not feature the match. Survivor Series 1998 and 2002 didn't feature the traditional match. Both were great shows.


It would have been better if the entire tournament took place at the show like 98, but as a card it looks fairly decent. Considering they've had to make adjustments due to injuries and whatnot anyway.


I expect Owens and Ambrose to steal the show.


I disagree, I'd rather get two good 10-15 minute matches and then a tournament final then a bunch of three minute Raw matches with a divas match and a tag match mixed in. That 1998 tournament was a mess that was only saved by a memorable finish.

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