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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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On the case of Roman, I will not repeat myself; for I would be talking to brick wall by doing so.


On the topic of Vince McMahon and Triple H however is a different story. While it is true that Vince McMahon has made many bad choices this year, why should this be of any surprise to you? This is after all, the same man who thought Katie Vick was a good storyline, that Diesel deserved a year long reign, that gave us the lackluster Invasion storyline and that who put the championship belt...on himself...twice.


In short; Vince McMahon has always had bad ideas, even since the very beginning. Why should now be any different? Besides, for every bad idea; he usually has a good idea up on his sleeve. (The Attitude Era, Hulk Hogan as the face of the company, The Nation of Domination and more recently with pushing CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, CM Punk's 434 day reign, the Money in the Bank concept, The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak and so on)


As for Triple H: I only have to point to you at NXT to prove you wrong.


Now for the League of Nations: As talented as they are, I highly doubt they will win the World title anytime soon. Sheamus and Del Rio while great workers in the ring; their time in the main event is probably over (or will be over) because they are in the wrong side of 30.


As for Wade Barrett, his ship has long since sailed and at this rate will never happen. (The last chance of that ever happening was the start of 2012) Like with so many others, he will have to settle for the midcard for the rest of his career. The result of getting injured at the wrong time.


Your best bet for a League of Nations world champion would have to be Rusev, and even then; it's a hard bet. While he has gotten better in the ring, his paring with Summer Rae really shot his momentum dead. If he wishes to be in the same height he was back in 2014-Early 2015, he'll have to be a no-nonsense killing machine; TLC was a good start, but we can go farther than that.


Look; If you don't like Roman Reigns, that is absolutely fine. You are allowed to like and dislike certain wrestlers. I myself like John Cena myself; but I respect and understand why other people wouldn't. As long as you have a good argument and we both understand where we're coming from, that's wonderful.


But it's when you keep repeating the same thing over and over again, that Roman is no good, Vince and Triple H don't know what their doing and that those who are sheep are those who refuse to boo who you hate where I have a problem.


As Dave Scott has pointed out, there ARE other wrestling promotions out there. I'm not saying that you should stop watching WWE, but I am suggesting you also watch other wrestling promotions so you won't be so down in wrestling. I know you say you watch TNA, but that's about it. Try broadening out your wrestling expierence, and it might help you out.


I love NXT to death, it's my company of the year this year, but pointing to that as being a great example of booking or writing in my opinion is a bad example. There are a ton of poor booking decisions over the last two years, and most of the writing has also been lacking, relying on good performers overshadowing that. In my opinion the reason why NXT has done so well is they give the performers the licence to do their own thing, when the time comes to actually book or write it usually turns out awful. Look at the NXT title post-Owens vs Zayn. Owen's reign was very uninspired and led to the worst period of TV in the promotions history, and his only big feud aside from Zayn ended up bombing so hard that Owens vs Full Sail was more over than Owens vs Balor. Then, Balor, one of the weakest champions they've had in a while who needs a lot of protecting on the character side, they made no effort to protect and that's led to an incredibly boring character as a result. That's not even to mention waiting too long to pull the trigger on the Vaudevillians as tag champs (they should have won the belts at REvolution, 9 months before they actually did), and the failure to build up their talent in the women's division in preparation for the horsewomen departure, leading to the two most recent feuds there. I love NXT for the most part, seriously I do, but I have no reason to believe that if you give Trips 5 hours of weekly TV plus a PPV he won't do exactly the same as Vince, heck, Trips is already the biggest heel in the product.

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You guys seem to be being a bit harsh to Warhawk. I totally see his point even though I do somewhat disagree with him. The only reason why I don't like seeing Roman as champ is because I feel like he is better on the chase. Roman's biggest downfall is not himself but the way he was booked. I think they now realize that Roman can't be booked like Cena was with long promos because Roman doesn't fit well with them. Roman should be booked like a Goldberg or even a Rob Van Dam (If you see him when he is out of character the guy is very laid back and chilled, I'm not saying make him jump around kicking people).


Dean is not the guy to be strapped, he is going into hopefully a good feud with Owens which I hope will prove my statement wrong but I think Dean when booked like he is, is a horrible babyface. I'm sorry but what is unhinged about Dean? He doesn't have any unexpected offence, he uses the same move-set week in week out. The announces calling him 'crazy' or 'Ambrose Asylum' makes him seem forced and unnatural. A crazy guy doesn't throw popcorn at another guy, a crazy guy is a bit more calculated than that.


Now for Russel I disagree with a point of yours.



As for Triple H: I only have to point to you at NXT to prove you wrong.



NXT is my favorite thing in wrestling right now but for you to suggest that it hasn't had bad booking or that Triple H is 100% behind every creation is idiotic. NXT and RAW/Smackdown are different animals and need to be treated different. When and if Triple H takes over do not expect RAW to turn into a 3 hour version of the same booking as NXT because HHH will have more responsibilities to consider.

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You guys seem to be being a bit harsh to Warhawk. I totally see his point even though I do somewhat disagree with him. The only reason why I don't like seeing Roman as champ is because I feel like he is better on the chase. Roman's biggest downfall is not himself but the way he was booked. I think they now realize that Roman can't be booked like Cena was with long promos because Roman doesn't fit well with them. Roman should be booked like a Goldberg or even a Rob Van Dam (If you see him when he is out of character the guy is very laid back and chilled, I'm not saying make him jump around kicking people).


Dean is not the guy to be strapped, he is going into hopefully a good feud with Owens which I hope will prove my statement wrong but I think Dean when booked like he is, is a horrible babyface. I'm sorry but what is unhinged about Dean? He doesn't have any unexpected offence, he uses the same move-set week in week out. The announces calling him 'crazy' or 'Ambrose Asylum' makes him seem forced and unnatural. A crazy guy doesn't throw popcorn at another guy, a crazy guy is a bit more calculated than that.


Now for Russel I disagree with a point of yours.




NXT is my favorite thing in wrestling right now but for you to suggest that it hasn't had bad booking or that Triple H is 100% behind every creation is idiotic. NXT and RAW/Smackdown are different animals and need to be treated different. When and if Triple H takes over do not expect RAW to turn into a 3 hour version of the same booking as NXT because HHH will have more responsibilities to consider.


I completely agree with you when you say people are entitled to your opinion, but what good does it to say over (and I mean OVER) again on forums. It's not like they're gonna read this and take the strap off Roman. People are entitled to their opinion, don't get me wrong. He talks about Vince and company shoving Roman down our throats, well shoving his opinion of Roman down OUR throats is highly similar. I never really got around to commenting on the sheep thing. Referring back to my point on everyone has an opinion their entitled to, calling us sheep for liking/supporting Reigns and telling us we need to get our heads examined is childish and petty. That's the literal definition of a troll. If you can't accept other people's likes and dislikes, then you have no place giving your own opinion and not expecting retaliation. Now I know I haven't been the most passive-aggressive with other people's opinion on my favorite wrestler in the past, but not in 1,000 years would I tell them their opinion is wrong, and call them sheep and tell them there's something wrong with their head and it needs to be examined. That's pretty dumb, if you ask me. Roman has improved VASTLY, and it seems you sort of get off on insulting him, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

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Roman has improved VASTLY, and it seems you sort of get off on insulting him, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


I never insulted him. Also I agree that Warhawk was a bit rude in the way he commented, and he shouldn't repeat the same thing over and over again. But it is his opinion which he has the right to share if done respectfully.

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On a side note, I don't feel like the 1 star system is a good system to have. It makes no sense to have 1 top guy. You now have no real challengers to Reigns that are perceived to be on his level with the exception on Cena (over exposed), Brock (part time) and Taker (super part time) thus you have no money feuds. Back in my day (I sound so old) you had Rock, Austin, Kurt, HHH, Taker, HBK and even Kane and Benoit to a lesser degree. All could be seen as legit champs, a feud between 2 of any of those could draw you in and they all had their own character and were defined characters that you could see differences in. Now the only challengers to Roman's title on the roster right now that I perceive are legitimate are: Cena (gone), Brock (gone), Taker (gone), Orton (injured) and Rollins (injured). Not 1 active guy right now is a legit challenger. Sheamus was a damn quasi comedy guy before he got the damn title!


There's a big time booking issue, and Roman is a beneficiary of that, but he's still done his part. Nobody looks strong. Build 2 to 4 guys, give them very little interaction between each other all year, and you have main events for mania and summerslam. As long as people are made to look damn near unstoppable, when they finally face off, it's usually money! I was no fan of Rusev, BUT I bought him as big bad ass brute of an ass kicker until he lost his ass over and over to Cena, then buried him in a soap opera. Bottom line is, good booking can get nearly anybody over, and Reigns is a perfect example of what happens when you focus on a talent and book him strong. Reigns is not great anywhere except in his look, but he's improved vastly, and kicks everybody's ass. Now that his character is going in he direction it should've gone all along (his Shield persona), he's over!

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On a side note, I don't feel like the 1 star system is a good system to have. It makes no sense to have 1 top guy. You now have no real challengers to Reigns that are perceived to be on his level with the exception on Cena (over exposed), Brock (part time) and Taker (super part time) thus you have no money feuds. Back in my day (I sound so old) you had Rock, Austin, Kurt, HHH, Taker, HBK and even Kane and Benoit to a lesser degree. All could be seen as legit champs, a feud between 2 of any of those could draw you in and they all had their own character and were defined characters that you could see differences in. Now the only challengers to Roman's title on the roster right now that I perceive are legitimate are: Cena (gone), Brock (gone), Taker (gone), Orton (injured) and Rollins (injured). Not 1 active guy right now is a legit challenger. Sheamus was a damn quasi comedy guy before he got the damn title!


There's a big time booking issue, and Roman is a beneficiary of that, but he's still done his part. Nobody looks strong. Build 2 to 4 guys, give them very little interaction between each other all year, and you have main events for mania and summerslam. As long as people are made to look damn near unstoppable, when they finally face off, it's usually money! I was no fan of Rusev, BUT I bought him as big bad ass brute of an ass kicker until he lost his ass over and over to Cena, then buried him in a soap opera. Bottom line is, good booking can get nearly anybody over, and Reigns is a perfect example of what happens when you focus on a talent and book him strong. Reigns is not great anywhere except in his look, but he's improved vastly, and kicks everybody's ass. Now that his character is going in he direction it should've gone all along (his Shield persona), he's over!


Oh, I completely agree. Wrestling is in dire need of moving away from this "1 star" system because, quite simply, people don't draw anymore. Raw's with legends on this year did similar numbers to raws without. The only person who has legitimately "drawn" this year is Vinnie Mac. The last time Raw killed numbers wise was during the Bryan chase, and that was largely story than the man himself. While numbers are in the toilet, take this time to build a cast of characters, and put on a TV shows that actually tells stories (something Vince says he does). Don't create another Cena who, while doing great merch numbers, at least when he doesn't lose, has sucked ratings wise for the last decade.

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I never insulted him. Also I agree that Warhawk was a bit rude in the way he commented, and he shouldn't repeat the same thing over and over again. But it is his opinion which he has the right to share if done respectfully.


The insulting comment was directed towards warhawk not you. :) And he doesn't do it respectively lol

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Like I said I will NEVER cheer Roman Reigns. He sucks, that simple. His ring work is terrible, his mic work is even worse. Any good matches he was in he was carried. I hate the fact Vince "Out of touch" McMahon and Triple H both want to force Roman Reigns down our throats and now people are ACCEPTING it? It sickens me that these parasitic gelatinous tapeworms cheer Roman Reigns. The fact I would cheer John Cena over Roman Reigns should tell you a lot because I don't like Cena. It just makes me so mad that Roman Reigns is champion. Anyone who thinks Roman Reigns is a good wrestler needs there head examined at the emergency room. He is only good pushed because he is The Rock's untalented cousin. The sooner this no talent piece of crap losses the title the better. I like the League of Nations as a stable and I want to see them become the next Evolution. All the members of the League are very talented and more deserving of a push than Roman Reigns. Guys like Roman Reigns are a dime a dozen. He should be just a mid carder. He is nothing more than a stupid meathead.


seriously you are so like.. agressive. Calling out a guy saying he had no talent when I'd bet you couldn't do any of what he does..I hate fans like that.


You say he's untalented, guy is in his mid-20s, has all the time in the world to get better, and you seem to think he is just done getting better.. I'm not saying the guy is great but you have an extremely closed minded view on things.


By your logic, yup Roman sucks, what hes only 20-something and has a great look and lineage? Nahh, he definitely is peaked right now, no way to turn that guy into a star. You really don't seem to get its an ENTERTAINMENT business and it isn't all about the hardcore fan. Roman draws casual fans and quite frankly thats what makes a draw in this business. Any smark can love guys that can wrestle for days but can't talk at all, but those guys are not the wrestlers that make casual fans interested. You want that kind of wrestling stick with ROH


I'll ask you again, if not Roman WHO, and WHY? I see you said Dean but why?

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seriously you are so like.. agressive. Calling out a guy saying he had no talent when I'd bet you couldn't do any of what he does..I hate fans like that.


You say he's untalented, guy is in his mid-20s, has all the time in the world to get better, and you seem to think he is just done getting better.. I'm not saying the guy is great but you have an extremely closed minded view on things.


By your logic, yup Roman sucks, what hes only 20-something and has a great look and lineage? Nahh, he definitely is peaked right now, no way to turn that guy into a star. You really don't seem to get its an ENTERTAINMENT business and it isn't all about the hardcore fan. Roman draws casual fans and quite frankly thats what makes a draw in this business. Any smark can love guys that can wrestle for days but can't talk at all, but those guys are not the wrestlers that make casual fans interested. You want that kind of wrestling stick with ROH


I'll ask you again, if not Roman WHO, and WHY? I see you said Dean but why?


Roman is 30 dude. Also Dean Ambrose is just a better wrestler than Roman Reigns. He is awesome, while Reigns sucks. Ambrose also put in his time, not only in WWE but on the indy circuit. Another reason I hate Reigns he is a product of the WWE machine, not the indy circuit. Most products of the WWE machine suck, there are exceptions to the rule but most suck.

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"He is awesome, while Reigns sucks." - That's 100% opinion based and gives zero explanation to his question. I could easily come back and say "Reigns is awesome, Dean sucks. You're a sheep." But there's no logical reasoning. There's no facts to back it up. You've given no proof to why Reigns is SO bad. You say he's bad on the mic but I've heard him cut some pretty good promos. You say he's bad in the ring but I've watched him put on some REALLY good matches. It takes 2 to tango, you can't just carry someone the whole match and have it turn out really good. Just because they weren't from the indies doesn't automatically make them terrible. Let me guess, you think Corbin's bad? You think Blissy's bad? You think Enzo's bad?
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"He is awesome, while Reigns sucks." - That's 100% opinion based and gives zero explanation to his question. I could easily come back and say "Reigns is awesome, Dean sucks. You're a sheep." But there's no logical reasoning. There's no facts to back it up. You've given no proof to why Reigns is SO bad. You say he's bad on the mic but I've heard him cut some pretty good promos. You say he's bad in the ring but I've watched him put on some REALLY good matches. It takes 2 to tango, you can't just carry someone the whole match and have it turn out really good. Just because they weren't from the indies doesn't automatically make them terrible. Let me guess, you think Corbin's bad? You think Blissy's bad? You think Enzo's bad?


Agreed, there have been some great non indy wrestlers. Also all because he didn't work the indies doesn't make him less passionate. And because you work the indies doesn't make you a better wrestler.

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Roman is 30 dude. Also Dean Ambrose is just a better wrestler than Roman Reigns. He is awesome, while Reigns sucks. Ambrose also put in his time, not only in WWE but on the indy circuit. Another reason I hate Reigns he is a product of the WWE machine, not the indy circuit. Most products of the WWE machine suck, there are exceptions to the rule but most suck.


i didn't need to wikipedia it just to know his exact age, guy is still young, thats my point. And you still didn't answer anything i asked. We get your opinion, but it is an uninformed and closed minded one hence why we have asked for clarification or reasoning so we can maybe understand it better.. you're certainly passionate about disliking a guy you still watch week after week

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Like I said I will NEVER cheer Roman Reigns. He sucks, that simple. His ring work is terrible, his mic work is even worse. Any good matches he was in he was carried. I hate the fact Vince "Out of touch" McMahon and Triple H both want to force Roman Reigns down our throats and now people are ACCEPTING it? It sickens me that these parasitic gelatinous tapeworms cheer Roman Reigns. The fact I would cheer John Cena over Roman Reigns should tell you a lot because I don't like Cena. It just makes me so mad that Roman Reigns is champion. Anyone who thinks Roman Reigns is a good wrestler needs there head examined at the emergency room. He is only good pushed because he is The Rock's untalented cousin. The sooner this no talent piece of crap losses the title the better. I like the League of Nations as a stable and I want to see them become the next Evolution. All the members of the League are very talented and more deserving of a push than Roman Reigns. Guys like Roman Reigns are a dime a dozen. He should be just a mid carder. He is nothing more than a stupid meathead.


You really need to grow up.

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WWE should try to focus more on hardcore fans, casual fans are mostly idiots that will cheer anything. You have someone like Dean Ambrose who both smarks and marks like, push him. Dean Ambrose is better in the ring and on the mic than Roman Reigns. The fact he is related to The Rock does not mean a damn thing to me, he still sucks.
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WWE should try to focus more on hardcore fans, casual fans are mostly idiots that will cheer anything. You someone like Dean Ambrose who both smarks and marks like, push him. Dean Ambrose is better in the ring and on the mic than Roman Reigns. The fact he is related to The Rock does not mean a damn thing to me, he still sucks.


I am a casual WWE fan; thanks for the insult.

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WWE should try to focus more on hardcore fans, casual fans are mostly idiots that will cheer anything. You someone like Dean Ambrose who both smarks and marks like, push him. Dean Ambrose is better in the ring and on the mic than Roman Reigns. The fact he is related to The Rock does not mean a damn thing to me, he still sucks.


I give up, everything in that paragraph pissed me off.

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WWE should try to focus more on hardcore fans, casual fans are mostly idiots that will cheer anything. You someone like Dean Ambrose who both smarks and marks like, push him. Dean Ambrose is better in the ring and on the mic than Roman Reigns. The fact he is related to The Rock does not mean a damn thing to me, he still sucks.


By hardcore fans, which hardcore fans do you mean?


I was told in another website that there are three types of hardcore fans in the wonderful world of wrestling.


The 1s: Being those who legit love to talk about wrestling, and when there is something they don't like, they explain why they're against something in a non-condescending way. This can relate to most of us here on GDS, but it can also go farther with the people of Bleacher Report, Botched Spot and Brian Zane.


The 2s: A mixture of the 1s and 3s, they like wrestling yes; but they get so passionate about it that they cloud up their judgement. For that, I would like to point you to Dalymax and Cageside Seats. (I mean no disrespect to either party, their opinion is welcome as is yours and mine)


And the 3s: The people who complain about everything and threaten never to watch again....only to be found on the forums the very next day talking about what happened last night on RAW. These are the people like Bruce Blitz or a jaded Attitude Era fan who yearns for the days of blood, swearing and middle fingers again. (Now mind you, not every fan of the Attitude Era is like that, that in my opinion is a horrible generalization to make)


I will admit that I am probably over analyzing your statements and forgive me if I am. But I would like to hear what type of hardcore fan they should cater to.


Aside from that, another question I must ask is; Is it really a good idea?


With casuals, I think we've all seen the benefits and downsides to business, but what about the hardcore fans?


While Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, Kevin Owens and (on a lighter note) Stardust are noted champions of the internet and people would love to see them get a bigger role in WWE, you also have to think about business as a whole. What if they tank in network buys? What if they don't get a response from them? What then?


Does that mean that their stupid? No, again; they are allowed to cheer for whoever they like. But you have to think of the bigger picture.


Plus; you should know that when McMahon listened to the WWE Universe on Daniel Bryan (someone both casuals and hardcore fans liked mind you) becoming champion, he got injured and was out of commission for the rest of the year; he came back and won the Intercontinental championship yes, but he'd get injured again anyways. Now? It's unlikely Daniel Bryan will ever wrestle again, much less in a WWE ring.


That proves a statement I came up with after Seth Rollins got injured. "Fans can make and break you, but they are not always the final solution"

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