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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I still stand by how asinine it was to have Lesnar destroy the first half of the participants


Look, from the moment he was announced as no. 1 you pretty much knew this was gonna happen. There was simply no other way to book it. They could've swapped superstars' numbers and some got very few time in, but they did well to book the rumble. Lesnar as no. 1 was interesting to say the least. He would've cleaned house until the inevitable big guy was put before him. They used it to push this one dude I never even heard of. NXT guys and gals got some good rubs... Which worker had his pop negatively impacted by the rumble? I can't think of any.

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Which worker had his pop negatively impacted by the rumble? I can't think of any.


I would say Morrison and Shinsuke looked like huge dorks. Shinsuke was sort of expected but Morrison has literally just come back so I don't see why they chose him to be one of the ones to get tossed in 5 seconds.


Pretty minor nitpicking though, I thought Lesnar's inclusion was just about perfect and made the Rumble better than it would have been without, it set up the second half perfectly


Also, I can't believe there are some people out there who would rather Edge face AJ or Seth at Wrestlemania, especially after that magical segment with Orton. It's honestly feels like it's been a while since something that good has happened with 2 legitimate mega stars. Loved every single second and can't wait for the match.

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I was not a fan of him during his first run. I don't know if it was because I read at the time he was HHH's hand picked chosen one (I have always strongly disliked HHH) or what. He just never clicked with me.


Then he went to TNA and I became a fan. I enjoyed his run there and I have liked him ever since.


Agree. Surprisingly he has gotten jobbed to the more main event stars during the past year. He's always been the one eating the pinfall for guys like Reigns, etc.


Edge's return has been overdue (and not that surprising)...bring back Christian. He's (at least) as cool and as good as Edge. Edge/Christian vs Randy/anyone should be at least a 4* match.

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Something of a side note about Drew getting what looks to be a possible mega push...


I wonder how Heath Slater feels about this. He is the only one from the 3 Man Band that has stayed with the WWE all of this time. Yet he is the one who never got that main even push like Drew and Jinder got.


Sure he had the great tag team run with Rhyno but both Jinder and Drew got fired and both got pushes for the World Title. Jinder won and it looks like Drew might win at WM or if not, he will probably win sometime down the road.


Meanwhile poor Heath is stuck fighting for the 24/7 Title or whatever such nonsense they have him involved in.

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I love Heath. He reminds me of Jeff Jarrett. Solid mid carder that if needed can have a good match with upper carders. I don't think he's talented enough for a world title run though. Then again, Jinder sucks and he was world champ.


NXT was fun this week. Shotzi has all the makings of a star. I'm all in!


The Broserweights winning the Dusty Cup was the right call. GYV are a great tag team, but Riddle/Dunne vs UE is far more appealing.


I don't understand hyping Chelsea Green up for weeks and then having her lose in her first major match though. I'm hoping Robert Stone starts adding more workers to the Robert Stone Brand.


Apparently Stokely Hathaway(as Malcolm Bivens) had a dark segment hyping up his new stable Bivens Enterprises. Interested to see where they go with that.


I love that there's been a bit of a resurgence of managers.


Also, hoping Killer Kross makes his debut soon.

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- Balor vs Trent was good either side of the distracting commercials.

- More Broserweight promos please.

- Tankgirl Shotzi vs Deonna was solid but a bit short.

- Time to rename it to the NXT Big Man Championship. Dijakovic vs Priest was good. Paragon of Punishment (DC Crisis reference) made me chuckle.

- Ciampa's in a mood. Blood!

- Tegan vs Dakota was good. It didn't end 100% clean so hopefully Dakota keeps the feud going.

- Chelsea vs Carter was solid but a bit short.

- Dusty Cup Final was MOTN. Still not shying away from the weed references LOL.

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Revival reportedly asked for their releases again. Hopefully WWE stops being ridiculous and lets them go.




Watching NXT UK.


Wild Boar and Primate are awful. Terrible looks and just not good in the ring


I can’t stand Eddie Dennis. Who lets this goober have a mic? Just bad.


Isla Dawn vs Nina Samuels wasn’t good either. Not a fan of either worker. They’re sloppy as heck.


I really liked them Valkyrie vignette. I’ve never seen her work, but I’m intrigued.


Ridge Holland has a really good look. It’s a shame he faced someone awful like Tyson T Bone.


Imperium has one of the best entrance theme songs in all of wrestling and they’re head and shoulders above 90% of the rest of the roster in the ring.


Can’t stand Aiden English on commentary either.


*edit again*


Whoever is in charge of Smackdown creative needs fired. My god what a terrible show. Mandy and Otis are entertaining, but I keep waiting for Sonya to reveal she's secretly in love with Mandy and jealous of Otis. Thank god Lacey is out of the title picture. Naomi is a much better challenger for Bayley. Even if Bayley's heel run has been terrible.


Seriously, a loser eats dog food match? That's Russo level garbage.

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Brock shouldn’t have been in the Rumble to begin with. It’s stupid.


How have you never heard of Drew McIntyre?


Also, how did anyone get a rub being in the ring less than a minute?


Perhaps not, but it was an interesting take to say the least: "can he just clean the entire rumble out?".


I wasn't talking about McIntyre. It was Keith Lee (looked it up). As for McIntyre: it was the same for me. There was something about his "chosen one" persona (the cockyness?) that didn't work for me at first. Now he has this legit badass demeanor which just comes across a lot more natural imo. Could be that he's just matured.


And you can do a lot in just a few seconds. People's attention spans are at an all-time low. The minutes of random slow brawling while the clock is ticking isn't really gonna help anyone out until you hit 20+ minute mark, which is then mentioned by a commentator. A lot of the NXT talent really got promoted/featured here, especially the women (12 of 30), and that is after their Survivor Series win. So I'd say they get a rub.

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<p>Weighing in super late.... I enjoyed the rumbles this year, first time in a while so that was good. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I understand why a lot of people didn't enjoy the Lesnar stuff but I get why they did it. It told a story I hadn't seen before and it worked well enough for what was intended. Doing things like destroying our hopes of seeing the unique save spots from Kofi and JoMo was super heel stuff, eliminating all of our favourite big beefy boys was there to get us all to hate Lesnar</p><p> </p><p>

But what I'm actually here to do is ask... <strong>is anyone else enjoying the Mandy Rosea and Otis stuff on Smackdown?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cos I am getting a kick out of it. It's high school level shenanigans but it's been silly fun between one of WWE's most ridiculously entertaining undercard acts (Otis) and one of their brightest prospects in the women's division in Mandy Rose, who has come along a lot as an in ring performer since I first saw her. They've got a great on screen chemistry and the rumble spot they had was my second biggest highlight of the whole show (behind Edge's return, of course) because I didn't see it coming at all and it just happened and was amazing. And now they have a Valentine's Day date coming up and it's going to be gold.... in all the ways that the the Lana stuff on Raw hasn't been. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Keep forgetting Smackdown is on Friday (actually Saturday in Australia) LOL.


Revival getting jobbed out... see you on the flip side in AEW. Roman beats Corbin definitively on PPV then they have a tag rematch on Smackdown = lazy booking. At least the Otis and Mandy storyline is still going well. About time Braun won a singles title. I honestly can't remember anything about Nakamura's title run. I hope Bayley doesn't hold the title until Mania. I also hope Sasha gets a decent title run this year. Just need a transitional Champion because we already had a disappointing Sasha vs Bayley feud.

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Don't want Sasha's crying ass anywhere near the women's belt. It's a Revolution, an Evolution. A woman who lays on the floor and cries like a baby cuz she has to lose a kayfabe belt is NOT progress.


If she wasn't Snoop's cousin, she'd be jobbing on Main Event.


That story isn't true. Ryan Satin admitted to making it up.

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Otis and Mandy are one of the only entertaining parts of Smackdown. I have this fear though they’re going to have Sonya reveal she’s in love with Mandy and get jealous of Otis.


On that note, Mandy and Sonia have been pitching a storyline like that between them for aaaaaaages since Sonia is actually gay and it would be far more based in reality than the Liv Morgan and Lana situation that already seems to have mostly been swept under the rug.


So if a Mandy/Sonia story happens, it's because that's what they want and have been trying to get for ages. And it was reported that they were not happy with the Lana/Liv stuff because it was like they had their ideas taken from them. :(

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it'd be nice for the actually lgbt person to get an lgbt storyline. I'd be frustrated if I was Sonya too. She's got that rainbow/pride scarf thing on her attire and that's it, in terms of any acknowledgement or part of her character.


The Liv stuff felt very cheap soap opera. 'oh, well I too love Lana!'. Gay for the sake of shock value.

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- Still trying to exhaust all the weed jokes LOL. I hope Riddle turns heel on Dunne with Thatcher and Gulak.

- Garza vs Swerve was great. Garza is killing it right now.

- Dijakovic vs Dain was good.

- Gargano/Finn promos were fun.

- Mercedes vs Kacy was solid.

- I love the Undisputed Era but it's time for them to lose their titles and get drafted to Raw or SD after Mania, same as Shayna.

- Devlin vs Breeze was great.

- Inserting Bianca into the Rhea/Charlotte segment was smart because she was coming across as an afterthought. Charlotte could barely contain her joy at being back in NXT.

- Main event was great. The roster is so stacked I forgot about Dream but it's nice to have him back.

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Just finished NXT UK. Much better show this week than last week.


Pretty Deadly looks like they have potential to be a fun team.


Eddie Dennis had one of his better matches. Not really a fan of his based on his goober tastic look, but him and Trent had a fun match. The burning hammer off the announce table through the other table was awesome. Right person won, especially with Eddie getting hurt in the match. It's his third major injury in three years. I don't think I'd put much faith in him going forward if he can't stay healthy.

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