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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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You're being narrow minded.


He was a 23 year old guy who loved wrestling his whole life before he went to UPW. And then Tough Enough. And then OVW.


He's not a seasoned worker, but he's certainly not the worst new worker that has showed up in recent years. He has good charisma. That's the reason he showed up on RW in the first place and why the producers kept bringing him back for challenges. And he knows how to work a crowd.


It's a work. What kind of background does someone need to have before you can 'take them seriously?' NCAA champion? Years in the indies? Former strip club bouncer?


Because if you look up and down that roster, I'm not sure how Miz's background is any less legitimate than the typical worker being brought up through the E's current development structure.


I agree his background is not any less legitimate, my problem with him is I did not like him on the RW/RR Challenges. Now I am not sure if he was playing to the camera while on those shows but to me he came across as a jerk.


Is this a valid reason? Who knows, but it is my opinion and I am sticking to it.

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You're being narrow minded.


He was a 23 year old guy who loved wrestling his whole life before he went to UPW. And then Tough Enough. And then OVW.


He's not a seasoned worker, but he's certainly not the worst new worker that has showed up in recent years. He has good charisma. That's the reason he showed up on RW in the first place and why the producers kept bringing him back for challenges. And he knows how to work a crowd.


It's a work. What kind of background does someone need to have before you can 'take them seriously?' NCAA champion? Years in the indies? Former strip club bouncer?


Because if you look up and down that roster, I'm not sure how Miz's background is any less legitimate than the typical worker being brought up through the E's current development structure.


Heck his is better then a lot of people’s way of ending up a wrestler. Here is a guy who always wanted to be a wrestler and worked his way into the WWE. I like that better then the story a good number of them have. You know the ones who are failed athletes who either got injured or couldn’t make it as a pro and had to settle for wrestling. At least it was his dream and not a fall back plan.

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I agree his background is not any less legitimate, my problem with him is I did not like him on the RW/RR Challenges. Now I am not sure if he was playing to the camera while on those shows but to me he came across as a jerk.


Is this a valid reason? Who knows, but it is my opinion and I am sticking to it.


You're not sure? So..you're still not sure if the people on those reality shows are working the camera or being encouraged to 'play characters.'


OK :rolleyes:


EDIT: Actually, if you didn't like him on those shows, and his character is basically an arrogant Hollywood douchebag, wouldn't it make it easier to at least appreciate his work as a heel? I mean..his is actually playing someone you're supposed to dislike.

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I agree his background is not any less legitimate, my problem with him is I did not like him on the RW/RR Challenges. Now I am not sure if he was playing to the camera while on those shows but to me he came across as a jerk.


Is this a valid reason? Who knows, but it is my opinion and I am sticking to it.


I always thought he came across as a nice guy who was having fun on the challenges; heck him and Mark were my favorite guys on the challenges for a while.

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I agree his background is not any less legitimate, my problem with him is I did not like him on the RW/RR Challenges. Now I am not sure if he was playing to the camera while on those shows but to me he came across as a jerk.


Is this a valid reason? Who knows, but it is my opinion and I am sticking to it.


That's somewhat similar to saying for instance I didn't like Johnny Depp in 21 Jump Street so I won't like him in Platoon/ Ed Wood.

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You're not sure? So..you're still not sure if the people on those reality shows are working the camera or being encouraged to 'play characters.'


OK :rolleyes:


Some people play their personality up, while others that is their true personality. Richard Hatch is a jerk (family site must not swear) in real life, what you saw on television was not him playing to the camera it was him.


But I guess people couldn't possibly be jerks in real life and they all play it up for the cameras.:rolleyes:

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Some people play their personality up, while others that is their true personality. Richard Hatch is a jerk (family site must not swear) in real life, what you saw on television was not him playing to the camera it was him.


But I guess people couldn't possibly be jerks in real life and they all play it up for the cameras.:rolleyes:


I guess, and I know this is just your opinion, but like I said: what difference does it make? He's a ****y heel. You're not supposed to like him.

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My problem is anytime I see him I think "Hey, its the loser from the Real world and other reality tv shows" not, "hey its a WWE wrestler" doesnt matter what your background is, its how your perceived. People were bodybuilders, sweet, I never knew them as that.


It's like if Pacman Jones became a fulltime wrestler, I would never see him as a WWE wrestler, I would see him as the guy that briefly played football before f'ing things up.

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Who do you guys think are the best young prospects in WWE? I think that these guys are:


The Miz: Great Charisma and works well as a heel.


John Morrison: Works great as a heel and a face and has great charisma and athleticism.


Ezekiel Jackson: Great look, but he just needs to improve his in ring skills IMO.


Ted Dibiase (Jr.) and Cody Rhodes: Great mic work and charisma, with pretty good in ring skills.


Jack Swagger: I personally think that he has what it takes to become the next great technical wrestler that's in the same vein as Bret Hart and Kurt Angle.


Remember that this is all IMO, so no arguments!


I'd like to add a different name to that list. Drew McIntyre. I say this from a bias point of view, as I got to meet him this past Thursday, and he's genuinely a nice guy. But he's also talented as hell. I know the whole gimmick is him being the future franchise, but I think he's got the stuff to do it.


One Word. Dudebusters. ;)


Although I have to admit, I'm growing tired of their lack of antics. Croft and Barreta should be doing awesome, fist-pounding skits on a weekly basis.


So excited for NXT I can barely stand it. Miz & Danielson is genius.


If they did half as much with the Dudebusters as their personas offer them to, those kids would be massive successes. Especially if they introduce Mrs. Beretta, driving them to the arena. lol

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Seriously? He's the first choice of WWE's new stars to get a DVD put out, he's one of the top babyfaces on Smackdown, and he has a great look. He's probably just giving a friend a hard time.


Or putting over a storyline. Go check out WWE.com's NXT page. They comment on how Bryans may be better than Miz iirc

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I thought I read somewhere last week they were going to add a 5th but I guess not. Keep in mind the EC matches typically go half an hour or long so its the same amount of PPV time, just less matches.


Only two of them are Elimination Chamber matches though, aren't they? So an hour or so on EC matches, and then around another two hours (likely a bit less) that need to be filled with two other matches. Surely more matches will be added to the card.

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I'm not trying to defend them but with only four matches I expect some sort of surprise, if not then they it would be a big let down since I couldnt see both EC's going an hour (just waaay to long) but I've never ordered a WWE so my thoughts dont really matter anyway :p


Yeah, I feel exactly the same. I won't be ordering either, but if there's genuinely just four matches then that would suck.

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Who do you guys think will win the chamber matches?


IDK, I thought the choice was obvious when they first annoucned them but I dont think so.


On RAW...


It appers Cena will face batista at WM as part of the whole Bret thing so that wont be a title match so Cena is out.


Orton seems pretty involved with Legacy so I dont really see him doing it.


I didnt think they would have Shamus headlining WM as the champion but who else would he feud with since thats all he has going?


I see either Shamus or Triple H winning then fighting each other at WM


On SD!...


Thought Jericho might win it before to feud with Edge but the Edge vs. Jericho is strong enough I think they can delay Jericho getting the title and have Edge challenge for it at WM then feud with Jericho after the win (or loss) he is also part of NXT, which means he will be spending even a little bit of time on the show. This could be a plus or a negative, on the plus side, the young worker would get to work with the WWE champion, on the negative side, it may give Jericho too much to feud on since if he wins it will probably be him vs Edge ad WM, however having a protege could help him cheat his way to winning


I dont see Taker winning as it looks like he will face HBK at WM and that doesnt really need to be a title match and I dont see Taker ending his streak before he retires as he only has another one or two of them and putting over HBK doesnt do anything. Taker is dominant and rarely does someone get a clean win over him, I see this being WWE's way of getting the title off him without hurting him.


R-Truth wont win


Punk, Morrison, Mysterio. Its kind of a toss up between them.


Punk has a lot of momentum being the leader of his own "stable" and he has feuded with everyone not being stuck on someone so I could see them giving him another run, and considering he is a heel and Edge is a face that could be a good WM match.


Morrison has been getting pushed a lot recently and its clear they dont want him in the IC picture or he would be facing McIntyre for it since they had a good feud. I could see him being a transitional champion since getting that one World title would elevate him, plus he has the DVD and has been doing alot of media for it and could be mainstream (appearing on Good Morning America or something where others cant) but I think his shot is the slimmest of the three.


Mysterio has been in the title picture but has been unable to pull it off and they have hyped that, winning would give him a big "I finally did it" boost and eventhough him and Edge are faces I think it would be okay since Edge would play heel for the match "sorry man, but I gotta do it" and then feud with Jericho.


SD pick Punk or Mysterio

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Yeah, there's no way another match won't be added. The average EC match goes 35 minutes, figure another 5 minutes for entrants and 3-4 minutes of hype and previews for each...those two matches could fill up 85 minutes total. Keep in mind that no pay-per-view has ever gone the full three hours and they never will, so you're looking to full another 80 minutes or so. Even if the other two matches go 20 minutes each (and that's unlikely), that's still at least 40 minutes of non-wrestling time to full...there's just no way. I could see a tag team title match added, something with Edge and/or Batista, or maybe a couple matches with the NXT guys since they're there.


As for who will win the EC matches...IMO, SD! is easy. I wouldn't say it's a lock, but I'd be shocked if Jericho didn't win. A month ago I wouldn't have expected them to have the title on the line in the Jericho-Edge match, but I think it's a no brainer that match will happen at WM and Edge is guaranteed a title shot, so there you go. Raw is a little more of a question mark...clearly Triple H will be fighting HBK at Wrestlemania, but will they make that a title match? I could see it, maybe that's how Triple H convinces HBK to come back and accept the match. It looks like it'll be a Legacy triple threat at WM, and the title won't be there. I don't see Sheamus being involved in a WWE title match at Wrestlemania.


I'm probably thinking alittle too outside the box here, but here's my pick for the WWE title: a la Edge last year, Batista takes out someone - Cena? Kofi again? - and forces his way into the match and wins the title, setting up a title match at WM against Cena. Sure that match doesn't need the title, but it wouldn't hurt. People seem to forget that the title match is supposed to be the biggest one on the card. When it's not, you get crappy main events like last year. Undertaker-HBK didn't need the title, but it should've had it, because it should've been the main event.

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if i was booking the SD portion heres how tonight goes in chamber.....then on SD....then at WM......


Mysterio is found laidout eary in PPV....


michaels finds teddy and makes his case for the chamber now that a spot has opened, teddy begrudginly agrees.


Teddy: "you didnt happen to have something to do with this did ya playa"

HBK: "no i swear on it."

Teddy: "if i find out you did, the penalty will be severe...."


Chamber match itself comes down to HBK, taker, and jericho. Jericho falls victim to sweet chin music and its down to taker and micahels. michaels wins.


FWD to SD!:


micaheals comes out and cuts promo as new champ, is in the middle of suggesting a match with taker for title....when....


Edges music hits and states he could choose michaels or (insert wwe champ). which could ruin is chances at taker rematch. Edge states hes made up his mind and he has choosen.....*teddy longs music hits*



Teddy says he has evidence of who took out mysterio at the chamber. Video shows HBK laid out mysterio. Teddy reminds hbk that the penalty would be severe if he was found to have been part of the assault. he strips hbk of belt and a triple threat match between Mysterio and the other final 2 from chamber (taker and jericho) will face off for title and spot at mania. HBK will not be a part of the match.

Teddy: "sorry playa"


HBK leaves in another crazed state...

edge says he will make his decision after that match.


SD! ME match for title sees hbk interfering hitting Sweet chin music on taker. the impact cause taker to spin around and land right into a code breaker. 1-2-3. jericho wins title!!!!! Edge closes out show with an appearance and letting jericho know he has choosen him!!!


RAW: HBK cuts heel promo about his actions and asking if he finally has the deadmans full attention. Taker does his lights off/on appearance and chokeslams hbk, gets on mic and gives the "at mania, you will finally rest...in...peace...."


Mania: another great match. many near falls for hbk. finish sees hbk hit multiple and consecutive sweet chin musics on taker (think macho/warrior finish from mania years ago). Deadman finds a way to kick out, scores the eventual win. michaels goes nuts and obliterates taker for a number of minutes, leaves ring in a crazed state.


RAW: after mania, is suspended indefinently for his actions post match on the greatest stage the wwe has....(this gives micheals time off, takers beating gives him time off)

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