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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ampulator" data-cite="ampulator" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's damning. I'm not even sure WWE wants to go there.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> But WWE has gone there in the past haven't they? Hasn't at least one Diva, Ashely Mazzaro I belive her name is, been a call girl in the past? I'm sure several of Godfather's hos back in the day were hired from there in the past as well.</p><p> </p><p> As for the pictures, Gail Kim posed topless before she came to the WWE so I don't really see why this is an issue. Is there some new policy in the WWE against girls trying to be gainfully employed before they enter the orginisation? Or is it a rule that's always been in effect but only applied to women standing 6'8" tall or higher?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MightyDavidson" data-cite="MightyDavidson" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>But WWE has gone there in the past haven't they? Hasn't at least one Diva, Ashely Mazzaro I belive her name is, been a call girl in the past? I'm sure several of Godfather's hos back in the day were hired from there in the past as well.<p> </p><p> As for the pictures, Gail Kim posed topless before she came to the WWE so I don't really see why this is an issue. Is there some new policy in the WWE against girls trying to be gainfully employed before they enter the orginisation? Or is it a rule that's always been in effect but only applied to women standing 6'8" tall or higher?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I imagine it is that she has lied. Odds are Gail was upfront about her pictures</p>
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<p>There has to be something more which imo should be employer/employee confidential. But since this is the WWE, let's gossip. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm assuming it has to be something she answered along the hiring process which contrary evidence found her not to be forthcoming. </p><p> </p><p>

She probably Rafael Palmerio something which isn't in the interest of her employer.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sabataged" data-cite="sabataged" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I imagine it is that she has lied. Odds are Gail was upfront about her pictures</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Still seems rather scummy to me, given how many times WWE has asked it's Divas to pose for Playboy and all. I can't help but thinking that if she was the typical brainless blond bimbo WWE usually hires that this would not have been an issue.</p><p> </p><p> A snarky attitude sure but this REALLY annoys me.</p>
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Still seems rather scummy to me, given how many times WWE has asked it's Divas to pose for Playboy and all. I can't help but thinking that if she was the typical brainless blond bimbo WWE usually hires that this would not have been an issue.


A snarky attitude sure but this REALLY annoys me.


You really don't have any idea why she was let go. You don't know if she lied about it, you don't know if she reacted badly to someone when confronted about it, you have no idea why she was fired and are only assuming that she was let go just because she had some compromising pictures out there. You assume that if this was some blonde she would be let go (although Tiffany got arrested and was sent home so "diva's" don't get a pass, Mickie James, Serena, etc.).


Be annoyed if you want but understand you're being annoyed about something that at the very best you're jumping to conclusions about and at the very worst completely wrong about.


The WWE is no longer posing in playboy and have toned things down considerably for their divas since the days of Sable having a painted bikini on television and The Kat's topless adventure in 99.


Just like with everything else concerning the WWE you can't let what the standard and expectations of ten years ago cloud the standards and expectations of today. Nobody knows what happened but to blindly side with this girl just because "THA W W E IZ EVIL" is pretty silly and thats the way a lot of opinions come across on here. To hear some people talk they don't do anything right, their horribly unsuccessful and nobody is watching them anymore. All wild assumptions that have no numbers or sources to back them up only some random internet fan's wild perception because it seems like the in thing to do.

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But WWE has gone there in the past haven't they? Hasn't at least one Diva, Ashely Mazzaro I belive her name is, been a call girl in the past? I'm sure several of Godfather's hos back in the day were hired from there in the past as well.


As for the pictures, Gail Kim posed topless before she came to the WWE so I don't really see why this is an issue. Is there some new policy in the WWE against girls trying to be gainfully employed before they enter the orginisation? Or is it a rule that's always been in effect but only applied to women standing 6'8" tall or higher?

The problem is, the WWE didn't know about it. If you tell them beforehand, or they knew beforehand, that's their fault, not her's.


But if she didn't tell them about it, guess what? It's her fault. It's kind of like lying or not telling you were convict before. Anything that can realistically affect your employer must be told.

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Still seems rather scummy to me, given how many times WWE has asked it's Divas to pose for Playboy and all. I can't help but thinking that if she was the typical brainless blond bimbo WWE usually hires that this would not have been an issue.


A snarky attitude sure but this REALLY annoys me.


What diva has been asked to pose for playboy or has been allowed to in the PG era?


also, it's an issue because, unfortunately for her, no one cares about her in the WWE's causal fan base, and thus it's no risk to cut her.


For a huge portion of the WWE audience, she's already forgotten, and they don't care...if they even noticed vickie's promo at all, and remember her from it.


So why not cut her, from a business standpoint? she's a huge potential black eye (if she really was an escort, as some of the sites are reporting) for no Q rating and honestly, little potential with how the WWE markets the diva division (read: hot and athletic > actual skill/ gimmick).


Thats why they don't care about marlyse's shots, it's not worth it to cut her, she's as valuable to them as Diva's get right now.


plus as far as I know the "worst" she's done is topless shots that are pretty artsy, as nudes go.


Is it a double standard? you bet.


Do the new hires/rookies get screwed until they show they have value to the company? Yep, thats the way the business works.


And not just wrestling, Established stars get preferential status in all entertainment ventures.



EDIT: also as hyde said, she lied about it. Not telling your employer something that YOU know is out thier and would affect their business practices is grounds for dismissal anywhere, once your found out. given what WWE is trying to portray at the current time, topless shots that include you getting "friendly" with another girl and possible past work as an escort certainly qualifies as "information you should probably let us know about"


Lying by omission is still lying.

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But WWE has gone there in the past haven't they? Hasn't at least one Diva, Ashely Mazzaro I belive her name is, been a call girl in the past? I'm sure several of Godfather's hos back in the day were hired from there in the past as well.


As for the pictures, Gail Kim posed topless before she came to the WWE so I don't really see why this is an issue. Is there some new policy in the WWE against girls trying to be gainfully employed before they enter the orginisation? Or is it a rule that's always been in effect but only applied to women standing 6'8" tall or higher?


WTF??? Are you serious???


First off, the stuff about Massaro being a call girl came after she'd been released.


Secondly...IF Aloisia was an escort,how do you defend them keeping her? She was a high priced hooker, so now the WWE is supposed to trot her out in front of it's TV audience and just say "oh well she was just keeping herself gainfully employed" (which btw, is the single most laughable euphemism I've ever heard for 'being a hooker')? Really? REALLY??


I swear, some people are willing to slam the WWE no matter what they do, even in an obvious situation like this.


Topless pics? Then I can see the complaint. But if this girl was an escort...there's not a chance in hell that keeping her is the right move.

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WTF??? Are you serious???


First off, the stuff about Massaro being a call girl came after she'd been released.


Secondly...IF Aloisia was an escort,how do you defend them keeping her? She was a high priced hooker, so now the WWE is supposed to trot her out in front of it's TV audience and just say "oh well she was just keeping herself gainfully employed" (which btw, is the single most laughable euphemism I've ever heard for 'being a hooker')? Really? REALLY??


I swear, some people are willing to slam the WWE no matter what they do, even in an obvious situation like this.


Topless pics? Then I can see the complaint. But if this girl was an escort...there's not a chance in hell that keeping her is the right move.


Yea, thats pretty much my take, that it's a borderline trolling attempt.


Also, people need to stop bringing things up from the attitude era and pretending their onto a double standard.


Business's change direction all the time, and change thier hiring and firing practices, even morso in the entertainment/sports arena.


15 years ago, what would become the UFC allowed sumo wrestlers to fight lightweights and ring girls to pretty much strip at cageside.


Now they want to be seen as more professional and not a blood sport, so the code of conduct for employees has changed, do you think if, for instance, one of the ring girls was found to be an escort Dana should keep her because 10-15 years ago they were hiring strippers?


or should he keep a guy who ignores the drug testing policy because 12-15 years ago no one cared?


Companies change, corporate culture changes and employees need to change with them or find a new job.

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WTF??? Are you serious???


First off, the stuff about Massaro being a call girl came after she'd been released.


Secondly...IF Aloisia was an escort,how do you defend them keeping her? She was a high priced hooker, so now the WWE is supposed to trot her out in front of it's TV audience and just say "oh well she was just keeping herself gainfully employed" (which btw, is the single most laughable euphemism I've ever heard for 'being a hooker')? Really? REALLY??


I swear, some people are willing to slam the WWE no matter what they do, even in an obvious situation like this.


Topless pics? Then I can see the complaint. But if this girl was an escort...there's not a chance in hell that keeping her is the right move.


If she's not an escort now, then it should not be an issue. Of course there's no evidence yet that she ever was an escort so they're basically canning her because she MIGHT have been, which is absolutely ridiculous.


Anyway at the moment all we know for sure is that she took some risque pictures and, having seen those pictures, they were a lot less risque then what you'd see in Playboy.

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Yea, thats pretty much my take, that it's a borderline trolling attempt.


Also, people need to stop bringing things up from the attitude era and pretending their onto a double standard.


Business's change direction all the time, and change thier hiring and firing practices, even morso in the entertainment/sports arena.


15 years ago, what would become the UFC allowed sumo wrestlers to fight lightweights and ring girls to pretty much strip at cageside.


Now they want to be seen as more professional and not a blood sport, so the code of conduct for employees has changed, do you think if, for instance, one of the ring girls was found to be an escort Dana should keep her because 10-15 years ago they were hiring strippers?


or should he keep a guy who ignores the drug testing policy because 12-15 years ago no one cared?


Companies change, corporate culture changes and employees need to change with them or find a new job.


No it's not a trolling attempt it's my actual opinion on the matter, but hey go on beliving whatever you like.

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If she's not an escort now, then it should not be an issue. Of course there's no evidence yet that she ever was an escort so they're basically canning her because she MIGHT have been, which is absolutely ridiculous.


Anyway at the moment all we know for sure is that she took some risque pictures and, having seen those pictures, they were a lot less risque then what you'd see in Playboy.


I'll concede that the escort thing is a rumor


But if she was, ever, then you're being ridiculous if you think it should not be an issue. Maybe if she worked in the office, making copies.


But if she was an escort and that's an established fact, then it would be asinine to expect a publicly traded entertainment company - marketed specifically as family friendly- to keep a confirmed prostitute as part of it's on-air talent.


It's a really really dumb suggestion.

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It didn't help that she kept giving interviews to various sites talking about what went down rather than just shutting up and maybe letting things blow over. Although one of the interviews does reveal that on the Talent Information Form she said she hadn't posed nude which she technically didn't, but after looking at the photos one wonders if she didn't bring up them up herself and when they surfaced it was considered she hadn't been open about them and it was the deciding factor in letting her go.
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If she's not an escort now, then it should not be an issue. Of course there's no evidence yet that she ever was an escort so they're basically canning her because she MIGHT have been, which is absolutely ridiculous.


Anyway at the moment all we know for sure is that she took some risque pictures and, having seen those pictures, they were a lot less risque then what you'd see in Playboy.


Which again, is immaterial. She took nude shots, which, given the PG era of the WWE, most likely broke their code of conduct.


I get that you don't like the policy, but guess what? that's business in the real world. If you do something against your companies policies, and (reportedly) don't tell them about it, then your at the mercy of being fired.


and what are you on about that it "doesn't matter" if she was a escort in the past. of course it does, it affects her marketability and puts a huge risk on the WWE that there are video's/pics/other shady things related to her time as a sex worker out thier to be found.


She was a no impact talent who exposed them to huge risk. She was fired. End of story.



I get that your not a fan of the E man, but this is how buisness works in the real world, reputation, image, and past acts matter to employers.


A quick story, since I doubt she cares since you guys won't figure out who she is: A friend of mine here at law school lost her paid internship over the summer because a friend of her's tagged a photo on facebook of her roasting a bowl in college.


By you rules, that shouldn't matter, it was over two years ago, and it didn't impact the fact that she was well liked around the office nor the work she did. and she is one of the brightest people i know. She was terminated within a week, although she "resigned" because they liked her and didn't want to end her internship by firing her.


The moral is, it matters in business. I know we all expect the world to be fair, but it isn't. what you did in your past counts, so of course, if there are rumors of her being an escort, the WWE is going to err on the side of caution and cut a employee who most people didn't know.

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No it's not a trolling attempt it's my actual opinion on the matter, but hey go on beliving whatever you like.


Will do, you go ahead and keep not addressing any issues brought up in the posts you quote and harping on the fact that in the attitude era diva's did playboy and it doesn't matter if she's a former prostitute , and well call it square ;)

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A few years ago Silvester Stallone had a personnel trainer who they found out had done some hard core porno,they let him go. It was bad for Stallone's image so they said(hes no angel in past himself).


Now same thing with the WWE,They are entertainment and geared now for family the last thing you want to see is a headline on one of those tabloid papers WWE HIRES HOOKERS.

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It didn't help that she kept giving interviews to various sites talking about what went down rather than just shutting up and maybe letting things blow over. Although one of the interviews does reveal that on the Talent Information Form she said she hadn't posed nude which she technically didn't, but after looking at the photos one wonders if she didn't bring up them up herself and when they surfaced it was considered she hadn't been open about them and it was the deciding factor in letting her go.


Ya fanta, it thats true added to the fact that she's not an established talent, i think thats probably what lead them to err on the side of caution and just release her.


Which sucks, but thats business :(

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What does he have to lose? Strikeforce's fan base is minute compared to the UFC's and so what if he loses two or three fights in a row? It won't effect anything to do with his wrestling career.

When Batista got manhandled by Booker T in their skirmish a few years ago, it took Vince a long time to get behind Batista again and give him a serious push, because Vince had lost faith in him over getting beaten up. If Batista gets his ass handed to him for real in front of an audience, who knows how long it would take Vince to let that go and get behind him again. And regardless of how small Strikeforce's fan base might be, if Batstia loses an MMA fight, it'll be big news on places like TMZ or whatever, and then everyone will know.

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Chances are, he will. At least Lashley was or had been a real athlete. Batista is merely a bodybuilder. He's not athletic. If a guy like Jame Toney (who admittedly was one-dimensional by MMA standards), a real boxer, can get owned in MMA, Batista is likely to get owned too, unless they scrape the bottom of the barrel to give crappy fighters. Even then, he's not likely to have good chance. He has no formal combat sport experience, especially where it matters (grappling). Any MMA with a smart gameplan will know to take him down.
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