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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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9/27 Ratings Report Updated


Source - PWTorch


Updating the Raw TV rating for Monday's show, the show scored a 2.74 coverage rating off a first hour 2.72 rating and second hour 2.76 rating.


We originally reported a 2.37 rating, which was Raw's U.S. household rating. We received the U.S. household rating yesterday rather than the "coverage rating," causing the discrepancy since we track the "coverage rating" for comparability.


The difference is based on the two sizes of the audience the TV industry tracks. USA Network is available in approximately 98.0 million homes, as compared to the U.S. household number, which is 111.4 million TV homes.


Raw's 2.37 "household rating" is based on the total available U.S. homes. The 2.74 "coverage rating" that we track weekly is based on USA Network's reach.


Looking at the 2.74 rating, Monday's Raw remains the lowest-rated of the year, down from last week's 2.80 rating.


Raw was also the lowest-rated episode

in over two years, dating back to a 2.60 rating on September 15, 2008.

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After a string of low ratings in the last few weeks, WWE has hired Focus Pointe Global to hold a focus group in Santa Monica, California in attempts to figure out what people do and don't like about wrestling. The study will be held for two hours and all participants will be paid $85. This is something that TNA did not long ago, except they held in it Philadelphia and there was a huge contention of fans missing the "ECW era" of the 1990s, explaining the brief revival of ECW in the company in August.


Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Lol and I'm in the minority on both of them. First I don't want anyone beating the Undertaker's streak and now I'm saying Paul Heyman is the most overrated booker in the modern era. Its a good thing the IWC isn't a real place or I'd be burned at the stake for my thoughts.



For some odd reason I tend to agree with you on both...sort of. The streak should not be broken. Ever! I really think they could have Undertaker vs Sheamus at this years WM. Let Undertaker ride off into the sunset for 9 months or so. He is irrelevant the rest of the year. Bring him back around Royal Rumble. Have the retirement ceremony and all that. One last match against John Cena. Everyone and their mama would think that Cena is going to win. He is the company man, Undertaker is retiring...all that. But let Taker win regardless.


As for Heyman. I don't think he was the MOST overrated, that has to be Vince Russo. But Heyman is definitely overrated for sure. The guy was in the right place, at the right time. He did some good stuff, but he also did some really really horrible stuff too. He wasnt under the big microscope so the only thing that really got talked about were the highlights, the good stuff. Its not like WWF, WCW, WWE or TNA now a days. Every little move is criticized. The only main stream exposure they had was their small run on TNN, and look how horrible that was. ECW had some good wrestlers, some good angles, and some good gimmicks. But ECW was made by their fans. They had the funnest PPVs because of their crowd, forget the in ring stuff.

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For anyone pulling the Paul Heyman was overrated card remember this...


Heyman booked OVW for a while before they brought back ECW. Anyone who has ever seen any of the shows knows that is was some of the most quality wrestling television anyoen could possibly see at the time.


Also he booked parts of Smackdown during the brand split that were entertaining.. the three way tag program with Edge/Ray vs. Guerreros vs. Angle/Benoit comes to mind first.

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For anyone pulling the Paul Heyman was overrated card remember this...


Heyman booked OVW for a while before they brought back ECW. Anyone who has ever seen any of the shows knows that is was some of the most quality wrestling television anyoen could possibly see at the time.


Also he booked parts of Smackdown during the brand split that were entertaining.. the three way tag program with Edge/Ray vs. Guerreros vs. Angle/Benoit comes to mind first.



But people view him as a Booker God so he does one thing good and they want to throw him a parade. Stephanie McMahon has been head booker of WWE for a decade practically. I know there has been some good angles in the past 10 years but no one would dare give her any credit waht so ever.

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For anyone pulling the Paul Heyman was overrated card remember this...


Heyman booked OVW for a while before they brought back ECW. Anyone who has ever seen any of the shows knows that is was some of the most quality wrestling television anyoen could possibly see at the time.


Also he booked parts of Smackdown during the brand split that were entertaining.. the three way tag program with Edge/Ray vs. Guerreros vs. Angle/Benoit comes to mind first.


Paul Heyman the ECW Years: The guy booked a very niche product for a very niche amount of fans. ECW celebrated, ecouraged and booked hardcore wrestling. The truth of the matter is no matter how "entertaining" this is you weren't ever going to get ECW's product onto the mainstream with the way it was in 1994-98. When Heyman did get a television is when things turned sour anyway. Justin Credible as ECW champion (don't tell me he was the best choice when you still had Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Tommy Dreamer and a returning Raven). Truth of the matter is his hardcore product couldn't and wouldn't sell to any sane human being running a television station. When he toned it down to get on television is when most fans consider its worst time.


I refuse to accept "well everybody left he made do with what he could and it just coincided with his t.v deal". Thats B.S, everybody was always leaving ECW period. Wasn't that why the guy was so smart? That for every two guys that left he made four new superstars? Look at that roster in 2001 and tell me there weren't superstars to be made there. Instead he went with Justin Credible and a slew of other bad choices.


Even if we notch up his ECW years a resounding success when ECW closed in 2001 Paul Heyman has never shown us he could book for the masses that he could book a more "mainstream" product.


Enter Paul Heyman Smackdown Booker: Paul did some good things as the Smackdown Booker with the "smackdown six" however Paul Heyman booked Smackdown for SIX months thats it thats all the time he did and in those six months what did he do that was more "genius" than anything anyone else did? The answer? NOthing, the smartest thing he did was take the best six workers he had and feud them I see that every day on the Dynasty Boards.


Then he went to OVW where he was the booker for less than a year again before leaving to do the ECW for just a few months.


My point is the guy has only been a booker for any length of time when he owned the company. He has never had a "mainstream" storyline in the WWE or even OVW that did huge business. He's never created a star from thin air, he's never booked some memorable, epic feud. The Jericho/HBK feud from a few years ago was better than anything Heyman has booked in ten years.

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– WWE’s creative department has not been spending as much time with Vince McMahon as they have in the past. It is said that a lot of work is being done via e-mail as opposed to actual meetings.


I hear the real scoop here is that everytime McMahon sends in an e-mail, all the lights in the building flicker, and Michael Cole steps up to read it to the staff.


No idea if that's true or not though.

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I hear the real scoop here is that everytime McMahon sends in an e-mail, all the lights in the building flicker, and Michael Cole steps up to read it to the staff.


No idea if that's true or not though.


Best Promo with that stupid effect ever


"Excuse me, I've---"


"Of course you have an Email you idiot, just read it!"

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Heyman was an intresting deal in my view. The guy was more a manipulator then a booker. He had a roster of unproven or over the hill guys. He got them to do things that were unheard of in the states. I do think heyman has his good points but he would never be able to do a long term mainstream booking like has been stated before. This is from a guy who thinks a crucifixion *not a symbol, a full on cross* was ok to put on a show. If wwe did anything like that they would never put on anohter show. Look all the heat they got when they put stone cold on a taker symbol. Heyman needs a filter and vince was that filter.
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oooh...can I throw in some more old timey bookers that would've been sh*t on by any right-thinking modern audience?


Because if we're going to kill Heyman for booking a product that didn't have long-term mainstream appeal, then we should also kill Ole, Dusty, Flair, Jim Crockett, Kevin Sullivan, and anyone who ever had anything to do with that awful, awful Memphis brand of wrestling.

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Any opinions on most under rated booker?


Kreski (my pick), Stephanie, Dusty, Ole, Flair, WCW Russo, Jarrett, Mantell?


I really dont think their is such a thing as a "under rated" booker. Because all bookers will only ever make half the fans happy while the other half will sh*t all over them. plus their will always be someone who thinks they know better (Jim Cornette anyone?)


Most bookers arent remembered for the good booking they did, only the bad stuff.

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oooh...can I throw in some more old timey bookers that would've been sh*t on by any right-thinking modern audience?


Because if we're going to kill Heyman for booking a product that didn't have long-term mainstream appeal, then we should also kill Ole, Dusty, Flair, Jim Crockett, Kevin Sullivan, and anyone who ever had anything to do with that awful, awful Memphis brand of wrestling.



In my eyes, the thing that makes Heyman overrated is the fact that people talk of him as a GOD amongst bookers. Thats not the case. He was good, but people tend to put ECW up on a pedestal sometimes. About 7 years ago I bought a VHS (I know right) lot of every ECW ppv ever produced off of ebay. There is some real crap in there too. The guy didnt turn all the **** into gold. But thats the way people perceive him sometimes.

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In my eyes, the thing that makes Heyman overrated is the fact that people talk of him as a GOD amongst bookers. Thats not the case. He was good, but people tend to put ECW up on a pedestal sometimes. About 7 years ago I bought a VHS (I know right) lot of every ECW ppv ever produced off of ebay. There is some real crap in there too. The guy didnt turn all the **** into gold. But thats the way people perceive him sometimes.


Saying he's overrated is totally fair, because internet nerds do act like he's some sort of all-knowing demi-god.


But some people take that "he's overrated" thing and turn it into "he's no good" which is incredibly unfair.


He was smart. He paid attention to the undercard. He recognized talent. He got the very most out of a group of guys that no other promotion would touch for the most part (I mean..Sandman? Ball Mahoney? Tommy Dreamer? Those guys were frickin horrible and Heyman turned them into draws)


He booked to and attracted older teens and young adults, something the WWF and WCW were failing at around that time.


He created characters like Taz and Raven that were relevant and accurately reflected the time, something the WWE barely manages to do even now.


Heyman was a really, really good writer and booker. ECW - as a product - completely changed the industry and it was the basis for a lot of the Attitude Era and for what Eric added to WCW to make their undercard so strong.


He's not the be-all, end-all. But he's the last truly "innovative" booker the industry has seen and that says a lot.

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That's three posts in a row - stop the swearing or official warnings start being given. You all know the board rules.



Guess I didn't realize the adult word for POOP is considered a swear word. WWE goes PG so GDS has to now? Whatever, I have seen other "bigger name" users on this board swear without any sort of public warning...I knew there was a reason I quit posting on this forum for awhile. Back to my hole I go I guess.

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Guess I didn't realize the adult word for POOP is considered a swear word.


I think it's considered a swear word by just about everyone - the fact that it triggers the swear word filter would seem to back this up.


WWE goes PG so GDS has to now?


Swearing has always been prohibited on this board. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect people to be able to write a sentence without swearing.


I have seen other "bigger name" users on this board swear without any sort of public warning


If they have then they've either been lucky and a mod hasn't seen it or they've been warned by private message.

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Saying he's overrated is totally fair, because internet nerds do act like he's some sort of all-knowing demi-god.


But some people take that "he's overrated" thing and turn it into "he's no good" which is incredibly unfair.


He was smart. He paid attention to the undercard. He recognized talent. He got the very most out of a group of guys that no other promotion would touch for the most part (I mean..Sandman? Ball Mahoney? Tommy Dreamer? Those guys were frickin horrible and Heyman turned them into draws)


He booked to and attracted older teens and young adults, something the WWF and WCW were failing at around that time.


He created characters like Taz and Raven that were relevant and accurately reflected the time, something the WWE barely manages to do even now.


Heyman was a really, really good writer and booker. ECW - as a product - completely changed the industry and it was the basis for a lot of the Attitude Era and for what Eric added to WCW to make their undercard so strong.


He's not the be-all, end-all. But he's the last truly "innovative" booker the industry has seen and that says a lot.

I think his biggest genius was he sort of pushed WWE and WCW into recgonizing the market had changed. WWF stole a lot of ideas from ECW (I'm an Attitude Era fan, and I admit this), and WCW stole a lot of their wrestlers. In fact, one of ECW's lasting legacies isn't Hardcore, but rather, the Cult nature of ECW. That still affects wrestling and WWE today.

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