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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I didn't see the Rumble but did Booker T and Kevin Nash look impressive?


Booker T - YES!


Nash... less so. Came in during a busy time, got a massive pop but only hit a couple of punches and a big boot before being 619'd out by Rey Mysterio. Mysterio got heat for it - he's verrry over. Also engaged in a staredown with Big Show on his way back up the ramp.

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Just kind of catching up on the last few days of news after watching Rumble online etc and had some thoughts along the lines of the current discussion:


--Del Rio was a really good choice to win the Rumble. Tons of talent. I think the only thing that has stopped me from buying into the character is that I feel the name is a little ..bland..unoriginal...flat? I just can't see that name at the top of a PPV. Picking nits mainly


--Nash and Booker's return & the possibility of Sting: like someone else, I didnt really think of Sting until after reading the thread, but after seeing that and re-watching that video I'd be surprised if it wasn't Sting.


Sting DESERVES a big send off. If this is really his last run, he deserves to do it on the biggest stage in the industry with the biggest company. It would be kind of a joke for someone his caliber to really retire by headlining a TNA show in front of a few dozen fans ...


All of his past complaint about the WWE's product no longer make sense because TNA is actually far more 'adult' than the WWE


The Money would probably be fairly spectacular


He'd cement his legacy by reaching a new audience because there are probably quite a few fans in the WWe that have no clue who he is or what he did


And he saw how the E treated Flair; fans who never saw Flair in his prime treated Ric like a god because the E worked so hard to put him over as such. Anything close to that treatment - along with a HOF induction - turns Sting into a 'name' in the business forever. Retiring in TNA makes him a sidenote.


I think it's pretty obvious Sting vs Taker would be epic and could conceivably be part of the WM main event and main event a couple PPVs after that. Why not do it?


Throw in the WCW/Atlanta/WM connection and you could have a very fun theme fr the evening (Diesel/Nash vs Big Show would definitely bring back WCW memories, and Booker could be pushed into a program with Bryan Danielsonthat would evoke memories of Benoit/Booker)

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If Sting were to go to WWE, the smart move is one-off matches against select names. Putting Sting against anyone but top-shelf names would be a waste of time and a risk of exposing Sting where the payoff wouldn't be worth it. The big money would be Sting/Undertaker, which you would probably need to do first because keeping Sting around any longer makes him less special and anything else would, as mentioned, risk making him look less than the legend people want him to be. Thankfully, you don't need to do anything physical with Sting and Undertaker for this theoretical match: one staredown angle is all you needed and the rest of the build can be simple videos with Sting explaining his need to face one of the few icon's he yet to wrestle. In fact, anything physical would probably do more harm than good.
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Well I think Sting is a lock




Ny Daily News is reporting that he has signed a 1 year deal. I think this is really epic.


This WM is haping up to be awesome in ym eyes.


Miz vs Cena

Edge vs Del Rio

Orton vs Punk

Undertaker vs Sting

Sheamus vs HHH

Nash vs Big Show

Corre vs Nexus

MITB with Morrison, Kofi, Ziggler, Mcintyre amongst others

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Well I think Sting is a lock




Ny Daily News is reporting that he has signed a 1 year deal. I think this is really epic.


This WM is haping up to be awesome in ym eyes.


Miz vs Cena

Edge vs Del Rio

Orton vs Punk

Undertaker vs Sting

Sheamus vs HHH

Nash vs Big Show

Corre vs Nexus

MITB with Morrison, Kofi, Ziggler, Mcintyre amongst others


Is that a reliable source?

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But again, the 2.21.11 promo doesnt look like your typical Undertakerreturn promo, looking at a few of them from the past, i never remember taker having rain promo, it has more the Sting feeling... even in his entrance video Sting is standing alone in the dark with falling rain.. really hope its Sting.
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Well I think Sting is a lock




Ny Daily News is reporting that he has signed a 1 year deal. I think this is really epic.


This WM is haping up to be awesome in ym eyes.


Miz vs Cena

Edge vs Del Rio

Orton vs Punk

Undertaker vs Sting

Sheamus vs HHH

Nash vs Big Show

Corre vs Nexus

MITB with Morrison, Kofi, Ziggler, Mcintyre amongst others


That's great news, but honestly other than Stng/Taker there's nothing on that card I'd pay to see :p

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that doesn't exactly answer the question. zone is just re-reporting the same report from the Daily News.


To juggalo: the Daily News is considered the most tabloid of the papers in NY. It doesn't mean they haven't scooped people before, but they have also made tons of errors and printed tons of stories that ended up being nothing but gossip (esp when it comes to sports)


So I'd take it with a grain of salt for now.


if its true TNA is screwed who is gonna be in the MEM now Kurt, Steiner, Joe and Morgan it will teach them a lesson to not book storylines before signing people


If you read the recent spoilers, it's a non-issue. Because the THEY/THEM/MEM story has gone sideways

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Let's presume it's Sting. I wouldn't even have him appear on TV before Wrestlemania. Undertaker can be doing a promo in the ring and the lights can go out. Cue flashing white light (it has to be white) and some eerie music, something violin-esque which suddenly stops and a scorpion symbol is projected onto the ring. You get a taste of the supernatural stuff that plays into the Undertaker gimmick without it being too hokey that it strays from the sort of thing they used to with Sting, and it ends with Undertaker being 'covered' in the symbol of Sting.
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Let's presume it's Sting. I wouldn't even have him appear on TV before Wrestlemania. Undertaker can be doing a promo in the ring and the lights can go out. Cue flashing white light (it has to be white) and some eerie music, something violin-esque which suddenly stops and a scorpion symbol is projected onto the ring. You get a taste of the supernatural stuff that plays into the Undertaker gimmick without it being too hokey that it strays from the sort of thing they used to with Sting, and it ends with Undertaker being 'covered' in the symbol of Sting.


So you would have the WWE promote the biggest PPV of the year - a PPV they desperately need to be a huge financial success based on their recent quarterly numbers - by having what might be the top draw NOT appear on TV???


Thats a pretty huge gamble





c'mon man...you're posting another news site referencing the same original report.


Until someone besides the Daily News is sourced this is just blind internet news repetition

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If Sting signs, that makes it:


Cena vs Miz

Edge vs Del Rio

Orton vs Punk

'Taker vs Sting

possible Corre vs Nexus


You could have Triple H vs Sheamus, but I wouldn't want a repeat of that and you don't need it. You could also had Diesel vs Big Show, but assuming Show stays face and Diesel just proved himself to be a face, not so good.


So... in the land of fantasy booking, something I would like to see. Which wont happen, as there's a bit too much cross-brand action that doesn't make sense:


Big Show / Diesel show mutual respect, working together

Sheamus targets Show and Diesel, eager to show he is top dog - regular fights between them

Sheamus vs Diesel ends in DQ with Sheamus illegally attacking Diesel. Beatdown is interrupted by...

Triple H returns!!! Attacking Sheamus

Next week Diesel welcomes back Triple H, but says that he didn't need the back up.

Triple H vs Sheamus goes to some Sports Entertainment finish, ends up being a huge scrap with both Big Show and Diesel ending up involved... with an accidental Big Boot from Diesel to Triple H

Queue arguing, with Shawn Michaels making an appearance to try and patch things up between Diesel and Triple H

E-mail alert - the RAW GM makes Big Show & Diesel vs Triple H and Sheamus with Shawn Michaels as special referee at WrestleMania. No-one is happy with this

Come WrestleMania, we get a full blown heel turn by Triple H, after attacking Shawn Michaels



No Triple H vs Sheamus at 'Mania

We get a heel Triple H

If Michaels wants another match, booking it would be very simple



It doesn't work due to Big Show (and presumably Diesel) being on Smackdown with no reason to appear on RAW... and Triple H isn't returning on a pre-recorded Smackdown show


So, won't happen. Could happen. Won't.

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So you would have the WWE promote the biggest PPV of the year - a PPV they desperately need to be a huge financial success based on their recent quarterly numbers - by having what might be the top draw NOT appear on TV???


Thats a pretty huge gamble


The big 'wow' moment is when Sting finally appears on WWE TV and steps foot in a WWE ring. Fans have been wanting this for years. Why waste that on TV when you can, quite easily, build towards it happening at Wrestlemania and get them increasingly hyped up for something they have to pay to see. It would make a big deal, the debut of Sting in WWE, so much bigger and possibly even iconic if it happens on the biggest stage of them all.

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