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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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This is what I would like to see


Cena V. Miz Rock as ref-Cena wins the title after the match Rock lays out both of them leading to a triple threat in which Rock will win his last title.(I can hope right??)


Jim Ross V. Michale Cole winner becomes Raws head announcer


Divas match


MITB: JoMo, McIntyre, Rey, Mark Henry, Goldust, Christan, Tyler Reks, and during the match a returning Jericho enters the match when the raw GM chimes in and will win the match.


CM Punk V. Wade Barrett losers stable is disbanned


Undertaker V. The Second Guy in the 2/21/11 promo if there is a second guy


Alberto Del Rio V. Edge- edge wins after Booker T gets involved setting up a Booker/Edge feud


Daneil Bryan V. Ted Dibiase


Kofi Kingston V. Dolph Ziggler


Triple H V. Sheamus with HHH career on the line

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Hey was just having alook around wrestlecrap.com and they have an entry on Triple H's new movie The Chaperone




Man it had me LMAO


That was hilarious!


If Christian got as big a pop as everyone is saying then maybe he can get a push to main event. Maybe by Summer Slam he could be in the title picture.

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Watched Elimination Chamber. The two EC matches were entertaining enough, though I'm not quite seeing why people are going nuts about them. But eh, compared to the usual RAW/Smackdown stuff they were probably outstanding. The rest of the card was nothing special, could just as easily have been ordinary TV matches.


Mysterio and Morrison stood for most of the best entertainment on the show, with honourable mentions to Edge, CM Punk and Randy Orton. The Miz entertains me a lot as well, but being stuck in a stupid feud with a 100-year old fatso does nothing for him. NOTHING.


I think it's time the WWE either does something drastic to create new superstars (unlikely to happen) or merge their brands. There, I said it. They do not, in my opinion, have enough interesting wrestlers to run two brands anymore. And with The Undertaker, Triple H and Edge retiring soon (with Big Show probably not all that far away either), something needs to be done. And I don't see bland and boring people like McIntyre, Barrett, R-Truth or Sheamus filling those shoes. At least not the way WWE uses them.


Also, the results were all horribly predictable. Except maybe for the tag team match, which noone could have possibly cared for anyway. Who did NOT see Cena facing The Miz after The Rock's promo? Who thought Edge would not face Del Rio after the previous build? Who thought they would actually be dumb enough to ruin The Miz by having him lose? Who thought Kingston would go over-heavily pushed and Wrestlemania main eventing Del Rio?

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I know the internet is home of Christian-marks worldwide, but why on earth would he be added to the Smackdown Wrestlemania main event? Has Christian been a main eventer at any point since he's been on Smackdown? If the answer is no, why would he be boosted to the main event for Wrestlemania of all pay per views? I mean from a storyline perspective he's done nothing to earn a title shot: he wasn't a contender 5 months ago and he's spent the intervening time on the shelf. I mean throwing John Morrison into the Cena/Miz feud would make more sense, as at least he's had some impressive matches lately and has been booked as a top contender for the past 2 months. It wouldn't be a good idea either but it'd make more sense than adding Christian to the match. I just see it as a way of giving Del Rio somebody to beat up and gives Edge a tag team partner for the next few Smackdowns.


Exactly. ADR is going to beat up Christian once or twice on Smackdown to add something to his fued with Edge. Nothing more, nothing less. Long term, they might be looking at an Edge/Christian split and fued post WM. But I really can't see a midcarder being added to a World title match at WM of all places.


Then why does everyone say that he is nothing more than a midcarder? I don't claim to watch Smackdown much and I rarely watched the WWEcw so as much as I do like some of the guys on those shows I am out of the loop on anything involving those shows.


Because he is nothing more than a midcarder. He's just one of those guys that, for whatever reason, the internet loves. I can't explain it.


Watched Elimination Chamber. The two EC matches were entertaining enough, though I'm not quite seeing why people are going nuts about them. But eh, compared to the usual RAW/Smackdown stuff they were probably outstanding. The rest of the card was nothing special, could just as easily have been ordinary TV matches.


Mysterio and Morrison stood for most of the best entertainment on the show, with honourable mentions to Edge, CM Punk and Randy Orton. The Miz entertains me a lot as well, but being stuck in a stupid feud with a 100-year old fatso does nothing for him. NOTHING.


I think it's time the WWE either does something drastic to create new superstars (unlikely to happen) or merge their brands. There, I said it. They do not, in my opinion, have enough interesting wrestlers to run two brands anymore. And with The Undertaker, Triple H and Edge retiring soon (with Big Show probably not all that far away either), something needs to be done. And I don't see bland and boring people like McIntyre, Barrett, R-Truth or Sheamus filling those shoes. At least not the way WWE uses them.


Also, the results were all horribly predictable. Except maybe for the tag team match, which noone could have possibly cared for anyway. Who did NOT see Cena facing The Miz after The Rock's promo? Who thought Edge would not face Del Rio after the previous build? Who thought they would actually be dumb enough to ruin The Miz by having him lose? Who thought Kingston would go over-heavily pushed and Wrestlemania main eventing Del Rio?


The first EC match was one of the best EC matches ever, so that's why people are going nuts over that one...I thought the second one was pretty average, honestly.


While I couldn't disagree more about Miz gaining nothing from his "fued" with Lawler(it's generating heel heat, and any heel heat gained is a good thing), he's not in a fued with Lawler. He's in a fued with Cena, Lawler, and Cole. They couldn't get too carried away with the Cena/Miz fued because their match for Mania wasn't set yet. So they did the smart thing by teasing that fued while building the Lawler/Cole fued.


IMO, all those people retiring is one of the biggest reasons they SHOULDN'T merge the brands. The two brands give them more midcarders a chance to step up and replac the guys that are leaving.


As for predictability...can you clarify your stance? You say "horribly" predictable, but what else should they have done? Are you saying Kofi, Lawler, anybody but Edge and anybody but Cena should've won? Any one of those would have been unpredictable, but also monumentally stupid.

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He is over, but he is not important in the eyes of the higher ups.


No matter how over you are, you cant go from jobbing to Cody Rhodes, to main eventing Mania while being off TV for 6 months


History doesnt really matter when you have been gone for so long. Personally all I remember of Christian before the injury was him getting injured by ADR. Maybe I am alone on this one but I believe what he does now is more important then what he did before getting injured. While Christian doesnt get huge pops, neither does anyone else anymore and I would say Christian gets as much as a pop as either Edge or Del Rio.


Also can anyone really expect the World Title match to be the main event? I personally doubt it will even be the co-main event. Miz vs Cena will be the main, and I expect whatever the Undertaker does will be co-main. Also if the arguement is that Christian isnt as big a draw as Edge or Del Rio, do you really think adding Christian would turn fans away? I dont.


And is Alberto Del Rio really a solid main eventer. I wouldnt class him much higher on the card then Christian.

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The first EC match was one of the best EC matches ever, so that's why people are going nuts over that one...


Really? Then the rest of them can't have been anything memorable.


While I couldn't disagree more about Miz gaining nothing from his "fued" with Lawler(it's generating heel heat, and any heel heat gained is a good thing), he's not in a fued with Lawler. He's in a fued with Cena, Lawler, and Cole. They couldn't get too carried away with the Cena/Miz fued because their match for Mania wasn't set yet. So they did the smart thing by teasing that fued while building the Lawler/Cole fued.


I still think they would gain more by letting him go over someone else than Lawler, who could be his grandfather. This whole Lawler business reeks of "we need to kill a few months time before we'll have Cena ready to feud with him".


IMO, all those people retiring is one of the biggest reasons they SHOULDN'T merge the brands. The two brands give them more midcarders a chance to step up and replac the guys that are leaving.


But do you really see that happening?


As for predictability...can you clarify your stance? You say "horribly" predictable, but what else should they have done? Are you saying Kofi, Lawler, anybody but Edge and anybody but Cena should've won? Any one of those would have been unpredictable, but also monumentally stupid.


No I'm not saying that other people should have won than those who did. Given the circumstances, these people really *had* to win... though Rey winning the EC match, making it either him vs. Del Rio or a 3-way with Edge could have worked as well. But I'm not complaining about the results per se, I'm complaining about WWE booking matches that have the results given in advance. That's fine for TV, but for PPV I expect some more unpredictability. I expect to be able to feel that the matches can go either way. But apart from the tag team match, which I didn't care for at all due to WWE having destroyed the tag division long time ago, no other match really could have ended in another way. Letting old man Lawler take the belt off Miz would not be as dumb as bringing in Arquette to win another world title, but it would be damn close. Letting Kingston win against heavily pushed Del Rio, who they claim will main event Wrestlemania (as someone else said, that just seems unlikely in reality) would make no sense at all. Having begun building an Edge vs. Del Rio encounter, added the possibilities from Del Rio taking out Christian several months ago, it would make little sense to let anyone but Edge come out of the match as champion... except maybe for Rey Mysterio, as previously mentioned. Cena winning was a clear given as well; although Morrisson vs. The Miz could be great, they are quite naturally not going to experiment with it for Wrestlemania. Orton vs. The Miz has been done several times lately, and Orton has been set up for a CM Punk match at Wrestlemania. R-Truth was clearly just filler, and Sheamus has neither the popularity nor right allignment to be an opponent for Miz. CM Punk is involved with Orton and lacks the right allignment as well. And if all that isn't enough, there's the fact that The Rock more or less spoiled that The Miz would face John Cena at Wrestlemania.

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Also can anyone really expect the World Title match to be the main event? I personally doubt it will even be the co-main event. Miz vs Cena will be the main, and I expect whatever the Undertaker does will be co-main. Also if the arguement is that Christian isnt as big a draw as Edge or Del Rio, do you really think adding Christian would turn fans away? I dont.


But if it adds nothing, why add it? It doesn't make any sense for Christian to just show up and receive a title shot. When HBK was put in a Mania Triple threat it's because he was in a major feud with the champion for months. And it doesn't matter that the show doesn't actually "main event," it's a main event match-up on WWE's B-show between two of their top names. Adding someone that is not one of their top names makes no sense.


And is Alberto Del Rio really a solid main eventer. I wouldnt class him much higher on the card then Christian.


He went over Rey Mysterio in a major feud that main evented frequently on Smackdown, then won the Royal Rumble. To answer your question in one word: YES.

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But if it adds nothing, why add it? It doesn't make any sense for Christian to just show up and receive a title shot. When HBK was put in a Mania Triple threat it's because he was in a major feud with the champion for months. And it doesn't matter that the show doesn't actually "main event," it's a main event match-up on WWE's B-show between two of their top names. Adding someone that is not one of their top names makes no sense.


In my opinion it adds that X-Factor into the match, that bit of unpredictibility. Even if you dont believe Christian will win (Which I believe he could) it then adds unpredictibility on the storylines going forward. If Edge beats Del Rio you could go down 2 routes: Del Rio complaining he didnt get a fair shot OR Christian saying Edge couldnt beat him. Del Rio wins: Edge could blame Christian for the loss OR Christian could blame Edge for him not winning OR they could both continue pursuing the title. Or Christian wins and has finally reached the top and either man can pursue him.


He went over Rey Mysterio in a major feud that main evented frequently on Smackdown, then won the Royal Rumble. To answer your question in one word: YES.


I still think based on crowd reaction he isnt there yet. It feels like a forced push at the minute, not someone comfortably sat at the top.

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I still think based on crowd reaction he isnt there yet. It feels like a forced push at the minute, not someone comfortably sat at the top.


I know what you mean. While he has had success, I feel that headlining Mania is a bit too soon. Any other PPV sure, but not Mania. Having said that I would much rather see him than the likes of Kane there so I can't really fault the logic.

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I do understand people saying that Christian was too far away from a title match at Wrestlemania before the injury, and at this moment it's true. But what is clear is that, after being injured at the hands of Del Rio six weeks ago, he is going to play a major part in this feud. Last night he kicked the Royal Rumble winner's ass, and caused plenty of excitement with his return; I don't see it as inconceivable that he might play a part in that title match.


Anybody think that there's any real surprises involved in this 02.21.11 campaign, or just a straightforward Undertaker return?

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While I've tried to not get drawn into farfetched theories concerning what the vignettes represent, it seems odd that The Undertaker would return like this rather than specifically targetting people who he might want to get retribution against (Kane/Nexus) like he has done in the past.
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