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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Booker T is a 14 time Tag Champ, but he said 10? lol


10 WCW tag titles in WCW

1 WCW tag title in WWF

3 WWF/E tag titles in WWF/E


Quality tag match on WWE Programming? That's insane!!


Also, Hawkins and Reks need more A-Show screen time.

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Sounds like it was a terrible ppv.


A few too many filler matches... Highlight of the night? Rybeck's "Goldberg" chant... was marvelous. Second to that was Punk-Bryan, which was everything it was supposed to be, good slow-build on it as well. Lowlight was the Cena-Big Johnny match. Played out like a physical version of the raw promo with that telegraphed Big Show heel turn...


Overall: if this was TEW I'd rate it a C+ PPV. Better than I feared, still terrible by WWE standards.

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I'm sure what we're going to find out is that Johnny begged Big Show to help, and he would re-instate him/re-hire, or whatever they might call it.


Punk/Bryan was pretty good, and obviously not over. Great match ending in my opinion.


The rest of the PPV was better then I expected, and overall felt the PPV was much better then the lead up to it. Kind of feel like everything fit, even though I wasn't happy exactly how (mainly the end). Was hoping for someone else... Felt predictable, although no one really predicted it right, outside of the obvious (To me anyways, People Power winning, Punk, Layla, etc.. were all obvious). I thought Orton was going to win, didn't expect the Christian match to even happen (either of those).


Overall, I was glad I watched it though. My biggest complaint is the ending, although I would have rather something like that happen at this PPV, rather then one of the bigger ones.

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How can you possibly say terrible by WWE standards?


Every match bar the ME was good to great and you had some time for thee crowd to settle.


The main event was bad but every title match was great and Punk vs Bryan is MOTY


It's May homie settle down... It wasn't Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon or anything just a solid **** match. And that wasn't even the co-main Ryback-Hunico was... Which was .... whatever that was.

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Battle Royale - Fun toward the end. Good return for Christian.


Kofi/Truth v Zig-Swag - Started off slow and technical before moving into the usual fast-paced spots. Proves that WWE tag team wrestling can be as good as singles matches when they put the effort in.


Beth v Layla - They gave the girls enough time to work a decent match for a change.


Fatal 4-Way - Far from a classic but all 4 guys had the chemistry to produce a good match. Sheamus had to win.


Miz v Brodus - Filler match. Cements Miz's position as the new McIntyre.


Rhodes v Christian - SD needs a new upper midcard face and who better than new IC champ Christian. Cody's tantrum was funny.


Bryan v Punk - Welcome to the WWE Masterclass. Fracking awesome! And the crowd were hot for this match despite a low hype build. I wanted Bryan to be the one to end Punk's reign but at least the controversial ending didn't leave Bryan looking weak and it gives him cause to keep the feud going.


Hunico v Ryback - Surprise match. Still enjoying Ryback but they need to let him off the leash soon.


Big Johnny v Cena - Ace looks like a Winter Olympics athlete in that attire :) Okay, I admit I enjoyed the match. Funny stuff! Cena and Ace were on top form ;) Turncoat Big Show was a good twist (was expecting a ref knockout followed by Tensai or Lenar interference). Hardly main event material, though.


Over the Limit punched above its weak card. Bryan v Punk delivered but it lacked a 2nd classic match to lift it above average.

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Stephanie on Raw going three hours


"It's going to be the first-ever regularly scheduled three-hour program on television and I think we've got a pretty good handle on it thus far! You know, we do a three hour show called a Pay-Per-View almost every month and Monday Night RAW, we've done three hours before, so we feel great about it."


YAY! More ignoring history!

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Stephanie on Raw going three hours




YAY! More ignoring history!


Wasn't Nitro moving to 3 hours a mistake in the past? I thought it was really hard to fill 3 hours of programming? Oh well...


So I guess Chyna collapsed at some porn expo. Saw it on MSN. They are NOW worried about her health. Hasn't she had problems for a few years now?

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Nitro lasted for almost two years in the 3 hour format. Sure, a lot of it was filler, but there was some good stuff that happened.


I just thought it was hilarious that WWE is acting like it's something that's never done before when it was done 15 years ago

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Stephanie on Raw going three hours




YAY! More ignoring history!


I tweeted on twitter about it but I will say something here too, first off shes a moron for not even aknowledging WCW Monday Nitro and second off how oblivious can she be?


It really bothers me when the WWE and people within the company choose to ignore wrestling history (There is more to wrestling than WWE even though they wont admit it) and when people say stuff like this they act like we as fans are complete morons and wont be able to find out that they are lying.


Anyways thats enough for me I just had to get that off of my chest because it bothers me when people do that.

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I tweeted on twitter about it but I will say something here too, first off shes a moron for not even aknowledging WCW Monday Nitro and second off how oblivious can she be?


It really bothers me when the WWE and people within the company choose to ignore wrestling history (There is more to wrestling than WWE even though they wont admit it) and when people say stuff like this they act like we as fans are complete morons and wont be able to find out that they are lying.


Anyways thats enough for me I just had to get that off of my chest because it bothers me when people do that.

In the age of the internet, they can't really do that. The issue for me isn't acknowledging history, is that they think they can write it without others having input. In the age of internet of the internet, it's impossible.

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