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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The way I see it, the company is trying raise awareness about bullying. They are doing a good thing even if its only for the publicity, plain and simple. The problem is not the company, its one man who just so happens to be the one in charge. I feel certain that Vince isn't the only one who enjoys making fun of JR or doing things in bad taste just because it pleases them, but I'd say a vast majority of people in that company don't agree with how Vince treats people, and specifically his employees. The fact is Vince is the boss and if he wants it on his show then it simply comes down to you either do what your told or your fired. I guarantee if he is doing something to fuel his own ego he could care less who he pisses off, even the fans of his company
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The way I see it, the company is trying raise awareness about bullying. They are doing a good thing even if its only for the publicity, plain and simple. The problem is not the company, its one man who just so happens to be the one in charge. I feel certain that Vince isn't the only one who enjoys making fun of JR or doing things in bad taste just because it pleases them, but I'd say a vast majority of people in that company don't agree with how Vince treats people, and specifically his employees. The fact is Vince is the boss and if he wants it on his show then it simply comes down to you either do what your told or your fired.


You know what happens when you "raise awareness" about bullying? Nothing. God, The Pope, Michael Jordan, The Fantastic Four, Mega Man, and Splinter, could all combine to put out a commercial about how bad bullying is and force it into the brain of everyone in the world.


The next day, some kid's gonna debate suicide because people won't stop treating him like crap all day. Anyone who believes any good at all is going to come from some stupid commercials and standing in front of a crowd of kids, has never been on the bullied side of the coin.

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You know what happens when you "raise awareness" about bullying? Nothing. God, The Pope, Michael Jordan, The Fantastic Four, Mega Man, and Splinter, could all combine to put out a commercial about how bad bullying is and force it into the brain of everyone in the world.


The next day, some kid's gonna debate suicide because people won't stop treating him like crap all day. Anyone who believes any good at all is going to come from some stupid commercials and standing in front of a crowd of kids, has never been on the bullied side of the coin.



You and I have talked about this...You know I've been there...I don't think something like this will ever fix the problem, but if it stops just ONE kid from living a life of hell and feeling worthless...what harm can it do?

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Both sides are right. It is hypocritical as it concerns some of angles etc and if it has saved just one child from being bullied it has been a good thing.


Now back to wrestling.


After the Ziggler talk, what FACE midcarder do you think deserves to be elevated to the main event/ has the potential skills to be a main eventer?


My vote Kofi, if he learns to botch a bit less and with Orton loosing his pull he might be in for a good program again.

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Both sides are right. It is hypocritical as it concerns some of angles etc and if it has saved just one child from being bullied it has been a good thing.


Now back to wrestling.


After the Ziggler talk, what FACE midcarder do you think deserves to be elevated to the main event/ has the potential skills to be a main eventer?


My vote Kofi, if he learns to botch a bit less and with Orton loosing his pull he might be in for a good program again.


The only two mid card faces worth anything at all are Ryder/Kofi, and Kofi'll have to move to Smackdown to get any kind of real push.

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You know what happens when you "raise awareness" about bullying? Nothing. God, The Pope, Michael Jordan, The Fantastic Four, Mega Man, and Splinter, could all combine to put out a commercial about how bad bullying is and force it into the brain of everyone in the world.


The next day, some kid's gonna debate suicide because people won't stop treating him like crap all day. Anyone who believes any good at all is going to come from some stupid commercials and standing in front of a crowd of kids, has never been on the bullied side of the coin.


I have been bullied so I know full well what its like to be treated like crap, called names, and the kind of thoughts it can put it a persons head from having to deal with it. The way I see it they are aiming this at very young kids who are easily influenced, especially by people they look up to, so if their little be a star campaign can keep one kid from bullying someone, and in turn save somebody's life then I say by all means keep doing it.

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Both sides are right. It is hypocritical as it concerns some of angles etc and if it has saved just one child from being bullied it has been a good thing.


Now back to wrestling.


After the Ziggler talk, what FACE midcarder do you think deserves to be elevated to the main event/ has the potential skills to be a main eventer?


My vote Kofi, if he learns to botch a bit less and with Orton loosing his pull he might be in for a good program again.


I have always liked Kofi, and since he seems to have horrible luck with every tag partner they give him maybe they will give him a push.


I would like to see Christian back in the main event but I don't know if we will ever be that lucky again.


Other than those to I can't really think of any other face midcarder who I could see in the main event. There seems to be a lot more heels than faces in wwe these days.

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I have always liked Kofi, and since he seems to have horrible luck with every tag partner they give him maybe they will give him a push.


I would like to see Christian back in the main event but I don't know if we will ever be that lucky again.


Other than those to I can't really think of any other face midcarder who I could see in the main event. There seems to be a lot more heels than faces in wwe these days.


Noticed that, looking through the roster to see if I'd overlooked any faces. Far more heels.

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Kofi should have been a main eventer by now. When he was going over Orton he was super over, and being the face version of Dolph Ziggler (They are like 44-45 W/L against each other on TV) he is still over despite being jobber to the stars.




Kofi is good..I like him a lot, but they are trying to bring back the tag teams and they are going to keep him in that area it seems.

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Noticed that, looking through the roster to see if I'd overlooked any faces. Far more heels.


Yea and all the heel seem to be much better in their heel roles than the would be as faces. They have a few faces like Mcgillicuty, tatsu, Riley and others, but they are mostly relegated to superstars or NXT.


Maybe now that NXT is gonna start showcasing the FCW guys they can use the people they have been using on NXT and Superstars more on Smackdown or Raw.

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Kofi should have been a main eventer by now. When he was going over Orton he was super over, and being the face version of Dolph Ziggler (They are like 44-45 W/L against each other on TV) he is still over despite being jobber to the stars.


Not sure that I agree. I think he's in the same camp with RVD. He can hit some flashy moves, and at one point he was certainly very over. But I think a main event run would likely show his limitations pretty quickly when it comes to storytelling in a solo match and cutting a promo. I think the IC/tag division is probably where he belongs, where he's a fun attraction, but not a main eventer.


Also, looking at WWE's roster, is anybody healthy?

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I saw an article (No I am not going to quote the site, I do not work for the AP.) talking about how nobody wants to get into the ring with Ryback because they feel he is too green and the talent is afraid he will injure him due to being so green and sloppy. That is why they have been putting him in squash matches.
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I saw an article (Not I am not going to quote the site, I do not work for the AP.) talking about how nobody wants to get into the ring with Ryback because they feel he is too green and the talent is afraid he will injure him due to being so green and sloppy. That is why they have been putting him in squash matches.


No wonder the crowd is shouting "Goldberg" at him.

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Yeah not buying that, just getting hits and increasing Goldberg comparisons. Nobody had problems when he was Sheffield or in FCW. Dude has been wrestling for 8 years now and preparing for it for 10. If he was really that bad he would have been cut long ago. The continual jobbers is just his current gimmick.
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Yeah not buying that, just getting hits and increasing Goldberg comparisons. Nobody had problems when he was Sheffield or in FCW. Dude has been wrestling for 8 years now and preparing for it for 10. If he was really that bad he would have been cut long ago. The continual jobbers is just his current gimmick.


I've heard and seen the same reports several times. They think he's gonna hurt someone.

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Kofi should have been a main eventer by now. When he was going over Orton he was super over, and being the face version of Dolph Ziggler (They are like 44-45 W/L against each other on TV) he is still over despite being jobber to the stars.


Kofi is good..I like him a lot, but they are trying to bring back the tag teams and they are going to keep him in that area it seems.


I disagree. He doesn't sell well. takes away from the matches.

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I disagree. He doesn't sell well. takes away from the matches.


He's better than most at selling, just about everybody in the WWE is horrible at it. I think it's more he can't cut a "championship" promo, probably never will, so it's tough to see him in that role. Probably going to be a Rey Mysterio type of guy for the rest of his career. Maybe he can get over with the Cruiserweights on WWE Network. But, I doubt it.

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Yeah not buying that, just getting hits and increasing Goldberg comparisons. Nobody had problems when he was Sheffield or in FCW. Dude has been wrestling for 8 years now and preparing for it for 10. If he was really that bad he would have been cut long ago. The continual jobbers is just his current gimmick.


Yep. Real reason everybody is upset is because they feel insulted the WWE thinks they can so sloppily repackage their own retreads and think they're going to get over. Why not get somebody new to play Ryback? Why somebody who was apart of one of your most successful stable angles in a decade. It's lazy.


What's next are you going to bring back the Spirit Squad guys in Canadian Mountie gimmicks? Is Sean Morley going to come back as a Kiddie Champion?

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Yep. Real reason everybody is upset is because they feel insulted the WWE thinks they can so sloppily repackage their own retreads and think they're going to get over. Why not get somebody new to play Ryback? Why somebody who was apart of one of your most successful stable angles in a decade. It's lazy.


What's next are you going to bring back the Spirit Squad guys in Canadian Mountie gimmicks? Is Sean Morley going to come back as a Kiddie Champion?


Um....he was Ryback before he was Skip Sheffield.

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What's next are you going to bring back the Spirit Squad guys in Canadian Mountie gimmicks?


That would be pretty awesome actually, given that all of them can work in the ring and just needed proper gimmicks. And the WWE tag team division could use something fun like a couple of mounties.

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