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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I agree with you, the only thing I would want them to do is change that stupid name. Kassius Ohno is just such a horrible name.


I saw some NXT last week and that Australian chick who dances funny (I cannot remember what her name is and I am lazy so I am not going to bother looking it up.) is just horrible when it comes to talking.


I thought Kyle O'Reilly was bad over in ROH but that chick might be one of the worst I have ever watched.


Dude I think you just have to let it grow on you. It's not a great name but it's pretty good. I like how he made his initials K-O.


(It's also miles better than "Bo Dallas," I think)


As for Emma... she doesn't need to talk, all she needs to do is dance! And the fact that she's not bad in the ring and pretty easy on the eyes makes up for that thick Aussie accent.

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As for Emma... she doesn't need to talk, all she needs to do is dance! And the fact that she's not bad in the ring and pretty easy on the eyes makes up for that thick Aussie accent.


True very true. It is not even the accent that bothers me because I love it when a girl has an Australian or English accent. Trust me it beats having to listen to women with Boston or Rhode Island accents (If you never had the chance to hear a New England accent consider yourself lucky.:p). She just stinks at cutting promos. Hopefully in time she will improve.

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True very true. It is not even the accent that bothers me because I love it when a girl has an Australian or English accent. Trust me it beats having to listen to women with Boston or Rhode Island accents (If you never had the chance to hear a New England accent consider yourself lucky.:p). She just stinks at cutting promos. Hopefully in time she will improve.


If it's something like what Ben Affleck and Mark Wahlberg (among others) do in their movies, then yeah, it's a good thing I haven't heard a woman with an accent like that :o


EDIT: Also, I think that's the one weakness of the divas of NXT. They all look great and they can go in the ring, but they can't cut a promo to save their life. Even Paige I think still has miles to go. To be honest Summer Rae's probably the best talker out of that group.

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If it's something like what Ben Affleck and Mark Wahlberg (among others) do in their movies, then yeah, it's a good thing I haven't heard a woman with an accent like that :o


EDIT: Also, I think that's the one weakness of the divas of NXT. They all look great and they can go in the ring, but they can't cut a promo to save their life. Even Paige I think still has miles to go. To be honest Summer Rae's probably the best talker out of that group.


Yeah that's the accent...:eek:


I agree Summer Rae is leaps and bounds the best talker out of the women down there. I wish they would use as more in the WWE, not that I am complaining watching her wear those skimpy dance outfits every week.

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Considering that the theme of Payback is that they're all rematches, the repetitiveness isn't really shocking :p


That... and the thin roster. Especially the midcard. So we either get the same guys wrestling over and over again or largely ineffective squash matches.



The WWE app isn't totally useless after all :) Here's another one with Kaitlyn and AJ:




Kaitlyn and Big E are pretty funny on Twitter.

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That... and the thin roster. Particularity the midcard. So we either get the same guys wrestling over and over again or largely ineffective squash matches.


I disagree with the bolded. I think the midcard's actually chock full of potential, you've got high-value guys like Barrett, Sandow, and Rhodes, while even the lesser guys like 3MB or Khali or even Curt Hawkins can prove to be useful.


It's a vicious cycle because the WWE won't use someone who's not over (like Hawkins) but then that same person doesn't get the chance to be over because he can't get TV time.


Hopefully Curtis Axel pans out because I have a feeling he's being used as an example of sorts.


(Also, it absolutely doesn't hurt that he's got a storyline of his own)

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I might have been wrong about the size of the roster, but the balance is wrong, IMO. Barrett, Sandow, Rhodes, Cesaro - good enough to be upper midcarders and routinely jobbing. Rhodes Scholars just got fed on Main Event to the Usos, who are only getting pushed because there's no other serious babyface tag team to feed to the Shield. You've got a handful of main eventers, a lot of upper midcarders being pushed (guys like Orton and Sheamus who are beating everyone who isn't the Shield). Of the rest, most of the babyfaces are comedy acts and most of the heels are jobbers. The influx of NXT talent is helping but there's still a problem. Another example: look at who's being fighting over the US and IC titles this year - almost exclusively Cesaro, Kofi, Barrett and Miz like a revolving door (until Ambrose got his shot).
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The biggest problem with the midcard in my opinion is that it isn't organized. There is no hierarchy at all as everyone who isn't a main eventer is a midcarder which screws guys like The Rhodes Scholars, Barrett, and Cesaro by becoming jobber to the stars.
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So the WWE is bringing in another 3 man group.Anyone know anything about them at all and could they be used to turn shield face.


I think that the Wyatt Family is going to play the part of being a chaotic faction more so than The Shield. The Shield has come out and give reasons to their actions however vague they are but The Family would do what Wyatt wants for no reason at all. They will preach and destroy. The problem with this is that without strong babyfaces to be their initial feud there is no way they can get as over as The Shield in so little time as they will rely more on Bray Wyatt's promo ability to get them over. However I don't see The Shiled interacting with them in any meaningful way even if Ambrose vs Wyatt in promo battle would be some sight to see.

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The sad thing about that video is that McEntyre standing next to all the other enhancement guys it's clear that he has the best "look" by leaps and bounds. Seriously looking like he does, he's a new gimmick and a haircut away from getting out of the pre-show. Or he ends up getting cut and we see him feud with Matt Morgan for 3 years on Impact.

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True very true. It is not even the accent that bothers me because I love it when a girl has an Australian or English accent. Trust me it beats having to listen to women with Boston or Rhode Island accents (If you never had the chance to hear a New England accent consider yourself lucky.:p). She just stinks at cutting promos. Hopefully in time she will improve.


I'd rather hear Jen Kirkman's voice over Emma's any day.


Being a New Zealander with plenty of exposure to Australians, it's always hard to tell when an Aussie girl is a bad actor, or if it's just the accent making them sound bad.

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The WWE app isn't totally useless after all :) Here's another one with Kaitlyn and AJ:




That was actually really funny especially the line that AJ said to Kaitlyn about laughing so hard at a party that she had to change her pants and AJ telling her that she told everyone about it.

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Rumors floating around:


- Bryan is being groomed for a main event push. Creative have no long term plans for Cena so it's possible Bryan might challenge for the WWE Title at MITB. I'm on the fence with that idea because the marks love Cena and Bryan is a tweener getting massive babyface pops. WHC vs Ziggler would be the obvious choice and the matches would be good, IMO.


- Richie Steamboat Jr is being considered in the next round of NXT cuts.


- Prince Nana (Embassy Manager from ROH) is having tryouts with WWE. I hope he gets signed. They could use him on NXT and Smackdown as a manager.

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Guest codey
Rumors floating around:


- Bryan is being groomed for a main event push. Creative have no long term plans for Cena so it's possible Bryan might challenge for the WWE Title at MITB. I'm on the fence with that idea because the marks love Cena and Bryan is a tweener getting massive babyface pops. WHC vs Ziggler would be the obvious choice and the matches would be good, IMO.


- Richie Steamboat Jr is being considered in the next round of NXT cuts.


- Prince Nana (Embassy Manager from ROH) is having tryouts with WWE. I hope he gets signed. They could use him on NXT and Smackdown as a manager.


Steamboat to get cut? Surprising, I remember him being used pretty heavily a few months back.

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NXT Highlights:


- NXT Title contract signing - Featuring Bo Dallas (post heel-turn) and a fully-clothed Big E getting mic time.

- Tamina vs Paige - Weak match but I'm a Paige fan

- Zayn, Cesaro and Renee Young in the same segment had me marking out :)

- A-Ry vs O'Brian - Thse guys should be on the main shows

- Ohno/Graves vs Wyatts (Tag Title Match) - This match was perfectly scripted. The hillbilly Wyatt's are growing on me. Graves and Ohno are cool.


SD Highlights:


- Jericho vs Axel - Nice physical match. Heyman cues Punk's music and Axel gets the pin. Jericho gets his revenge. Perfect finish.

- Del Rio vs 3MB - 3MB attack Del Rio, who clears the ring. Ricardo hits a splash from the turnbuckle to the outside. Ziggler returns via Satellite -- he's cleared to compete on the next Raw.

- Kane vs Ryback - Decent match. The booking of Ryback since his heel turn has been solid.

- Sandow vs Deep Blue the talking Chess Computer - Funny segment. Sheamus Brogue Kicked the computer before Sandow finally got to beat the crap out of Sheamus.

- Orton/Bryan vs Rollins/Reigns - This was all about Bryan. The tension between him and Orton was good. I'm happy the Shield lost by DQ -- they don't need to win every non-title match.



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So just heard that Fandango suffered a concussion at the hands of Ryder. Whether legit or not here is how I think the 3 way title match could be "re-booked".


Somehow Ryder gets himself into the IC title match as Fandangos replacement. He wins the belt (it's doing nothing on Barrett from what I'm told so could be used in a storyline and help a couple of superstars). Next night on Raw, it is claimed by Miz that Ryder caused the injury intentionally to get Fandangos spot in the match. Ryder denies it and this sets up a match for later on Raw between Ryder and Miz. Ryder, during the match hits the Broski Kick on Miz for the 1,2,3 before smirking to the camera as Miz looks dazed and out of it. Let it build between Miz & Ryder for a bit until Fandango comes back and then have Ryder cut a heel promo saying that in the WWE he has never been given a chance and has had to make his own opportunities unlike Miz and now Fandango who seem to get everything handed to them. He can mention he has worked harder than anyone on the roster but is still over looked by the WWE "powers that be". He admits he intentionally injured Fandango because he figures from now on, he's going to take what he wants and screw what the WWE Universe wants - it's all about Zack Ryder.


A bit vague I know, obviously I'm not on creative (nor have I watched Raw since before Wrestlemania) so only went into minor detail, but I think this gives the IC belt some credibility and doesn't hurt anyone involved, - except Barrett maybe, but lets face it, he's not been booked as a strong champion anyway from what I've heard.

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Considering the fact that Zack Ryder is the worst thing in WWE right now (Yeah I said it what are you going to do about it) I hope he doesn't win any title any time soon BECAUSE HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT I hope he is the next batch of WWE releases honestly.


I know this may come off as my being a jerk but the dude sucks and they shouldn't even waste their time on him plus his gimmick got old a long time ago.


Why give a guy that whines all the time on twitter about not being booked a title it doesn't make sense. It just says to the entire roster hey if you whine and cry like this moron did than you may get a title which is complete crap just like Zack Ryder is.

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Don't you think he has a reason to be mad, just a little bit?


All of the higher ups are always talking about how talents need to step up and get themselves noticed so when Ryder did it they took the first opportunity they got to transfer his heat to Cena by making Ryder the idiot fan that Cena had to always save.


Not only did he look like an idiot during the Kane situation, or the Eve situation, or Cena remembering he had a WM to main event and forgetting about Ryder, but he never got any revenge on anyone and came out of it looking like an absolute scrub who was nowhere to be seen the rest of the year as far as TV time is concerned.


Yeah I'd be pretty bitter if I made a name for myself and got myself over on my own only to get crapped on like that. Whatever you think his talent level is doesn't matter in the slightest because the WWE has had people worse than him in much higher slots on the roster. This is a guy who broke into the top 10 merch sellers in the company without even being on TV.

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Really, the last time I was really entertained by Ryder on WWE television was his feud with Christian on ECW...


His character is terrible as a babyface. Robbie E over on TNA has been more effective with the gimmick as a heel.


That said, I do like Ryder, I just hate him as a face.

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