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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Incredibly entertaining Raw. It'd be awesome if we get a War Games match between Kane, Batista, Orton, and HHH against The Shield and Daniel Bryan. I know it won't happen, but I've been watching War Games matches a lot recently and I miss them. :(


The crowd chanting "3MB" at Orton and Batista as they beat down Bryan was hilarious.

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This is a pretty shallow analysis


Him and HHH had an actual wrestling match where he did much more than just kick


Of course, I exaggerated for effect. But you cannot deny that a great deal of his offense is kicks to the body and head. Too much, for my blood. Maybe I just have too high expectations for him due to the massive hype surrounding everything he touches these days, but while fairly good, the match did nothing special for me.


Yeah Bryan does too many kicks, it was most of his offense last night and hurt the match which was still pretty god. I'm sure he's capable of more but that's all I've seen. Like I've said before on here he's just one of the most overrated wrestlers I've ever seen, little charisma, has gotten over in a way any other wrestler could have.


He's grown on me lately because he's starting to show more character but he's still very overrated


I've tried to like him as much as the average IWC fan due to his hype. And sure, I do enjoy his character - but I just feel that his in-ring work isn't living up to his hype. While I have no doubt that it's WWE who's limiting him, it still dissapoints me and takes something away from him in my eyes.


Cena hulking and getting mad, it just looked like he was pulling faces at little kids


Yeah it appears that sublety is not Cena's strongest feat.

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Wrestlemania 30 Review:


Hall of Fame 2014 - First time I've ever bothered to watch the HOF. It was an emotional rollercoaster and despite the long running time I found everything interesting except for Mister T's "love my mother" speech.

Tag Titles - Fun match. The crowd were into it. The Usos retained. Swagger got peeved at Cesaro who gave him the Giant Swing to great applause.

Opening segment - Hogan, Austin and Rock in the Silverdome. Mark-out moment! Awesome way to warm up the crowd.

HHH vs Bryan - Epic hype video. Steph looking hot. Trips in super shape. Epic Trips entrance. MOTY Contender, heavy on submissions and brutal looking spots, perfectly scripted from start to finish! Only thing missing was Cattle Mutilation.

NAO & Kane vs The Shield - Squash match. This was all about giving the Shield a babyface Mania win over the Authority's pawns. I'm fine with that.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale - Surprisingly good match. What it lacked in star power it made up for with entertaining spots. Kofi topped himself again. Holy crap at Cesaro going over Big Show (in memory of Hogan slamming Andre)!

Bray vs Cena - Love Bray Wyatt's live entrance. Good match that got better as it went on. I like the story of Bray trying to prove Cena isn't a hero (similar to the Embrace the Hate feud with Kane) even with Cena's hammy acting. I would have booked Bray to win but I can deal with it if they continue the feud through to Extreme Rules.

Lesnar vs Taker - Controversial opinion: I really enjoyed this match after dreading it throughout the build. Both guys gave it their all to make it better than it should have been. Holy crap at Brock ending the Streak! The standing ovation was cool. I'm certain Taker made the decision to have the streak ended at WM30 and I'm glad it was a part-timer who did it. Beating the streak would have done more harm than good for a young full-time wrestler, IMO. Brock can handle the heat. Plus, it cemented Heyman's legacy at a HOF worthy manager.

Divas Title - I like AJ, Emma, Summer, Naomi & Natalya but this match was pretty crap until the last few minutes. AJ got her WM moment. Hope she drops the title to Naomi soon.

Orton vs Batista vs Bryan vs The Authority (WWE Title) - Great match. Better than I expected it to be. Powerbomb RKO was sick. Bryan taking out Trips, Steph & Crooked Ref was awesome. Daniel Bryan is the Iron Man of Wrestlemania!


Verdict: One of the best Wrestlemania's in recent history. Much better than it looked on paper. Shield, Usos and AJ won. Cesaro got pushed. Bryan won both matches. They swerved us with the Streak instead of being predictable. All these things made me happy. Only downer was Bray losing.



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The most pleasing thing about last nights Raw? The amount of pushes they're giving to the NXT guys. I still think it's a little early for Adam Rose (Leo Kruger) and Bo Dallas but their video packages were strangely amusing, especially the Exotic Express videos; the bunny/midget package literally made me laugh out loud. However, seeing Alexander Rusev and in particular Paige getting their call ups were very pleasing, especially given their reactions from the crowd. Paige looked a little nervous and I think that was reflected in her performance but I think it's easy to forget she's just a young girl from England and I fully expect her to grow into the role, as she did in NXT.


I think if you were an independent guy called up to WWE's developmental in former years, you had a very low chance of actually being called up to the 'E, but everyone who goes for a tryout and/or is in NXT right now must really be thinking that they've got a chance if they work hard and that's the most pleasing thing. Not only are the main shows in a good place right now, but I think the future actually looks really bright for the WWE.

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Raw Review:


Opening segment - The crowd were fantastic.

Wyatt Family vs Cena, Sheamus & Big E - Good match with a hot crowd.

Fandango & Summer vs Santino & Emma - Love the peacock accessory. Way too short but at least Emma got the pin.

Lesnar & Heyman - Full troll mode. Heyman making the most of Brock's streak-breaking heat with one of the all-time legendary promos. Can't wait for Lesnar & Bryan to feud over the title.

Batista & Orton vs The Usos (Tag Titles) - Glad the match didn't last long because the crowd turned lame.

RVD vs Sandow - Short but fun match. Shame Sandow has to keep losing.

Rey vs BNB - The crowd reaction made this awesome. Barrett has done well to get over with a dodgy gimmick.

Rusev vs Ryder - Solid debut match. Lana is smoking hot. Later in the year Rusev and Cesaro should battle over the IC Title.

AJ vs Paige (Divas Title) - I marked out like a little kid for Paige. She's the NXT Womens Champ and WWE Divas Champ at the same time!

Cesaro vs Swagger - Cesaro turned Heyman babyface in seconds! RIP trophy. Good match.

Bryan (+Shield) vs HHH (+Orton, Batista & Kane) - This was better than a match because it sets up potentially epic feud.


Verdict: Awesome Raw! 2014 is a changing of the guard. Bryan, The Shield, Cesaro, Paige & The Wyatts getting pushed and all the best NXT stars being primed for the main roster.

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I'd like to see that Andre memorial statue mean something if they decide to keep it going. It was cool to get a lot of the wrestlers who didn't have anything going on for WM involved and have their WM moment, maybe make it as functional as the King of the Ring, winner gets the trophy and a world title shot for Summerslam. Even if some lame jobber wins, it would give them time to build them up as a threat to whichever champion come Summerslam.
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I just realized Dean Ambrose is coming up on holding the US title a full year. He won it at Extreme Rules last year(May 19th). It's a shame he has barely defended it. He didn't even come out with it on Raw. I wonder if he will on Main Event?
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Incredibly entertaining Raw. It'd be awesome if we get a War Games match between Kane, Batista, Orton, and HHH against The Shield and Daniel Bryan. I know it won't happen, but I've been watching War Games matches a lot recently and I miss them. :(


The crowd chanting "3MB" at Orton and Batista as they beat down Bryan was hilarious.


I just watched the War Games DVD on Saturday! I think the Sting's Squadron vs. The Dangerous Alliance was underrated.

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Yeah, the diva segment was perhaps the most surprising event, barring perhaps the new Paul Heyman guy in town. Paige seemed a little taken back by the experience, unless she's sporting a new gimmick or something. The botching of the finisher was AJ's fault I believe, though I'm not sure.


I too marked out for AJ vs Paige. Unfortunately it didn't last long. We'll see a decent match one of these weeks eventually I suppose.


Anyhow: WWE might've won me back as a viewer. I always thought it absurd that I wasn't watching the programming when CM Punk and the American Dragon were dominating the show.

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RAW won't be lacking an Adam Rose Experience for long!!!! Oh I'm also a Bo-liever!!


I'm actually kind of disappointed in Cesaro becoming a Paul Heyman guy. I mean I always wait and see where things go but is he still a bad guy? He's Heyman a good guy? Clearly Brock isn't going to be given a face turn, but like I said I'm willing to see where it goes.


Zeb needs another client! Weather in a team with Jack S or have them separate, we need more Real Americans!!!

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