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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Totally missed that Big E, Kofi, and Xavier segment as it didn't make the cut for Hulu unfortunately, but found a video of it. Great to see they're finally doing something with these guys, especially Kofi and Xavier. This is obviously going to be a make or break angle; it can either bomb terribly or be a roaring success. We are the Nation!:


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NXT Review:


The Ascension vs Those Guys - We need new tag champs. The Ascension are treading water while they wait to be called up to the main roster.

Breeze vs Mojo - Super quick squash match. Breeze's injured finger must still be healing up.

Summer vs Charlotte (NXT Womens Championship) - Disappointing match. It started like a scrappy Divas match, the pace was too slow and with no babyface to root for the crowd got restless.

The Vaudevillians vs Kalisto & Sin Cara - Fun match won by the Luchadors. This should be a feud that leads to a #1 contenders match.

Neville vs Rusev - Soild non-title match. DQ caused by Breeze was lazy booking. They should have had him distract Neville in a creative way that fit his character. The best part was Renee comparing Lana and Rusev to Khaleesi and her dragons from Game of Thrones.


Verdict: Weakest show since before the last PPV.

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Smackdown Review:


MizTV - Miz gave an acceptance speech. He asked his mom at ringside who her favorite superstar was and she said Roman Reigns, which was funny. Bo came out and he and Miz are now buddies. Ziggler came out and Bo hit him from behind after he took a swing at Miz.

Dallas vs Ziggler - Solid fast-paced match. Miz distracted Ziggler to give Bo the victory. Miz then slammed Ziggler face-first into the ringpost.

The Usos vs Rybaxel - Solid match but the Usos winning with Twin Magic was silly. Rybaxel would be more interesting if Axel wrestled a more technical style (with the Perfect Plex as his finisher) and they let Ryback show his personality on the mic.

Ambrose vs Cesaro (No DQ) - PPV quality match. Lots of kendo stick submissions and chair spots, including a Cesaro deadlift superplex on Ambrose from the apron onto a pile of chairs. Ambrose won with a roll-up before getting his ass whooped by Rollins and Cesaro.

Naomi vs Paige - Paige skipped around the ring and cut a trolling promo about still being friends with AJ. When Cameron's entrance theme (which sounds good) hit, Paige clobbered Naomi from behind and hit her with the Cradle DDT (which Cole incorrectly called the RamPaige) then the PTO. Cameron attacked Naomi.

Dust Brothers - Perhaps their best backstage segment yet.

R-Truth vs Bray - Squash match.

Reigns vs Del Rio - Good match. Del Rio targeted Roman's arm throughout and Roman did well to sell the damage. Del Rio proved once again how well he works with everyone on the roster and Reigns proved he can wrestle a good singles match with the right booking and opponent.


Verdict: Good show. I like the focus they put on the midcard early on. The 2 main matches were well worth watching.

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I'm watching The Rockers vs Haku & The Barbarian from WrestleMania VII and they're talking bout how much bigger Haku is than Shawn Michaels. At this point, Michaels is huge(compared to the rest of his career) and Haku is only slightly larger. They were acting like Haku was Vader or something. Mind boggling.


Speaking of mind boggling, I don't think I'll ever understand why Haku/Meng & Barbarian as a team never got a title run in WCW or WWF. They looked like total bad asses and worked together really well. Then again, even as a kid I was a die hard Faces of Fear fan so I might be a little biased.

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It's definitely happened. Front page of wwe.com has an article announcing the hiring of Fergal Devitt, he will report to NXT starting this week.

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I'm hoping for the return of the manager-mode, and it might just happen as WCW seems to be confirmed. It would be a relatively new thing for them, and I honestly can't think of any new other game modes. That said, it's just a rumor and the artical dates back a full month.

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<p>It always strikes me as odd that people see Sting and Justin Gabriel, then jump to the conclusion that WCW and NXT are going to be huge features. I would welcome both, as I really like playing as Goldberg and Hollywood Hogan in 2k14, and I'd love to have Sami Zayn in the actual game roster... But literally nothing 2K have said points at either.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, I'm totally fine with the existing game modes - Universe could just get some sort of promo/backstage element added and it'd be the multiplayer season mode that has always been close to perfection (SD2, Raw 2) but never quite there.</p><p> </p><p>

What I want is new (or returning) match types. 2v2v2 anything, Championship Scramble and/or Hardcore Time Limit...</p>

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<p>To bring the discussion towards Raw, I dont know what it is and it might just be me, but for some reason I really enjoy Cena's promos when hes being serious. He's easily one of the best mic workers of his generation when he's firing on all cylinders, although in the post AE that's not saying much when you can probably name all of the truly great talkers with maybe both hands. That being said, I dont have a doubt in my mind that Cena would've done extremely well in the 80's and very well for himself in the 90's as well just going by his mic skills.</p><p> </p><p>

Cena still has a stale character but if he cut promos like he did with Paul last night more often then I'd still be a Cena fan through it all.</p><p> </p><p>

As for 2K15, I would like to buy it right out of the gate or maybe even pre-order but why pay full price when you dont know how good the game is going to be? I'd rather wait until the price drops at least halfway and reviews come in before I get it. I'll admit I jumped the gun when I bought WWE '13 (but ended up enjoying it, although it gets old fast with nothing but Universe) but I did skip 2K14.</p><p> </p><p>

As for game modes, I hope that we really get a WWE version of what 2K has done in the NBA 2K games, with an always evolving, WWE centered pro wrestling world with CPU generated wrestlers debuting, wrestlers retiring, wrestlers even dying randomly, etc so you really feel like you're in the wrestling business. I'd also like to see a return of GM Mode with the same evolving aspect of what the other 2K games offer.</p>

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Thats why i hope they can add in AI generated wrestlers in every year, so at least Universe/Career will always have a slew of new upcoming talebt that can be stars in a few years and everything wont get old quick.


Not jinxing it but depending on how involved 2k actually is we may just get the same game, but I have enough faith that we may actually have a new experience this time around.

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Raw Review:


Opening segment - Props to Cena for a passionate, joke-free promo. Even so, the way Super Cena's booked, Brock beating the Streak is the only thing stopping the underdog angle from being laughable. Heyman was great as expected. Cesaro was funny but his delivery in English isn't near as good as when he speaks in German.

Cena vs Cesaro - Good match. Top Rope AA (Altitude Adjustment?) was cool. Makes me think a Top Rope Samoan Drop would be a good addition to Roman's arsenal.

Paige & AJ - Fun segment. Divas segments are no longer stuck in the bathroom break slot. Paige is the female equivalent of Bo Dallas minus the inspirational stuff. "Casper looking crumpet" :D Can the crowds at least start chanting "Phil Brooks the Walking Dead Enthusiast" instead?

The Authority & Jericho - Jeritroll!

Miz & Rybaxel vs Ziggler & The Usos - Solid but forgettable match. Ziggler is winning a lot and I like it. I'm interested to see what they do with the New Nation. Are they heels or tweeners? They better not get the 3MB treatment.

R-Truth vs Dallas - R-truth is the One Behind the One in the 18 and One -- WTF! Worth it to see Bo act more like a heel but I'm still in shock. They need to get him into a proper feud ASAP to capitilize on his heat. I'd love to see him beat Sheamus for the US Title (using the exposed turnbuckle like he did on NXT) and act like he's the face of the WWE.

Rusev/Lana/Swagger/Zeb - Flag on a Pole match at SummerSlam? Zeb's cliche-ridden promo got the crowd warmed up. The brawl was decent but the shaky cam was nausea-inducing. Watching a non-HD verson on my PC probably doesn't help.

Kane vs Reigns - The brawl was better than the promised match. Good to see Orton kicking ass since he's been putting over all his major opponents since WM30. Triple Threat at SummerSlam with Reigns winning followed by Reigns vs Trips at NOC?

Jericho vs Rollins - Good match. I'd forgotten about Bray until his entrance sting played.

Steph/Brie - Not a fan of the Bellas but I'm enjoying the build to this feud. Brie's line delivery sucks. Steph on the other hand is awesome!


Verdict: Solid show but only 2 quality matches in 3 hours is not good enough. I can get that in 2 hours of Smackdown. And no Ambrose.



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dpoolez" data-cite="dpoolez" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thats why i hope they can add in AI generated wrestlers in every year, so at least Universe/Career will always have a slew of new upcoming talebt that can be stars in a few years and everything wont get old quick.<p> </p><p> Not jinxing it but depending on how involved 2k actually is we may just get the same game, but I have enough faith that we may actually have a new experience this time around.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Cory Ledesma and Aubrey Stitterson have been let go, and they were the driving force behind a lot of the worst parts of the series. Sadly Bryan Williams remains but he must have something to offer if 2K have kept him on. In general, Visual Concepts (NBA 2K) are the main developer, with Yukes taking direction from them.</p>
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<p>Million Dollar Man had an interesting take on the Streak ending.</p><p> </p><p> From <a href="http://www.prowrestling.net/article.php?WWE-Hall-of-Famer-Ted-DiBiase-on-Bray-Wyatt-the-end-of-Undertaker-s-WrestleMania-Streak-38223" rel="external nofollow">ProWrestling.Net</a></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>On the Undertaker’s Streak: "My personal feeling is that wasn’t supposed to happen. I don’t know for sure, I hadn’t spoken to anybody that night, I haven’t spoken to anybody since but, I was told, somebody said that when ‘Taker when he got back through the curtain, he collapsed. And I think that whatever the move was, I think he got knocked out and he didn’t kick out because he was out. As I was watching it I saw the expression on [Paul Heyman]‘s face I thought, ‘Something ain’t right.’ So I really think that wasn’t supposed to happen... If I were going to do it, the Streak was such a thing, a big deal with fans, I would either never beat him at WrestleMania or if I did beat him I would do it with somebody you’re really gonna give a big push... Obviously, Brock’s great, but he didn’t need it."</div></blockquote>
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On Undertaker's streak, it worked from storytelling point of view, but Brock Lesnar was absolutely the wrong person to end it. It was WWE thinking short term, as per usual. Ending the streak could have made somebody's career, but it's just yet another accolade to add to Brock Lesnar's already successful one. He didn't need it. If you're gonna ask me who should end it: Bray Wyatt should have next year, or the year after.


Now, Sandow.


If you want to keep kayfabe alive and well, you could say that he's dressing up as different characters to try and get The Authority's attention and do something each week that people won't just forget once the show is over. From that perspective, it works, because I loved his Vince McMahon impersonation and I come away from RAW every week entertained by Sandow's antics.


The only reason I want to see WWE do something more with him is because he's a genuine heel and they have very few of them right now. He actually gets boo's, that's an achievement in this day and age. They're really dropping the ball here, you have somebody that's that annoying and you have him lose in minutes? Where's the logic there? They could build Sandow up as a Ric Flair type heel, the kind of person that you pay to see lose but yet somehow finds a way to win every time. It would be perfect because a man with such a high IQ could bust out roll-up pins that are impossible to kick out of, as opposed to using high-octane, high-risk moves that all WWE superstars seem to use.


All this takes is for a WWE writer to sit down at a table with a piece of paper and come up with some ideas of what they can do with Sandow. Surely it's not that hard? They have 6 hours of TV each week, people being wasted like this is just inexcusable.

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I have no problem with Brock ending the streak. IMO it wouldnt be right for a less established talent to be able to do what the GOATs couldnt in beating Taker. You also have the possibility of that young guy not being able to live up to the hype and bombing.You also have the possibility of that person getting legit heat with the fans to where they wont accept the guy.


The only people who have any business endig the streak today are Brock, Cena, and Rock. Anybody else wouldnt be right in my opinion. I know people will say that they dont need it but the streak grew into a phenomenon of its own that i dont think itd sit right with most people if a Bray Wyatt or even a Roman Reigns were to do it without building a superstar resume for it first.

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Cena was the only guy if not Brock, especially with the way WWE books young talent and there is no way they would have risked Cena getting ridiculous heat for the rest of his career even beyond normal.


What if you give it to Wyatt a 26 year old and then he breaks a bone? Or what if he fades away slowly due to crappy booking like he is now? With Brock they can milk a surefire draw for a few years and Brock wrestles multiple matches per year as opposed to Taker's one. It essentially makes him the new Undertaker except more active and arguably (probably) a better draw

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It gives Heyman instant credibility too. Heyman gets almost as much out of it ending as Brock does in terms of future clients and whatnot. It didn't work with Cesaro because they just weren't a pair that should've been together IMO, but it's another thing to add onto his resume.
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Cena was the only guy if not Brock, especially with the way WWE books young talent and there is no way they would have risked Cena getting ridiculous heat for the rest of his career even beyond normal.


What if you give it to Wyatt a 26 year old and then he breaks a bone? Or what if he fades away slowly due to crappy booking like he is now? With Brock they can milk a surefire draw for a few years and Brock wrestles multiple matches per year as opposed to Taker's one. It essentially makes him the new Undertaker except more active and arguably (probably) a better draw


Honestly I dont think that most fans would care for long if Cena broke the streak just as long as he turned heel or freshened up his character first. Other than that I agree with WWE not wanting to risk him getting more heat.


Another reason why Brock is a good choice is because he's already a heel and he most likely doesnt give a crap about what the fans have to say as long as he gets his money. He wouldnt let the heat he gets get under his skin like Cena or a young rookie would.


Another thing. Building Bray Wyatt or another rookie to be good enough to beat Taker would at least take two years, and let's face it, Taker's not getting any younger. I would've loved to see Taker go for another three years after this year to face Jericho, Sting, Cena, and maybe even Rock for a fourth year, but when your body says that you're done then you're done. I wouldn't want Taker to further put his health on the line to put over somebody that may not be a sure thing.


At least with Brock, you know that he doesnt have anywhere else to really go outside of WWE that'd hurt the company in any way, TNA certainly doesnt have Brock Lesnar money, so unless he retires soon, which most likely wont happen considering the money he makes, he'll be around for a long time to essentially be the WWE's new final boss.

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