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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I am still annoyed that Roman Reigns got anther title shot. They have already done Reigns Vs Rollins. Not to mention Reigns sucks both in the ring and on the mic.


It's only his third title match this year and they've all been spaced out, not like it's Orton Cena 3 or 4 months in a row or even Bryan Orton from a couple years back.

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I am still annoyed that Roman Reigns got anther title shot. They have already done Reigns Vs Rollins. Not to mention Reigns sucks both in the ring and on the mic.


It's only his third title match this year and they've all been spaced out, not like it's Orton Cena 3 or 4 months in a row or even Bryan Orton from a couple years back.


Adding onto this, unless I've missed something Reigns hasn't had a 1 on 1 with Rollins for the title. It's all been multi man scenarios where they've faced off.

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Adding onto this, unless I've missed something Reigns hasn't had a 1 on 1 with Rollins for the title. It's all been multi man scenarios where they've faced off.


I agree, and plus last year on RAW, right before NOC where Reigns got injured, Reigns vs Rollins was REALLY good. So it should be interesting.

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Here are Roman Reigns' star ratings from Dave Meltzer this year.


  • Fastlane vs. Daniel Bryan - ****1/2
  • WrestleMania vs. Lesnar & Rollins - ****1/2
  • Extreme Rules vs. Big Show - ****
  • Payback vs. Rollins, Orton & Ambrose - ***3/4
  • MITB, Ladder Match - ***1/2
  • Battleground vs. Bray Wyatt - ***3/4
  • Summerslam, w/ Ambrose vs. Wyatt & Harper - ***1/2
  • Night of Champions, w/ Jericho & Ambrose vs. Wyatt, Harper & Strowman - ****
  • Hell In A Cell vs. Bray Wyatt - ***3/4


Reigns was carried in all those matches. Look at people he worked with in those matches.

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Reigns was carried in all those matches. Look at people he worked with in those matches.


I mean that's true, but so what? That's how pro wrestling works.


Sting's 1989 star ratings:


Clash 1: Flair vs Sting, ****3/4

Clash 2: Tully and Arn vs Dusty and Sting, ***1/4

Clash 3: Tully and Arn vs Koloff and Sting, ***1/4

Clash 4: Sting vs Barry Windham, ***1/4

Starrcade: Dusty & Sting vs the Road Warriors, **3/4


Pfff, it's almost like this 29 year old who can't talk is only in good matches because he's working with great veteran talents!

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</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/E4hA5lgJuDA?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Daniel Bryan - injury, firings, Wrestlemania, ROH, etc - Sam Roberts"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Straying away from the subject a little...I just now stumbled upon this interview but its really good!</p>

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<p>You know those instances in TEW where you have a mediocre (C-) segment/match before the main event and it gets an extra boost (A) because of the quality discrepancy?</p><p> </p><p>

Eva Marie's appearance wasn't one of those moments. It's one of those E- matches (and I'm being lenient here) that drag down all segments that come after (in this case: luckily just one). And still they continue to parade her in front of us. It's like some dignitary championed her for NXT and refuses to let go despite the obvious feedback received, and rather lets the ship sink than throw away a - albeit hot - passenger.</p><p> </p><p>

Another negative point was the intervention post-match of a guy that isn't well liked. Sure, he should get his shot, and this is the conventional way to do it. It wasn't badly booked imo, but came across poor (because of the programmed disappointment; no other choice, really). The previous match leaves people longing for something great, and they didn't get it -> bad show (relatively speaking)</p>

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You know those instances in TEW where you have a mediocre (C-) segment/match before the main event and it gets an extra boost (A) because of the quality discrepancy?


Eva Marie's appearance wasn't one of those moments. It's one of those E- matches (and I'm being lenient here) that drag down all segments that come after (in this case: luckily just one). And still they continue to parade her in front of us. It's like some dignitary championed her for NXT and refuses to let go despite the obvious feedback received, and rather lets the ship sink than throw away a - albeit hot - passenger.


Another negative point was the intervention post-match of a guy that isn't well liked. Sure, he should get his shot, and this is the conventional way to do it. It wasn't badly booked imo, but came across poor (because of the programmed disappointment; no other choice, really). The previous match leaves people longing for something great, and they didn't get it -> bad show (relatively speaking)


That was actually Eva's best match but only because they scripted it so she looked a little less terrible. She needs another 6 months of training before she's ready to job on TV and a whole lot more before she deserves a winning streak and title shot (if ever). At least Cameron looked decent jobbing to Asuka.


As for the main event, they have 2 options now. Build to a Fatal Fourway at Takeover: London or start separate feuds of Corbin/Crews and Balor/Joe.

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A lot of people are predicting the finals to be Ambrose and Reigns. Ideally, I'd like Ambrose turn heel and to win and keeping Reigns as the babyface chasing the heel champion. Helps build Reigns more before eventually winning the belt and Ambrose gets his time to shine.
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A lot of people are predicting the finals to be Ambrose and Reigns. Ideally, I'd like Ambrose turn heel and to win and keeping Reigns as the babyface chasing the heel champion. Helps build Reigns more before eventually winning the belt and Ambrose gets his time to shine.


I'd love to see Ambrose with the belt for a bit. I wouldn't mind if Reigns chased him for a bit either. I'd be ok with this.

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A lot of people are predicting the finals to be Ambrose and Reigns. Ideally, I'd like Ambrose turn heel and to win and keeping Reigns as the babyface chasing the heel champion. Helps build Reigns more before eventually winning the belt and Ambrose gets his time to shine.


I don't want Ambrose to turn heel he is such a good face. Reigns gets a lot of legit heat from the fans, turn him heel. Have Ambrose win the belt then Reigns cheap shots him after a handshake.


Today a record as been set, because Vacant is the only man in history to hold both the TNA and WWE championships at the same time. :D


I actually laughed at that. Thanks for the laugh.

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That was actually Eva's best match but only because they scripted it so she looked a little less terrible. She needs another 6 months of training before she's ready to job on TV and a whole lot more before she deserves a winning streak and title shot (if ever). At least Cameron looked decent jobbing to Asuka.


As for the main event, they have 2 options now. Build to a Fatal Fourway at Takeover: London or start separate feuds of Corbin/Crews and Balor/Joe.


One thing I found strange about that match (I'm just watching this now)... Did they even say her opponent's name?


She was far more impressive than Eva, but they didn't give the usual nameplate, and she's listed as "Local Competitor" on WWE.com lol


As for Cameron, I think that it just shows how good Asuka is that she made that match as good as it was. Maybe Cameron has improved, it's too early to say, but what I saw was mostly Asuka being awesome.

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Reigns should replace Seth in the Authority role. Reigns can and could be an awesome babyface if done right. He shouldn't talk at all, just go to the ring kick ass and leave. 10 minute promos expose his weakness and the fans eat him up. I think if they want him to talk turn him heel and let him get better that way. Have Ambrose and eventually Cena and Bryan chase him for the title and defend it at Mania against a Brock or Taker.



I think Eva is brining it, she could be NXTs number one heel. I like it because people legit hate her and its awesome.


Also expect Rollins to return as a mega babyface.

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Reigns should replace Seth in the Authority role. Reigns can and could be an awesome babyface if done right. He shouldn't talk at all, just go to the ring kick ass and leave. 10 minute promos expose his weakness and the fans eat him up. I think if they want him to talk turn him heel and let him get better that way. Have Ambrose and eventually Cena and Bryan chase him for the title and defend it at Mania against a Brock or Taker.



I think Eva is brining it, she could be NXTs number one heel. I like it because people legit hate her and its awesome.


Also expect Rollins to return as a mega babyface.


Roman Reigns could work as a heel because a lot of fans, myself included legit hate him.

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Yea I think a good plan B would be put the belt on a Heel Roman. Roman be a monster Heel that goes on a Hall of Pain type run. He just starts killing everyone no matter how the crowd reacts. Keep him strong until all the way to Summerslam then give everyone that feel good moment of finally giving the belt to Ambrose. By that time he would have D'Bryan momentum hopefully be a little healthier at that point.
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If it were me, I'd probably give the title back to Lesnar, but I dunno. A tourney could be a golden chance to bring a new superstar to the top of the company, (Cesaro or perhaps Owens), but I doubt WWE will go in that direction.


A heel Reigns could work - I would have bet money Reigns was gonna turn heel after his Royal Rumble win... and all the fan chants there. I thought for sure his match with Daniel Bryan at Fastlane was gonna be a replay of the Bret Hart - Diesel match from Survivor Series way back when.


I think he might actually be cooler as a heel, I could be wrong though. I've kind of been expecting Ambrose to turn on him for a while now.

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I'd put the belt on Bray, play up the 25 year anniversary of Undertaker's debut, 24 years since his first title reign.


And lol, heel Roman. You guys are too much.


Exactly my thoughts. Adds almost instant legitimacy to his claims of having Taker and Kane's souls as well as changes the top of the card up. Wyatt on top gives an excuse to quietly end The Authority (or have their new chosen one decimated at the hands of Wyatt which leads to their end).


I don't think Roman would necessarily be a bad choice though. I just don't see Ambrose as champion at all. He's more of an eternal challenger to me. Roman as champion for a short while would be interesting to see. Lesnar being made champ would just be hitting the reset button hard.

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I'm probably going to be in the minority here, but a tournament (which is what I hear is happening) seems a great time to try to elevate more guys.


Were I fantasy booking it (tempting to go find a mod and do so), it'd probably be Ambrose, Reigns, Cesaro, Neville, Kane, Wyatt, Seamus & Barrett (ideally Rusev over one of the other heels but he's out) as 8 guys going for the belt.


Roman & Dean go to a draw (double count out? double 10 count in ring?) and are both eliminated.


Wyatt beats Kane in the first round and it's almost a squash. Kane seems drained and beaten and Wyatt revels in his newfound powers. Due to the double elim, Wyatt gets a bye to the finals.


Cesaro beats Seamus in a hard-hitting bout, especially because they have such great matches against each other. Cesaro gets attacked by Seamus after the match.


Barrett beats Neville, because Barrett beats Neville every time.


The only semi-final is Barrett vs Cesaro and Cesaro guts through and gets past Barrett as well.


The finals are Wyatt vs Cesaro. Wyatt has to win that, but Cesaro could be made to look like an extremely legitimate title contender here.


I know some guys are missing (Del Rio, Ziggler, Owens, Ryback, off the top of my head), but I had to limit it somehow. Ziggler could be subbed for Neville, Owens & Del Rio for Seamus & Barrett, they have plenty of options.

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I'm probably going to be in the minority here, but a tournament (which is what I hear is happening) seems a great time to try to elevate more guys.


Were I fantasy booking it (tempting to go find a mod and do so), it'd probably be Ambrose, Reigns, Cesaro, Neville, Kane, Wyatt, Seamus & Barrett (ideally Rusev over one of the other heels but he's out) as 8 guys going for the belt.


Roman & Dean go to a draw (double count out? double 10 count in ring?) and are both eliminated.


Wyatt beats Kane in the first round and it's almost a squash. Kane seems drained and beaten and Wyatt revels in his newfound powers. Due to the double elim, Wyatt gets a bye to the finals.


Cesaro beats Seamus in a hard-hitting bout, especially because they have such great matches against each other. Cesaro gets attacked by Seamus after the match.


Barrett beats Neville, because Barrett beats Neville every time.


The only semi-final is Barrett vs Cesaro and Cesaro guts through and gets past Barrett as well.


The finals are Wyatt vs Cesaro. Wyatt has to win that, but Cesaro could be made to look like an extremely legitimate title contender here.


I know some guys are missing (Del Rio, Ziggler, Owens, Ryback, off the top of my head), but I had to limit it somehow. Ziggler could be subbed for Neville, Owens & Del Rio for Seamus & Barrett, they have plenty of options.


I like the idea of the participants here. I'd take Neville over any of your alternate options. Del Rio and Owens are current champs, I'd keep them that way.


Ziggler's feuding with Breeze and coming out of one of the worst storylines in recent history, I'd keep him away from the title picture for now.


Ryback is the worst... That's about all I have to say about him and why he should stay away from the title picture.

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It's the perfect time for Vince to drum up some IWC goodwill by pushing Cesaro or Ambrose to the moon. Then have Sheamus cash in at TLC and Reigns chase the title as a babyface. Or just turn Reigns heel against Ambrose or Cesaro. The easy storyline is that he's p***ed because he got screwed out of his 1v1 title match at Survivor Series and he doesn't want to wait any longer to get his hands on the belt. Just copy this week's NXT and make him conflicted at first.


Today a record as been set, because Vacant is the only man in history to hold both the TNA and WWE championships at the same time. :D



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