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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'd like to throw my 2 cents in to the last question, if I may. I'd like to note character work is number 1 to me. I need a reason to care or not to care about someone. Second is mic work to further draw me in. In ring is last, but very important to me. I don't necessarily mean chain wrestling, more the way you're booked in ring. For example the Mark Henry Hall of Pain run in that he's a horrible technical wrestler, but the way they booked him from an in ring (out of ring as well) was pure gold at that time.


1. Bray Wyatt

His character work is so golden. When he starts talking, I forget it's scripted. He draws me in like nobody else at the moment. In ring work is solid enough to keep me drawn in as long as his matches don't go for a half hour.


2. Kevin Owens

The PERFECT heel. In a scripted product, he makes me hate him with his mic work. He bastardizes a crowd with a mic in his hand and makes you boo him. I'm a huge fan of his, but once he starts talking it's hard not to hate him. The spot with Balor in Brooklyn where he went up the ramp and ran at Balor who was on the ladder just to stop and punch him was golden. Such a perfect guy to hate.


3. Seth Rollins

Character sucked, mic work was getting better. Reminds me so much of Edge with his delivery of a promo. Best in ring guy on the roster by far. Handsome guy. Could definitely see him as the top baby face.


4. Apollo Crews

Character is developing slowly and haven't heard him talk much at all. The in ring work is great especially for a guy his size and his look is incredible. Tremendous presence about him.


5. Roman Reigns

I'm loving the rebelious, kick ass, take no prisoners character he has shown of late. Time will tell if it continues. Mic work still sucks. He needs to say very little. Use more facial expressions, which he's very good at. In ring work is coming along very slowly, but he's getting there. He can pace a match better and carry his load aside from the wow moves he had in The Shield. Look is of course off the charts.


6. Chad Gable

I look at him as Kurt Angle 2.0. Really strong character work with JJ and really solid on the mic. A little too heavy on comedy to be taken serious as a main event guy, but it can be toned down. In ring is phenomenal.


I didn't put Dean because they've castrated him to the point where I don't really care anymore. His character is now a an idol of Roman Reigns. He's supposed to be the lunatic fringe, but never nears lunacy. Actually make him unstable and you'll have something captivating. Get dqed by biting your opponent's ear. Tear up the area around the ring. Attack guys with no reasoning behind it. Have crazy promos. He's so bland right now.


1. Bray is great on the mic, but people expect him to be the "New Undertaker" basically already. They don't understand he has to lose sometimes and they aren't being "buried". I love the guy and see a bright future, best mic work in a while, with an interesting gimmick to boot. The two just go hand in hand.


2. Huge fan of KO, I think he is no doubt going to be the best heel not too far off. But they need to build him right, I saw people complaining he lost the IC title, but I think it means he's moving forward. A bit early in terms of how new he is to WWE I think, but the guy definitely has the talent.


3. Seth is IMO the most solid all rounder in WWE. Guy is now a made superstar, people didn't even realize how much they liked him til he was gone lol. Hope his injury doesn't hinder his future. I feel for him because I tore my ACL and meniscus at once too a few years ago.


4. Appollo is good in ring but seems very green to me. Every two moves hes slapping his thighs for an enziguri, just thought he could do better. Mic work is way cheesy. I could see a future though, guy has the it factor.


5. I honestly just felt a few weeks ago that I didn't want Roman to win the title. The way they booked it was okay. Roman wasn't flapping his mouth repeating himself, or at least if he was the crowd seemed more into it. I'm not sold the guy should be the "Face of WWE" right now, but he definitely has potential. Guy just needs to evolve his moveset and character. I hate that I watch a match from him and I'm surprised (but happy) that he did a new move because hes predictable. If the guy can learn to go with the flow and not rely on your special moves I think people would get off his back so much. Throw in a running powerbomb as opposed to that goofy one armed one you do, little stuff. I agree with everything you said on his character though.


6. I can't lie I love Jordan and Gable and I hope they bring a spark to the tag division thats been missing for a while. Hoping for a Jordan and Gable match vs Kidd and Cesaro eventually once they are healthy!

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It honestly still pisses me off that Roman Reigns is WWE Champion when he does not deserve it and is only getting pushed because he is The Rock's cousin. He is untalented, boring and all around terrible. Sheamus should have retained, I hope he gets the belt back at Royal Rumble, maybe HHH costs him the title and finalizes HHH Vs Reigns at WM. I just can't stand Roman Reigns. I never will like him no matter what.


I don't think Sheamus is the right person to put the belt on at this point either. His mic work is atrocious, and his matches are generally fairly boring. He just doesn't seem like someone who should hold the top belt to me. He's more suited for a US or IC title in my eyes.


Seeing as how I don't really like Roman as the champ, with the number of injuries there are right now, it's tough to say who should have the world title.


I think Kevin Owens is an obvious choice. The dude's in ring abilities are top notch, and he's great on the mic and getting heat.


Bray Wyatt is a possibility, but he has generally been booked exceptionally weak as a singles wrestler, so I'm not sure if he'd be a great fit right now without some more build.


They could bring Brock back and give him the belt, but I honestly hated his last title reign. The world champ shouldn't be disappearing for months at a time without so much as cutting a promo or defending the belt.


Other people who could potentially hold the belt right now and hold it well are Daniel Bryan (if he's ever cleared again, which I heard he might never be cleared), Neville (would need build), maybe someone from New Day, but that might be a bit of a stretch at this point. Or... (and I can't believe I'm about to say this) John Cena. I generally don't really care for him, but his work with the US title was pretty impressive. He could be a good person to hold it or a bit until people recover from injuries, but he's also on vacation right now.

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I don't think Sheamus is the right to put the belt on at this point either. His mic work is atrocious, and his matches are generally fairly boring. He just doesn't seem like someone who should hold the top belt to me. He's more suited for a US or IC title in my eyes.


Seeing as how I don't really like Roman as the champ, with the number of injuries there are right now, it's tough to say who should have the world title.


I think Kevin Owens is an obvious choice. The dude's in ring abilities are top notch, and he's great on the mic and getting heat.


Bray Wyatt is a possibility, but he has generally been booked exceptionally weak as a singles wrestler, so I'm not sure if he'd be a great fit right now without some more build.


They could bring Brock back and give him the belt, but I honestly hated his last title reign. The world champ shouldn't be disappearing for months at a time without so much as cutting a promo or defending the belt.


Other people who could potentially hold the belt right now and hold it well are Daniel Bryan (if he's ever cleared again, which I heard he might never be cleared), Neville (would need build), maybe someone from New Day, but that might be a bit of a stretch at this point. Or... (and I can't believe I'm about to say this) John Cena. I generally don't really care for him, but his work with the US title was pretty impressive. He could be a good person to hold it or a bit until people recover from injuries, but he's also on vacation right now.


I think Roman has a great chance to succeed on paper right now. Even if his massive cheers were just because he finally "got rid" of Trips or because he was in the ring with the best heel ever in VKM and gave him that goofy punch... He's still in a program with HHH, or so it would seem. Triple H is a heat magnet on the main roster because we're sick of seeing him. Reigns will get the cheers for being the lesser evil, and it'll give him a chance to get over as a champion. My biggest worry is that now that he has cheers, he's going to go back to being the off brand Cena and get destroyed again by the fans.

My Roman is the early Evolution Batista. Talk very little; let your body language speak for you. Whip everyone's ass. And for me personally, stop pandering to the damn crowd after every single effing move you do. Every time I see him move his arms back and forth like Rusev after knocking his opponent dow , I want to come into the ring and give him a Randy Orton punt to the nuts. It is so irritating how much he panders. JUST WORK THE DAMN MATCH! But I like him well enough.

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Roman Reigns is carried in every good match he has. He is a terrible worker. I just can't stand him. I despise the way he is booked and the fact he is champion. Roman Reigns is not a deserving champion at all. Dean Ambrose should be champion right now. I just hope Reigns losses the title ASAP and he gets stuck in mid card hell. Fans need to boo Reigns every chance they get but the stupid sheeple won't boo him.
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Roman Reigns is carried in every good match he has. He is a terrible worker. I just can't stand him. I despise the way he is booked and the fact he is champion. Roman Reigns is not a deserving champion at all. Dean Ambrose should be champion right now. I just hope Reigns losses the title ASA and he gets stuck in mid card hell. Fans need to boo Reigns every chance they get but the stupid sheeple won't boo him.


Tell us more about your profound love for Roman Reigns.

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What was everyone's favorite match from the Takeover show?


Asuka vs Emma from a technical standpoint. Nia vs Bayley from a storytelling standpoint.


Balor vs Joe was good, and while Joe put in his best performance to date, I feel like Balor has stopped improving. While Balor vs Corbin sounds good on paper, both guys are going to have to pull out something special to deliver a great match.



It honestly still pisses me off that Roman Reigns is WWE Champion when he does not deserve it and is only getting pushed because he is The Rock's cousin. He is untalented, boring and all around terrible. Sheamus should have retained, I hope he gets the belt back at Royal Rumble, maybe HHH costs him the title and finalizes HHH Vs Reigns at WM. I just can't stand Roman Reigns. I never will like him no matter what.


I would have agreed last year but Reigns has paid his dues. He's been involved in a lot of good PPV matches since the last Rumble and worked his ass off every week. He's handled himself really well despite all the heat from the fans and questionable booking. You expect Cena to be able to deal with that but Reigns is a rookie compared to Cena.

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I agree. Reigns has impressed me as of late in the way he handles his own situation. Must not be easy.


Instead of declaring even more love for Emma, I thought I saw a couple of inconsistencies in her match. But it was booked in an awesome way. The UK NXT house shows had her working a program with Bayley so please let us see a couple of matches. She won't take the title though with so many heels over there. Tinkerbell was paired up with Asuka, which seems weird. Wonder how they'll set that up (if it actually happens).

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If there is anybody interested in entering a WWE & NXT Predictions League for 2016 that has a prize for the winner (free entry), drop me a PM and I'll send you the details. It will be starting soon as there's a couple of bonus rounds before the Rumble PPV.


The prize would be WWE2K17 on PS4/Xbox One or a GDS game (user's choice). Let me know.

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Roman Reigns is carried in every good match he has. He is a terrible worker. I just can't stand him. I despise the way he is booked and the fact he is champion. Roman Reigns is not a deserving champion at all. Dean Ambrose should be champion right now. I just hope Reigns losses the title ASA and he gets stuck in mid card hell. Fans need to boo Reigns every chance they get but the stupid sheeple won't boo him.


It's good to see that your Reigns love has come down from Skype to the forums. I can't wait to see more of this...

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Roman Reigns is carried in every good match he has. He is a terrible worker. I just can't stand him. I despise the way he is booked and the fact he is champion. Roman Reigns is not a deserving champion at all. Dean Ambrose should be champion right now. I just hope Reigns losses the title ASAP and he gets stuck in mid card hell. Fans need to boo Reigns every chance they get but the stupid sheeple won't boo him.


And you would be right....had this back in the beginning of 2013. But now? I'd say he's earned his stripes, worked hard on his craft and became a more solid wrestler than most people in WWE.


Playing devil's advocate for a moment, But Dean Ambrose is intercontinental champion. That may not mean much right now, but after seeing Kevin Owens have an impressive reign with the belt; and the impressive history it has, I think he's going to live. You can't expect a world champion right away you know.


Also, that last segment pretty much cements the problem I have with the post, so just because we won't boo Reigns; we're sheep? Not only is that a incorrect statement, it's also a very ignorant statement to make; by saying that, you are coming off as pretentious and someone who thinks that he knows what's best for business.


Might I make a suggestion? Try making a dynasty, if you have TEW 2013; you can run the promotion the way you want to run it. It may take some work and a few attempts, but if you take the time to work at it; You could make a pretty solid writer.

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If there is anybody interested in entering a WWE & NXT Predictions League for 2016 that has a prize for the winner (free entry), drop me a PM and I'll send you the details. It will be starting soon as there's a couple of bonus rounds before the Rumble PPV.


The prize would be WWE2K17 on PS4/Xbox One or a GDS game (user's choice). Let me know.


As somebody once told me: if you build it up, people will come.

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And you would be right....had this back in the beginning of 2013. But now? I'd say he's earned his stripes, worked hard on his craft and became a more solid wrestler than most people in WWE.


Playing devil's advocate for a moment, But Dean Ambrose is intercontinental champion. That may not mean much right now, but after seeing Kevin Owens have an impressive reign with the belt; and the impressive history it has, I think he's going to live. You can't expect a world champion right away you know.


Also, that last segment pretty much cements the problem I have with the post, so just because we won't boo Reigns; we're sheep? Not only is that a incorrect statement, it's also a very ignorant statement to make; by saying that, you are coming off as pretentious and someone who thinks that he knows what's best for business.


Might I make a suggestion? Try making a dynasty, if you have TEW 2013; you can run the promotion the way you want to run it. It may take some work and a few attempts, but if you take the time to work at it; You could make a pretty solid writer.


I applaud you Russel for that post but your talking to a wall on this subject with warhawk. He's of the same mind as people who blindly hate on Cena for being the top guy. Nothing Regins ever does will be good and any awesome matches he has will he the result of whomever he's working with.


On the subject of Roman I was a little surprised at the title change coming so soon but I think it was the best follow up to what happened at TLC. I think it will lead not to a Brock rumble win but a title match at the rumble leaving the door open to possibly elevate someone with a rumble win.

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Like I said I will NEVER cheer Roman Reigns. He sucks, that simple. His ring work is terrible, his mic work is even worse. Any good matches he was in he was carried. I hate the fact Vince "Out of touch" McMahon and Triple H both want to force Roman Reigns down our throats and now people are ACCEPTING it? It sickens me that these parasitic gelatinous tapeworms cheer Roman Reigns. The fact I would cheer John Cena over Roman Reigns should tell you a lot because I don't like Cena. It just makes me so mad that Roman Reigns is champion. Anyone who thinks Roman Reigns is a good wrestler needs there head examined at the emergency room. He is only good pushed because he is The Rock's untalented cousin. The sooner this no talent piece of crap losses the title the better. I like the League of Nations as a stable and I want to see them become the next Evolution. All the members of the League are very talented and more deserving of a push than Roman Reigns. Guys like Roman Reigns are a dime a dozen. He should be just a mid carder. He is nothing more than a stupid meathead.
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Like I said I will NEVER cheer Roman Reigns. He sucks, that simple. His ring work is terrible, his mic work is even worse. Any good matches he was in he was carried. I hate the fact Vince "Out of touch" McMahon and Triple H both want to force Roman Reigns down our throats and now people are ACCEPTING it? It sickens me that these parasitic gelatinous tapeworms cheer Roman Reigns. The fact I would cheer John Cena over Roman Reigns should tell you a lot because I don't like Cena. It just makes me so mad that Roman Reigns is champion. Anyone who thinks Roman Reigns is a good wrestler needs there head examined at the emergency room. He is only good pushed because he is The Rock's untalented cousin. The sooner this no talent piece of crap losses the title the better. I like the League of Nations as a stable and I want to see them become the next Evolution. All the members of the League are very talented and more deserving of a push than Roman Reigns. Guys like Roman Reigns are a dime a dozen. He should be just a mid carder. He is nothing more than a stupid meathead.



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Like I said I will NEVER cheer Roman Reigns. He sucks, that simple. His ring work is terrible, his mic work is even worse. Any good matches he was in he was carried. I hate the fact Vince "Out of touch" McMahon and Triple H both want to force Roman Reigns down our throats and now people are ACCEPTING it? It sickens me that these parasitic gelatinous tapeworms cheer Roman Reigns. The fact I would cheer John Cena over Roman Reigns should tell you a lot because I don't like Cena. It just makes me so mad that Roman Reigns is champion. Anyone who thinks Roman Reigns is a good wrestler needs there head examined at the emergency room. He is only good pushed because he is The Rock's untalented cousin. The sooner this no talent piece of crap losses the title the better. I like the League of Nations as a stable and I want to see them become the next Evolution. All the members of the League are very talented and more deserving of a push than Roman Reigns. Guys like Roman Reigns are a dime a dozen. He should be just a mid carder. He is nothing more than a stupid meathead.


I think that's a very harsh assessment. I have a huge problem with Roman Reigns too, I think he's still pretty green and his character work, both on the mic and off is very suspect. I also don't get on board with the great look thing and think his charisma is very heel-slanted. Overall I think the push he's getting IS disproportionate to his ability. That said, to ignore the improvements he's made because of that is baffling to me. Your saying the Big Show and Bray Wyatt carried him? Heck no. His limb selling is world class, his offense is exciting, and I'm sorry if this irks you, but he's over as heck. The booking he's got confirms to me that WWE are set on their "one-star" philosophy and refuse to build an ensemble cast. It also confirms that they're no prepared to let "their guy" look weak (see Cena, John) even in his dirty losses. It's these things I'd be mad at, not the performer himself, and this is a common problem I see with fans these days in my opinion. All the problems can be put squarely at the feet of management in that company, they have one of the most talented rosters in the history of the company.

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Like I said I will NEVER cheer Roman Reigns. He sucks, that simple. His ring work is terrible, his mic work is even worse. Any good matches he was in he was carried. I hate the fact Vince "Out of touch" McMahon and Triple H both want to force Roman Reigns down our throats and now people are ACCEPTING it? It sickens me that these parasitic gelatinous tapeworms cheer Roman Reigns. The fact I would cheer John Cena over Roman Reigns should tell you a lot because I don't like Cena. It just makes me so mad that Roman Reigns is champion. Anyone who thinks Roman Reigns is a good wrestler needs there head examined at the emergency room. He is only good pushed because he is The Rock's untalented cousin. The sooner this no talent piece of crap losses the title the better. I like the League of Nations as a stable and I want to see them become the next Evolution. All the members of the League are very talented and more deserving of a push than Roman Reigns. Guys like Roman Reigns are a dime a dozen. He should be just a mid carder. He is nothing more than a stupid meathead.


Why exactly do you watch WWE if you dislike so much about it? You hate Reigns, Cena, the fact that Sting lost to HHH at WM. Perhaps you should try watching any of the other wrestling companies out there.

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His limb selling is world class, his offense is exciting, and I'm sorry if this irks you, but he's over as heck.


He is one of the few who continue to sell an arm injury (for example) well after the match is over. Hell, Del Rio forgot to sell the fact that Swagger had him in the Patriot Lock for half their match.

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I actually like Roman now. To say that he's been carried in every match is way off. Big Show didn't carry Roman to the best match on the card (I forget the ppv, maybe battleground?) in their last man standing. Roman plays his part in every match. He paces a match much better over the last 3-4 months. If you want proof of that watch the match he had with Orton on ppv (again, forget the ppv name. Please feel free to chime in with the name) was so many rest holds with the big moves peppered in because Reigns had nothing else to offer at that point. I'm not saying his matches are great, by any means. They are however very solid now. Again, his mic and character need work, but it'll come.
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I actually like Roman now. To say that he's been carried in every match is way off. Big Show didn't carry Roman to the best match on the card (I forget the ppv, maybe battleground?) in their last man standing. Roman plays his part in every match. He paces a match much better over the last 3-4 months. If you want proof of that watch the match he had with Orton on ppv (again, forget the ppv name. Please feel free to chime in with the name) was so many rest holds with the big moves peppered in because Reigns had nothing else to offer at that point. I'm not saying his matches are great, by any means. They are however very solid now. Again, his mic and character need work, but it'll come.


Big Show match = Extreme Rules 2015

Orton = Summerslam 2014

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Why exactly do you watch WWE if you dislike so much about it? You hate Reigns, Cena, the fact that Sting lost to HHH at WM. Perhaps you should try watching any of the other wrestling companies out there.


There are wrestlers in WWE that I do like. Cesaro, Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose being three of them that I really like atm.

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There are wrestlers in WWE that I do like. Cesaro, Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose being three of them that I really like atm.


Bryan's segments out of the ring since his injury weren't exactly stellar. Reigns was booked as more of a nut than Ambrose for the TLC PPV, which says enough... And where is Cesaro lately? Must've missed him.


There are several things to like about the product in its current state. I for one like Paige, Stardust, NXT in its entirety, Kevin Owens (the X-mas pic on the site atm is hilarious) and more... New Day's doing well but I don't think they're that funny. I'm no longer 16y old.

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