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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Nearly all of the titles in WWE's history lacked a nameplate actually. There are only a few exceptions.


Yea they didn't start using the name plates until they officially acquired WCW's big gold belt. I love the custom side plates for every new wrestler but I agree about the main plate. But it's still an upgrade from that horrid spinner title.

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From WWE.com



For the first time ever, WWE invites cruiserweights from all over the world to compete in the inaugural Global Cruiserweight Series. Thirty-two of the greatest in-ring competitors under 205 lbs. will descend upon Full Sail University in Orlando, Fla., and collide for 10 weeks to earn the right to call themselves the best cruiserweight in the world.

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I know it's highly unlikely and he's not the worker he used to be, but I'd love to see Dragon Kid make an appearance.


I'm praying the Dragon Gate guys get left alone. :p Even if the show is taped, the May/June/July period runs up to their biggest show of the year so I'd rather have the DG guys there myself. Take people like Kenoh from NOAH or like Andy Wu from Wrestle-1 instead!

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According to Ryan Satin at ProWrestlingSheet, Barrett has said he's not renewing his contract, which runs out in mid-June.


Satin's got a very good track record, he was a TMZ guy before leaving to start ProWrestlingSheet and he's rarely been wrong so far.


BNB will most likely be leaving WWE when his contract runs out.


Already posted like an hour and a half ago.

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Agreed. I'm bummed. Bad News Barrett was amazing.


The moment Bad News Barrett, got injured and had to vacate his title, I realized; that's it. His chances of ever reaching the main event of WWE are gone, still he did win the Intercontinental title five times. Granted all of those reigns sucked, but hey; that's not too bad by WWE standards.

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Does Barrett fit the mold for NJPW though?


I think the BNB gimmick would work well in NJPW without the PG constraints of WWE. Just turn the arrogance and aggression up a few notches. Or just use him as muscle for Bullet Club. TNA and GFW would certainly be interested in him.


The biggest issue for Wade is can he go an entire year without getting injured working in stiffer style promotions?

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If Swagger leaves, his career is likely done as he is not really good to begin with. He had potential, but went all 420 blaze before Mania.


Depending on where Swagger goes, he's got a career. He's technically sound. Japan would be good for him, not necessarily NJPW but somewhere like AJPW or NOAH where a run of good performances would help build both him and those promotions back up.


Heck, even a run in like EVOLVE with the grapplelove (we're a PG forum here! :p) lads in Gulak/Thatcher/ZSJ could help Swagger.

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Jack Swagger is a very good wrestler


NJPW just gave Gallows nearly 700 days as tag champ in his 2 year run, I'm sure Swagger being a much better wrestler and having a legitimate background could have success there. He'd be a natural fit for ROH, better than a vast majority of Indy guys, and even could see him in Mexico (probably AAA, if they sort their stuff out)


But Swagger in Big Japan would be incredible. He might not want to do it because money and whatnot, but him against the strong guys would bring back memories of the great Rusev matches except turned to eleven.

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