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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Raven was main eventing Heat before going to TNA, Christian was in high level feud with Cena and then with JBL for the title before going to TNA. Kind of a difference.


I know that's why I said for the size of TNA at the time which was weekly ppv stuff and early years and how they presented him. Relativity mate lol. But yeah without relative considerations Christian was the first. I wasn't so much disputing it but more adding a caveat. Ok back to WWE on the WWE thread. Hope Christian puts over Rhodes and then goes after the big belt again, although would need a heel champ for that and don't see that happening soon as both champs are faces and if they lose there would be a chase feud first. Turn by either is possible though, Sheamus more then Punk atm imho.

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I know that's why I said for the size of TNA at the time which was weekly ppv stuff and early years and how they presented him. Relativity mate lol. But yeah without relative considerations Christian was the first. I wasn't so much disputing it but more adding a caveat. Ok back to WWE on the WWE thread. Hope Christian puts over Rhodes and then goes after the big belt again, although would need a heel champ for that and don't see that happening soon as both champs are faces and if they lose there would be a chase feud first. Turn by either is possible though, Sheamus more then Punk atm imho.


I see I see.


I think Christian's right where he should be for this point of his career.

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His match against Dre Mac was great and he actually sold enough for the fans to believe in a comeback


True. He might just adapt to the WWE stylr after all. Just finished watching the 3h extravaganza they call Raw. :D I hope they have a little bit more then this up their sleeves when it permanently becomes a 3h show. :D


Ps: What happened to Del Rio? Injured at a house show or something? (yeah, the whole Khali thing is just storyline, what's the real reason he got out of the match? I'm guessing injury, but what happened?)

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Christian still has the potential to main event in my opinion, he's 38 and is still one of WWE's best in the ring. It depends on how they book Sheamus' title reign, Rhodes is surely next up (I can't see them keeping him involved with the IC title past this PPV). Maybe they'll push Sandow into an IC title feud with Christian.
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Also, Vader sometimes seemed to be missing his cane. :D He really seemed to have some dificulties when trying to get up sometimes. :D But i did mark. :D


Edit: oh, that big W. Thanks. Yeah, now that you talk about it, it did seem a very hard fall when his head hit that at the time, but i thought he was just selling well.


Edit 2: So, Ryback asked for 3. I guess we know what to expect on Smackdown or No Way Out. I never thought i'd say this, but it's actually becoming fun to watch him trash those jobbers every week.

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Far as Ryback is concerned, I liked him to start with, now... I'm bored with it.


Get him involved with someone already, and quit "feeding" him jobbers. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the fact they are using jobbers, but I'm not happy with his character right now. He needs a new move or something to keep me interested, and falling backwards with three people on his shoulders isn't going to do anything for me at this point.

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I wonder why people are not getting up in arms over Hornswoggle and Vince McMahon's impersonation of Jim Ross. When the Oklahoma thing ran in WCW, people were pissed off. Now nobody seems to care.


I'm actually furious about it. It is completely disrespectful and, quite frankly, disgusting, and the fact that he's an employee makes it even worse.

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I wonder why people are not getting up in arms over Hornswoggle and Vince McMahon's impersonation of Jim Ross. When the Oklahoma thing ran in WCW, people were pissed off. Now nobody seems to care.


I have read some complaints about it and when I read the report that it happened had the same thought. But as I didn't see it I couldn't comment on it. Maybe because they didn't play up the bells palsy a lot, and more just him being from the south? Plus Vince being historically vindictive towards JR and Horny always doing stupid stuff and being a midget lets them get away with it more?

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I have read some complaints about it and when I read the report that it happened had the same thought. But as I didn't see it I couldn't comment on it. Maybe because they didn't play up the bells palsy a lot, and more just him being from the south? Plus Vince being historically vindictive towards JR and Horny always doing stupid stuff and being a midget lets them get away with it more?


That is what got me offended, the fact that they did play up the Bells Palsy. I find it funny how the WWE shoves this anti-bully crap down our throats and then they do something like this that isn't even remotely funny.

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Either heavy double standards or a change of hart from J.R. Just total BS this way either way you spin it.


PS Russo said in his latest shoot, quite interesting btw the RF one not so much the Youshoot, that he did apologize to JR and that it was his biggest regret when booking WCW.

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Yeah ok guys.. Vince rode JR's ass for years. For all we know, they're probably really tight together or if not that they probably cleared out the spoof before greenlighting it and/or it could be that JR simply knows how Vince is. There could be several underlying factors behind this, and looking at the way JR talks about the WWE, hell about Vince himself, doesn't seem like there was ever gonna be any backlash from this kind of thing.


Don't see the point in getting offended at all, not finding it funny is another thing though. Didn't get too much from it myself.

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Most of the Johnny & Vince segments were good.


Sheamus v Tensai - Another decent match for Tensai. I prefer him jobbing to main eventers instead of squashing midcarders.


They should just make all Diva matches on TV mixed tag so they're actually entertaining.


"Once you go Bryan, there's no point in tryin'. Aww yeah!" #GoatFace


Nice push for Ziggler. Shame he's going to lose to Sheamus at NWO.


Vader Time!


Kane & Bryan v Punk & AJ - Strangest, sexiest tag match ever.


Fun Raw. I can see the potential in 3 hour Raws if they can find the right balance of quality wrestling (SmackDown style) and angles.

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I wonder why people are not getting up in arms over Hornswoggle and Vince McMahon's impersonation of Jim Ross. When the Oklahoma thing ran in WCW, people were pissed off. Now nobody seems to care.


Oklahoma was created purely as a personal attack to JR, while the Vince, Hornswoggle thing was more in good fun.

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Oklahoma was created purely as a personal attack to JR, while the Vince, Hornswoggle thing was more in good fun.


Nope both where created for fun. One just got a massive backlash and this one didn't. It doesn't really matter what JR himself thinks of it imho. If one was such terrible taste then this one was as well.

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