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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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OK I get you're not a fan and all, but you don't have be vicious and an a**hole about it. Some people like me like Crimson and see a ton of potential in him. He is most certainly not trash in fact he's one of the few people TNA have that they've made on their on and he CAN wrestle. Watch his match with Eli, he can go when he wants to and the crowd actually chanted for him in the match. A TNA CROWD CHANTED FOR SOMEONE. I don't appreciate you calling him TRASH either because he's not and I'm sure if you were to say that to his face and not behind a computer, he would knock you on your a** in 2 seconds.


Kid, if you're getting this bent out of shape because I expressed my own opinion on a guy then you need to lighten up. Calling someone "vicious and an asshole" for going against your opinion is the kind of thing teenagers do when they can't formulate an argument.


Crimson might have improved but the point still stands. TNA brought him back to boost up numbers for their idiotic world championship tournament - please try and explain to me in what world the ECIII Injunction against a World Champion storyline makes any sense. If he was even halfway decent, he'd have been else after leaving TNA the first time round but the best he done was a short stint in AIW where his whole thing fell apart as soon as Jimmy Jacobs went to WWE. Crimson returned to TNA because it's a mutual dependency. If TNA were in a better way, they probably wouldn't have brought him back. Crimson is the level of worker they can reasonably afford.

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Kid, if you're getting this bent out of shape because I expressed my own opinion on a guy then you need to lighten up. Calling someone "vicious and an asshole" for going against your opinion is the kind of thing teenagers do when they can't formulate an argument.


Crimson might have improved but the point still stands. TNA brought him back to boost up numbers for their idiotic world championship tournament - please try and explain to me in what world the ECIII Injunction against a World Champion storyline makes any sense. If he was even halfway decent, he'd have been else after leaving TNA the first time round but the best he done was a short stint in AIW where his whole thing fell apart as soon as Jimmy Jacobs went to WWE. Crimson returned to TNA because it's a mutual dependency. If TNA were in a better way, they probably wouldn't have brought him back. Crimson is the level of worker they can reasonably afford.


You make points, but yeah, you were being an a**hole about it. Did you just expect me to not respond after you called my favorite wrestler trash? Youre completely entitled to your opinion and i respect that in the fullest but I'm entitled to arguing back. The EC3 injunction makes perfect sense considering Jeff interfered in the match causing Matt to win, so he had a perfectly good reason to file the dispute as Jeff was the referee and he got physically involved with one of the participants. and the storyline does make sense. He has been elsewhere actually, working multiple dates for WrestleCade and Tried n True Pro where he beat EY. He has a fanbase and is still young enough to where someone could very easily pick him up and make him into a star. He has the look, he's improved a lot in the ring, he's pretty good on the mic as well. Like I said, you're completely entitled to not like him, but you insulted him so I fired back, simple.

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You make points, but yeah, you were being an a**hole about it. Did you just expect me to not respond after you called my favorite wrestler trash? Youre completely entitled to your opinion and i respect that in the fullest but I'm entitled to arguing back. The EC3 injunction makes perfect sense considering Jeff interfered in the match causing Matt to win, so he had a perfectly good reason to file the dispute as Jeff was the referee and he got physically involved with one of the participants. and the storyline does make sense. He has been elsewhere actually, working multiple dates for WrestleCade and Tried n True Pro where he beat EY. He has a fanbase and is still young enough to where someone could very easily pick him up and make him into a star. He has the look, he's improved a lot in the ring, he's pretty good on the mic as well. Like I said, you're completely entitled to not like him, but you insulted him so I fired back, simple.


1. Watch the language.

2. You're over reacting. Dial it down a notch or four.

3. There was no reason to throw insults at someone. There's a difference between arguing your opinion and blatantly attacking someone.

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1. Watch the language.

2. You're over reacting. Dial it down a notch or four.

3. There was no reason to throw insults at someone. There's a difference between arguing your opinion and blatantly attacking someone.


Yeah my bad man, not to throw excuses out or anything but, I've been sick and only got 4 hours of sleep last night, so I was a bit on edge this morning. My apologies to you and MHero. :)

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What do you think about the move to POPTV? Its a better fit than DA IMO, and I hope they do well with it.


Out of the final 8 members left, order them from who deserves the belt the most to least. EC3, EC3 and EC3


Why the F can Crimson never win anything? Lets talk Crimson, I'll be honest he is midcard at best. He was brought in just for a little pop from the crowd then job to future stars of the company. He is good sure, but is no where near as good as EC3 or Bram or Galloway or TJ Perkins or Spud or Tyrus. There are plenty of guys that deserve a push before Crimson.


Why the F are the Wolves the only team still? They just don't have the money for new teams I guess. Maybe they can grab MCMG again?


Jessie wanted Kong to touch his abs, how does that make you feel? Weirdly horny.


Since the year is ending, what has been the best match in TNA of 2015 for you? EC3 vs Spud, hair vs hair.


Did Chris Melendez ever get his leg back? Who cares.


If I shout Zema's DJ noise will you do it with me?.......BAAA BAAA BAAA BAAARRRRRRRR No..

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What do you think about the move to POPTV?

Makes little difference to me as I don't get either channel. On the bright side, I hear Pop is bigger, so there's some hope for TNA. Maybe they'll get back to taping shows, since apparently the World Title Tournament was taped back in July? (According to Wikipedia)


Out of the final 8 members left, order them from who deserves the belt the most to least

ECIII, Eric Young, Lashley, anyone not named Matt Hardy, Matt Hardy.


Why the F can Crimson never win anything?

They brought him back for this run to put over their next generation of guys, which is fine. It'd be nice to see him get another shot, but they brutally ruined his push last time he was around before sending him to OVW and I think it hurt him a bit too much in someone's eyes, push-wise.


Why the F are the Wolves the only team still?

Probably because they haven't taped any new tv in a couple of months, so no new debuts or anything.


Jessie wanted Kong to touch his abs, how does that make you feel?

Indifferent. I don't enjoy watching Kong squash people and I can't stand Jesse so this was a clear bathroom break match.


Since the year is ending, what has been the best match in TNA of 2015 for you?

I didn't watch enough to give a good answer to this one.


Did Chris Melendez ever get his leg back?

I'm 98% sure he didn't, but I bet they'll have him with it at the beginning of the year anyway because what's continuity? Also because taking away the guy's leg on screen was a jerk move.


If I shout Zema's DJ noise will you do it with me?.......BAAA BAAA BAAA BAAARRRRRRRR

Nah, but I'll enjoy you shouting it.

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What do you think about the move to POP TV? Good for them they find a new network. We'll wait and see on what will happen next..


Out of the final 8 members left, order them from who deserves the belt the most to least. EC III, Bobby Lashley, Eric Young, Davey Richards, Tigre Uno, Mahabali Shera, Jessie Gooderz, Matt Hardy.


Why the F can Crimson never win anything? The answer in the quote right you may find.

He got an long streak still unintelligible to me. He's now in the low midcard, I think his spot in the roster. Maybe a team with Chris Melendez as military veterans could be his future.


Why the F are the Wolves the only team still? Because TNA focus is on surviving, rebooting again through the TNA World Title Series and because the other teams are inactive due different situations.


Jessie wanted Kong to touch his abs, how does that make you feel?


Since the year is ending, what has been the best match in TNA of 2015 for you? I watched few, but the EC III vs Rockstar Spud Hair vs Hair was the best of them.


Did Chris Melendez ever get his leg back? Why not? Just he gets it in a better way than kids named Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns were ridiculously bickering for the WWE WHC. http://dailywrestlingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Reigns-Lesnar.gif


If I shout Zema's DJ noise will you do it with me?.......BAAA BAAA BAAA BAAARRRRRRRR I don't like shouting or club vocalists in general, but if you like it, I'll let you do it! :D

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So, TNA has been releasing their original weekly PPV's on YouTube starting with very first one. From what I understand the plan is to release them weekly every Thursday. They've dropped two so far. Checking their channel or searching for "Asylum Years 101" will bring it up. I've watched them both, there was some really good stuff on those shows. A whole lot of crap too. The Gauntlet for gold featured a Scott Steiner look alike whos name I can't remember. Cheex and BROWN EYE'd Girl... Fun times though.
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So, TNA has been releasing their original weekly PPV's on YouTube starting with very first one. From what I understand the plan is to release them weekly every Thursday. They've dropped two so far. Checking their channel or searching for "Asylum Years 101" will bring it up. I've watched them both, there was some really good stuff on those shows. A whole lot of crap too. The Gauntlet for gold featured a Scott Steiner look alike whos name I can't remember. Cheex and BROWN EYE'd Girl... Fun times though.


It was Del Rios...


Also known as

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It was Del Rios...


Also known as


Yeah. Del Rios, thats the dude. They made him sound like a pretty big deal (and maybe for the area he kind of was) "Bah Gawd, its Del Rios!" But yeah, I'm not popping for a Scott Steiner rip off. Unless his name is Petey Williams, then I'm all over it.

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Yeah. Del Rios, thats the dude. They made him sound like a pretty big deal (and maybe for the area he kind of was) "Bah Gawd, its Del Rios!" But yeah, I'm not popping for a Scott Steiner rip off. Unless his name is Petey Williams, then I'm all over it.


He was terrible no matter what he did. At least the magician gimmick was...unique, but it still sucked.


Little Petey Pump was awesome though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Possible/probable spoiler for Impact on Tuesday in white below.


TNA has been posting videos hyping "The Miracle" for 1/5/2016. It's being speculated that it's the hype videos for Mike Bennett who'd be using the name "The Miracle" Mike Bennett or something similar.

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Storyline wise, it'd be ridiculous of Matt wins. I do like Matt, but they should throw all their hopes on the back of EC3.


EC3 is a good character and a great heel champ and should get the belt back, but I feel like Matt deserves a reign. I actually think story wise it makes great sense. He has the fans behind him and is basically on a quest for not redemption but his taste of glory again. Even if it's just like a 2 month reign, he deserves it. He has a wonderful mind for the business, is great on the mic, and even if he's not the best in the ring, he could be a good World Champ.

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Just watched the reply of Impact Wrestling and I liked it. James Storm coming back was great, I was so happy to see Beer Money reunited. Mike Bennett debuting in TNA was great, I look forward to seeing who he feuds with. I am also glad ECIII is champion again he is a great heel champion.
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Just watched the reply of Impact Wrestling and I liked it. James Storm coming back was great, I was so happy to see Beer Money reunited. Mike Bennett debuting in TNA was great, I look forward to seeing who he feuds with. I am also glad ECIII is champion again he is a great heel champion.


I'm going to have to agree with you. I wasn't expecting much after their last "reboot" but this had something for everyone. It really was a lot of action, which the promotion had been in years gone past. Now I've not watched TNA in around 10 months but I can't remember a time before that where I enjoyed TNA (probably the beginning of Aces & Eights - before the let down of the group).


The only thing I would have liked to have seen that wasn't on the card was an X-Division match. I still think TNA should make it a relevant belt again, bringing back the 220lb weight limit as I don't want to see Abyss, Angle etc with it.


However, that aside does not take away from what an enjoyable show Impact was. I may begin watching again.

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I'm going to have to agree with you. I wasn't expecting much after their last "reboot" but this had something for everyone. It really was a lot of action, which the promotion had been in years gone past. Now I've not watched TNA in around 10 months but I can't remember a time before that where I enjoyed TNA (probably the beginning of Aces & Eights - before the let down of the group).


The only thing I would have liked to have seen that wasn't on the card was an X-Division match. I still think TNA should make it a relevant belt again, bringing back the 220lb weight limit as I don't want to see Abyss, Angle etc with it.


However, that aside does not take away from what an enjoyable show Impact was. I may begin watching again.


Completely agreed! I marked soooooooooo hard for Storm and Beer Money. Was also super happy to see Velvet back on TV. A bit dissapointed Matt didn't win but oh well haha. EC3 is a great character and is still a great world champ.

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I have not finished the show yet (I am up to the Knockouts match, but I don't care about spoilers so that is why I am posting in this thread) but so far so good. I have not bothered with TNA since the tournament began and while I have read about what has been going on it is not the same as actually watching the show.
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275lb Samoa Joe was one of the best X-Division guys TNA ever had.


His style suited the X Division. Abyss was in a poorly booked storyline and turned the title into a joke.


Angle shouldn't have won it either, but at least he was credible champion no matter what title he held.

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I don't quite understand the whole logic of taking the belt off of ECIII, running the whole tournament to crown a new champion...only for them to go and put the belt back on ECIII.


Show seemed solid though from what I've gathered which is a positive step for TNA.


To have a feel good moment at BFG mostly. That is my thoughts at least.

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