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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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They definitely weren't trying that. I don't think the WWE tried to up their game at all. The Bret appearance was just to put a cherry on the show, and it was something somewhat overdue(at least it happened while Bret is still able to walk). It was funny to see people think that Raw last night was drab and "as usual" when... to be honest, that was the point. They don't give a rat's ass about TNA, so why should they go out of their way to make a really special memorable show with fireworks and the like?


I think this is another case of smarks putting too much hype into this thing(by this, I mean Jan 4th). TNA was gonna pull all the stops, but hardly from WWE's part. It was just a regular night to them, and rightfully so.


I saw a good portion of this show however, mostly the main-event which I liked. But after this match, AJ and Angle better start re-building their finishers and whatnot. :\


Yeah Michaels and Undertaker really need to rebuild thier finishers too right? Right?


And come one WWE sure as hell is worried. Bret returning plus the 2 ppv caliber match ups. Sure just a normal RAW sure. If I was WWE I would ignore and deny as long as possible as well but the facts just don't follow. If Cena wasn't otherwise engaged already they would have saved his rematch vs Sheamus I am sure.


PS please excuse me if I am becoming too markish as I am finally getting to see the show.

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Lol Even Rocco and Sal aka Phi Delta Slam aka MEM Security aka Foley security are back, Foley reminding people he can kick but if he wants too = good. Nasty Boys taking up time = bad even if funny.


Raven didn't get an entrance at all and this being a nu1 contenders match = dam. It being a squash is fine but a couple o more dominating spots would have been better.


Pope rocks on the mic and given the crowd response Jordan is not long for this TNA world hehe, man is he flat especially in comparison. Pope vs Wolfe was much as the women's match showing promise of a great match and then a flash finish. Wolfe made to look weaker and D'Inero elevated but think they lost more overness overall then gained.


Edit: Almost Forgot Val Venis was lol. And since they where going to revisit the BP anyways was no problem although Angelina joining as well or instead would have been better.

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Yeah Michaels and Undertaker really need to rebuild thier finishers too right? Right?


And come one WWE sure as hell is worried. Bret returning plus the 2 ppv caliber match ups. Sure just a normal RAW sure. If I was WWE I would ignore and deny as long as possible as well but the facts just don't follow. If Cena wasn't otherwise engaged already they would have saved his rematch vs Sheamus I am sure.


PS please excuse me if I am becoming too markish as I am finally getting to see the show.


Not really, since Michaels/Taker wasn't Near Falls land.


And I honestly think all the things they sprinkled onto last night's show was simply to make up for the fact Cena wasn't there last night. He's a sizeable factor into the ratings. The blow-off matches were inevitable anyway, whatnot with the long road to the Rumble. With Jericho's status on Raw in jeopardy, they couldn't keep that up for long.

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Yeah Michaels and Undertaker really need to rebuild thier finishers too right? Right?


And come one WWE sure as hell is worried. Bret returning plus the 2 ppv caliber match ups. Sure just a normal RAW sure. If I was WWE I would ignore and deny as long as possible as well but the facts just don't follow. If Cena wasn't otherwise engaged already they would have saved his rematch vs Sheamus I am sure.


PS please excuse me if I am becoming too markish as I am finally getting to see the show.



WWE has always tried to make the first show of the year into a big deal. Why you would equate that with some sort of fear of TNA would be a mystery if you weren't such a giant TNA mark. Seriously, Big Show losing the title to Triple H in WWF's first show of the year 10 years ago could ONLY mean they were terrified of WCW's upcoming Medusa vs. Oklahoma match at that month's Souled Out, right? Seriously correlation =/ causation.


If there had been any "swerve" booking, big-time announcements other than what was advertised, or even some casual references or insults of Hogan, I could maybe see some support, but "they put on a good show" really isn't any justification at all.

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I am not a TNA mark and I definitely think WWE was trying to do something a little special last night. Not because they are afraid of TNA, because they have no reason to be. At the same time though, Raw is vulnerable in the key demographics and they know it. They don't want to lose any viewers to TNA.


It's not that they are afraid of TNA reaching or surpassing them, but they are definitely afraid of TNA siphoning off viewers from the key demographic that gives Raw (WWE) so much clout with USA.

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I really dont think Ric will wrestle in TNA I think they did the whole angle with him walking into AJ's locker room so that maybe Ric as AJ's manger? That would be great becuase the only thing about AJ that holds him back is his mic skills. Overall I give Impact a 7.5/10 and Raw a 5.5/10
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Bubba got the Orlando Jordon treatment from the crowd taking over from JB, bye bye. (hope)


Revisiting the Hogan angle on the same f'n show = bad. Takes up time.


AJ + JB + Biscchoff was sweet but should have been in the first hour or at least announcing another Main Event.


Jeff Jarrett gave a very decent speech imho, loved the crowd reaction. "Screw The Critics" lol. The Hogan promo on Jarrett was a bit weird as they want the same thing and was a bit overly aggressive. Should have been more respect what you have done and we want the same thing but everyone is on a level playing field.


Screwing Daniels out of time for weirdness with JB was bad. Take JB out of the equation and at the end of the promo have Foley walk in and Hemme and Daniels being surprised = easy fix.


Joe vs Abyss could become a good feud finally takes Abyss out of Stevie land and gives Joe something to do till he cashes in. No need to cut to Sting in the middle of the match in the back short rafter shot somewhere would have been better. Abyss should have gotten more offense in and the match could have been better but it was a good showcase for Joe. Due to the chair shot Abyss has an "excuse"

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Daniels getting cut off not only got him on the show, it also gives him a reason to not like Hogan et al (i remember him telling AJ that things were gonna change for the better when Hogan came in, that maybe Daniels would get the shots AJ got etc.).


Gives him enough reason to feel persecuted, a role he plays well.

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Yeah but still not a good song for him from a wrestling show standpoint. Would you want Micky James coming out to country soon?


Forgot to mention that showing Brooke in the crowd was a good idea. And yeah way, way too much happening. Cramming 4/5 hours into three this time. Could have saved a lot of stuff for next weeks Impact: Mystery Attacker/Foley/Jarrett or leave it off: Nasty Boys, Jordon, Sponge, backstage attacks.

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Daniels getting cut off not only got him on the show, it also gives him a reason to not like Hogan et al (i remember him telling AJ that things were gonna change for the better when Hogan came in, that maybe Daniels would get the shots AJ got etc.).


Gives him enough reason to feel persecuted, a role he plays well.


Depends which route they take as he could hate Hogan for booking it that way aka breaking kayfabe or in a kayfabe way hate JB and/or Foley. Still dude was number one contender not long ago should have gotten more time.


Edit: Btw if you mean the bearded dude on the front row as Russo he is a Die Hard TNA fan always there.

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Just read on rajahwwf.com


TNA's 6-sided ring may make its last appearance tonight. There's been talk of the ring being destroyed in some sort of angle tonight with a traditional four-sided ring being brought in for the next batch of tapings on January 18th.


Please, tell me this isn't true? Hogan what have you done? This is what makes TNA different then any other company. I hope this isn't true and if it is...then it will be a sad sad day in wrestling history.

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Wait...lol...people actually like the six sided ring? Seriously?


I think that's one of the worst parts of TNA lol.


Even if people don't like it....it still sets it apart from other promotions. Get rid of that...and they really have nothing. The Knockouts are really all TNA has that will set them apart from say the WWE. But I'm sure now that Hogan and Bischoff are running things we will see the Knockouts become Divas.


WCW all over again :(

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