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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Has anyone ever ordered from Shop TNA? I just ordered four shirts off there(three for me, one for my brother) and I'm hoping I get them before September 10th when I go to a TNA live event.


I got free shipping since my order totaled $57, but how long does that generally take?

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Has anyone ever ordered from Shop TNA? I just ordered four shirts off there(three for me, one for my brother) and I'm hoping I get them before September 10th when I go to a TNA live event.


I got free shipping since my order totaled $57, but how long does that generally take?


Depends on where you live mate.

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For me I got the Pope is Pimp'n shirt, the James Storm "Sorry bout your damn luck" shirt, and the Ink Inc shirt. I was going to get the DILLIGAF shirt too, but I didn't want to break my bank account lol.


I got my brother the Matt Morgan DNA of TNA shirt with the double helix and what not. Matt Morgan is his favorite wrestler, so I figured it'd be cool to get him that one. I might buy him a Beer Money shirt depending on the prices at the house show.

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I guess I'd like Katie Lea, but please no more. Most are already underused anyway. But with one weekly show, that's not surprising.


I still mourn the fact that the X-division stars don't get their deserved spotlight.


Well a lot of the X division guys have moved on to either Tag or Heavyweight division so atm it is kinda thin but if Lethal and Kaz have a feud that could help.


The women need strengthening and need to move away from BP focused action imho.

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The last time the X Division title meant anything to me and the last time I really think the put an effort into displaying how great is can be. The last time it did these things was like 2006 with the AJ vs. Daniels vs. Joe matches. Even though I did dislike the fact that AJ Styles was a four time champion or something like that at the time and was still wrestling for the X Division title when he should have been at the forefront of the championship storylines but none the less they did do a good job of displaying how great that championship could be. I have to say though that title has never been as great as it was that first year.


Aj Styles, Jerry Lynn, Michael Shane, Chris Sabin, Kazarian, Low Ki thats when the division was truly about no limits.


The X Division title is a great gimmick. You can bring in two virtually unknown stars, give them ten minutes of television time to do some crazy, insane, off the wall, jaw dropping spots and there ya go. You could bring some of the top unrecognized indy talent of today, throw them all in the X Division, three ways, four ways, ultimate x and it would feel fresh and new.


Since they have been on Spike T.V TNA hasn't truly unleashed the X Division like they did in the days of pay per view.

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The X Division was their selling point that truly made them different than WWE. Just like WCW had the cruiserweights that grabbed your attention.


Why doesn't TNA see this?


Get Delirious back. Book him, Amazing Red, Jack Evans, Samoa Joe(since he keeps falling down the card), and Christopher Daniels among other possible guys.

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Seeing as Delirious just became ROH head booker ain't happening and I would not want to see happen personally as I do not feel he has mainstream appeal. Joe and to a lesser extent Daniels have/had moved on from the X Division. Red and Evans are too much spot monkey for my liking.


Personally I would have Lethal, Kaz, Young, P Williams, Dutt and Aries make up the main singles competitors for the division. With the Bucks, MMG and Londrick as mainly tag who also feature in the division as well as Williams from the BI and Homicide from LAX. Ad in Ink Inc and Sharkboy as sympathy jobbers and that is a very strong division.


The problem remains time and attention though. Maybe scrap the KO's or once Xplosion gets picked up in the US and goes full hour move one or both of them there. Seems that sometimes people overlook the fact that by adding the KO's the X Division automatically got less time.

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Seeing as Delirious just became ROH head booker ain't happening and I would not want to see happen personally as I do not feel he has mainstream appeal. Joe and to a lesser extent Daniels have/had moved on from the X Division. Red and Evans are too much spot monkey for my liking.


Personally I would have Lethal, Kaz, Young, P Williams, Dutt and Aries make up the main singles competitors for the division. With the Bucks, MMG and Londrick as mainly tag who also feature in the division as well as Williams from the BI and Homicide from LAX. Ad in Ink Inc and Sharkboy as sympathy jobbers and that is a very strong division.


The problem remains time and attention though. Maybe scrap the KO's or once Xplosion gets picked up in the US and goes full hour move one or both of them there. Seems that sometimes people overlook the fact that by adding the KO's the X Division automatically got less time.


I could deal without the KO division honestly.

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If they go back to the Kong vs Kim days I would not mind. But the BP focused show I do mind. I like(d) them in their original formation as the anti KO heels that rarely win but get their heat back via angles and being "hot". Not as the centre of attention and with 3/5 of them out there.
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After watching Dixie so much I think that if she does something like slap Ric Flair she'd get over. She wouldn't be a waste of time anymore. She's not a retread!


It's times like this where I miss old Russo because he would totally run a Dixie Carter ****ed Ric Flair and got pregnant with his child storyline.


This is close enough. Five ****ing stars. Go crazy TNA go ****ing crazy.


Yay no more Dixie! Hogan as commish. About ****ing time.


Flair: "They are going to take over. It won't be tonight!"

Hogan: "Why won't you do it tonight?"



Greatest back and forth in the history of wrestling.


Ric Flair is really trying to get Morgan over. that's good!

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I didn't mean I had a hard time buying it because of the size differential. It was because Mamaluke is so low on the totem pole.


If you want to get a guy over really quickly, what do you do? You can have him get beat down, yes. But he also has to gain a measure of revenge. Mamaluke wasn't being booked as Tony Mamaluke the wrestler who hasn't been on national TV since the 2002, but as Tony Mamaluke the member of EV2.0. Do you think Storm was hurt by that at all? He was one person in the middle of an arena wide brawl.


If your problems are with TNA even having an ECW storyline, then I can't argue with you. Personally I love it, but I was raised on ECW. But if you're talking about the booking decision to have Mamaluke beating down Storm: see above.

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If your problems are with TNA even having an ECW storyline, then I can't argue with you.

I think this is it more than anything. I liked ECW a lot back in the day, but I just have no interest in seeing the vast majority of those guys in what is supposed to be the #2 promotion in the world in 2010.


The Mamaluke thing wasn't even a big deal to me, really. It sort of annoyed me for a moment, but it was just a little thing.


And it looks like this entire conversation is now moot. Nothing like a good old fashioned squash match. I miss those.

Yeah, even if I had thought that opening brawl had made Storm look bad (which I didn't, really), that annihilation would have more than offset it.

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