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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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So where does this leave Angle. Not sure I am into this new group with Hogan and Bischoff at the helm. It just does not make any sense to have Hogan in any kind of major storyline. I just dont know man, maybe Paul Heyman is right, wrestling is dying out. There does not seem to be an original and fresh idea anywhere in the business right now. Not in the WWE, TNA, ROH or anywhere else in the world. Everything is just a re-hash of something else. I think I am just going to start watching MMA.
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So where does this leave Angle. Not sure I am into this new group with Hogan and Bischoff at the helm. It just does not make any sense to have Hogan in any kind of major storyline. I just dont know man, maybe Paul Heyman is right, wrestling is dying out. There does not seem to be an original and fresh idea anywhere in the business right now. Not in the WWE, TNA, ROH or anywhere else in the world. Everything is just a re-hash of something else. I think I am just going to start watching MMA.


I think since angle did not loose then he will not have to retire. Anderson was the one who was pinned so technicly angle did not get pined or submit.

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ECW, the nWo, Sting fighting the fight against the evil Hulkster, the Four Horsemen, HAHAHAHA I'm sooooo done with this company. This was the make or break night, I watched the whole pay per view and with that ending my faith is at less than zero percent in this company.


You guys that like this stuff have fun. Maybe they can bring back the AWA for a faction. Greg Gagne's not doing anything is he?

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So where does this leave Angle. Not sure I am into this new group with Hogan and Bischoff at the helm. It just does not make any sense to have Hogan in any kind of major storyline. I just dont know man, maybe Paul Heyman is right, wrestling is dying out. There does not seem to be an original and fresh idea anywhere in the business right now. Not in the WWE, TNA, ROH or anywhere else in the world. Everything is just a re-hash of something else. I think I am just going to start watching MMA.


Most of wrestling and wrestling fandom are currently going through Attitude Era withdraw. This sports entertainment methadone isn't working. Wrestling isn't dying out, non-WWE 'sports entertainment' is. WWE went through some dark ages but figured it out and have moved on.

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Taz said the landscape of TNA just changed!!!



Bischoff and Hogan are heels again... wow... sooo, shocked...


Jarrett, should be jobbing out to people trying to break into the main event scene.

Abyss, I like as a monster... not part of THIS kind of group. Either leave him to be psycho by himself, or put him with other psychos.


Hardy, I'm going to assume can be decent as a heel, never remember seeing him as one... But is he really the type to lead this group? He has the title, so he's the leader. Would have worked better with Angle, or even giving Anderson a shot at running with it. Hardy gets too much sympathy votes from the crowd.


They are trying to redo nWo with "bad guys" that are popular with the crowd... I dont like it.

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Most of wrestling and wrestling fandom are currently going through Attitude Era withdraw. This sports entertainment methadone isn't working. Wrestling isn't dying out, non-WWE 'sports entertainment' is. WWE went through some dark ages but figured it out and have moved on.


I disagree. I dont think I am going through "attitude era" withdrawal, I'm just looking for something fresh and new. Something that makes me go wow, thats interesting, let me turn in next week and see whats going on. I dont care if the old guys are involved, the new guys or some other guys. As long as the writing was strong, the action was good and I had heroes to care about and villains to hate things would be good. As it stands right now, nobody is doing that. I have been watching TNA simply because it has some of my favorite wrestlers in the promotion and I like the actual in-ring product.

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Well I say turn away, I hope on iMpact they turn everybody in the promotion, I hope they debut Hillibilly Jim and have him turn three times in the same match beating some back Zack Ryder rip off for the X Division title in one of their reverse battle royale gimmick matches.


I had really high hopes back in March even paying to GO to Lockdown but those days are gone. I was really thinking they were onto something when they were building Fortune and if they would have left it at that then yes they would have been.


Instead they brought back ECW, after that they started talking about WCW every week, and now they have come full circle bringing back Eazy E and Hollywood Hogan. Have fun watching TNA fans because this is what they built the last seven months to. They planned THIS for seven months. Say what you will about the WWE but I'm fairly certain most of their stupid ideas are planned for weeks and not seven months.

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I disagree. I dont think I am going through "attitude era" withdrawal, I'm just looking for something fresh and new. Something that makes me go wow, thats interesting, let me turn in next week and see whats going on. I dont care if the old guys are involved, the new guys or some other guys. As long as the writing was strong, the action was good and I had heroes to care about and villains to hate things would be good. As it stands right now, nobody is doing that. I have been watching TNA simply because it has some of my favorite wrestlers in the promotion and I like the actual in-ring product.


When I say attitude era withdrawal I mean the emotions (and money) that the attitude era gave them. It's not about what you like to see, it's about expectations being much higher than they should be. There are many fans who watch wrestling as if they turn it on and say "impress me." I don't believe that one can look at any form of entertainment that way. I can't control how fans should look at wrestling nor do I wish to. I'm just saying that from my observations that's part of why so many in the IWC in particular are constantly disappointed by booking.


I wonder what this does for Impact's ratings. Who knows, maybe this could end up being a hot angle. It's not like they turned a nobody. I'm not ready to write this off as a bad payoff business-wise.

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Well I say turn away, I hope on iMpact they turn everybody in the promotion, I hope they debut Hillibilly Jim and have him turn three times in the same match beating some back Zack Ryder rip off for the X Division title in one of their reverse battle royale gimmick matches.


I had really high hopes back in March even paying to GO to Lockdown but those days are gone. I was really thinking they were onto something when they were building Fortune and if they would have left it at that then yes they would have been.


Instead they brought back ECW, after that they started talking about WCW every week, and now they have come full circle bringing back Eazy E and Hollywood Hogan. Have fun watching TNA fans because this is what they built the last seven months to. They planned THIS for seven months. Say what you will about the WWE but I'm fairly certain most of their stupid ideas are planned for weeks and not seven months.



LOL... This was the thing that is planned to change TNA forever.

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How could this terrible storyline possible boost ratings? Or are you thinking it's all the people who didn't catch the PPV watching?


How about I push that back a week? Oct 21st Impact over/under is .5


I'm done preaching about what TNA should and shouldn't do and whats good and whats not since clearly TNA is growing in audience atleast on television.


That being said it seems like the more TNA goes in the direction I don't want them to, ECW, etc the higher their ratings get.


So following the formula of "do whatever Stennick doesn't want to see" they should receive a good boost to their ratings.

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