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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Not to take anything away from LT's excellent explanation but wasn't it PH that pointed out that it didn't matter unless TNA actually explained it on air? Excellent use of reaction I agree but won't be watching. Once the relevant guys get more time/attention and the nostalgia guys less I may come back. If Hogan and EB and Flair and Jarrett and EV2 and Foley actually fade to the background of this story I would return.


I would not leave just yet brother. Give it a few weeks to see if it develops and if it sucks, then leave. The angle just started, give them a little bit to win you back.

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I can say without doubt that I have no desired to a crippled Hulk Hogan, Eazy E, and Jeff Jarrett in any main event super heel group so that alone is more than enough reason for me to just chill.


In fact I haven't even looked at this months spoilers. Everyone I care about is doing nothing right now, Lethal, AJ, Wolfe, Kaz, Morgan, even Pope is in a crap five on one handicap match. Even Fortune which I liked are now just nWo B Team so I did give them a huge chance. I sat down and watched Bound for Glory for three hours. Finally when they got to the reason for the season it was the ONLY thing I didn't want to see. 60 year old, crippled Hulk Hogan turning heel with Jeff Jarrett and Bischoff. Oh yeah throw in Hardy who everyone thinks is playing a dark character just because "he's the anti christ of pro wrestling". He's not literally saying he's the devil he's just saying he's now the most hated guy. Anyway I digress TNA had a huge chance at their biggest pay per view of the year and blew it.


I'll tune in when Hogan's back finally causes him to leave and Bischoff is fired.

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I would not leave just yet brother. Give it a few weeks to see if it develops and if it sucks, then leave. The angle just started, give them a little bit to win you back.


The problem is that some of us have been really frustrated with TNA for awhile and have already been giving them "one last chance" for awhile. You reach a point where enough is enough and the frustration just isn't worth the "good" you get out of it.


Like Stennick and Hyde, I am done watching. I will check out results occassionally and will watch a match after the fact if I hear good things. But I have no desire to watch WCW circa 1996 being recreated with many of the same people in 2010. Even if they take it in another direction, its still repetition. More proof that TNA are not even trying to be original and that those in charge "don't get it".

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I have been trying to give them a chance since June when EV2 showed up. There isn't a television show on this planet that can feed me junk for over four months and still expect me to tune in.


I don't watch RAW for this exact reason. I will say this though atleast RAW is doing new things. Miz, Sheamus, Nexus (the best rendition of the nWo since the first year it was created).


TNA has been in the toilet since almost right after Lockdown. They built up so many new stars and I've seen each one of them take a back seat to something old and tired. I have given up on TNA countless times but after every "regime" change I head right back.


This time I'm taking a long break from this thing. I have found solitude in the Youtbue rewatching last decades shows. Atleast when I watch something being done back then it was original and not a tired unimaginative retread like TNA 2010.

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Man it's so disheartening to hear this. Everyone here is saying exactly what I feel, but I guess out of loyalty I am staying. However I dont know how long I will be able to keep watching. I do agree that all the young stars that had a big chance and were built up real well (Wolfe and Morgan anyone), lost any sense of momentum and just fell to the back burner. I just feel that if I turn off my TV and stop watching TNA, what else will I watch that will satisfy that wrestling itch. I guess there always old ROH, SHIMMER and PWG DVD's I can buy. I just want TNA to succeed so badly and not because I hate WWE, I have not watched WWE in so long that I dont know if I hate it, but because they have so many guys I like. I just would really like to see someone fresh in a main even role. Not that Anderson, Hardy and Angle are bad, because they are far from it, but it would be awesome to see Joe, Pope, Wolfe, Lethal and Morgan mix it up with those guys as well. One thing that TNA lacks in building up the young guys is the exposure. You have to book them on the popular morning and night shows. You have to get them out there in the public's faces and shove them down there throats. Thats how everybody knows who Austin, Rock, Cena, Sting, Hogan and Jarrett are. They've been in the public eye. Did you ever seen Joe on Good Morning America when he was TNA champion? No or course not. However I am going off on a tangent and off topic. I just want TNA to do well. Man what to do what to do?
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Man it's so disheartening to hear this. Everyone here is saying exactly what I feel, but I guess out of loyalty I am staying. However I dont know how long I will be able to keep watching. I do agree that all the young stars that had a big chance and were built up real well (Wolfe and Morgan anyone), lost any sense of momentum and just fell to the back burner. I just feel that if I turn off my TV and stop watching TNA, what else will I watch that will satisfy that wrestling itch. I guess there always old ROH, SHIMMER and PWG DVD's I can buy. I just want TNA to succeed so badly and not because I hate WWE, I have not watched WWE in so long that I dont know if I hate it, but because they have so many guys I like. I just would really like to see someone fresh in a main even role. Not that Anderson, Hardy and Angle are bad, because they are far from it, but it would be awesome to see Joe, Pope, Wolfe, Lethal and Morgan mix it up with those guys as well. One thing that TNA lacks in building up the young guys is the exposure. You have to book them on the popular morning and night shows. You have to get them out there in the public's faces and shove them down there throats. Thats how everybody knows who Austin, Rock, Cena, Sting, Hogan and Jarrett are. They've been in the public eye. Did you ever seen Joe on Good Morning America when he was TNA champion? No or course not. However I am going off on a tangent and off topic. I just want TNA to do well. Man what to do what to do?


I started to get pretty frustrated with TNA during the Main Event Mafia stuff - though I honestly didn't start watching much before that - and got really concerned when the Hogan era started with them redoing the Montreal Screwjob for no discernible reason at all. So for a good nine and a half months, I've been waiting for them to convince me that my concerns are wrong. And I've finally given up.


In addition to the WWE stuff I can watch every week, I get ROH on HDNet, some old ROH stuff and not-so-current CMLL every Saturday, plus tons of old stuff on WWE On Demand. I don't lack for wrestling to watch, and maybe that played into my decision even if wasn't conscious.


there's wrestling on my wrestling tonight.


The fact that this comment carries a lot of truth is one of many reasons I just won't bother anymore.

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I really think jeff hardy could work as a heel. I almost get a jimmy jacobs emo vibe from him and that would be so awesome. The fans made him turn to the things he turned to because he had to keep up. He lost his house and his dog and still had to performe. It could work so well. I know they are going for dark and it might be working to be honest.
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I really think jeff hardy could work as a heel. I almost get a jimmy jacobs emo vibe from him and that would be so awesome. The fans made him turn to the things he turned to because he had to keep up. He lost his house and his dog and still had to performe. It could work so well. I know they are going for dark and it might be working to be honest.


I have always hated the Hardy Boys. Never once have I liked them but Jeff Hardy as a heel right now has made me really enjoy seeing him on television. No longer do I just want to see the guy jump 40 feet and miss a guy on a table. Now I actually don't mind seeing the belt over his shoulder. Loving it so far.

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So, who's writting Jeff's pre taped promos for him? I'm guessing Raven would be the logical one.


Anyway, I really like the dark Jeff Hardy too...


Does Matt come in along with Helms and Moore... and try to hold a babyface intervention?


He's definitely reminding me of Raven as of finishing last nights episode. I love the dark (cult) direction TNA is going.

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He's definitely reminding me of Raven as of finishing last nights episode. I love the dark (cult) direction TNA is going.


It feels fresh to me because they are using people I wouldn't expect in these roles.


Fourtune is not like the old 4 Horseman at all. It is just a group of guys who are young and taking after their mentor.


Jeff Hardy hasn't worked this type of gimmick before in WWE or TNA.


When people compare Immortal to nWo I don't see it to be honest. nWo was something built up slowly actually and originally was very small but had the top stars.

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It feels fresh to me because they are using people I wouldn't expect in these roles.


Fourtune is not like the old 4 Horseman at all. It is just a group of guys who are young and taking after their mentor.


Jeff Hardy hasn't worked this type of gimmick before in WWE or TNA.


When people compare Immortal to nWo I don't see it to be honest. nWo was something built up slowly actually and originally was very small but had the top stars.



If you switch Hogan and Bischoff for Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette... then no one would say it's the nWo....

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It feels fresh to me because they are using people I wouldn't expect in these roles.


Fourtune is not like the old 4 Horseman at all. It is just a group of guys who are young and taking after their mentor.


Jeff Hardy hasn't worked this type of gimmick before in WWE or TNA.


When people compare Immortal to nWo I don't see it to be honest. nWo was something built up slowly actually and originally was very small but had the top stars.


C'mon...this is just dumb..


Fourtune: A group of elitist, snob, arrogant heels wearing suits, throwing up the "four fingers" sign..and led by Ric Flair.


Immortals: Hogan and Bischoff leading a group of heels with an unfair advantage due to Eric's position of power. Most of their matches end in gand attacks. They film their vignettes in black & white. Their music is similar. And Hogan has made real life comments in the past few months that he wanted to re-create the nWo.


I mean..if you enjoy the shows and you like the stories, fine. But to say you "don't see" the comparison is just ridiculous. The comparisons are there because TNA put them there; they created the groups intentionally to remind people of past storylines just like they did with The Band, their screw-job, etc..


It's ok to defend and like TNA. But let's not get crazy.

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C'mon...this is just dumb..


Fourtune: A group of elitist, snob, arrogant heels wearing suits, throwing up the "four fingers" sign..and led by Ric Flair.


Immortals: Hogan and Bischoff leading a group of heels with an unfair advantage due to Eric's position of power. Most of their matches end in gand attacks. They film their vignettes in black & white. Their music is similar. And Hogan has made real life comments in the past few months that he wanted to re-create the nWo.


I mean..if you enjoy the shows and you like the stories, fine. But to say you "don't see" the comparison is just ridiculous. The comparisons are there because TNA put them there; they created the groups intentionally to remind people of past storylines just like they did with The Band, their screw-job, etc..


It's ok to defend and like TNA. But let's not get crazy.


He's calling himself Hollywood Hogan, they had Hogan turn on the beloved Babyfaces in Daytona Beach in the SAME building Hogan turned heel in years earlier. Their trying to take over control of TNA, come on guys. If you like it you like it but this is completely and utterly nothing more than an nWo rehash. Ed Leslie called it exactly that just days before "They" was announced.


Also Fortune as Peter said they wear suits, they throw up a four finger hand signal, their led by Ric Flair.


This is exactly the Four Horseman and then nWo. If you like it thats fine but lets not pretend like these stables are completely new and never been seen before.

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With Immortal and Fortune, TNA are doing everything possible to make the links obvious. It their actual intent was to make things "fresh" and this was the result, they are far more screwed up than I thought...


There's nothing wrong with enjoying what they are doing. But trying to downplay the obvious connection is wishful thinking at best. They cannot recreate the NWO or Four Horsemen exactly, for various reason. But there isn't that much they could do to make them more similar, given the talent they have available...

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