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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I liked Bound for Glory until Roode/Angle. I would have been ok with Angle winning of the match hadn't been such a stinker. I swear Roode had the crossface on Angle a dozen times in the match. I kept waiting for them to kick it into another gear, but meh...the match just sucked.


Almost any other match on the card would have been a better main event.


The Knockout's match was meh, but I did get excited for Velvet winning. Been a huge fan of her's for forever.

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After reading the reports I'm not going to be happy if they run an Angle injury angle that leads to a vacated title, leading to Roode eventually taking the title. When I read about the post match unexplained "X" that was my first thought, and I don't see how that would be any better than... just giving Roode the title. Oh, and remembering that there are other moves in wrestling apart from submissions.
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Spoilers, I guess... buf i you don't know BFG results, you probably shouldn't be in here...


As we discussed on the TNA Bound for Glory Post-Game show last night in the PWInsider Elite section, the original plan for the PPV was for Bobby Roode to defeat Kurt Angle for the TNA championship to close the PPV. The story going around was that yesterday afternoon, Hulk Hogan lobbied to have the finish change, feeling that Roode wasn't ready for a run with the title. So, the finish was changed.


Between that and the AJ Styles stuff in the last few days, there was a lot of resentment towards Hogan among the long time members of the roster. The resentment was especially at a high because Hogan was ripping on Styles on Twitter when everyone knew Styles had missed the TNA Fan Interaction event due to a death in the family.


One running joke I heard after the PPV, which to a person, everyone agreed wasn't a strong show, was whether roster talents could "request a transfer" to Jeff Jarrett's new India project.


pwinsider elite

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TNA needs to forget about Hogan and realize that guys like AJ Styles and Roode are their future. If they burn those bridges and those guys end up going to ROH and elevating that promotion or going to WWE and becoming major stars they only have themselves to blame.


If that report is true that Hogan is the reason Roode isn't champion then TNA just isn't worth backing. They need to realize that decisions like that could lead to them dieing off eventually.

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Damn, TNA ruined their own MITB before WWE had a chance to ruin Daniel Bryan's. I mean, I'm with Hulkster; I don't give a **** about Roode. But it's still stupid to change plans at the last minute. Even if Bobby isn't ready, who cares? It's just the TNA belt, and Bobby can't be that terrible. There's barely anyone paying attention anyway. He's acting like Bobby was about to headline WM or something.
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Damn, TNA ruined their own MITB before WWE had a chance to ruin Daniel Bryan's. I mean, I'm with Hulkster; I don't give a **** about Roode. But it's still stupid to change plans at the last minute. Even if Bobby isn't ready, who cares? It's just the TNA belt, and Bobby can't be that terrible. There's barely anyone paying attention anyway. He's acting like Bobby was about to headline WM or something.


Exactly how I feel.


Personally I've always felt Roode was a little bland and that James Storm had more personality of the 2. I was enjoying Roode lately though as I felt like he was being pushed as their new poster child but apparently not.


BFG leaves me really wondering where they are going and not in a good way. Does Sting now battle Angle for the belt? Where does TNA go with Roode? I have more questions now but who knows maybe things will work out ok.

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TNA needs to forget about Hogan and realize that guys like AJ Styles and Roode are their future.


I agree 100%, at this point Hogan's name value is nothing. In fact he probably couldn't draw flies if he was covered in crap. Why anyone would listen to his opinion is beyond me.


Granted I do not think that Bobby Roode is championship material either but I felt they built him up pretty good and it would have been cool for him to take the title. A Bobby Roode championship win, to me, would be something like when Ron Simmons won the NWA/WCW Championship. You give the guy a chance to see what he can do. Maybe he will turn out to be a good champion or maybe he will not. After all it is not like anyone else is helping to draw the fans into TNA, so why not give someone else a shot.

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I agree 100%, at this point Hogan's name value is nothing. In fact he probably couldn't draw flies if he was covered in crap. Why anyone would listen to his opinion is beyond me.


Granted I do not think that Bobby Roode is championship material either but I felt they built him up pretty good and it would have been cool for him to take the title. A Bobby Roode championship win, to me, would be something like when Ron Simmons won the NWA/WCW Championship. You give the guy a chance to see what he can do. Maybe he will turn out to be a good champion or maybe he will not. After all it is not like anyone else is helping to draw the fans into TNA, so why not give someone else a shot.


Yeah I think of it like the Ron Simmons run as well. I mean how do you truly know if a guy is Main Event material until you give him a chance?


Chris Jericho in WCW is a good example. Many people including me never thought he could be main event material. I was wrong and wish that I was on board much sooner.

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Jericholic since Day 1 ;)


From an interview with Kurt Angle this past weekend I believe. I found this on prowrestling.net


On the current direction of Impact Wrestling and "passing the torch": "God willing, we have more wrestling and less talk. I’ve been pushing for that. Sometimes we have people there on the show that don’t wrestle. They take up a lot of the show with only promos. The young guys need to step up and be the guys cutting the promos. It’s kind of a catch 22. We need to realize who we are and we need to fix the problem. The young talent needs the opportunity to shine.


"I’m one of the top guys in the company and I don’t want to remain there. I don’t know who it will be but I am more than willing to find somebody in the company to hand to torch over to and say ‘hey, you take the lead and I’ll follow you.’ I’m near the end of my career. I’ve got three more years left with TNA Wrestling and then I’m done. I signed that deal with TNA so I can help the company. I want them to compete with WWE. It will take some time, but it will happen."

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Justin LaBar of Wrestlezone talking about one of the reasons why Roode didn't win at BFG:


There is also reports saying that the company is waiting for the right time and wants to put the belt on Jeff Hardy and let him have another run.


I must admit, I like TNA. Well, I like what TNA COULD be I guess. With that said; however, THIS is what makes me continually bash my head into the wall when it comes to their approach.


At one time I liked Hardy (a LONG time ago) but I don't really see ANY reason to give him the belt once again. He made a mockery of the TNA Championship when he showed up 'high' (simply put, it's true) and after months of the company talking as if they were going to release him... All of a sudden, He's in-line for another shot?




I don't get it.


A REAL uprising is in need within TNA. Create the classic young vs. old storyline and have people like Roode, Styles, Joe, Aries, Morgan, etc. benefit. While it's true that Roode may need more fleshing out before the belt should be put around his waist, giving it to Hardy seems like a very stupid idea.

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I must admit, I like TNA. Well, I like what TNA COULD be I guess. With that said; however, THIS is what makes me continually bash my head into the wall when it comes to their approach.


At one time I liked Hardy (a LONG time ago) but I don't really see ANY reason to give him the belt once again. He made a mockery of the TNA Championship when he showed up 'high' (simply put, it's true) and after months of the company talking as if they were going to release him... All of a sudden, He's in-line for another shot?




I don't get it.


A REAL uprising is in need within TNA. Create the classic young vs. old storyline and have people like Roode, Styles, Joe, Aries, Morgan, etc. benefit. While it's true that Roode may need more fleshing out before the belt should be put around his waist, giving it to Hardy seems like a very stupid idea.


TNA has already tried to do this storyline a couple times and the young guys never go over. I really don't understand why they would place a lot of faith in Hardy when they don't know how long he can stay clean and not pull another Victory Road.


Also I feel sorry for the young talent who are constantly being wasted in TNA. Its sad because if they leave they either have to go back to the indies and make less money or try and make a run in the WWE (which could possibly mean they will be jobbers). There really isn't any place these guys can go.

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I can't imagine how pissed Bobby Roode is, I hate Hulk Hogan - he's screwed Bobby over, I certainly can't see TNA doing any worse with Roode as champion than they are doing. If they give Jeff Hardy a new run as champ there is very little chance I'll continue to watch. I feel like some of these guys need to leave TNA for the sake of their careers, sure they might make money (and to a lot of people that is the most important thing) but what about accomplishment, what about self satisfaction? I've gone off on a bit of a tangent there but I wish these guys had somewhere else to go basically, where they'll not only be respected but pushed on how good of a fit they are to said promotions roster, ROH would be great but they can't really take on that many more people I don't think.
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I can't imagine how pissed Bobby Roode is, I hate Hulk Hogan - he's screwed Bobby over, I certainly can't see TNA doing any worse with Roode as champion than they are doing. If they give Jeff Hardy a new run as champ there is very little chance I'll continue to watch. I feel like some of these guys need to leave TNA for the sake of their careers, sure they might make money (and to a lot of people that is the most important thing) but what about accomplishment, what about self satisfaction? I've gone off on a bit of a tangent there but I wish these guys had somewhere else to go basically, where they'll not only be respected but pushed on how good of a fit they are to said promotions roster, ROH would be great but they can't really take on that many more people I don't think.


Yeah I agree 100% with you. If there was another option in America it would help a lot. There are other options and they could make a lot of money on the indies, in Japan, Mexico, and other places. Maybe they could join up with the NWA and restore some prestige to that brand?


They could also pool their money together and open up their own promotions/schools. That would allow them to make a good amount of money.

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An old guys vs. new guys storyline would be perfect for TNA, just look at their roster. But I wouldn't trust them with that kind of storyline. In order for it to be effective, the new guys would have to win the final battle and the older guys would need to leave the promotion. I can't see TNA actually doing that, no way.
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Even if Bobby isn't ready, who cares? It's just the TNA belt, and Bobby can't be that terrible. There's barely anyone paying attention anyway. He's acting like Bobby was about to headline WM or something.


Same really. TNA are in a far better position than the WWE in terms of being able to take chances with their talent. If Roode couldn't grow into the role, given the push and the build-up that got him there, then fair enough, get the belt off him again.


Then again, what does it matter? The original plan probably had Ken Anderson turning heel again and winning the belt from Roode 2 weeks later anyway...

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I still find it befuddling, that Bully Ray came out as apart of Immortal despite begin put through the table a few matches earlier.

Not to mention how bad the Knockouts match was, especially since they did the almost exact set up as last years (four corners & special guest referee).

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