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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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This is the first thing TNA's done in over a year atleast that's interested me, it has real potential if they play it out right. But keep in mind peeps this is TNA we're talking about and they have a history of screwing up storylines via swerves, turns and other general Russo/Bischoff/Hogan nonsense....


But the new head guy in creative is that Bruce guy so now maybe it's a new era in TNA

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This is the first thing TNA's done in over a year atleast that's interested me, it has real potential if they play it out right. But keep in mind peeps this is TNA we're talking about and they have a history of screwing up storylines via swerves, turns and other general Russo/Bischoff/Hogan nonsense....


While true, I think I read that Russo was no longer head of creative in TNA. If so, then there's a chance that this MAY not end up in the crapper. I wish I had cable so I could watch impact but I guess I'll just have to keep up with their youtube channel to see how this comes together.

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Bruce Prichard's the head of Talent Relations and has the book (IIRC) and they have Dave Lagana on writing too now. But saying that, how many new era's can TNA have? Seems like they try changing direction every year :confused: I'll be keeping up with this however.


Lagana has nothing to do with Impact, though. He's going to be working on a separate TNA project that will air in India.


After reading the full spoilers for Impact, I'm much less excited. There's literally three matches on the show, and none of them sound long. I just don't want to see that much talking.

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After reading the full spoilers for Impact, I'm much less excited. There's literally three matches on the show, and none of them sound long. I just don't want to see that much talking.


This is typical after a big TNA show. Isn't this the normal format of the 1st show on tv after a PPV? They don't know how to set up feuds other than by talking it seems.

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This thread made me read the spoilers. Now I wish I didn't because I would have loved to have watched it and been surprised. I approve of it though.


Same here, i'm a big fan of spoiler guy and prefer him over the other guy so would of marked out big here but alas i've spoiled it for myself. I hate the internet and everything it stands for right now! :p

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I get there is an initial coolness to this and if it goes the way I think it will I'll be quite happy. But why on this show? Why didn't they go the other way (the way they went with the not spoiler guy), seems on the fly booking? I am being cynical but why not, then things can only be better.
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I get there is an initial coolness to this and if it goes the way I think it will I'll be quite happy. But why on this show? Why didn't they go the other way (the way they went with the not spoiler guy), seems on the fly booking? I am being cynical but why not, then things can only be better.


It does really make you wonder why things went the way they did up until now because it is out of the blue kinda.


Maybe they are going to treat BFG as their Season Finale and with the following Impact it is their next Season Opener or something. Huge stretch because I don't think this is a sign of things going into next years BFG or anything.


Should be interested to see how this goes. After Thursday I will explain where I think things are going with this but don't want to give anything away for this week.

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I get there is an initial coolness to this and if it goes the way I think it will I'll be quite happy. But why on this show? Why didn't they go the other way (the way they went with the not spoiler guy), seems on the fly booking? I am being cynical but why not, then things can only be better.


PWInsider reported yesterday that Roode was supposed to win at BFG, but Hogan nixed it Sunday afternoon.


I wouldn't be surprised, and honestly, it's disgusting if it's true.




As we discussed on the TNA Bound for Glory Post-Game show last night in the PWInsider Elite section, the original plan for the PPV was for Bobby Roode to defeat Kurt Angle for the TNA championship to close the PPV. The story going around was that yesterday afternoon, Hulk Hogan lobbied to have the finish changed, feeling that Roode wasn't ready for a run with the title. So, the finish was changed.


Between that and the AJ Styles stuff in the last few days, there was a lot of resentment towards Hogan among the long time members of the roster. The resentment was especially at a high because Hogan was ripping on Styles on Twitter when everyone knew Styles had missed the TNA Fan Interaction event due to a death in the family.


One running joke I heard after the PPV, which to a person, everyone agreed wasn't a strong show, was whether roster talents could "request a transfer" to Jeff Jarrett's new India project.

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Typical TNA... I'm happy with what I've read, but its an awful way to do it. They are either booking on the fly and reacting to the fan reaction from BFG, or they are trying to put the subsueqent storyline together in the most convoluted, random way possibe. Like they wanted to kill the momentum this could have built.
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Yeah, it seems like they just go and read the internet's reaction, panic/feel stupid, and then go and do some drastic change to make it seem like it was all part of the plan. I guess it could be legit though, who knows.


Regardless of all of that, I'm diggin' the new direction they are going whether it's intentional or just a way to cover their mess. It's nothing exciting, but it is the right direction for them at least. Make them the main feud and it's on.

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I know that I hear a lot of these bad things about Bound For Glory, but it was an amazing show live. I killed my voice screaming and shouting for my favorites. lol. There was a definite Austin Aries chant during his match and a few ECW chants sprinkled throughout the show. The Hulk Hogan turn was amazing live and felt to me like being there at Bash At The Beach 1996 when he turned bad. When Mr. Anderson set Bully Ray on the table and went to the apron, I began a 'Kenton Bomb' chant and it seemed to me like he looked my way. It could be just me, though.


The Fan Fest weekend was absolutely awesome. We had a reception on Friday night with guys like James Storm, Jeff and Karen Jarrett and Jeremony Borash showing up. Then the Fan Fest came and it was great to get autographs and pictures taken with guys like Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, Sting, Ric Flair, Mr. Anderson, Bully Ray, etc. Then came the breakfast where Traci Brooks, Kazarian, Christopher Daniels and Mexican America all showed up.


Then before the show my guest, myself and the other contest winners had a meet and greet with Matt Morgan, Traci Brooks and Kazarian before we were taken down to the backstage area. We had interviews done with So Cal Val and as soon as they are posted on the website I will post the link here. So Cal Val is definitely a gorgeous woman.


All in all, it was an amazing once in a lifetime experience.

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You know what, I honestly believe Bischoff read Saturday spoilers for RAW, realised it was going to be the 2nd poor show in a row and changed plans.


Think about it - Impact ratings will spike. RAW ratings could have been awful. Queue lots of promotion about closing the gap, even if it was for only one week and unsubstainable.


Clearly these weren't the plans even two weeks earlier, because, you know, they could have at least given a certain someone a couple of singles win to give him a little momentum?

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I just watched the Sting vs. Hogan match from BFG. And holy cow, that match was terrible! Guys like Hogan and Flair should really really REALLY stay as far away from in-ring action as they possibly can... I mean, Hogan made Sting look like Bryan Danielson in comparison. It almost reminded me of the Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon match from last year.


The turn was pretty good though.

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