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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Well Austin Aries stated that one of the main reason's to go to TNA was more money etc. for him. And he was basically main event ROH level when he left. And no I am not getting into the whole money for undercard guys debate again as we just don't know. Believe Dixie and Taylor in his shoots more or believe cagesideseats or whatever that sheet is called more or somewhere in the middle, personaly I believe closer to Taylor and Dixie but not 100 percent. But purely from a visibility standpoint I would say midcard TNA beets ME ROH and with visibility comes money.
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Well Austin Aries stated that one of the main reason's to go to TNA was more money etc. for him. And he was basically main event ROH level when he left. And no I am not getting into the whole money for undercard guys debate again as we just don't know. Believe Dixie and Taylor in his shoots more or believe cagesideseats or whatever that sheet is called more or somewhere in the middle, personaly I believe closer to Taylor and Dixie but not 100 percent. But purely from a visibility standpoint I would say midcard TNA beets ME ROH and with visibility comes money.


I think you're a bit of a mark for TNA, honestly. Just use Occum's Razor: They don't sell merch, they don't sell PPVs, they can't sell tickets, they travel internationally for house shows. Where are they making enough to pay for workers? Only source of revenue right now is Spike. That's it. Which could be decently lucrative for them, granted. UFC made something like 35M on Spike for their multi-year deal. Gotta figure TNA is right about there. But when you spend money like they do on travel and giant egos... how much could they really have left for the Kid Kash's or the Joey Ryan's of the world?


My guess is, not a whole lot.

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I think you're a bit of a mark for TNA, honestly. Just use Occum's Razor: They don't sell merch, they don't sell PPVs, they can't sell tickets, they travel internationally for house shows. Where are they making enough to pay for workers? Only source of revenue right now is Spike. That's it. Which could be decently lucrative for them, granted. UFC made something like 35M on Spike for their multi-year deal. Gotta figure TNA is right about there. But when you spend money like they do on travel and giant egos... how much could they really have left for the Kid Kash's or the Joey Ryan's of the world?


My guess is, not a whole lot.


Ok not starting. You apparently believe all the dirtsheet and have no idea where TNA and WWE make most of their money outside their US t.v. deal that is fine, I chose to be more critical of both sides. And we where talking Aries / Main Event ROH -> Midcard TNA not main event ROH -> undercard TNA. Even WWE undercard/dev pays peanuts and historically undercard pays peanuts.


All I am saying is I believe TNA midcard is more exposure then ROH main event, and I don't think given TNA's profile that is unreasonable. WWE midcard is also around the same or more exposure then TNA main event. And that Aries mentioned TNA being bigger then ROH was one of the reasons he jumped. Prove me otherwise.


Occum's razor works with facts all you got up there is conjecture. Multiple times stated by TNA: Make good money on merch, make money on the house shows, make money on the ppvs, and where the big money is television right's deals especially international, coupled with Spike paying for some costs both workers and advertising.


Dammit you got me started...... You believe the sheets more I am more critical of both sides and tend to disbelieve the sheets more. Fine.

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Ok not starting. You apparently believe all the dirtsheet and have no idea where TNA and WWE make most of their money outside their US t.v. deal that is fine, I chose to be more critical of both sides. And we where talking Aries / Main Event ROH -> Midcard TNA not main event ROH -> undercard TNA. Even WWE undercard/dev pays peanuts and historically undercard pays peanuts.


All I am saying is I believe TNA midcard is more exposure then ROH main event, and I don't think given TNA's profile that is unreasonable. WWE midcard is also around the same or more exposure then TNA main event. And that Aries mentioned TNA being bigger then ROH was one of the reasons he jumped. Prove me otherwise.


Occum's razor works with facts all you got up there is conjecture. Multiple times stated by TNA: Make good money on merch, make money on the house shows, make money on the ppvs, and where the big money is television right's deals especially international, coupled with Spike paying for some costs both workers and advertising.


Dammit you got me started...... You believe the sheets more I am more critical of both sides and tend to disbelieve the sheets more. Fine.


If your asking me if I trust independent sources over company PR... yeah, I do. Pro Wrestling is a funny thing, where reality is malleable, but Companies are 100% going to lie to you. No exceptions. To believe anything that comes out of their mouth that isn't verified 15x over is seriously stupid.


As to what AA makes, I don't really care. Not what I was commenting about.

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So which of the following is true:


A) Jeff Jarrett will soon be coming back to try and take back control of TNA


B) TNA heavily insulted the Jarrett's by not having them on last nights PPV


I suppose there's the third option that they were invited but turned it down. But that's my least likely option.


See, I don't mind A. Although its been done a million times before, Jeff using his exclusion from the ten year anniversary show as his motivation would actually make sense.


But if that doesn't happen, then surely B applies? Even if they wanted Jeff to sell his storyline (which considering the short term booking mindset all wrestling companies have allowing them to ignore any event more than 3 months old sounds unlikely), what would have been wrong with Jerry being around?


Actually really interested in Hyde's view on this, as I might just be missing something and it would have been completely inappropriate. I'll openly admit to rarely watching TNA nowadays.

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What a show. Seriously, one of the best events I've watched - from any company - in quite a while. Sacrifice was up there, as well. I'm very happy to see this company start to turn it around, as God knows they have the talent.


In my opinion, Kazarian/Daniels vs. Angle/Styles was the best match, followed by Aries vs. Joe, RVD vs. Hardy vs. Anderson, and Roode vs. Sting. Really looking forward to Impact.

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Austin Aries vs Samoa Joe - By these guys standard, that was trash. I'm sure it was booked this way on purpose, but this open was depressing... - D


Kid Kash vs. Hernandez - Yeah, that happened. C


Robbie E and Robbie T vs Devon and Garrett - They're trying so hard to use Devon's overness to get Garrett over... The match itself was ok. - C


Mr Anderson vs RVD vs Jeff Hardy - It was fun, The crowd was seriously into Anderson, even if I wasn't and it really elevated the match for me - B-


Crimson vs. James Storm - Makes all the sense in the world what they did here. Bit of a letdown that there was all of the legends talk because it MURDERED any pop Storm was going to get. Either way, James is back and my guess is Roode-Storm II in the very near future. - C-


Gail Kim vs Brooke Tessmacher - Holy crap was this terrible... The botched suplex, the fact it was only 7mins but it felt like 10yrs... Then the botched finish reinforcing the fact they just put the belt on... that. - F


Bully Ray vs Joseph Park - Almost happened exactly how I thought it would; impostor Abyss and everything. Having him hide under the ring before hand leaves open the split-personality angle too. I liked it. Could have gone a bit more hardcore and a lot less standing around, but it made sense for the story. EC-Dub chants never get old either. - B+


Daniels & Kazarian vs Styles & Angle- A couple of botches hurt the match, including the reach for the ropes that, he clearly could have reached, at the end. - Solid B-


Bobby Roode vs Sting - That was a pretty bad way to close a good PPV, the "You've still got it" chant was a perfect illustration of everything that is wrong with the business... - D+


Overall, I thought it was a solid C PPV. I didn't feel like I flushed my time or my money down a toilet. Booking is logical, if a bit transparent for my tastes. Still a fun Sunday night.

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Ok guess we are never going to agree Makhai but ok.


3 great matches Aries vs Joe, RVD vs Hardy vs Anderson, Angle and Styles vs Daniels and Kaz


2 good matches especially story wise: Ray vs Park, Roode vs Sting


3 good matches for what they where: Storm vs Crimson, Hernandez vs Kaz, Tess vs Kim


1 mediocre match.


Great moments with Sting being announced as first inductee and Christian showing up.


Great ppv. Not perfect but great.

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If your asking me if I trust independent sources over company PR... yeah, I do. Pro Wrestling is a funny thing, where reality is malleable, but Companies are 100% going to lie to you. No exceptions. To believe anything that comes out of their mouth that isn't verified 15x over is seriously stupid.


As to what AA makes, I don't really care. Not what I was commenting about.


Same with the sheets, repeating stuff 15x doesn't make something true. And when TNA lies I call em out on that as well. Like I said endless discussions you believe the sheets more I believe TNA more but am critical of both. Not enough FACTS to back up either statement.

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So which of the following is true:


A) Jeff Jarrett will soon be coming back to try and take back control of TNA


B) TNA heavily insulted the Jarrett's by not having them on last nights PPV


I suppose there's the third option that they were invited but turned it down. But that's my least likely option.


See, I don't mind A. Although its been done a million times before, Jeff using his exclusion from the ten year anniversary show as his motivation would actually make sense.


But if that doesn't happen, then surely B applies? Even if they wanted Jeff to sell his storyline (which considering the short term booking mindset all wrestling companies have allowing them to ignore any event more than 3 months old sounds unlikely), what would have been wrong with Jerry being around?


Actually really interested in Hyde's view on this, as I might just be missing something and it would have been completely inappropriate. I'll openly admit to rarely watching TNA nowadays.


I'm not really interested in this whole stuff atm but my view is that it is a work and will lead to Sting vs Jarrett, not control of company stuff.


As far as Jerry is concerned ,if you meant Jerry there instead of Jeff, him and Dixie and Jeff had a falling out that neither side is interested in resolving it seems.

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Jarrett has this insane ability to make others look better than they are. So, whoever he ends up facing, there's a chance it's going to be good.


Though, I'm predicting Jarrett vs Sting at Bound for Glory.


What did you think of the ppv though? And did anyone here attend it?

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I haven't watched it yet. I'll be watching it in a few hours hopefully. Other than the one user here, I've heard nothing but good things about the show. Most people are saying the finish to Sting/Roode almost ruined the entire show, but I generally have different views.


I'll come back and grade everything when I'm done watching it :)

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Joe Aries - Fun match. Not what they where back in say 2004 RoH but good -B


Kash Hernendez - I enjoy Hernendez a lot, but yeah, this was pretty boring - C-


Robbies D-Von and Some Guy - Ugh garret Bischoff. Ugh Robbies. this match...ugh D


Anderson RVD Hardy - Okay, the crowd did make this match. Would've loved to see Hardy win, but can understand why he didn't. Good match, good spots, good drama B-


Crimson Storm - Squash. Good for Storm. Match was boring though - C-


Kim Tessmacher - :mad: F


Ray Park - Not bad. Not good, boring at times. Crowd really ticked me off in this part - C


Kaz/Daniels Angle/AJ - Nothing happened, except the titles changing hands. Story didn't devolope at all. Overall felt like filler, not the ending or continuation of a story. Also he could've reached the ropes. C+


Roode Sting - The match was okay. Another not good not bad match. Ending was weak - C


Sting induction - "Sting is the most popular wrestler in wrestling today" or something like that. Yeah okay Hogan. F for that line alone. Also if it was a big surprise and nobody knew how did they have all the prerecorded videos? T! N! A! T! N! A!


Christian angle - Waste of time - D BTW anyone else find it ironic that Christian was there to basically put over the moment Sting came back and took the shine off Christian's run? Just me?


Sting Angle - Sting's gotta get his rub back, brother! - F


Bad show overall. I'd give it a low C.

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Really enjoyed the show last night. Lot of good stuff happened imo.


One thing I didn't like was how James Storm basically squashed Crimson. Kind of made the whole streak thing look really irrelevant. And Crimson really seems to be coming into his own as a solid Heel and deserved a bit better.



Kinda wish the ME would of had a cleaner finish but I get it.



Park vs. Ray was very entertaining for sure.



Joe vs. Aries was great, so was the Tag Team title match. AJ Styles springboard shooting star press was insane and very awesome.



Overall a great show IMO. Happy I made the purchase after being disappointed with Lockdown.

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One thing I didn't like was how James Storm basically squashed Crimson. Kind of made the whole streak thing look really irrelevant. And Crimson really seems to be coming into his own as a solid Heel and deserved a bit better.


You're insane.:p Getting Storm back over for Bound for Glory series is far more important than Crimson being the dork he is.

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I did go to the show. The crowd was very good. Had never seen him outside his goofy on-screen persona, but Borash did a great job getting the crowd ready leading into the show. Joe/Aries was nice. the triple threat was good, with the exception of Anderson winning(just can't stand the guy). Hernandez/Kash was very random(Hernandez is from Texas, let's throw him in there). The tag match was a very good match(with those 4 it should be), but thought there would be more from the Dixie/AJ angle in there. Crimson/Storm, women's match, meh. The main was solid. Yeah the finish was a little off, but I find myself a fan of old school heel Bobby Roode. Plus the fact of seeing someone with an extended run as champ is great(especially a heel). Overall a really good show that even had only been a good show, can't be beat for $10.
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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Crimson had only won like 14 singles matches over his entire "streak."


TBH I don't like how TNA talks about streaks in terms of time rather than matches. I'm much more impressed with a 42 match win streak than a 2 year streak with only 10 wins. :/


What I hated about the "streak" was that it only counted when TNA wanted to have it count. They did not count it when he was pinned in tag matches because it was a singles match streak.


So yeah I agree with you, this streak was not impressive at all. Granted WCW did fudge Goldberg's numbers but he still did have a lot of wins in a row.

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He was never pinned in tag matches his partner always was. He was undefeated in the Joe, Kozlov sense aka never pinned or submitted or dqd etc.


I thought he was pinned once in a tag match, sorry about that.:o Well even so the whole streak thing was a joke, just because he did lose in tag team matches.


He might have not actually took the pin but in order for it to be a winning streak, you have to win and he did not. It seems like they changed it from a winning streak, into a never been pinned streak as soon as he started his tag team with Matt Morgan.

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