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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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WOWWW, I meant Robbie T. my apoligies. and i agree. Anarchy ftw.


When Robbie T debuted they tried to push him as a legit threat. He worked wonders as the British Invasion's body guard and he's fine in that role. The dude can do a bad ass spinning back kick(Booker T style) and he has a great look, but he's just not that good in the ring. He busts his ass though.


Pretty sure that's why they stopped his push.

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When Robbie T debuted they tried to push him as a legit threat. He worked wonders as the British Invasion's body guard and he's fine in that role. The dude can do a bad ass spinning back kick(Booker T style) and he has a great look, but he's just not that good in the ring. He busts his ass though.


Pretty sure that's why they stopped his push.


well, I'd like to see them build up to it, put him against some better guys, work his skills and see how much he can really do. TNA used to do that alot, trying to push guys too fast, I can see him being a pretty big star in a few years depending on how he evolves

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well, I'd like to see them build up to it, put him against some better guys, work his skills and see how much he can really do. TNA used to do that alot, trying to push guys too fast, I can see him being a pretty big star in a few years depending on how he evolves


He's working in OVW now too. Pretty sure he's their champ. Doug Williams just got sent to OVW has head trainer.


TNA's development talent are in GREAT hands.

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He's working in OVW now too. Pretty sure he's their champ. Doug Williams just got sent to OVW has head trainer.


TNA's development talent are in GREAT hands.


I remember an article in I think PWI like years ago naming people they thought would be big stars at WM 25 (this was right after like WM 20) naming Kevin Thorn, Williams, and Danielson amongst others. I haven't seen much of Williams, I assume he's a technician, I think i saw his match a Destination X

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I remember an article in I think PWI like years ago naming people they thought would be big stars at WM 25 (this was right after like WM 20) naming Kevin Thorn, Williams, and Danielson amongst others. I haven't seen much of Williams, I assume he's a technician, I think i saw his match a Destination X


I'm a massive fan of Thorn, Williams, and of course Danielson.


I've backed Thorn since the Mordecai gimmick though. Just something about Fertig I like. I really hope he finds a job in TNA. I always bring him in as Serpent(the name he used in his tryout match with TNA) and Shelly Martinez as Desire in TEW. I always build a stable around them full of dark stuff with Thorn essentially being the devil.


Williams is definitely a technician and a fine one at that. His mic skills are criminally underrated though. I was heartbroken when the rumored team of Williams, Magnus, and Desmond Wolfe(Nigel McGuinness) didn't come to fruition. Magnus and Williams were great together as British Invasion and Magnus and Wolfe were even better together as London Brawling.

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I'm a massive fan of Thorn, Williams, and of course Danielson.


I've backed Thorn since the Mordecai gimmick though. Just something about Fertig I like. I really hope he finds a job in TNA. I always bring him in as Serpent(the name he used in his tryout match with TNA) and Shelly Martinez as Desire in TEW. I always build a stable around them full of dark stuff with Thorn essentially being the devil.


Williams is definitely a technician and a fine one at that. His mic skills are criminally underrated though. I was heartbroken when the rumored team of Williams, Magnus, and Desmond Wolfe(Nigel McGuinness) didn't come to fruition. Magnus and Williams were great together as British Invasion and Magnus and Wolfe were even better together as London Brawling.


I'm a huge fan of Fertig too, lovvved the Seven gimmick in OVW, didn't mind the Thorn gimmick but I think they missed the chance with the Mordecai gimmick. I may just have to do that in my TEW game just have to get a real world mod! Is Williams retired or semi-active now or what?


And Nigel has hep C now or was that a rumor? I know he announces for ROH now, but I never really researched the reasoning too much

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I think Nigel shot down the hep c rumors, but he said the only way he could wrestle full time is if he had someone paying his medical bills and that won't happen any where other than WWE.


I don't think Doug is retired though. I think they just don't have anything for him. I'd like to see him get one more good go around though. He's a hell of a worker.

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I'll see if I can compile a list of my favorites. I know he had a nice match with American Dragon/Danielson in APW back in 2001. I'm not sure if it's on youtube anymore though.


He also beat Danielson to get entrance to the inaugural ROH Title match. I've never seen that match though.

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Was not to impressed with last nights Impact. It served the one and only purpose of advancing the Aces & Eights storyline and thats about it.

I like the Robbie E win, I thought that was hysterical.

The Mr Anderson match made no sence because surley he would know that the only way he was going to break the top 4 was with a submission. The announcers kept hyping it as any victory would help and it was plainly obvious that he needed a submission by looking at the leader board. The match was pretty good though. I loved the Devon is better chant.

The gut check kid needs a big fat NO. He was by far the worse one TNA has brought in for a match. I dont know who recomended him but they should never get a say in who is brought in again. He was terrible.

The rest of the matches were forgettable and while the ending was good I was waiting for that big reveal.

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For those of you who are in the 48 contiguous states of the United States, make sure you sign up for the Direct Auto Insurance Bound For Glory Fly Away Sweepstakes. Last year, I won the BFG Fly Away Sweepstakes sponsored by Circle K and it was a blast. I got to go to a reception the first night, the fan fest on that Saturday, a breakfast the Sunday of the pay-per-view plus two tickets in the second row of Bound For Glory last year. They flew me out, paid for the hotel, paid for the transportation to get to the arena and back. It is so much fun. I, of course, am already signed up this year as well. I am hoping to have the same luck I had last year. But if I don't win, I would love to have someone else from the Grey Dog Software family go. The link is here.



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