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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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A couple thoughts.


1. Happy RVD won, Zema just seemed too green for me. He's entertaining but just mehh.


2. Why in the hell was Roode vs Storm not a co-main event? Makes no sense at all


3. Yay, Morgan is back, maybe he'll get as high up the roster as he deserves to be.


4. Why is the knockouts match after all these great matches?

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HOLY HELL Kazarian O.O Hernandez was at the apron, Kazarian top rope. He did a hurricanrana, landing extremely badly on the ground. Right after that AJ Styles did a huge move, hopping from one side of the ring to another side's ropes and then outside. Outstanding match. Hopefully Kaz is okay. :confused:


OK Kazarian is okay. Got really scary for a moment. BME! Two count! The awesome match continues!


Wow. Chavo and Hernandez won. Fans are booing. Lackluster ending to a great match and people seem to be genuinely disappointed of the winners of the match. :o Ugh.. Riding on Eddie's name. I don't like it. It's been too long I think.


Yes I was right, women's match next.

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Tara wins the knockouts title from Tessmacher. Post-match introduces her bf (a complete nobody for me). Now it's time for Aces & 8's vs. Sting and Bully Ray.



I think its that way for a lot of people. He does have a good look and I do know he's been working in OVW, so maybe they have something in him.

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lol Ray and Sting did the Doomsday Device :D 3rd A&8's guy ran in, the captured guy Parks broke handcuffs and started beating the third villain. Now getting tables. 4th guy runs in and puts Ray trough the table to get the victory. It was DQ rules, Hogan made it so at the start of the PPV. Now post-match beatdown.


Five villains now in the ring. Hogan comes to save. Omg this is not the 80's.. Hogan is dropping them one by one. One guy left standing in the ring. They're gonna remove his mask.. .. ..


D-VON DUDLEY!!! Knew it.


Ray is shocked. Kinda, lackluster-ish. After the Jarrett/Bischoff choices.. Ray is in tears: 'Why?.." LOL "This is awkward" chant.


Time for the main event.

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Okay WTF... Devon? Really? As of right now it makes no sence. Im glad Devon is back but what reason does he have to be the leader of Aces & Eights? Jelousy? Maybe? Who knows at this point. I do like that Devon may now get the chance at the top of the card.


The only part that makes sense from a storyline point of view is Bully Ray getting screwed out of a shot at the World Title by Aces and Eights, but D-Von doesn't seem to fit into the rest of the story at all.

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Hardy busted his ass, but "Aries had to work harder to make him look better"?


I don't see it. Hardy sold like a million bucks, worked his tail off, and him and Aries had a fantastic match.


Also, if Hardy would have lost, the BFG series winner would lose two years in a row. That would be idiotic.

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