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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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As long as Garrett and Brooke stay in minor roles I am happy. If it wasn't for those 2 they are actually putting on some very good shows and Nostalgia isn't as much in the spotlight as before. I don't count Angle, RVD, Anderson, Hardy, Ray as nostalgia plus it seems that TNA's own talent are being presented as more on par with those guys as before which was my other big gripe before.


But yeah classic TNA gotta take the bad with the good. Still better then the E for me though apart from the short Summer of Punk and return of Brock. (piqued my interest, hotshotted and most of the rest was still crap and gone again me. I'll just keep checking ppv's when they have good matches advertised but the shows are a snore for me.)


I don't know that I would consider Garrett's role "minor". He's often in multiple segments per Impact, has been in main events, and apparently eliminated a number of competitors in the #1 contender battle royal last night. He's being treated like an upper midcarder. Is there anyone out there who enjoys him other than the IZ fans?


Who knows how they will present and use Little Hogan. But they seem to think signing her is a big deal and daddy doesn't really understand moderation when it comes to his own screen-time. I'd say over is a safer bet than under when it comes to predicting how much screen time she gets.


I'm feelin you on the E. Not much that they are doing right now has my interest. Which is unbelievable in a way, since they are putting Punk-Danielson on PPV for the title and they have managed to downplay that to the point where I really don't care.

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Garrett was minor or not even on the show the last couple of weeks, but yeah before that way too big a role and it put off a lot of people watching. It's just a shame as apart from him they are putting on pretty good shows.


But surviving the battle royal for long didn't mean that much imho. It was just something people noticed because people wanted him gone quick and I don't remember him really eliminating anyone apart from Devon and that was via smarts not skill, he was just hanging on all the time. I am thinking he will be in the Madison Rain boyfriend storyline to keep him on t.v. from time to time but not have a major role.

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Garrett was minor or not even on the show the last couple of weeks, but yeah before that way too big a role and it put off a lot of people watching. It's just a shame as apart from him they are putting on pretty good shows.


But surviving the battle royal for long didn't mean that much imho. It was just something people noticed because people wanted him gone quick and I don't remember him really eliminating anyone apart from Devon and that was via smarts not skill, he was just hanging on all the time. I am thinking he will be in the Madison Rain boyfriend storyline to keep him on t.v. from time to time but not have a major role.


Wait, has it been confirmed he's her boyfriend?


If so, UGH!!! I love Madison

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That's fantastic. I love Scott Steiner! He is uncensored. It's refreshing to hear wrestlers really speak their mind without fear of being fired/not hired.


I don't know I'd say I love the guy. It's been a good decade and a half at least since he blew himself up like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon and I still cry for the leaner, more athletic guy he used to be. But I can't deny that Big Poppa Plump When You Cook Him has come to have a certain charm to him.

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That's fantastic. I love Scott Steiner! He is uncensored. It's refreshing to hear wrestlers really speak their mind without fear of being fired/not hired.


Yeah, if only he could learn to speak in comprehensable sentences with attempts at proper grammar - so we mere mortals could understand his rants as well.

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Cleanly? Apart from RVD all where cheating or bad luck on part of the challenger. And yeah Tenay has really gotten too flat and Tazz isn't helping much. They are still better then the other 2 teams out there.

True, but I guess I must consider bad luck of the challenger clean for the champ, i.e. Storm kicking Roode out just bad luck for Storm, but Roode not intending to cheat as well as his wins over Styles.

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I don't know I'd say I love the guy. It's been a good decade and a half at least since he blew himself up like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon and I still cry for the leaner, more athletic guy he used to be. But I can't deny that Big Poppa Plump When You Cook Him has come to have a certain charm to him.


Yeah he used to do some great moves while in the Steiner Bros tag team. He was the more talented of the 2 by far.



Yeah, if only he could learn to speak in comprehensable sentences with attempts at proper grammar - so we mere mortals could understand his rants as well.


I think that is part of his charm!

That is a great example! How can you not get enjoyment out of that?
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I think that is part of his charm!
That is a great example! How can you not get enjoyment out of that?


Of course, that's a great promo. I was not referring to his speech as much as to his writings, which I feel I need some sort of Rosetta stone to decipher.

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Am I the only one who thinks this whole feud with Hogan is a work?


I thought that Scott was still working for TNA (under the Ring Ka banner), when he started all of this stuff.


In this day and age when there is no such thing as bad publicity and all publicity is good publicity, I would not be shocked if it came out that this was some sort of work. To achieve what, I am not sure but I just have an odd feeling that is what it is.

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Am I the only one who thinks this whole feud with Hogan is a work?


I thought that Scott was still working for TNA (under the Ring Ka banner), when he started all of this stuff.


In this day and age when there is no such thing as bad publicity and all publicity is good publicity, I would not be shocked if it came out that this was some sort of work. To achieve what, I am not sure but I just have an odd feeling that is what it is.


All Ring Ka King episodes had already been taped once this started just not aired. And yes there is such a thing as bad publicity.


Steiner is just playing to the smark crowd so that he stays relevant and they come to his shows and buy his stuff. Apart from the Brooke Hogan, which leads me to believe he still has contacts withing TNA or it had been in the works for a while, he has just been rehashing standard Smark stuff.


Oh and the 609 stuff from Bischoff WCW days but who cares about that.

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Hogan is too proud and too in love with his own image to willingly let anyone smear him like that as part of a work.


HBK feud? Or did you mean worked shoot? BTW it was the TNA lawyers not Hogan or EB's personal lawyers that sent the letter, and yeah they over react although he did break his non disclosure on Brooke prolly.

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Time and time again this line of thinking gets proven wrong and time and time again, people don't seem to listen.


If that line of thinking is wrong then you have to tell the likes of Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian that. Because they have made millions off bad publicity.

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If that line of thinking is wrong then you have to tell the likes of Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian that. Because they have made millions off bad publicity.


It's case by case mate. For some good wrestling examples planned: Arquette WCW champ, Katie Vick, Unplanned: early 90s Steriod scandal, Benoit.

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I don't blame him they have by and large done nothing with the guy. In 2005 when he first started getting noticed as a singles guy I thought this guy was going to be huge. Even when he hooked up with Nash they had good chemistry, Shelly got to show off his funny side, fantastic worker, everything needed to be a big deal especially by TNA standards.


I've also read Flair is done with the company I'm surprised it took three years.

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So it sounds like Alex Shelley is the next to leave TNA. His contract is about to expire and it was reportedly his decision not to renew.


I read that he might be WWE bound as they want to start a new Cruiserweight only show when their network starts.

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Hope Shelly doesn't go anywhere and TNA has used him pretty well and consistently. Still as long as it's not a more reputable site I am wait and see ish. Would be a shame to see him go.


On Flair I can't really comment as I don't have a good objective opinion on Flair being European and only being introduced to him during the Monday Night wars when he was kind of a joke already. So personally if its true good fing riddance and hope he doesn't go and pollute WWE t.v. even further.

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Eh, he'll be fine as long as it's one of those legends contracts. I don't see him fitting in with the current WWE. The guy is probably 3x the age of most of the guys on the roster. For that reason though, he might actually make an interesting personality on the show if he were to compete full time.


Glad to see Shelly and Morgan leave. Surprisingly, they have a better shot at making it big in WWE. Yep, that's how bad it is in TNA right now.

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