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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Still, what else do they have for main event material? They can't do Angle-Styles forever. And Dinero has what Hogan is looking for; charismatic both in the ring and outside of it. He's good both in the ring and on the mic.


And so is Ken Anderson. TNA have plenty of talent for the main event spots, plenty. The thing is they have nobody who can compete at WWE level main eventer for TNA and why is this ? Because TNA isn't at WWE's level just yet in terms of size, rep, money or exposure....stop hating on TNA people, it's nowhere near as bad as WWE's product recently.


And the guy commenting on lazor beak is right, the beak makes no mention of Sheamus.....


I yknow, actually watched the TNA PPV and it wasn't bad at all but then no TNA PPV I've watched has ever been terrible, WWE on the other hand....I just can't stomach them anymore, as well I shouldn't because their product right now is oriented to the mass market casual and younger audience. But TNA is moving to Monday nights starting March 8th and is going live every second Monday, so that'll be good for us since both will be pushing to compete.

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What has Dinero been doing? He has been getting over that is what! Despite his spotty win/loss record. He has been built up pretty strongly and they have 2 months to build him up even more before he faces Styles.


Apart from the negative star 3D vs Nasty match it was a decent but not great ppv.


Like the fact that they have moved the railings back somewhat so there is room on the outside of the ring again. Now just to end the ramp earlier again and it is a great ring setup. Plus JB is back as an interviewer!


Most matches where decent but none where really great which is a shame as they had potential. I get putting the title match on as second to last in order for time between each round of the tourney but it would have been better to put another match there and cut the 3d vs nasty boys match in half.


And is it me or have they gone for a slower match style allround eg closer to the E's? I really liked the faster pace they had although a bit slower couldn't hurt but they have gone a bit overboard imho. Plus has Abyss gained weight? I know he was always big but he seemed bigger then usual. Fan reaction was weird as in sometimes very hot and sometimes very cold for basicly the same stuff and please get rid of Bubba Army sign guy as he sometimes distracts from the matches.

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Like the E did Sheamus :rolleyes:


So because some other company makes a bad decision means TNA gets to make worse decisions? Also TNA doesn't have the exposure WWE does so it's not a very good comparison anyway.


Still, what else do they have for main event material? They can't do Angle-Styles forever. And Dinero has what Hogan is looking for; charismatic both in the ring and outside of it. He's good both in the ring and on the mic.


I just listed alternatives: Morgan/Styles could be a pay per view main event if Angle and the other guys also have something to do.


And the guy commenting on lazor beak is right, the beak makes no mention of Sheamus.....


Weird that I don't talk about what other companies need to do right when talking about the subject of the thread, right?

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Agree with ya there Lazor when someone does something wrong it doesn't matter if the competition does the same thing as well or even worse it is still both wrong. You can only do that if someone would have said it like:


Hah another WWE reject getting overpushed in TNA what has he done to get a title shot! Nothing! Another reason why WWE is so far superior to TNA!!


Then it is fair to point out Sheamus.

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Weird that I don't talk about what other companies need to do right when talking about the subject of the thread, right?


That doesn't usually stop you deviating slightly from the subject thread as if it all isn't linked anyway! :rolleyes:


Oh yeah and to the people who doubted me before about my comments on Cena and the Attitude Era, come on people, he barely floated to the surface in recent history so what chance would he have had when The Rock and Stone Cold were running the show and most other mid carders were well in their prime and much bigger draws than Cena? He'd have sunk quicker than Just Joe at WWF Mania taping and you all know that's true, so I have to ask what Attitude Era the current WWE fanboys were watching, because I lived it and loved it in my early teens.


You have to remember that back then you had Kane, Edge, Gangrel, X Pac, Val Venis and Triple H in the mid-to-upper midcard and all were either in their prime or just reaching their peak and all were a lot more interesting characters to watch than the blandness that is John Cena - he gets tolerated now only because women and children love him and Vince shoved him down our throats, but back then he'd have been eaten alive and spat out the back door end of story. Wrong guy, wrong time had it been 1998 and as hypothetical as it is you all know I'm right on that one.

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Sweet! Dinero vs Styles at Lockdown! Now I just hope that that match doesn't get changed.


It will, guaranteed - it'll probably wind up a 5 man free for all between AJ, Pope, Angle, Joe and Anderson - or a triple threat match between AJ, Pope and Joe - either way multi man title match inside a cage and if it is a triple threat then you can bet Angle vs Anderson and Morgan vs Hernandez singles matches will also be on the card. Also don't be surprised to see RVD make an appearance.....I'm still waiting for Sid and Goldberg to show up. Anyone here think JR will sign with them ? I think he just might....I hope he doesn't though, personally I can't stand him and think he's overrated.

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That doesn't usually stop you deviating slightly from the subject thread as if it all isn't linked anyway! :rolleyes:


Oh yeah and to the people who doubted me before about my comments on Cena and the Attitude Era, come on people, he barely floated to the surface in recent history so what chance would he have had when The Rock and Stone Cold were running the show and most other mid carders were well in their prime and much bigger draws than Cena? He'd have sunk quicker than Just Joe at WWF Mania taping and you all know that's true, so I have to ask what Attitude Era the current WWE fanboys were watching, because I lived it and loved it in my early teens.


You have to remember that back then you had Kane, Edge, Gangrel, X Pac, Val Venis and Triple H in the mid-to-upper midcard and all were either in their prime or just reaching their peak and all were a lot more interesting characters to watch than the blandness that is John Cena - he gets tolerated now only because women and children love him and Vince shoved him down our throats, but back then he'd have been eaten alive and spat out the back door end of story. Wrong guy, wrong time had it been 1998 and as hypothetical as it is you all know I'm right on that one.


Nobody shoves anything down your throat, you choose to swallow. And Cena, as he was when he first started would have been pretty big in the Attitude Era (when he used to come out with B-Squared). Current incarnation? Probably not. But current Kane wouldn't have compared with Attitude era Kane. And Gangrel? Really?

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Dinero is a stud and they should run AJ/Dinero for at least two PPV's because Pope/Flair promos would be epic.


Oh yeah and to the people who doubted me before about my comments on Cena and the Attitude Era, come on people, he barely floated to the surface in recent history so what chance would he have had when The Rock and Stone Cold were running the show and most other mid carders were well in their prime and much bigger draws than Cena? He'd have sunk quicker than Just Joe at WWF Mania taping and you all know that's true, so I have to ask what Attitude Era the current WWE fanboys were watching, because I lived it and loved it in my early teens.


You have to remember that back then you had Kane, Edge, Gangrel, X Pac, Val Venis and Triple H in the mid-to-upper midcard and all were either in their prime or just reaching their peak and all were a lot more interesting characters to watch than the blandness that is John Cena - he gets tolerated now only because women and children love him and Vince shoved him down our throats, but back then he'd have been eaten alive and spat out the back door end of story. Wrong guy, wrong time had it been 1998 and as hypothetical as it is you all know I'm right on that one.


You're being ridiculous.


One, you have to sort of assume Cena wouldn't play the same character he is now specifically BECAUSE the generic, bland, good guy was either never used or used as a comedy character during that time period. So this version of Cena wouldnt be what we got...he'd be something else entirely.


And based on his early work as the white rapper and during the first stages of his face turn, he'd fit in fine if they used him as an anti-hero type.


Also...by what possible measure most other midcarders during that time period bigger draws than Cena? He's been the biggest star in the US for what...5 years? 6 years? I get that YOU don't care for the product, and I think Super Cena is boring as hell, but you can't just toss the man aside and say 'o well he would never have drawn back then' because based on everything we've seen of his career, you're completely wrong


When his career is done, Cena - for better or worse - is going to be seen as one of the top 5 draws in WWE history. There's not a single midcarder that was around during the Attitude Era that would get a whiff of that.

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White Rapper Cena would have been huge in the attitude era, he was somewhat controversial when he first did it (remember the parking lot match with Eddie for the U.S. title that made him? yeah, WWE doesn't do those matches anymore) imagine if they actually let him try to be offending as the rapper gimmick, did i love it? is he my favorite? of course not, but as everyone is saying, the evidence is there he would have succeeded, good mic work, good look/physique, he would have fit right in.
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What makes Morgan a better main eventer than Dinero, though?


I don't think he meant way better in terms of skills etc but Morgan has been established more then Dinero so far in terms of win/losses and to a lesser extent exposure. Still both are good choices and Dinero vs AJ should be good.

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I'm sorry my mistake I must have missed (shoot now who was it now..) oh yeah you guys back in 2007 ripping and hating on John Cena because of how untalented he is - gotta love the interwebz peeps change their beliefs like they change their underwear....


Seems funny how people say oh the rapper gimmick would have worked yak yak yak, the rapper gimmick clearly didn't work this time around so what chance would it have had back then? And besides it doesn't mask the fact that Cena isn't a talented main eventer and is nowhere near the stars of that era, though it's the WWE machine hard at work again....had Cena been the rapper in the Attitude Era if he hadn't been released he'd have maybe been a midcarder at best. Though I don't believe he'd have been given the opportunity whereas that's one good thing about WWE being the only horse in town at the time and the brand extension initially, it gave them an opportunity to give workers a chance to shine who may not have had it otherwise - Bradshaw and Cena being the 2 biggest profits of this move. You might not like me but credit where it's due what's right is right and no amount of fanboyism can change that.

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I forgot to mention this here, but when Styles was cutting a promo about girls recently the crowd started crapping on him with a "You are married" (or something like that) chant. To me that is a perfect example of that small group of TNA fans hurting the show. The chants are fine (though overdone) but when you are doing it intentionally to hurt the product it is ridiculous.
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Yeah that was an example of breaking disbelief and shouldn't be done. For the rest though they are quite enthusiastic and have good chants imho. The bubba army sign guy is more annoying and distracting imho and at the same time he doesn't seem to be into the product at all.


Yeah the chants are normally awesome you're right. Like during basically every TNA match where someone jumps off a rope and the crowd starts a "This is awesome!" chant or "TNA! TNA! TNA!". The TNA crowd is pathetic. They are trying to get themselves over like the old ECW crowd and it's painfully obvious. I can't wait until the day TNA never puts on a show for those guys again.

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Yeah the chants are normally awesome you're right. Like during basically every TNA match where someone jumps off a rope and the crowd starts a "This is awesome!" chant or "TNA! TNA! TNA!". The TNA crowd is pathetic. They are trying to get themselves over like the old ECW crowd and it's painfully obvious. I can't wait until the day TNA never puts on a show for those guys again.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. The this is Awesome or TNA chants just shows support for the product imho. Better then the What! You S*ck! or Boo/Yeah stuff imho.

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Yeah the chants are normally awesome you're right. Like during basically every TNA match where someone jumps off a rope and the crowd starts a "This is awesome!" chant or "TNA! TNA! TNA!". The TNA crowd is pathetic. They are trying to get themselves over like the old ECW crowd and it's painfully obvious. I can't wait until the day TNA never puts on a show for those guys again.


After the last show, the only turn-off to me is the crowd right now. I'm hoping they fix that somehow, as it does not help, at least not for me. I really want to enjoy this show, and I'm rooting for them as much as anyone, but drop the crap already. Your not ECW, there will never be another ECW, and over the top chants make the match's worse then what they would have been.... If someone sings a karaoke song good, not bad, but pretty good, you don't want someone yelling "OH MY GAWD! THIS IS AWESOME!" when it was clearly not awesome. Makes the guy/gal singing look worse then if everyone would have just reacted normally (clap and cheer).

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I do think it's ridiculous that people chant the name of the promotion when someone does something cool/dangerous. How about chanting the name of the person?


And thom...a lot of the people back then weren't "talented" as far as in ring. Because they don't need to be. A gimmick can take you pretty far. Also, the style they work nowadays is completely different than before (more toned down), so unless someone worked on both, it can't be said that they wouldn't have been successful (and chances are, if they have worked both, they've been around long enough to be considered successful).


Not sure why ECW is held in such high esteem either (as for wrestling or fans), but different strokes.


What has Morgan done lately? I haven't really been following, but I remember he was getting a push. Anything come of it?

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