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21CW: A Tribute To TEW08

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the C-Verse Community Dynasty Project! If you've seen Boomking's RW project, it's essentially that but with the 08 C-Verse!


I have been very interested in getting this up and running in order to say bon voyage to the 08 C-Verse and TEW2008. And I wanted to make this one of the biggest dynasty's ever.


It will start NOW, and it will end around when TEW2010 comes out. And you! can sign up! And write your bit on the C-Verse.


And don't you dare think that this project is unorganised, we have some of the best writers already on board!



J Silver







Let's get this thing started! Me first! :D








Promotion: 21CW

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21CW Best Of British Wrestling

Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008





Episode 1










Steve Smith:
Hello and welcome to the first '21CW Best Of British Wrestling' show of 2008! We got an action packed show for all you fans all over UK. We're at the jam packed Edgeware Stadium! The owner and commissioner of 21CW, Jeff Nova, is waiting for us in the ring as he has got something to say."






Jeff Nova:
Are.. You.. Ready!?"


Huge pop from the crowd echoes around the stadium.


Jeff Nova:
I bet that the question on everybody's mind is that of 'who's going to be the next #1 Contender for the 21st Century World title.. Who's going to face Jonathan Faust at 21CW Redemption for the World title this month?"


Well that question will be ans-"




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Jonathan Faust's familiar dark theme starts to play as darkness falls into the arena, the World champ Faust appears on the ramp to a choir of boo's. With a smirk and that special disrespectful look of his on his face, Faust slowly makes his way into the ring. Faust takes the mic away from Nova.





Jonathan Faust:
Jeff.. That question will not be answered tonight, if that's what you meant to say. I'm the bloody World champ and I get to choose my bloody own opponents and tonight.. Or should I even say, this month.. I'm not feeling like it. So with that in mind, good night. I'll see you in February."


Faust lets go of the mic and drops it in front of Nova.



Faust heads for the ropes and onto the apron as he heads back to the ramp when Nova picks up the mic.



Jeff Nova:
You're not going anywhere."


You don't get to pick your challengers Faust."


I do. Just before you interrupted me I was going to announce a #1 Contender's match for tonight and I will. However, thanks to your interruption, I'm going to make another match for tonight."


It'll be a non-title match against the man who you screwed last month in the title match.. DJ Reason!"



Faust looks shocked and heads back to the ring, grabbing the mic back from Nova but before can say a thing someone enters the ring and floors Jonathan Faust with none other move than the Clean Cutter!


Steve Smith:
That's Joss Thompson!"


Thompson kicks Faust out of the ring and picks up the mic and goes face-to-face with Nova who's somewhat baffled of what just happened.





Joss Thompson:


Even though Thompson attacked another bad guy, he receives huge heat from the crowd.


Shut up!"


Now. You know what to do Jeff. I'll face Faust tonight for the title instead of some loser DJ Reason in a non-title match. No one wants to see DJ Reason versus Faust especially not in a non-title match, they already competed last month. Give your fans something new. Give them Faust versus Thompson for the title tonight."


Jeff Nova asks for another mic from the staff and gets it.


Jeff Nova:
I'm getting really sick of getting interrupted over and over again. This is my company! And I'm the commissioner of 21CW!"


As I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted, there will be a #1 Contender's match here tonight. It'll be a 2/3 Falls match.. And even though you just floored our champion, you Thompson, will be in that very match."


You're going against none other than.."








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The crowd erupts as Matravers and his girlfriend Phoebe appear on the ramp. Thompson drops the mic and starts badmouthing Nova for the decision he just made..






.. When suddenly Faust comes back to the ring and lifts Thompson up for the Devil's Drop, his patented Crucifix Powerbomb manuever!

Steve Smith:
Joss Thompson versus Adam Matravers, here tonight!"


Steve Smith:
Up next. Phillip Cooper takes on Stevie Stoat, stay tuned!"











Phillip Cooper vs. Stevie Stoat


The opening match starts fast paced as the 'Cooper Man' gets huge momentum going, hitting everything on Stoat who can't seem to keep up with Cooper's aerial offence until Cooper heads up for the turnbuckle. Stoat runs into the ropes and Cooper drops awkwardly on the turnbuckle, Stoat capitalises on the opportunity and tries to send him to the middle of the ring with a superplex but Cooper blocks, pushing Stoat off the turnbuckle.


Cooper gets his feet to the front of the ropes and leaps off, going for a flying clothesline..




Stoat floors Cooper in midair with his Super Kick out of nowhere, Cooper is out and the pinfall attempt is academic! One.. Two.. Three!


Stevie Stoat defeated Phillip Cooper in 8:07 by pinfall with a Super Kick.







Steve Smith:
That gotta hurt! He took his head off with that move, I hope that Cooper Man is alrigth. What a shame, he was doing so good."



Jeff Nova comes to the ramp and takes a seat at the announcers booth that is next to the ramp.




Jeff Nova:
Hello and sorry for my absence, had some work to do at my office but I'm now back on commentating duties for the rest of evening."


"What a start for tonight's show, huh?"


Steve Smith:
Tell me about it, I can't wait for the main eve-"



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A familiar theme starts to play as Mister King comes to the ramp with a mic.



Jeff Nova:
What's with these interruptions all the time?"






Mister King:
Why oh why oh why.. Is Mister King not booked for the show tonight?"


That is the question."


Do you know the answer..? 'Cause I do.."


It's because of Jeff Nova. Yes, I'm looking at you ape man."


King turns to face the crowd as he continues his rant.


You see, he's a bodybuilder, a former "UK's Strongest Man".. As if that's a moniker to be proud of, when it's clearly not."


It is because of the likes of him that brilliant, bright and smart people like myself don't get to be in the spotlight which is for some odd reason reserved to the meek and stupid, undeserving idiots."



Look at Jeff Nova. This poor, feebleminded wrench who's living in the misapprehension that we still live in the dark ages. Sure there was a time when the survival of your family depended on looking like that and being able to fight off bears and vikings. Were we in 1000AD Jeff Nova would look fabolous. But we are not."


We live in a viking free age of lockable houses and community support offices.. So the quest to look like that can be born out of one thing and one thing alone."






That's right. Jeff Nova is a vain man, a man so narcissistic that the only thing he likes to do all day is look himself in the mirror and play with himself. He can't get enough of himself. The tragedy is due to his big, vast arms and shoulders and shrunken penis, which he cannot reach, which is just aswell because not knowing his own strenght were he ever to grab a handful of penis, he would wrench it apart from the mourings like an angry bear at a sausagy barbeque."


King's words draw huge heat from the crowd.


Don't worry.. Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen, because it doesn't understand me."


This is why whilst we were at school learning to read, write and speak, he was in the school field with the PE teacher getting what he was told, was a proteine shake."



Jeff Nova jumps up from announcers booth that is next to the ramp as he clearly has had enough of Mister King. Just as when he's about to reach King, Nova trips on some cables on the floor and crashes hard on the ramp with all his body weight. Mister King starts laughing uncontrollably as he raises the mic once more but can't say a thing due to his laughter and thus he drops the mic and heads backstage while Jeff Nova slowly gets back up, feeling embarrased as he comes back to the announcing booth.



Jeff Nova:
I'll get to him next week."


Steve Smith:
Are you alright?"


Jeff Nova:
Of course I am. The show must go on."











Chuck Frisby vs. "I Do" Luke Cool

A really bad match featuring two pretty unknown workers. In the end Cool uses basic heel tactics to get the win over Frisby with a handful of tights as he countered Frisby's sunset flip.


"I Do" Luke Cool defeated Chuck Frisby in 6:01 by pinfall with a handful of tights.








Phoebe Plumridge is backstage with his boyfriend Adam Matravers.




"No Phoebe.. You're not coming to the ringside. You're staying right here at backstage. Thompson is dangerous and he'll probably have Kathleen and Leo to back him up.. 'Takeover', what a joke."






"No buts, no ifs. I'm gonna be alright. Trust me."


Phoebe has a frown on her face but closes in on Adam and hugs him.











Pit Bull Brown & Daniel Black Francis vs.
Rolling Johnny Stones &
Leo Price /w Kathleen Lee


Brown starts the match against Stones and we see a classis power versus skill wrestling for the first five minutes as Stones tries to keep the bigger man down with his technical wrestling but Brown keeps outpowering him until a cheapshot lariat from Leo Price cuts the momentum of Brown and Stones takes the control, however it becomes clear that Stones was not at all happy with the cheapshot from Price.



Stones keeps Brown down with a half boston crab until Brown reaches the ropes and turns around, kicking Stones away. Both men go for the tags and DBF clashes with Price, DBF nails Price with two flying lariats and whips him into a corner. DBF goes to the other corner but just as when he starts to run at Price Francis gets tripped by Kathleen Lee who was waiting on the outside. Referee Bailey is having none of it and orders Kathleen to leave the ringside which gets a nice pop from the crowd!



Match continues evenly between Francis and Price for another five minutes, Francis slams Price down with a stalling suplex which gets him a two count, Price hightails to his corner and makes a tag to Stones who floors Francis effectively with a snapmare and a tight headlock. Stones moves on from the position and pinpoints Francis's legs, trying to pick them apart. After awhile Francis gets up and goes for the Dreadlock Drop but his legs give away and he cant finish the manuever. Stones counters the attempt and hits his trademark rolling suplexes and goes for his finishing move, the Brainbuster, after the second suplex but Francis slides behind Stones and pushes him to his corner! Stones knocks Price from the apron to the ringside, Stones turns over and gets a pump kick to his chest from Francis!



Francis crawls to his corner and makes a hot tag to Pitbull Brown who floors Stones with running forearms! Brown whips Stones into a corner when suddenly Leo Price comes back up to his corner and punches Stones, his own team mate, to the back of the head! Referee Bailey sees it as a tag and orders Price in while Stone drops to the mat. Price attacks Brown but gets taken down with a powerslam, but just for a two count only!



Brown signals for the Dog House Piledriver but gets countered by Price who trips him with a double leg takedown and tries to lock in figurefour leg lock but Brown counters it by kicking Price away, sending the Lion to his corner.



Stones is back up and hits Price with a roundhouse kick! Price wobbles back to the center of the ring!



Dog House Piledriver!



Brown nails Price with his finishing maneuver! One.. Two.. Three!!


Pit Bull Brown and Daniel Black Francis defeated Leo Price and Rolling Johnny Stones in 15:47 when Pit Bull Brown defeated Leo Price by pinfall after Dog House Piledriver after Rolling Johnny Stones attacked Leo Price.





Jeff Nova:
What a match!"


Steve Smith:
What's the beef between Stones and Price!?"







The long match finally comes to an end and the good guys (Francis & Brown) leave the ring to celebrate on the ramp. Stones looks down on Price who's still somewhat out of the piledriver he just got. Kathleen Lee comes rushing into the ring and hits a low blow on Rolling Johnny Stones! The crowd boo's wildly as Stones drops to the ground holding his private parts while Kathleen tries to wake up Price.






Price realises what just happened and starts to punch Stones. Kathleen goes to the ringside and gives a chair to Price but just as when Price is going to hit Stones with the chair, DBF and Pitbull Brown come rushing back into the ring to the crowds delight, saving Rolling Johnny Stones from the beatdown from the 'Takeover' members.




Rolling Johnny Stone has turned to Face, the turn was a complete success. His gimmick is now 'Rebel' (First the gimmick ratings was C, the Rebel gimmick is now A*, his momentum is B-)









DJ Reason vs. Jonathan Faust



Faust keeps escaping from DJ Reason for almost the whole time, trying to get him to follow him to the ringside and then trying to keep DJ there for the count out while Faust himself gets back into the ring in time. This doesn't work and finally Reason gets a hold of Faust and tackles him to the mat, punching him along the way. Faust fights back by pushing and shoving, finally getting into the ropes and trying to abuse the rules by going to the other way of the ropes. DJ Reason rushes in and attack Faust but Referee Bailey comes in between them, trying to restrain Reason for attacking Faust.



Faust repeats the trick trying to provoke DJ Reason who's clearly frustrated of the situation. Finally something snaps inside DJ Reason's head as he attacks Faust, and Referee Bailey along the way, disqualifying himself in just ten minutes into the match.


Jonathan Faust defeated DJ Reason in 9:43 via DQ.








Security and officials rush into the ring as they tackle Reason to the mat and try to keep him from ripping Faust apart. DJ Reason is being helped back down the aisle by a team of officials while Jonathan Faust is in the ring with a microphone, and proceeds to taunt DJ Reason about the loss. DJ Reason tries to turn and go back and fight, but the officials heavily outnumber him and drag him backstage while Faust stays in the ring, laughing.


Faust drops out of the ring and joins Smith and Nova at the announcers booth.




Good evening, gentlemen."


You know that you ain't gonna get away that easily?"


For the time being, I am. Deal with it boss."


.. Well. Atleast you're gonna stay right here for our main event."


Nova handcuffs Faust into the announcers booth!


What the.. HEY! You can't do that!"


I already did. You're not going to ruin our main event with shenannigans. Now sit there and do the commentary."








Adam Matravers vs. Joss Thompson

#1 Contenders Match

2/3 Falls


Matravers starts the match fastpaced as he dropkicks Thompson over and out of the ring, following it with a plancha from the ring to the outside which gets a huge pop from the crowd. Thompson does the thum to the eye and whips Matravers into the steelsteps, Referee Bailey gives Thompson a warning and orders them to get back into the ring.



Thompson rolls Matravers back to the ring and gets a mere one count. Thompson kicks Matravers to the back with a nasty soccer kick, then hits few knees to the back. Thompson takes the control for several minutes until Matravers makes an astonishing recovery by taking a page out of Thompson's book as he counters Thompson's suplex attempt with a cutter of his own! But only for a mere two count.



Matravers gains some momentum back as he starts whipping Thompson around the ring with arm drags and a hurricanrana, Thompson is reeling! Matravers finishes the combo with a rolling wheel kick, sending Thompson to the mat. Matravers leaps up to the turnbuckle and is about to go for the Mile High Moonsault but gets stopped by Thompson who makes a quick return and gets a hold of Matravers at the top rope. Matravers fights back by kicking Thompson away but just as he's about to leap off with a moonsault attack, Thompson gets a hold of Matraver's trunks and sends him down to the canvas with a powerbomb!







Matravers survives just in time as he gets his shoulders up!



Thompson locks in a tight crossface headlock but Matravers rushes in for the ropes and Thompson has to break the hold. Thompson grews more and more frustrated as he just starts kicking Matravers, then decides to rip the padding of a turnbuckle. Thompson gets the padding off quickly which doesn't go well with Referee Bailey who tries to put the padding back to the corner to no avail. Thompson gets back on Matravers whose turned around on his knees, Thompson lands few elbows to his back and then lifts Matravers up and locks him into the cutter position but Matravers counters the move into a bridging german suplex!







Two! Thompson startles as he almost lost the first fall in just few seconds. Thompson hops up and nails Matravers with an uppercut, Matravers bounces off the ropes and comes back, hitting a twisting headscissors, slinging Thompson into the other side of the ring. Matravers gets up and rushes towards Thompson who grabs Matravers by the legs and sends him crashing down on the exposed turnbuckle! Matravers's forehead is now busted open by the cut of the exposed steel, Thompson goes for a quick cover!









Two! Matravers won't give up! Thompson drops out from the ring and gets a chair from the ringside! Matravers slowly turns around, blood flowing from his forehead when suddenly his girlfriend Phoebe runs into the ring to protect his man. Referee Bailey tries to talk some sense to Phoebe while Thompson climbs back to the ring and to his surprise sees Phoebe begging for him not to hit Adam. Referee Bailey comes in between the two wrestlers when Kathleen Lee, the executive consultant of the 'Takeover' comes to the ringside and drags Phoebe from the ring!



Steve Smith:
Catfight!! CATFIIIGHT!!!"



Matravers turns around, Thompson has the chair ready and shoves Bailey out of the way..






Matravers drops to the ground right on his chest and face while Bailey calls for the bell, Matravers now leads the match with 1-0 falls to Thompson. 'The Complete Package' slowly turns Matravers around for an academic cover, Bailey has no choice than to start counting.













Jeff Nova:
Thompson scores an easy pinfall, it's now 1-1. One fall to the finish!"



Thompson merely gets back up and then covers Matravers for a second time..














Matravers fights back! Phoebe and Kathleen are still wrestling on the outside while Thompson whips Matravers into a corner and sits him up on the turnbuckle. Thompson climbs up to the second rope himself, going for a top rope Clean Cutter but Matravers fights back with everything he has left in him! With wild punches from the sides Matravers drops Thompson to the canvas. Thompson gets back up and turns around, only to find that Matravers is already high in the air, crashing into him!



Tornado DDT spikes Thompson to the center of the ring as the crowd chants Matravern's name!



Matravers wipes off the blood from his face as he searches for the nearest corner of the ring..



.. climbs up..





Mile High Moonsault connects!!












Adam Matravers defeated Joss Thompson in 23:26 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault.




Jeff Nova:
Matravers has done it! He did it! By God he did it!!"


Steve Smith:
We have a NEW #1 Contender!"


Jonathan Faust:
Oh dear."


Jeff Nova:
What a match! Matravers wins!"


Jonathan Faust:
Can you open these cuffs already?"



Phoebe gets back into the ring and hugs Adam who lays on the ground next to Thompson. Kathleen drags Thompson out of the ring to the ringside. Phoebe and Adam celebrate in the ring for a moment while Thompson asks Kathleen to bring him a mic, which she does.



Joss Thompson:
Adam.. .. Tis'.. .. Not overr.."


I wont... Accept defeat! I did not lose.. I did .. Not.."


If I'm.. Not.. The #1 Contender.. .. Then you aren't either.. No one is.."


You're not going to make it alive.. .. I promise.. .."





Thompson drops the mic just as when a theme starts to play..



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Steve Smith:

Jonathan Faust:
Get me out of these cuffs, NOW!!"



Jeff Nova unlocks Faust's cuffs while looking terrified at the monster that is slowly making his way into the ring. Thompson, Kathleen and Faust hightail into the crowd, escaping from the monster. Nightmare slowly goes trough the ropes, or rather, over the ropes, as the colossal 320lb monster enters the ring and stares right into Adam and Phoebe.



Adam tells Phoebe to leave the ring just when Nightmare grabs Matravers from the hair that has already been bloodied by the open forehead. Phoebe slaps Nightmare across the face but before Nightmare can get his hands on her Referee Bailey tackles Phoebe into the mat and out of the ring, saving the beauty from the beast.



Nightmare grabs a tight hold of Matravers throat with his huge hands, lifting him up for the Darkness Choke Slam. Nightmare savours the moment as he holds Matravers up for several seconds, until sending him straight to hell with the sickening move. The crowd is silent as they witness Matravers hit the ring and lay lifeless on the canvas. Nightmare simply turns around and leaves the ring in the same manner that he entered the ring.


Steve Smith:
.. No.."






Adam Matravers lays on the ground, having been completely destroyed in the hands of Nightmare. Referee Bailey, Phoebe and EMT's rush into the ring to aid the new #1 contender.






The show ends with a repeat of the short promo which Joss Thompson did just before the attack of Nightmare.


Joss Thompson:
Adam.. .. Tis'.. .. Not overr.."


I wont... Accept defeat! I did not lose.. I did .. Not.."


If I'm.. Not.. The #1 Contender.. .. Then you aren't either.. No one is.."


You're not going to make it alive.. .. I promise.. .."








Overall Grade:





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Simply awesome! Loved the show itself and the music used was perfect, especially Nightmare's. Can't wait to see more shows!


Well, everything is in the hands of the next writer. I somewhat feel priviledged that I was the first one as I've now laid the foundings of the storylines, it's the next writers job to take the storylines even further, perhaps find new meanings into those storylines and so on. Can't really wait to see what the next guy has in store, he's much better writer. Few notes:


* Loved the turn of Rolling Johnny Stones as he now has A* gimmick. :cool:


* Even though people said that we wouldn't hold any PPV's and so on, I've started to negotiate with a PPV carrier and I've signing new talent aswell and I'm hoping that the next guy signs them to the promotion. I added an annual event "21CW: Redemption" on Saturday, Week 3 of Jan.


* Mister King promo was mostly copied from a british comedy series skit, as one could obviously tell from the complex language and somewhat weird words that I wouldn't normally use. So the credit should not directed towards me, I just thought that the material was so good that I just had to implement it into this diary and to Mister King. He's, in my eyes, very much like Jericho, and even shares the same theme.


Glad to hear that the theme stuff hit the nail in the head for you guys. This is a really great project with many great people in it. Let us all salute TEW08. :D

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* Mister King promo was mostly copied from a british comedy series skit, as one could obviously tell from the complex language and somewhat weird words that I wouldn't normally use. So the credit should not directed towards me, I just thought that the material was so good that I just had to implement it into this diary and to Mister King. He's, in my eyes, very much like Jericho, and even shares the same theme.


Rufus Hound on Argumental by any chance? Because it did sound rather similar :p

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21CW: Because Jeff Nova pays me.


What can I say? I'm a whore for money.




21CW Best of British Wrestling

Wednesday, Week 2, 2008

Held at Edgeware Hall

att. 1,757



Dark Matches


-Disorderly Youth (Davey Celtic & Davey London) defeated Larry Wood and Nate Manchester in 7:59 when Davey London defeated Larry Wood by pinfall with a London's Bridge. (F+)



Main Show



We kick off the broadcast as a medley of cheap fireworks shoot off from around the stage and the ring whizzing around until they explode much to the fans delight. Steve Smith and Jeff Nova welcome everyone to 21st Century Wrestling Best of British Wrestling (Best of British Wrestling, what an oxymoron).


-We kick off the show with footage from earlier today showing Adam Matravers and girlfriend Phoebe Plumridge arriving at the arena. They walk through the parking structure, bags in tow and arms around each other like a loving couple chatting and joking. They arrive at the door which Matravers, like a gentleman, gets for Phoebe.


He opens the door and pushes her out of the way as Nightmare sends a Big Boot through the doorway. Phoebe stumbles back out of the way and Matravers dodges the boot just in the nick of time. He gets behind the door and slams it shut on the thigh of the monster Nightmare. Matravers scrambles, collecting his bags and then Phoebe pulling her by the arm, yelling at her to run as they high tail it out of there. Nightmare shoves the door open and looks down the lot at his prey. The monster limps after them, not detoured one bit.




-Back live-ish at ringside Jeff Nova stands up from his seat at the announce table and asks the timekeeper for a mic.


Nova: "Are.... You .... Ready?"


He asks extracting a cheap pop from the crowd.


Nova: "Now I've got a few announcements I've got to make and the first of them concerns 21CW Redemption and more importantly, its main event. At the end of last weeks broadcast Adam Matravers won the right to challenge for the World Championship at Redemption. No matter how much you protest Faust you either defend that belt or I strip you of it. And as far as you go Joss Thompson, you lost that match fair and square. No matter how much you whine about it you're not getting into the title match at Redemption and you're not going to get a second chance at it."


Before Nova can continue with his announcements he's cut off by a familiar theme just as he was last week. Mister King makes his way down to the ring and asks for a mic.


Nova: "What the hell do you want?"

King: "Anger, the emotion of beasts. Fitting. It's just like a gorilla to throw it's weight around. Though I don't blame the gorilla for throwing it's weight around, it's the only way it knows how. I do however blame the gorilla for not evolving."


"Banana?" King offers to Nova as he pulls one out of his pockets. Nova looks ready to snap at King, but Steve Smith holds Nova back as best he can, trying to calm him down.


King: "Now Jeff, why oh why oh why... Is Mister King not booked for this show? That is the question. And a familiar question it is. I feel a sense of deja vu over that question. Why oh why oh why... do I feel this deja vu? That is the question. Tell me King Kong, do you have an answer to my question? Tell me King Kong, do you understand the words I speak? Tell me-"



Before King can finish his taunting of Nova another familiar theme hits the speakers of the arena cutting him off. Through the curtains walks Stevie Stoat, stomping on down to the ring like a man on a mission. He slides into the ring not taking his eyes off of Nova for even a second, an intense stare in his eyes, all the while not so much as acknowledging King's presence in the ring. Stoat calls for a mic, catching it as it's tossed into the ring to him.


Stoats eyes never leave Nova. He stands in the middle of the ring, mic at his side in one hand with the other he rips the sunglasses from off his face and extends the arm pointing straight at Nova. He raises the mic and speaks.


Stoat: "You. You think it's funny don't you? Do you think keeping me down is going to save you? That it's going to break me? Guess again. Last week you had a #1 Contenders match between Joss Thompson and Adam Matravers, two guys I've beaten in the middle of this ring before may I add. And do you know where I was? Of course you do, you booked it. I was stuck beating the perennial loser that is Phillip Cooper, an opponent well below my stature. Yet one of those two losers is the one who gets a shot at the World Championship."


King: "I do believe I-"

Stoat: "Shut up kid before I break your jaw and you don't have a choice in the matter."


King doesn't seem perturbed by the threat and Stoat goes back on to the topic of Nova.


Stoat: "You're trying to keep me down, aren't you Nova? It's because you're scared of me, isn't it? Yeah, I know it is. It's because I'm better than you, and you know it. What do you have to say to that?"


King: "Anger. The emotion of beasts."

Stoat: "You really want a broken jaw, don't you?"



"Enough!" Nova bellows out from behind the announce table. "This is my goddamn show and I'll be damned if I let two punks who think they're better than this company ruin this show for everyone! You two are angry? Well I'm pissed and do you know what I'm going to do about it?"


King: "Take a deep breath and count to ten?"

Nova: "I'm going to make a match. You two don't like being left off the card? Problem solved. You two are going to team up tonight to take on Pitbull Brown and Daniel Black Francis in a tag team match." The crowd goes crazy over the announcement. "And I'm going to do something special for you two. If one of you actually somehow happens to win then whoever gets the pinfall gets me in a match at Redemption. Now get the hell out of my ring before I change my mind!"




http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/UKDragon.jpg vs. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/ArthurTTurtle.jpg

-UK Dragon vs. Arthur T. Turtle-


If a match happened in an arena and nobody cared, would there be a sound? Not really.


These two went at it for a good 8 minutes of technical wizardry to which the crowd just didn't really care. UK Dragon was in charge for most of the match with Turtle getting in a few good spots of offense. In the end it was Dragn with a Dragon Drop putting Turtle away for the 3 count.


Winner: UK Dragon in 8:40

Rating (E+)



-Davey Celtic and Davey London are standing around backstage, a beer in Celtics hand and about twelve behind him. Celtic is telling his partner a story as best I can tell about picking up a hot chick at a pub last week.


Celtic: "So I'm looking at this fine piece of ass across the bar and thinking to myself 'I'd tap that.' So do you know what I did?"

London: "Tap that?"

Celtic: "Hey, whose story is this?"

London: "Yours?"

Celtic: "Yeah."

London: "So what did you do?"

Celtic: "I tapped her. On the shoulder. And asked if she'd have sex with me."

London: "And?"

Celtic: "She slapped me and then gave me a free drink. Women are so confusing."

London: "A free drink?"

Celtic: "Yeah, I think she was aiming for my mouth, but she hit the rest of my face. She didn't even tell me she was going to throw it in there. Anyways so then the bartender tells me I'm being rude and out of line. Do you know what I did then? Do you? Do you, huh?"

London: "No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me."

Celtic: "I smashed a stool in his face. Bastard got what he had coming. So, what pubs you want to hit up tonight?"

London: "Which ones aren't we banned from?"



London looks down the hall as he sees someone coming. That someone is Stevie Stoat. He approaches Disorderly Youth.


Stoat: "How'd you two like to make a quick buck?"

Celtic: "I'd rather make a quick f***. Hahahaha. High five!"


Celtic laughs at his own bad pun and then raises him arm for a high five. After a moment London reluctantly puts his hand up. Celtic goes to high five him and misses planting himself face first on the floor.


Stoat: "How drunk is he?"

London: "Actually he's more coordinated drunk."


Stoat looks down at Celtic, face first on the floor from missing a high five.


Stoat: "Yeah, I can see that."

London: "So, you were talking about money."

Stoat: "Yeah, if you can scrape your friend up off the floor and keep him sober for a few minutes I do."

London: "Can do. So, how much we talking about?"

Stoat: "Enough. Meet me in my dressing room if you want the job. And if your friend can stand that would be a big plus."


Stoat goes to walk away but almost trips. He looks down at his leg and hanging on to it is Davey Celtic, hands wrapped around Stoat's leg. "Get him off of me." Stoat commands London. London just gets his newspaper, rolls it up and smacks Celtic with it "Bad drunk! No! You don't do that! Bad drunk!" Celtic lets go of Stoats leg and I think you can actually hear him whimper just a little.


Stoat walks away, mumbling to himself "I know I'm gonna regret this one."




-In another area backstage we can see 21CW World Champion Jonathan Faust walking around backstage. Faust repeatedly checks over his shoulder, possibly for anyone who holds a grudge with him, a long list you can be sure. He clings to his belt tightly and speedwalks to wherever his destination may be. As he enters a hall he stops and looks at what's in front of him. Standing there calmly, arms folded behind his back is Joss Thompson.


Faust: "What are you looking at?"

Thompson: "A pathetic fool."

Faust: "In case you hadn't noticed I'm the World Champion and you're the one who lost to Matravers."

Thompson: "He got lucky, and besides that he's not going to make it to Redemption. And when he doesn't Nova is going to have no choice but to make me #1 contender and put me in that match."

Faust: "If you think Nova's going to reward you for taking out your competition you're going to be in for a rude awakening. But I guess I should thank you, when you take out Matravers I'm going to be opponentless for Redemption. I'll just kick back, pop open a beer, maybe have some nachos and watch the show."

Thompson: "Maybe from a hospital bed."


Fausts expression grims a bit. With a puzzled look on his face he asks Thompson "What are you talking about?"


Thompson: "Those dreams of yours may seem nice, but when The Takeover is done your reality will be Nightmare."


Faust backs up out of the hallway expecting a sneak attack by Thompsons' group, but instead backs up into a large, breathing wall. Faust turns around, a horrified look on his face and sees Nightmare. He looks into the blackened eyes of the skull mask that he wears and turns around running as fast as his legs can carry him. Thompson ducks into a room in the hall as the monster Nightmare limps after Faust.




http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/GenocideAgent.jpghttp://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/SuicideAgent.jpg vs. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/LouiePeyton.jpghttp://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/StefanRaynor.jpg

-The Elimination Agents vs. The Asassins' Guild-


I think I've seen snail races more exciting than this.


Seriously, I have. I'm not going to waste much time talking about this pathetic excuse of a match. The Elimination Agents were in control through much of the match with the Assassins' Guild trying to take control through dirty tactics. The Agents put the Assassins away with a Homicide and picked up the win here.


Winners: The Elimination Agents in 7:56

Rating (E-)



-We go backstage now to the locker room where 21CW's newest star Byron prepares for his upcoming tag team match with his partner for tonight, the ultra-energetic and ambiguously campy Chuck Frisby. Byron stands on one side of the room with his golden mirror in one hand and his diamond hairbrush in another. He brushes his golden locks and creepily talks to himself, "Mirror mirror in my hand, who's the fairest of them all? Me, of course. Who couldn't resist my luscious locks." Byron continues on like this talking to himself for a while.


In the other corner of the room is Chuck Frisby who's doing jumping jacks, squats, and shadow boxing warming up for his match. Though his eyes seem to be on Byron. I guess nobody can resist his luscious locks. Frisby stops his warming up and goes over to Byron, swinging an arm around his back and looking into his mirror with him all the while having a stupid grin plastered on his face.


Frisby: "How about we warm up together partner?"

Byron: "Get your hands off Byron."

Frisby: "Say, do you work out?"

Byron: "You do not get fabulous abs like these without effort. And get your hand off Byron."

Frisby: "How about we stretch together?"

Byron: "No, and for the last time get your hand off of Byron."


Frisby removes his hand from Byrons shoulder finally and stretches a little more. "So, I think I'll just stretch out a little more before our match. You can join in, this is a fun stretch, I think you'd like it." The stretch that Frisby is doing is a pelivc thrust back and forth, doing it of course right behind Byron.


"Stop that!" Byron shouts at Frisby who actually listens the first time this time. Frisby just puts that stupid ear to ear grin back on his face, "Oh yeah, pound it!" he exclaims as he puts his fist up waiting for Byron to pound it. Byron just flips his hair back and walks out of the locker room in disgust at his partner.


"Okay, you can pound it later!"




http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/Byron.jpghttp://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/ChuckFrisby.jpg vs. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/IgorIvanoff.jpghttp://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/IvanIvanoff.jpg

-Byron & Chuck Frisby vs. The Ivanoff Brothers-


I sense a trend of failure here tonight. This match was no different, except for the fact that it played up a comedic aspect between Byron and Frisby. Of course that wasn't enough to save this match from sucking. The Russians dominated the match, Byron and Frisby not working like a team at all. Eventually The Ivanoffs hit a Mother Russia Mangler on Frisby and made the pin picking up the win.


Winners: The Ivanoffs in 8:31

Rating (E)



-The Russians celebrate their win in the ring as we go backstage to two people the crowd actually like, Pitbull Brown and Daniel Black Francis. The two walk the hall on their way to their match with Stevie Stoat and Mister King tonight. Their path to the ring though is impeded by an obviously drunk Davey Celtic. Celtic takes a swig of beer from his bottle before letting out a belch and asking a question.


Celtic: "Hey, can you guys point me to the nearest pub?"

DBF: "I think you may have had one too many already man."


"I"ll tell you when I've had enough." Celtic yells in a drunken anger as you can imagine any drunk being told they've had enough happy juice would.


Brown: "How about you just get out of our way kid?"

Celtic: "How about you makes me baldy?" he's able to slur out.


Brown just looks at Francis with a look that can easily be summed up as 'Is this guy serious?' while Celtic just taunts the two on. Brown and Francis just scoff at young drunkard and go to walk away from him. That's when a lead pipe takes Brown's knee out from under him courtesy of Davey London. He then swings the pipe into Francis' back dropping him onto all fours. Brown lunges at Celtic pulling on his shirt. Celtic responds by breaking his half-full beer bottle over the Pitbulls head. He then realizes he wasted perfectly good beer and tries to sip it up from the ground. London in the meantime gets in a few more shots on DBF and then stomps away at Pitbull Brown after the bottle's been smashed over his head. London pulls his partner away from the floor as Disorderly Youth leave DBF and Pitbull Brown down and out just moments from their match.

(E-) (Disorderly Youth's turns were both a complete success.)



-From Disorderly Youth to ambiguously gay we go. (Yeah, that's my transition. Deal with it.) We go back to the locker room being shared by Chuck Frisby, Byron, and Byron's big gold mirror as the three get in after their loss to the Russians. Byron immediately pulls out his mirror and grooms himself, Frisby watching him primp himself up.


Byron: "Byron cannot believe that you lost the match, and to those hideous Russians of all people."

Frisby: "I'm sorry man, I guess I just got distracted, you know?"

Byron: "Do not let it happen again. How does Byrons hair look?"

Frisby: "It looks fantastic."

Byron: "It had better, after those vile Russians mussed it all up. If you get distracted again it'll be the last time."

Frisby: "Cranky. I know just what you need."


"And just what is that?" Byron asks before looking back at Frisby with his golden mirror to see him taking his shirt off. Byron quickly turns around. "What in the hell are you doing?" He asks just as Frisby tosses off his boots and starts untying his sweatpants. "I'm going to comfort you the best way I know how. Oh yeah, pound it baby!" Frisby says holding out his fist, pants half off. Byron just looks at him in disgust and smashes the back of his golden mirror into Frisby's face knocking him out. Byron storms out of the locker room as Frisby lies half-conscious on the floor, pants half off.




http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/PitBullBrown.jpghttp://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/DanielFrancis.jpg vs. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/StevieStoat.jpghttp://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/MisterKing.jpg

-Pitbull Brown & Daniel Black Francis vs. Stevie Stoat & Mister King-


Pitbull Brown can be seen favoring his knee as well as bleeding some from the head while Daniel Black Francis is clutching his back. In the other corner of the ring Stevie Stoat smirks seeing the damage Disorderly Youth did. Stoat wears that c0cky smirk on his face thinking this is going to be an easy win for him. Then he realizes he has a partner in this match. The two argue over who starts first, both knowing their opponents are already weakened. King is the one who backs down and stands on the apron. The bell rings to start the match, and the first sound after that is a smacking of skin as King tags his partner on the shoulder. Stoat looks furious and tries to go after him, but the ref restrains him.


King runs into the ring at Brown and goes low hitting him with a dropkick to the injured knee. Brown falls fac first onto the mat and King wastes no time in picking Brown apart. He picks up Browns leg and stomps it down knee first onto the canvas and then repeats it three more times. King applies a figure four continuing to target the knee. The hold doesn't last long as it's broken up, but not by DBF, by Stoat. The partners shoot each other a glance before the ref makes Stoat return to his corner, King keeping an eye on him as he does.


That was enough of a distraction as Brown makes the tag to DBF, who's been watching his squabbling opponents. Francis explodes into the ring and takes King down with a knife edge chop. Stoat doesn't get into the ring to try to help his partner. King gets back to his feet only to be met with another knife edge chop that takes him off his feet. King gets back up again as DBF plants an elbow into his jaw and then sends him into his own corner. Stoat immediately tags his partner and gets into the ring.


The match goes on like this with King and Stoat squabbling over who gets to be in the ring while Pitbull Brown and DBF play it up to their advantage trying to turn the partners against each other, not exactly a tough task. Stoat and King are at each others throat through the match, both wanting a shot at Nova. Brown and DBF gain momentum in the match despite their injuries, putting Stoat and King on the receiving end. The match goes back and forth now as Stoat and King try to work together, not well, but somewhat. King is able to get Pitbull Brown set up for a King Maker and he nails it. He goes for the cover,










And Brown is able to get his shoulder up at the last minute. King drags himself to his feet while Brown drags himself to his corner. He makes the tag to DBF who gets the hot tag. He explodes into the ring now taking King down with Knife Edge Chops repeatedly until Stoat gets in the ring to try to help him only to get a knee lift right into his gut. Stoat crawls back to his apron. DBF takes charge of the match and wears King down with a series of slams and suplexes. Stoat has seen enough as he can feel his chance at Nova slipping away. He tries to get into the ring, but the ref runs over to try to restrain him. This gives King an opening. As DBF pulls him back to his feet King kicks him right in the family jewels. Francis leans on the ropes holding his privates while King stumbles back right into his corner. Stoat makes a tag and gets in the ring.


King is pissed about Stoat tagging himself in again and the ref has to try to hold him back now. The ref's too distracted to see as someone hops out of the crowd and sneaks up behind Pitbull Brown, who's perched on the apron. The camera gets a good look at his face and Steve Smith identifies him as the one and only, The Breeze. Joey Beauchamp drags Brown off the apron, Brown hitting his jaw on the way down and then hops up onto the apron. The Breeze grabs DBF over the rope and wraps his arm around his throat. Beauchamp drops down slingshotting DBFs neck. DBF stumbles into the ring and Stoat plants a super kick right on his chin. Stoat yells at the ref to come over and he does. He counts the pin,












Winners: Stoat & King in 14:37

Rating (D-)



-Stoat picks up the win over DBF, but he isn't satisfied to just stop there and neither are Mister King or Joey Beauchamp. The three of them stomp away at Pitbull Brown and DBF, Stoat taunting on Nova at the announce table challenging him to get in the ring. Nova stands up and takes his headset off. He approaches the apron and looks into the ring as Stoat, King and Beauchamp all wait for him to get in. Nova proceeds with caution hoping for an opening. Luckily he gets one. Brown grabs Stoats ankle, taking his attention off of Nova who slides into the ring. Beauchamp and King attack, both trying to take him down. Nova powers through it and delivers a clothesline to both of them dropping them to the mat. Beauchamp gets back on his feet first and Nova fires off a fist into him that takes him back down to the mat and then gives one to King. He repeats that twice more on both of them. As Beauchamp gets up again Nova lifts him onto his shoulders and then drops him down onto his knee with a Glasgow Kiss. King gets the same treatment.


Stoat finally gets Brown to let go of his foot with only a little violent persuasion. He turns back to see King and Beauchamp are both down, it's just him and Nova. The two face off, a preview of what's to come at Redemption. Stoat's the first to make a move. He charges in with a forearm smash that catches Nova, snapping him back. Stoat lays in a few more forearms before The UK's Strongest Man pushes him off, sending him tumbling back. Stoat charges in again, but receives a boot to the chest for it. He stumbles back and Nova charges now sending his shoulder into Stoats gut, spearing him back into the corner. Nova nails him with a strong punch before backing up to get a head of steam. He charges in looking for a corner spear, but Stoat shows some agility as he rolls over the back of Nova.


Nova bangs his shoulder up a bit on the middle turnbuckle pad. He gets up and turns around to find Stoat laying in wait. Stoat goes for a superkick, but Nova catches his foot. He throws it down to the ground unbalancing Stoat. Nova seizes the opportunity and wraps his massive arms around Stoat and lifts him up for a World's Strongest Bearhug. Stoat screams in agony as his chest is being crushed. Stoat tries working over the injured shoulder of Nova to get himself free, but Nova keeps it clamped on.


Just as it looks like Nova has Stoat done for a knock on the back of the head of Nova sets Stoat free courtesy of a beer bottle smashed over his head. This time Davey Celtic actually used an empty one. Davey London isn't far behind as he finishes the job with a chair shot to the back of Novas head. Disorderly Youth celebrate taking out their boss. Stoat clutches at his ribs, struggling for breath as he gets back on his feet. He orders London to give him the chair, to which he obliges. Stoat stands over the fallen body of Nova, chair in hand. Stoat lifts the chair and then drives the top of it down into Novas injured right shoulder. He lifts the chair up again and drives it down, over and over again. Stoat looks like a crazed man as he drives that chair down continuously.


Security finally swarm the ring as Stoat and Disorderly Youth clear out of the ring. EMTs are quick to get down to the ring, but the damage has already been done to Nova's shoulder. Stoat and DY make their way out through the crowd, Stoat keeping his eyes to the ring, a sadistic smile on his face as he looks on at the carnage.




-Sitting at a bar backstage is Chuck Frisby. Frisby actually looks depressed, a stark contrast from the stupid smile that's usually on his face. Sitting at the bar as well are The Russians, Igor and Ivan Ivanoff. Igor walks over to Frisby.


Igor: "You look down scrawny loser."

Frisby: "That's because I am."

Ivan: "What wrong? Did cows not come home?" Ivan chimes in now in his cheesy Russian accent, which wouldn't be too bad... If this were a cartoon for 5 year olds.

Frisby: "No, I don't have cows."

Igor: "You bring up cows, now you make scrawny loser sadder brother."

Ivan: "Sorry brother, I didn't know he have no cows."

Igor: "I know what make you feel better scrawny loser."

Frisby: "What's that?"

Igor: "Vodka."

Frisby: "Vodka?"

Ivan: "Yes, vodka, it fix anything."


Frisby: "I don't think it would fix my problem."

Igor: "What does trouble scrawny loser?"

Frisby: "Well, I finally met someone who I thought I could love."

Ivan: "Ah, love. Back in Mother Russia we find love when parents trade cow for lady bride."

Frisby: "Wow, that sounds hor-"

Igor: "Glorious. We know, right brother?"

Ivan: "Yes! We drink to our lady brides back in Mother Russia."

Igor: "Yes, a drink. Have some vodka with us scrawny loser as we celebrate our lady brides back in Mother Russia who are still fertile."


The three of them toast and have a drink of vodka.


Ivan: "So what does your woman look like?"

Frisby: "Well, he's got long flowing blonde hair, beautiful tan skin, and I can get lost in that chest for days."

Igor: "Scrawny loser sound like found someone special."

Frisby: "Yeah, but they hit me with a mirror."


The Russians just laugh at that.


Frisby: "What's so funny?"

Ivan: "That all? She just playing hard to get."

Igor: "Yes, back in Mother Russia my lady bride try to run me over with tractor."

Frisby: "She tried to run you over with a tractor? How'd you ever fix that."

Igor: "Mostly with wrench and elbow grease. Tractor run good as day before."

Frisby: "I meant your relationship."

Igor: "Oh, we just have vodka."

Frisby: "Vodka?"

Ivan: "Yes, vodka fix anything."


Frisby: "Well then let's drink up."

Igor: "Yes, let's drink scrawny loser."

Frisby: "How long do we have to drink for?"

Ivan: "We drink until cows come home."




http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/DJReason.jpg vs. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/LukeCool.jpg

-DJ Reason vs. "I Do" Luke Cool-


This match was pretty much the epitome of the word 'squash'. Reason dominated Cool from the opening Bell. Luke only got in a few bursts of offense before being put away with an Edge of Reason.


Winner: DJ Reason in 10:44

Rating (E)



-We now go backstage to our interview area, where Rolling Johnny Stones is about to be interviewed by our backstage announcer, the part of which will be filled tonight by The Steamroller.


Steamroller: "So Johnny boy, the question on peoples mind is what the hell happened between you and your partner last week?"

Stones: "Last week was something of a wake-up call for me Colin. Have you ever had one of those?"

Steamroller: "Yeah, every time I go to a hotel. It's pretty common."


Stones: ".. Anyways, last week was a wake-up call for me. I had a sort of epiphany. I realized The Takeover was no group, it's just Joss Thompson and his cronies. And I'm nobodies crony. I'm tired of being pushed around by everyone including Joss' other cronies, especially you Leo. Every tag team match we had you always had to have all the glory, always tagging in after I did all the work, always stealing the pin, always using me as a shield, always using Kathleen as a distraction and never once sharing your ill-begotten glory. You've been doing it far too long, but no longer. You want everybody to think of you like a Lion, as though you're brave, but we all know you're just a p*ssy.


You don't have a partner to steal from anymore Leo. You're by yourself, and now everyone's going to see you the way I see you. As a glory hound who's bitten off more than he can chew. You want to prove me wrong, then meet me in the ring at Redemption one-on-one and we'll see who's right.


As for tonight, Joss, the only reason I ever joined you was because I thought it would help out my career. Boy was I wrong. You kept me down, tried to keep me back by teaming me up with Leo. Tonight I'm going to show you my gratitude by bashing your skull into the mat."




-We go once more backstage as we see DJ Reason. He's getting a soda from the soda machine. How exciting. Reason turns away from the soda machine going to walk back to his locker room when around the hallway corner comes Jonathan Faust. Reason drops his soda and prepares for a fight. Faust though just barrels through almost knocking himself and Reason down. Faust looks around frantically before spotting an equipment crate. "Yo, what the hell are you doing?" Reason shouts quizically at Faust. Faust though ignores him and clears out the equipment crate before hopping in it. "Yo, get out of there, I got unfinished business with you Faust."


Faust opens the crate up just a crack and shushes Reason. Reason just gets pissed off by this and yells for Faust to get out of the crate and fight like a man. Faust just slams the lid shut on Reasons hand. Reason backs away from the crate holding on to his hand. Too bad for Reason he found out what Faust was running from as he backed right into it. Reason turns around and sees the monster Nightmare. Nightmare wastes no time grabbling Reason by the throat and throttling him. He smashes Reason back into the soda machine and then raises him up into the air holding him there for several seconds walking him over and then slamming him down on the equipment crate with a Darkness Choke Slam.


Reason's unconscious corpse lay there as Nightmare limps off once more after its prey. Faust sits in the crate, cracking it open to watch as the monster leaves.




http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/JohnnyStones.jpg vs. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/JossThompson.jpg

-Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Joss Thompson-


Unsurprisingly this turned out to be the match of the night. Put two wrestlers who can wrestle together and have a good match, such a simple formula, so few qualified.


Kathleen Lee was at ringside to 'support' Joss. Stones stayed cautious of The Executive Consultant throughout the match knowing it would be anything but a fair fight. Of course he was right. Right off the opening bell Lee tripped up Stones as he sprang off the ropes. Thompson controlled most of the match, staying in control by having Lee interfere any time Stones mounted some offense. The match itself was a back and forth technical affair full of suplexes and submission attempts. In the end Thompson went for a Clean Cutter, but was pushed away by Stones. Thompson tripped into the ropes where Lee had been getting the refs attention. The two knocked heads. Thompson stumbled back and Stones caught him, taking him up for a suplex. He hits it and then rolls back onto his feet before hitting the second. Stones rolls back to his feet once more and holds Thompson up for a moment signalling for his trademark Brainbuster.


Stones doesn't get a chance to hit it as Leo Price hits the ring and pulls Stones leg out from under him. Stones falls forward, Thompson catching the ground with his feet. Thompson spins himself around and then jumps forward taking Stones down with a Clean Cutter. Joss makes the pin,












Winner: Joss Thompson in 14:58

Rating (D)



-We go backstage to the locker room of Adam Matravers and Phoebe Plumridge. Phoebe has a frown on her face and Matravers is looking none too sunnier.


Phoebe: "But I want to be out there to support you."

Matravers: "You can support me just fine from back here."

Phoebe: "But-"

Matravers: "No buts. Look what happened when you came out last week. Joss was a sore loser and he unleashed Nightmare on us. I barely got you out of danger, I'm not going to let you get hurt because of me."

Phoebe: "Adam..."

Matravers: "Trust me, this is the safest place for you right now. Just lock the door and don't answer for anyone. Not strangers, not people with candy, not jehovah's witnesses, nobody."


Phoebe chuckles at Matravers lame excuse for a joke and smiles as she hugs him tight. "I love you Phoebe." Matravers whispers into her ear. "I know." She responds as they kiss. Matravers stands up and leaves the locker room for his match with Nightmare. Phoebe locks the door and sits down to watch her boyfriend take on a monster.




http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/AdamMatravers.jpg vs. http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/Nightmare_FIN3.jpg

-Adam Matravers vs. Nightmare-


Matravers makes his way down to the ring by himself and waits there nervously for the monster Nightmare to appear. The lights in the arena go out and an explosion of fire consumes the stage lighting the arena as well. Through an opening in the flames Nightmare makes his way down to the ring still limping from the door Matravers shut on his thigh. Nightmare gets to the ring and grabs the top rope pulling himself onto the apron. Matravers runs now and slides between Nightmares leg. He pulls him off the apron dropping onto the mats at ringside knee first.


Matravers stomps at the injured thigh of Nightmare and then pulls him up to his feet. He sends the monster into the steel steps thigh first, the monster falling over. Matravers digs under the rig and then pulls out a piece of wood. He smashes it into Nightmares thigh over and over until it breaks on the fourth shot. Matravers just tosses it away and head over to the timekeeper. He throws him off his chair and folds it up. He takes the steel chair over to Nightmare keeping it in front of him. As he approaches the monster, Nightmare springs back onto his feet and punches the chair right back into Matravers face. Matravers immediately goes down looking like he's bleeding from the nose. Nightmare grabs him and picks him up into a gorilla press tossing him over the top rope and into the ring.


Nightmare enters the ring and the ref finally can call for the bell to start the match. Nightmare dominates Matravers using his power to his advantage. Matravers continues to try to take advantage of the injured leg, but Nightmare just swats him away at every attempt. Nightmare sends Matravers into the corner and looks to hit an avalanche on him. Nightmare charges into the corner and is caught by a boot to the injured thigh. Nightmare backs off but tries once more, Matravers again catching him in the thigh. Matravers explodes out of the corner sending a flurry of punches into the head of the monster that rock him. Matravers springs off the ropes and shoots in taking Nightmare down with a tornado DDT. Matravers signals that it's over as he climbs the turnbuckle for the Mile High Moonsault. He perches on the top rope ans steadies himself. Just as he's about to go for a voice is heard over the speakers telling Matravers "I wouldn't do that if I were you."


On the tron we see Kathleen Lee sitting on a couch, baseball bat in hand, a busted open door in the background behind her. "At least not if you love your little princess here." Lee says as the camera pans over to see Phoebe Plumridge tied up on the floor. Kathleen stands up and puts her baseball bat to Phoebe's chin. "Because you see, your pretty, pretty princess here ain't gonna be so pretty when I'm done with her." Lee pulls a stop watch out of her leather jacket. "This watch is going to count down for one minute. Get back here before it runs out and you'll be the only one who has to get hurt."


The feed cuts out after that. Matravers jumps from the top rope onto the floor below and sprints backstage. The ref begins to count him out as we try to get a camera on him. The ref reaches the 10 count and declares Nightmare the winner by count-out.


Winner: Nightmare by Count out in 6:46

Rating (D-)



-We finally get a handheld camera following Matravers as he runs towards his locker room where his girlfriend is in danger. Matravers rounds a hallway and finds himself in the receiving end of a chair shot courtesy of Leo Price. Price drags Matravers through the backstage of the arena on his way out to the ring. Price gets in a good fist to the nose of Matravers which is gushing blood at this point every time Matravers tries fighting back. The Lion drags Matravers through the curtain and onto the stage. Price holds Matravers by the hair as he looks down to the ring where Nightmare stands, ready to finish the job and tear Matravers to shreds. Price drags Matravers down to the ring.


Fortunately for Matravers he nevers makes it that far. Rolling Johnny Stones clubs Price in the back sending him tumbling onto the ramp. Stones picks up Prices chair and nails him with shots to the back before picking Price up and going for his trademark Rolling Suplex Brainbuster combo. Stones nails the two suplexes to Price, taking more out of Stones than he thought it would as he lands on the steel as well. In the ring though the monster Nightmare stands there watching Stones assault on Price. And outside the ring Jonathan Faust sneaks through the crowd and hides at the edge of the apron. As Stones hauls Price up for the Brainbuster Nightmare heads across the ringlooking as though he's going to go help Price.


Nightmare stops as he feels something hit him from behind, Faust sliding into the ring and nailing Nightmare in the back of the head with his World Championship belt. The monster doesn't look fazed by the shot. He slowly turns around and looks at Faust who doesn't know what to do now. On the outside of the ring Stones nails his Brainbuster on Price taking him headfirst into the steel ramp. Stones lays there as well, the suplexes having taken a lot out of him too. Faust tries nailing Nightmare with the belt again and aside from a small, disputable flinch the monster is still unfazed. Faust goes to nail him again hoping the third time's the charm, but Nightmare rips the belt out of Fausts hands.


Nightmare stares down Faust who's pleading with the monster. Nightmare grabs Faust by the throat and chokes him tightly. He hauls Faust up, but drops him as he's nailed in the back by a chair shot from DJ Reason. Reason nails Nightmare twice more with shots to the back actually taking the monster to its knees. Faust looks on ecstatic, but Reason points to Faust warning him that he's next. Reason nails Nightmare over the head with a chair shot before tossing it down on the mat. Reason plants Nightmare with an Edge of Reason onto the chair. Reason doesn't make it back to his feet though as Faust grabs his belt and jumps at Reason nailing him in the head with his belt.


Faust stands over the remains of Nightmare and Reason in the ring and Matravers, Price and Stones on the outside. Faust raises his belt high celebrating in the ring as though he's actually done something worthy of celebrating aside from staying alive. Faust stops his celebration as the music of The Takeover hits the speakers and Joss Thompson makes his way down to ringside. As he comes down the ramp he kicks Johnny Stones over as he tries to stand. Thompson stands in front of the ring as Faust holds his belt in position ready to attack the second Thompson gets into the ring.


Too bad the attack comes from behind. Kathleen Lee slides into the ring behind Faust and swings her bat into Fausts back. Faust drops the belt and drops to his knees. Thompson now slides in the ring and approaches the World Champion Faust. Joss picks him up and plants him into the canvas with a Clean Cutter. Thompson grabs the World Championship belt and poses with it high above his head as he stands with a foot on top of The World Champion, Jonathan Faust. Thompson revels in the hatred and animosity of the crowd for a few moments before he and Lee leave, Thompson still holding onto the World Championship belt.

(D, E+, E+, D-)


Final Rating (D-)

-Hmm, that kinda sucked.

-Oh well.

-Somebody else can fix it.



Post Show Recap Brought to you by: Vodka. It fix anything. Except show:


-UK Dragon defeated Arthur T. Turtle (E+)

-The Elimination Agents defeated The Assassins' Guild (E-)

-The Ivanoff Brothers defeated Byron and Chuck Frisby (E)

-Mister King and Stevie Stoat defeated Pit Bull Brown and Daniel Black Francis (D-)

-DJ Reason defeated "I Do" Luke Cool (E)

-Joss Thompson defeated Rolling Johnny Stones (D)

-Nightmare defeated Adam Matravers by count out. (D-)

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Here's a bigger sized image of Nightmare alt




A* man, A* man.. That was awesome to read.. I bursted out laughing so many times troughout the promos.


Igor: "Yes, back in Mother Russia my lady bride try to run me over with tractor."
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That's right. Red Dragon will be fighting in 21st Century Wrestling for the first time since the new year. How will the Welsh Warrior fare? You'll have to watch to find out. Here's the card for the next episode of 21CW Best of British Wrestling.


Joss Thompson & Leo Price vs Johnny Stones & Adam Matravers

Jonathan Faust vs Philip Cooper

Ivan Ivanoff vs DJ Reason

Chuck Frisby vs Red Dragon

Byron vs UK Dragon

Davey London vs Genocide Agent

Stevie Stoat, Mister King & Joey Beauchamp vs Pitbull Brown, Daniel Black Francis & Nate Manchester


OOC. That's right. Self has tagged himself into this awesome project. I've got some big shoes to will, but I'll do my best to fill them... maybe I'll wear an extra pair of socks. Anyway, seeing as it'll take a little while for me to finish writing/illustrating the show, I thought I'd let folks post predictions. Aiming for a Tuesday/Wednesday posting, so you might want to put the kettle on.


P.S. Credit to Kamchatka for the awesome UKB-Digital logo, and a few others I'll be using at showtime. They are delightfully British.

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Holy s... Wow. That image is awesome! Can't wait what you Self have in store for us, this is one of the most interesting diaries in a long time in my opinion!


Joss Thompson & Leo Price vs Johnny Stones & Adam Matravers

Jonathan Faust vs Philip Cooper

Ivan Ivanoff vs DJ Reason

Chuck Frisby vs Red Dragon

Byron vs UK Dragon

Davey London vs Genocide Agent

Stevie Stoat, Mister King & Joey Beauchamp vs Pitbull Brown, Daniel Black Francis & Nate Manchester

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I've got some big shoes to will, but I'll do my best to fill them... maybe I'll wear an extra pair of socks.


I've found that extra socks help. LOL


Joss Thompson & Leo Price vs Johnny Stones & Adam Matravers


Jonathan Faust vs Philip Cooper


Ivan Ivanoff vs DJ Reason


Chuck Frisby vs Red Dragon


Byron vs UK Dragon


Davey London vs Genocide Agent


Stevie Stoat, Mister King & Joey Beauchamp vs Pitbull Brown, Daniel Black Francis & Nate Manchester

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Joss Thompson & Leo Price vs Johnny Stones & Adam Matravers

Jonathan Faust vs Philip Cooper

Ivan Ivanoff vs DJ Reason

Chuck Frisby vs Red Dragon

Byron vs UK Dragon

Davey London vs Genocide Agent

Stevie Stoat, Mister King & Joey Beauchamp vs Pitbull Brown, Daniel Black Francis & Nate Manchester




I didn't predict. You know why? Because I expect Self to know who I want to win and make them win. I do not accept failure...

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/Finalepisode3.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Steve%20Smith.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <em><strong>Steve Smith</strong></em><em> “Welcome everybody to 21CW; The Best of British Wrestling. I’m Steve Smith, and we have a brilliant show for you tonight, topped off with a stellar Main Event. The number one contender for the 21CW World Title; Adam Matravers will team up with Rolling Johnny Stones to do battle with The Takeover; Joss Thompson and Leo Price. Lots of tension in that fight, that’ll come up later, but for now let’s go to the ring to my broadcast partner, Jeff Nova. Take it away, Jeff.”</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>IN-RING</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Jeff%20Nova.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> JEFF NOVA stands in the middle of the ring, massive and rippling, microphone in hand.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>JEFF NOVA</p><p> ARE... YOU... READY????</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The crowd erupt. Apparently they’re ready.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>JEFF NOVA</p><p> Last week I saw some truly disgustin’ displays. Lord knows I like a wee</p><p> barnie as much as the rest of ye, but last week we had two of ‘em, and</p><p> I cannae stand for that. 21CW cannae become a madhoose, an’ if I</p><p> have t’step in an’ do sumit about it, ah will. I-</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> He’s cut off as a familiar dark theme starts to play. Darkness falls into the arena and JONATHAN FAUST hurries to the ring, looking he hasn’t been sleeping well.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Jonathan%20Faust.jpg</span><p> </p><p> JONATHAN FAUST</p><p> You want to do something for 21st Century Wrestling? How about</p><p> you do something for your World Champion? How about you get my</p><p> bloody title back? That wretch... That curr... Joss Thompson stole my</p><p> belt, MY BELT, and I demand that you get it back! If not, my fans,</p><p> my followers, who look to me as an inspiration, will rise up</p><p> against you and-</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/JossThompson_alt2.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Leo%20Price.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Kathleen%20Lee.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> THE TAKEOVER are here! JOSS THOMPSON saunters to the ring wearing an extremely sharp suit, with the 21CW Title around his waist. Faust freaks out at the sight. Joss is accompanied by KATHLEEN LEE and LEE PRICE.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>JOSS THOMPSON</p><p> Is it any wonder they call me The Complete Package? I look like a</p><p> Champion. I dress like a Champion. I talk like a Champion. You all know </p><p> I’ve got the skills of a Champion... and unlike Jonathan Faust, I know</p><p> how to take care of a title belt. You see, keeping a title is like keeping</p><p> a beautiful woman. You’ve always gotta keep an eye on it. </p><p> </p><p> JONATHAN FAUST</p><p> That’s my belt! GIVE ME BACK MY BLOODY BELT!</p><p> </p><p> JOSS THOMPSON</p><p> Relax, mate. I’m a reasonable bloke, and I’m willing to give you this</p><p> belt back right now... on one condition. I want in on the title match </p><p> at Redemption. You don’t even need to kick out Matravers. Make</p><p> it a three-way for all I care. I just want in. All you have to do is </p><p> sign this contract, and Faust will get his title back.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Kathleen Lee presents to them a contract. Jonathan Faust is torn, balking at the idea of fighting both Thompson and Matravers at once, but physically and emotionally needing to be holding his belt again. He suddenly snatches the contract and frantically signs it. Faust reaches for his title belt, but Thompson takes a step back.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>JOSS THOMPSON</p><p> Not so fast. You should have read the fine-print, Faust. You’ll get </p><p> your belt back, but only at Redemption, and only if you win it. </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Faust contemplates attacking, but Thompson is well protected by Price. Jeff Nova’s frustration gets the best of him.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>JEFF NOVA</p><p> A’right, that’s enough talkin’. I wanna see some action. Thompson! Price! </p><p> You’re fightin’ in the Main Event an’ I dinnae wanna see ye again ‘til then.</p><p> Faust! You dinnae have ye title, but you’re gonna be fightin right now! </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25538" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>JONATHAN FAUST VS PHILIP COOPER</strong></p><p> <span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/JonathanFaust.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/Characters/VS.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/PhillipCooper.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <em><strong>Steve Smith</strong></em><em> “Faust may not have his belt right now, but he will defend it at Redemption in a Triple Threat match against Adam Matravers and Joss Thompson.”</em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Jeff Nova</strong></em><em> “I cannae tell ya how unhappy that makes me. Matravers deserves a 1-on-1 shot.”</em></p><p> </p><p> Faust begs off, but Cooper fires up with energetic punches and dropkicks. Faust cuts him off with a thumb to the eye and slides him stomach-first into the turnbuckle. Faust works over the midsection with stomps, gutbusters and an abdominal stretch, holding the ropes for leverage whenever the ref isn’t looking. Cooper powers out of the stretch, fires up with some running clotheslines, but Faust knees him in the gut and finishes him off with <em>The Devil’s Drop (Crucifix Powerbomb)</em> for the win.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>YOUR WINNER... THE 21CW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... JONATHAN FAUST (11:43)</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Pleased with his handiwork, Faust looks for his title belt, but remembers he doesn’t have it any more. Faust looks sad.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/FinalAngel.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25538" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Garamond;"><em><span style="font-size:14px;">Gwlad, Gwlad, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad.</span></em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Garamond;"><em><span style="font-size:14px;"> Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau,</span></em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Garamond;"><em><span style="font-size:14px;"> O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau.</span></em></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>CHUCK FRISBY VS RED DRAGON</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/ChuckFrisby.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/Characters/VS.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/C-Verse/RedDragonM.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><em>Steve Smith</em></strong><em> “The Welsh Warrior has been out-of-form recently, but he’s a former 21CW Champion and a force to be reckoned with.”</em></p><p> </p><p> Frisby tries to jump him before the bell, but Red Dragon ducks, dodges, runs rings around him and strikes out with hit and run tactics. Dropkick. Atomic Drop. Snap Suplex. Screaming, Chuck clings to the ropes for safety, and when Dragon turns his back he strikes with a clubbing blow. It doesn’t even phase the Welsh Warrior.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>“Cymru Am Byth!”</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Screaming his battle cry, Red Dragon fires up with a series of Rolling Wheel Kicks! He climbs up top, looking for the Moonsault. Chuck cuts him off, attempting a Back-Superplex, but Dragon shoves him off and nails the <em>Moonsault</em> for the win.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>YOUR WINNER... RED DRAGON (8:21)</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>IN-RING</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Stevie%20Stoat.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Mister%20King.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/JoeyBeauchamp-1.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> STEVIE STOAT and MISTER KING are already in the ring for the upcoming match. Their partner, JOEY BEAUCHAMP, makes his entrance, but quickly silences the music and takes a microphone. </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>JOEY BEAUCHAMP</p><p> Jeff Nova. I feel like we didn’t get properly introduced last week. I’m</p><p> Joey Beauchamp. The Breeze. A breath of fresh air in a stifling and </p><p> suffocating world... and I have something to say. Nova, while some</p><p> people tolerate your mismanagement because you lifted a lot of</p><p> heavy things back in the day, there are a few of us with the refreshing</p><p> clarity of mind to see you for the biased fool you are. My partners tonight</p><p> may not like each other, and to be perfectly honest I’m not too fond of</p><p> them either, but we are united with a common point of view. </p><p> We reject Nova.</p><p> </p><p> Some of you in the crowd may not like what I say, and all of this might</p><p> be a moot point seeing as Stevie Stoat is going to kick Nova’s face </p><p> off this Saturday at Redemption, but I pride myself on always speaking</p><p> my mind. I am crisp. I am clean. I am cool. I am The Breeze.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25538" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>STEVIE STOAT, MISTER KING & JOEY BEAUCHAMP VS DANIEL BLACK FRANCIS, PITBULL BROWN & NATE MANCHESTER</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/StevieStoat.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/MisterKing.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/Characters/VS.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/DanielFrancis.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/PitBullBrown.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/NateManchester.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><em>Steve Smith</em></strong><em> “Well, Jeff. It seems there’s yet another fighter out there who doesn’t like how you’re running things.”</em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Jeff Nova</strong></em><em> “If there’s one thing I cannae abide, it’s complainers. I’ll be sure to nip this in the bud when I take on Stevie Stoat at Redemption.”</em></p><p> </p><p> Pitbull Brown overpowers Mister King and Stevie Stoat in the early goings, but is cut off by a cheap shot from Beauchamp. The Anti-Nova-Trio work over Pitbull in their corner with rudimentary tag team techniques and sneaky tactics, but even Beauchamp’s presence can’t stop the arguments between Stoat and King. Pitbull uses the distraction to his advantage, battling free with right hands and tagging in DBF!</p><p> </p><p> Daniel Black Francis runs wild with suplexes and hard knife edge chops. Beauchamp suddenly nails him with a perfect dropkick to the back of the head. Nate Manchester takes out Beauchamp with a High Cross of the top. Stoat decapitates Nate with a <em>Super Kick</em>. Pitbull destroys Stoat with the <em>Dog House Piledriver</em>. Mister King tries to punt him in the testicles, but Pitbull blocks it. King flees, with Pitbull giving chase up the ramp. </p><p> </p><p> In the ring, DBF tries to apply the Rasta Lock to Stoat, but Beauchamp comes out of nowhere and nails him with the <em>Breeze Block (Springboard Double Knees To The Face)</em> for the 1... 2... 3!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>YOUR WINNERS... STEVIE STOAT, MISTER KING & JOEY BEAUCHAMP (12:13)</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Steve Smith</em></strong><em> “Joey Beauchamp just pinned the UK Champion!” </em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/Finaldevil.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25538" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>IVAN IVANOFF VS DJ REASON</strong></p><p> <span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/IvanIvanoff.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/Characters/VS.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/DJReason.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <em><strong>Steve Smith</strong></em><em> “Last week DJ Reason found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time and fell victim to the Nightmare’s wrath. Surprisingly, he didn’t back down and even got revenge later that night.“</em></p><p> </p><p> Ivan throws wild punches, but DJ Reason batters his larger foe with Shoulder Tackles before overpowering him with impressive feats of strength. Samoan Drop. Powerslam. He goes for a Full Nelson Bomb, but Ivan elbows his way free, hits the ropes and... Runs into the <em>Edge of Reason (Sidewalk Slam)</em>. 1... 2... 3.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>YOUR WINNER... DJ REASON (7:32)</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>IN-RING</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/DJ%20Reason.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> DJ REASON celebrates his victory, when...</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Nightmare.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The gigantic monster NIGHTMARE strides to the ring, glaring at DJ Reason. Despite his exhaustion, DJ refuses to back down, even when the 320lb behemoth steps over the top rope into the ring. Reason assaults him with hard right hands, but Nightmare swats him away a backhand and boots him in the face.</p><p> </p><p> Referee Jacob Bailey quickly steps in to help DJ to the back, as Nightmare roars with fury.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25538" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>DAVEY LONDON VS GENOCIDE AGENT</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/DaveyLondon.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/Characters/VS.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/GenocideAgent.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><em>Steve Smith</em></strong><em> “Davey London and his partner Davey Celtic were involved in that attack on you last week, so to punish them they’re being forced to put their 21CW Tag Team Titles on the line against the Elimination Agents at Redemption.”</em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Jeff Nova</strong></em><em> “Seems like everyone wants a piece of me these days.”</em></p><p> </p><p> Genocide Agent fires up early, sending London reeling with kicks, punches and headbutts. London manages to grapple him to the ground and attempt a few submission holds, but Genocide powers free unleashes with more wild, impetuous brawling and hits the <em>Hanging Powerslam</em> for the win.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>YOUR WINNER... GENOCIDE AGENT (8:06)</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <em><strong>Steve Smith</strong></em><em> “Are the tag team champions in danger of losing their straps? We’ll find out at Redemption.”</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>LOCKER ROOM</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/TheSteamroller.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Phoebe%20Plumridge.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Adam%20Matravers.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> STEAMROLLER stands by with PHOEBE PLUMRIDGE. Behind her, ADAM MATRAVERS warms up by annihilating a punching bag with a series of spectacular kicks.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>THE STEAMROLLER</p><p> Two weeks ago, Adam Matravers earned a World Title shot at </p><p> Redemption. Clearly he’s been training hard, but how will the addition</p><p> of Joss Thompson into the match change your preparations?</p><p> </p><p> PHOEBE PLUMRIDGE</p><p> In 21CW, you don’t just expect the unexpected, you count on it.</p><p> We don’t like how Joss Thompson weaseled his way into the match,</p><p> but it’s no surprise he found a way. Switching to a three-way is going to</p><p> change Adam’s training a bit, he’s going to have to tighten up his reaction</p><p> times and awareness, he’ll need eyes in the back of his head, but luckily</p><p> Joss Thompson is no stranger to him. Adam’s fought him a few times</p><p> and beat him more than once. I’m confident, Adam’s confident, that he </p><p> can pull out all of the stops and come home with the 21CW World Title. </p><p> </p><p> ADAM MATRAVERS</p><p> Kick the tires and light the fires. I’m Fangs Out.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Johnny%20Stones.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> ROLLING JOHNNY STONES enters, all psyched up and ready to fight. </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>THE STEAMROLLER</p><p> Johnny Stones. Last week you challenged Leo Price to a match at </p><p> Redemption, that challenge has been accepted. Any thoughts?</p><p> </p><p> ROLLING JOHNNY STONES</p><p> Congratulations, Leo. You’ve gone up in my estimation. Maybe</p><p> you’re not quite the coward I took you for. Don’t get me wrong, you’re</p><p> still a prick, and I’m still going to kick your ass at Redemption, but</p><p> at least now I know I’ll be fighting a man. </p><p> </p><p> Last week I went up against Joss Thompson and was out-numbered</p><p> and out-maneuvered. I learned you can’t go up against the entire</p><p> Takeover alone. So this time I won’t be alone. Adam and I are going to</p><p> make an impact tonight, and then, at Redemption, when I get Leo Price</p><p> all on his lonesome, I’m going to show him, you and everyone that</p><p> Rolling Johnny Stones is nobody’s bitch. </p><p> </p><p> When I was involved with The Takeover, I did things I’m not proud of. </p><p> I did the wrong things for the wrong reasons... but at Redemption</p><p> I’m going to redeem myself by taking out Leo Price.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25538" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>BYRON VS UK DRAGON</strong></p><p> <span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/Byron.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/Characters/VS.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/UKDragon.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> <strong><em>Steve Smith</em></strong><em> “We just saw one dragon get a victory, how will this one do?”</em></p><p> </p><p> UK Dragon sets a fast pace early with a mixture of high-flying offense and innovative technical takedowns, until Byron dodges a corner avalanche. Posing and preening, Byron presses the advantage with strikes, taking care to look good doing it, and constantly stopping to check his hair in the mirror.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Chuck%20Frisby.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Despite his ribs being taped up from his previous fight, CHUCK FRISBY practically skips down to the ring, gazing at Byron with a big smile on his face. Byron tells him to “Go Away” and turns his back on UK Dragon, who nails the <em>Dragon Drop (Diving Reverse DDT)</em> for the win!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>YOUR WINNER... UK DRAGON (13:22)</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <em><strong>Steve Smith</strong></em><em> “Looks like Byron’s got an admirer in Chuck Frisby... which could be bad for Byron’s career.”</em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Jeff Nova</strong></em><em> “Double Dragon victories tonight.”</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>BACKSTAGE</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/TheSteamroller.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Kathleen%20Lee.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Leo%20Price.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/JossThompson_alt2.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Looking for an interview, THE STEAMROLLER enters The Takeover’s Locker Room, but immediately has the microphone taken off him by KATHLEEN LEE and the door slammed in his face by LEO PRICE. Kathleen holds the microphone for JOSS THOMPSON, who looks into the camera.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>JOSS THOMPSON</p><p> I don’t have time to pander to you people with a long speech, so I’ll keep</p><p> it to the bullet points. One. Jonathan Faust isn’t fit to wear this belt.</p><p> Everyone knows I’m going to win it at Redemption, so where’s the</p><p> harm in putting it on a little early?</p><p> </p><p> Two. A fortnight ago Adam Matravers got lucky. He’s not gonna stand a</p><p> chance on Saturday, because he’s not going to survive tonight. Three. </p><p> Johnny Stones is an ingrate. We’ll crush him under our boot-heels like the</p><p> rest of the scum in this promotion. Four. We’re taking over. It’s not a</p><p> matter of ‘if’. It’s a matter of ‘when’. The ‘when’ comes this Saturday.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25538" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>/w Kathleen Lee <strong>THE TAKEOVER VS STONES & MATRAVERS</strong> /w Phoebe Plumridge</p><p> <span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Kathleen%20Lee.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/JossThompson.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/LeoPrice.jpg</span><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/Characters/VS.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/JohnnyStones.jpg</span><span>http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/21cw/AdamMatravers.jpg</span><span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Phoebe%20Plumridge.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <em><strong>Steve Smith</strong></em><em> “This Saturday at Redemption, Johnny Stones will take on Leo Price, and both Joss Thompson and Adam Matravers will challenge Jonathan Faust for the 21CW World Title.”</em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Jeff Nova</strong></em><em> “A lot of scores to be settled at Redemption, but some of them could be sorted out right now.”</em></p><p> </p><p> Thompson and Matravers starts things off. The Complete Package tries to take the fight to ground, but Matravers is too fast, too agile, and explodes with lightning-quick arm-drags and dropkicks sending Joss scurrying to his corner. Price & Stones square off next. Stones is eager. Price, less so. Stones unleashes with a series of suplexes until Kathleen Lee trips him and Price follows up with a dropkick to the knee.</p><p> </p><p> The Takeover work over Stones’ knee in their corner. Thompson calmly and methodically picks it apart, trash talking the entire time. Price is more violent, frantically beating on the limb with punches and kicks. Finally satisfied that the damage is done, Leo Price prepares to deliver the Price Drop in the middle of the ring, but Stones counters, escapes and makes the tag!</p><p> </p><p> Mile High runs wild with fast-paced, high-impact offense. Springboard Dropkick. Tornado DDT. Running Bulldog. Kathleen Lee tries to get involved, but Phoebe Plumridge is having none of it. She hits the ring and tackles Lee to the ground, tearing at her clothes.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>CATFIGHT!!!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/21CW/Jonathan%20Faust.jpg</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile, JONATHAN FAUST sneaks down to ringside, steals back his 21CW World Title belt and tries to flee up the ramp. Joss Thompson cuts him off, and the pair do a tug-of-war with the belt. Adam Matravers wipes them both out with a somersault plancha.</p><p> </p><p> In the ring, Johnny Stones nails Price with a series of rolling suplexes, and goes for the Brainbuster. Price kicks him repeatedly in the injured knee and turns it into a small package for the 1... 2... 3!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>YOUR WINNERS... THE TAKEOVER (15:29)</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><em>Steve Smith</em></strong><em> “Thompson and Price sneaked out with a victory tonight, but will they be so lucky at Redemption, or will The Takeover of 21CW be over before it begins?”</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/Redemption4.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/FCK/MarksmanB6.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Opening Promo (Nova, Faust & Thompson)... <strong>C</strong></p><p> JONATHAN FAUST VS PHILIP COOPER... <strong>D</strong></p><p> CHUCK FRISBY VS RED DRAGON... <strong>E-</strong></p><p> Joey Beauchamp Promo... <strong>C+</strong></p><p> STOAT, KING & BEAUCHAMP VS DBF, PITBULL & NATE... <strong>E+</strong></p><p> IVAN IVANOFF VS DJ REASON... <strong>E+</strong></p><p> Nightmare Attacks DJ... <strong>C-</strong></p><p> DAVEY LONDON VS GENOCIDE AGENT... <strong>E+</strong></p><p> Steamroller interviews Stones & Matravers... <strong>C</strong></p><p> BYRON VS UK DRAGON... <strong>D</strong></p><p> The Takeover Prepares... <strong>B-</strong></p><p> THE TAKEOVER VS MATRAVERS & STONES... <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:18px;">'The Marksman' gives this show a </span><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>D</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <em>OOC: Ooh 'eck. Didn't quite go according to plan. I expected the midcard to flop, and I guess it shouldn't be surprising that a tag match with a bunch of guys with little tag experience wouldn't do exceptional in the Main Event slot. Made sense to me from a story perspective though, so that's what went on top.</em></p><p> </p><p> Fun stuff. Really liking this project. Maybe in a few months I'll tag back in and have a go at another episode.</p>
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Official Card for 21CW: Redemption


-21CW World Championship Match- Adam Matravers vs. Joss Thompson vs. Jonathan Faust ©


-21CW UK Championship Match- Joey Beauchamp vs. Daniel Black Francis ©


-21CW Tag Team Championship Match- The Elimination Agents vs. Disorderly Youth ©


-Jeff Nova vs. Stevie Stoat


-DJ Reason vs. Nightmare


-Pitbull Brown vs. Mister King


-Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Leo Price


-Chuck Frisby vs. Byron



*Predictions welcome. 3 pts for a correct winner, 1 pt for a correct match rating. And to declare a match a draw highlight both workers.



OOC: Looks like I got tagged back into this. This may be the last show in this diary so thank you to anyone who's been reading. Hopefully there'll be another project like this come TEW 2010 as it's been fun. And yes, I realize I've posted more shows here in the last 6 months than in my own Dynasty. Speaking of which look for an update in the coming weeks. [/Cheap Plug] Redemption should be posted by Monday or Tuesday (And I mean it...)

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Great work from everyone involved :) Here's my picks:


-21CW World Championship Match- Adam Matravers vs. Joss Thompson vs. Jonathan Faust ©


-21CW UK Championship Match- Joey Beauchamp vs. Daniel Black Francis ©


-21CW Tag Team Championship Match- The Elimination Agents vs. Disorderly Youth ©


-Jeff Nova vs. Stevie Stoat


-DJ Reason vs. Nightmare


-Pitbull Brown vs. Mister King


-Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Leo Price


-Chuck Frisby vs. Byron

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21CW World Championship Match- Adam Matravers vs. Joss Thompson vs. Jonathan Faust ©

I think he's the best choice for champ at this point in time. I think Faust has a character where he can work programs without the belt. Thompson is the most likely major star here and could easily go against Nova in a Takeover angle. Only problem is the lack of strong faces to challenge him, Nova and Matravers aside.


-21CW UK Championship Match- Joey Beauchamp vs. Daniel Black Francis ©

I think there'll be a new champ here to as the Breeze ... well, breezes to the belt. DBF will come again as he's got some talent and is a nice guy.


-21CW Tag Team Championship Match- The Elimination Agents vs. Disorderly Youth ©

At this point the tag champs are a) not over, and b) not very good. They need building up to be in this position. The Agents take it for now and move into a feud quickly with the Ivanoffs (even if it never sees the light of day in this diary!)


-Jeff Nova vs. Stevie Stoat

There is no way Nova will put Stoat over here, but I hope one of my favourite C-verse wrestlers at least looks good staring up at the lights.


-DJ Reason vs. Nightmare

Nightmare needs to look strong but he's likely to be the get DQd and lose heel right now. Reason is one of the stronger faces right now, and there's a bit of a shortage of those.


-Pitbull Brown vs. Mister King

There's no way that Mister King will beat the Pitbull here. King is a comedy act at the moment but the fans will enjoy seeing him get his.


-Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Leo Price

Makes sense to me. Thompson wins the title - Stones beats Thompson's right-hand man to set himself up as a contender for the belt. Stones vs Thompson at the top of the card is one of the most attractive matches (to me) that 21CW could run right now.


-Chuck Frisby vs. Byron

Another comedy worker loses out. Byron probably toys with him, almost loses to a roll-up after Frisby kisses him. Byron flips out, goes all serious and wins it easily in the end.

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