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World Wrestling Entertainment 2010: Who Am I?

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I walked the corridor lined with huge portraits of WWE Superstars through the years. It had been a while since I'd seen these walls and since I was last here, there were several new pictures up showing just how much this company changes from day to day. Vince's office was right at the end and make no mistake about it, you could just tell it was his office from the way you could see your own reflection in the well-polished door knob. I knew full well this wasn't just going to be your every day meeting; Vince called me because he knew I could help steer this company back in the right direction and no other reason. In fact...last time I checked, Vince didn't even LIKE me...and hell...I'm not too fond of him either but as Ted DiBiase once said - everyone's got a price. I knocked on the large oak door and Vince's beckoning voice ordered me to come in. This was going to be interesting...


Vincent Kennedy McMahon: Well, well, well. Look who it is, it's good to see you again after all these years...


Me: Yeah yeah Vince, cut the formalities because you and me BOTH know you're just trying to butter me up, but I'm not buying it. I've been in this business too long for you to just tell me I'm 'looking good' and hoping that'll wipe our slate clean. I still remember why you let me go 5 years ago - it was because I actually dared to speak up against two of your so-called 'superstars' and let's look at it, one of those doesn't even WORK for you anymore...and the other? Well all he gets is a comedy sketch each week on Raw. It's a joke Vince.


Vincent Kennedy McMahon: Well I guess if that's how you feel, we should probably get down to talking business. Now I called you because you are one of the greatest minds this industry has ever seen. You've been in it for nearly 25 years now and let's face facts, this company needs turning round. And I believe you're the one who can do it.


Me: You think I'm the one who can do it? Or was it just because Paul Heyman turned you down? But yeah Vince, I don't mean to brag but I believe I CAN turn this sinking ship around before TNA come and TAKE it down. That's right Vince, I said it - T-N-A! The company you refuse to acknowledge, the company you try to pretend doesn't exist. But it does, and it's growing. The only reason they haven't overtaken you up until now, is because that joke Vince Russo can't write for sh*t.


Vincent Kennedy McMahon: You think I refuse to acknowledge them? No, no, no sir. I don't acknowledge them because that place is a load of crap. They brought in Hulk Hogan to try and save them? How long before Hogan, Bischoff and Russo completely control that company and burn it to the ground just like they did WCW. And then...I'll swoop in and take what's left of that pathetic company. Hogan says that on Monday they'll finally beat us in the ratings? We'll let the ratings speak for themselves when Bret Hart on Raw wipes the floor with THEIR show. But enough about them, what do I have to do to get you to sign on the dotted line?


Me: You're really desperate for me to sign aren't you? Well these are my requests and if one of them is turned down, I'm not coming aboard. First of all, I want a whole new set of writers - people who actually KNOW the business, not lame comedy show writers and I want each of them to control an aspect of this company, not a brand, an aspect. Michael Hayes can consider his job safe, he's a former member of one of the greatest teams in wrestling history - The Fabulous Freebirds and he's the one who, if given complete focus, can breathe life into your seriously dull Tag Team Division. Pat Patterson, he's safe aswell. I will always consider him a brilliant writer, and I'd like him to take control of the main storylines on Raw, and I want Ricky Steamboat on board to write for Smackdown and ECW. The Divas - I want to treat them separately. If I'm coming aboard, I'm bringing a female who even after her retirement, can still outwrestle 90% of the women on this roster - Lisa 'Ivory' Moretti. I want her to work with your Divas and give them interesting storylines. That's my deal Vince, take it or leave it.


Vincent Kennedy McMahon: And you've called Lisa and she's willing to do it? Right well if that's your offer, I'd say we've got a deal but you still have to consult with me about any major decisions. Okay? Get on the phone and call everyone you've just named and tell them to be here tomorrow morning 11am sharp for the first creative meeting of 2010 and I'm sitting in on it. And just for the record, as he's the Guest Host for Raw on Monday, Bret will be here aswell. Now if you please, I have a contract here...


I pulled the contract towards me, pretended to look like I was actually reading it when all I looked at was my salary and signed my name on the dotted line. I was once again a WWE employee, only this time, the WWE was under my control. It was now under the control of people who KNEW the business, and I had high hopes for it.


Vince stood up, signalling the end of our little meeting and I followed suit. He extended his hand as a sign of unity and I shook it. Not because I wanted to, I just thought it was best not to cause too much trouble on my first day back. He showed me to the door and let me out and as it closed behind me, I pulled out my cell phone and started to dial. I began the walk back down the corridor with a huge smile on my face. This is where WWE takes back control of the airwaves but to the WWE audience...they'd never know who I was...for now...

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WWE Monday Night Raw Roster

WWE Champion - Sheamus

WWE United States Champion - The Miz

Unified Tag Team Champions - Degeneration X (Triple H & Shawn Michaels)

WWE Diva's Champion - Melina


Big Show


Chavo Guerrero

Chris Masters

Cody Rhodes

Evan Bourne


Jack Swagger

John Cena

Kofi Kingston

Mark Henry

The Miz

Montel Vontavious Porter


Randy Orton

Santino Marella

Shawn Michaels


Ted DiBiase

Triple H


Alicia Fox

Brie Bella

Eve Torres

Gail Kim


Kelly Kelly


Melina inactive; out due to a torn ACL

Nikki Bella


Tag Teams/Stables

The Bella Twins - Brie & Nikki Bella

Degeneration X - Triple H & Shawn Michaels

Legacy - Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

MVP & Mark Henry




ECW Roster


ECW Champion - Christian


Abraham Washington

Caylen Croft


Ezekiel Jackson


Rosa Mendes

Shelton Benjamin

The Hurricane

Trent Barreta

Tyler Reks

Vance Archer

Vladimir Kozlov

William Regal

Yoshi Tatsu

Zack Ryder


Tag Teams/Stables

Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta

The Ruthless Roundtable - William Regal & Ezekiel Jackson




WWE Friday Night Smackdown Roster


World Heavyweight Champion - The Undertaker

WWE Intercontinental Champion - Drew McIntyre

WWE Women's Champion - Michelle McCool



Charlie Haas

Chris Jericho

CM Punk

David Hart Smith

Dolph Ziggler

Drew McIntyre

Edge - Inactive; out due to a torn achilles tendon

Eric Escobar


The Great Khali

Jimmy Wang Yang

John Morrison



Kung Fu Naki

Luke Gallows

Matt Hardy

Mike Knox


Rey Mysterio


Slam Master J

Tyson Kidd

The Undertaker


Beth Phoenix



Michelle McCool

Mickie James



Tag Teams/Stables

Cryme Tyme - Shad & JTG

The Hart Dynasty - Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith & Natalya

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WWE Monday Night Raw Results – 4th January 2010

We head straight into the arena for the first Raw of 2010 as the cameras show us thousands upon thousands of screaming WWE fans and an insane amount of Bret Hart related signs and merchandise. The anticipation is high tonight for the return of ‘The Excellence of Execution’! Instead of heading down to the announcer’s table with Michael Cole & Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, we go to the ring where Justin Roberts is stood in the center...


Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to tonight’s guest host. He’s a former 2x Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, King of the Ring, a former Royal Rumble winner and a former 5x WWE Champion. He is a WWE Hall of Famer and part of the greatest wrestling families in the history of this business. Ladies and Gentlemen, he is the ‘Excellence of Execution’.....BRET...HITMAN...HART!


Bret Hart gets a huge standing ovation as he walks out to the ring wearing his trademark leather jacket and shades. He holds his arms out to the sides and then walks a little bit further towards the top of the ramp, raises his arms and we get a huge pyro explosion. Bret Hart making an explosive return here tonight! Bret walks towards the ring and pulls himself up onto the apron and into the ring. He goes to each side of the ring and holds his arms out to the sides before taking a microphone from ringside.


Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart: Y’know, ever since it was announced last week that I’d be hosting Raw this week, I’ve had countless phone calls and messages asking ‘why Bret, why now?’ Well in all honesty, it’s real simple. 12 years ago, actions from Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon forced me out of this company. Yeah, I was leaving anyway, but I hoped I’d be walking out with my head held high, and the door left open for my return. But that’s not what happened, and thanks to all you fans, nobody has ever forgotten what happened that night in Montreal. But now...now I think it’s time to put the past in the past. Tonight, I’m here because I want to make things right with Shawn, and to make things right with Vince.


”No Chance, that’s what you go’’...


The crowd boo heavily as the Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, power walks his way to the ring. Stood in the ring, Bret never takes his eyes off McMahon as he stomps his way up the stairs and into the ring. McMahon walks over to the opposite side of the ring and picks up a microphone from ringside...


Mr. McMahon: Well I think I speak for everyone in the WWE when I wish you all a happy new year! Everyone...except you Bret. You see, you may be here trying to ‘make things right’ as you put it, but I invited you back to the WWE because I think you owe me an apology. You owe me an apology for spitting in my face. You owe me an apology for punching me in the face backstage. And you owe me an apology for planning to walk out on this company in the first place Bret. So I’m expecting the next two words to come out of your mouth to be ‘I’m sorry.’


Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart: I’m sorry...to disappoint you Vince, but I will NEVER apologise to you. Because, if I remember rightly, I distinctly came up to you and said I didn’t WANT to leave the WWE, I BEGGED you to give me a reason to stay and you couldn’t think of one. The fact that I carried this company for as long as I did meant nothing to you. The fact I wrestled with injuries and never moaned or complained meant nothing and the way it ended, you told me I was free to leave when my contract expired because you couldn’t find a reason to justify paying me. So Vince, I’m not sorry for spitting in your face and I’m NOT sorry for punching you backstage.


Mr. McMahon: Well it’s become clear to me that neither of us are going to admit we’re wrong. I know I’m not because I’m not wrong, but that’s beside the point. I have something that may make you go back on your word Bret, I have something in store for you that may just make you utter the words that I think I deserve to hear...


”It’s a new day...it’s a new generation...


The crowd start to boo again as Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, better known as 2/3 of Legacy, make their way down to the ring with smug looks on their faces. They step into the ring, shake hands with Mr. McMahon and then stand between McMahon and Bret, staring ‘The Hitman’ down and stepping ever closer to him, trying to intimidate him...


Mr. McMahon: So Bret, got something to say now then? Because, one click of my fingers, and I’ll have Rhodes and DiBiase here break you in half and send you BACK to Calgary with your tail between your legs and tears in your eyes.


Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart: Vince, it’s good to see that after 12 years away from this company, you still haven’t changed. You’re still getting other people to do your dirty work. First it was Shawn Michaels, and now it’s these two. Do you two EVER do anything for yourselves? First you take orders like little lapdogs from Randy Orton, and tonight you’re taking them from Vince? You two are two of the most talented young stars in this company, step up to the plate, don’t stay in someone else’s shadow your entire life. But if this is how you want to play it, then fair enough, but you should stop concentrating on me, on focus on your match tonight because I’ve just made it. And you two will be taking on...these two...


A familiar guitar riff blasts through the arena and surprisingly, the crowd cheer for The Hart Dynasty who hastily walk to the ring. David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd and Natalya climb into the ring and make a point of getting in the faces of Rhodes and DiBiase. Natalya helps Bret out of the ring as Vince exits on the other side. Legacy and The Hart Dynasty have a tense staredown but eventually, Mr. McMahon calls DiBiase and Rhodes out of the ring and tells them to save it for later. Bret Hart and Natalya once again enter the ring and The Hart Family stand dominant in the ring. Legacy vs The Hart Dynasty TONIGHT!






WWE Diva’s Championship – 8-Diva Battle Royal

Alicia Fox vs Kelly Kelly vs Brie Bella vs Nikki Bella vs Eve Torres vs Maryse vs Jillian Hall vs Gail Kim


Match Ending: And we’re down to the final two here – Gail Kim and Alicia Fox. One of these will walk out as the new WWE Diva’s Champion after Melina had been forced to vacate the belt. Earlier in the match, we saw Maryse eliminate both The Bella Twins and Jillian eliminated by Kelly Kelly. Eve and Kelly Kelly were both eliminated by Alicia Fox and Maryse had eliminated herself after seemingly re-injuring her knee and rolling to the outside to seek medical help. Oh and Gail is first to attack as he strikes Alicia with a big right hand, but Alicia is well prepared and comes back with one of her own. Both these Divas would love to become Champion but only one can do it. Gail whips Alicia into the corner, but Alicia has it well in-hand as she attempts to go up and over Gail who comes charging in, but Gail catches her and throws her out onto the apron. Alicia holds on for dear life as Gail tries desperately to eliminate her. Gail takes a few steps back and attempts to Clothesline Alicia off the apron, but Alicia gets a Shoulder Thrust into the stomach of Gail and uses this to get back into the ring.


Alicia goes on the attack as she tries to weaken Gail but Gail has a flurry of offense again and runs off the ropes only for Alicia to catch her with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker! Alicia looks set to become Diva’s Champion here! She picks Gail up and goes to throw her over the top rope, but Gail holds on to the rope and nails Alicia with an elbow to the face. Alicia stumbles backwards and Gail charges towards her and goes for a Hurricanrana but instead of just hitting it, she uses her impressive leg strength to take Alicia onto the apron! Gail gets back up to her feet and runs off the ropes and hits a BIG Dropkick to Alicia knocking her off the apron! Gail Kim has done it! Gail Kim has become Diva’s Cha---hey wait! It’s Maryse! Maryse is back in the match! Maryse grabs hold of Gail and catching her off-guard, throws her over the top rope! I thought she was injured?! Maryse has swerved everyone and in turn has become the new Diva’s Champion!


Winner and NEW WWE Diva’s Champion – Maryse


Both Gail Kim AND Alicia Fox stand at ringside completely bemused by the actions of Maryse. Maryse however doesn’t seem to care as she’s too busy celebrating in the ring with the Diva’s Championship. She looks down at the two Divas at ringside and shrugs her shoulders and laughs at them. What a start to the night, Maryse victorious tonight, but several people are very unhappy about it!


Writer’s Notes – Lisa spoke to me about this idea as she was torn between who would have been a worthy winner. We thought having Maryse would be a bit predictable as she’s only just returned, so Lisa came up with the idea of her swerving everyone so it’d look as if Gail Kim had won the Diva’s Title. We think it worked to plan and got some serious heat for Maryse which in turn, sets up Maryse vs Gail Kim.






The cameras cut to the backstage corridor where Chris Jericho and Big Show are seen talking to each other...

Chris Jericho: I’m being serious, we HAVE to win tonight because if we don’t, then I’m gone from Raw forever. Do you want that happen? ‘Cause I sure don’t.

Big Show: Chris, calm down. Do you think I don’t know what’s on the line tonight? You think I want you to go back to Smackdown for good? No I don’t. Okay? I’ve thought about this match and the way I see it, Shawn Michaels isn’t going to be completely focused anyway.

Chris Jericho: That’s a good point actually. Bret Hart being the Guest Host tonight may actually be a good thing for us. Bret said he wants to see Michaels so Michaels’ll be looking over his shoulder all night until they come face to face and then, whilst he’s not looking, we can take out Triple H.

Big Show: And then when we do, the Unified Tag Team Championships will be ours and Chris Jericho remains on Raw!

Chris Jericho: Exactly. That’s a good plan. I’m glad I came up with it. I’ll see you out there.

Big Show: Hey wait a minute...

Big Show looks a little frustrated after Jericho just claimed the plan to be his own. He shakes his head in disbelief and walks in the opposite direction.


We then join Josh Matthews standing backstage...

Josh Matthews: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time, Kofi Kingston. Kofi, tonight you face off against a man who you’ve had quite the heated rivalry with as of late, Randy Orton. Your thoughts?

Kofi Kingston: Josh, this thing with Randy, this isn’t just a rivalry anymore. This has gotten personal. He blames me for costing him the WWE Championship? He cost me the United States Championship. I put him through a table. He beat me down. The way I see it Josh, we’re even. But tonight...tonight is where this thing gets settled. Tonight is where Randy Orton finally meets his match. Tonight, is the start of the Kofi Kingston era!






Singles Match

Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston


Match Ending: Randy Orton has Kofi Kingston locked in a Sleeper Hold here, if Kingston’s arm goes down once more then it’s all over. The referee holds it up...and it comes down—NO! Kingston is not down and out just wait. Orton looks perplexed whilst trying to keep Kingston grounded, but the man from Ghana is having none of it as he fights back up to a vertical base! Kingston with some well-placed elbows to the gut of Orton...and he’s broken free of Orton’s grip! Kingston now bringing the fight to Orton with three right hands. Orton is rocked as Kingston runs off the ropes but runs right into a beautiful standing Dropkick from Orton who crawls into the cover 1...2...NO! Kingston kicks out at two! Orton cannot believe it! Orton grabs a handful of Kofi’s hair and pulls him up to his feet and follows up with a hard Irish Whip into the corner, but Kingston jumps up onto the second rope and springs back with a Crossbody! Kingston into the pin 1...2...NO! Kingston almost scored the upset right there!


Kingston now on a roll as he starts to build up that controlled frenzy that he likes to unleash. Orton stumbles up to his feet looking like he has no clue where he is, but Kingston is on point as he once again springs off the turnbuckle and nails Orton in the skull with a Tatanka-like chop! And now here comes Kingston off the ropes BOOM BOOM! There’s the Boom Drop! This could be it for Kingston as he stalks Orton, waiting to hit Trouble in Paradise...oh no, here comes the rest of Legacy! Rhodes and DiBiase rush to the ring to help out their leader but as Rhodes charges towards Kingston, Kingston ducks and Rhodes goes sailing over the top rope and down to the floor. DiBiase climbs onto the apron and distracts Kingston whilst Orton recovers. Kingston turns around and RK---NO! Kingston shoves Orton into DiBiase who falls to the floor! Orton spins around...TROUBLE IN PARADISE CONNECTS! Kingston with the cover 1...2...3! Kofi Kingston has pinned Randy Orton!


Winner – Kofi Kingston [via pinfall]


Kofi Kingston celebrates the huge upset victory as Randy Orton looks irate! All three members of Legacy don’t seem to know how to react, they have just cost their leader his match. As Kingston celebrates his way up the ramp, Rhodes and DiBiase try to apologise to Orton but he simply turns his back and walks away. There’s certainly some friction in Legacy tonight. The new year has not started well for them yet!


Writer’s Notes: Pat Patterson came to me with the idea of having Kofi go over as we have big plans in store for him in 2010, whereas Orton needs to only cut a promo to get heat with any crowd. In terms of the match, we knew they could deliver a tremendous bout and they did just that. They made it exciting and their timings were spot on. As for the friction in Legacy, well, we shall just have to see where we go with that.




The cameras cut backstage to where ‘The Masterpiece’ Chris Masters is walking with Eve Torres...

Eve Torres: I can’t believe what happened out there tonight. That Maryse is a piece of work alright. I can’t wait for someone to take her down a peg or two!

Chris Masters: Don’t worry about it, you and me BOTH know that in a one on one match, you could beat her any day of the week. It’s only a matter of time before that Diva’s Championship is yours. Trust me, 2010 is your year. What the hell do you want?

The camera zooms out to see Carlito has stepped in the path of Masters and Eve...

Carlito: Olá pretty lady. Carlito has a question for you. What’s a beautiful senhora like you, doing with an idiota like him? You should be with someone like Carlito. Someone with the looks AND the talent, not some stupid pec dance or whatever he wants to call it.

Chris Masters: Excuse me? Don’t make me laugh Carlito. You, looks and talent are three words that do not belong in the same sentence. When was the last time you actually won a match? I mean...you really don’t have anything going on for you except that God-awful hair of yours.

Carlito: You leave my hair outta this! This is a work of art in Puerto Rico. This hair is sacred to my people. You think I can’t win a match huh? Well how about you put your money where your big mouth is and meet me in the ring...next week!

Eve Torres: Are you serious? Your hair is really a ‘work of art’ in your hometown? Well this man’s body is a work of art in ANY town and as for your challenge, he accepts. And besides, I’d rather hang around with a guy like Chris Masters, than with a...how do you say it...a perdedor like you!




We then head to a different corridor backstage where Evan Bourne, Mark Henry and MVP are walking. A huge 6-Man Tag Team Match is next!




6-Man Tag Team Match

The Miz©, Chavo Guerrero & Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne, MVP & Mark Henry


Match Ending: MVP makes the much needed tag as he explodes into the ring and takes Chavo Guerrero down with a Clothesline, followed by one to Swagger and a right hand to The Miz, knocking him off the apron. MVP grabs the legal man, Chavo, and whips him off the ropes. Chavo attempts to come back with a Clothesline, but MVP ducks and then catches him on the rebound with a huge Belly to Belly Overhead Throw. MVP hooks the leg and goes for the pin 1...2...No! The Miz breaks it up and starts pounding away at the back of MVP who struggles to get back to his feet. Miz and Chavo start to double team MVP as they whip him off the ropes, but MVP ducks a Double Clothesline attempt and Mark Henry comes from out of nowhere, taking both Chavo and Miz down with a pair of Clotheslines! Mark Henry looks dominant until Swagger comes from behind him and boots him in the back of the head. Henry rolls out of the ring for Swagger to turn round and get hit with a Flying Crossbody Block from Evan Bourne!


Bourne looks to be on fire until Chavo Guerrero sneaks up behind him and rolls him up 1...2...NO! Bourne kicks out! Chavo almost stole the victory right there and then! Chavo pulls Bourne up to his feet and connects with a Suplex, but instead of letting go, he rolls the hips and hits a second one and then once again, he rolls his hips and hits a third one. Guerrero then starts to ascend to the top rope as it looks like he could be feeling froggy here tonight. Guerrero gets ready to fly...OHHH! Evan Bourne rolls out of the way and Chavo gets nothing but a face full of canvas! The momentum sends Chavo rolling back into his corner where The Miz makes the necessary tag. Miz runs up to Bourne and attempts to hit the Skull Crushing Finale, but Bourne spins around, pushes Miz away and then cracks him with a big Enziguri out of nowhere! Bourne drags Miz to the corner and starts to climb to the top rope. MVP climbs onto the apron and hits a Somersault Dive onto Swagger on the floor below as Evan Bourne comes off the top rope with Air Bourne! Bourne goes for the cover 1...2...3! Evan Bourne has pinned the WWE United States Champion!


Winners – Evan Bourne, MVP & Mark Henry [by pinfall]


Bourne, MVP and Mark Henry celebrate the victory, with Bourne being very energetic. A pinfall victory over the United States Champion could well have just secured him a future title shot. The Miz punches the canvas in disbelief that he’s actually just lost a match and has nobody but himself to blame!


Writer’s Notes: I decided to add this match to the card to showcase Raw’s undercard talent, especially because tonight is all about big matches and big returns so it’s nice that 6 great athletes get the recognition they deserve. Evan Bourne has been seriously overlooked since his debut. It’s time he gets a push he deserves I think. A push that I know he’s capable of making successful. These fans need a high flier to get behind since Jeff Hardy’s leaving and Bourne is that guy!




The cameras cut to the locker room backstage where Randy Orton is frantically pacing backwards and forwards as if he’s waiting for something. The door opens and Rhodes and DiBiase walk in...

Cody Rhodes: You wanted to see us Randy?

Randy Orton: You’re damn right I wanted to see you both. What the hell were you doing out there earlier in my match? Did I, or did I not tell you earlier tonight that I didn’t need your help? I told you that I got Kingston and that you two could go off and be Vince’s lackeys for the night. Huh? So why, when I look at ringside, do I see Cody being thrown over the top rope...and then you Ted, why do I see you on the apron when you had NO business up there?

Ted DiBiase: Look Randy, we just thought...that you could have used a hand out there. I mean...you didn’t exactly have things going your way...

Randy Orton: Now you’re QUESTIONING my methods? Ted, how many times have you been World Champion? Big fat ZERO! I’ve been Champion six times! I knew EXACTLY what I was doing. I had Kingston think he was in control and I planned to strike, but you two went and ruined that! You’d better hope you win your match tonight, otherwise, we’re DONE!

Orton storms off leaving Rhodes and DiBiase looking like two little school boys...


A video package is played, highlighting the history between Degeneration X and Chris Jericho & Big Show – hyping the huge Tag Team Championship Match which is up next!






Unified WWE Tag Team Championships

Degeneration X© vs Chris Jericho & Big Show


Match Ending: This match has turned into a huge brawl as Shawn Michaels Clotheslines both himself and Chris Jericho over the top rope and down to the floor! This leaves Triple H in the ring with Big Show as the two start to trade right hands back and forth – with the crowd cheering for The Game and booing Big Show obviously. The Game kicks Big Show in the gut and runs off the ropes, hitting Big Show with a Facebuster, but when Triple H attempts to run off the ropes again, Big Show catches him and PLANTS him with a Sidewalk Slam! Big Show drags Triple H to the corner as Michaels climbs back up onto the apron begging for a tag. Big Show steps up onto the second rope and this looks like it could spell the end of The Game if Show hits it. Show bounces and NO! Triple H rolls out of the way and Big Show splats onto the mat! Triple H gets the tag to Shawn Michaels!


HBK comes in and finally knocks Show off his feet with a dropkick to the knee and a kick to the face. HBK knocks Jericho off the apron with a right hand and quickly goes to the top rope. Jericho gets back up onto the apron though, and knocks HBK off the ropes. Hornswoggle comes out from under the ring and pulls Jericho down off the apron again. Jericho tries to swing for Hornswoggle, but the little man quickly scurries underneath the ring. Michaels gets his composure back as he stands back up on the turnbuckle and...ELBOW DROP CONNECTS! HBK tuning up the band now, this could be it. HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music but Show counters and nails a Chokeslam just like that. Big Show makes the cover on Michaels and we have new...NO! M ichaels gets the shoulder up just in time! Jericho comes in and goes for the Walls but HBK flips out. HHH is tagged in and hits the Pedigree on Jericho but Show breaks the pin. Show goes to Chokeslam Shawn again but HHH stops it and hits the Pedigree on Show! Jericho comes from behind and pushes HHH into HBK. Jericho rolls up Triple H from behind 1...2...NO! Jericho and HHH are both down in the ring now. Hornswoggle comes back in and goes for a Superkick but Jericho kicks him in the face. Triple H goes for a Pedigree but Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho...HE’S GOT IT LOCKED IN! BOOM! Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music on Jericho! Triple H goes for the cover 1...2...3! Degeneration X retain!


Winners and STILL Unified WWE Tag Team Champions – Degeneration X [by pinfall]


Writer’s Notes: I honestly wasn’t expecting anything that great from this match but I was actually proven wrong. It was a lot better than I thought it’d be and the crowd seemed really into it. The finish in particular I thought was well executed (and yes, I know this how the match in real life went down, it’s intentional as I didn’t see the point changing it when I wanted the same things to happen)




As Chris Jericho whines and complains his way back up the ramp to Big Show who clearly isn’t listening to him, the music of tonight’s Guest Host – Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart hits and the fans erupt again. Shawn Michaels immediately directs his attention towards Hart who starts to walk down the ramp. Triple H goes up to Shawn and says something in his ear, to which Michaels shakes his head and this prompts Triple H to leave the ring. This really is going to be Hart and Michaels face to face! Hart climbs into the ring and takes a microphone from Justin Roberts at ringside...


Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart: Well I bet this is a picture that the WWE Universe thought they’d never see in a million years never mind 12 years later. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels in the same ring at the same time, face to face. I apologise for interrupting your celebration there Shawn, but this is something I could not put off any longer. I said earlier tonight that I came here looking for closure on the whole Montreal incident, and Shawn, that’s exactly why I’m out here. And I’m sure you’d love to put the past in the past aswell.


Shawn Michaels: Well Hitman, I’m not gonna lie to you, I’d love to put the past behind us and move forward from here, but...I’ve gotta get a few things off my chest while you’re here, as I’m sure you’d like to do aswell. First of all, what happened 12 years ago, was not entirely the fault of Vince McMahon, I had a part in what happened; I had a part in planning it backstage. And honestly Bret...I’m not sorry for doing it. You made a point to disrespect this company in the final weeks you spent here, and I hated you for it. This company has always been where I belong, and I wasn’t about to let you tarnish its reputation and then walk off to a company that failed 4 years later. But underneath all that Hitman, I respected you. I really thought you were the best in the business at that time. You didn’t have the nickname ‘the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be’ because it sounded cute; you had it because it was true. And I considered it a privilege to headline WrestleMania 12 with you, and do what nobody thought we could do. Do what everyone said nobody wanted to see, and that was going for 62 minutes in an Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship. And for that Bret, I thank you for that. That match helped put me on the map, and it’s down to you.


Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart: You’re probably not expecting me to say this Shawn, but thank you. Thank you for finally admitting that you had a part in what happened and thank you for the compliments. But that Iron Man Match was not just down to me, I was wrestling against someone I knew was about to break through the glass ceiling and be the biggest thing in wrestling for many years to come, and I was right. 12 years later, and you’re back from a career ending back injury in possibly the best shape of your life and you’ve done it all. You came into this company with a thousand and one attitude problems because you got in with the wrong crowd, but now, now you’re still just as good as you once were. You really are The Showstopper. So Shawn, I’m extending this hand to you, and you shaking it signifies that the past STAYS in the past.


Shawn Michaels drops the microphone as does Hart. Michaels looks around at the crowd who are all going nuts wanting him to shake Hart’s hand. Shawn Michaels slowly but surely extends his own hand and the two shake hands as thousands of camera flashes go off around the arena. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels just shook each other’s hand! Michaels pulls Hart closer and the two embrace in the ring as even more camera flashes go off! This is an historic moment for WWE fans around the world! Michaels raises Hart’s arm as we go to a commercial break...




”Your time is up, my time is now

You can’t see me, my time is now...


As we come back from a commercial break, the music of John Cena hits and, as usual, Cena comes out to a wide array of cheers and boos. Cena stands at the top of the ramp and makes his army-like salute before charging full steam to the ring. He raises his arms for the fans and then picks up a microphone which has been left in the corner of the ring...


John Cena: Are we all psyched for the return of Bret Hart or WHAT?! But as happy as I am to see The Hitman back in the WWE, I’m not out here for congratulatory hugs and handshakes, I’m out here for one reason and one reason only. Sheamus! You have something that I want, and you have something that I’m on a mission to get back. I know for a fact that you’re not here tonight but I know you can hear me wherever you are so listen up because I went to see Bret Hart earlier tonight, and something he’s done may interest you. Next week, it’s Pick Your Poison week for us Sheamus. And this means that you get to pick anyone on the WWE roster for me to face in a match, and I can do the same for you. But that’s not it, no no no. You see, if I win my match, I get to name the time and place for my WWE Championship Match against you. Got that? But oh no, that’s STILL not it! If you win YOUR match Sheamus, you get to pick the STIPULATION for our Title Match. So I suggest you get thinking Sheamus, not that you actually HAVE any friends, and I guess I’ll see you next week!


The crowd cheer at the announcement of Pick Your Poison next week as Cena drops the microphone and heads to the back...






Main Event – Tag Team Match

The Hart Dynasty w/Natalya & Bret Hart vs Legacy w/Randy Orton & Vince McMahon


Match Ending: The crowd are solidly behind The Hart Dynasty here tonight as Legacy keep Tyson Kidd grounded and isolated as David Hart Smith can do nothing but try his best to keep his partner motivated to make the tag. Kidd fights his way up to his feet as Rhodes tries to keep him down but to no avail. Kidd connects with an elbow to the stomach of Rhodes followed up with a knee to the chest. Kidd then breaks free of Rhodes grip and connects with some right hands knocking Rhodes back into the ropes. Tyson Kidd grabs Rhodes and attempts an Irish Whip, but Rhodes reverses and sends Kidd into the ropes. Rhodes goes for a Clothesline, but Kidd ducks and goes behind Rhodes. Kidd waits for Rhodes to turn round and BLASTS him with a Roundhouse Kick! Both men go down as they try desperately to crawl to their partners and make the tag. Eventually, both men make the tag as Ted DiBiase and David Hart Smith enter the ring.


Smith ducks DiBiase’s right hand attempt and rushes forwards, knocking Rhodes down off the apron. DiBiase sneaks in a cheap shot to Smith, but Smith comes back with a barrage of right hands. Smith whips DiBiase off the ropes and connects with a Big Boot to the face, but instead of going for the cover, Smith pulls DiBiase back up. Smith powers DiBiase up into the air and holds him there for a good 30 seconds before powering him down with a big Delayed Suplex! Smith goes for the cover 1...2...NO! Rhodes breaks it up causing Tyson Kidd to come into the ring and take Rhodes down with a Springboard Clothesline! As DiBiase recovers, Smith hoists Rhodes up in the air as Kidd rolls out onto the apron and springs back in...MODIFIED HART ATTACK! The referee forces Kidd and Rhodes out of the ring which allows Randy Orton to climb up onto the apron and nail Smith with a thumb to the eye. DiBiase gets back up and goes behind Smith...DREAM STREET! DiBiase has the Dream Street locked in! Is this it...NO! Smith hits DiBiase with an elbow to the face to break it! Smith kicks DiBiase in the stomach and picks him up onto his shoulders for the Powerslam as Vince McMahon now climbs onto the apron. Vince grabs DiBiase’s leg and pulls Ted off of Smith’s shoulders! Bret Hart on the opposite side of the ring sees this and charges after Vince as the referee throws the match out the window!


Winners – No Contest


Writer’s Notes: Pat and myself thought this was a tremendous match and it really gave these four workers a chance to shine in the Main Event spotlight, and they delivered. It was an exciting match, only made better by the presence of Bret, Orton and McMahon at ringside. They should be very proud of themselves!


Vince starts to run away from Bret who stays in hot pursuit. Orton rolls into the ring and kicks Smith out of the ring as Natalya can only watch. Hart chases Vince into the ring and manages to get a hand on Vince’s leg to stop him. McMahon looks terrified as he uses his other leg to kick Bret in the shoulder to break his grip, but Bret soon recovers and enters the ring. Bret Hart charges forwards at Vince McMahon, but Vince moves out of the way and...RKO! BRET HART RUNS RIGHT INTO AN RKO! RANDY ORTON HAS MADE HIS MARK HERE TONIGHT! Furious after losing to Kofi Kingston earlier tonight, Orton has taken his frustration out on Bret Hart! The Hart Dynasty finally get back into the ring causing Orton and McMahon to leave with smug looks on their faces. Raw ends with David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd and Natalya helping Bret Hart up to his feet. What a start to 2010!

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The start of the diary was a good read, and I am interested to find out who "you" are?


Commenting as i read...

As for the first show, the starting segment was pretty good. I could feel the tension between the two from just reading it, and I am also glad you involved the young stars. I hope someday that The Hart Dynasty will join The Legacy, i can wish... :)


Really pleased Maryse won the Divas title, because she is one of the thew talented Divas in the WWE at the moment, although i am a big fan of Alicia Fox & i hope you plan on pushing her.


As for the Kofi promo, i wasn’t really feeling it as well it didn’t come across like he would have said it to be honest, didn’t sound right. I really hope he doesn’t get pushed anymore, i cannot stand him... PUSH RHODES!


I did laugh when Masters said Eve could beat Maryse, haha... fire her please?. A push for Bourne? Hell yeah, i could never do it, not sure why. Do i see a Legacy break up? So much for my idea off the Dynasty joining. The Hart/Michaels segment was pretty much like real life, but what’s the point in changing a good segment?


The main event was amazing, it was a really good read and a brilliant end to the show.


Look forward to reading more!

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Very very good show, with an excellent main event - and thought the Bret/Shawn segment was really well written.


- ECW Homecoming Tournament Round #1 - CM Punk vs Hurricane Helms

- ECW Homecoming Tournament Round #1 - Shelton Benjamin vs Chavo Guerrero

- Singles Match - Zack Ryder vs Tyler Reks

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- ECW Homecoming Tournament Round #1 - CM Punk vs Hurricane Helms


I hope to see Punk be a major player in this diary


- ECW Homecoming Tournament Round #1 - Shelton Benjamin vs Chavo Guerrero


Same with Shelton.


- Singles Match - Zack Ryder vs Tyler Reks


Yeah, pretty much the same with Ryder!

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ECW on SyFy Results

January 5th 2010


As is the norm on a WWE opening, the pyro explodes from in and around the stage as the ECW fans cheer, scream and just generally - make noise. Josh Matthews and Byron Saxton welcome us to tonight's broadcast and run through some of the matches on top for the evening including the first match tonight - Shelton Benjamin vs Chavo Guerrero and CM Punk vs Hurricane Helms in ECW Homecoming Tournament First Round matches!




ECW Homecoming Tournament - Round #1 Match

Chavo Guerrero vs Shelton Benjamin


Benjamin starts to attack Chavo with right hands, trying to will himself into the match, Chavo breaks this trend by going for the Three Amigos only for Shelton to break the sequence with a German Suplex. Shelton knocks Chavo to the apron, but Chavo charges back into the ring and kicks hard at Shelton’s leg. Benjamin is on the mat and is met with several kicks to the leg, and then Chavo wrenches the leg against the bottom rope. The hamstring is further targeted by a Chavo stomp. Guerrero goes for the pin 1...NO! Shelton kicks out quickly.


Both men get to their feet. Shelton goes for a kick which appears to be blocked, but he continues to spin through and connects. Chavo bounces off the ropes and gets sent high into the air courtesy of a back body drop. Shelton goes for a pin, but Chavo kicks out. Guerrero grabs Shelton’s leg, and locks on a single leg Boston Crab. Shelton is inching his way to the ropes, but Chavo drags him to the middle of the ring. Shelton escapes, but the reprieve is short as Chavo hits him with a huge tilt-a-whirl leg scissors. Chavo heads to the top rope for the frog splash, but Shelton moves out of the way. Guerrero charges and is caught with Pay Dirt.


Winner - Shelton Benjamin [via pinfall]


Booker's Notes: Chavo is underrated. Fact! The guy is pushing 40 and given the right opponent (which is most of the roster), he can still pull off an exciting match. Shelton Benjamin may just be the future of this company if he can just work on the entertainment side of his character. Good opening match!




After we come back from a commercial break, Abraham Washington and Tony Atlas are sat on the ramp, which unfortunately means another edition of the god-awful Abraham Washington Show...


Abraham Washington: The weather may be chilly outside, but inside tonight it's nothing but hot because, yes, it's that time again...for the Abraham Washington Show! I know that underneath all your jeers, you people love it, and you'll love it even more when you find out who my guest tonight is. He is none other than the E..C..W Champion...CHRISTIAN!


"If you close your eyes your life, a naked truth revealed

Dreams you never lived, and scars never healed

In the darkness, light will take you to the other side

and find me waiting there you'll see, if you just close your eyes..."


The crowd give Christian a huge ovation as he walks out onto the set. The champ, with his ECW Championship over his shoulder, looks round at the audience as they continue to cheer. Eventually he walks over to Washington's set. Washington goes for a handshake, but Christian ignores it, picks up a microphone and sits down...


Abraham Washington: Give it up for Christian everybody! Welcome to the show Champ, first of all let me congratulate you on one hell of a 2009, but I gotta say, with this Homecoming Tournament going on, you could be in trouble this year. I mean, the Royal Rumble is only a few short weeks ago...and you have no idea who you're even facing. Does that not worry you a bit?


Christian: Worried? Do you know who I am? I didn't get to become 2x ECW Champion by sitting in a corner, rocking backwards and forwards, biting my nails and praying to the heaven's above because I had guys coming at me left, right and center. I've never been like that, and I'll never be like that. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. I'm the ECW Champion and ANYONE who feels like they're ready to step up and take a shot at me, well then be my guest---


The champ is interrupted by heavy guitar riffs and the titantron displays the name "Vance Archer". The man who has taken ECW by storm in just a short space of time, walks out onto the set. Christian stands up as Archer approaches and the two stand face to face. Archer remains silent as Christian picks up the microphone again to speak...


Christian: I don't believe we've met before. I'm Christian, the ECW Champion...and you are? Not one for talking huh? Well Silent Bob, it's a good thing I know exactly who you are. I'm not gonna lie, I've seen your matches and I have to say, I'm impressed. But uh...I gotta ask...why're you even out here? I realise I said if anyone wants to come and step up to the plate then be my guest, but I didn't mean right now. I mean...I'm kinda busy...


Vance Archer: Are you finished talking? You just don't get it do you Christian, you don't need to INVITE me out here to get me to step up. I can do it whenever I want because, let's face it, who's gonna stop me? Ever since I arrived in ECW, I've left a trail of destruction, a masterpiece of agony, and this is the same trail that's gonna take me straight to the ECW Championship. So I'm personally inviting you to ringside for the Battle Royal next week, so you can watch me single-handedly maime 7 other guys and earn my right to challenge YOU at the Royal Rumble. And make no mistake about it Christian, I WILL be leaving with the ECW Championship!


Both Christian and Archer drop their microphones and stand nose to...well not exactly nose. An intense staredown follows as Archer has layed down the challenge and declared that not only will be win the Battle Royal next week, but he'll take Christian's title at the Royal Rumble! Just as it looks like things might start to get physical, Abraham Washington and Tony Atlas pull the two Superstars away from each other as we cut to a commercial break...




Singles Match

Zack Ryder w/Rosa Mendez vs Tyler Reks


Tyler Reks starts the match strong and gets in some good offense, but his surfer-esque hair eventually becomes his downfall as Ryder grabs a handful of it and uses it to pull Reks down to the mat hard. Ryder drags Reks over to the corner and with his boot, rubs the sole in the face of his downed opponent before screaming his patented/trademark/annoying (delete as applicable) catchphrase "woo, woo, woo, you know it" and running off the ropes, coming back with a huge Face Wash. Ryder pulls Reks out of the corner and goes for the cover 1...2...NO! Reks kicks out at the count of two! Ryder locks in a Bodyscissors, attempting to weaken Reks.


After several minutes of being weakened by Ryder's Bodyscissors, Reks finds his second wind from the fans who will him in, and he powers out of the hold. Reks attempts to build a comeback, but Ryder stops him by burying a knee deep in the abdomen and whipping him into the corner. As Reks lays in the corner, Ryder blows a kiss to Rosa Mendez at ringside before charging at Reks. This may have cost Ryder as Reks gets a pair of boots up and kicks Ryder square in the sternum. Reks then explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline! Reks nails Ryder with a pair of right hands and whips him off the ropes before connecting with a huge Flapjack! Reks makes the cover 1...2...NO! Ryder gets the foot on the ropes! Reks can't believe that didn't end the match, but doesn't seem to let it phase him as he rolls out onto the apron. This could be it here, but Rosa Mendez climbs onto the apron! Reks looks distracted with the fiery Diva but eventually the referee orders her to get down. Reks turns his focus back to Ryder as he goes for the Springboard Dropkick, but Ryder sidesteps it! Rosa Mendez' distraction has worked! Reks stumbles spaghetti-legged up to his feet only for Ryder to connect with a huge Zack Attack for the 1...2...3!


Winner - Zack Ryder [via pinfall]


After the bell rings, Ryder and Rosa celebrate their way, possibly a bit too over the top, up the ramp whilst Reks recovers in the ring. When he finally comes to, he looks a little irritated to say the least. He smacks the mat and refuses help from the referee before leaving the ring.


Booker's Notes: This was an average match at best. Reks seems to have a problem connecting with the fans, they just don't seem to care about him. I think a change of character may be in order and we'll see how that goes. Ryder is improving week by week though and is a real shining star on Tuesday nights.




A recap video plays, highlighting the 7 Superstars who have qualified for next week's ECW Homecoming Battle Royal and how they got into the match in the first place. Next week it's going to be - Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Kane, Shelton Benjamin, Ezekiel Jackson, Vance Archer and Yoshi Tatsu. A graphic then shows hyping the final Tournament Match - either CM Punk or Hurricane Helms will advance into the Battle Royal next week!






ECW Homecoming Tournament - Round #1 Match

CM Punk vs Hurricane Helms


Both these men display tremendous speed and technical ability in the early going as they trade hold for hold, arm-drag for arm-drag and counter for counter. Hurricane starts to take control as he connects with an Uppercut on Punk which backs the Straight Edge Superstar into the ropes. Helms whips Punk off the ropes and connects with a back Elbow which sends Punk down to the mat. Helms makes the cover but only gets a 1 count before Punk kicks out and quickly rolls out of the ring. Helms follows in hot pursuit but the chase sends them round to the opposite side of the ring. Punk slides into the ring and waits for Helms to follow before kicking him between the shoulder blades! Eventually, after another brief back and forth melee, Hurricane Helms springs off the second rope for a Crossbody Block, but Punk has it well scouted and connects with a Dropkick to the ribs of Helms!


After Punk stays on the attack for a good 5-6 minutes, The Superhero comes back with a flurry of offense as he bounces off the ropes, leaps into the air and takes Punk down with a Clothesline...and another and then a Dropkick! The Hurricane is on fire here as he whips Punk towards the corner, but Punk reverses. Punk comes charging but Helms hits him with a Back Elbow and hops up onto the second rope. Helms waits for the right moment before flying off the turnbuckle and hitting a Blockbuster Neckbreaker! Helms with the cover 1...2...NO! Helms pulls Punk up to his feet, but Punk resorts to dirty tactics as he shoves a thumb into the eye of Helms and lifts him up onto his shoulders. Is this GTS time? NO! Helms counters it into a roll-up 1...2...NO! Punk JUST kicks out at 2! Helms sets Punk up for a big Chokeslam, but Punk counters it and picks Helms up onto his shoulders for a second time, but once AGAIN Helms is able to counter it as he slides down Punk's back, and puts him in position for the Eye of the Hurricane. Helms looks set to hit the move but as he goes for the impact, Punk shoves him off into the ropes and catches him with a stuff kick to the jaw on the rebound. Helms stumbles around, looking out on his feet as for a third time, CM Punk picks him up onto his shoulders...GTS CONNECTS! Punk with the cover 1...2...3! CM Punk is the 8th Man in the Battle Royal next week!


Winner - CM Punk [via pinfall]


CM Punk celebrates the victory as ECW on SyFy goes off the air!


Booker's Notes: These two definitely delivered a match worthy of ECW Main Event status. They were pretty evenly matched in terms of ability, and they seemed to gel very well. This could be a potential feud I think. Punk can get the crowd to hate him just by cutting a promo and Hurricane Helms has never been more over in his career.

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Commenting as i read,


A match between Benjamin and Chavo is bound to be good, ive always wondered why the WWE never really did anything with him, he was just awesome in WCW.


The Washington show was interesting and id be happy if Archer won to be honest. Ryder winning owns, i didnt like his "woo woo woo" gimmick when it started but now i love it! Punk advancing make sence, Helms cant be taken seriously as The Hurricane.


I hope Benjamin or Archer wins the Battle Royal next week, great show once again.

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