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What's going on in your game?

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Continuing on from This post, it's now January 2013, and we've just run our first show of the year. Warning: here be another long post.


I've figured out why my backstage rules are suddenly having a negative impact on morale... drugs are banned. Jeremiah Moose and Mathias (Remmy) Skye are apparently annoyed that they can't have their blunts backstage.


I'm feeling really sorry for El Heroe Mexicano... his knee is an utter wreck. He's 21 and at 61% legs condition. I feel really guilty - the botched surgery has more or less ruined his career, or at least badly damaged it from where it COULD have been.


There haven't really been any major shake ups so far as the general order of things goes. NOTBPW and CGC have both bounced between Cult and National a few times, Sean McFly left and came back and is now 6 time Canadian Champion... but as Officer McFly. CGC world champion is Johnny Bloodstone of all people, and he actually beat Sean Deeley.


Troy Tornado is TCW World champion, he ended Tommy Cornell's sixth reign. SWF's champ is Jack Bruce, who beat Lobster Warrior, of all the guys to have a reign (he previously held it for over a year, beating Eric Eisen). Tommy was also wrestler of the year 2012, match of the year? Oleg Dorosklov def. Tadiyuki Kikkawa. Yeah. Work that one out.


Most improved promotion? ASCW! I'm delighted with that, especially since we're still Regional, though we're now sitting at a high D in pop in the Great Lakes and winning regional battles routinely in three different areas of the US.


Also had the first death of somebody I particularly care about: Jacob Jett was struck by lightning, which saddened me, since he'd been on my radar.


ASCW are also at war with NYCW as part of my erm... 'cunning' plan to steal away Erik Strong and Chance Fortune. ...That didn't really go so well. Strong signed for NOTBPW on a written soon afterwards, and signing Chance would have violated a toughness owner goal. Oops.



All-Star Championship Wrestling



'New School'


Traditional: Key Feature

Mainsteam: Heavy

Modern: Medium

Lucha Libre: Medium


Performance = Popularity, simple, unsubtle and unrisky gimmicks preferred, very favourable towards sponsorship.


Medium Face/Heel divide, Integrated women's wrestling and an 80% match/angle ratio.


Match Lengths: 6/10/15


Based in the Great Lakes, $585,453 in the bank.






Travis Michaels (All rounder regen)

Stephanie Wade

Nadia Snow

Rudy Velasquez

Roger Cage

Sammy the Shark (to team with the above)

Lenny Brown

Chance Fortune (literally only just got him)

Brooke Tyler

Ernest Youngman (for the second time after SWF let him go)

Frankie Perez

Haranobu Kobayashi

Hugh de Aske (for the second time after he left me for Japanese tours)

Richard Freebush (gen manager)

Steve Flash

Wade Orson



Stephanie Wade, Jaime Quine, Nadia Snow and Zimmy Bumfhole (USPW)

Greg Gauge and Travis Michaels (RIPW, dev deals)

Roger Cage (CGC)

Ant-Man (NYCW, I declared war right after NYCW had offered him a deal without me noticing)



Roster review:


Main Event

Chance Fortune - Brand new signing with a lot of talent for our level. He doesn't come cheap, but he DOES come over, I'm hoping to give him some headlining programs.

Darryl Devine © - Backstabbed Barclay via getting snuck into a cage match to 'help' him beat Steve Flash, and wound up betraying him to turn face. In for a good run at the top.

Ernest Youngman - I was intending on giving him a long feud with Travis Michaels, but since SWF signed him, that kind've scuppers that plan. I'll find something for him to do soon enough.

Frankie Perez - Came loose from NOTBPW and was too good to turn down. He's only had two matches so far, but he'll be definitely pushed as a title threat.

Mathias Skye - Turned on Greg Gauge in order to 'kick him out of' the promotion. He's treading water a little because his psychology isn't quite as good as I'd like for a main eventer.

Samson Barclay - Has actually started to improve in performance stats. His psychology has increased from 78 to 80 over the past year (it started at 76) and his basics have increased a point to 91. He's the most popular guy we have in the Great Lakes, so there's no reason he should be sliding down the card anytime soon, especially as he's only 31.

Steve Flash - I stole him vindictively from NYCW to make my declaration of war actually mean something (he was their champ at the time), and he's just coming off a really good feud with Samson Barclay. His performance stats will definitely keep him around this level.



Upper Midcard


D.C. Rayne © - This time he DOES have cause to be here - he's just come off the winning end with a feud with Shark Cage (a feud I'm VERY glad I had Natural Storm win, as Roger Cage's contract extension with CGC wound up being a written deal). The gem of my tag division. I've mellowed out a little about the title demands because he's delivering very well in the ring.

Eddie Howard © - See above.

Hugh de Aske - He's sort've a bridge between Main Event and UMC - He'll wrestle against mostly main eventers, as he has the skill to go with most of them. Honestly though, he was on my original roster so I have sentimental attachment.

Mario Alessio - Higher than I expected. He hasn't improved a whole lot but he's young and started out good so it doesn't particularly matter. Overness is probably down to star quality and the fact he's also working for USPW.

Marv Statler - Been treading water for a bit. Another feud with the Natural Storm is on the cards soon enough.

Remmy Honeyman - Consistent. Not awesome, not terrible, just consistent. Oh wait, that's what his profile says about him. Cruising along.

Sammy the Shark - I only signed him because of his experience with Cage and the fact he worked for NYCW (vindictive). I'll probably let him go when his contract expires because I have an oversized roster already and really don't have much use for him on his own.



Ashley Grover - She's still improving, but 5SSW haven't really taken much interest this year, so it's just working dates with CWWF and I. Not really very much to say.

Brendan Idol - New, more over signings have contributed to his slide down the card. He's at a D in Great Lakes, just he's not really that popular anywhere else. He's also in time decline and just plain isn't as good as a lot of our new blood. It's likely to only be downhill from here.

Brooke Tyler - New blood that I'm excited to help develop. Not 100% sure how she'll be booked yet.

Claire Chambers - Seriously lighting up the undercard. She has a team with Mario Alessio, but they unfortunately have bad chemistry. I might push her a bit harder because the girls are less likely to be stolen (even though I gave SWF/TCW/CGC/PHGW women's divisions)

Connie Morris - Trucking along. Was actually undefeated in 2012, although she only wrestled six times. In a bit of a holding pattern.

Damian Darkheart - Is really starting to strain my desire for company loyalty, because he's STILL not very good, now 30 years old, and has been entirely uninspiring all year. I have much better prospects than him.

Dean Waldorf - See Marv Statler

Jeremiah Moose - I haven't really given him much of a chance to showcase himself, probably because his drugs habit is aggravating me. He has a team with Harry Lawler which is fairly promising, but has mostly been limited to the pre show. Deserves better than he's got so far.

Lenny Brown - SWF didn't sign him after he graduated from their dojo, so I picked him up. He's more prospect than finished article, but he's been steadily improving, so I have hopes.

Richie Riggins - His days may be numbered. For somebody as weak in the ring as he is, he barely improving, and his 23 in consistency is making him a liability.

Rudy Velasquez - I originally signed him because he was buddies with Greg Gauge and his performance skills were better than I'd realised. I can see myself getting behind him in future.


Lower Midcard

Ellie May Walton - Whilst her situation is SLIGHTLY different from Darkheart, in that she's dating Nathaniel Dorque and is so a locker room boost (having said that, I somehow have no negative influences on the entire roster), she's not really improving either and her best utility right now is in their team.

Harry Lawler - His appearances have been a little sporadic, but he's picking up points in most places (even his basics, which are now a 92, up from 90 at the start of the year). He's young, so he's a definite prospect.

KC Glenn - Continues to undeservedly job, though it's keeping his overness down and I still have him working for me, so it's all good. On the other hand, he's start to get somewhat popular in Japan (D-s, E+s and a C), so I might wind up losing him.

Regular Joe - Isn't over inother regions of the US, so he's dropped down a bit. Solid but unspectacular.

Wade Orson - Brand new, I'm hoping to use him to train up some top rows. Probably won't get pushed too strongly as he's a bit too over in Japan for me to be confident that he won't get stolen.



Berik - Still jobbing around. He hasn't got a whole lot better but he HAS seen improvement, which means he's still a worthwhile investment.

Giant Brody - Barely stepped into the ring all year. The reason he's dropped so drastically is because when my (auto)pushes were adjusted to accomodate for my spillover pop, he was (and still is) only popular in one place. I need to have him wrestle more, as he has potential (he's also awesome in the locker room, which helps).

Lance - See Berik. He's improved less but started better.

Nathaniel Dorque - Hasn't really featured much at all thanks to a gimmick change utterly tanking. He's mostly just putting people over.


Enhancement Talent

El Heroe Mexicano - His momentum is absolutely in the toilet and thanks to his dodgy knee, he's not performing as well as his skills would suggest. I'm going to keep him as long as I can in apology.

Haranobu Kobayashi - Signed him because I LOVE THAT RENDER. He's not over at all, but only debuted two months ago and seems to have tag chemistry with El Heroe (visible on dirt sheet but hasn't popped up yet). One to be groomed for success.



Heather Halo - Has now hit a 61 in refereeing. Probably the best value for money that I can get right now.

Jordan Brigstock - Still my boss. Still not going anywhere. He's seriously come a long way on the stick and in charisma - announcing is 68, microphone is 69 and charisma is 80. (it's cause I use him as an authority figure too).

Kammy Ling - Getting a lot better on the mic, but by no means great, and her charisma seems to be stalled. Whether or not I keep her is dependent on her demands, as she's not really good enough for me to pay much for.

Richard Freebush - A gen manager who works with Brendan Idol and Hugh de Aske (previously Mathias Skye too). 66 mic, 80 charisma, 61 acting and 21 years old, so he's somebody I'm looking to keep hold of and improve.

Sara Silver - Hasn't improved, but she was already good. Her contract expires soon, so if she asks for a lot I'll let her go, as I have an expensive roster already.

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PGHW are heartless. After Mito Miwa retires at the age of 36, nearly goddamn broken by them. He retires. And a week later Mito is fired.


I'm sure if the C-Verse was real there'd be riots in Japan right now. :p

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Booted up an old SWF game,


Starting what i hope will be a top storyline. Based on the Ted Dibiase Jr story, this is basically the formation and domination of a 2nd generation stable.


Ricky DeColt - Leader - Future World champion

Greg Gauge + Matthew Keith - Will be future Tag champions

Jay Chord - Will be future US Champion

Gino Montero - Television Champion

Alicia Strong - Womens champion

Sam Keith - Manager, although does do occasional matches


luckily i have 2 brands so i can have the stable dominate one brand while i run other major storylines on the other such as:


Faith vs Gilmore - going to end at the Supreme Challenge when Sean McFly debuts and has Gilmore turn and join with McFly.


Money vs Bruce - Bruce recently turned as this is the top fued i have so far.


Eric Eisen w/Richard Eisen vs My User - Battle for the promotion...i really dont like Eric Eisen so this would be a way to write him off tv for a while.


Remo vs Champagne Lover - had Champagne cash in money in the bank a month back so the basic return match.


Swoop McCarthy is currently on a 30match undefeated streak since debuting, his next fued will be with money or remo.


Ricky DeColt vs Joe Sexy - the domination of the stable will continue with Sam Keith eventually wanting the belt for himself and will eventually fued with the stable.

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I have rapidly powered through the rest of 2001 in my WWF 2001 game, and the awards are finally in! :p


Wrestler of the Year 2001: Chris Benoit (WWF)

- Chris Benoit wins the title of WOTY rather surprisingly with an average match rating of 82. A couple of other 82 averages in the WWF roster were Steve Austin (WWF Champion for most of the year) and Chris Jericho (WWF Intercontinental Champion for most of the year). Benoit only held the IC title a couple of weeks during the year, with no other notable achievements. Benoit completed the year with 50 (wins) - 13 (draws) - 20 (losses), a respectable record.



Young Wrestler of the Year 2001: Jeff Hardy (WWF)

- A massive surprise. Not only that I won the award instead of many other promotions, but that out of all the people, Jeff Hardy won the award. Having mostly tagged with his brother Matt Hardy during the year, Jeff's average match rating is 73 (highest 96), with a respectable record of 45 - 3 (draws) - 23. Achievements during the year include two WWF Tag Team Championship reigns (current) and unifying the ECW Tag titles to the WWF ones.


Veteran Wrestler of the Year 2001: Genichiro Tenryu (AJPW)

- The most obvious winner, Tenryu held the AJPW Triple Crown through the year and held a 82 average match rating. Tenryu's record looks at a decent at best 28 wins and 9 losses.


Female Wrestler of the Year 2001: Kyoko Inoue (AJW, FMW)

- I have struggled to keep the Womens division current, and a Japanese takes the victory with an average match rating of 68. 17-3-12 is her record for the year.


Promotion of the Year 2001: WWF (me)

- No surprise here, I have pretty much dominated throughout the year. Currently Global, and the only promotion to have a National or better status.


Match of the Year 2001: Toshiaki Kawada def. Mitsuhara Misawa (AJPW)

- AJPW decided to leave the year with a bang, serving the fans the ultimate free television bout. In the second to last day of 2001, the hit a 99 with the match, ultimately beating all other contenders. I'm a little disappointed, seeing as my 98 of Jericho & Austin def. Edge & Angle would have otherwise won the award.. Damn. Next year? Who knows.


Show of the Year 2001: WWF SummerSlam

- A slight surprise here as well, considering that SummerSlam wasn't that good, with only a 92, but still happy. In front of 73,026 fans (9.97 buyrate) Austin retained the WWF title against Angle in the main event, Eddie defeated The Rock in their third bout in the semi-main event and Triple H and William Regal fought in a 89 battle to win the match of the night.



And just some random promotional awards, because I love statistics! :p


Most active: Rey Mysterio Jr

- Basically, the most matches of the year trophy. Rey joined in the middle of January, and racked up an amazing 98 matches during the year in TV & PPV broadcasts. The maximium would have been 156, but he didn't appear too match on Heat. His record shows 64 wins, 9 draws and only 26 losses, and he achieved a WWF Hardcore reign, WWF King of the Ring and is currently the WWF Light Heavyweight champion. Amazing year for the WWF rookie. (#10 in Top 100)


Biggest win to lose ratio: The Undertaker (10,5:1)

- I thought this would go to Steve Austin (WWF Champion for most of the year), but it does make sense. I always book Taker strongly (as in real life), and the guy only suffered four losses during an entire calendar year. The four losses were: losing the Royal Rumble, losing a tag match vs Kane & Rikishi (bizzare :D), losing a fatal fourway vs. Jericho, Eddie & Benoit and losing to Big Show in WWF Invasion. So to sum it up, he only took the fall once during the year. His complete record was 42 (wins) - 2 (draws) - and the 4 losses.


Most losses: TAKA Michinoku (72)

- TAKA has had the second most matches I think, and most losses as well. I like him, so the exact reason why he has had so much matches, but I have just slowly pushed him since he receives overness so slowly. He is now sitting at low-C popularity, and his full record for the year was 15 (wins) - 1 (draw) - 72 (losses)

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USPW update


Minor USPW update on a few workers and things.


-SWF and TCW seem firmly entrenched in their spots as 'the big two'. CGC has wavered from cult to national a few times and NOTBPW hit national and hasn't looked back. My USPW is in the high 60 for popularity and the middling-high 50s in importance with a few high 60s here and there.


-No Deaths so far.


- Peter Valentine retired and I threw a party because of it. G'bye you waste of space.


- Bruce The Giant is seemingly actively trying to piss me off as he just out and out refuses to lose to anyone unless that person has nearly double his own momentum. I'm actively trying to tank his momentum and he's annoyed me to the point I may not resign him should his contract come up. We'll see. *mutters foul things about creative control*


- Enygma's heel turn continues to be a rousing success, keeping him in the high 90s for momentum.


-Acid needs to seriously lay off the Taco Bell. He's ripped like 5-6 locker clearing farts since I hired him.


- American Elemental is fighting to get SOME kind of momentum going to vault himself higher.


- hired Running Wolf on a P.P.A. contract just to see if I can make something of the guy. So far I remain unimpressed, but We'll see on that front. as it's still a relatively young game.


- Liberty's contract is coming up soon and I'm easily prepared to offer the guy the moon to keep him around. Hopefully Old Man Strong doesn't cut me off at the knees there.


- Nick Champion(the name Nicky annoyed the bajesus out of me.), is now a main eventer. He can still use some polish, but that owner goal should be well satisfied provided I don't somehow botch it horridly.


As always, Comments and thoughts are welcome!

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I'm stuck in my 1987 game at the moment . . Vince let me hire Shawn but not Marty and I cant think of any possible way to bring him in that early besides being an arrogant singles heel (I currently have Rude, Perfect, DiBiase and "The Punisher" Mark Calloway coming in strong, and feel he might get lost in the shuffle). I thought about maybe doing Strike Force with him and Martel (since Vince is being "vindictive" against Tom Zenk), or perhaps even teaming him with a young Flyin' Brian Pillman as The Rockers.


Any suggestions?

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I'm stuck in my 1987 game at the moment . . Vince let me hire Shawn but not Marty and I cant think of any possible way to bring him in that early besides being an arrogant singles heel (I currently have Rude, Perfect, DiBiase and "The Punisher" Mark Calloway coming in strong, and feel he might get lost in the shuffle). I thought about maybe doing Strike Force with him and Martel (since Vince is being "vindictive" against Tom Zenk), or perhaps even teaming him with a young Flyin' Brian Pillman as The Rockers.


Any suggestions?


I love the idea of pairing him with Brian Pillman as the Rockers! Where could they have gone as a tag team opposed to Jannetty being in the group? Pillman and HBK would have been much better I think. Maybe even would have beat Demolition or LOD for the titles eventually.

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I'm looking to make my woman's division a staple in the company, bringing in talented female wrestlers. We have a great number so far:


Allison Danger

Amazing Kong

Apple Miyuki

Ayako Hamada

Cheerleader Melissa

Cherry Bomb

Daizee Haze


Katie Lea


Madison Eagles

Mercedes Martinez


Sara Del Ray

Sarah Stock

Sarena Deeb


used to have a few more like Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Gail Kym, Aja Kong but I decided to give them back to their respective promotions to give the other companies a little bit of a fair leg up and wanted to use mostly indie women just because I haven't really seen them aside from watching their matches on youtube.


there will be the women's championship: known as the Vixens title(our answer to knockouts and divas) and have level it to a respective prestigious rating. Also have the Vixen's Tag Team, giving them another opportunity at a championship and to be able to utilize the ones who aren't fighting for the Vixens title at the time.

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Doing a tri branded 2002 WWF game. WWF has Raw, ECW has Hardcore TV, and WCW has Nitro.


Hardcore TV hasn't debuted yet, but Jericho is going to be the first ECW champ under the WWE banner. He took the Undisputed title from Triple H for Paul Heyman's ECW stable that's leading to the Hardcore TV debut.


Vince is furious over Jericho winning the belt and is throwing main eventer after main eventer after Jericho trying to get the belt back for the WWF. After Hardcore TV debuts, all three brands will begin to separate themselves and each have their own identities.


Not sure who is going to be the first WCW World Champ, but I had a cool debut for Sting(at least I thought so).


Taker is a heel and doing the bad ass gimmick still. Taker has been demolishing WCW guys. The brand split hasn't been in full effect yet, so WCW and ECW guys have been wrestling on Raw still. DDP had a match against Christian and won. Following the match, DDP headed back up the ramp and Taker came out. Taker started beating the crap out of Page. The lights went out and thunder started echoing from the sound system. Lightning effects start going off and then a heavy metal riff started playing. A lone spotlight shines into the rafters. Undertaker looks up and Sting is standing there.


Distracted, Taker doesn't realize Page recovered and Page hits the Diamond Cutter and escapes to the back.

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I came up with a story for Lesnar in our promotion. Thinking of using his MMA career as part of it. I picture Lesnar ripping on pro wrestling and talking about how awesome and 'real' MMA is. This doesn't bode well for the other wrestlers who still give everything their all in the ring even if there are things like scripted storylines and predetermined winners. Definitely have one of the main guys like AJ Styles be the hero in the story, or someone else whose equally talented, popular (in my promotion) and shows as much heart at being a pro wrestlers as Lesnar is about his MMA.
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Two years into my ASCW (0/0/0/0) game and I've signed my first negative influence, amazingly. He's a regen of Coyete Dynamite, though I messed around with him to make him the brother of another regen to give them so character and a team.


I've had a couple of negative relationships forming (Jeremiah Moose/Richie Riggins, Ellie May Walton/Roger Monterio), but this is the first outright negative influence. (Very negative, probably because he's Extremely Ruthless)

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I love the idea of pairing him with Brian Pillman as the Rockers! Where could they have gone as a tag team opposed to Jannetty being in the group? Pillman and HBK would have been much better I think. Maybe even would have beat Demolition or LOD for the titles eventually.


I actually think Jannetty was just as talented as Shawn during their time spent in The Rockers lol, though most wont agree. However, I do not think he could have pulled off the "Heart Break Kid" gimmick as well as Michaels did. But then again...who could've.


Shawn Michaels and Brian Pillman as The Rockers. The more I think of it, the more I like the idea myself.

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Just completed the 23rd year of my MSWA game so here is an update.


January 2033

With $7,928,278

278 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Jesus Chavez

Prestige: 70

9 Defenses made so far

Defeated Ace Youngblood at MSWA Re-Launched 2032 to claim the vacant title after Matt Hocking retired


MSWA Regional: C.H. Threepwood

Prestige: 66

Defeated Jeremiah Moose


MSWA Tag Team: The Gods Of Thunder (Atlas and Titan)

Prestige: 40

5 Defenses made so far

Defeated The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez)




Christian Price vs. C.H. Threepwood ©

MSWA Regional Championship Feud


Matty Faith vs. Jeremiah Moose vs. Jesus Chavez ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Feud


Note: This was originally a one vs. one feud with Matty Faith and Jesus Chavez but since I had Jeremiah Moose drop the Regional Title to C.H. Threepwood and since Jeremiah Moose is now a main eventer I decided to evolve the storyline adding him to it.


Here is the card for my first event of 2033 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Christian Price vs. C.H. Threepwood ©

MSWA Regional Championship Match


Chris Flynn vs. Animal Harker

Ox Mastadon vs. Cameron Jones

Ace Youngblood vs. Dustin Deuce


The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez) vs. The Gods Of Thunder (Atlas and Titan) ©

MSWA Tag Team Championship Match


Jeremiah Moose vs. Matty Faith vs. Jesus Chavez ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match



Matt Hocking

Eddie Howard



Matt Hocking – Released after Retired

Eddie Howard – Released after Retired


New Signings

Chris Flynn

Tyler Stones

Johnny Needham


New Tag Teams

Dagger and Flynn

Experience: 4



Doug Peak suffered a shattered knee in September at another show other than mine and as of September and after surgery he will be out of action for 8 months, 1 week. As of January 2033 he is still out of action for 4 months and 3 weeks.


Two more years and I will get the acheivement for completing 25 years of a single career and then who knows where it will go from there although like I said before I am going to keep it going as long as I can. I might take a break after getting to 25 years but my breaks from this game don't last very long because I am always drawn back into it somehow.

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Currently four and a bit months into a TNA game. I've cleared a fair bit of deadwood and brought in a few new faces but I'm trying to keep some semblance of reality, rather than changing everything in one go.


I rode Sting's retirement storyline for the first two/three months, giving Angle the nod to retire him so I could anchor cards around that match and not have to worry too much about the rating. Also used the two of them to catapult AJ Styles to the very top of the company, and he's now A* over through North America while Sting is working as a Road Agent and Angle is B over and working a stop-gap feud with Jeff Hardy lower down the card until another face is on top or enough time passes for him to cross with Styles again.


Styles' gimmick is that of a fighting champion, who has been taking on all-comers to defend his title and TNA, currently sitting on a four-month, thirteen-defences title run and won't be dropping it at the next PPV (against Davey Richards, who has been putting on fantastic matches but is nowhere near ready to carry the company) so looks like he'll go at least six months. Thinking he'll probably drop to Pope.


Though Pope is currently one-half of the tag champions with bodyguard Shad Gaspard, with help from stablemates Kings Of Wrestling. Pope also had a great run with the TV title before I retired it.


Mike Mondo (working under a new name) is the X Division champ and is doing a lot better than I expected so will probably stay there for a while now. I had intended for him to be a transitional champ to get the belt over to Low Ki but ah well.


I'm making use of Hogan, Flair and Bischoff by having them mentor Abyss, Rob Terry and Shawn Spears, respectively, after entering a gentlemen's bet to see who could get their guy to TNA Champion first. Bischoff is winning because I have no interest in the other two being champion but they are now very over so I can start leeching it down to the likes of MCMG, meanwhile Shawn Spears will soon become the singles guy of the trio rather than Abyss and I'll stick the two lugheads together as the duo. Big fan of Spears, probably between him and Pope to dethrone AJ.


Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe are waiting for a heel champ so that might hasten Styles' loss, though I like their tag team so could end up giving them a good run with the tag belts. Can't really go back to Beer Money... they've already had and lost the belts twice in this game and are far beyond any other team for number of reigns.


I've developed new deadwood now (Carlito, Shelton, Trevor Murdoch, to name a few) so I might need to leech popularity and fire, just to clean things up but all in all, I think I'm getting TNA to a stage where I'd actually watch it.

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I'm making use of Hogan, Flair and Bischoff by having them mentor Abyss, Rob Terry and Shawn Spears, respectively, after entering a gentlemen's bet to see who could get their guy to TNA Champion first.


This is an interesting storyline :D How's it going to play out? I mean, what'd you have in mind for the pay-off?

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Just finished the first year of my MLW 0/0/0/0 game in Canada. I've run 10 shows in the first year, building myself to 10 pop in Ontario. My current champion is Hugh De Aske, who's gimmick is a gold hunting pirate who is willing to do anything to get his hands on gold, which includes the MLW belt. He has 'injured' a couple of guys on their way out of the company, and generally used every heel trick in the book to keep hold of the belt since he won it in April. He is currently feuding with Donte Dunn over the belt.


My primary storyline has centred around Nigel Svensson and Brady Prince. Svensson's gimmick is the MMA Bad Ass, while Brady's playing a Martial Artist. Both see themselves as Legitimate fighters, and clash over who's the tougher of the two. The storyline ran throughout the year, with the two men often clashing in the ring and in promos. The blow off match was at my final event of 2010, and was won by Brady Prince, who will now go on a run through my lower card, until someone steps up to stop him (haven't decided who yet).


My other storyline centres around Extraordiario Jr and Arthur Dexter Bradley. The two went on tour with WLW together, and had matches there which got good ratings. I thought I'd see if that would transfer back to Canada, and it turned out they had chemistry. So I threw them in a storyline that they had fallen out during their time touring in Japan, and the hatred was so intense it spilled back to Canada. They've put on some great matches for me in the last few months, but I'm losing Extraordinario Jr, so at my January event the two will have a blow off 'loser leaves MLW' match which ADB will win to end the feud.


It's been a while since I've run a 0/0/0/0 game, but this one has been a lot of fun. I managed to build the bank balance up to just under 10k by taking 2 months off, so things are looking good for year 2 :)

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You know it and love it, USPW update.


Welp it's Monday, week 3, June 2011 in my game and things have happened and we're as close as ever to hitting national (like 2 points in importance in three or so areas). Lots of things have happened. My general booking philosophy has been 'if you bitch about jobbing when I ask you to, you don't get the match at all.' which is what happened to Bruce a lot of the time.


Losses - We've lost quite a few original main event guys when their contracts came up. Chris Claufield left for TCW. Tyson Baine was too big for me to keep sadly. Liberty decided he wasn't gonna work for me anymore the bum and refused to negotiate despite still being unemployed to this day.Bruce the Giant is also gone and may I say..THANK GOD.


Still it's not all doom 'n gloom. We march on with our current main eventers: Devine,Enygma,Avatar,Champion,T-rex, and Steven Parker. with help from the upper midcarders: Acid,American Elemental,Des Davids, James Prudence,Matthew Keith, and Samoan Machine.


At the beginning I axed the Tag division to focus on the singles feuds and such. Recently brought that back and it's thanks to the tagging that American Elemental and White Wolf(renamed Lobo Blanco) got to the Upper midcard and midcard respectively as I was having a heck of a time getting them over individually. They are my current Tag champs as I look to bring in a few more experianced Tag Teams if and or when I hit National.


other bits of news


-MOSC and EX2010 closed thier doors for good.

- Madman Boone, while still suffering from his coma inducing parasite, started up CWWF. It looks to be actual competition for AAA in women's wrestling.

-Joanne Rodriguez, while under contract to me, retired and started up her own Dojo. She was 31 when she did so and in perfect health so that tossed me for a loop. I kept her employed as a face manager to balance out Queen Emily and her Queen's court.

- The Economy and wrestling business is falling all over the globe so I'm expecting some lean times coming. Hopefully I can hit national before it gets too bad.

- brought in UK Dragon but he's going nowhere on his own and has stalled as an opener. I may package him up into a tag team to see if that helps, but if not he may not be around long.

- I have high hopes that KC Glenn,Marshall Dillon, and White Wolf are future stars for me, but we'll see.

- I wanted to get Acid to the Main Event, but he seems to have stalled out at the upper midcard.

- American Elemental is rising slowly but surely to main eventdom, I can see feuds with Enygma in his future.

- TCW and SWF remain Global companies, I don't see that changing soon.

- I would like to get Amazing Firefly over sometime soon, but so far have had zero luck. He remains part of my jobber tag team with Velocidad as Amazing Velocity.

- Peter Valentine remains retired and unemployed. I have him shortlisted just so I can bring his bio up from time to time to laugh at him. I am petty, yes.


once again, comments and thoughts welcome!

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Welp it's Monday, week 3, June 2011 in my game and things have happened and we're as close as ever to hitting national (like 2 points in importance in three or so areas). Lots of things have happened. My general booking philosophy has been 'if you bitch about jobbing when I ask you to, you don't get the match at all.' which is what happened to Bruce a lot of the time.


Losses - We've lost quite a few original main event guys when their contracts came up. Chris Claufield left for TCW. Tyson Baine was too big for me to keep sadly. Liberty decided he wasn't gonna work for me anymore the bum and refused to negotiate despite still being unemployed to this day.Bruce the Giant is also gone and may I say..THANK GOD.


Still it's not all doom 'n gloom. We march on with our current main eventers: Devine,Enygma,Avatar,Champion,T-rex, and Steven Parker. with help from the upper midcarders: Acid,American Elemental,Des Davids, James Prudence,Matthew Keith, and Samoan Machine.


At the beginning I axed the Tag division to focus on the singles feuds and such. Recently brought that back and it's thanks to the tagging that American Elemental and White Wolf(renamed Lobo Blanco) got to the Upper midcard and midcard respectively as I was having a heck of a time getting them over individually. They are my current Tag champs as I look to bring in a few more experianced Tag Teams if and or when I hit National.


other bits of news


-MOSC and EX2010 closed thier doors for good.

- Madman Boone, while still suffering from his coma inducing parasite, started up CWWF. It looks to be actual competition for AAA in women's wrestling.

-Joanne Rodriguez, while under contract to me, retired and started up her own Dojo. She was 31 when she did so and in perfect health so that tossed me for a loop. I kept her employed as a face manager to balance out Queen Emily and her Queen's court.

- The Economy and wrestling business is falling all over the globe so I'm expecting some lean times coming. Hopefully I can hit national before it gets too bad.

- brought in UK Dragon but he's going nowhere on his own and has stalled as an opener. I may package him up into a tag team to see if that helps, but if not he may not be around long.

- I have high hopes that KC Glenn,Marshall Dillon, and White Wolf are future stars for me, but we'll see.

- I wanted to get Acid to the Main Event, but he seems to have stalled out at the upper midcard.

- American Elemental is rising slowly but surely to main eventdom, I can see feuds with Enygma in his future.

- TCW and SWF remain Global companies, I don't see that changing soon.

- I would like to get Amazing Firefly over sometime soon, but so far have had zero luck. He remains part of my jobber tag team with Velocidad as Amazing Velocity.

- Peter Valentine remains retired and unemployed. I have him shortlisted just so I can bring his bio up from time to time to laugh at him. I am petty, yes.


once again, comments and thoughts welcome!


That doesn't sound like the USPW I love and enjoy.

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In my SWF game it's June 2010 and I've done a major/minor brand split. The major brand is called Supreme and contains my midcard workers and above. I have around 10 main eventers, 10 upper midcarders and 25 midcarders. The midcard contains a mixture of those who I plan to push and jobbers to the stars who regularly lose to my main eventers and upper midcarders.


The minor brand is called Uprising and contains lower midcarders and below. It contains all my young stars who are not over enough in the USA to make it to the big show, those who need to work on their entertainment skills and older veterans who are there to make my younger guys look good. This is where I am also starting to build up my tag team division and get the teams lots of experience. I have a weekly 90 minute B show for this brand so I have plenty of time to get my workers match and angle time. I gave my user character good entertainment skills and have just assigned him to Uprising in order to help my workers improve their own entertainment skills. I will have my midcard jobbers to the stars compete in dark matches on this brand in order to help maintain a decent level of overness (as they always lose on Supreme TV)


My long term plans are to build up a viable tag team division, as I love tag team wrestling and it's a great way to build young stars. I also want to push my favourite workers into the main event scene over the next year. SWF have a few wrestlers I absolutely hate (Remo, Marat, Sexy, Big Smack, Eric Eisen etc). I plan to bleed these guys of their overness when the time comes to give my guys that big push (Mainstream Hernandez, Lobster Warrior, Champagne Lover, Marc Dubois are in my longerm plans).


I am also looking into establishing a Women's divison though I'll need to sit down for a while and trawl through all the female workers.


Current Champs

World- Rich Money- defeated Eisen at Master of Puppets and put an end to 6 months of Eisen's reign as a cowardly heel who got others (Remo, Marat) to do his dirty work. Plan is to keep the belt on Money for at least six months.

North American- Brandon James: Has had a strong reign so far with clean wins over a lot of top mid and upper midcarders. Is about to enter in a Feud with Champagne Lover who will come out on top.

Tag Team: Pain Alliance: Pushing them as cheating, ******* heels at the moment but when I have built up more credible tag teams on my B brand I will take the belts off them and job them out for a while before I let Laramee move on to singles action. I will job the life out of Smack Scott until his contract expires.

Shooting Star: Mainstream Hernandez- I revived this on my first ever edition of Uprising TV in February and have given Mainstream quite a strong reign so far, defending it every week with success. He's nearly ready to move onto the A brand so he will drop it (in a 4/6 way where he won't be pinned) but I'm not sure who to yet.

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Oh dammit SWF. Seriously? I swear that they've just got talent scouts sitting in my crowds now.


I spontaneously decided to tweak a couple of regens to be a sibling tag team, the Huss brothers, dubbing them 'The Night Pack', giving them decent (C-) experience, gimmick names and making them a combination of big brawler and smaller all-rounder.


Well, SWF just decided to sign Daniel 'Dane Pounce' Huss (the all-rounder) to a developmental deal. Not only is this the fifth worker they've taken from me (following in the footsteps of Zachary Power (Enygma regen), Ernest Youngman, Greg Gauge and Travis Michaels (Regen of I think Whistler)), but it leaves Ezekiel 'Zeke Prowl' Huss all on his lonesome. They're about as good as one another overall (Zeke has menace, Dane has charisma), but dangit, I was really looking forward to building them up as a tag team.


Hopefully Dane will get lost in the shuffle in the long run, like Youngman did. I really want him back. :(

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Oh dammit SWF. Seriously? I swear that they've just got talent scouts sitting in my crowds now.


I spontaneously decided to tweak a couple of regens to be a sibling tag team, the Huss brothers, dubbing them 'The Night Pack', giving them decent (C-) experience, gimmick names and making them a combination of big brawler and smaller all-rounder.


Well, SWF just decided to sign Daniel 'Dane Pounce' Huss (the all-rounder) to a developmental deal. Not only is this the fifth worker they've taken from me (following in the footsteps of Zachary Power (Enygma regen), Ernest Youngman, Greg Gauge and Travis Michaels (Regen of I think Whistler)), but it leaves Ezekiel 'Zeke Prowl' Huss all on his lonesome. They're about as good as one another overall (Zeke has menace, Dane has charisma), but dangit, I was really looking forward to building them up as a tag team.


Hopefully Dane will get lost in the shuffle in the long run, like Youngman did. I really want him back. :(


My suggestion would be to find a third Huss brother and hope he don't get stolen too. :p

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This is an interesting storyline :D How's it going to play out? I mean, what'd you have in mind for the pay-off?


Right now they're working as a team against Fortune (minus Styles), and that'll lead to Abyss/Terry getting a tag title shot and winning, making Hogan/Flair think each of their guys are on the right track, so Bischoff does his slimey heel-schtick to get Spears the X-Div title. They then each think they're on the verge, which creates tension, leading to Abyss/Terry losing their titles and because they're bitter old men Hogan/Flair "accidentally" cost Spears his title.


After that I'm thinking I'll have a #1 Contender battle royal that Rob Terry will win, and, of course, the other two will turn on him, turning Terry face. Finally, Hogan/Bischoff/Flair will encourage each other to up the stakes, so that the losers have to leave TNA, and then it'll probably build to a fatal fourway, which Spears will win, meaning Flair/Hogan have to leave. After that Spears will likely stay with Bischoff for a short while, before turning on him and leading to Bischoff leaving too.

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