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Foolinc Takes A Look At TEW 2010

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First I would like to say that the start of this diary isn't the end of TEW 108. The diary will be moving to TEW 2010 once the current chapter is over and might become a new thread in itself, but will still continue in the same format. What this diary is is simply that, a place were I can share my views on my first look of TEW 2010. To be honest this wasn't even going to be a new tread, probably putting it my TEW 108 diary as a special update. However, I didn't really want to clutter that thread with information that didn't relate to the current chapter. Plus there is a shiny new forum that is just begging for someone to use. ;)


As I do with most mods, the first thing I did with the TEW 2010 demo was to sim a month and see what happens. Here are the results.


Blind One Month Sim


Promotion News

• 5SSW Rise To Regional Size

• GCG Rise To Cult Size


Notes: Pretty similar to what happens in the first month of '08. Nothing really else to comment on.


Owner News

• Seiji Imbo Inherits PGHW (Week 4)


Notes: Not really sure what happened here. Guess I'll have to sim day by day during one of my one month trips with a fed to see if this is common and what the news story said.


Worker Signings

• Fuyujo Higa signs with 5SSW [first rights rule in action]

• Mokuami Maita signs with SAISHO

• Duke Hazzard signs developmental with RIPW

• Maurice Jackson signs with APW

• Brains McGhee signs developmental with RIPW

• Hell Monkey signs with GCG

• Samoan Machine signs with SAISHO

• Mikey James signs with NYCW

• Emmy recalled to SWF

• Totoya Munakata recalled to PGHW

• Eien Miyamoto recalled to PGHW

• Ernnie Turner signs developmental with RIPW

• Roger Cage (Rodger Dodger) signs with SWF [He's also been reconned to the young age of 27]

• Griffin signs with UEW

• Greg Gauge signs with UEW

• Thunder Hike signs with BHOTWG

• Kristen Pearce recalled to SWF

• Mainstream Hernandez signs with CZCW

• Jacob Jett signs with CGC


Notes: Besides Roger Cage (who found the fountain of youth) getting picked up outright by SWF, this is really a barren month of signings. Which brings me to an interesting revelation. We are going to get to use guys like Samoan Machine, Steven Parker, and Darryl Devine on a regular basis. Go Adam!


Worker Releases

• Mayhem Midden released by RIPW

• Lance Martin released by ROF

• Nigel Svensson released by ROF

• Martin Heath released by ROF

• Jon Michael Sharp released by ROF

• Gob Narfi released by ROF

• Bryan Holmes released by PGHW


Notes: I was really surprised to see all the ROF releases and thought maybe Adam set his settings wrong. However, after taking a closer look it seems like ROF is on their last legs. I kind of wish Adam did screw up now. :(


New Workers

• Donte Dunn

• Omezo Shikitei

• Fuyuko Higa

• Richie Riggins



• Sean McFly - Skyclad's Bicep Disorder (36 days)


PPV Deals

• USPW signs PPV deal with American Option

• SWF signs PPV deal with Seleccion Mexico


Average Show Ratings

• 21CW: C

• 5SSW: C-


• AAA: D

• APW: C-

• BSC: D-

• BHOTWG: n/a

• 4C: C-

• CGC: B


• DIW: D

• EWA: D

• FCW: C-

• GCG: B

• Hinote: C-

• MOSC: D+

• MPWF: C+

• MAW: D-




• PSW: D+

• PGHW: n/a


• RAW: D


• ROF: C


• SWF: B-

• TCW: B-

• UEW: C-

• USPW: C+

• VWA: D


• WLW: B-

• ZEN: D+


Notes: A look to take in here, but here's what I have gotten from this information. Canada is freaking rocking this time around, neither SWF nor TCW looks to take the drop before the year is over, and USPW is for real. So weird seeing USPW as a force and not as a joke (kind of like Jim Force who has become a solid wrestler :eek:).


Title Changes/Tournament Wins

• 5SSW: 5 Star Tag Team (Kiko Sakakibara and Ostune Tsumura defeat Dragon Assassin and Dragon Power)

• GCG: GCG Openweight (Kiminobu Kuroki defeated Mabuchi Furusawa)

• MAW: Rip Chord Invitational Challenge (Citizen X over Mean Jean Cattley)

• OLLIE: Campeones de Parejas OLLIE (Swarm I and Swarm III defeated Luis Montero Jr. and Gino Montero)

• RAW: RAW Tag Team (Kerry Wayne and Captain Wrestling III defeated Quiz Master and Quizzical Mark Question)

• ROF: Ring Of Fire Tag Championship (Jonni Lowlife and Petey Barnes defeated Lance Martin and Kelly Martin)

• SOTBPW: Campeon de Menor SOTBPW (Blood Raven defeated El Sucio), Campeones de Trios SOTBPW (Enrique Merino, Tijuana Vampire, and El Sucio defeated El Hijo Espada Roja, Capitao Brasil Jr, and Velocidad)

• WEXXV: WEXXV Warrior's Heart (Munemitsu Senmatsu defeated Ryu Kajahara)

• WLW: World Level Streetfighting (Kazuma Narato defeated Insane Machine)


Notes: Looks like the AI still kind of sucks at running tournaments with a heel/heel main event of Citizen X and Mean Jean Cattley, but other than that all things look good on the title front. There aren't any major changes that get made right away, but at the same time everything didn't stay the same.


From a watcher's point of view, I really am liking what I see so far. Now to start actually playing the game. See you guys later! :D


Note: Please feel free to share your experiences with the game as well as just commenting on what I have to say. Only good things will come from that. Just trust me. http://www.theguba.net/forum/Smileys/GUBA/stirsthepot3.gif

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Darn you for beating us all to the punch :p


Haven't even finished installing yet, but wanted to curse you quickly before getting lost in the game :D


Yeah, I got lucky and was one of the first people to download the sucker through the mirror (downloads at a quick pace though takes a bit of luck for the site itself to not be busy).


I knew I was going to get sucked into the game as well so I thought to myself, why not write my thoughts down as I go? The fact I was first was just icing on the cake. There are going to be better "diaries" than this, but there isn't going to be one that came out before mine. :D


I won't go in AS deep as you did, but


I already love


Rising Star - Heath Murdock


They just love him and I know who I'm signing right away


I'm more partial to "Dangerous" Dan Reacher myself. ;) Who is currently unemployed!? :mad: Do I need to start a "Hire Dan Reacher" campaign like I did with James Heatly? :D



Starting A New Game: Avatar & Promotion Selection


After blinding simming a month, I think it's time that I closer look at the game. The first thing returning users will notice is the similar layout to the rest of the series (especially TEW 2008). There are new additions the title screen this time around in the skin option and achievement buttons. Both of which were mentioned in the preview thread, but still both are nice additions. However, I hope there this a promotion specific achievement board as well as the universal one that is on the title screen. On a side note, I am really digging the new buttons. The black, silver, and blue looks great and the icons themselves are really sharp. Before moving on, I've got to say that I already love the copy game button. It's pretty easy to backup a game manually , but it's a time saver for diary writers like myself.


On to the avatar selection screen and my first minor nick pick of the game. All of the avatars' booking reputation are set to "lowest." This means even The Grand Avatar can't create a promotion right off the bat. Of course you can always edit the avatars to allow them this option, but at the same time I feel that setting at least The Grand Avatar to "High" or better would save a bunch of "How do I start my own promotion" threads from popping up.



I'm the greatest of all time, and you know it!


Moving on, we come to the first difference between '08 and '10, user preferences and user talents. For user talents, I gave my avatar, The Grand Avatar, the default settings (20 to negotiating, motivating, creativity, and leadership). No reason to alter these setting just yet. There is so many other new things I really don't want the user settings altering my view of them. As for preferences, this is another awesome time saver idea. I'm pretty sure all of these settings can be changed in-game but being able to change them at the start makes things much easier. It's also nice to be able to save your settings, which is something I kind expected from Adam, but still something that needs to be noted. Here are the 14 user preferences:


• Show stats as grades rather than numbers

• Owner Goals are turned on

• Penalties for small roster are turned off

• "Perfect Show Theory" is turned on

• Characters can become stale over time

• Gimmick effects are turned on

• Worker morale effects are turned on

• Locker room morale effects are turned on

• Momentum effects are turned on

• Time limits on negotiations are turned on

• Advanced bookings cannot be deleted

• "Dirt Sheet" match breakdown is hidden

• Industry and economy effects are turned on


Most of these options aren't really that important to me. I like perfect show theory, characters becoming stale, gimmick ratings and like. However a couple are very interesting to me. First, I could see the small roster option being useful for someone who wants to make a true backyard federation from the ground up. Another interesting one that I might personally get rid of is repetitive booking. Don't get me wrong, I love that you get penalized for spamming matches, however at the same time this penalty got rid of a couple of key wrestling storylines, the biggest being the best of seven storyline. Another interesting option for me is the "Dirt Sheet" option which tells you exactly how a match influenced the card and the workers. That said, I don't know if I want to know everything. It might ruin the fun of guessing what is the best way to do something. For this look through I think I'm just going to leave everything on. With this only being the demo, the whole repetitive booking thing isn't going to matter and I can always throw on the "dirt sheet" a different time. (Edit: Thanks to some info from Remianen, I have decided to turn on the "dirt sheet" after all)


Moving to the promotion selection screen, the first thing that I notice is the tour button. It's not as deep as I thought it was going to be, but I think it serves it's purpose in giving a bit more information to new players about the different promotions (such as whether or not a promotion has a TV show). A couple of improvements for the next version might be to add the champions of the promotion to the tour and maybe an overview of their product. Or maybe not, who knows?


Besides the tour button there isn't really anything different about the selection screen itself. So let's move on to picking a promotion to take a look at. So many good choices this year with a ton of new promotions as well as some of the older promotions changing a good deal. However, I think I am forced to take a trip down the road of Nostalgia and choose the former joke of a promotion, USPW. My how the times have changed.



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The first thing returning users will notice is the similar layout to the rest of the series (especially TEW 2010).[/Quote]


So teach... The layout of TEW2010 looks a lot like... the layout of TEW2010?


I never would have guessed as much. :p:D

That's why you're our professor.

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Are there any new promotions this time around? You know, like DaVe faililng and PSW rising from the ashes?


On the "DAVE" side of things, INSPIRE is dead and buried and PGHW has fallen to Cult level. However there are a lot of new promotions, mainly located in Australia. There is the full list:

  • All Canada Pro Wrestling (CAN) [Local]
  • Deep Impact Wrestling (AUS) [Local]
  • Revolution Australian Wrestling (AUS) [Regional]
  • Victory Wrestling Assocuiation (EUR) [small]
  • ZEN: Art of Wrestling (AUS) [small]


Taking A Look At: The Web Site and The Control Panel


Just like TEW 2008, after selecting your promotion you get dropped off on the "Web Site." Everything looks exactly the same, however there is a fun little bonus that Adam has added this year, a full history of the Wrestler of the Year award (ok so it only goes back to 1985, but that's seems pretty full to me). I'm not going to spoil who won what, but I will say this. Tommy Cornell has only won the award once before.


Now on two the meat and potatoes of TEW, the Control Room. Once again the same set up from 2008 with twist. In the creative section there is a shiny new button that will no doubt because a favorite for all players, the chemistry button. And opening it up, it gets even better as you can filter anything from the kind of chemistry (positive or negative), the kind of chemistry (singles, tag, announcer, etc), and who it involves (Sam Strong, Liberty, Alicia Strong, etc).


With the new button out of the way I guess we should dive into the old ones to see what's different. First up: Roster. One of the first things that you are going to notice is the double arrow button right of each wrestler's star bar. This little gem of an icon allows you to easily switch between the stats and country overness. While not the biggest improvement, it's a good feature for promotions that tour on a national level as you have another way of seeing everyone's overness. Note: Since there are seven major regions in the C-Verse, Adam added Camera skills (Sex Appeal, Star Quality, and Menace) as the 7th major skill category.


On the bottom you are also going to see a new button called contract overview. This is exactly what you would think it is as it shows the details of everyone's contracts including creative control, downsides, and whether or not they can do house shows. Speaking about contracts, it seems that Sam Strong has capitalized on his companies' momentum and has signed almost everyone on the roster to a Written deal. No wonder Darryl Devine didn't go anywhere, he can't! Before moving on I guess I should mention one more thing about USPW's contract situation. There are five people that start the game off with creative control: James Justice, Enygma, Micky Starr, Alicia Strong, and Bruce The Giant. I'm a little confused why a road agent has creative control, but whatever.


Oh and you might be wondering at this point, "Enygma!? How the hell is Richard's buddy in USPW!?" The answer to that question is simple. Sam Strong paid him money, a lot of money. How much? How about $30,000 a month? In comparison, James Justice (who is of equal overness) is making $15,000 a month and the only man on the SWF roster making more per month is Jack Bruce. That's right, we are living in a world that Enygma is making more money than Rich Money. This contract probably is going to cause some problems in the future for USPW as well since other guys might want more than the masked man.


Finally, the last new feature to hit the roster page is of course the export feature. This feature is amazing. It creates a lovely excel file with the basic information for the Promotion (size, world rank, prestige, momentum, balance, and style name) and a ton of roster information including their age, race, nationality, push, age, contract information, and most of the skill information. The only things missing are their gimmick and popularity info! There is one problem I have with the export. Instead of exporting the letter grade, the game exports the number (rounded). I don't know if it's possible to export the letter grade, but that would be an excellent improvement that Adam could make in the future. Numbers or not, it's still fantastic to be able to not have to have to write all this stuff down.


Extra: Ok, I lied about the export being the last thing on the roster page. There is also the addition of divisions which can be set by clicking on the wrestler's push button (the blue vertical double arrow). Not sure how useful that is going to be, but I thought I'd share it with you guys anyway.


Now to close out this update, here is the USPW roster as of 2010.


Main Event

Bruce The Giant {B}

Tyson Baine {B}

Enygma {B-}

James Justice {B-}

Chris Caulfield {C+}


Upper Midcarder

Nicky Champion {C}

T-Rex {C}

Jumbo Jackson {C-}

The Force {C-}

Peter Valentine {D+}



Danny Rushmore {D+}

Freddie Datsun {D+}

Mick Muscles {D+}

Andre Jones {D}

Giant Redwood (PPA) {D-}

Java {D-}

Tribal Warrior {D-}


Lower Midcard

Anger {D-}

Captain USA {D-}

Des Davids {D-}



Darryl Devine {E+}

Pete The Hillbilly (PPA) {E}


Enhancement Talent

Al The Hillbilly (PPA) {E}


Women's Division

Alicia Strong {D}

Belle Bryden (Wanda Fish) {D}

Cherry Bomb {D-}

Raven Robinson (Raven Nightfall) {D-}



Sheik Mustafa (PPA) {D}

Seduction (PPA) {E+}



Danny Jillefski {C-}


Colour Commentator

Shane Sneer {D}



Robbie Sanchez (PPA) {E-}

Baby Jamie (PPA) {F}


Road Agent

Sam Strong {A*}

Micky Starr {C+}

Commissioner Doom (PPA) {D+}

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Nice work. It's great to have a primer for the game from the perspective of a player. I can't wait for the full release and this will help me get prepped for the game. Great info, always a reader. Thanks.


No problem. Hopefully this diary can help get rid of some of the simple questions that are bound to be asked when a new version of a game is released. If I can do that, then this little diary will be a success.



Looking At The Control Panel: Creative


Since we've just finished looking at the roster page, it makes sense to move to the next button, "Creative Meeting." Nothing has changed from TEW 2008, so I'll just list the results of the creative meeting for USPW.


Franchise Players

1. Bruce The Giant

2. James Justice

3. Enygma

4. Tyson Baine

5. Chris Caulfield


Next Big Things

1. Alicia Strong


Hot Prospects

1. Alicia Strong

2. Darryl Devine

3. Andre Jones

4. Des Davids


Talk The Talk

1. Belle Bryden

2. Alicia Strong

3. James Justice

4. Cherry Bomb

5. Captain USA


Show Stoppers

1. Alicia Strong

2. Enygma

3. Belle Bryden

4. James Justice

5. Chris Caulfield


Who's Hot

1. Tyson Baine

2. Enygma

3. Peter Valetine

4. James Justice

5. Freddie Datsun


Who's Not

1. Andre Jones

2. Alicia Strong

3. Java

4. Des Davids

5. Nicky Champion


Time's Decline

1. Anger

2. Captain USA

3. Peter Valentine

4. Giant Redwood

5. Freddie Datsun


Hidden Gems

1. Joanne Rodriguez

2. Matthew Keith

3. Samoan Machine

4. Johnny Martin

5. Sara Marie York


Right next to the creative meeting button is the "Talk To Worker" button. The first thing that you are going to notice is that there is that the default happiness for each worker have gone from 7 (happiest) to a 4. Not sure if that's going to mean anything, but I guess we'll see once the full version comes out.



Love me, or don't. It doesn't really matter.


The Talk To Wrestler page also has a couple of new options including two rewards in the form of money or time off and a button that actually tells you why a person is happy or mad.


Up next is the Tag Team button. There really isn't that much different with the Tag Team page than in 2008. Though Adam was kind enough to give us the chemistry button on this page as well as the Control Panel. :) Here are the current named tag teams in USPW


Current USPW Tag Teams

Champion Force (Nicky Champion & The Force) - D- [Occasional; Formed 2008]

Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior) - A*

The Hillbillys (Al The Hillbilly & Pete The Hillbilly) - C {Wasn't this higher in 2008?}

The People's Team (Freddie Datsun & Des Davids) - E- [Occasional; Formed 2008]

The Titians (Tyson Baine & T-Rex) - E [Formed 2009]

The Towers Of Power (Mick Muscles & Danny Rushmore) - A*


The final button of the 2nd row of the Creative section is the "Stable" button. Like the other pages, there really isn't anything too different from 2008. The only change is that there is a cool little description box for each stable. This is really nice because now newer players can get a better idea of each stable, which leads to understanding the C-Verse as a whole. Here is how USPW's sole stable, The Sneer Corporation, looks at the beginning of 2010.


Current USPW Stables

Name: The Sneer Corporation

Formed: 2005

Members: Anger, Danny Rushmore, Jumbo Jackson, Mick Muscles, Shane Sneer

Momentum: C+

Description: Shane Sneer's trademark stable, which has existed in every promotion he has been in, is currently a huge power in USPW. It is almost always made up of several huge behemoths who Sneer can lead against the top babyfaces.


The "Titles" page looks to be exactly the same as it was before and for the most part it is. The only difference is the addition of the "floating" title, which as I recall is a title that can span the full spectrum of prestige, F- to A*(much like how the titles worked in EWR). In the Beginning of USPW, there are now five championships instead of the previous four. What's this new championship? Well it's Peter Valetine's National titles that he got from the trash (ala Jim Duggan in WCW)? Ok, I don't know where he got it from, but it's there now. Here are current titles, their regining champions, and the lineages of the title since January 2008.


Current USPW Champions




USPW World

Current Holder: Enygma (June 2009)

Prestige: B+

Title Level: Midcard

Former Champions: T-Rex (December 2008), James Justice (October 2007)




USPW Television

Current Holder: Andre Jones (December 2009)

Prestige: C

Title Level: Midcard

Former Champions: The Force (May 2009), Chris Caulfield (December 2008), Jumbo Jackson (July 2008), Nicky Champion (August 2007)




USPW Womens

Current Holder: Raven Robinson (September 2009)

Prestige: C

Title Level: Midcard

Former Champions: Belle Bryden (January 2009), Alicia Strong (June 2008), Cherry Bomb (August 2007)




USPW World Tag Team

Current Holder: The People's Team (November 2009)

Prestige: D+

Title Level: Midcard

Former Champions: The Towers Of Power [4] (April 2009), Savage Fury [4] (December 2008), The Towers Of Power [3] (May 2009), The Forces Of America {Jim Force & Captain USA} [2] (February 2008), The Towers Of Power [2] (April 2007)




USPW National

Current Holder: Peter Valentine

Prestige: D

Title Level: Midcard

Former Champions: None (Title was originally retired in October 2007)


From a first look the "Storylines" page works and looks exactly the same as it did in 2008. However, look at my surprise when I saw USPW is running three initial storylines from the get go (all of which are unchained so you can really go anywhere with these storylines or even delete them and create your own). This might not look like much, but this is a pretty cool addition. Newer players and veterans alike will be able to get into the promotions easier because of the added history these storylines add. Plus it isn't going to be limited to the C-Verse. These storylines could easily be added to historical and fictional mods alike. Here are the three storylines that Adam has given to USPW.


Current USPW Feuds

Name: Bruce vs. Caulfield

Heat: B-

Workers: Bruce The Giant, Chris Caulfield

Description: Bruce The Giant and Chris Caulfield were named joint number one contenders to the USPW World title in September 2009, and have been locked in a struggle to prove which is the better wrestler ever since. Who will come out victorious and get to move on to the champion?


Name: Enygma vs. Baine

Heat: B+

Workers: Enygma, Tyson Baine

Description: USPW World champion Enygma has come face-to-face with Tyson Baine on several occasions since winning the world title, and has ended each encounter by being viciously laid out. Has Baine got the champ's number?


Name: Justice vs. T-Rex

Heat: C+

Workers: James Justice, T-Rex

Description: T-Rex looked unstoppable until he went head-to-head with the former USPW champion James Justice and got cleanly pinned. Since that loss, T-Rex has looked more focused and vicious than ever, and is now looking for a rematch.



Since there isn't a thing different with "Brand Splits," I am going to close off the last page of the creative section, "Announcers." Along with an added chemistry button (always a plus), there are also default announcers for TV shows and well as events. USPW's announcing crew is Danny Jillefski and Shane Sneer for events/PPVs and the team of Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr for USPW's TV show, American Wrestling.

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Another interesting option for me is the "Dirt Sheet" option which tells you exactly how a match influenced the card and the workers.


No. The dirt sheet tells you everything that went into a match or angle's rating, not the show rating. It's great for all those times people ask how a segment got such a low rating (worker bad habits, worker motivation, worker morale, workers "went into business for themselves", worker totally overshadowed by their manager, etc).


Speaking about that, mind telling me why you've been missing class so much? :p


Um, I was kinda, um, working on this game, right? It's AWESOME! You should try it! :)

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No. The dirt sheet tells you everything that went into a match or angle's rating, not the show rating. It's great for all those times people ask how a segment got such a low rating (worker bad habits, worker motivation, worker morale, workers "went into business for themselves", worker totally overshadowed by their manager, etc).




Um, I was kinda, um, working on this game, right? It's AWESOME! You should try it! :)


Thanks for the advice on the dirt sheet. Since I am writing this thing on by the seat of my pants, I'll just turn them on right now.


And you get a free pass this time. Though, I see that this awesome game is out now. With that in mind I fully expect you to return to class as soon as possible. ;)


In fact here is a link to the diary as well as the current assessment. Have fun! ;)


Taking A Look At The Control Panel: Corporate


Ok now that we've finally gotten through the creative section of the control panel, it's time to look at the only other section of the control panel that has any changes that matter to me right now, the corporate section.


The first page I'll talk about is the schedule section. It's kind of like the "Titles" page in that there isn't anything different in the page itself, there are just more options to deal with concerning the events. Besides being able to give them a pretty logo, there are tons of things to do to make your event special. You can add live music, pay celebrities to make an appearance, create a special set for the show, and are now able to schedule the show on a monthly or special basis. I'm still not sure what special events are for, but it's just an option. It's not like I'm force to use it. Before moving on, I should note some of the moves I decided to make. First, since the new USPW supports house shows I added them to USPW's schedule. USPW will run shows on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday on a rotation of these US regions (Mid South, Mid West, New England, North West, South West, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii). Why these days and regions? USPW runs their TV show, American Wrestling (90 minutes) on Wednesday so that's out, and I moved all the events to the 4th Saturday of each month for the sake of simplicity. As for the regions, I took a quick look at the "size" screen (which is exactly the same as 2008) and saw that USPW's four best regions are the Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, South East, and Tri-State. Since there are four TV events that need to be run each month, I thought that it would be a good idea to run one of the show in each of these areas once a month while hosting the big event in either the South East or Tri-State area (whichever one is better).


I also decided to "request negotiations" with all the US PPV carriers since USPW can get one at their current size (and needs the revenue from them to stay alive). It should be noted that the "Media" section of the game is pretty much the same as in 2008. The only thing that is different from the older version is the TV networks, which now have set min size and prestige requirements (all of which you can see). Other than that everything works the same as before.


"Advanced Booking" works the same so let's move right along to the "Business" page. Everything that was in the game before is just like you remember it (with the exception of now being able to alter the women division from the product page and dirty tricks which Sam Strong won't let me do. Seriously Strong, don't you know you are suppose to be a mirror of Hulk Hogan!?), so let's get right to the new feature, "Investments." There are four options on this page: Create Development Territory, Create Dojo, Create a Venue, and Purchase a title belt.


Creating a developmental territory will be very easy to anyone who has created their own promotion in 2008. You are able to create the name, initials, logo, banner, location, product, schedule, and profile. In addition, you are also able to tell the game how big of a promotion you want. However, the larger the promotion you want to start the more money you are going to have to spend. Also when setting up the product there are going to be three column for in the product appeal area (Traditional, Mainstream, etc): Current, Minimum, and Maximum. I'm not sure exactly how much products are going to be changing over time, but there is a "Auto set" button that I used when creating my new developmental promotion. Here's what I came up with. (Note: In a cool decision, the default promotional settings of the new developmental territory is none other than the product settings of your company. Nice!)



Name: Southern Championship Class Wrestling

Initials: SCCW

Location: South East (USA)

Size: Large-Level Local ($250,000)

Product: Same as USPW


The "Create dojo" feature works in pretty much the same manor. You create a name, logo, profile, location, emphasis of training, gender of wrestlers (can be both), and Prestige of the dojo (the higher prestige, the more it costs). Of course there isn't really a need to make your own dojo in the C-Verse because there aren't going to be any generated workers until 2026. I don't think it's possible, but I would love to be able to buy an existing, independent dojo. Maybe in the next version.


I didn't use the "create a venue" feature, but it looks pretty cool. You are about to name it, select the region, the type of fans that come (HUGE), the languages they speak, and the capacity of the place (which like the size of a developmental cost money to raise).


Finally, there is the ever cool, "purchase a title" feature which is just what it says. On the page is a list of titles with their lineage and the name of the promotion that they were originally from. Once you click the "Purchase" icon, you are given the price of the belt as well as an option to purchase or to back out of said purchase. To be honest, I just would have been happy with just being able to see the lineages of the titles, much less be able to purchase them. And they really don't cost that much either. Because of I brought back SCCW, I decided to buy their titles, the SCCW Championship ($35,000) and the SCCW Tag Team Championships ($6,000). I know I can't give them to the new SCCW, but it's good enough for me to just own the titles. Before leaving the Business page I made the usual starting moves for a promotion of USPW's size. Here's the summary of the moves I made:


Ticket Prices: $4 across the board

Release Quality: Excellent

Music Usage: Minor Licensed

Production System: Just In Time

Product Quality: Excellent



The "size", "coverage", "history", "development" (at least I think so), and "medical" pages are all the same as they were in 2008 as far as I can tell so here is USPW's current popularity grades.


C: Mid Atlantic, South East, Tri State

C-: Great Lakes, Mid South

D+: Mid West, North West, South West, Puerto Rico, Hawaii

E-: Canada, Mexico, Japan

F-: UK, Europe, Australia


The final page that I need to go over is the "backstage" page as it's completely different from 2008. First, you will notice that instead of a vague word telling you the overall atmosphere of the promotion there is a percentage. Under that percentage are "Notable Personalities," "Notable Relationships," and "Notable Other Factors" (shouldn't it be Other Notable Factors?). Now the first two are very similar to their 2008 counterparts (though the 2010 version has a handy (-) or (+) in front of the comment to make sure you know how a relationship is working towards the overall rating). I'm not sure exactly what is going to be in the last section, however it will tell you if your backstage rules (new feature) are helping or hurting the backstage rating.


Can't really say much about the backstage rules, but they sure look cool at first glance. There seems to be two kinds of rules. Rules that are mean to keep order and those meant to keep people happy (these rules cost money depending on the size of your roster). Here's what the game says about the rules: "These rules decide how your locker room will be run, and will have an impact on backstage morale. A more relaxed set of rules might make the workers happier but may also encourage bad behavior, while a stricter regime may limit backstage incident but ultimately lower overall morale." Here are the backstage rules (* = cost money)



Backstage Rules

No drugs are allowed backstage

No alcohol is allowed backstage

Smoking is not allowed backstage

All workers must have arrived at least three hours before the show starts

All workers must remain in the arena until the final match is completed

The promotion will provide catering*

The promotion will provide a masseuse*

The promotion will provide a chiropractor*

The promotion will organize transport to and from the venue*

The promotion will pay for transport to and from the venue*

The promotion will organize accommodation for non-local workers*

The promotion will pay for accommodation for non-local workers*


Like I said, the rules look pretty cool. I just don't know how all the rules are going to sake out in terms of affecting the game. Guess only time is going to tell. Here is how USPW backstage looks


Overall Rating: 79.4%


Notable Personalities

(-) Anger is a negative influence

(-) Giant Redwood is an extremely negative influence

(-) Peter Valentine is a very negative influence

(-) Seduction is a negative influence

(-) Sheik Mustafa is a very negative influence

(+) Chris Caulfield is a locker room leader

(+) Commissioner Doom is a positive influence

(+) James Justice is a positive influence

(+) Micky Starr is a positive influence

(+) Sam Strong is a positive influence


Notable Relationships

(+) Alicia Strong is related to Sam Strong

(+) Sanny Jillefski has a strong friendship with Sam Strong

(+) Darryl Devine is dating Seduction

(+) Giant Redwood is best friends with Danny Jillefski (I fail to see how this is a good thing)

(+) Nicky Champion is the protégé of Sam Strong

(+) Sam Strong has a strong friendship with Bruce The Giant

(+) Sam Strong has a strong friendship with Micky Starr

(+) Sam Strong is best friends with Peter Valentine (once again I fail to see the upside of this)


Notable Other Factors

(+) The backstage rules are having a positive effect overall


Active Backstage Rules

No drugs are allowed backstage

Smoking is not allowed backstage

The promotion will provide catering


And that's the end of the Control Panel! That didn't take long at all! :rolleyes: On the bright side I think that the rest of the pages are going to take up on update so I can actually move the game ahead pretty soon. Sweet.

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Speaking about that, mind telling me why you've been missing class so much? :p


I'm auditing the class so I didn't feel like attending some of the lectures.

Plus I was backpacking through South East... Asia (no TEW love boo!) for 3 weeks.


Remi's reasoning is much cooler.

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Those backstage rules are awesome. Come full release I won't be able to sign Scott Hall until beer is allowed backstage.


Hehe. Yeah, something tells me that these rules are going to be the thing that throws a monkey wrench into everyone's mods. We'll see though.


I'm auditing the class so I didn't feel like attending some of the lectures.

Plus I was backpacking through South East... Asia (no TEW love boo!) for 3 weeks.


Remi's reasoning is much cooler.


Backpacking through Asia is pretty damn cool.



Looking At The Companies, Character, and Dojo Pages


With the "Web Site" and "Control Panel" down all that's left are the "Companies," "Characters," "Dojos," "Media," "Game World," and "Game Options" pages. I won't be going over the media, game world, or game options since they either are the as they were in 2008 or because they have solid descriptions for what all the new stuff does. Can you take a wild guess at which page that one is?


First let's take a quick look at dojos since there isn't that much to look at. The Dojo screen lists all of the current dojos in the game, their logo, location, reputation, parent promotion (can be set to none), dojo emphasis, alumni, and head trainer. You can also use the filter to see the inactive dojos, one of which is the old USPW Training Camp. It's cool to see where all the wrestlers came from as well as the whole parent promotions getting the right of first refusal rule. Still wish that you had the option to buy an independent because otherwise making a new dojo in the C-Verse is pretty useless.


Time to talk about the companies screen. Mostly everything is the same with this this page besides three things. First, you can see the new momentum grade for each promotion, which makes sense. Once you click on a promotion to take a closer look you can see Adam added a button to see the promotion's promotion pacts and the big addition to this section "Top 10s." The Top 10s page is just what you think it is, a bunch of top 10 lists about the promotion including the top 10 events, matches, attendances, and PPV buy rates.


For example here are the top matches of USPW during the watcher file from the first update as well as the starting prestige and momentum for USPW at the start of the game (since I don't think I stated that earlier):


Prestige: C Momentum: B+


Top 10 Matches for the Month of January 2010

1) Enygma defeated Tyson Baine - B

2) Eygma defeated Tyson Baine - B

3) Bruce The Giant defeated Enygma - B-

4) Eygma defeated Bruce The Giant - B-

5) Eygma defeated Tyson Baine - B-

6) Chris Caulfield defeated Tyson Baine - C+

7) Alicia Strong went to a time limit draw with Belle Bryden - C+

8) James Justice defeated Peter Valetine - C

9) Chris Caulfield defeated T-Rex - C

10) Bruce The Giant defeated Java - C


Finally, we have our last page of the game, the Character page. Once again there isn't a a lot different from 2008, but let's go over the differences anyway. The icon that switches between skill and popularity ratings is once again there and there is what has to be the biggest time saver of all time, the negotiation button on the main page. No more extra clicking. SWEET ACTION does this make me a happy panda. I don't want to know all the total time I've wasted on that extra click. Sure it doesn't take that long, but over a long amount of time it adds up.


I was going to go through the process of hiring workers at this point, but since the start of the C-Verse is fair quieter thanks to the written deals I am going to end this update here and wait till after I know my owner goals. Speaking of owner goals, one of the cooler things in TEW 2010 is the fact there are AI goals (called hiring rules) that have been set to replicate the owner goals you are given. For example here are the hiring rules for USPW.


USPW Hiring Rules



Err.. ok so that one didn't go so well. Ok, so how about NYCW, that promotion has to have some hiring rules, right? Right!?


NYCW Hiring Rules

Nobody Under 21 Years Old

Minimum Size Lightweight

Style Cannot Be Puroresu Style

Style Cannot Be Spot Monkey

Style Cannot Be Luchador

Style Cannot Be Japanese Junior

Style Cannot Be MMA Crossover

Minimum C Grade Reputation


Well that is certainly restrictive. In any case these rules are certainly going to make the game a lot more different from year's past. I'd need to sim for more than a month, but I think that these rules will help spread out the wealth as the years go on in the C-Verse. Now, I can finally move past Monday, Week 1, January 2010. Hooray!

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Playing The Game (USPW): Tuesday, Week 1, January 2010


With the coming of the 2nd day of a game comes the owner rules. Even though there weren't any hiring rules, I really wasn't that surprised when I say the rules Sam Strong gave me.


Owner Goals

Goal #1: When the time expires, USPW must have gained popularity in America.

Expires: 24 months; Importance: Critical


Goal #2: Peter Valentine must be kept above B- momentum.

Expires: 18 months; Importance: High


Goal #3: Nicky Champion must have reached at least B- momentum when the time expires.

Expires: 18 months; Importance: High


Goal #4: You cannot hire or extend the contract of anybody who is known to have problems with the law.

Expires: 18 months; Importance: Average


Goal #5: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than C- in Toughness.

Expires: 28 months; Importance: Average


Goal #6: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than C- in Resilience.

Expires: 28 months; Importance: Average


I might only be playing one month, but I'll talk about the goals anyway. None of these rules are that hard. The hardest one is going to be keeping Peter's momentum high, but I'm sure failing one of high level goal isn't going to get you fired. :o


With the goals in hand it's time to start signing some wrestlers. With only playing a month there really isn't a need for signing a bunch of wrestlers, but at the same time I like to have a crew of people that are more or less jobbers. From a game standpoint jobbers are the key to long term success as they keep midcard wrestlers happy with victories (not to mention keep their momentum somewhat high). And a happy midcard is a midcard that is going to improve their overness through losing to the main eventers (the most efficient way to improve roster overness). Anyway here are the people that I have my eye on for this task.



D.C. Rayne (E-)

Eddie Howard (E-)

Hugh de Aske (F+)

Oleg Dorosklov (E-)


Sara Marie York (E+)

Golden Delicious (E-)

Zoe Ammis (F+)

Amber Allen (F)


I was going to make an offer to girls like Ginko Kuroda and Suzanne Brazzle, but unfortunately they don't have the toughness that Sam Strong is demanding. A low toughness rating is a common occurrence it seems with the ladies of the C-Verse. But, it's not so bad that it's a crippling rule. With my "jobbers" set, I turned my attention to filling out the ranks of SCCW. I decided to have a starting roster of 12 men and 4 women as well as offers for non-wrestling positions. Here are the people I gave offers out too.


Kashmir Singh (E) - Trainer

Sammy The Shark (E)

Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man (E-)

Brady Prince (E-) - SCCW stable

Spike (F+)

Island Boy Apollo (F+)

Fearless Blue (F)

Super Sonic (F)

Xaiver Reckless (F)

Nomad (F)

Running Wolf (F-)

Jebediah (F-)


Steph Blake (E)

Tracy Brendon (E)

Jaime Quine (F+)

Mary Beth Chase (F)


Alan Gray (Referee)

Remmington Remus (Announcer)

Phonse Lockett (Color Commentator)

Reese Paige (Road Agent)


Tuesday, Week 1, January 2010


Notable News Update: Gareth Wayne takes over as the owner of SCCW


Booking USPW


When booking a promotion the size of USPW, the easiest thing you can do is take an important event and work backwards. In this case our important event will be USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams! which is a two hour event. After moving our soon to be PPV to Saturday of Week 4, we now have four weeks worth of shows to build up this PPV. Taking the length of the show, the match to angle ratio, and the average stamina of the roster into account, I'd say that the Stars, Stripes, and Slams! card should be about six matches long. From the starting storylines we can pencil in three matches right off the bat.


USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams!

USPW World Title Match: Enygma © vs. Tyson Baine

#1 Contender's Match {Gimmick Match}: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Grudge Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex


With one half of the card left to go I turn to the midcard titles for help. There are four midcard titles available to us, but to give the card a bit more variety, I am going to go ahead and make a match for both the USPW World Tag Team and USPW Women's Championship. This leaves us with a tough choice. Do we go with Andre Jones' TV title or Valentine's National title? Now Jones just won the TV from The Force last month. Usually this is a lock for a rematch at the next PPV, but in this case I am going make a case for the opposite. It is the TV title. Shouldn't that title's big matches not be feature on USPW's own TV show? Should instead I am going to have Peter Valentine and his National title on the PPV, while The Force's rematch against Andre Jones happens on TV.


USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams!

USPW World Title Match: Enygma © vs. Tyson Baine

#1 Contender's Match {Gimmick Match}: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Grudge Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex

USPW Women's Title: Raven Robinson © vs. ???

USPW Tag Team: The People's Team © vs. ???

USPW National: Peter Valentine © vs. ???


Finally, it's time to figure out who each midcard champion is going to face off against on the undercard. First up, the Women's title. There are really only three options with for the Womens title this month (unless you want to have a newbie roll over everyone) and you know what? I can't decide which of the three I want facing Raven. So they are all going to face Raven. This works well because I am going to need each of the four women to look good. And it just so happens that I planned on doubling the women's roster. It's almost like I planned it out that way (I didn't).


Moving on, it's time to make the Tag Team match of the night. Now it seems that the new team of Datsun and Davids beat The Towers of Power two months ago for the straps. They probably faced off in December, but considering I'm guessing that one month isn't long enough for them to finish their feud. So I'm going to finish it for them with a gimmick match of some kind. Not sure what, but I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later.


This leaves Peter Valentine and the USPW National title. This one is wide open since Valentine is the first National champ since the title was retired two years ago. Everyone from The Force to Darryl Devine could make strong cases for the match. With this in mind I am going to take all of these contenders and have them compete in a four week tournament to decide a challenger for suitable Valentine. That way I not give some mystery to the PPV card, but also find an easy way to fill in some of the TV cards as well.


After all of the brain storming, here is the "final" card for USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams!


USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams!

USPW World Title Match: Enygma © vs. Tyson Baine

#1 Contender's Match {Gimmick Match}: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Grudge Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex

USPW Women's Title: Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson ©

USPW Tag Team {Gimmick Match}: The People's Team © vs. The Towers Of Power

USPW National: Peter Valentine © vs. *Tournament Winner*


USPW National Tournament Participants: Nicky Champion, Jumbo Jackson, The Force, Giant Redwood, Java, Anger, Captain USA, Darryl Devine


There is also the little problem of this week's card. With 90 minutes you should be averaging around five matches per show (plus whatever you want to put on the pre-show). Two of these matches will go to the USPW National title tournament, which means we have three matches left over. When taking over a new promotion, I always like to make go with a quality show at the beginning since I really don't know what the grades are going to be. So let's take two of those matches to push our three main event storylines, one being a singles match and the other a tag team. This leaves us with one more match to book. With only one match, it would serve us to try to and build toward more than one of our seven big matches (the six on the PPV and the big TV title match between The Force and Andre Jones). After a bit of brain storming, I was able to come up with a TV card I was happy with. Before moving on, I also made three talent trades with Mid Atlantic Wrestling to serve as jobbers for this week's pre-show. Please welcome Bret Star (for Darryl Devine) and C-V-2, Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine (for Al The Hillbilly and Des Davids). I wanted Team Awesomeness, but I forgot that they actually are the Tag Team champions of MAW, so C-V-2 will just have to do. Also, I am a bit curious at why MAW would take Al, but not Pete. Whatever. Anyway here is the upcoming show. Feel free to make predictions.



USPW American Wrestling (Week 1)

Main Event Tag Team Match: Bruce The Giant & Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield & James Justice

USPW World Title: Enygma © vs. T-Rex

USPW Television Title: Andre Jones © vs. Freddie Datsun

USPW National Contender's Quarter Finals: Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine

USPW National Contender's Quarter Finals: Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Pre-Show: C-V-2 vs. The Hillbillys

Pre-Show: Bret Starr vs. Giant Redwood

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Fool, I love your intros and the explanation and reasoning behind your choices. Makes me feel good.


Side Note: Did Sam tell you twice that you couldn't hire anyone with less than D- in toughness?


That second Toughness was Resilience. Though it might as well been a 2nd toughness rule. The Toughness rule is huge pain when you are dealing with the women of the C-Verse.

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Some are pretty easy to predict, well the pre show ones.



USPW American Wrestling (Week 1)

Main Event Tag Team Match: Bruce The Giant & Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield & James Justice

USPW World Title: Enygma © vs. T-Rex

USPW Television Title: Andre Jones © vs. Freddie Datsun

USPW National Contender's Quarter Finals: Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine

USPW National Contender's Quarter Finals: Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Pre-Show: C-V-2 vs. The Hillbillys

Pre-Show: Bret Starr vs. Giant Redwood



Tyson has to keep looking strong to take on Enygma. So he and Bruce win.

Enygma has to be strong so he'll go over T-Rex.

Don't know either AJ or Datsun, so i'll take Andre Jones.

Devine is pretty good and like his gimmick.

I know Nicky better than Anger, so i'll take Nicky.

Hillbillys and Redwood are no brainers. Redwood with a dominating performance to up his pop.



Good start

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