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SWF - Staying On Top!

Guest KingOfKings

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Just read through this whole thing from the start. Im enjoying it.


Tbh though im not a huge fan of some of ur booking decisions/character interpretations... making faith look weak (even against Khoklov) is a bad idea... unless you are using it as a plot device (teased at by the tension with eisen in that last part).


Also the womens division, in swf is destined for failure and I don't see that eisen actually threw that at you in game so im kinda questioning that decision. (Again, this could be a plot device as Jack himself seems to agree with me in which case disregard)


Plus some of the characters seem a little different to how I view them. But that's the beauty of the cornellverse... and its also a good thing because when I finally get the full game im planning an swf dynasty and id hate to have two dynasties with the exact same takes on the company hahaha.


Everything else is fantastic though. Keep it up. Im loving the threeway main story can't wait to see how far you can stretch it =)


Quick picks


Giedroyc over Zimmy...get some momentum in the champs corner


Squeaky McClean over Marc DuBois....what is it ana says about experience? Plus you need to make DuBois lose every now and then to keep his ego in check. I learnt that the hard way in 08


Randy Bumfhole over Valiant....aaaand the other way lol. Pendulum of momentum


Vengeance over Lobster Warrior...squash match in the name of building momentum and also sending lobby off to be repackaged. Im looking for the lobster to get injured in this one....


Rich Money over Runaway Train...momentum is king, trains time is over. Now his win on tv against you makes sense.

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Guest KingOfKings
Just an update guys. This is not dead(Hopefully) I just started a new job, 11 hour days. On top of girlfriend, sports and other things life is just catching up to me very fast. I haven't had much time if any to even play TEW. I'll try hard to get this updated as soon as possible and thank you all for your patience.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest KingOfKings

... Staying On Top....




OOC: Well, iv'e lost that great job I had, no school to worry about, girlfriend time is getting less and less which means I have more and more time on my hands. Just letting everyone know who was a reader that this will be back in less than a weeks time.


So everyone catch up on the storylines if you've forgotten, or new people get on board because the SWF is coming back to GDS!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest KingOfKings


SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday, Week 3, January 2010

Wisconsin Gardens, sell out

Final Rating - C+


The fireworks go off and the camera pans around the sold out Wisconsin Gardens as SWF brings you the first Supreme TV since When Hell Freezes over and we are immediately joined in the ring by the man who many thought was screwed last night, Jack Bruce.


Jack: "Well it seems the peoples rockstar doesn't always keep his promises now does he? I promised you people, all my adoring fans that I would leave When Hell Freezes Over as the rightful World Champion but I didn't."


He pauses and waits for the fans to finish their booing.


Jack: "I had Eisen beat, I put him down with the New York Minute and had him covered for the one, two, three and what does Rich Money do? That punk refuses to count, he looks me dead in the eyes and doesn't count! Now I know you're here tonight Money, I know you have a match with Runaway Train so I want you out here right now!"


Bruce takes off his jacket and he means business tonight. The fans are going nuts hoping Rich Money comes out to face him but alas, he doesn't.


Jack: "Okay Rich, you wanna play it this way? You don't wanna come to me that's fine, because the peoples rockstar will find you!"


Jacks music hits and he leaves the ring and goes to the back to presumably find Rich Money. We go to commercial and when we return we are joined by our announce team Duane Fry and Ana Garcia.


Duane: "Hello everyone and welcome to another great edition of SWF Supreme TV and as you just saw we are coming off a VERY hot and successfull PPV at When Hell Freezes Over. Eric Eisen succesfully defended his World Title against Jack Bruce thanks to Rich Money and as you can tell from the strong words we were just presented with by the peoples rockstar, he's not happy about it."


Ana: "You're right about that Duane, but up next we have a rematch of sorts from WHFO as Zimmy Bumhole will take on Jack Giedroyc. As you know Giedroyc and Valiant succesfully defended their Tag Team titles against the Bumholes at the PPV."


Zimmy Bumfhole Vs. Jack Giedroyc


Both wrestlers came out alone for this match as their respective tag partners will face one another later tonight, and it was a good average opener. No young luck here though as Giedroyc put Bumfhole down with the Crash And Burn for another victory for the tag champs over the young Bumfholes.


Afterwards Jimmy comes down to check on his brother as Giedroyc celebrated on his way up the ramp with his half of the Tag Gold


Jimmy Giedroyc Defeated Zimmy Bumfhole by pinfall - Rating - C

Duane: "After scoring a victory over the tag champs a few weeks ago on Supreme TV the Bumfholes can't seem to top them again"


Ana: "I don't wanna say it's luck Duane but right now that's exactly what it looks like it was."


Duane: "Well let's take a look at the video on the screen for a moment and see exactly why everyones favorite aquatic warrior since Aquaman, Lobster Warrior will be facing Vengance one on one tonight."


We cut to a video that says taped earlier on the bottom of the screen, it shows Lobster Warrior alone in his dressing room looking as depressed as Lobster in a tank full of others knowing he's about to be boiled alive.


He gets up and goes to leave the room but as he opens the door it slams directly into the face of Vengeance. Vengeance shows no emotion, it seems as if it didn't even hurt him. He stands there for a moment before lifting Lobster Warrior off of his feet by the throat and proclaiming that he'll be seeing him later on in the ring, then proceding to through Lobby to the floor and walking away.


Duane: "Vengeance is still clearly upset about last night after what Steve Frehley did to him, and i'll tell ya somethin Ana, I would be too."


Ana: "I can promise you I don't wanna be in Lobster Warriors shoes, or claws right now."


Squeeky McClean Vs. Marc Dubois


In just a filler match, McClean defeated Dubois with the Clean Out. His momentum continues to rise and he looks to be in line for a big push.


Squeeky McClean defeated Marc Dubois by pinfall - Rating - C-


Valiant Vs. Randy Bumfhole


Our 2nd half of the Tag Team feud matches and once again, the Tag Champs are succesfull. This time though they each brought their partners with them but it didn't seem to matter. It looked like the Bumfholes luck would be turning around but due to some interference on the part of Zimmy Bumfhole on his brother, Valiant picked up the win.


During the match Zimmy Bumfhole tried to pull out the legs of Valiant but accidentally grabbed Randys. During the confusion between the two brothers Valiant rolled up Randy for the quick 3 count. After the match the Bumfhole brothers argued about what just went down.


Valiant defeated Zimmy Bumfhole by pinfall - Rating - C+


Duane:"What is wrong with the Bumfholes Ana!? After having all the momentum in the world beating the Tag Champs a few weeks ago, they can't buy a win."


Ana: "Like I said before earlier Duane, luck can kill you. But right now lets go backstage where we have an interview with our World Champion, Eric Eisen."


BJ: "I'm joined by the man who in controversial fashion, succesfully defended...."


Before she could get another word out, Eric Eisen took the microphone from her.


Eric: "Controversial? Did you just say controversial? There was no controversey about it at all BJ. Jack Bruce cheated, he punched the ref, he struck and authority figure and that's just something that you can't do, it's clearly in the rules. Rich Money is not only a wealthy man, he's a smart man. He saw who the better man would be as champion and chose accordingly. I am the future of this company, and the so called peoples rockstar is the past. If he wants to be a rockstar so bad why doesn't he start himself and band and leave the SWF because he will NEVER taste this gold again."


Eric hands the mic back to BJ, kisses his title belt, looks at the camera,smirks, and walks off.


Duane:"That guy has to be the most ****y wrestler i've seen in quite a long time. Everyone knows what happened at WHFO and he seems to be in a fairy tale land about it."


Ana:"You say ****y, I say confident Duane. Up next is a match i'm sure Lobster Warrior isn't looking forward too, as he takes on Vengeance."


Lobster Warrior Vs. Vengeance


Lobster Warrior reluctantly comes down to the ring, clearly not in his right mind followed by Vengeance, looking as angry and focused as ever. Stopping occasionally to yell at the fans, or the arena no one can really tell.


Once he gets in the ring he goes toe to toe with Lobby and it's all over from there. One big boot and chokeslam later the three count is administered and we have our winner.


Vengance defeated Lobster Warrior by pinfall - Rating - C+


After the match it looks like Vengeance is about to inflict more pain on Lobster Warrior but Steve Frehley comes running down the ramp, a bent steel chair in hand. He climbs into the ring and lays it into Vengeance until he is brought to his knees, one more chair shot and he's down and out! A replay from WHFO it seems.


Frehley is on fire and he plays to the crowd , raising the steel chair above his head and bringing it down on Vengeance over and over again until security and road agents come down to stop him. As he is being dragged to the back Vengeance sits up and begins to go ballistic in the ring. All Frehley can do is smile and this looks to be far from over.


Duane:"What the hell has gotten into Steve Frehley! This man must have a death wish. This is the second week in a row he has done this to Vengeance."


Ana:"I've said it before, and i'll say it again, Vengeance has released a side of Steve Frehley that we haven't seen before and frankly, I like it."


Duane:"Up next is our main event between Rich Money and Runaway Train, and, after the strong words from Jack Bruce earlier I think Money should be watching his back."


Rich Money Vs. Runaway Train


Runaway Train came out to the ring first, looking like he was all business knowing that this would give him a chance to jump right back into the mix for the World Title. Rich Money came out to a mixed reaction to the crowd, not that he cared. He walked down the ramp as ****y as ever, throwing dollar bills into the stands, showing off his money,


Once the match got underway it seemed that Runaway Train was going to do just that, run away with this one. But his age caught up with him and the more youthful Money took advantage of this to eventually wear him down and hit the Money In The Bank to but the Train down for good.


Rich Money defated Runaway Train by pinfall - Rating - C+


After the match Rich Money took out a dollar bill and placed it on the chest of Runaway Train and the fans started to go ballistic, but not for Rich Money, for Jack Bruce coming through the crowd and into the ring. As soon as Rich Money turned around he was met with a right hand from Bruce and the brawl was on.


It wasn't a wrestling match, it was a fight and neither man could get the upperhand. Lefts and rights from both men, the action spilled out of the ring, up the ramp and through the backstage area. They were slamming each other off of walls, coffee tables, garbage cans, anything they could get there hands on was used as a weapon. This went on until security came and seperated them until they destroyed the whole arena! SWF Supreme TV left the air with both men screaming that it wasn't over and it surely wasn't, this thing was just getting started!

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Guest KingOfKings

BOY does it feel good to be back! It seems like i'm once again the only SWF diary on the boards again also. I'm a bit rusty so this show may not be my best but i'm ready to get back into the fold of things!


I hope you guys enjoy this as much as you did when I first started and get ready for a ride because the next couple shows are gonna be out of this world

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You're not the only one, James Casey has a brilliantly writen one (I like your booking more, though) and I also have one (pretty crappy, and rarely actualized).

Regardless, good show, gonna reread all your shows, forgot your storylines :p

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Guest KingOfKings
You're not the only one, James Casey has a brilliantly writen one (I like your booking more, though) and I also have one (pretty crappy, and rarely actualized).

Regardless, good show, gonna reread all your shows, forgot your storylines :p


Really? i'll have to catch up on those. And I swear when I opened the game up I forgot everything besides the World Title feud. I had to read everything I had written thus far just to see where I left off. Thanks for still reading though!

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Guest KingOfKings

SWF Supreme TV Preview


SWF is all set to bring you another wild week of Supreme TV and the rumors floating around are ensured to make this a good one! All week it has been all over talk radio, all over the internet dirt sheets that the SWF owner, our World Champions father, the man himself Richard Eisen would be in the building to discuss the current state of affairs in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. What will he have to say? Will he address the way his son has been acting? Many people believe he will align himself with the champ, but only time will tell.


It is also rumored that after the wild brawl Jack Bruce and Rich Money had last week at the end of the show, that neither man will be present in tonight. Are their injuries that bad? How will this effect the world title scene. So many questions to be answered this week so make sure you tune in to all the great action this week on, Supreme TV!


Quick Picks:


Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior Vs. Brandom James and Angry Gilmore

Gregory Black Vs. Squeeky McClean

Marat Khoklov Vs. The Biggz Boyz

Enforcer Roberts Vs. Captain Atomic


And we'll be having a surprise tag team main event! Can you guess the participants?

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Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior Vs. Brandom James and Angry Gilmore

Gregory Black Vs. Squeeky McClean

Marat Khoklov Vs. The Biggz Boyz

Enforcer Roberts Vs. Captain Atomic


And we'll be having a surprise tag team main event! Can you guess the participants? Eric Eisen & Remo vs Steve Frehley and Christian Faith

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Guest KingOfKings



...Before The Show...


Jack: "Rich, are you sure you're up for this? This would be your first time doing something like this and we have no idea how it will turn out."


Richard: "My boy do you think I got where I am in the wrestling industry by playing it safe? I took risks, many many risks to get SWF to the status it's at. This will be just one more risk i'm taking to keep this company on top."


Jack: "Alright well let's run over the show one more time and what I need from all parties. If this goes down well we could very well be on our way to the hottest storyline the wrestling world has EVER seen...."

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Guest KingOfKings


SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday, Week 4, Jan. 2010

Evanovic Riverside Stadium - Sellout

Final Rating - B


This week of Supreme TV starts off with it's usual routine of opening video and fireworks and we're brought strait to ringside to our announcing duo of Duane Fry and Ana Garcia.


Duane: "Welcome ladies and gentleman and welcome to yet another excellent edition of Supreme TV and boy do we have an excellent show lined up for you today! We're 2 weeks removed from When Hell Freezes Over and we're still feeling the effects of the controversial PPV!"


Ana: "That's right Duane. There are rumors swirling that Richard Eisen himself will be in the building tonight and no one believes Jack Bruce OR Rich Money will be here following the brutal brawl they had at the end of last weeks show. One can only guess what's going to happen tonight!. Speaking of PPV fallout let's go to our first match of the evening, a tag match between Brandon James and Angry Gilmore Vs. Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior!"


Brandon James and Angry Gilmore Vs. Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior


Joe Sexy finally gets the chance to get his hands on Brandon James after he and Emma Chase screwed him out of the North American Championship at WHFO and Lobster Warrior looks to end his string of bad luck by picking up a victory here.


Joe and Lobby were in control toward the end of the match , Sexy in complete control of Brandon James and he was about to put him down for the count but Lobby wanted to tag in the match to finish it off so badly just to get his confidence up. Joe obliged but as soon as Lobby entered the ring, Emma Chase put the distraction on the apron which caused the ref and Joe Sexy to try and bring her down, this allowed James to use a pair of brass knucks to knock out Lobster Warrior and get the cheap three count.


Winners by pinfall - Brandon James and Angry Gilmore - Rating - B-


After the match Joe Sexy chases off Big Cat and Angry Gilmore, telling James it's far from over as he tends to the fallen Lobster Warrior.


Duane: "Big Cat gets a one up on Joe Sexy again and it seems Lobster Warriors luck continues to run out, he can't seem to buy a win right now."


Ana: "I'm starting to feel bad for the Underwater Warrior, depression seems to be setting in."


Just then the music of our World Champion starts to play and we are joined by none other than Eric Eisen, much to the shagrin of the fans in attendance. He steps in the ring, looking as ****y as ever, dressed in a suit and tie, world title slung over his shoulder.


Eric: "My my my my.... What a difference three weeks can make. Just three weeks ago on Supreme TV, one week before When Hell Freezes Over, where I succesfully defended my title I might add, your champion, the peoples rockstar, Jack Bruce was the most confident man in the world. Running around here, strumming his air guitar, stupid smile constantly plastered on his face telling all of you that he was gonna walk into When Hell Freezes Over and take back HIS World Title.


HIS World Title? Now I don't know about you but I don't think Jack Bruce is spelled Eric Eisen. What I had drapped around my shoulder signifies me as the greatest in the world, the champion of all you people, the best champion this company has ever seen."


The boo's come pouring in and Eisen just pours it all in, never once whiping the ****y smile off his face.


Eric: “Now i’m sure you all heard the rumours about my father, the boss, Richard Eisen, supposed to be here today but i’m gonna be the one to tell you all, it’s NOT true. That old man has no business here, in MY company. I run things around here and I can guarantee that no one, not even my father is going to come here and ruin MY time.”


Just then some very unfamiliar music plays and out from the back steps none other than Eric Eisens father, the boss, Richard Eisen! The fans are going nuts, Duane and Ana are going nuts and Eric Eisen is in the ring beside himself. He can’t believe what he’s seeing. Rich soaks in the cheers and begins to speak.


Rich: “Son! It’s good to see you again! But before I came out here you had me just a tad bit confused my boy. You were saying this is YOUR company, YOUR championship, YOUR everything. Now if I didn’t know any better, I thought I started this company, created that championship belt you’re wearing and even created YOU. You’ve done nothing but walk around here like the spoiled brat you are after accidentally winning that World Title belt you have.”


That statement gets a roaring reaction from the crowed, they just can’t help but agree with the boss.


Rich: “I’ve been observing my company these past few months and I must say, things are getting a bit out of control. This little feud between you and Jack Bruce, and even Rich Money was making this old mans blood pressure rise.”


Eric: “Then why don’t you just go…”


Rich: “Wait a minute, I don’t think I was done now was I? You forget I run everything here? I can take what matters most to you, and I know it’s your title so I advise you to mind your manners and let me finish speaking.”


Eric looks defeated and the crowd can’t get enough of someone finally putting him in his place, even if it is another Eisen.


Rich: “I decided that we need some order and control around here, some stability, someone who can keep the animals in their cages. So myself and the rest of the board have come to a decision. In two weeks SWF Supreme TV will be getting a commisioner, a Corporal of sorts. He will be your boss when i’m not around, he will run things. And just a bit of a heads up Eric, you decide not to follow his orders, he has the right to strip you of that title and even FIRE you if he pleases, and that doesn’t just go for you, it goes to every single wrestler in the back.”




Rich: “I know good and well who you are, and you need to know your place, son. You may be the champion, but you’re still my employee, which means I still run the shots. And since our on screen authority won’t be around for another two weeks, I think in the meantime I’ll take a bit of action. I know Jack Bruce and Rich Money weren’t supposed to be here tonight, but I took the liberty of inviting them here tonight for a little match. In the main event it will be Jack Bruce and Rich Money teaming up to take on my son, the world champ Eric Eisen and a partner of his choosing! One more thing son, good luck finding another wrestler who wants to team with you.”


Rich’s music plays and he can’t help but laugh at his sons misfortune, Eric is in the ring silent, staring a hole right through his dad, clearly pissed off about what just went down here.


We come back from commercial and are joined by our announce team to run down what just happened.


Duane: “This is already shaping up to be a historic night, Ana! This is unbelivable, the boss, Richard Eisen, the father of our world champion Eric Eisen is here tonight and he’s laying down the law!”


Ana: “I’m just as shocked as you are Duane. We knew there were rumors of him being here tonight but no one really expected it, and for him to drop not one, but two bombshells I think he left the whole SWF community in shock.”


Duane: “Ladies and gentleman if you’re just joining us the bombshells we’re talking about is that Richard Eisen, the owner of SWF came out here tonight and announced that in two weeks we will have an on screen commisioner who he is giving all his power to. And that tonight, we are gonna have a huge main event. It will be Jack Bruce and Rich Money Vs. Eric Eisen and a partner of his choosing. And we all know how Jack Bruce and Rich Money feel about each other, it will be very interesting to see how these two co-exist!”


Gregory Black Vs. Squeeky McClean


After the announcement is made we’re joined by two wrestlers who have been on a bit of a roll lately in Gregory Black and Squeek McClean. It’s a well fought match between the two but in the end Gregory hit the Black Out and pinned Squeeky for the surprise victory.


Gregory Black defeated Squeeky McClean by pinfall – Rating – C


Duane: “This young Gregory Black has been impressive lately Ana, he’s trying to make a name for himself.”


Ana: “He sure is Duane, but right now let’s go backstage where we have a developing situation!”


We cut backstage where we see Steve Frehley beating down Vengeance with the same bent and battered chair he’s been destroying him with for three weeks now! He’s hitting him in every which way all over the backstage. One brutal chair shot to the head and Vengeance is down!


Steve: “I told you Vengeance! I told you that you couldn’t get rid of me! It’s gonna be me and you at Nothing To Lose! So be ready!”


Steve and his chair walk away leaving Vengeance down. But as soon as Frehley is off stage, Vengeance sits up, breathing heavily and out of no where, just begins to laugh maniacally.


Duane: “I don’t think Steve Frehley knows what he just got himself into, Vengeance doesn’t seem to stay down, ever.”


Ana: “Speaking of which I just got word that their match at Nothing To Lose will be a last man standing match! Someone is going to get hurt.”


Duane: “Talking about getting hurt, here comes a man who enjoys hurting other people.”


Marat Khoklov Vs. The Biggz Boyz


This is Khoklovs first appearance since beating the legend Christian Faith at WHFO and he’s here in a 2 on 1 handicap match against the Biggz Boyz.


I don’t think it was fair to even call this a match as one Moscow Lariat and one Russian Legend powerbomb later it was over with.


Marat Khoklov defeated The Biggz Boyz by pinfall – Rating – C-


After the match Christian Faith comes running down the aisle much to the surprise of everyone in attendance including Khoklov who though he put him out of commision at WHFO. Christian slides into the ring and immediately starts bringing it to Khoklov, hitting him with lefts and rights, almost bringing the big man down. He makes one fatal mistake trying a flying clothesline after bouncing off the ropes and gets caught by Khoklov into a Russian lariat. Christian Faith is down for the count and Khoklov could have let it go right there but he didn’t.


He picked Faith up and threw him outside the ring, steps out, picks up Faith and puts him through the announce table with a Russian Legend Powerbomb! Faith HAS to be broken in half, he’s not moving at all. Khoklov does nothing but smile at his carnage and walks to the back, being passed by EMT’s rushing down the ramp to attend to Faith.


Duane: “Ladies and gentleman welcome back to Supreme TV and I must say what we just saw might have been the destruction of a legend. That animal Marat Khoklov just powerbombed Christian Faith right through our announce table.”


Ana: “I’m at a lost for words Duane, I don’t believe what we just saw, I never thought I would see anyone put down Christian Faith as we just did. He had to be carried out on a stretcher.”


Duane: “This is definitely a somber moment but the show must go on, and I hear that Eric Eisen has found his partner for tonight, let’s go backstage with Eisen and BJ O’Neil!”


BJ: “I’m joined here by World Champion Eric Eisen who has been trying to find a tag partner for his match against Jack Bruce and Rich Money tonight. So Eric, have you found anyone?”


Eric: “Have I found anyone!? What do you think BJ? Who wouldn’t want to team with a World Champion as great as I am? Of course I found a partner, and I’m gonna show the “bossman” just how great of a champion I am tonight by beating Jack Bruce again tonight. Let me introduce you to my partner.”


On to the screen comes none other than, Remo.


Eric: “See all I had to do was find a man who despises Jack Bruce as much as I do, and that man is Remo. Tonight we’re going to show the world just how dominate we are.”


Eric walks away and Remo stares down BJ before following.


Duane: “Strong words there from Eisen, choosing Remo as a partner was definitely a smart move.”


We cut backstage again after our last commercial break and we see Rich Money in his locker room getting ready for the main event and Jack Bruce steps in and the two go nose to nose.


Jack: “I’m not gonna get all cliché on you, I hate you, you hate me. But the bossman has put us in this match together tonight and we have to work together. Let’s go out here and do it for the people, do it for ourselves and take this guy out.”


Money doesn’t say anything, he simply takes a dollar out, flicks it in Bruce’s face and walks out the room. Bruce picks up the dollar, rips it in two and lets in fall to the ground as the cameras take us to the ring for our next match.


Captain Atomic Vs. Enforcer Roberts


Captain Atomic picks up a good victory to help out his momentum. Just a filler match to settle crowd down for the main event.


Captain Atomic defeated Enforcer Roberts by pinfall – Rating – C


Duane: “Up next is our main event tag match but we have some more news for you folks, Richard Eisen is joining us for commentary”


Rich: “It’s great to be here guys, and it’s gonna be great to finally see my son get what’s coming to him.”


Eric Eisen and Remo Vs. Rich Money and Jack Bruce


This was a heated match filled with lots of anger. It was basically back and forth the whole time, neither team getting the upperhand with lots of hot tags in and out by each team.


The end came when Jack Bruce was being isolated in Remos and Eisens corner with tags in and out by both competitors until Bruce caught fire taking both men down and was going to make the tag to Rich Money but Money didn’t take the tag, he just stepped off the apron and left Bruce to fend for himself. Bruce couldn’t believe it and he just stared strait through Money as he watched from the floor. This allowed Eisen to rush over and hit a flash pinfall through a roll up attempt to once again steal one from the peoples rockstar!


Eric Eisen and Remo defeated Jack Bruce and Rich Money by pinfall – Rating – B


After the match Jack Bruce is going after Rich Money but he gets blindsided with a HUGE clothesline from Remo! Remo and Eisen double team Bruce and double irish whip him directly into the steal steps leaving him down and out. They both stare at Rich Money who does nothing but put his hands up and walk back up the ramp. Eisen then turns his attention to his dad.


Eric: “So dad, you thought you had a plan didn’t you? You thought you were gonna take care of me once and for all? Well look who’s standing tall, and look who’s laying on their back! In fact, I think you need to join him.”


Eric grabs his dad by the collar and brings him into the ring and hits him with the Supremacy! He raises the World Title over his head and his fallen father as Supreme TV goes off the air, no doubt there will be hell to pay next week!

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