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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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OoC: Great show! I really like how you are building the characters' personalities, both on and off screen.


I appreciate that. I am enjoying writing the characters and really getting to 'know' them.


On a side note, I just wanted to let my readers know that I will be out of town this weekend so don't expect any big writeup until at the very earliest Monday. Also remember to make your Nominations for February DOTM!

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Jumbo Jackson vs. Steve Flash

Steve Flash is Steve Flash.


Savage Fury vs. The Ring Generals

Savage Fury are jobbers to the stars.


Rafael Ruiz vs. Bryan Holmes

Ruiz is a great bumo taker but that's it.


Top Contender Match: Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

*cough cough* bangin' her!! *cough cough*


Brendan Idol vs. Anger

Idol's there to take bumps.


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. James Hernandez

James could take it but not without some good buildup.


T-Rex vs. Enygma

Enygma is on the way back to the top.

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Just a short and quick note to say that I am back from my mini vacation. I actually went to Charlotte, NC for a workshop on television/radio/etc. and learned more about becoming a Sportscaster and how to land that first job in the business.


At any event, expect some type of installment tomorrow.

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Flair country :p WHOOOOO!!!


Sorry I just had to ;)


Damn right! lol. I've met the Nature Boy and he is a really nice guy. I used to live in Charlotte for years.




[...Another week and another dollar, right? I always kept my ear to the ground for wrestling news and I always focused in on the signs within the crowd at our shows to let me know who is over and who isn't. That is one reason why I found it ironic that Eisaku Hoshino decided to return to the wrestling game and perhaps forego his stint in politics. Though with the Japanese, you can do both and be successful at each. But in any event there had been a sign within the USPW crowd about Hoshino's possible bid for Prime Minister and now he returns to wrestling. One of those odd things about wrestling, right?...]


[...Sam and I had listened to Darryl the other night and his idea was very interesting. We are definitely thinking of running with it, provided that Seduction agrees to it, which we think she will. Sam also agreed to let me sign those three wrestlers that Alicia talked to me about, which I am glad of. I think they will make very interesting additions, with one of them perhaps getting a push out of the deal. Two wrestlers did reject negotiations with me, deciding to stay with their employer: Wolf Hawkins and Brent Hill...]


[...The plan right now is for our major angle to begin this week as we head toward Liberty And Justice! We already have several matches signed for the card, including: Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine, Bruce The Giant defending the USPW World Title against Enygma and the winner of Alicia Strong/Belle Bryden facing Raven Robinson for the USPW Women's Title. We also have a possible match between Steve Flash and Peter Valentine for the USPW National Title. If anyone can carry old Pete to a good match it would be Flash, right? All in all things are looking up and we are headed to the McGaw Arena for USPW American Wrestling...]

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Damn right! lol. I've met the Nature Boy and he is a really nice guy. I used to live in Charlotte for years.


I knew there was I reason I liked this diary!!! NC fo'eva!! BTW, Jared Johnson--where is he?!?!?!?! (If you are nowhere near March '10, I'll understand.)

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I knew there was I reason I liked this diary!!! NC fo'eva!! BTW, Jared Johnson--where is he?!?!?!?! (If you are nowhere near March '10, I'll understand.)


I would love to move back to Charlotte, to be honest, but right now I'm going to school down here in SC and have student loans and all so I sorta need to see this through down here. lol. Jared Johnson is unemployed right now. The next show I post will be the 2nd week of March show. He is a possible pickup later on but I have a pretty full roster right now.




critical you love Jared Johnson! You know who I would like to see Big Smack Scott. If he ever comes up as a free agent you have to sign him.


I know the Big Smack Scott love. But at the same time, his contract isn't up for over 500 days in SWF so I'm not sure he will be able to make it here to USPW. But speaking of SWF wrestlers, they did release Kid Toma.

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[...I got up the Tri State area but found that I needed to take a walk and clear my head. I left the hotel room I was in and found a nearby park. It was almost picturesque with trees and kids running around and even a playground. It looked like a wonderful place to raise a family. Then my eyes shifted over to a couple of old people sitting on a bench and feeding the pigeons. It took a couple of blinks before I recognized who they were...]




[...It seemed that Micky and Doom had the same thoughts and ideas that I had about coming out to the park. Micky waved me over so I went walking to meet up with them...]


The Masked Avatar

"Hey guys. How's it going?"


Micky Starr

"It's going well, young man. Doom and I just realized that the two of us share a love for feeding the pigeons here in the park. You know, he's a pretty nice guy once you get to know him."


Corporal Doom

"Thanks, Micky, I appreciate that."


Micky Starr

"No problem, Doom. Now, Avatar, have you got a moment?"


[...He motioned for me to sit beside him and I did. He offered me some bread to feed the pigeons but I declined and he shrugged...]


Micky Starr

"Alright, well, look, I don't normally ask for any favors or anything. I'm not the type of guy to go out there and try to politic or something, especially not for family members. However, I do have a video tape of my Grandson's wrestling matches down in MAW. I know you brought Peter's nephew in for a match and I was wondering, well, if you saw what you liked then maybe you could give him a shot."


[...I had to think for a moment. Usually in these moments honesty is the best policy right...]


The Masked Avatar

"I have a pretty full roster right now, Micky. However, send the tape to my apartment and I'll have a look at it."


Micky Starr

"Thanks, Avatar. It's all I could ask."


[...I nodded and my cell phone went off so I got it out of my pocket and stood up to walk away, nodding to both Starr and Doom...]


The Masked Avatar





Alicia Strong

"Hey Avatar. I hope everything is going alright. My Dad said you needed to talk to me about something."


[...I took in a deep breath and slowly released it away from the phone. Yeah, rejection or selection, right...]


The Masked Avatar

"Yeah, Alicia, can we meet up after the show? Maybe go and grab a cup of coffee somewhere?"


Alicia Strong

"Sure, that sounds great. Is everything okay?"


The Masked Avatar

"Everything is fine. Just come by the office after the show and we'll leave from there. I look forward to your match tonight."


Alicia Strong

"Thanks! Listen, I gotta go, gotta get things ready for tonight. I'll see you later on."


[...The phones hung up and I just looked toward the sky for a moment. Yeah, everything is fine...except for these butterflies that feel like bats in my stomach...]

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 March 2010

Location: McGaw Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 4,640

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.25

I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Des Davids defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 2:49 by pinfall with a Touch Down...D


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Giant Redwood defeated Captain USA in 2:47 by pinfall with a Standing Splash...E


Pre Show: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Cherry Bomb defeated Sara Marie York in 7:58 by pinfall with a Cherry Bomb...D






[The show opens within the audience with the lights dimmed and spotlights moving around the crowd. The crowd members are on their feet, mugging for the camera, including a fan holding a sign reading: 'Bald is beautiful!'! The camera zooms in on a portion and standing there is the former USPW World Champion: Enygma! Enygma points to a sign held up beside him: 'Enygma- Dino Extinction!' and then begins his descent down toward the ring. He gets halfway down through the crowd when he gets hit from behind...]




[...The Jurassic Power is in the audience! T-Rex grabs Enygma and runs him into a railing! The two men battle all the way down to the front row where security is waiting to keep these two apart. But nobody will be keeping them apart in the main event tonight!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JumboJackson.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg

Jumbo Jackson vs. Steve Flash


[Our opening match featured two top wrestlers within USPW. Both Shane Sneer and Katie Cameron did good jobs at ringside for their respective wrestlers. Outside the ring, Shane yelled at a fan holding up a sign: 'Jumbo Jackson ain't nothing but a shrimp!' He definitely doesn't seem to want to be reminded of those days! When Jumbo had the advantage, he tossed Steve out to ringside and Shane Sneer placed a few boots to the ribs of Flash. He tossed Flash back in and Jumbo went for a Jumbo Avalanche but Flash got out of the way! Flash managed to drop Jumbo with a Flash Bang and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Steve Flash (Via Pinfall @ 7:32)

Match Rating: D


[Katie Cameron rolled into the ring and raised the arm of her man: Steve Flash. Katie smiled to the camera but Flash took a shot to the knee...]




[Peter Valentine had entered the ring! He held up the National Title while Flash grabbed his knee, wincing and crying out in pain! Katie hovered over Flash while Peter sneered down at her. He raises up the title belt. He wouldn't, would he? He shakes his head and walks off, making a threatening gesture toward someone holding up a sign: 'Steves no flash in the pan'.]






[The big video screen lights up showing the backstage area. Enygma is pacing when the door opens to reveal Chris Caulfield. Enygma looks up at him and Chris stares him down...]


Chris Caulfield

"Hey Enygma. I saw you out there with T-Rex earlier tonight. I just wanted you to know that tonight I will watch your back when it comes to Carl Batch's guys. I want a piece of a few of them myself."


[Enygma nodded and shook hands with Caulfield and then it was back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Java.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TribalWarrior.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DeanWaldorf.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MarvStatler.jpg

Savage Fury vs. The Ring Generals


[The crowd really wasn't into this match at all and it showed. They did a lot of going to the restrooms and concession stands as Savage Fury dominated The Ring Generals, especially Java. Java finished off Statler with the Greetings From The Island, a running headbutt and pinfall combination.]


Winners: Savage Fury (Via Pinfall @ 2:17)

Match Rating: E+




[As Savage Fury got the win, the big video screen lit up showing Sam Strong seated within his office. Sitting in front of him are the USPW World Tag Team Champions: The Towers of Power...]


Sam Strong

"Good evening gentlemen. The two of you have been going through an open challenge here in USPW. You have been taking on all comers and beating them. Well, I wanted to let you know that at Liberty And Justice! you will be facing a team that is well-respected here in USPW."


Danny Rushmore

"Who is it, Sam?"


Sam Strong

"The team that just won a match in the middle of that ring: Savage Fury!"


Danny Rushmore

"We already beat them! Who says that they earned another title shot?"


Sam Strong

"I do. Have a good day gentlemen."


[The Towers shake their heads and rise up and we have another match lined up for Liberty And Justice!]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RafaelRuiz.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg

Rafael Ruiz vs. Bryan Holmes


[Rafael Ruiz making his debut here in USPW against the hated Bryan Holmes. That almost automatically defaults him to good guy here. The Mexican Pit Bull showed some good technical skill in the ring but he was in there against one of the best. Ruiz tried to lock in the Ruiz Wrench but Holmes managed to reverse it into a pinfall attempt, getting a two count. Holmes sent Ruiz into the corner and then followed it up with a Cyclone Shock Kick, known to many as a Dragon Legwhip! Holmes made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bryan Holmes (Via Pinfall @ 6:05)

Match Rating: C-






[The focus turned to the announcers at this point and they announced that they were going to make the phone call to James Justice. They tried to make the call but never got an answer, making them speculate as to where exactly he is.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg

Top Contender Match

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden


[The definite match of the night so far despite the fact that it is in the women's division. Alicia and Belle showed that the women can definitely go in this true back and forth encounter. The fans were definitely behind Alicia and it showed in the signs tonight. Alicia paused and signed several of them, including ones reading: 'Alicia is stronger than a fish like Belle!', 'Alicia can ring my Belle anytime' and 'Alicia Strong's #1 fan!' Alicia took down Belle with a monkey flip out of the corner and then a big clothesline! She got on a roll throughout the match but Belle managed at one point to pull the referee in the way of a shot from Alicia and down he went! The crowd booed that as Alicia checked on the official. Belle got back up and went for the Dish of the Day but Alicia ducked! Alicia hit the Strong Arm Tactic! The crowd cheered this move as Alicia made the cover but there was no official to make the count...]


[...As anyone would, Alicia grew upset over the fact that the three count was not registered. She got up and checked on the referee again and he began to groggily climb to his feet using the ropes. Alicia turned back toward Belle Bryden -- DISH OF THE DAY! The roundhouse kick to the back of the head connected! Belle made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- grabbed the tights -- 3! Belle sneaks one out!]


Winner: Belle Bryden (Via Pinfall @ 7:22)

Match Rating: C


[...The crowd booed as Belle Bryden got to her feet! She looked down at Alicia and moved to lock on the Blonde Ambition! That would be her version of the Figure 4 Leglock! The crowd booed but then suddenly a cheer erupted...]




[...Raven Robinson came running from the back! Belle saw her and immediately broke the Figure 4 and exited the ring! Raven got inside and glared daggers at Belle Bryden but Belle was yelling at her 'not until the pay-per-view!']






[The big video screen lit up to show the backstage interview area. Standing by are Carl Batch and Tyson Baine...]


Carl Batch

"Listen up, playas. You better listen to me if you know what is good for you. Take a look at this big man, this monster standing right here beside me. He is intimidating even for me to be standing beside but he is one of the best and that is why I have in my camp. Now everyone has been telling me that I need a name for my group. I need something to strike fear into the hearts of the nonbelievers. I have been doing some thinking and I have decided on the name: The Four Horsemen. Now, Carl, you may be thinking, there's only three within your Horsemen: T-Rex, Tyson Baine and Bryan Holmes. You are right...for now. At Liberty And Justice, though, the fourth member of the Horsemen WILL be revealed."


[Carl smiled and then his cell phone went off. He lifted it to his ear and walked off with Baine following behind him.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrendanIdol.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg

Brendan Idol vs. Anger


[Another match that was mercifully short and one-sided. Though the Teen Dream Brendan Idol came into USPW with an interesting history, having been a member of RIPW for three years he has yet to catch a break here. This did not happen tonight as Anger was all over him from bell to bell. Anger happily pointed out to a sign reading: 'Soda speaks louder than words!' and then hit Idol with a backbreaker and a gutbuster and then dropped him with a Demon Slam, a jumping body slam into a pinfall, hooking the leg as Shane Sneer raised the bottle of Coca Cola high in the air: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Anger (Via Pinfall @ 1:36)

Match Rating: E






[The big video screen lit up showing the backstage interview area. The camera had to be adjusted and raised as the USPW World Champion Bruce The Giant entered. He looked toward the camera and growled...]


Bruce The Giant

"Take a good long look at the man carrying the gold belt around his waist, wrestling fans. Now, get used to the fact that this belt is around my waist because it's gonna be there until I get tired of holding it and that will be never. There isn't anyone in USPW big enough to take me on. Chris Caulfield? I took him out. James Justice? Not a problem. Which brings me to my opponent at Liberty And Justice!: Enygma. Enygma, you have already felt the power, pain and destruction that my Giant Choke Slam can give. You've already been there. The question is: are you a masochist? Do you enjoy pain? Is the man behind that mask smiling when I raise him in the air and drop him to the mat? That's the only answer I can come up with as to why you would ever want to face me again. After I beat you into a grease stain on the mat at Liberty And Justice, it's gonna be your last title shot unless there is some major reason that you can give me to give you another shot. But let's focus on one step at a time. You have to survive tonight."


[bruce tossed his head back, laughing deeply as he walked off.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MainstreamHernandez_alt4.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. James Hernandez


[Though the fans weren't entirely into this match this week this may be a match that is repeated sometime within the future because of the great chemistry between these two. It was like these two had been wrestling each other for years and it showed in a deep flow within the match itself. Andre had the advantage in the early-goings of the match. He kept Hernandez on the mat and twisted him up at times like a pretzel! Jones locked in an abdominal stretch and really stretched out Hernandez but James would not give up...]


[...Later on in the match, Jones had been in control for some time. He went for a Blast From The Past piledriver but Hernandez fought out of it, raising Jones up and bringing him down to the mat. The crowd really got into it as Hernandez managed to get to his feet first and he hit Andre Jones with a big clothesline and then a spinebuster! The crowd got on their feet but were surprised when Darryl Devine walked down to the ringside area. Hernandez was priming Jones for a Super Kick but Devine got up on the apron! Hernandez yelled at Devine and Devine yelled back at Hernandez. The distraction kept Hernandez busy while Jones got to his feet. He came in with a splash in the corner and then kicked Hernandez in the gut: Blast From The Past! The Piledriver connected and Jones made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 7:21)

Match Rating: D




[The crowd booed the dubious win by Jones and he rolled out of the ring as Devine climbed in the ring! Devine began slapping the face of Hernandez and then lifted him up and kicked him in the gut: Devine Dream Drop, his version of a Face Crusher connected! The crowd booed as security stepped in to break things up but the damage was done. The question now is: why was this damage done?]






[The focus turns to the big video screen as it lights up showing the newly bald Nicky Champion. Nicky is pacing and breathing heavily backstage in the interview area. He turns his eyes toward the camera...]


Nicky Champion

"Jack Griffith, you took something from me that I want back. You took a win away from me. My win was supposed to catapult me to greatness and now? Now you really made me a clean-cut all american. I look like Mr. Clean! I am going to get my justice. I am going to..."


[Nicky's words were cut off when someone came flying in out of nowhere tackling him...]




[...It's Southern Justice! Griffith mounts Champion and begins throwing punches! Last week Nicky attacked Jack and this week it's Jack attacking Nicky! Griffith was pulled off by security but what an intense feud between these two!]






[The focus turns to the two men who will be in our main event tonight walking down hallways backstage. These two men will do battle tonight but who will come out the victor? You'll find out soon because our main event is next!]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg

T-Rex vs. Enygma


[Our main event matchup here on USPW American Wrestling is a great one! T-Rex came out to the ring with Carl Batch beside him and then Enygma made his grand entrance down to the ring, sliding inside and looking across the ring to the man he has already brawled with tonight. The bell sounded and the two men charged to the middle of the ring and just started throwing punches! It was caution thrown to the wind tonight here in the McGaw Arena! Enygma ran T-Rex's head into the corner and then got a few European Uppercut shots to the Jurassic Power! The crowd cheered on the masked wrestler as he sent T-Rex to the ropes -- scoop powerslam! He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- kickout! T-Rex used the two count to catch his breath and then powered out. Enygma got back up though and ran a knee into the gut of T-Rex, sending him spilling outside the ring! The crowd cheered as Enygma raised his arms and T-Rex was helped up by Carl Batch. Enygma bounced off the ropes -- Plancha onto T-Rex! The crowd popped at seeing that move...]


[...A few minutes later and T-Rex had finally slowed things down and gained control inside the ring. The Jurassic Power sent Enygma hard into a corner and Enygma bounced out and fell to his knees, grabbing his back in pain. T-Rex just kicked him in the head for good measure and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- shoulder up! T-Rex growled his frustration and picked up Enygma, lifting him into a military press position and then dropping him gut-first onto his knee! The crowd winced at that move as T-Rex sneered at them. He didn't go for the cover, though. Instead, he picked up Enygma and tossed him through the ropes to the outside! T-Rex got the attention of the referee as Carl Batch came around and threw a few kicks of his own to the head of Enygma! Carl went for the mask but Enygma managed to push him off...]


[...Back inside the ring, T-Rex hooked Enygma into a bear hug and the crowd booed as Carl Batch tried to get them to support his man. T-Rex squeezed the life out of Enygma and slowly Enygma started to go limp in his arms. As Enygma went limp, T-Rex...let him go??? T-Rex moved around behind Enygma, holding his arms up and waiting for Enygma to get to his feet. As Enygma did, T-Rex moved in for the Jurassic Crush -- Enygma reversed it! He rolled T-Rex into a small package: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Pinfall @ 8:14)

Match Rating: C


[...Talk about snatching victory from the jaws of defeat! How did Enygma do that??? Enygma released the small package and got his arm raised by the referee! He celebrated with the crowd and then turned around and got goozled...]




[...Bruce The Giant has his hand around the throat of Enygma! Bruce raisd Enygma into the air and held him up for quite some time and then -- GIANT CHOKE SLAM! It almost looked like the ring moved with that move! Bruce raised the USPW World Title belt to boos from the crowd and stood over his Liberty And Justice! opponent! Bruce is on a roll. But where is Chris Caulfield??? Wasn't the Hardcore American supposed to be watching Enygma's back? We'll see you next week USPW fans!]

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We had two of our front-runners get 7/7 this time around! Congratulations to Lexa90 and jhd1!




1. jhd1=59 Wins

2. Lexa90=57 Wins

3. BHK1978=56 Wins

4. Wrestling Century=50 Wins

5. critical-23=43 Wins

bgbuff=43 Wins

7. TheStroke7=39 Wins

8. Kainlock=37 Wins

BYU 14=37 Wins

xopher316=37 Wins

11. FlameSnoopy=30 Wins

12. supershot=19 Wins

13. KingOfKings=14 Wins

14. mad5226=13 Wins

Bolton=13 Wins

16. Boltinho=12 Wins

17. Jaded=8 Wins

18. ECW 2.0=7 Wins

19. PoisonedSuperman=6 Wins

20. trypio=5 Wins

21. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

25. Huntman=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


We are in the final month of the first prediction contest!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 3 March 2010


Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol

The Force vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. ???

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


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Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol

The Force vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. ???

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield



Go away, Brendan Idol!

Chris Caulfield: A Hardcore Nobody!

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Well BHK, The Jobber Generals are even worse jobbers than the Savage Jobbers. :p


Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

Though one, But you're still building up Holmes, so I go with him.


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol

umm... A no brainer.


The Force vs. Tyson Baine



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. ???

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma



Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title usually gives a better chance to the challenger to win.. But I still go with Bruce.

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Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

Holmes gets temporarily derailed


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol

Easy defense for Andre


The Force vs. Tyson Baine

This is a coin flip, but can we ever really get enough of Force?


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of

Power defend vs. ???

The only mystery here is the opponents ;)


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma

Enygma should roll here


Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Even in a non title match, gotta go with Bruce



I hate your canned Peas Bruce

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Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol

The Force vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. ???

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

maybe a turn soon...the fourth member....


fan sign: Enygma: show stealer/ true king of Vegas.....

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Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol

The Force vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. ???

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


Fun Signs:

I ran out of witty signs so... Hi Mom!

Chris Caulfield is my hero!

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Great show angeldelayette, I'm really enjoying the Champion-Griffith feud and the tension that Caulfield is causing!


Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

Having seen Dragonmack's reasoning I've been swayed to a Holmes win. I'm still going for some kind of appearance by Griffith though to keep Nicky strong...

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol

Easy...still waiting for a credible challenge to Jones. I'm expecting a future face turn from DD to present said challenge though.

The Force vs. Tyson Baine

Baine's a force at the moment unlike The Force...if you now what I mean...

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. ???

I would have picked the Towers any way but with a match set for PPV they'll not lose the titles here on free TV.

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma

Enygma's not jobbing to DWN, no matter how much potential he has.

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Bruce is on fire and Caulfield's just stirring up trouble. Fourth horseman to make an appearance? Could it be CC?


Sorry I've not been providing fun fan signs as of late, I've just been so busy I keep forgetting. That changes here though!


Uber-Fun Uber-Fan Signs: "How long must I wait for a Champion champion?" and inspired by possibly the greatest phrase of the diary so far..."Enygma got Goozled!"

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Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

Champion can lounge around awhile till you need him to step up, Holmes needs to be used now.


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol



The Force vs. Tyson Baine

Not enough Forcechlorians to deal with a monster like Baine


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match, Open Challenge Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. ???

probably another trade team to job to the champs, but its a clear sign your tag division needs work.


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma

newton can be big in a year or so, but he is a jobber right now


Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

even non title, bruce should rarely lose


been interesting following the masked avatar - Alicia budding romance ( though personally , i think raven is hotter :D ) and good to see you addressing Sam Strong's interest in it also, as it was starting to get a little unreal he hadn't said anything yet till now.


oh, and not to be left out of the fan signs department : Tyson Baine: Bringing the Pain!

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First of all, thanks for the predictions/comments/fan signs so far. I truly do read them all, generally more than once. Now, on with the show.




[...The show tonight helped to further some storylines but too many things were not taken in well by the fans. It seems that for each step forward, we take another step back and we're just remaining in the same position. Tyson Baine has really taken to his role here in USPW and is one of the most popular wrestlers in the country. I watched the show in the office with Sam as I usually do and we both pointed out some positive things and some needs for improvement. We generally do that for every show. As Bruce The Giant goozled Enygma, Sam turned to me...]


Sam Strong

"So did you talk to my daughter yet?"


The Masked Avatar

"No, not yet. I planned to do it tonight, though. We are going out for coffee after the show."


Sam Strong

"I will hold you to that. Remember, you have a choice to make and you better make the right one."


[...I saw the look of the concerned parent in Sam's eyes and I wondered which choice he thought was the right one. Before I could respond though there was a knock at the door and the door opened...]




[...It was Alicia and she looked gorgeous. Spring time had hit here around this time but she still had to wear long sleeves and a pair of jeans. My jaw slightly dropped when she stepped in with hair that was still slightly wet from the shower she had obviously taken recently. Sam rose up and gave his daughter a hug...]


Sam Strong

"I have a few errands that need to get run. I'll see you later."


[...He kissed his daughter on the cheek and away he went, leaving me alone with Alicia Strong...]


Alicia Strong

"So are you ready to go for coffee?"


[...I nodded and rose to my feet...]


The Masked Avatar

"I know a great little place right down the road from here. It's far enough away though that hopefully we won't run into too many fans."


[...We both laughed at that since, well, fans can definitely maul us at times. I opened the door for her and then followed her out to the hallway. This was going to be it, the time, rejection or selection...and I'm so nervous I can barely breathe...]

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[...Alicia and I took seperate vehicles to the coffee shop. We figured that way we could leave from there to go to our respective homes. No big deal, right? We headed inside the nearly empty coffee shop and I waved to the owner who was behind the counter. Yeah, this was a real mom and pop's establishment. I ordered a cup of black and she ordered a cup with two creams and a sugar. I wasn't sure why I memorized that but I did. We sat down at a table that was out of the way and the owner let me know that he enjoyed the show tonight. He's one of my biggest and best critics. He also let me know that we should put more of Giant Redwood on the show. He has always been one of his favorites...]


[...The conversation started casual. We talked about the show and about the upcoming weekend and all. It was mostly work stuff since that's a lot of what we have in common. Then I knew I had to speak it. I had to let her know...]


The Masked Avatar

"Alicia, about what your father wanted me to talk to you about.."


Alicia Strong

"Yes, Avatar?"


[...I had to take a moment to catch my breath because when the light hit her, well, everyone knows how Beautiful she is, right? She gave me a funny look and I realized I must have been waiting for too long...]


The Masked Avatar

"Sorry about that, Alicia. Look, I'm gonna be frank, you're a Beautiful woman. I've seen you grow up into this Gorgeous woman who has a lot going for her. So, I was wondering, well, if you wanted to see me outside of a wrestling venue."


[...The look of surprise on her face could go either way so I waited. Then the surprise melted...into a smile that looked so angelic...]


Alicia Strong

"You mean like a date?"


The Masked Avatar

"Yeah, something like that."


Alicia Strong

"I would love that. I have tickets to a rock concert next weekend. It's more of an indy band though. They don't have a lot of hit records. But their music is great. It's some little band named Metallica."


[...I hadn't heard of them before. But if they're touring and it gives me a chance to be with her?...]


The Masked Avatar

"Sure thing. I will clear my schedule."


[...The rest of the conversation went a little awkwardly but it was good. By the end of the night when I walked out to my car I was on cloud nine. And cloud nineteen when she gave me a kiss on the mask where my cheek would normally be. I watched her bite her bottom lip and then we went our seperate ways but we had a date!...]

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[...A lot of the rest of the week was spent focusing on the upcoming pay-per-view. I had several meetings with Sam and Shane surrounding things that are upcoming. The revelation of the Fourth member of the Four Horsemen will be huge. At least that's what we are hoping at any rate...]


[...On Thursday night, I sat down and ordered the SWF pay-per-view Awesome Impact 2010 in my apartment. I leaned back on a chair and watched matches like Remo over Squeeky McClean, Jack Bruce over Angry Gilmore, Rich Money over Vengeance, Gregory Black and Joe Sexy and then there was the main event. Eric Eisen who had recently turned good guy defeated the big Russian Marat Khoklov. I can only hope that Khoklov realizes that they are screwing him up by having him lose to Eisen and maybe one day he will come over here to face our giant...]


[...In an interesting development, Kid Toma was released from his SWF contract. Our roster is pretty full right now but if he remains unemployed for too long he might be someone to pick up in the future...]


[...TCW is growing more and more popular (Rise to International). This could be bad news for us as the rumor is that because of their expansion they are gonna be looking for more talent. With the contact we've had with TCW contracted wrestlers they could be coming right after the guys we have on PPA contracts...]


[...As I arrived at the arena, I saw Sheik Mustafa riling some fans up outside the building. He looked like he was about to throw some punches toward one until I walked up and pulled him away from the situation. I sat the old-timer down and let him know what was up. He said he'd try to control himself a little better next time but if there's a next time I don't know if he'll still have a job. He seems a little excess to what we need...]

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 March 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 4,107

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.30

Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, T-Rex defeated Freddie Datsun in 4:02 by submission with a Jurassic Crush...C


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Jumbo Jackson defeated Captain USA in 3:36 by pinfall with a Jumbo Avalanche...D-


Pre Show: A montage of clips is shown, set to some inspirational 1980's power ballad, which are of Des Davids training himself for his upcoming fight...C


Pre Show: Alicia Strong comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C-






[The crowd rose to their feet in boos to begin the show as none other than the USPW World Champion Bruce The Giant walked out from the back. He stepped over the top rope to get in the ring and raised the USPW World Title belt to boos from the crowd. Obviously, they don't like him very much...]


Bruce The Giant

"Alright, fine, are you done now? Can I talk now or are you all just gonna yell over me?"


[...The boos raised in sound and intensity...]


Bruce The Giant

"The fact of the matter is that whether you boo me or whether you cheer me I AM the USPW World Champion. I pinned Enygma in the center of the ring whether you like it or not. Now, I turn my attention to tonight. Tonight, I have decided to give Enygma a small taste of what he's gonna get at Liberty And Justice. How am I gonna do that? It's simple. I am inviting anyone that's backstage right now to come out and accept my challenge. It's gonna be someone's opportunity to stake their place in the main event of the evening. Who is it gonna be?"


[...Bruce leans back against the ropes, waiting, and no one comes out. The crowd boos that fact and Bruce just smiles, knowing that no one in the back wants to face him. Then some familiar..hardcore..music starts up...]




[...The Hardcore American Chris Caulfield steps out from the back to a rousing ovation from the crowd...]


Chris Caulfield

"Bruce, I came within eyelashes of defeating you in a Last Man Standing match to determine the number one contender. If Bryan Holmes hadn't stepped in when he did then I would be the one holding that strap right now. So, tonight, I accept your challenge. You Bruce, you and me, one on one. Tonight, you're gonna learn how to get hardcore!"


[...The crowd cheers on Caulfield and Bruce just glares a hole right through him.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion_jhd.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg

Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes


[Once the ring was cleared, it was time for the opening bout here on USPW American Wrestling. It was a great one featuring Nicky Champion and Bryan Holmes. As Nicky came down to the ring, he paused and autographed a sign reading: 'How long must I wait for a Champion champion?' The match had a good crowd that was solidly behind Nicky throughout the bout and each man got in some good offense. Holmes tied Nicky into a pretzel at times on the mat but Nicky would never give up, never say die. Holmes tried to hook in a Full Nelson on Nicky but Nicky managed to make it to the ropes. Holmes argued with the official about the break and Nicky turned -- Hawkeye Hammer! He hit the move out of nowhere and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 9:39)

Match Rating: C




[...It was a spectacular win for Nicky Champion but Jack Griffith slid into the ring following the sounding of the bell. Nicky ducked a clothesline attempt as he got to his feet. He turned around and the brawl was on between Nicky and Jack! Punches and kicks were thrown wildly! The official tried to break things up but he was just tossed aside! Nicky tripped Jack up with a double leg takedown and began throwing hard punches from the mounted position. The two rolled on the mat as security came in and it took several security guards to break these two men up!]






[As things were cleared within the ring, the big video screen lit up to show Darryl Devine backstage within the locker room with Seduction...]


Darryl Devine

"Look, Seduction, the cameras are on us right now. Let's just clear the air. Everyone has been wondering just why I attacked James Hernandez last week. Seduction, you tell them."



"James always was sweet on me. You see, the three of us grew up together. We shared a lot of things. In fact, James gave me my first..."


Darryl Devine

"Whoa! Hold it right there! You don't need to air that on national television. James, I know why you're here and it has nothing to do with wrestling. You're here for my girl and I am right here to tell you that I am not gonna stand for it. I've already spoken with Sam Strong and he's given me a match with you at Liberty And Justice. We're gonna get this thing settled quickly. Now, let's go."


[...An angry Darryl Devine grabs Seduction by the arm and yanks her away from the camera and locker room as we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrendanIdol.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Brendan Idol


[solid in-ring action here but pretty much just another show of Andre Jones showing his stuff inside the ring. Jones dominated a sloppy match that revealed there is no in-ring chemistry at all between these two wrestlers. A sign held outside the ring during this match pretty much told the whole story: 'Go away, Brendan Idol!' Jones kicked Idol in the gut and dropped him with a Blast From The Past Piledriver, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 5:40)

Match Rating: D






[The big video screen lights up to show the backstage locker room area where Enygma and Chris Caulfield are standing nose-to-nose...]



"You said you would be there for me, Chris. You told me last week that you had my back. But when I was attacked by Bruce The Giant you were nowhere to be found."


Chris Caulfield

"No, I wasn't, was I? But tonight that won't matter. Tonight, I am going to soften up Bruce for you to take his title at Liberty And Justice. Tonight, I am going to prove to the world that it should have been you and me for the belt."


[...The two stare daggers into each other's eyes before Enygma finally steps away and walks away, shaking his head.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg

The Force vs. Tyson Baine


[Another glorified squash match here. The main surprise was who was being squashed. The Force is a bonified star here in USPW. His merchandise is top-selling. But Tyson Baine ran through him like he was nothing more than a scrub. A sign was held up outside the ring: 'Tyson Baine: Bringing the Pain!' and one Hades Bomb later and Baine had the 1-2-3.]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 3:55)

Match Rating: D+


[but will he able to do that against Chris Caulfield? Let's listen in as Carl Batch has a microphone...]


Carl Batch

"Listen up, playas and playa haters! Yeah, I know you're all out there in this crowd. Hey honey don't hate the playa, hate the game. But enough about that. You see, I think that your so-called favorite, your top notch wrestler Chris Caulfield is, well, he is taking his eye off the ball. He is not looking at the big picture, which is the fact that he is gonna be facing off with Tyson Baine at USPW Liberty And Justice. It's not gonna be Bruce you have to worry about there. Oh and at that show we are gonna reveal the Fourth Horseman. That's right, playas, my Fourth Horsemen is gonna be at Liberty And Justice and he's gonna show his face. It might very well be during this match between my man Tyson here and Chris Caulfield. You see I went and had a long talk with the Owner. He agreed that we should up the stakes at Liberty And Justice a little bit. So at that show it's gonna be Tyson Baine versus Chris Caulfield in a hardcore match! That's right, playas, Baine is gonna have my permission to rip a man's head off and then pin his shoulders to the mat. Chris, at Liberty And Justice, you might as well turn out the lights because the party's over!"


[...Batch smiles as Baine's music begins to play and the crowd boos him.]






[The big video screen lights up to a bunch more boos as the number one contender to the women's title is shown lifting weights backstage. She finishes her set and then lifts up to look at the camera...]


Belle Bryden

"There is no doubt to the fact that I am the best conditioned women's wrestler in the industry. That is why Sam Strong signed me to such a lucrative contract. I even beat up his little daughter last week. But in a little bit over a week I am going to prove that I am the best women's wrestler in the sport today. How do I do that? By defeating the USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson. Raven, you may have interfered after the match last week but in a little over a week at Liberty And Justice it will be you that suffers the Blonde Ambition and I will walk away as your new USPW Women's Champion."


[...Belle flashes a smile for the camera and then gets up, walking away.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Towers of Power defend vs. The Hillbillys


[The title defense here was almost a joke, showing how stagnant the tag team division has become here in USPW. A tag title match featuring the Hillbillys? At least there were a couple of good signs being held up: 'I ran out of witty signs so... Hi Mom!' and 'I hate your canned Peas Bruce' Rushmore and Muscles dominated the bout from beginning to end, which came as no surprise to anyone that has been paying attention. Rushmore laid out Pete with an Atomic Boot and made the pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Towers of Power (Via Pinfall @ 5:32)

Match Rating: D






[The crowd boos heavily as we go backstage showing Bruce The Giant...walking! He picks up a production assistant and tosses him against the wall, knocking him out. Several backstage members are tossed aside by the World Champion. When he gets to the end of the hall, he turns and looks toward the camera.]


Bruce The Giant

"Chris Caulfield, get ready, because I'm gonna destroy you."


[...Bruce pushes into his own private dressing room as we head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DavisWayneNewton.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Enygma


[This was definitely a test match for Davis Wayne Newton to see how good he could look here against the former USPW World Champion. DWN was really off his game tonight but not many people can keep up with Enygma. The Triple Threat actually got in some good shots against his masked opponent in this match, though. He ended up tossing him outside the ring and joining him out there. He set up Enygma on the guardrail and backed up -- Superkick! The kick sent Enygma over the railing and into the first row! DWN raised the three fingers to boos from the crowd. Newton then pointed and laughed toward a sign being held up: 'Enygma got Goozled!'...]


[...Back inside the ring, DWN continued his focus on Enygma and his back in particular. Newton sent Enygma's back hard into the corner and then hooked him for a vertical suplex but then hooked the leg as well but Enygma blocked it! He was able to get his foot down and reversed the suplex to the mat! Enygma went on a tear, focusing on the leg and ankle of Newton. He took Newton to the mat and then went to the top turnbuckle -- top rope legdrop on the back of the leg! That hurt both men but hurt Newton more! Enygma turned and hooked Newton -- Enygma Variation! He has the submission hold on tight and all Newton can do is tap out for an Enygma win.]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 6:02)

Match Rating: C


[...Enygma released the hold shortly afterward and then got his hand raised in victory by referee Baby Jamie. The crowd stirred though as someone stepped from the back...]




[...USPW World Champion Bruce The Giant walked out and made a beeline for the ring as fast as his large legs can bring him there. Enygma watched him from inside the ring. As soon as Bruce began climbing over the top rope, several wrestlers came out to break things up! One of those wrestlers was the Hardcore American Chris Caulfield! Caulfield entered the ring and began throwing punches to Bruce The Giant! Referee Eugene Williams hit the ring and as some semblance of order was restored he called for the bell!]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Non Title

Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


[Caulfield had the obvious early advantage here with the punches he threw to Bruce! The Hardcore American sent Bruce to the ropes and rocked him with a clothesline! He bounced off the ropes himself and hit Bruce with a second clothesline! A third clothesline sent the USPW World Champion over the top rope but he landed on his feet! Caulfield exited the ring quickly, grabbing Bruce and running him toward the steel ring post but Bruce put his hands up to block at the last moment! He sent an elbow shot to the chest of Caulfield and then rammed Caulfield's head into the steel post. Caulfield was definitely seeing stars as he was tossed back in the ring. Bruce followed him in and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout. Outside the ring, the crowd was definitely conflicted within this match with signs like: 'Chris Caulfield is my hero!' and 'Chris Caulfield: A Hardcore Nobody!'...]


[...A few more minutes into the match and Bruce has been in control of the Hardcore American. The crowd has tried in several spots to rally the troops but it has been to no avail. Chris got in a shot here and there but a Giant Headbutt from Bruce sent him right down to the mat. Bruce bounced off the ropes -- legdrop! The move connected and he made a nonchalant cover: 1 -- 2 -- Cradle Reversal by Caulfield: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Caulfield nearly stole one here! Bruce reached down and picked up Caulfield, engaging him in a deep backbreaker, splitting him over his knee! The crowd was booing Bruce but even they could see that the Hardcore American was in a bad way! Bruce released the submission hold after a minute and then picked up Caulfield, sending him off to the ropes. Caulfield ducked a big boot! The crowd cheered! Caulfield came off and a double clothesline sent both men to the mat! The referee began the mandatory ten count as Tyson Baine came down to ringside to boos from the crowd...]


[...Both men made it to their feet around 8 and the punches thrown were a little weaker than the ones thrown at the beginning of the contest. Caulfield managed to duck a punch and get several thrown in at once! The crowd jumped on their feet as Caulfield sent Bruce to the corner! Caulfield followed him in and climbed up, throwing punches! Guess how many? He got the entire ten in and then dropped down with his feet planted on the mat. He swung around behind Bruce and hooked him in a reverse waistlock! Tyson Baine climbed on the apron! This first distracted the referee and then Chris Caulfield, who released Bruce and went after Tyson! Caulfield threw a punch but Tyson dropped off the apron before it could land! Caufield turned back around and Bruce goozled him! The crowd watched as Bruce raised Chris Caulfield in the air -- Giant Choke Slam! Bruce made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 10:03)

Match Rating: C+




[...Tyson Baine rolled into the ring and joined Bruce in putting the boots to the Hardcore American! Baine picked him up and tossed him over the top rope to the outside just as the lights dimmed and spotlights began shining through the crowd...]




[...Baine and Bruce spotted Enygma as the former Champion came running down through the stands and leaped the guardrail, looking to help Caulfield! Behind Enygma, was held a sign: 'Enygma: show stealer/ true king of Vegas.....' Enygma stood over Caulfield and slowly looked down at him for a long moment. Then he was grabbed from over the top rope by Bruce The Giant! Bruce pulled him up over the top rope by the head and into the ring. A Giant Headbutt sent Enygma down hard onto the mat. Tyson Baine stared at Bruce for a moment and then the two raised arms as the show came to a close.]

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Two people got 6/6 this week! Congratulations to Wrestling Century and bgbuff!




1. jhd1=64 Wins

2. Lexa90=62 Wins

3. BHK1978=60 Wins

4. Wrestling Century=56 Wins

5. bgbuff=49 Wins

6. critical-23=43 Wins

7. BYU 14=42 Wins

xopher316=42 Wins

9. TheStroke7=39 Wins

10. Kainlock=37 Wins

11. FlameSnoopy=30 Wins

12. supershot=19 Wins

13. KingOfKings=14 Wins

14. mad5226=13 Wins

Bolton=13 Wins

16. Boltinho=12 Wins

17. Jaded=8 Wins

18. ECW 2.0=7 Wins

19. PoisonedSuperman=6 Wins

20. trypio=5 Wins

Dragonmack=5 Wins

22. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

26. Huntman=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


We are in the final month of the first prediction contest!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 4 March 2010


Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


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