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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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First off the Savage Jobbers win was a fluke!:D


I really should wait until either Lexa or jhd1 pick so that I can just copy them!


Who knows, BHK, maybe I'll turn you around on Savage Fury like I did with Anger! lol. And waiting to copy picks is cheating! j/k


Well BHK, The Jobber Generals are even worse jobbers than the Savage Jobbers. :p


The Generals are learning how to work a USPW style show and gradually I am hoping to raise their popularity within the company.


Great show angeldelayette, I'm really enjoying the Champion-Griffith feud and the tension that Caulfield is causing!


Nicky Champion vs. Bryan Holmes

Having seen Dragonmack's reasoning I've been swayed to a Holmes win. I'm still going for some kind of appearance by Griffith though to keep Nicky strong...


Sorry I've not been providing fun fan signs as of late, I've just been so busy I keep forgetting. That changes here though!


Should have stayed with your initial pick there, jhd1! Glad you're enjoying the Champion-Griffith feud and what I am doing with Caulfield. I hope that I am causing some suspicion as to just who the Fourth Horseman really is. I ran into a rather large snag though which will be discussed soon that is gonna change a lot of my booking plans. Welcome to PPA contracts, right?


been interesting following the masked avatar - Alicia budding romance ( though personally , i think raven is hotter :D ) and good to see you addressing Sam Strong's interest in it also, as it was starting to get a little unreal he hadn't said anything yet till now.


I agree about Sam needing to address the relationship between Avatar and Alicia. I hope I did that well enough. But I can say that things are not as smooth as they may appear on the surface.

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Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


Fun Signs:

Boot to the head!

Peter Valentine broke my heart!

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Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

Caulfield will show a darker side....perhaps a turn?


Fan sign: Enygma: No mystery, just CHAMPION!

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Damn, should've stuck with my instincts! Ah well, great stuff as usual and I'm glad to see Bruce's havok-wreaking antics not being limited to the main roster...watch out camera-man!


Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

Belle's going for the title, April's going to suffer the angeldelayette-debut curse.

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Steve's so far the best challenge for Jones, but I think you'll want some sort of build-up before this title changes hands.

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Valentine is the worst person in the world when he loses, regardless of who he loses to. With that in mind, he'd not even turn up if he was told to job to Idol.

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz

Get Griffith some momentum for Champion vs. Griffith mk2.

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion

After being surprised 'last week' I think Champion will do it again. T-Rex isn't up to much at the moment but Holmes is going to want revenge so I'm pulling for a DQ to Champion. Oh, and I'm now wondering if JG is Horseman number 4, assuming Bruce or Caulfield aren't of course!

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

These two would be the strongest at the moment I feel, and I can see Caulfield making a bit of a mess of things. This match is one of those that I wouldn't be surprised to get wrong though.


Faun Sign: "Steve, tonight it'll be Flash, Bang, and You're Out!" and "Giant Redwood, T-Rex and Peter Valentine should form the best stable ever!"


By the way, how big are the signs I'm holding!? :D

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[...As we neared the date for our next show, I was sitting within my apartment going over some things when I received a phone call. A few moments later, my cell phone was tossed across the room. Luckily, it hit a couch and didn't break but the anger and wide eyes were obvious even with my mask on. I could not believe this was happening. Was Tommy that unhappy with my contacting some of his wrestlers? This is going to signify a major shift in my thinking with a major storyline. I looked over at my cell phone sitting there on the couch and groaned. Sam was not going to be happy about this. Two men who were and are major contributors to this company are going to be leaving to join Tommy and TCW...]


[...My earlier concern with TCW was obviously well-founded as they have made several major signings in the past week. Those signings include Brent Hill and Eddie Howard extending their deals, Fabulous Frank, Frankie Perez, Mikey James, Kashmir Singh, Acid and the two guys they stole from under our noses. I guess I gotta talk to Sam, huh?...]

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Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield



Peter Valentine: The Definition of Blandness!

Champion is bald! Na nah na nah na naa!

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Everyone... Duuh! :p


He'll be headlining TCW in no time :D


I'm guessing James Justice and either Darryl Devine or Bruce have gone. JJ and Bruce are certainly the most likely especially with the 'were and are major contributors' comment.

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It could be Baine or Enygma also.


Enygma begins with a 9 (or possibly 5) year contract I think, so he should at least be safe...


PS When's angeldelayette going to put us out of this unbearable misery! :p

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I'm reminded by the words from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, "Clark its a beaut".


I'm so happy you're still doing USPW, this is your thing dude. Magic.


Better to be Clark than Eddie! lol. But I'm glad you're enjoying it. Your Starrcade was one of the best-written cards I've ever seen and I am just trying to follow in the footsteps of a master.


OoC: Your latest show was great! I was really entertained by it. I was entertained by it so much that I forgot that I was reading and I thought that I was really watching a wrestling show! Keep up the great work! :)


That is one of the best compliments that anyone could ever give me! I truly appreciate that. I hope it's really getting you interested in the Liberty And Justice pay-per-view coming up.


Don't tell me they signed Justice!!!


OR REDWOOD???? :mad::mad::mad:


Who in the heck would want Redwood?:D


Everyone... Duuh! :p


He'll be headlining TCW in no time :D


I'm guessing James Justice and either Darryl Devine or Bruce have gone. JJ and Bruce are certainly the most likely especially with the 'were and are major contributors' comment.


It could be Baine or Enygma also.


Enygma begins with a 9 (or possibly 5) year contract I think, so he should at least be safe...


PS When's angeldelayette going to put us out of this unbearable misery! :p


In a moment of graciousness, I will allow one cat to be taken from the bag of two. TCW has managed to re-sign their former official Eugene Williams. Eugene is a main contributor because he has reffed every main event since I signed him and he was definitely my top official right now in-game. The other remains my little secret and can continue to be speculated on.

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Wow great writeup on the last show, your posts are always very entertaining!!


Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed

See Fan sign


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

I want to go with Flash here but can't see him going over Jones at this stage


Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol

Just experience for the youngster here....of getting thrashed


Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz


T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion


Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

Enygma makes this a tough call, but Bruce is such a beast I see him going over on Caulfield


Fan signs

April you're Apple Sauce!


Steve Flash is Jonesing for a Title

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This may be a little while longer than I thought. I got down to the last three segments and my IE decided to get an error and close down so I lost all of my hard work and basically have to start from the beginning again for the show.


That sucks. I remember when I was writing a show for my short-lived TEW2008 CZCW dynasty and right when I finished writing the show,I got logged off of GDS and I lost everything! It made me so frustrated that I wanted to chuck my computer out the window! Also, I think that it was in that thread that I got the advice that I should type it up in word first, so let me pass that advice along! :)

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 March 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 3,883

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.24

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: In a match that had some good action and average heat, Bryan Holmes defeated The Force in 5:52 by pinfall with a Final Impact...C




[The show opens up with the crowd on their feet! Cheers and a 'USPW' chant erupt throughout the Huntsville Fairgrounds and the lights dim. Multiple spotlights shine throughout the arena and then focus on one single target: the former USPW World Champion Enygma! Enygma, as usual, is standing beside a sign. This one reads: 'Enygma: No mystery, just CHAMPION!' The masked wrestler walks through the crowd and down to the ring. He slides inside where he is handed a microphone...]



"The first thing that I want to do is call out my tag team partner for tonight: The Hardcore American Chris Caulfield! Chris, I'm waiting for you."


[it takes a moment but the hardcore beats of Chris Caulfield's music begins to play...]




[...and out comes the Hardcore American! He is getting a slight mixture of boos and cheers as he walks down to the ring. He slides inside with a microphone in his hand, walking right up to Enygma...]


Chris Caulfield

"I'm here partner. You and I have a match we should be talking about in private tonight."



"I haven't seen you since last week, Chris. Last week, when we both got laid out by Tyson Baine and Bruce The Giant. Our opponents tonight."


Chris Caulfield

"Tonight is a different night, Enygma. Tonight, you and I are gonna step into this ring as partners and at the end of the night we are gonna have our hands raised in victory. Then this Saturday night, I am going to beat Tyson Baine to within an inch of his life and you, well, you are gonna win back the USPW World Title! But when you do that, I want your word that I will get the very first title shot."


[Enygma looked to Chris for a moment and shook his head.]



"Let's just focus on tonight, Chris."


[...Enygma exited the ring, leaving Chris there for a moment before the Hardcore American followed.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AprilAppleseed.jpg

Belle Bryden vs. April Appleseed


[The opening match wasn't entirely anything to talk about. Belle's warmup here for her USPW Women's Title match this Saturday night at Liberty And Justice! Bryden focused on the knee of April Appleseed, which hindered her in trying to make her comeback. Bryden rammed the knee of Appleseed against the steel ring post and then dragged her back to the center of the ring locking in the Blonde Ambition, Bryden's version of a Figure Four Leglock. Appleseed had no choice but to give up quickly just like the sign says: 'April you're Apple Sauce!'.]


Winner: Belle Bryden (Via Submission @ 5:43)

Match Rating: D+




[The big video screen lights up to show the backstage area. The interview area is filled with the slight frame of James Hernandez and he has a microphone...]


James Hernandez

"Darryl Devine, I am not a fool. I knew from the first day that I stepped foot here in USPW, that very first day that I signed a contract here that you would be up in my face. The fact of the matter is that you don't deserve Seduction. You're not good enough for her or to her. After our match on Saturday when I pin your shoulders to the mat, you're gonna have to watch as Seduction chooses to go Mainstream."


[...Hernandez lowers his shades and raises an eyebrow before the video feed cuts to another video.]




[The Des Davids video is not too much different from the ones that have been playing over a short period of time. It focuses on his workout but this time it lets fans know that he will be making his return to USPW in just one week!]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash


[The crowd here within the Huntsville Fairgrounds were treated to some solid in-ring action here though neither of the competitors had too much of a following and that hurt the attention of the crowd. Jones focused on the neck area of Flash. He threw in a few hard elbows to the back of the neck and then dropped Flash with a DDT! He rolled him over and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout. The camera focused in on a sign outside the ring: 'Steve Flash is Jonesing for a Title'...]


[...Jones continued on the attack, using a few restholds that ended in a reverse chinlock. Flash managed to get to his feet and elbow his way out. Katie Cameron got the crowd on his side as Flash hit a picture perfect dropkick on the television champion! Flash continued on a roll for several minutes until the arrival of the National Champion: Peter Valentine. Flash was on a roll and calling for the Flash Bang until Valentine raised his hand to Katie Cameron and this got the attention of Steve Flash. As the camera showed outside with Valentine and Cameron, it caught sight of a sign: 'Steve, tonight it'll be Flash, Bang, and You're Out!' that was almost a foreshadowing. Flash turned to put a stop to it and got turned around by Andre Jones. Jones with a kick to the gut and he pulls Flash in -- Blast From The Past! Jones makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 8:09)

Match Rating: D+




[...Valentine entered the ring quickly as Andre Jones went to grab his belt. Valentine put the boots to Flash as Katie Cameron slid inside the ring, covering her man! Valentine raised a boot as though he was going to hit Katie but instead lowered it back to the mat and let Katie drag Flash out of the ring. Valentine looked to the referee and then to the entrance ramp, motioning for his opponent tonight to come out.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeterValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrendanIdol.jpg

Non Title

Peter Valentine vs. Brendan Idol


[brendan Idol came walking down to the ring for this non title affair against the National Champion. Valentine went on the attack as soon as Idol entered the ring and didn't let up for a little over five minutes. The best part of the match was obviously the signs: 'Peter Valentine: The Definition of Blandness!' and 'Peter Valentine broke my heart!' Valentine's obvious focus was on the shoulder of Idol. Outside the ring, he made sure to run the shoulder into the ring post. Back inside the ring, Valentine lifted Idol -- Heart Breaker! The pinfall was academic: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Peter Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 5:04)

Match Rating: D-




[The crowd boos even further as USPW resident manager Carl Batch steps out from the back. He passes Peter Valentine on the way to the ring without a word spoken but a look given between the two. Batch steps inside the ring and he has a microphone...]


Carl Batch

"Playas, Playas, Playas! We are just a few days away from Liberty And Justice where we are gonna see Tyson Baine absolutely destroy Chris Caulfield in a hardcore match. Speaking of the 'Hardcore American,' I have come out here to give him an opportunity. Chris, as you can see, I am all alone here. So come on down and let's talk, playa."


[...It takes a few minutes for the hardcore music of Chris Caulfield to begin to play...]




[...But the Hardcore American comes walking out to a huge ovation! Chris pauses at the top of the ramp, soaking in the cheers. The pause turning out to be his downfall as the CLANG of a metal chair hitting the back of his head sends him face-first down to the floor...]




[...Two members of the Four Horsemen: Tyson Baine and T-Rex stand over him as Carl motions for them to bring him to the ring. Baine lifted his legs and T-Rex grabbed his head and they carried the Hardcore American down to the ring. He began to move his fingers slightly when they rolled him in the ring. The Titans entered and Carl motioned to Caulfield. T-Rex picked him up and Caulfield began throwing punches! He took down T-Rex with a punch but took a hard shot from behind by Baine! T-Rex grabbed a chair and moved it into the ring while Baine grabbed Caulfield by the throat -- Hades Bomb on the chair! Caulfield's head bounced on the chair and as he turned slightly it can be seen that the back of his head is busted open and his hair is matted slightly with blood! Carl smiled as he looked down at Caulfield and then motioned again. T-Rex began throwing punches and busted open the front of Caulfield's head! Baine and T-Rex took turns kicking the chest of Caulfield until security finally came down to break things up. T-Rex laughed as he looked out to a sign at ringside: 'Giant Redwood, T-Rex and Peter Valentine should form the best stable ever!'. The question the announcers pose is: where is Enygma???]




[The big video screen lights up to show Nicky Champion backstage. Nicky is pacing inside the locker room and then slams his fist against the locker, showing a very conflicted look upon his face. He exits the locker room and walks down the hallway where he sees Chris being carried to the back and though Chris is unconcious Nicky just looks down to him and sighs...]


Nicky Champion

"I'm sorry."


[...And that is all he says as Chris is carried into his own locker room and we head back to the ring...]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackGriffith.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RafaelRuiz.jpg

Jack Griffith vs. Rafael Ruiz


[Another match that was much like the Jones/Flash match. It was solid inside the ring but the fans could easily guess the outcome of this match. Griffith was dominant against Ruiz, showing his wrestling ability against the Mexican Pit Bull. Griffith showed some power as he muscled Ruiz up and landed a Power Bomb! Then he lifted Ruiz again and nailed him with the Jack-in-The Box before making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Jack Griffith (Via Pinfall @ 8:09)

Match Rating: D


[As Ruiz left the ring defeated, Griffith was handed a microphone. Before Griffith began to speak, he moved his fingers slowly through his hair...]


Jack Griffith

"How does it feel, Nicky? How does it feel to know that you let each and every one of your fans down? How does it feel to know that I still have my hair and you are bald? You see, Nicky, you are a member of the young and the useless generation. At Red, White And Blue Southern Justice was serve when I shaved your head. This Saturday at Liberty And Justice! I am gonna make sure that justice is served for the second time when I pin you to the mat: 1 -- 2 -- 3 and earn my respect!"


[...Jack drops the microphone and exits the ring looking angry as always...]




[The big video screen lights up to show the USPW World Tag Team Champions...walking! They pause at a table and Danny picks up a bottle of water. He opens it and the contents spill when he and Mick are attacked from behind...]




[...The wild savages known as Savage Fury hit Rushmore and Muscles with forearms and headbutts! The crowd appreciates the dose of their own medicine but the Towers manage to escape with their belts though they are being chased down by Savage Fury! There will be nowhere to run on Saturday though!]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion_jhd.jpg

T-Rex vs. Nicky Champion


[Our semi main event was a good match but the only issue the fans had with it was that it was too short. There wasn't enough time for either man to show the fans a great offensive burst. With help from Carl Batch, T-Rex took control early in the match and focused his attack on the shoulders and upper back of Nicky Champion. The Jurassic Power was in control and went for the Jurassic Crush but Nicky elbowed his way out and the cameras caught focus on a sign at ringside: 'Champion is bald! Na nah na nah na naa!'...]


[...Nicky began firing back on the Four Horsemen member as Carl Batch tried to yell instructions from ringside! Nicky sent T-Rex into the corner and climbed up, firing right hands as Jack Griffith came down to ringside. Nicky dropped down, seeing Griffith at ringside and swiped a hand out to grab him but Griffith stepped back just out of the way! T-Rex came from behind Nicky but Nicky turned and ducked a clothesline! Nicky raised his arm -- Hawkeye Hammer -- ducked -- Jurassic Crush! T-Rex hooked in the raised Full Nelson and began swinging Nicky back and forth! Nicky lasted nearly a full minute before he had to give up!]


Winner: T-Rex (Via Submission @ 5:20)

Match Rating: C-




[...Jack Griffith slid in the ring as T-Rex threw Nicky to the ground. T-Rex nodded to Griffith and Southern Justice mounted Nicky, throwing punches! T-Rex and Carl Batch left ringside as Griffith hooked Nicky for his finisher -- reversed into a DDT! Nicky began throwing punches to Griffith and security came running out to seperate these two!]




[As security was dealing with things in the ring, the big video screen lit up to show the interview area and USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson...]


Raven Robinson

"Just a few more days until I have to defend my USPW Women's title against Belle Bryden. Belle, you're a tough competitor. Anyone can see that. I have a lot of respect for you when you step inside the ring but there is a reason why I hold the belt. Holding this title means I am the best at what I do for a living. And I defend this belt for each and every fan out there. At Liberty And Justice, you are gonna find out why I deserve this title."


[...Raven held the belt up to the camera and we head to the ring for our main event...]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


[And what a main event we have lined up for you! Carl Batch led USPW World Champion Bruce The Giant and Four Horsemen member Tyson Baine to the ring and then Enygma made his presence known but there was no Chris Caulfield. Remember, the Hardcore American had to be carried to the back earlier on after that attack by Tyson Baine and T-Rex. Enygma hit the ring and started off fast against both Bruce and Tyson with punches and clotheslines! He sent Bruce over the top rope with a clothesline and the Champ landed on his feet but Enygma turned back to Baine. He tripped Baine with a double leg and began throwing punches! The crowd really got into it! Enygma pulled Baine up and sent him into a neutral corner, following in with a clothesline! Baine staggered forward and fell to the mat as Enygma climbed the turnbuckles -- big splash connects! The crowd goes wild and Enygma grabs the ankle of Baine! He's setting up the Enygma Variation -- clothesline by Bruce The Giant! The crowd boos as Enygma hits the mat hard and Bruce sneers at him as he is ushered back to the corner...]


[...The next few minutes were spent with Bruce and Tyson in complete control over Enygma. The tags in and out were made quickly so that neither of them wore down in beating down Enygma. Tyson pointed to a sign: 'Boot to the head!' and then sent Enygma into the ropes -- boot to the head! Baine grabbed Enygma by the throat -- Hades Bomb! His finisher connected but Bruce tagged himself in before Tyson could make the cover! Tyson glared at Bruce for a moment as the USPW World Champion stepped in over the top rope. Bruce dropped an elbow hard into the chest of Enygma and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Bruce pulls Enygma up by the mask. Guess he's not threw with him yet. Bruce lines Enygma up with the corner and a hard forearm smash sends the number one contender into the corner with only the turnbuckle and ropes keeping him standing. Bruce grabs Enygma and moves him up on the turnbuckle and then begins to climb. The crowd begins to stand as Bruce sets up Enygma for a Superplex but Enygma begins firing back! He throws punches to the chest of Bruce The Giant and both men go crashing down to the mat! The crowd turns toward the ramp where....Chris Caulfield is there! Chris is moving down toward the ring, staggering is more the term, but he's here! Chris moves into the corner all bandaged up but he starts getting the crowd behind Enygma! He reaches for a tag, wanting in as Bruce stretches and tags in Tyson Baine! Tyson grabs Enygma but Enygma manages to move between his legs and the tag is made!...]


[...The crowd goes wild as The Hardcore American comes in and begins throwing punches! He hits Baine! He hits Bruce! Carl Batch gets on the apron and he takes a shot! Caulfield turns to Baine -- savate kick! Baine turns around and then falls to the mat! Caulfield is excited as he pulls Baine up. He whips Baine into the corner but the referee is in that corner! Caulfield follows in with a clothesline that bangs Baine's head with the official's and both men fall to the mat. Caulfied pulls up Baine and hooks him -- Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover, hooking the leg but there is no referee! Caulfield could have gotten a 20 count here! Caulfield gets to his feet and moves to check on the official. He tries to revive him but Bruce The Giant catches The Hardcore American with a clothesline that sends him out of the ring! But, wait, Enygma is perched on that top turnbuckle! He looks toward Bruce and leaps -- goozled! Bruce caught Enygma with a hand around his throat -- Giant Choke Slam! Bruce grabs the referee and pulls him over as he covers Enygma. Neither man is legal but the referee sees only a pinfall and begins to count: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 9:33)

Match Rating: B-


[...The crowd boos heavily as Bruce and Tyson are announced as the winners! Tyson is still down after the Danger Drop and Bruce grabs his belt, walking up the aisle. Chris Caulfield checks his forehead and feels blood. He has been busted open again tonight. His eyes go wide as he looks inside the ring, seeing Carl Batch checking on Tyson Baine. Caulfield enters the ring and grabs Batch! Batch's eyes go wide as Caulfield hooks him -- Danger Drop! Caulfield just caught Carl Batch with his finisher! Caulfield exits the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in! He begins to slam the chair on Batch anywhere he can hit and Batch starts to twitch slightly in the ring! Caulfield has lost it here, folks!...]


[...T-Rex enters the ring to make the save but he takes a chair shot! Then a second one for good measure! Bryan Holmes slides inside and HE takes a chair shot! Caulfield then turns his attention back to Carl Batch as he drops the dented chair. He hooks Batch one more time -- Danger Drop on the chair! We are gonna need a stretcher for this manager. His career might just be over! We are out of time, though! We'll see you at Liberty And Justice!]

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Three people got 6/6 this week! Congratulations to Bigpapa42, Lexa90 and bgbuff!




1. jhd1=69 Wins

2. Lexa90=68 Wins

3. BHK1978=64 Wins

4. Wrestling Century=61 Wins

5. bgbuff=55 Wins

6. BYU 14=47 Wins

7. xopher316=45 Wins

8. critical-23=43 Wins

9. TheStroke7=39 Wins

10. Kainlock=37 Wins

11. FlameSnoopy=30 Wins

12. supershot=19 Wins

13. KingOfKings=14 Wins

14. mad5226=13 Wins

Bolton=13 Wins

16. Boltinho=12 Wins

17. Jaded=8 Wins

Dragonmack=8 Wins

19. ECW 2.0=7 Wins

20. PoisonedSuperman=6 Wins

Bigpapa42=6 Wins

22. trypio=5 Wins

23. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

27. Huntman=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


We are coming to the final card of this first prediction contest with a very tight race between the two front-runners!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Saturday Week 4 March 2010


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

Nicky Champion vs. Jack Griffith

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Hardcore Match: Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

Plus for one additional bonus point, Guess the identity of The Fourth Horsemen:


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USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Hardcore Match: Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

Plus for one additional bonus point, Guess the identity of The Fourth Horsemen: James Justice



Tyson Baine: The wrestler who deserve the USPW World Title the most!

Bruce The Giant will never tap to Enygma!

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