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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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Guest cmdrsam
Welcome back Angel. Hope all is well after the Stones. Even though I do not post regular, I have been following your posts and enjoying it.
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Des is back! Need I say it again? Fantastic show as always!


The Titans and Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield and Performance Class

Performance Class aren't at the same level as The Titans hence the pick...

Ted Brady vs. Captain USA

Can't see what USA winning would do for you so I'm going for Brady, even if I find his render a bit scary.

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Des Davids

Tough one because although I don't see Jones dropping the title, it would make sense for Davids to get his return off on a high note. DQ win.

The Ring Generals vs. Savage Fury

The Fury are the most likely candidates for tag team challengers.

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Nicky Champion

Title, non-title it doesn't matter...Bruce ain't going to lose!

James Justice vs. Enygma

Can't pick a winner so I'm not going to. No contest, all-out chaos, another happy ending for USPW!


Fan Signs Go Here: In a rush so I'll fill these in tomorrow...

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First of all, thanks to everyone for the predictions and comments and especially for those words about my 'illness.' You have no idea how much this means to me from my GDS Family.


I figured here I would give an update on that. I was scheduled for surgery yesterday to have the stones removed, or one of them in particular which was the largest of the group. Without going into too much detail here, I passed the stone on Wednesday night along with several others. I went in for the surgery on Thursday and was told that the surgery was no longer necessary and I am down to just two stones, one on either side. But they are small enough and in such a position that they aren't doing me any harm or causing me any pain. So that is the story right now. Other than being a little tired from all the 'excitement,' I am doing extremely well. So, basically, this is a note to say that I should be back to full speed here within the next day or so, so be ready for some ooc posts here catching up on things within the next few days.

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First off glad you are doing better, I hear Kidney stones are the male version of giving birth, definitely feel for you.


The Titans and Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield and Performance Class

Ted Brady vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Des Davids

The Ring Generals vs. Savage Fury

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Enygma

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[...Thanks for the well-wishes everyone! I truly, truly, truly appreciate them...]



Week 3 April 2010...




[...Things had been a little eratic here in USPW since my injury and recovery with the kidney stone. Certain things in hindsight did not make sense and others should have or could have been done differently. But now I am back to one hundred percent, as shown by my match with Nicky Champion, which I thought was a decent match considering my lack of popularity and name out there. Rumor has it that tomorrow Elijah Harris is going to announce his retirement from wrestling. He was a good wrestler back within his prime, having held the SCCW Championship. But the Soul Man hasn't worked anywhere this entire year and he's not getting any younger...]


[...I am beginning to wonder if I am opening too many storylines at once. As I sit down behind my desk at my apartment, I see that I have more storylines going than I have room to talk about them on the card. The Four Horsemen storyline is definitely our main story and should get a lot of time on-screen. This leaves less time for others, including the Anger and Spite story that just got started. Following the next pay-per-view, I am really going to be looking at both my storylines and my workers and making some true evaluations here on what I have the time to focus on and what needs to be finished or dropped entirely. I haven't been able to use my working agreement with AAA the way that I wanted to yet and the women's division is what we have over SWF and TCW. It is unique to our product. Looking at the time, I have just enough time to work on the show before Alicia is coming over. Things are looking up when it comes to her and I am having some serious thoughts about letting her see what is underneath the mask...]

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:eek: Hey ohhh! Let's keep it rated G! Seriously though, glad to hear you're feeling better. Enjoying the work.


Thanks a lot for the comment. Really appreciate it.




Week 4 April 2010...




[...The big news coming out of the weekend is that Kyle Rhodes, the long-time TCW Colour Commentator has left that company due to a fight with Tommy Cornell over his time at the booth. He had not been working the booth for Total Wrestling for the past few weeks and when he confronted Tommy about it a fight broke out apparantly. At least that's what the word on the street is. Jasmine Saunders has stepped in to his place. Word also went out that Dan Stone, Jr. has moved to a more pay-per-appearance contract with North of the Border. I sent some feelers up to Canada to have a talk with him but he let me know that he is still wanting to focus on his career up there which is fine...]


[...Since the loss of Eugene Williams to TCW, Baby Jamie has been working as our senior official. However, we are in the works of bringing in someone new to become our new head of officials, that of Jez McArthuer. It is slightly surprising that he has not been taken from the indy scene just yet but he will definitely be a help to our main event matches. I am also looking at speaking to representatives from several other wrestling promotions around the world to get perhaps a talent trade going with them. There are several promotions out there where I think we could benefit from some of their talent, as well as being able to send some of our underused talent off to continue to work somewhere despite not being used here in USPW...]


[...My relationship with Alicia Strong is definitely continuing. We spent the entire weekend together last weekend. She beat me at mini golf but I beat her at bowling so we're even on sporting events. I even seem to be getting along with Sam Strong better than I have been in the past. He seems to be listening to me a whole lot more, which I do appreciate. I also intend to bring in some more MAW wrestlers for tryouts here during dark matches and squash matches. That should help Sam's relationship with Rip Chord remain strong...]


[...TV is coming soon. Just a couple of more days and the show will be up and running once again and then the pay-per-view this weekend. I am looking forward especially to the main event match between Bruce The Giant and Enygma. Final decisions on the winner of that match have not been made yet...]

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Bruce The Giant and Enygma. Final decisions on the winner of that match have not been made yet...][/i][/font][/center]


This! I smell Enygma winning because Bruce refused to sign a new contract... You heard it here first :D

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This! I smell Enygma winning because Bruce refused to sign a new contract... You heard it here first :D


I know. I can't possibly see Enygma losing his mask. Also, whenever I play as USPW, I can never get Tyson Baine to resign. Ever. I don't know why. Maybe he just hates me! :p Anyways, excellent work as always, angeldelayette!

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The Titans and Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield and Performance Class

Ted Brady vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones] defends vs. Des Davids

The Ring Generals vs. Savage Fury

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Enygma

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This! I smell Enygma winning because Bruce refused to sign a new contract... You heard it here first :D


I know. I can't possibly see Enygma losing his mask. Also, whenever I play as USPW, I can never get Tyson Baine to resign. Ever. I don't know why. Maybe he just hates me! :p Anyways, excellent work as always, angeldelayette!


Not gonna reveal anything through these rumours, of course. But suffice to say that Bruce is under contract at least through Freedom Fight!. ;)



Week 4 April 2010...




[...Sitting at the North Carolina Biker Museum in the small room that has come to be my office. Sam Strong will be coming to join me soon as the wrestlers work out their matches within their locker room. Last night, Jez McArthuer finalized his contract with us and he is in the building tonight. He will be one of our top officials here with us for the foreseeable future, including refereeing our main event this evening. I was only slightly surprised when a more curvaceous figure stepped into the doorway...]




[...Alicia Strong stepped into the room and closed the door. She slipped over and we exchanged a kiss and some pleasantries before she got down to business...]


Alicia Strong

"So you've got me in the pre-show doing the t-shirt thing again, huh?"


The Masked Avatar

"Yeah, I figure it's better to keep your face out there somehow. Besides, the fans really seem to take to it when you're shooting them t-shirts of their favorite USPW wrestlers."


Alicia Strong

"Yeah but when am I gonna step inside the ring again?"


The Masked Avatar

"Soon, Alicia. I've got big plans and you know that."


[...I listened to her giggle and she gave me another kiss...]


Alicia Strong

"Just make sure that those big plans come soon."


[...I nodded and she rose to her feet. We exchanged goodbyes and she soon left and I released a happy little sigh. Yeah I was definitely falling head over heels for her. I can only hope that she feels the same. My eyes raised to another person standing within the door...]




[...Peter Valentine was standing there with the National title around his waist and a sneer on his lips. He stepped inside and took a seat across from me...]


Peter Valentine

"What do you mean I don't have a match at the pay-per-view?"


The Masked Avatar

"Each title aside from the main event title has been bumped at times from the pay-per-view telecasts. It just makes sense not to overload the pay-per-view with title matches."


Peter Valentine

"I don't like it, Avatar. I'm 47 years old. I'm not even sure how many more pay-per-views I have left in me. You better make sure that I'm featured in some way on the pay-per-view though. Otherwise, I will be talking to Sam about your job."


[...I wasn't about to be intimidated by Valentine, despite his friendship with Sam Strong...]


The Masked Avatar

"I am going to follow my plans for the event, Peter. If you don't like it, then you can consider yourself dismissed. If you do plan on staying though you better go get ready because you're working a dark match tonight against Rafael."


[...Peter got up in a huff and left and I just knew he'd go talk to Sam. But Sam trusts me to run this company and as long as that trust is still there I'm going to do my best to take this company right to the top. What else could occur tonight?...]

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You have Rafael under contract?


I am going to be interested in seeing what you do with him. Because I never have a clue.


Rafael Ruiz is indeed under a pay-per-appearance contract. He has yet to win a match here in the 5 matches that he has had. He was signed when I was looking for guys to basically be Jobbers and make my less-talented stars look good. Someone with that kind of psychology though may end up rising to the top. Talent always rises to the top, right? His popularity has not moved even in the five losses that he has here.

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See, i would have called Valentines bluff and said


" Sure Peter, why don't we go talk to Sam about my job? And in the meantime, we can also discuss YOUR job. Like how you continually underperform in matches. Like how you can't go more than 5 minutes without blowing up. like how you've been in this business for 20 years and still dont know how to sell or tell a story in the ring!" :D

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See, i would have called Valentines bluff and said


" Sure Peter, why don't we go talk to Sam about my job? And in the meantime, we can also discuss YOUR job. Like how you continually underperform in matches. Like how you can't go more than 5 minutes without blowing up. like how you've been in this business for 20 years and still dont know how to sell or tell a story in the ring!" :D


That would be an interesting battle backstage between the man dating Sam's daughter and Sam's best friend as far as where Sam Strong comes down on.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 April 2010

Location: North Carolina Biker Museum (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 2,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.36

Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole.

I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


Pre Show: Raven Robinson cuts a promo hyping up her upcoming match with Belle Bryden...C


Pre Show: In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Peter Valentine defeated Rafael Ruiz in 6:52 by pinfall with a Heart Breaker...D-


Pre Show: Belle Bryden cuts a promo hyping up her upcoming match with Raven Robinson...C


Pre Show: Alicia Strong comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C-




[The show opens within the Biker Museum here in North Carolina to a sold-out crowd! The crowd rise on their feet all mugging for the camera as it passes by, panning over from one side to another. A sign is picked up on: 'The end is nigh....' and that sign is right because we are only a few days away from Freedom Fight! live and only on pay-per-view! Boos fill the arena as the clamping of hooves upon the ground signals the entrance of at least one man...]




[...The leader of the Four Horsemen: James Justice walks out and the boos only get louder. James just gives an arrogant smirk as he walks down the aisle, stepping inside the ring with a microphone in hand...]


James Justice

"First of all, I want each and every one of you to shut up and sit down because I've got something to get off my chest."


[...To no one's surprise, the boos only get louder as James tries to tell the audience what to do...]


James Justice

"That's what I thought. Each and every one of you are so easy to manipulate and hold in my hand, just like Chris Caulfield. The so-called Hardcore American as he likes to go by fell right into my trap. He thought I was on his side and look at what happened: I squashed him like a mouse caught in that trap. Now he is just slowly wiggling while I watch him tortured and this Saturday night at Freedom Fight, The Titans are gonna put him out of his..."


[...James is cut off by some familiar music. The crowd rise on their feet in cheers when a figure steps out from the back...]




[...The Hardcore American pauses at the top of the ramp, soaking in the cheers from the crowd. Then he turns his attention to the ring and begins running toward it! He slides inside the ring and the brawl is on! Chris and James exchange punches in the center of the ring! Chris ducks a punch, spinning Justice around and Caulfield drops him with an atomic drop! Justice goes staggering toward the ropes and Caulfield tosses him over the top rope to cheers from the crowd! Caulfield turns to look as the rest of the Four Horsemen come running down to ringside. The Horsemen surround the ring but running past them into the ring is Performance Class and Katie Cameron! It looks like it's time for the opening match...]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_jhd2.jpg


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RobertOxford.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg

The Titans and Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield and Performance Class


[Your standard six man tag team encounter to open the show here on American Wrestling. Caulfield and Steve Flash started strong on Holmes and T-Rex. Robert Oxford was tagged in and he got caught by Tyson Baine. Oxford was brought into the corner of the Four Horsemen and double and even triple teamed at times. Baine got the attention of Chris Caulfield and Caulfield came in but was immediately grabbed by referee Baby Jamie. During this time, James Justice threw several punches from outside the ring to Robert Oxford. The crowd really booed this but the referee never saw anything. T-Rex was tagged in and he grabbed Robert Oxford -- Jurassic Crush! The swinging full nelson was put on and Oxford began fighting it! Steve Flash climbed to the top turnbuckle -- missle dropkick broke the hold!...]


[...But while the referee had brought Flash out of the ring, T-Rex tagged out to Tyson Baine. Oxford got to his knees and threw a punch to the gut of Baine! Oxford fought to his feet and suddenly grabbed Baine -- belly to belly suplex! What a move out of nowhere! Both men lie on the mat and then began crawling toward their corners. Baine tagged in Holmes and Oxford tagged in the Hardcore American! Chris Caulfield entered the ring and clotheslined down Holmes! He threw punches to Baine and T-Rex! He turned back to Holmes -- russian leg sweep! The crowd gets pumped as Performance Class enters and fights with The Titans! That fight exits the ring and Caulfield grabs Holmes -- Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Chris Caulfield and Performance Class (Via Pinfall @ 5:30)

Match Rating: C




[...As the bell sounded, James Justice entered the ring and began fighting with Caulfield! The two men exchanged punches like they did earlier with the same result! Caulfield grabbed Justice, setting him up for the Danger Drop -- Clothesline by Bryan Holmes! The crowd boos as Justice turns and grabs Caulfield -- Liberation Slam! The Titans enter the ring after dispatching Performance Class outside the ring. The boos grow louder as all four men stomp on Caulfield. Then another figure comes running down...]




[...Enygma hits the ring and throws punches around on the Four Horsemen! Justice tugs The Titans back from the action and he motions for everyone to exit, staring down Enygma. It will be James Justice versus Enygma later on tonight.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TedBrady.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg

Ted Brady vs. Captain USA


[The crowd really didn't care for this match at all despite the in-ring debut of Ted Brady. At least this was a pretty short match and there was one fan looking forward to seeing Brady with his sign reading: 'I am Ted Brady's #1 fan! I am also his only fan...'. Brady dominated the bout, much to no one's surprise. He dropped USA with a Superkick and then made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ted Brady (Via Pinfall @ 4:09)

Match Rating: E


[...Brady got to his feet following the victory and put a few boots to Captain USA. He shook his head and shoved USA out of the ring before turning his eyes to the top of the ramp where a lone figure stood...]




[...Nicky stared down Ted Brady from the top of the ramp with a stoic look and then he smiled as he motioned toward the back. As another figure joined Nicky, the crowd popped...]




[...It's USPW Owner Sam Strong! Sam also has a microphone...]


Sam Strong

"First of all, welcome to USPW, Ted. You're about to get a very big welcome here to the company, brother. This Saturday night, you are going to step inside the ring and go one on one with the man standing to my right: Nicky Champion. Jack Griffith, if you think about getting involved in the match this Saturday night you're gonna have a big brick wall to get through. Why? Because I am going to be in Nicky's corner, brother! I will make sure that this match is one on one. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the show!"


[...Ted does not look happy about that inside the ring, shaking the ropes and stomping his feet. But it's set down by the Owner! Now, it's time to go to the big video screen.]




[...The big video screen lit up to show the interview area backstage. Two figures were standing back there...]




[...Seduction and Darryl Devine looked pretty seriously into the cameras. Well, Darryl moreso than Seduction...]


Darryl Devine

"Saturday night is alright for fighting. This Saturday night will be even better for bleeding. I get to put my hands back on that punk James Hernandez, who came here for one reason: my Seduction. Granted she is a wonderful catch but she is also mine. Andre Jones, you're gonna be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't touch what's mine and you and I will see eye to eye."


[...Darryl pulls Seduction in close and tight to him and she looks a little bit less than thrilled to be there. But she flashes a smile for the camera as we head back to the ring...]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DesDavids.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Des Davids


[A pretty short match here for the USPW Television Title. Davids dominated the early-going, getting the crowd behind him. Then out came Queen Emily followed by the Problem Solvers! The crowd booed the threesome as they walked all the way down to the ringside area, distracting Davids enough for him to lose the advantage. Emily had the referee distracted, enabling Redwood to hit a big headbutt on Davids! Davids staggered around and Jones kicked him in the gut -- Blast From The Past Piledriver! As Jones made the cover, a fan sign was picked up on: 'Dre can't be stoppped!!!': 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 3:51)

Match Rating: D




[...Queen Emily instructs her Problem Solvers into the ring as Andre leaves with his belt. Giant Redwood hits the Standing Splash on Davids! The crowd begins to chant: 'Datsun, Datsun, Datsun!' The Big Problem hits a splash on Davids as well before a figure comes running from the back...]




[...The American Everyman slides into the ring and rakes the face of Redwood! He throws a punch to The Big Problem! He stops short of punching Queen Emily, though! Emily gets her men out of there and Datsun stands tall to cheers from the crowd!]




[...The big video screen lights up to show the interview area backstage...]




[...This time it's Shane Sneer and the USPW World Tag Team Champions: The Towers of Power. Sneer is standing to the front and center of his two men...]


Shane Sneer

"We are just a few days away from the last title shot that those two rejects from the Sneer Corporation are ever gonna have. Personally, I think it's a set up that they are even getting another shot at my Champions. I think Sam Strong has a grudge against the Sneer Corporation. But I have Danny Rushmore back here to my left and Mick Muscles back here to my right: The Towers of Power and USPW World Tag Team Champions. These two men are going to be the Champs for as long as they want to be and no two samoans are gonna change that fact. Saturday night will prove that fact and then we'll move on to the next loser challengers."


[...Shane looks around and we head back to the ring...]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MarvStatler.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DeanWaldorf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Java.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TribalWarrior.jpg

The Ring Generals vs. Savage Fury


[The Ring Generals surveyed their more wild opponents from their side of the ring as Savage Fury stared them down with tribal aggression. Waldorf started with Java and tried to use his general wrestling accumen on the samoan but Java was having none of it. An attempted single leg takedown was met with a headbutt. Waldorf was tossed back in his corner where he tagged out to Statler. Statler came in quickly and was caught with a snap powerslam! Java tagged out to Tribal Warrior and they sent Statler into a corner. Java whipped Warrior into that corner and he squished Statler with a corner clothesline! Warrior continued a little dominance before tagging out. Java came back in and he nailed Statler with the Greetings From The Island! Java made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Savage Fury (Via Pinfall @ 5:16)

Match Rating: D-


[...Tribal Warrior joined his partner in the ring but both were taken forward from behind...]




[...The Towers had hit the ring with belts in hand and given them shots to the back! Tribal Warrior was tossed out of the ring and Java was focused in on by the Towers' double teams! Muscles sent Java into a powerslam by Rushmore! Rushmore got up and showed his strength by lifting Java on his shoulders! Muscles moved to get to the top turnbuckle when Tribal Warrior came back in! Rushmore dropped Java and left the ring with his partner quickly and Shane Sneer yelling from behind the two of them. Warrior checked on his partner as the crowd screamed at Sneer and the Champs while they walked up the aisle.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion_jhd.jpg

Non Title

Bruce The Giant vs. Nicky Champion


[Our semi main event here tonight and it's a matchup that a lot of fans have been wanting to see. The match got great heat and had good action though there was a definite lack of selling throughout the encounter. The USPW Champion showed his dominance early on by being the unmovable monster that he is against any opponent. He fell Nicky with a headbutt and then tossed him outside the ring. Nicky pushed his way to his feet and re-entered the ring, throwing some forearm shots to the chest of Bruce! Nicky got the crowd fired up by hitting a dropkick! Bruce staggered some but didn't leave his feet. Nicky hit another dropkick and then moved to the top turnbuckle -- missle dropkick! It connected and the USPW World Champion fell to the mat! Nicky made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- BIG KICKOUT!...]


[...The kickout sent Nicky out of the ring and to the floor! As the cameras focused in on Nicky, they caught sight of a sign in the crowd: 'Nicky Champion, Bad and Bald!' The referee checked on Bruce and this gave time for Jack Griffith to come in over the railing and grab Nicky! Nicky fought back against him only to be floored from behind by Ted Brady! The crowd booed as Nicky was sent against the guardrail while Bruce had the attention of the official. Brady tossed Nicky back into the ring and Griffith and Brady escaped through the crowd. Bruce had gotten back to his feet and he picked up Nicky Champion in an overhead slam to the mat. Bruce made the signal for the Giant Choke Slam! He picked up Nicky and curled his fingers around his throat! He raised Champion up and dropped him down to the mat with authority! Bruce made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 7:52)

Match Rating: C-


[...Bruce kicked Nicky out of the ring and then asked for a microphone...]


Bruce The Giant

"Enygma, this Saturday night, inside of a 15 foot high steel cage you have this waiting for you. You have a Giant Choke Slam and a pinfall. Only I won't be tossing you out of the ring like I did Nicky. No, I will be lifting you up and unmasking you and revealing your face to the entire world. That mask will be a symbol of my victory and my domination over the United States Pro Wrestling. This Saturday night you will feel the Choke Slam!"


[...Bruce releases a roar to boos from the crowd before he exits the ring and heads to the back...]




[...The big video screen lights up to show two figures walking down seperate hallways...]




[...It's James Justice and it's Enygma! The main event matchup is next!]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_jhd2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg

James Justice vs. Enygma


[A big surprise is that the leader of the Four Horsemen came down alone for this matchup. He stood inside the ring as the elaborate entrance for Enygma commenced. Enygma was shown up within the stands standing beside a sign, reading: 'Enygma: Deliverer of TRUE JUSTICE!' Enygma walked down through the crowd and got halfway down before he was attacked by a fan...? That's no fan! That's Bryan Holmes of the Four Horsemen! Holmes threw punches and hit a dropkick that sent Enygma crashing down several stairs until he reached the bottom. Holmes raised the four fingers to his leader and Justice exited the ring, reaching over the guardrail and yanking Enygma to his feet by the mask. He tossed Enygma over the guardrail and into the ring. The referee called for the bell to start the match after being threatened by Justice and Justice made a quick cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Justice got up and went to work on the back of Enygma like the veteran wrestler that he is. He took his time with some backbreakers and a powerslam in the center of the ring. He yanked Enygma up by the mask and tossed him out to the ringside floor to boos from the crowd. Justice stood inside the ring and played to the fans who booed even louder. Justice pointed toward a sign reading: 'James InJustice!' and yelled at the fan for a moment. Then the Four Horsemen leader got the referee's attention as Bryan Holmes came over the guardrail. Holmes ran Enygma headfirst into the ringpost before tossing him back in the ring. When the referee turned around, Holmes claimed innocence of course. Justice picked up Enygma and snapped him to the mat with a hard vertical suplex. He got back up and moved over to the turnbuckles, climbing up to the top. Justice stood perched there for a moment, taking in the crowd before he leaped and Enygma rolled out of the way! The crowd popped as Justice's knee hit the canvas and he began holding it...]


[...Enygma used the ropes to climb to his feet, waiting on Justice to push up and Enygma threw a chop block to the knee of Justice to cheers from the crowd! Enygma grabbed Justice and signalled for the Enygma Variation when Bryan Holmes jumped on the apron! Enygma looked over at him for a moment and then shrugged and put the hold on James Justice anyway! Justice's eyes bulged out from the pain! As Bryan Holmes had the attention of the referee, Justice began tapping wildly! The Titans began running down toward the ring and Enygma saw them and broke the hold, sliding to his feet, ready to fight them off. The Titans stopped at ringside and pulled Justice out of the ring, looking up toward Enygma. Justice shook his head for a moment and pushed them back. He entered the ring again and got into a shoving match with Enygma! They began exchanging punches inside the ring. Back and forth they went until Enygma blocked one! Enygma started throwing punches and he knocked Justice backward into Holmes! Holmes went flying off the apron and Enygma rolled up Justice with a schoolboy: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Pinfall @ 15:15)

Match Rating: C


[...Enygma popped to his feet, ready to fight off the onslaught of Four Horsemen members that should be storming the ring but they didn't storm. Instead, all the attention turned to the top of the ramp where a figure wearing a bright shiny gold belt stepped out...]




[...Bruce The Giant stood at the top of the ramp and stared down Enygma. Enygma made the 'belt' motion at his waist as the Four Horsemen helped James Justice to the back. Bruce began walking down toward the ring and we're out of time! We'll see you this Saturday night at Freedom Fight!]

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No one got a perfect score this week but we did have several people get 5/6! Congratulations to BHK1978, xopher316, Dragonmack and Bigpapa42!




1. Wrestling Century=21 Wins

jhd1=21 Wins

bgbuff=21 Wins

BHK1978=21 Wins

xopher316=21 Wins

6. critical-23=20 Wins

SWF Fan=20 Wins

mcorey=20 Wins

9. Lexa90=19 Wins

BYU 14=19 Wins

Dragonmack=19 Wins

12. The Mystery=16 Wins

13. tristram=8 Wins

14. Astil=6 Wins

15. Bigpapa42=5 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Saturday Week 4 April 2010


Ted Brady vs. Nicky Champion

The Problem Solvers vs. The People's Team

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and The Force

Title vs. Mask, Steel Cage Match, If Enygma Loses, He Must Unmask. If Enygma Wins, He Wins The USPW World Title: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma


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Ted Brady vs. Nicky Champion

Champion came out looking great losing to Bruce. Brady ain't got it in him yet to beat Champion.


The Problem Solvers vs. The People's Team

REVENGE~! Plus, I hate Giant Redwood.


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

Raven is pretty awesome as champ. Hopefully she stays that way for awhile.


The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

The Ring Generals continue to be the whipping boys of USPW but their time is coming though.


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

On the outside, looks like a tough title defense for one Andre Jones but as I have said before in most 3 way matches Andre will use the Devine/Hernandez history to his advantage and sneak in and get the win.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

Meh, why not? You actually got a "C" out of this match a while back. Plus every USPW diary sh*ts on Savage Fury.


The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and The Force

I find this tag match interesting as both teams have a strong link (Baine & Caulfield) and a weak link (T-Rex & Jim Force) but I hate a heel Baine and Caulfield is riding off of his win.


Title vs. Mask, Steel Cage Match, If Enygma Loses, He Must Unmask. If Enygma Wins, He Wins The USPW World Title: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

I've picked Enygma but wouldn't be too shocked to see Bruce walk away with the belt as maybe his contract is up??? But I also annot see an unmasked Enygma either. Here's hopin'!!

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Ted Brady vs. Nicky Champion

The Problem Solvers vs. The People's Team

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and The Force

Title vs. Mask, Steel Cage Match, If Enygma Loses, He Must Unmask. If Enygma Wins, He Wins The USPW World Title: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

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<p>Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Problem Solvers</strong> vs. The People's Team</p><p>

USPW Women's Title Match: <strong>Raven Robinson</strong> defends vs. Belle Bryden</p><p>

The Ring Generals vs. <strong>Performance Class</strong></p><p>

USPW World Television Title Match: <strong>Andre Jones</strong> defends vs. Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez</p><p>

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: <strong>The Towers of Power</strong> defend vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

<strong>The Titans</strong> vs. Chris Caulfield and The Force</p><p>

Title vs. Mask, Steel Cage Match, If Enygma Loses, He Must Unmask. If Enygma Wins, He Wins The USPW World Title: Bruce The Giant defends vs. <strong>Enygma</strong></p>

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<p>Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

The Problem Solvers vs. <strong>The People's Team</strong></p><p>

USPW Women's Title Match: <strong>Raven Robinson</strong> defends vs. Belle Bryden</p><p>

The Ring Generals vs. <strong>Performance Class</strong></p><p>

USPW World Television Title Match: <strong>Andre Jones </strong>defends vs. Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez</p><p>

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: <strong>The Towers of Power </strong>defend vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

<strong>The Titans</strong> vs. Chris Caulfield and The Force</p><p>

Title vs. Mask, Steel Cage Match, If Enygma Loses, He Must Unmask. If Enygma Wins, He Wins The USPW World Title: Bruce The Giant defends vs. <strong>Enygma</strong></p>

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<p>Great show, loving the factions arising in the company. I'm really warming to Oxford too, moreso than Flash I think!</p><p> </p><p>

Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Far, far bigger star. Though I've not seen JG for a while...</span></em></p><p>

The Problem Solvers vs. <strong>The People's Team</strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Des and Freddie are, as much as it pains me to say, superior to Redwood and Problem in almost every way.</span></em></p><p>

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. <strong>Belle Bryden</strong></p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>I've a sneaking feeling I'm wrong here but the women's division is about due a shake up.</em></span></p><p>

The Ring Generals vs. <strong>Performance Class</strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Class are the real deal, unlike the Generals.</span></em></p><p>

<strong>USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends</strong> vs. Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez</p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Another tough one because, again, I can see a shake up occurring. Still, I'm going to go for a title retain, even if I'm wrong about the 'winner'.</span></em></p><p>

<strong>USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend</strong> vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>No build, although I suspect Fury are going to be champions before this diary is through.</em></span></p><p>

<strong>The Titans</strong> vs. Chris Caulfield and The Force</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>The Titans are established, whereas their opponent's seem to be a sort of thrown-together pairing.</em></span></p><p>

<strong>Title vs. Mask: Bruce The Giant defends</strong> vs. Enygma</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>If this match had occured before Champion vs. Griffith I would have said that Enygma wins the title and gets unmasked. Don't think you'll go that route twice though so I think we'll see a new Enygma come next show.</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

All in all, I can't wait for Freedom Fight! I'm also expecting a big debut somewhere, but I'm not sure where from, or who it could be...</p>

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<p>Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Problem Solvers vs. <strong>The People's Team</strong></p><p> </p><p>

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. <strong>Belle Bryden</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Ring Generals vs. <strong>Performance Class</strong></p><p> </p><p>

USPW World Television Title Match: <strong>Andre Jones</strong> defends vs. Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez</p><p> </p><p>

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: <strong>The Towers of Power</strong> defend vs. Savage Fury</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Titans</strong> vs. Chris Caulfield and The Force</p><p> </p><p>

Title vs. Mask, Steel Cage Match, If Enygma Loses, He Must Unmask. If Enygma Wins, He Wins The USPW World Title: Bruce The Giant defends vs. <strong>Enygma</strong></p>

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