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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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Great to see you back, Jaded. IIRC, I seem to recall you writing a wonderful Watcher diary with the D.O.T.T. stuff back in the day. Do I have the right guy?


Yup (although 'wonderful' may be flattering me... thanks!), I generally do okay iwth the 'watcher' diaries, and less well with the ones where I play the game.


Still, always next time, and my backstory's being written as we speak. :)

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Guest KingOfKings

I mark for Alicia Strong. Love how you're adding her to the story. Possible romantic interest for Avatar?


Also, Bruce The Giant for world champ!

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I marked out for Alicia's reaction to Masked Avatar. Granted it was only because it reminded me when my cousin's girlfriend was drunk and almost tackled me to the ground because she was so happy to see me.


Totally reminded me of arriving at a party to this reaction from a girl I hadn't seen in a while but I'd liked for ages, and my mask was this huge coat I've been wearing for like 3 years every day at school/college. So good memories :)

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Gonna be sweet to read and predict on this :)


I appreciate both of them! Thanks a lot!


Yup (although 'wonderful' may be flattering me... thanks!), I generally do okay iwth the 'watcher' diaries, and less well with the ones where I play the game.


Still, always next time, and my backstory's being written as we speak. :)


I definitely enjoyed that watcher diary. I can also remember the USPW diary you wrote about Peter Valentine specifically. Though it ended prematurely.


Glad to see your own backstory is being written. I look forward to reading it.


I marked out for Alicia's reaction to Masked Avatar. Granted it was only because it reminded me when my cousin's girlfriend was drunk and almost tackled me to the ground because she was so happy to see me.


I tried to make that as realistic as possible. lol. Glad to see I somewhat succeeded but Alicia wasn't drunk. Thanks for popping in and I'll try to make sure it's a very long time in the future before I get to that second USPW diary. ;)


I mark for Alicia Strong. Love how you're adding her to the story. Possible romantic interest for Avatar?


Also, Bruce The Giant for world champ!


I definitely wanted to add her as part of that since I was gonna be over at Sam Strong's house. It made sense. As for Bruce, that could possibly be in his future and possibly not. Only one way to find out. :D


Totally reminded me of arriving at a party to this reaction from a girl I hadn't seen in a while but I'd liked for ages, and my mask was this huge coat I've been wearing for like 3 years every day at school/college. So good memories :)


Like I said above, I tried to make that realistic since she's known him for ages but wouldn't have seen him because of him doing indy tours and her working for her Dad's company.


Looking forward to this.


I can't wait


Glad to see another reader and writer! Feel free to comment on just about anything, as always, both good and bad.


Also everyone I should have another part up either tonight or sometime tomorrow as we inch closer and closer to the full release date.

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[After what had been an eventful day, it was time for me to come to the motel I was staying in here in Huntsville, Alabama. After wrestling for so long, you get used to staying within a motel room because you mostly do that as you move from town to town. Of course there was always odd looks from people because I am a large man who wears a mask. Several hundred people have thought I was there to rob the joint from time to time. But for the most part I show that I am like every other person staying within the motel. I am just looking for a place to sleep. I had just gotten into bed when I got a phone call. That was odd. I had only given Shane this room number and all. Obviously he had given it to Sam but what kind of phone call could I be getting? I groaned and leaned over to pick up the phone, turning it around the right way and bringing it to my ear.]


The Masked Avatar





Alicia Strong

Crying. "Avatar? Is that you? I didn't know where else to go. Everyone else is out of town tonight wrestling. I stayed home because I wasn't on the card and my boyfriend and I just got into this big fight and...and...and..."


[i raised both brows against the mask for a moment. Alicia had broken down and she was crying so hard she couldn't even talk anymore.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alright, Alicia. Calm down. Calm down now. Where are you?"


[Alicia tried to talk again and deep breaths could be heard being taken on the other phone. I wondered if she was going to hyperventilate. But then the deep breaths started to help her and she finally managed to talk again in a high-pitched squeaky tone.]


Alicia Strong

"I'm at Sammy T's Place on Washington. He just left me here without so much as a ride back home!"


[Luckily I had been through Huntsville enough times to know exactly where that is at.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alright, Alicia, I am coming to get you. You just sit tight."


[Alicia made a few noises that I assume meant 'goodbye' since she hung up the phone. I sighed for a moment and then threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and some boots. This was looking like the beginnings of a long night.]


Half An Hour Later...


[i arrived at the Music Hall around half an hour after the phone call and I didn't see Alicia around outside so I had to park and go in to find her. I was stopped only for a moment by security but luckily they know me here so I was allowed to go inside. I stepped in and listened to the music playing in the background as my eyes swept around looking for Alicia. I found her at the bar, laughing and leaning against it. Her crying jag from earlier was obvious on her face but now it was obvious she had had a few more drinks since the phone call. I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder.]


Alicia Strong

"Oh, Avatar! Joo made it! Thash great! My boyfriend thinks I'm a shtick in the mud because I don't drink normally. I'm gonna show him tonight! Bartender, get me another one!"


[i just sighed and shook my head.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alicia, I think you've had enough. It's time for you to go home now."


Alicia Strong

"Home? Home ish where the heart ish! And my heart is in thish bo''le of lick...lick...lick...alcohol!"


[i shook my head again.]


The Masked Avatar

"No, now, Alicia. Come on. Here we go."


[i took her by the hand and tugged her off the stool she was sitting on and she started twirling around and trying to dance with me. I glanced at the bartender and he shrugged. He wasn't gonna be of any help tonight. Alicia suddenly stopped in her twirling and hiccuped as she looked at me for a moment. Then she passed out in my arms. Great. But it was time to get her home anyway.]

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Glad to see another reader and writer! Feel free to comment on just about anything, as always, both good and bad.


Also everyone I should have another part up either tonight or sometime tomorrow as we inch closer and closer to the full release date.


:o You've noticed my bad TEW 08 diaries? I'm honored. Since I never got to predict in the other USPW diary. I will this time

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And by the same token it is great to have new readers as well. Feel free to comment about anything having to do with the diary at any time. And I hope you'll still be around to make predictions once this really begins with the game stuff after the full release version comes out.


Thanks and you can definitely count on my predictions, as bad as they may end up!

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Hahahahaha drunk Alicia Strong owns. I also imagine people thinking Avatar would rob the motel. Great stuff man.


Thanks a lot for the compliments and comments and the continued readings. :D It is always much appreciated.


:o You've noticed my bad TEW 08 diaries? I'm honored. Since I never got to predict in the other USPW diary. I will this time


There are no bad TEW 08 diaries. I've had some that I had good concepts for that didn't even make it out of the gate. It just takes some persistence to find what you need and want. And I'm glad to see that you're gonna be predicting and as always feel free to make any comments you want.


Are we getting next a rape scene??? :p naah just kidding, awesome stuff as usual :D


It's my number one fan! Always good to see you checking in. And I think a rape scene would have The Masked Avatar fired before he even signed his contract. lol.


Thanks and you can definitely count on my predictions, as bad as they may end up!


I think you might surprise yourself on the predictions. You could turn out to be one of my first big winners.

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Big winners you say......(strokes invisible beard) OK I'm in. Only joking man. But I will be reading this. I really like how you have honed in on the drama aspect as well. Makes for an interesting read. Plus it will give me a chance to learn more about USPW. Keep it up!
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[if I was to be honest, I'd say that I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. After picking up Alicia at the bar and taking her home and putting her to bed with her clothes still on I might add I headed to the motel I was staying at and managed about 2-4 hours worth of actual sleep time before I needed to get up. There is one single time during the day where I generally take my mask off. That time is when I need to get a shower. I have my head shaved so it's not the hair I'm worried about but it's my face. I want to make sure to have a good, clean-cut face. I don't ever intend on losing my mask but I don't want to look like Santa Claus underneath it either. I had taken my old beat-up car back to Sam's place and I stared at the home for a moment. So this is it? I give up the Indy scene and the local gyms and schools and I head to the big time. It's been a long journey since I've been to a place like this but I trust Sam and Shane. I know that they will do what's right for me and what's right for this company.]


[i had gotten out of my car and headed up to the house, ringing the doorbell. I had to wait for a few moments and then the door opened.]


Sam Strong

"Avatar! You're right on time. Come on in. Can I get you something to drink?"


[i thought for a moment and then nodded.]


The Masked Avatar

"A coke would be good."


[i stepped inside the house and it was a luxurious mansion. Sam had spared no expense when it comes to his place to live. I headed into the living room where Shane was and shook hands with him. After a few minutes of shooting the bull, Sam returned with the plastic bottle of Coca Cola and I took it, taking a sip.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alright, where's my contract?"


[shane pulled it out of a folder and set it on the table in front of me. I reached down and began to read it, between sips of my Coca Cola.]


Shane Sneer

"It's a standard contract. It says you will be taking over my booking duties at the beginning of 2010. You will also be contracted as a wrestler."


[i continued to read over it though. Always read what you are signing.]


The Masked Avatar

"It says here that I will also have control over hirings and firings."


Sam Strong

"Within reason, of course. I will have some set rules for you as the Booker because this is still my company."


[i nodded to that and continued to read the contract. Everything seemed to be in order and I would be making a nice chunk of change. It would be enough to get settled in and buy a new car.]


The Masked Avatar

"Got a pen, Sam?"


[When he handed me one, I clicked the Bic and then signed up for the job. I drew in a deep breath and handed the contract back to Shane and he put it in the folder for safe-keeping.]


Sam Strong

"Welcome to the team, Avatar. Now that the business is done, I want to thank you for going and getting my daughter last night. She has promised me that she is finished with alcohol. I am just lucky that you were around since we were off running a show."


[i nodded to that.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alicia is a sweet girl, Sam. I have known her since she was knee high to a grasshopper. There's no way that I'd let her stay in some trouble if I could help it."


[sam nodded his approval and then Shane cleared his throat.]


Shane Sneer

"Avatar, I have taken the liberty of writing up a few pages on our roster and all. I was thinking about bringing in some wrestlers to help shore things up but that will be your job now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."


[i nodded and took the folder from Shane that he handed me. It looked like I had a lot to do in order to get ready for my first card as the Head Booker. I shook hands with Sam and then with Shane. As I got ready to go, something caught my eyesight...]




[Alicia was peeking out of her bedroom and gave me a wave. I could barely see the fact that she was dressed in just a light tank top and some pajama bottoms. Obviously she's gonna have her first hangover. I waved back to her with a curl of my fingers and then headed for the exit. It's time to get to work.]

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[i left Sam's home within my beat up old rental car and headed back to the motel since I didn't have anywhere else to go at the moment. I would need to wait until I actually made some money from the deal to go and get an apartment or buy a new car. It wasn't long before I arrived at my motel and I moved into the room, sitting on the bed and spreading out the folder in front of me.]


[There were quite a few lists within this folder that Shane had given me. The first list showed exactly what everyone's strengths are within the roster. It came to no surprise to me that most of the wrestlers graded out better in things that showed off their scary sides. USPW is filled with wrestlers with that menacing look, right? I had been about to look at the next sheet when there came a knock at my door. I raised a brow since I wasn't expecting anyone and then closed the folder, putting it inside a drawer. I went over to the door and checked out the peephole to see...]




[James Justice? He was one of the last people that I expected at my door. Like my relationship with Sam and Shane, I knew James from the past when he played roles like The Outlaw II down in Texas at the Texas Wrestling League. We had gotten on alright within the past so I opened the door and cracked a smile through the mask.]


The Masked Avatar

"James. How's it going my old friend?"


James Justice

"Avatar, you old dog. I heard through the grapevine that you were in town. Did you think you were gonna be able to blow through here without stopping in to see me?"


The Masked Avatar

Laughing. "Nah. I figured I'd see you sooner or later. Come on in."


[James walked in and took a look around the motel before sitting on the only chair within the room so I went back to the bed. So he'd heard I was in town, huh? Telephone, telegraph, tellawrestler.]


The Masked Avatar

"I saw that you lost your title awhile back, James. Must have been rough."


James Justice

"No rougher than you working all these indy shows. Why don't you let me go put in a good word for you with Sam?"


[i had to think on my feet for a moment. Sam and Shane had never mentioned that I needed to keep things quiet but at the same time they never told me I could just go out and say something about my being hired.]


The Masked Avatar

"I'd appreciate that, James. Thanks. I've got a couple of things on the back burner as always though."


[i hated not telling him about this but at the same time I'd much rather keep my job.]


James Justice

"I can't stay too long today, Avatar, but I did want to come by and say hello."


[i nodded as James stood up. We shook hands and he moved to the door. It seemed that so far the locker room would be a good, motivated place. After James left, I moved back to the folder and started reading some more. It was going to be a long afternoon and into the night.]

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Big winners you say......(strokes invisible beard) OK I'm in. Only joking man. But I will be reading this. I really like how you have honed in on the drama aspect as well. Makes for an interesting read. Plus it will give me a chance to learn more about USPW. Keep it up!


I am planning on having prediction contest winners every 3 months in. Whoever has the most right every 3 in-game months will win a prize of my choosing depending on what is going on at the time. I am glad you're enjoying the dramatic aspect of what I am writing. And I can promise you that things are not always gonna go so smoothly for Mr. Avatar.


This is one of the best backstories I've read. It is well thought out, and it isn't rushed. I'm already hooked!


I'm glad you're enjoying the backstory. I do intend to keep the backstory going throughout the game time as well.


You should check out my new one... hint hint! :) (/avoids putting cheap plug in.)


Really like the Lissy/Masked Avatar stuff here.


I will definitely be reading your new watcher diary when it gets really up and running which probably won't be until after the official release I'm sure, right? And I'm glad you're enjoying the Alicia/Avatar stuff. I hope I can make everything as interesting so far.


The Dude has officially made an apperance!


Now you know who I am waiting for next!


Could it be...maybe...possibly...wait for it...Anger? lol.

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Guest KingOfKings

Bruuuuuuuuuuuuce..... The Giant


I don't know why I mark for this guy. Possibly because he looks like Mr. Hyde from the beginning of Van Helsing

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Bruuuuuuuuuuuuce..... The Giant


I don't know why I mark for this guy. Possibly because he looks like Mr. Hyde from the beginning of Van Helsing


LOL. I never really noticed that. But Bruce will definitely have a role to play here, especially considering his Strong Friendship with Sam.


How did you guess?:D


We all know that Lexa is waiting for Giant Redwood to make his first apperance. Maybe you can do what I never had the guts to do in my NYCW diary, and that is to sign Land Mass and team him up with Giant Redwood to form the best team ever.:D


Ohhhhhh, now that's an idea. I could sign both members of Massive Problem and make a stable out of Massive Problem and Giant Redwood and call them the Problem Solvers. lol.


I like this diary a lot so far. Just push Anger, Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood, then it'll be even better. :D


Anger just might get the same type of push he received in my '08 diary. Or he might not. Valentine will most likely receive a push due to Owner Goals and Redwood, well, I can't let Lexa90 down, can I?


I really like what you have going so far. Enjoy the backstory side of things and looking forward to how you book the monters of USPW.


Glad that you're enjoying what you've read so far. We are nearing the arrival of the full version of the game, which means that this diary can fully kick off the in-game portion within the next few days.


Wow, I just read all of the backstory, and this is some amazing stuff. Definitely one of the better backstories I've read.. ever. Let's just hope the shows deliver ;)


Ummmm. Ignore the shows and just read the backstory. lol. Just kidding. But seriously, I'm glad that you've enjoyed the backstory stuff. I haven't had to rush it since I've had 5 days to write it up between the demo and the actual release. But I'm glad to see you checking in and I hope that you will do some predictions as well when we get there.


And I will be watching the AFC and NFC Championship Games today but I am looking to get at least one or two more updates on the backstory today as we head toward the first show in The Masked Avatar era.

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[i read up on all the paperwork that Shane sent me during the night. He had a detailed writeup not only of the wrestlers but of the current storylines that are going forward for the company. Of course I will be working within the confines of these storylines to start things out because it would look odd to just remove them. It's only a day until New Year's Eve and what a year 2010 is looking to be. I had nearly started to get some sleep when the telephone rang within my room. How...odd? I shrugged and reached over, picking it up.]


The Masked Avatar





James Justice

"Dude! I know we talked earlier but I forgot to bring this up. Sam is having his annual New Years Party for the USPW wrestlers at his home tomorrow. It's pretty informal but we're allowed to bring a guest. I figured this would be a good time for you to mingle with the guys and maybe get Sam to offer you a contract."


[i really hated not telling James what I knew and about my contract and all. But this is one of the good things about wearing a mask. Oh, wait, he can't see me? Right.]


The Masked Avatar

"You name the time and I'll be there."


James Justice

"It usually starts around 6 and goes on through New Years Day. Do you know the directions to Sam's house?"


The Masked Avatar

"Yeah, I've been there a few times. Thanks for looking out for me, buddy."


James Justice

"No problem, Dude. I'll see you there."


[As I hung up the phone, I figured this would be a great opportunity to -- and there goes the phone again. It seems to be ringing off the hook now! I picked it up.]


The Masked Avatar





Sam Strong

"Hey Avatar. Sam here. I didn't wake you, did I?"


The Masked Avatar

"Sort of."


Sam Strong

"Liar. Anyway, tomorrow night around 6 is my annual get-together with the USPW roster at my house to celebrate the new year. No need to dress up or anything but it will give me a good opportunity to introduce you to the roster in your new role. I'd like you to get there around 5 and once everyone is there I will introduce you."


[i knew several members of the roster already from the past. The rest I've seen work on television. I am not saying that I got along with everyone though. But I hope that everyone shows some professionalism.]


The Masked Avatar

"I'll be there, Sam. You have a good night."


[sam hung up the phone and I laid back on the bed. I could only hope that James wouldn't be too pissed at me for not letting him in on my new job.]

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I like this diary a lot so far. Just push Anger, Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood, then it'll be even better. :D


Smart man :)


Okay and the PROBLEM SOLVERS!!! That would be freaking awesome :)


Can't wait to predict on your first show my friend :)

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