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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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Guest KingOfKings
I have a question for all my readers: what do you think should be the minimum time that I wait to post my card after posting the lineup for predictions? It may be longer than the minimum time but what do you all think is a good minimum time?


I say post it whenever it's ready. I'm sure most of you're readers are anxiously waiting for the results.


Although it took me almost 4 days to post my SWF PPV but thats another story:p


Fan Sign: I'm with JHD1, where the heck is The Giant!

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Fan Sign: I'm with JHD1, where the heck is The Giant!


I'm happy that he isn't wrestling all the time, Just read his bio... His knees can't take it :)


And the posting the show thingy... Just post it when you want, it's your diary :)


but the 24H thing is also good :D

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I say post it whenever it's ready. I'm sure most of you're readers are anxiously waiting for the results.


Although it took me almost 4 days to post my SWF PPV but thats another story:p


Fan Sign: I'm with JHD1, where the heck is The Giant!


My big issue with posting the cards whenever they are ready is that I can sometimes have them ready the same night. Technically, I had this card finished last evening before I went to bed.


Atleast 24H.


I'm happy that he isn't wrestling all the time, Just read his bio... His knees can't take it :)


And the posting the show thingy... Just post it when you want, it's your diary :)


but the 24H thing is also good :D


I think I am going to go with the at least 24 hour rule for this diary. It may be more but it most certainly will not be less.


And I did notice that about Bruce as well with his knees and all.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 1 January 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.07

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Anger defeated Captain USA in 4:12 by pinfall with a Demon Slam...E+


Pre Show: In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Bruce The Giant defeated The Hillbillys in 5:33 when Bruce The Giant defeated Pete The Hillbilly by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam...D+


Pre Show: Belle Bryden comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C+





[The show begins with a recap of the recent feud between Enygma and Tyson Baine over the USPW World World Title! These two have faced off outside of matches several times and each time Baine has gotten the better of the mysterious one. But the question remains: can Tyson Baine defeat Enygma when the World Title is on the line?]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/GiantRedwood.jpg

James Justice vs. Giant Redwood


[Our opening contest here had a few of the fans within the stands rocking and rolling in their seats. Some of the signs in the crowd early on were: 'I miss this stuff!!!' and 'If Anger is not on this card, I will riot!!!' Redwood used his size advantage early on to keep Justice off his feet and on the mat. The Giant Red-Headed Tree sent Justice down with a clubbing forearm and bounced off the ropes to hit his Standing Splash but Justice rolled out of the way! The crowd really got into it at that point!]


[Justice managed to attack the knees of Redwood, trying to fell the big tree! He dodged a clothesline from Redwood and then turned, beginning to pepper him with right hands while the crowd chanted 'DUDE!' with each punch thrown! After four punches, Justice began winding up the left and he nailed Redwood with the 'Liberty Big Left Hand!' The crowd cheered as Justice put his hand up and yelled 'TIMBER!' while Redwood fell to the mat! Justice bounced off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSS -- DUDE KNEE DROP! The crowd erupts and the former USPW World Champion crouches and prepares for that Liberation Slam. He stares down Redwood and then the crowd boos as T-Rex enters the ring! The Jurassic Power crouches in the corner, motioning toward Justice and waiting. Justice hears the boos and turns -- SPEAR! T-Rex just SPEARED James Justice in half! The crowd boos as Baby Jamie calls for the bell!]


Winner: James Justice (Via Disqualification @ 3:57)

Match Rating: D




[T-Rex stands over the broken body of James Justice and pounds his chest for a moment. He starts to exit the ring and then turns back to James! He walks over and picks up Justice -- EXTINCTION! He brought The Dude back down to the mat with his finisher and he sneers at the crowd before exiting the ring while EMT's come and check on Justice. What a dastardly attack by The Jurassic Power! While the EMTs look in on Justice, two signs are shown in the background: 'Where is Bruce!' and 'I'm with JHD1, where the heck is The Giant?']





[The crowd within the Huntsville Fairground boos as Peter Valentine is shown on the big video screen. His fingers are brushing over the National Title Belt that is around his waist. He looks down at it for a moment and then up into the camera.]


Peter Valentine

"Take a good long look right here USPW fans. What you are seeing right here is the Chosen One of USPW. I don't have to say it to you because I prove it night after night after night. I proved it by winning this USPW National Title, a belt that was brought back to USPW specifically for me. A belt that I will hold and make more important than the USPW World Television Title and the USPW World Title itself. I don't care who I have to go through night in and night out. I don't care if it's The Hardcore American Chris Caulfield. I don't care if it's that 'Dude' James Justice. I don't even care if it's Bruce The Giant himself. The bottom line for each and every one of you is that when I step into the ring you can already mark it up as a winner. Because I am the National Champion and I am The Chosen One."


[Peter rubs the belt for a few more moments, smiling and laughing derisively at the camera before we head back to the ring for our next encounter.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Java.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TribalWarrior.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DannyRushmore.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg

Top Contenders Match

Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power


[Two excellent, highly ranked tag teams went at it in this bout to determine the top contenders to the tag team title belts held by The People's Team. Savage Fury came down and they showed their savageness early on against The Towers of Power, knocking the two men off their gameplan and sending them down to have a long conversation with Shane Sneer while Savage Fury played to the crowd. Danny Rushmore slid back in the ring slowly and he directed a quick attack to the eyes of Tribal Warrior and for the next several minutes Tribal Warrior played the face-in-peril. He went through several double teams by The Towers, including a Double Flapjack and a double suplex! He was tossed outside the ring at times and Shane Sneer got in a few boots. As the camera was focused outside, a sign was focused in on: 'The Towers of Power will fall to Fury!' Shane tried a boot to the head but that didn't seem to have any effect on Warrior but a kick to the ribs did its job! Sneer rolled him back in the ring and Rushmore sent Tribal Warrior into a corner. He followed him in but Warrior moved out of the way! Rushmore hit chest-first in the corner and Tribal Warrior took him down with a clothesline! Both men fell down and out and started crawling toward their corners. The crowd got behind Savage Fury! Rushmore tagged out to Mick Muscles who came charging in but Java got the tag!]


[Java came in and dropped Mick and Danny with headbutts! Mick came running back at him and was dropped with a powerslam! Java made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- BROKEN UP! Danny got back in at the last minute! Tribal Warrior came in and all hell broke loose! Tribal Warrior sent Danny Rushmore and himself over the top rope with a clothesline, leaving Java and Mick Muscles in the ring! Java went for the Greetings From The Island -- Muscles moved out of the way! Muscles picked up Java quickly -- kick to the gut -- BULLDOZER POWERBOMB! Muscles makes the cover: 1 -- Sneer grabs and holds onto the leg of Java! -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Towers of Power (Via Pinfall @ 7:39)

Match Rating: C-


[The crowd booed as Mick rolled out of the ring and The Towers of Power and Shane Sneer began moving up the ramp. They were halted halfway up the ramp though...]





[...by the presence of the USPW World Tag Team Champions! The crowd roared for The People's Team as they stood just out on the ramp with their belts around their waists and stared down their future challengers. Savage Fury was coming to down at the ring and The Towers did the only thing they could do: they leaped through the crowd and exited through the people! The crowd booed them but they managed to get through unharmed. Rushmore grabbed a fan as they got far enough away from their future opponents and shoved him down, grabbing his sign which read: 'Is Anger still interested in the Cola market?' and ripping it apart with a growl.]




[The big video screen lights up again, this time showing an empty hallway. Then someone comes walking down that hallway and bangs his head on the wall, hitting himself on the head.]



"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You don't exist! You're just a fig newton of my imagination! Leave me alone!"


[Anger continues to hit himself in the head, much to the crowd's surprise as he continues down the hallway. Obviously he's having some...well...some personal issues to contend with. Let's head back to the ring, right?]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb.jpg


Women's Title Match

Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb


[Even though these two ladies really showed the crowd some solid in-ring moves, the crowd didn't seem to get much into the action. It was back and forth between the two ladies until Cherry Bomb took control. She ran Raven's eyes across the top rope and then dropped her with a DDT, yelling at her the entire time in her own psychotic way. Cherry made a cover following the DDT: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! The crowd got a little behind Raven with that tough kickout. Cherry Bomb pulled off her headband and began choking Raven with it where the referee couldn't see the choke! The crowd booed because they obviously saw what happened. Outside the ring, a fan held up a sign: 'Can you try to seduce me, Miss Robinson?'..]


[...Later in the bout, Raven had taken control back over from Cherry Bomb following a botched DDT. Raven showed off some good moves, hitting Cherry Bomb with a handspring elbow in the corner! Then she took her over with a snap mare and a dropkick to the back of the head. Raven signalled that it was over and kicked Cherry Bomb in the gut -- Night Faller! The crowd cheered as Raven made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A successful defense of the Women's Title!]


Winner: Raven Robinson (Via Pinfall @ 10:16)

Match Rating: D+




[The big video screen lit up again for another interview. This time standing in the interview area were Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson!]


Shane Sneer

"My first comment has to be that I am wondering why myself and the Sneer Corporation have to come to such a lowly town like Huntsville, Alabama. Was Birmingham really that booked? I mean, honestly, I'd rather be in a barn somewhere in Birmingham than in the best arena here in Huntsville, which come to think of it resembles a barn really. But now I have more important things to talk about than how low this town is. Tonight my man right here is in the main event of the evening against the USPW World Champion. What's wrong, Enygma, were you too afraid of Jumbo Jackson to make this a title match? Tonight Jumbo is going to make a lot of trouble for you Enygma. We're gonna send you back down to Parts Unknown with your tail between your legs and your belt around our waist. Now I will admit that Jumbo Jackson doesn't have a ton of wrestling ability. But what he does is he hurts people. He does exactly what I tell him to do. And tonight, Enygma, he is going to take you out for the Sneer Corporation."


[Jumbo growls for a moment and then it's back to the ring!]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield


[The crowd really got behind Chris Caulfield when The Hardcore American came out! It immediately brought forth a chant of 'USA, USA, USA!' Caulfield responded to it with a smile and a thumbs up to the crowd before he entered the ring and he was immediately stomped on by Tyson Baine! Baine sent a few knees to the side of the head of the Hardcore American and then backed him into a corner! Baine tossed in a few forearms and then whipped Caulfield across the ring and into the other corner! Caulfield staggered out of the corner and Baine charged him -- CLOTHESLINE BY CAULFIELD! The crowd cheered as Caulfield rocked Baine with the clothesline but Baine didn't go down! After a moment Baine pounded his chest and roared to boos from the crowd! Caulfield bounced off the ropes -- ducked a clothesline by Baine -- Cross Body -- Caught! Baine caught Caulfield in mid-air and dropped him with a backbreaker! The crowd booed as Baine continued on a tear for the next few minutes. One fan sat within the crowd holding up this sign: 'Baine Rocks, TCW Sucks!'...]


[...Baine has been on the advantage for several minutes and he's locked Caulfield in a Bear Hug! The crowd begins a 'USA, USA, USA' chant, trying to get Caulfield to respond! Referee Robbie Sanchez checks on Caulfield but Caulfield will not give up! Caulfield begins to respond to the chants and he boxes the ears of Tyson Baine! A second time! A third time and the hold is broken! Caulfield throws lefts and rights to Tyson Baine! The crowd gets pumped up! Caulfield with a big clothesline -- DUCKED! The clothesline hit the referee! Chris looks down at referee Robbie Sanchez, realizing what he's done! He gets spun around by Tyson Baine -- kick to the gut by Caulfield! The Hardcore American drops Baine with a DDT! The crowd goes wild as Caulfield makes the cover but there's no referee to count! The crowd begins to boo as Caulfield's rival Bruce The Giant begins walking down toward the ring! Caulfield sees him and gets to his feet, watching and waiting for Bruce to come into the ring! With the camera also focused outside the ring, a sign can be seen held up in the background: 'HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADEEEEEEES BOMB!!' Caulfield is all set as Bruce takes his time getting down there. Behind Caulfield, Tyson Baine sits up! Baine slowly moves to his feet and hits Caulfield with a push that sends him out of the ring through the middle rope! Bruce smiles as he picks up Caulfield and rams him right into the ringpost! Caulfield falls to the ground outside the ring. Bruce looks up at Baine and tosses Caulfield into the ring. Tyson Baine grabs Caulfield -- HADES BOMB! Baine reaches down and drops the referee into position, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 9:53)

Match Rating: C




[The crowd boos as Bruce enters the ring following the ending bell. Bruce tosses referee Robbie Sanchez out of the ring and then comes face-to-face with Tyson Baine! The two staredown each other for a full minute before Baine moves and exits the ring. Bruce turns his attention to Chris Caulfield, picking him up and lifting him in the air. He holds him up there for a good 30 seconds before dropping him hard with the Giant Choke Slam! Bruce roars, raising his hand and then dropping a fist to the back of the neck of Caulfield! Bruce exits the ring and EMTs come out once more to check on the condition of Chris Caulfield.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JumboJackson.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg

Non Title

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


[Jumbo and Shane came out to the ring first to heavy boos from the crowd, especially after the promo that Shane made earlier this evening. Then the lights went out in the arena and a spotlight began moving over the crowd. Some dark piano music began to play and the spotlight finally found what it was looking for: Enygma stalking within the crowd. The USPW World Champion is standing right beside a fan holding up a sign reading: 'Enygma = Legend' He looked toward it and then came walking from the rafters down toward the ring with a purpose. He stepped over the guardrail and stared down Jumbo Jackson from ringside. He climbed up on the apron and then on the top rope -- backflip into the ring! What an impressive move by the Champ! He turned and faced Jumbo, taking the belt off and putting it at ringside.]


[With the World Champion being the quicker of the two men, he started off with the advantage using a hit and move strategy on Jumbo. This kept Jumbo off guard as Enygma would hit something like a dropkick and then back off. Enygma really caught Jumbo off guard with an armdrag and then an armbar. He cinched it on tight until Jumbo managed to find his way to his feet. Jumbo grabbed Enygma by the mask and yanked him down to the mat with it! The crowd booed that move! Jumbo dropped an elbow -- missed! Enygma rolled out of the way and got to his feet, moving to a corner and soaking in the cheers from the crowd! Jumbo got frustrated and charged Enygma but Enygma dodged and Jumbo went chest-first into the corner. Enygma rolled him up: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! Jumbo rolled outside the ring for a breather...]


[...Later in the match, Jumbo had slid back in and taken control over Enygma because you can only run for so long. Jumbo focused in on the back of Enygma during this time in control. He dropped Enygma with a backbreaker and kept the middleweight wrestler over his knee, stretching him out and trying to get a submission but Enygma would not give up! Jumbo rolled him off after a couple of minutes and played to the crowd to boos! Jumbo picked up Enygma and hooked him around the waist -- side belly to belly suplex! Jumbo makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- SHOULDER UP! Jumbo gets up and stomps on the shoulder of Enygma that had been raised off the mat. He picks up Enygma and shoots him off to the ropes -- powerslam! What a move! Jumbo points to the turnbuckles and the crowd goes almost hushed as the big man goes outside begins to ascend the turnbuckles! The crowd are on their feet, worried about their hero. Jumbo leaps -- SPLASH MISSES!]


[The crowd goes wild as Enygma moved when Jumbo tried for the top rope splash! An 'Enygma' chant begins within the crowd and he tries using the ropes to help him get to his feet. Jumbo gets some help from Shane Sneer at ringside to get up. Jumbo comes over and Enygma lights up his chest with a chop! A second one! A third one! The crowd goes wild! Enygma bounces off the ropes and slides between the legs of Jumbo Jackson to get behind him! Enygma hits a dropkick to the back of Jumbo Jackson! Jumbo staggers and Enygma takes advantage, grabbing the ankle and tripping the larger wrestler -- Enygma Variation! Enygma hits his finishing scissored ankle lock! The crowd cheers their approval and Shane Sneer yells for Jumbo not to give but within a minute, Jumbo has no choice but to submit and save his ankle!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 12:28)

Match Rating: C


[The crowd cheers as Enygma releases the hold and Jumbo rolls out of the ring to lick his wounds with Shane Sneer. Enygma grabs the USPW World Title Belt and looks to the crowd for a moment. This momentary pause is enough time for him to get clotheslined from behind...]




[Tyson Baine has once again attacked the USPW World Heavyweight Champion! Baine grabs Enygma and drops him with the Hades Bomb! The crowd boos heavily as Enygma looks broken and beaten in the center of the ring. The number one contender looks down at the Champion and stares at his mask first and then at the belt. He makes the 'belt' motion at his waist and stands tall over Enygma to begin the new year and end the first show.]

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We had several people go 5/5 this week! Congratulations go to mad5226, KingOfKings, Lexa90 and jhd1!


1. mad5226=5 Wins

KingOfKings=5 Wins

Lexa90=5 Wins

jhd1=5 Wins

5. Kainlock=4 Wins

FlameSnoopy=4 Wins

TheStroke7=4 Wins

critical-23=4 Wins

Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

BHK1978=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

Jaded=4 Wins

14. Huntman=3 Wins

15. Wrestling Century=2 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Well a great card as always, glad to see that this USPW is getting good match ratings.


Of course I love the fact that Anger was on the card going insane once again.


As far as the posting thing goes, I would not set a certain time frame. I tried to do that with my diary and it made me enjoy writing it less due to the fact that I felt I had to get it out or people would not read.


Always glad to see you back as a reader, commenter and predictor, BHK. What would a USPW diary by me be without Anger going insane, right? lol.


And the time frame that I am imposing is a minimum time frame, meaning that even if I get the card finished before the 24 hours is up I will still wait the 24 hours so that people can get their predictions in. I could have a busy week and not get it up for several days but it's just to assure everyone that they will have a minimum of 24 hours to get their predictions in.

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Guest KingOfKings

Good first show. I'm trying so hard to get behind Enygma as world champion but there has always been something about guys in masks that I can't really root for them. I'll continue to try though.


And wooohoooo perfect on the predictions. While the matches were very predictable I like where you're going with the storylines. But please please please get Tyson Baine a manager. He's just an animal on the loose without one. A boring Animal. Getting someone to speak for him would freshen up his character just a bit.


Overall very good job though.

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[The first card under my regime was under way tonight and I sat within Sam Strong's office in the back and watched it on the monitors. He had little tidbits of information here and there but for the most part he seemed impressed with everything going on. He especially appreciated the Peter Valentine segment, of course. When the show was over, I turned to Sam.]


The Masked Avatar

"So? What did you think?"


Sam Strong

"There were only a couple of things that I might have looked at. The card did not have Nicky or the USPW World Television Champion Andre Jones. Other than those two glaring omissions, I'd say that right now I'm glad Shane recommended you for the job. You seem to really know what you're doing so far."


The Masked Avatar

"Thanks, Sam. I was also thinking that starting next week we could look into running some house shows. Keep our workers on their toes, at least the ones who have agreed to work house shows in their contracts."


Sam Strong

"I won't stand in the way of that right now, Avatar. But if it starts bringing up some grumbling within the promotion then we will have to look at that. One of the good things about working here is the smaller amount of dates that wrestlers have to work."


The Masked Avatar

"True but back in your day wrestlers were going sixty minute broadways every night. So I think these guys can get used to a few additional days of work."


[i stood up and shook Sam's hand.]


Sam Strong

"Well, I will see you at my house tomorrow and we can go over the ratings when they start coming in."


[i nodded and then turned and exited the office, feeling pretty good about the show as a whole. I hoped the tv audience felt the same. As I moved down the hallway, I heard someone calling my name. I turned and saw...]






Alicia Strong

"Hey Avatar. I just wanted to say that you put on a great show out there. A couple of people are a little irritated within the back because they weren't used, mostly Nicky and Andre. But I did a little walking through the fans and they seemed to really enjoy the show."


The Masked Avatar

"Thanks, Alicia. I just hope that this can translate into ratings and get these guys over."


Alicia Strong

"That's part of your job, Avatar. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I broke up with that boyfriend. He just wasn't good for me at all."


[she hung her head for a moment and I couldn't help that I pulled her into a hug. She didn't resist though. After a respectable time, I pulled back and looked in her eyes.]


The Masked Avatar

"You've just got to find yourself the right man, Alicia. He will come. You're better than some guy who was trying to get you drunk, anyway. But I need to go. I need to get some sleep and then I'll be over at your father's tomorrow morning."


[Alicia smiled shyly.]


Alicia Strong

"Alright Avatar. Maybe I'll see you there."


[i nodded and lingered a moment and then turned to walk away. When I got outside and got a burst of that cold air, I shook my head. What am I gonna do? Oh, that's right, get some sleep.]

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Guest KingOfKings

Darryl Devine vs. The Force

Des Davids vs. Anger

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar

T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

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Darryl Devine vs. The Force



Des Davids vs. Anger

Davids is horrible... Anger RULES!


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

First title defense means the champion retains.


Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar

No brainer


T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

A hard one... But I think T-Rex will win.

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I've been immortalised in a USPW fan sign, woohoo! Ahem...that was a really great show though. I wonder if I can keep up my prediction streak (unlikely)!


Darryl Devine vs. The Force

Devine may be the future, but without The Force there will be no future!

Des Davids vs. Anger

Davids gets lynched by The Towers and wins by DQ. Problem is, I can also quite easily see Anger getting himself counted out talking to some broccoli.

Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

Not a match to remember probably but the champ retains.

Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar

Can't see The Masked Avatar getting much of a push, but I can see Nicky in some sort of title challenge soon enough.

T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

This is the one that could ruin me but I think JJ might reappear for some revenge after last week.


Fan Sign: Why can't this Valentine only come around once a year!?

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Wednesday Week 2 January 2010


Darryl Devine vs. The Force

DD is the future of the company, and deserves the win


Des Davids vs. Anger

A lost and other "personal" problems coming for Anger


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

Champs often wins on TV shows


Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar

Nicky is the Boss golden boy and needs to stay strong


T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

Justice could have something to do with the match finish...but maybe I am underestimates Bruce the Giant, that also could get involved in some way...


Fun Sign: "Baine fears Enygma" and "Does Sneer Corporation pay taxes?"

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Good first show. I'm trying so hard to get behind Enygma as world champion but there has always been something about guys in masks that I can't really root for them. I'll continue to try though.


And wooohoooo perfect on the predictions. While the matches were very predictable I like where you're going with the storylines. But please please please get Tyson Baine a manager. He's just an animal on the loose without one. A boring Animal. Getting someone to speak for him would freshen up his character just a bit.


Overall very good job though.


Hopefully, I will be able to turn you around on Eygma and Tyson Baine like I did BHK with Anger. Tyson starts with Sheik Mustafa as his manager but they have bad chemistry together so I scrapped them being together and wrote the show accordingly. Tyson has 'C' Entertainment, meaning he is not entirely horrible on the stick. He is better than what his old manager was.


Great show! Normally I scan through lengthy match write-ups but yours are extremely well done as I'm on the edge of my chair as I read them. Very entertaining.


Glad you enjoyed my match writeups. They are the one thing I am always self-concious about when writing up my show. I try not to bog people down with too much information but at the same time I try to give enough that people don't know how it's gonna end. I also slightly base my match writeups on the ones that came in an e-fed I was in back in the day. We had some truly talented match writers back then.


And the show will definitely not be up today. I might get in a backstage segment or two today/tonight but the show is a definite no-go for tonight so people do have more time to predict.

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Darryl Devine vs. The Force

Des Davids vs. Anger

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar

T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield



Andre Jones - World Class Volleyball Player and Future World Champion

T-Rex will send you back to prehistoric times!


OoC: Really great show. I'm hoping for a gigantic Anger push! :p

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Darryl Devine vs. The Force

Devine is the future, yo.


Des Davids vs. Anger

Des will always have a spot in my heart (in WS2 we are STILL the longest reigning tag team champs).


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

I am just glad to see Jones finally get his due.


Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar

Sam's golden boy earns that title.


T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

Can't get with T-Rex for some reason.


Fan sign: "Give it to 'em, Dre!!!"

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[...The rest of the week went by with little fanfare aside from a short celebration. We scored a 1.07 in our first ratings of the new year, a ratings record for USPW! Sam and I toasted while Shane didn't look as happy about things but it was partly his own doing in that he set up the feuds and all. I just ran with them. So we eventually convinced him to join in on the celebrations...]


[...The signings started coming in on Saturday with Eugene Williams, Jack Griffith and Crippler Ray Kingman all coming aboard. There were several more signings throughout the week but it seemed that no one wanted to sign on a written contract. Apparantly, the number three company in the United States isn't good enough for people who don't have any other job. But we worked on pay-per-appearance deals and that is good enough for me right now. The first house show came and went on Monday night. We received $3,020 for it in profit. I figure that's a pretty good amount to start out at in an area where we are least popular...]


[...As the day of our next card began coming up, I found myself sitting within Sam Strong's office within his home. I could hear the tv going on within the background in the living area. I couldn't really focus on what was being watched but I could definitely hear the voice of Peter Valentine...]




Peter Valentine

"Hey, toots, go get me another beer, will ya?"


[...Hearing Alicia's sigh made me want to get up and go after Peter for saying that to her. Sam just amusedly chastised his friend and they continued to watch whatever they were watching. After a few minutes I heard the door opening and peeked up to see who was walking in...]




[...Of course it was Alicia. I didn't blame her at all from wanting to get away from those types of attitudes...]


Alicia Strong

"Hey, Avatar, what are you working on?"


The Masked Avatar

"This week's script, actually. We have some interesting things coming up. After what Peter said in there, I hate to even think about asking you this but I am going to anyway. Belle came out last week in the pre show and shot t-shirts out into the crowd and it was a big hit. This week, I'd like you to do the same thing."


Alicia Strong

"Sure, Avatar, whatever is good for the company. You know that."


[...I watched as Alicia took a seat beside me and she began looking over the script. She was leaning over to look at the pages and I had to admit that she smelled wonderful. She must be wearing a new perfume or something. I tried to push those thoughts back in my head as I cleared my throat...]


The Masked Avatar

"Next week, I'd actually like to give you some on-screen time. You are deserving of a match, Alicia, and I'd really like to help boost your character."


[Alicia's eyes lit up and my heart skipped a beat but I kept my emotions down.]


Alicia Strong

"Yeah? Thanks, Avatar. I'm not entirely as comfortable back here as I am in the ring. My Dad taught me well, not to mention Sensational Ogiwara."


The Masked Avatar

"I am sure you'll do great, Alicia. In fact, let's go over what we can plan for your match."


[...And that started a whirlwind of ideas, showing she is not only Beautiful but creative as well and knows where she wants her character to go...]

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Wednesday Week 2 January 2010


Darryl Devine vs. The Force

He will use THE FORCE!!!


Des Davids vs. Anger

I am not a big fan of Anger so hopefully Des Davids pulls this one out for me


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

The champ can't loose his title in week 2, he just can't.


Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar

Not sure on this one as I am never good at predicting matches with user characters in it however I will go with the Masked Avatar. However I could see it going either way.


T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

Chris Caulfield all the way on this one!

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Darryl Devine - just feels like the better wrestler to push. But never underestimate the FOOORRRCCCEE!

Des Davids - seems like the right choice.

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones - champ should retain

Nicky Champion - I see no reason to build Masked Avatar, maybe u do.

Chris Caulfield - Tosss up really.

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Des Davids vs. Anger

I am not a big fan of Anger so hopefully Des Davids pulls this one out for me


:mad: Des is fodder. We need to make you see the truth! :D


Darryl Devine vs. The Force DD is nothing but fodder, the FOOOOOOOOOOOORCE may only be beaten by those worthy!

Des Davids vs. Anger Can't go wrong with Anger!

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA Captain USA is old, logical to put Andre over

Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar Nicky Champion is not fodder, so he goes over

T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield Chris is cool, but T-Rex takes it alone

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