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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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Awesome show once again :D


Steve Flash vs. The Masked Avatar

No way is Flash losing this.


Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

As much as this hurts me, I have to be realistic


Non Title: Enygma vs. Darryl Devine



The Hillbillys vs. The Titans



Top Contender Match: Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Raven's a face, so the challenger should be Heel.


Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice



Fan Sign: Belle, Be my Dish Of The Day!

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Wednesday Week 1 February 2010


Steve Flash vs. The Masked Avatar

Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

Non Title: Enygma vs. Darryl Devine

The Hillbillys vs. The Titans

Top Contender Match: Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice


...no time for match comments but only for the sign:


FUN Sign: "Enygma does Paranormal Activitis!"

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Steve Flash vs. The Masked Avatar

Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

Non Title: Enygma vs. Darryl Devine

The Hillbillys vs. The Titans

Top Contender Match: Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice dq


sign: The Masked Avatar is Alex DeColt

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One hell of a PPV ! Also glad to see that you're feeling better.


There's a little something in me guessing that Alicia is playing Avatar only to get more spotlight attention. I know, it's not very nice, but that would be one great story to tell.

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Awesome PPV angeldelayette! :)


Prediction time, and how I'm still hanging on to top spot I don't know!


Steve Flash vs. The Masked Avatar

Avatar will probably never win, but he's definitely not going to start here.

Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

No way is Redwood beating Champ.

Non Title: Enygma vs. Darryl Devine

Expecting shenanigans but Enygma will win someway or another.

The Hillbillys vs. The Titans

Just won the titles so they are not going to struggle against The Hillbillys, as much as I want them to.

Top Contender Match: Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Usual rules apply face champ, heel challenger. Still holding out for an appearance from Gorgon though...

Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice

Shenanigans coming again. Holmes wouldn't even talk to me so congrats on signing him. Still I expect he'll DQ himself to stay strong.

Fan's Fun Signs: "The Lights Are On But Nobody's Holmes" (groan), and "Are The Hillbillys husband and wife?"

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Awesome PPV angeldelayette! :)


Prediction time, and how I'm still hanging on to top spot I don't know!


Steve Flash vs. The Masked Avatar

Avatar will probably never win, but he's definitely not going to start here.

Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion

No way is Redwood beating Champ.

Non Title: Enygma vs. Darryl Devine

Expecting shenanigans but Enygma will win someway or another.

The Hillbillys vs. The Titans

Just won the titles so they are not going to struggle against The Hillbillys, as much as I want them to.

Top Contender Match: Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Usual rules apply face champ, heel challenger. Still holding out for an appearance from Gorgon though...

Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice

Shenanigans coming again. Holmes wouldn't even talk to me so congrats on signing him. Still I expect he'll DQ himself to stay strong.

Fan's Fun Signs: "The Lights Are On But Nobody's Holmes" (groan), and "Are The Hillbillys husband and wife?"


So you picked the same as me..





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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 1 February 2010

Location: Perry Hall (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 2,000

Overall Rating: C-

TV Rating: 1.15

I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


[Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Andre Jones defeated Des Davids in 3:54 by pinfall with a Blast From The Past...D+


Pre Show: Shane Sneer hypes the power and destruction of his client: Jumbo Jackson...D+]






[The show begins with a video recap of USPW's first ever pay-per-view: Stars, Stripes And Slams. Enygma walked away with the USPW World Title but he didn't walk away from the building as he took a Giant Choke Slam from new number one contender: Bruce The Giant.]






[Within Perry Hall, the crowd rise up in boos as Bryan Holmes steps out from the back. The crowd isn't entirely sure how to react to the man standing beside Bryan chomping on a cigar though. The two men headed right to the ring and stepped inside with the unknown man holding a microphone.]


Carl Batch

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Carl Batch and I am your Player In a Management Profession for this evening. You see, this man beside me came to me looking for a position. He came to me trying to find the best place to use his talents and I made a few phone calls and here we are. Last night, he already proved himself when he took out the man that some believe should have and could have been the number one contender: Chris Caulfield. Chris, Dawg, Bryan and I got to talking last night and we decided to give you the opportunity to come out here and face him. That's right, Bryan is willing to meet you face-to-face tonight in a one time only opportunity. What is it gonna be?"


[silence fills the arena as everyone looks to see if Chris is gonna show up. Of course, Carl knows that Chris is not here this evening after the bloody showdown with Bruce The Giant at Stars, Stripes And Slams. But the crowd cheers as someone else's music begins to play and a certain someone walks out to the top of the ramp...]




[James Justice stands tall, listening and soaking in the cheers from the crowd.]


James Justice

"DUDE! First of all, everyone knows that The Hardcore Dude had to sit out tonight. He had it rough in that Last Man Standing match live and on pay-per-view and he's at home recovering from injuries. However, I am here. And tonight, Sweet Daddy Dude, your man is going to come face-to-face with Justice."


[bryan Holmes cracks his knuckles for a moment, staring down at James Justice with an impassive look on his face. Tonight, that is our main event!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg

Steve Flash vs. The Masked Avatar


[The opening match here on USPW American Wrestling was a focus and feature on Steve Flash. The rather short match showcased some moves by Flash while the announcers talked about his match at the pay-per-view with Andre Jones. Outside the ring, a fan held up a sign stating: 'The Masked Avatar is Alex DeColt' Flash finished the match with a Flash Bang and a pinfall.]


Winner: Steve Flash (Via Pinfall @ 5:15)

Match Rating: D+






[A Coca Cola symbol flashed up on the big video screen and began flashing again and again and then the video screen turned to Anger sitting against a wall backstage with a Coca Cola in hand.]



"The almighty Coca Cola has given me a task. They have set forth a match for me to win and have given me the strength to win this match. Everyone here will learn that I am the real thing when I go one on one with...Chris Caulfield!"


[Anger holds up the Coca Cola, putting it to his ear, listening and nodding as we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/GiantRedwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. Nicky Champion


[Giant Redwood has been on a bit of a losing streak here lately but he looks to turn that around against the Clean-Cut Nicky Champion. However, all the cards seemed to favor Champion as he looked very good in this matchup against Redwood. No matter what Redwood tried, Champion had a counter for it. Redwood got frustrated and nearly got DQed for not releasing a chokehold on Champion. As Redwood was distracted by the official, Champion got his bearings and he hit the Hawkeye Hammer out of nowhere, making the cover and getting the 3 count on his much taller opponent.]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 3:46)

Match Rating: D


[Champion got his hand raised and asked for a microphone. As one was being handed to him he got blindsided from behind...]




[...Southern Justice had hit the ring and attacked Champion with a double sledge to the back. He hooked Champion and dropped him with the Jack-in-The-Box to boos from the crowd! Officials came out to break things up but the damage had already been done!]






[As officials helped Nicky Champion in the ring, the big video screen lit up to show the locker room area where Darryl Devine is taping his wrist for his match tonight with Enygma.]


Darryl Devine

"Seduction, tonight I am going to make history. Tonight, I am going to set foot in the ring with the USPW World Champion and Double D is gonna walk away with the win. You know that the only reason he made this match nontitle was because he knows he is gonna lose, right? But enough talking. I am ready. You are ready. Let's get out there and beat this masked idiot."


[Darryl got to his feet and Seduction just nodded and walked with him. That match is next!]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg


[The crowd was excited at the prospect of seeing Enygma wrestle. Enygma did his usual spectacular entrance, complete with standing beside a fan sign: 'Enygma does Paranormal Activitis!' The USPW World Champion looked a little worse for wear after being attacked at the end of Stars, Stripes And Slams by Bruce The Giant. Darryl Devine took advantage of that and attacked Enygma as soon as he entered the ring! The bell hadn't even rung and Devine took the World Title belt from around the waist of Enygma and whipped him with it! The crowd booed but Devine didn't care! Referee Eugene Williams managed to get the belt away from Devine and call for the bell to start the match. Devine made an early cover: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! The crowd erupted at the kickout by Enygma! Devine tossed Enygma out of the ring and distracted the official while Seduction put the boots to him! She grabbed for the mask but Enygma managed to fight her off and get back in the ring...]


[...The match continued several minutes later with Devine still in control. He sent Enygma toward a corner and followed him in but Enygma grabbed the turnbuckles and leaped up! Devine ran right underneath him and Enygma landed on his feet. He grabbed Devine around the waist -- GERMAN SUPLEX! It was a full release sort and Enygma got the crowd pumped! The mysterious masked man went for the ankle of Darryl Devine and locked in The Enygma Variation! Devine reached for the ropes and reached for Seduction but it wasn't to be! And Devine had to give up but what a fight he turned in!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 10:31)

Match Rating: C-


[Enygma released the hold and rose to his feet. He turned toward the other side and came face-to-chest with the number one contender...]




[...Bruce just smiled down at him and clubbed him with a forearm! Bruce bounced off the ropes -- legdrop to the back of the head! Enygma got squashed! Bruce grabbed the USPW World Title belt! He looked down at it for a moment and then laid it across Enygma's body. What a deadly assault by Bruce The Giant!]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg

The Hillbillys vs. The Titans


[Was this even a match? If so, it felt like a handicap match because Tyson Baine never even left the ring! He took out both Hillbillys with ease. In fact, the only thing about The Hillbillys in this match was a sign: 'Are The Hillbillys husband and wife?' In less than two minutes, he had Pete up and delivered the Hades Bomb, making the pinfall victory in a complete and total squash. One of the more notable things about this match was the fact that Carl Batch was in the corner of The Titans.]


Winners: The Titans (Via Pinfall @ 1:31)

Match Rating: D


[After the match, as The Titans headed toward the back, Baine paused at a fan holding up a sign: 'Enygma shouldn't be World Champ, Baine should be!' He looked at the sign and took it from the fan, ripping it apart! Apparently, Baine doesn't even like his own fans! He made a threatening gesture toward the fan but things were stopped by security before they got out of hand.]






[backstage within the locker room, Alicia Strong is punching a punching bag held by her father Sam Strong.]


Sam Strong

"That's it, Alicia. Just a few more punches and you'll be ready for your match tonight."


Alicia Strong

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll make you proud of me."


[Alicia threw a few more punches and Sam stopped her. He gave his daughter a hug.]


Sam Strong

"Alright, Alicia, now go out there and get it done tonight. Make me proud."


[Alicia nodded, looking ready to murder somebody. Her match with Belle Bryden is next!]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg

Top Contender Match

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden


[As Alicia made her entrance, she paused at a fan holding up a sign reading: 'The new evolution of the Strong Family: Alicia' She smiled at him and autographed the sign before heading to the ring. Women's wrestling at their finest here in USPW! Two of the finest female athletes in the world squaring off for a shot at the USPW Women's Title. This wasn't a hair-pulling, biting, scratching affair. These two women showed some great technical moves and showed counters back and forth. The crowd really got into it as Alicia and Belle fought. Neither woman maintained an advantage for long and soon enough the action spilled out to the floor. Belle grabbed Alicia by the hair and ran her into the guardrail! The crowd booed Belle as she played to them for a moment. But this gave Alicia the chance to come back and grab Belle by the hair! She hooked Belle -- DDT! A DDT on the floor by Alicia Strong! The crowd cheered as the referee continued his count and Alicia didn't make it back to the ring in time! The result is a double countout! Alicia looked dejected but who is the #1 contender?!?!]


Winner: Draw (Double Countout @ 5:57)

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, as everyone's focus moved to the big video screen, Belle made her way to the back. She paused in front of a fan with a sign reading: 'Belle, Be my Dish Of The Day!' She gave a coy smile and an autograph, slipping a small piece of paper with her phone number on it as well before she headed to the back.]






[Without getting anything settled in the Women's division, it's almost time for our main event. The big video screen lights up, showing a split-screen of Bryan Holmes with Carl Batch and James Justice each walking down seperate hallways. Our main event match is next!]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty.jpg

Bryan Holmes vs. James Justice


[This is one of the reasons that USPW has the best wrestling action in the world today! Bryan Holmes versus James Justice? A classic battle that has great heat and great wrestling action! Too bad that the bad chemistry bug showed itself within the match. The match started with some good technical catch as catch can wrestling action. Two times they just countered each other into a stalemate and both men back to a vertical base. The third time though had James Justice gaining control and finally knocking Bryan Holmes out of the ring! The crowd cheered on Justice as he stood tall in the center of the ring. The camera zoomed in on a sign, reading: 'The Lights Are On But Nobody's Holmes'. Holmes talked with Batch and then re-entered the ring. A lockup turned into a side headlock takeover by Justice. Justice got a couple of near falls with the hold but Holmes managed to get back to his feet and send Justice off to the ropes. He took down Justice with a shoulderblock and then a quick elbow...]


[...The next several minutes were spent with Bryan Holmes in control, wearing down on the back of James Justice. The crowd took turns trying to pull Justice back in control but couldn't get him back in it for more than a move or two at the most. Holmes showed his technical wrestling expertise on Justice throughout this bout. As Holmes continued his assault, The Titans made their way down to the ring. The crowd booed these two large men as they stood in the corner with Carl Batch. Holmes hooked a Full Nelson on Justice, setting him up for the Final Impact but Justice rushed backward in a second wind, knocking Holmes into the corner. Holmes' head hit the steel ringpost behind the turnbuckle and that broke the hold...]


[...The fan favorite went into his comeback on Bryan Holmes, taking him down with a huge body slam but he held his back afterward because of the focus that Holmes' had on his back earlier in the match. Justice fought through the pain, bouncing off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSS -- DUDE KNEE DROP! The move connects and Justice is slow to get to his feet. He has to use the ropes to help him up as he holds his back with his free hand. Holmes slowly begins to stir and move toward his feet as well. Both men are up and Justice hooks Holmes -- Holmes shoves Justice toward the ropes -- Baine pulls down the top rope! Justice goes flying out of the ring and the referee calls for the instant DQ!]


Winner: James Justice (Via Disqualification @ 15:10)

Match Rating: C-




[T-Rex grabs Justice and shoves him inside the ring again and The Titans each grab him in a choke hold -- DOUBLE HADES BOMB! The crowd boos this heavily, chanting for 'Caulfield, Caulfield, Caulfield' but Chris is not in the building tonight! Holmes grabs Justice -- FINAL IMPACT! The move connects but with a full release instead of the usual bridge. Carl Batch even gets in a few stomps. The Titans, Bryan Holmes and Carl Batch each raise their hands in victory to end the show.]

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Almost everyone who predicted in this show got 5/6. Sometimes predictability is a good thing though, right? Congratulations to supershot, BHK1978, BYU 14, xopher316, Lexa90, FlameSnoopy, TheStroke7, jhd1 and Wrestling Century!




1. jhd1=28 Wins

2. BHK1978=27 Wins

Lexa90=27 Wins

4. TheStroke7=26 Wins

5. FlameSnoopy=23 Wins

6. Wrestling Century=22 Wins

7. critical-23=21 Wins

8. Kainlock=20 Wins

9. KingOfKings=14 Wins

BYU 14=14 Wins

11. mad5226=13 Wins

Bolton=13 Wins

13. Boltinho=12 Wins

bgbuff=12 Wins

15. supershot=10 Wins

16. Jaded=8 Wins

17. PoisonedSuperman=6 Wins

18. trypio=5 Wins

xopher316=5 Wins

20. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

ECW 2.0=4 Wins

25. Huntman=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 2 February 2010


Bryan Holmes vs. Steve Flash

Dean Waldorf vs. Captain USA

T-Rex vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Chris Caulfield vs. Anger

Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


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Awesome show once again :D


One hell of a PPV ! Also glad to see that you're feeling better.


There's a little something in me guessing that Alicia is playing Avatar only to get more spotlight attention. I know, it's not very nice, but that would be one great story to tell.


Awesome PPV angeldelayette! :)


Prediction time, and how I'm still hanging on to top spot I don't know!


I am glad that most people seemed to have enjoyed the PPV. I wasn't sure how I felt about it or not simply because I wrote a lot of it when I was feeling bad. And for the most part I am still feeling bad but better from where I once was.


MrOnu, that is an interesting take on the situation between Avatar and Alicia Strong. Of course I am not gonna give out any clues on how that is working or not but I will say that is an interesting take. :)

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Yeeheei!! I got Belle Bryden's numbaah!!! :D


Bryan Holmes vs. Steve Flash

Dean Waldorf vs. Captain USA

T-Rex vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Chris Caulfield vs. Anger

Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


Fan Sign: Caulfield, Danger Drop the Coke bottle!

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Bryan Holmes vs. Steve Flash

No chance Holmes is going to lose after being in the main event.


Dean Waldorf vs. Captain USA

Could go either way to be honest..


T-Rex vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Come on, if one of the Hillbillies is involved, it's a squash! :p


Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

THE DUUDEE picks up the win


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

I could see Java taking this one, but let's predict that Jones defends


Chris Caulfield vs. Anger

Anger has been strong, but is no match for Chris.


Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Enygma will defeat Jumbo tonight.

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Bryan Holmes vs. Steve Flash

He's Bryan friggin' Holmes, yo.


Dean Waldorf vs. Captain USA

USA's winding down whilst Waldorf hs the potential to rise.


T-Rex vs. Pete The Hillbilly



Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

Good match-up here. Devine should get plenty of rub from Justice.


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Dre continues to roll.


Chris Caulfield vs. Anger

Anger is a tag legend and although the Coke thing is entertaining, Caulfield is friggin' Caulfied, yo!


Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Enygma gets the win, but I expect post-match shenanigans.


Fan Sign: "Missed the last show cause Anger stole my Coke!!!"

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Wednesday Week 2 February 2010


Bryan Holmes vs. Steve Flash

I would prefer the Remarkable to win...but Holmes did the Main Event last week so...


Dean Waldorf vs. Captain USA

Cap USA will win this one...but I an not sure about it...Dean could be great if used well...but The Cap is The Cap!


T-Rex vs. Pete The Hillbilly

T-Rex...Domination...Decisive Win!


Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

Justice will be served!...Dudes!


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Andre Jones will not lose the title...at lelast not to Java


Chris Caulfield vs. Anger

Caulfield needs some wins and some momentum


Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Why should Enygma lose it?...no seriously...no other end possible than Enygma with a Decisive win!


Fun Sign: "Bruce Loves Tyson!" and "If Batch is the PIMP...then Holmes is a B***h!"

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Bryan Holmes vs. Steve Flash

Dean Waldorf vs. Captain USA

T-Rex vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Chris Caulfield vs. Anger

Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson



It's time for Justice, DUDES!

Enygma, you don't deserve to be champ, you Giant wannabe!


OoC: I really like the character development that has been happening. It gives the character more depth IMO.

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Another great read angeldelayette! I wouldn't say the last show was predictable, you caught us all out with the women's draw.


Bryan Holmes vs. Steve Flash

Holmes lost his first one but he'll turn it around tonight.

Dean Waldorf vs. Captain USA

No idea. Problem is, if I'm wrong Lexa catches me up! I would want Waldorf's debut to get off with a bang and I imagine USA either has said he's retiring or will be doing soon so I'm expecting jobsville for him.

T-Rex vs. Pete The Hillbilly

T-Rex squash, simple as.

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

JJ beats DD. I could see a bit of distraction coming from somewhere but I don't think it'll cost Justice the match.

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Java's not going to win this title, though I imagine a better prospect will in the near future.

Chris Caulfield vs. Anger

Caulfield's not won in a while, but neither has Anger. Still, when the Coca Cola can asks him to try a shooting star press into the crowd Anger will get counted out.

Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Enygma's going to keep his momentum high with another win but then get a beating from Bruce for his trouble.


Fun Fan Fun Sign: "Darryl will need Devine intervention to beat the Dude!" and "Does Bruce still drive that Mini?"

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Bryan Holmes vs. Steve Flash

Dean Waldorf vs. Captain USA

T-Rex vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Chris Caulfield vs. AngerNon Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


Fan sign: Enygma..giant slayer...my DAD

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