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Welcome. You Know The Drill.

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And this is what this version of "Welcome" will be remembered for.


Not many things I've read in diaries over the years have genuinely made my jaw drop. I'm sure there have been character deaths in diaries, but this is the first one in a diary that I've read. Then for it to be Cliff (!), and for him to somehow OD (?!?!?!?!)... that's just nuts.

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Jonnie Perez did it.


It wasn't on purpose, but Cliff was watching an indy event where Perez was wrestling. Perez overshot his opponent outside the ring and ended up in the crowd.


The rest is history.


Convicted felon Jonnie Perez?

Not safe enough to work for CZCW Jonnie Perez?

Drowning in his brother's shadow Jonnie Perez?


Sure... it was an... accident.

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(OOC: For the record, I can't rehire Acid or Jonnie or some of the others due to the 6-month waiting period after they leave. Pity...)



October 2014, week 4


I spent the next two days speaking with the police. I was answering questions, not getting answers, and it was... overwhelming, to say the least. I had scheduled ACZW before even realizing... what happens if nobody gets paid?


So, yeah, my ulcers started coming back with a vengance.



ACZW (Tri)

We keep things simple. Demon Seed retains over Machine... yes, I just booked that... decent match. Heroic beats Devine, that's okay. Paradigm retains the Xtreme Title over Jackpot, which still sucks. Maita beats Remmy, which is decent. And finally, Philippe beats Poison to give us a good finish to the show..


(Show rating: C, 2,000 tickets sold.)



On returning back to SoCal, I was contacted by a representative of the companies that funded CZCW. I finally got some of the answers I had been looking for. CZCW was 'owned' by a group of businesses... Cliff was just the foremost investor and, as such, considered the 'owner'. It turns out the business he used to invest in us was a day-labor company. Cliff had been well-respected in his industry because he always made sure his day-laborers were legal.


It turns out, he was so strict about not hiring illegals because he didn't want the cops snooping around. His business had been a cover; a portion of the men he employed were really drug trafficers. He had little to do with the drugs beyond letting the men 'work' for him... and the occasional small bag of blow for himself. He had never let his habit get out of control because he had a bigger addiction: Money. But when we started showing the possibility of being a million-a-year company... he indulged himself a big more. And more.


That was why he had been increasingly erratic over the last few years... obsessive, even vindictive. In retrospect, it all made sense.


The representative also told me that the other investors were deciding what to do. Some wanted to continue funding us; others wanted to wash their hands of us entirely. Until they decided, I was to continue my role as head booker and ensure the others they would be paid... unless they decided to dissolve the company. There would be no more ACZW for the time being... I was to stick to the Southwest.


And I was to fire the two members of the roster who owned other companies... to prevent them from gaining an unfair advantage. I already had to bring The Guru back as color commentator... now I had to find a new announcer for next week... and in the meantime, I was going to call in some extra help. Just in case.



CZCW Onslaught #232

We keep things simple here tonight as well, with just a half-dozen matches. Part of me wanted to go back to three hours, get as many paychecks out as possible... but I didn't want to influence anyone's decision to dump us.


We open up with a Tag Title match, with The Odd Couple defending against Coast-2-Coast. Nelson and I win here, taking the titles and giving me a reason not to book myself into any CZCW Title matches for a while in case I get tempted to give myself another run. We put out a great match, and I hope it sets the tone for the evening.


Cougar and Machine are up next, and they put on a nice, proficient match that doesn't excite but certainly satisfies, with Cougar getting another win. Remmy and Donnie go at it next, and they go a bit faster... after all, it's Remmy... a shorter match here, with Remmy going over. Then, the crowd gets five minutes to take a leak as Barerra squashes Chill in one of the worse matches we've seen lately. To recover, we have a random tag match: Los Luchas (Mitico and Heroic) take on the team of Akima Brave and the returning Plague. I have high hopes for this match. Annnnd the crowd, apparently, did as well... and didn't get it, as the match was good, not great, and the crowd sat on their hands the whole time. Akima and Plague get the victory, but I should have switched the two tag matches on the card.


For a main event, it's rematch time as Valiant defends the CZCW Title against Philippe LaGrenier. These two go half an hour in a great ladder match that, again, will probably rank up there with some of our best matches of the year... but not ever. Valiant retains, but Philippe nearly got it several times and should remain a title threat.


(Show rating: B-, 6,403 tickets sold.)



On the next Coastal Zone: November begins with a new owner for the Coastal Zone. Who is it?

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November 2014, weeks 1 and 2 (ish)

The week passed quickly. Taking advantage of not having ACZW, I hit the East Coast to recruit our new announcer, Davis Ditterich. He was nowhere near Steve Smith's ability, but he was much cheaper and wasn't working for anyone else. It would take time for him to get into the Zone style of fast-paced moves, but I figured... hey, maybe the company will fold before he wrecks the product.


There's always a bright side.



CZCW Onslaught #233

Screw it. Tonight, pretty much everyone gets paid. Our opening match is a six-man “Who didn't we book elsewhere” special tag match. Machine, Skye, and Jordan against Philippe, Akima and Remus. We get a decent-enough opener out of this, with Remus forcing Jordan to tap for the win for his team. We follow that with another six-man tag, Los Luchas vs Los Rudos. This one's even better than the first, with Los Rudos cheating to win by smacking their opponents with the ACZW belt while the ref wasn't looking. Plague squashes Elliot Thomas in an almost-average match, then demands real competition... and out comes Donnie J. This... isn't as good as I had hoped, but it's still pretty good, I'd say it's 'Zone Average'... which is a step above what average would be for anyone else.


Paradigm gets a fairly quick Xtreme Title defense in over Cheetah Boy, which doesn't go well with the crowd. Then, a four-team Tag Titles match as Nelson and I defend against The Odd Couple, Devine Justice, and Poison Moose. It's... well, still Zone Average, which dissapoints me a bit, as nothing really seems to connect in this one. We retain, but really, we're just eating time. The show finishes with Valiant vs Cougar for the CZCW Title. This one's not the long-fought battle we tend to do but a fast, action-packed matchup. Perhaps that's why it doesn't go over as well as I had hoped, or maybe it's just the crowd was off tonight. Valiant retains, and everyone goes home with a paycheck. Well, except a couple jobbers.


(Show rating: C+, 6,473 tickets sold.)



Wednesday of Week 2


I had received a message from the 'representative'. He stated it would be the last time he spoke to me. The assorted companies that invested in CZCW had decided, as a group, to sell to an aging wrestler who was looking to put the money he had saved up to good use. In a way, I was relieved; the owner being a wrestler instead of a businessman meant they'd be a bit more agreeable when it came to certain things. I took off immediately for the Coastal Resort, which housed Cliff's... and now the new owner's... office. I wondered who it could be.


I opened the office door. “I was told you wanted to see me, bo--” I did a double-take at who was behind the deck and started quietly choking on my tongue.


“Yes... yes I did, Mark. Or did Cliff call you Fox?”


“Fox. When he was clean, at least. It was only Mark towards the end.”


“Fox it is, then. You've been doing a good job, and I don't want to put too much pressure on you, so I'll keep things simple. I want the Coastal Zone to grow. Two and a half years from now, I want us fighting the big boys for the hearts of America. To do that, we need to make sure we only hire somewhat-known quantities. I don't mean popular with the fans, I mean popular backstage. Politics can get in the way, I'm sure you've noticed that.”


“I, uh, yes, I have.”


“Good. So only people with a good reputation. And only guys who can bounce back from this heavy schedule you've got going on. If they're not resiliant, I don't want them here... like that Devine guy. He wrestles fine, but he always seems beat for the day or two after a show. Athletic people, y'know?”


I went though a quick mental list in my head. That... meant there were very few people off-limits for us that we'd've been interested in. “Is that all... uh, boss?”


“No, one other thing. You're going to stay head booker... but I'm not just going to sit behind the scenes here. I'm sure you're familiar with my work... after all, I'm a three-time world champion, so who isn't... I'm not a big talker.” I bit my tongue before I could make a comment that would get me fired. “So, I'm going to be an active participant here. I expect to be booked with the respect my position deserves... but believe me, I'm not expecting to be given the title just because I'm the boss. We'll discuss that when it gets to the point that the crowd demands I get a title run. For now, just keep me strong out there.”


I had heard stories... and they all appeared to be true. The man had finally figured out a way to win the political game... by buying his own company.


“I'm going to need your opinion on our people... before the next show, I want you to give me a quick rundown on everyone. Just a line or two each, let me know what they're doing and where you see them going. Other than that... keep doing what you've been doing. I've sunk a lot of money into buying this place – it's time to make it a company to be proud of, run by a fine, upstanding man instead of a coke fiend. Bring in some new guys, some old guys, get rid of who you want to... make it seem like the roster's been shaken up. We need to make an impact, ”


“Yessir, Mister Jonas.”


“Please... if I'm calling you Fox, you can feel free to call me... Redwood.”



On the next Coastal Zone: Oh. Dear. God.

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On the Next "Welcome..." Fox bolts for SOTBPW!


Nah, MHW is the obvious choice - just south of the border in Tijuana (I think) and within striking distance of CZCW but with the added bonus of having that border fence protecting him from Redwood's wrath.


And Redwood shouldn't be the next champion, he said he wanted to EARN it.

At there might be a transitional champion who wants to 'not play politics' by willingly laying down for the newest Zone GIANT!

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November 2014, weeks 2


To: Giant Redwood

From: Fox Mask

Subject: Coastal Zone Roster Report


Going at this alphabetically, to keep things easier to digest for you, Boss.


Akima Brave, uppercarder. Wealth of experience and a great all-arounder. Problem is, he's too popular for the midcard titles and we've got too many more popular types for the main event.


Amazing Fire Fly, midcarder. Amazing young luchadore. Exciting, highly skilled, can't seem to get over.


Barrera, midcarder. Been with us his whole career. Started out a brawler, has developped a fairly good flying game. Tons of potential here.


Cheetah Boy, lowcarder. Not really a 'boy' anymore. Seemingly incapable of getting over, but decent skills.


Chill, jobber. Hoping to teach him how to fly.


Darryl Devine, uppercarder. Great guy, hasn't had enough time to get a fanbase here. You don't like him though.


Dean Waldorf, midcarder. Technical brawler. Hoping to get some flying skills so he can be a bigger catch to the big leagues.


Demon Seed, lowcarder. ACZW Champion. Head of Los Rudos. Great worker, has popularity issues, going to be pushed semi-hard as 'chicken**** heel champion'.


Donnie J, main eventer. Skilled, but is starting to get depressed about never getting a good crack at the big leagues again. And he's getting ever closer to 40.


El Mitico Jr, midcarder. Leader of Los Luchas. Great technician and flier. Despite being a former CZCW Champion, has trouble getting over. Can be counted on for great matches.


Elliot Thomas, jobber. Young but already a great flier. Ticked off Donnie J. Really should use him more.


Fox Mask, main eventer, aka Me. I'm good, but I'm willing to admit I'm not the best we have here.


Insane Machine, main eventer. Machine is... not the man he used to be. He can't perform to the same levels. But I plan on keeping him around until he decides to retire.


Jackpot Jordan, midcarder. He should be a great worker. For some reason, he isn't. Makes a decent stepping-stone.


Jeremiah Moose, midcarder. Miah's come a long way, but it's possible he peaked as part of the Poison Moose team. No reason he couldn't make another run at it.


Joey Poison, uppercarder. Decent guy, great performer, starting to get on in years.


Mario Heroic, midcarder, Los Luchas. Hell of a fun guy to watch, suffers from the same 'can't get over' syndrome that hits all our Mexican imports.


Masked Cougar, main eventer. One of our best fliers. Arguably one of our best performers, period. Always a good go-to guy for main events.


Mokuami Maita, uppercarder. I felt a need to import some Japanese style. He's easily El Mitico's equal in skills. With a strong push, could become a main eventer, as we don't have a problem with the language thing.


Nelson Callum, midcarder. Half of the current Tag Team Champions. I feel that with a solid push, and some flying skills, he'll be a solid member of the main event.


Panda Mask II, lowcarder, Los Rudos. Great skills, still young enough to learn more, but again... can't get over.


Paradigm, lowcarder, Xtreme Champion. Great flier, and my long-term pet project. I -will- get this kid over.


Philippe LaGrenier, main eventer. Canadian import, manages to put on far better matches than you'd expect of someone with his skills. If he keeps learning, he'll be amazing.


Plague, uppercarder. An old friend, but nowhere near what he used to be. He realizes this, refuses to do ladder matches. Means he'll never be champion again... but he's still got plenty to teach.


Regular Joe, jobber. He's here to learn flying skills; if he can, great.


Remmy Skye, uppercarder. One of our mainstays. Only reason he's not a main eventer is an influx of more popular people. And he's only thirty.


Rod Remus, midcarder. Another youngster with potential, Remus seems to have stalled out; I'm not sure if it's worth trying to fix it.


Tigre Salvaje Jr, lowcarder, Los Rudos. Another skilled-but-never-over case.


Valiant, main eventer, current CZCW Champion. Former midcard champion in SWF. Great brawler, knows all the tricks about how to work a crowd. Very popular. Probably champion for a long time.



CZCW Onslaught #234

I... am not looking forward to this, really.


Tonight, we start with Philippe and Donnie in a long battle that sees Philippe come out on top after a decent bout... and then Redwood comes out and beats the crap out of Donnie for a few minutes, which the crowd... doesn't hate. It maybe helps that we keep it short. Then, a six-man ladder Xtreme Title match pits Paradigm against Mitico, Firefly, Tigre, Panda, and Moose. The match is a good one, like we'd expect from our 'Xtreme Division' and their flying, and Paradigm manages to survive the insanity long enough to sneak up the ladder to get his title.


We take a break with Barerra squashing Regular Joe and Elliot Thomas (“The crowds love seein' the tough guys take on two guys,” the boss had told me), and it's.. almost not horrible. Redwood then comes out and squashes Cheetah Boy, and that's slightly better. As it, it's not horrible. But still bad. We then try to make things up to the fans by doing The Odd Couple vs Akima and Jordan, with Maita and Waldorf winning.... but the crowd is in a baaaaad mood by this point.


A four-man contendership match is next, with Plague, Remmy, Cougar, and Machine. It's a decent match, but the crowd's dragging it down a bit. Remmy gets the win here, as he's the only one I can see throwing a title match at right now. Then, in the main event, Nelson and I defend the Tag Titles against Valiant and Remus. We win, of course, with Remus dragging his partner down, but the crowd continues to drag us down... or maybe it's the announcer... or the previous matches... or... who knows...


(Show rating: C, 5,928 tickets sold.)



On the next Coastal Zone: The Redwood Era has begun in earnest, with our worst Onslaught in a long time. Can we do better? And what, exactly, has Giant Redwood been up to in the last five years?

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