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Restoring The Honour- TCW

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Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

Sam gets himself DQ'd and then there's a bloody post match beat down so Golden can request the PPV rematch.


L.A Connection vs Texas Buffalo

New Wave interfere to get their belts back.


Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson

Troy interferes. Gives Edd some rub and forwards the storyline.


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins


Koshiro Ino & ? vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher

I always go with ?. ? always wins!


MOTN: Vessey vs Huggins

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Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


I fancy a no contest through interference.


L.A Connection vs Texas Buffalo


Well must be L.A Connection here, unless of a distraction from the new wave, but i see there revenge after thisto get their belts back


Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson


Benson wins with Tornado interfering so Ed keeps the belt


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins


Vessey picks up a win after last weeks loss.


Koshiro Ino & ? vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher


Can't see thatcher getting a win so Ino and his partner take the win

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Guest KingOfKings

Main Event

TCW World Heavyweight Championship: Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


Rest Of Card


L.A Connection vs Texas Buffalo


TCW All Action Championship: Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins


Kishiro Ino & ? vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher

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TCW World Heavyweight Championship: Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

Rocky survives his first title defense and the fans DON'T chant 'Die Rocky Die!'


L.A Connection vs Texas Buffalo

A momentum building match.


TCW All Action Championship: Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson

Why? Because he's Edd Stone, that's why!


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

Vessey with an uncomplicated win.


Kishiro Ino & ? vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher

Never bet against the Riddler


Like with SWF, not entirely familiar with the TCW wrestlers due to my never playing a game with them really. But I do use dynasties to get my knowledge of characters like I shall do here.

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Main Event

TCW World Heavyweight Championship: Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith - Title's not changing hands here.


L.A Connection vs Texas Buffalo - The push continues


TCW All Action Championship: Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson - Party Animal 4 Life!


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins - He's the most talented druggie around. Match of the night.


Kishiro Ino & ? vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher - Wise man once said, "If the mystery partner was worth a damn, he'd be pre-advertised and selling tickets."

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Main Event

TCW World Heavyweight Championship: Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

Rocky by DQ so Sam doesnt lose clean



We get to see Rocky Golden make his first TCW Heavyweight title defense against a legend of this business Sam Keith. Keith has stalked Golden since he first one the title. Now he has his opportunity to take it from him.


Rest Of Card


L.A Connection vs Texas Buffalo

CANT BELIEVE you put them over THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD but I like the two young guys so its probably not for nothing. Why lose and kill the momentum



TCW All Action Championship: Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson

Him and Huggins have been underrated for years and Tornado costs Benny a title.



Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

Vessy without a doubt but I love huggins more than anything (please push him)



Kishiro Ino & ? vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher

Id say Ino just because Thatcher is on the other side and Ino has a surprise partner.



(Don't forget you can also predict on what match of the night will be)


Vessey vs Huggins

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I will be posting the show later today but at the moment I am looking for entrance songs for the entire roster. Feel free to make suggestions.


I have already chosen songs for the following


Troy Tornado

Rocky Golden

Bryan Vessey

Tommy Cornell

Benny Benson

Danny Fonzarelli

Wolf Hawkins

Joey Minnesota

Sam Keith

Ricky Dale Johnson


Make as many suggestions as you like and I will choose which ones I think fit best. You can even suggest ones for those listed above, and if I think they are better I will change them. Make 'em good ones :)

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Main Event

TCW World Heavyweight Championship: Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

-I see no reason for Keith to take the title here, so Golden wins.


We get to see Rocky Golden make his first TCW Heavyweight title defense against a legend of this business Sam Keith. Keith has stalked Golden since he first one the title. Now he has his opportunity to take it from him.


Rest Of Card


L.A Connection vs Texas Buffalo

-After the Connection got the win in the non-title match, I think they get the win here. I could see them losing by distraction if The New Wave come get the belts though.


TCW All Action Championship: Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson

-I could see Benson pull it in, but I don't want Edd to lose.


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

-This is really a squash for Vessey.


Koshiro Ino & ? vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher


MotN: Bryan Vessey vs. Freddy Huggins


Entrance Music Suggestion(s)

The Canadian Animals: "Youth Gone Wild" by Skid Row

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday Week 2, January 2010

Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West)

Attendance: 10,000



Hello everybody and welcome to TCW Presents Total Wrestling. A place where you can see the best wrestlers in the world compete to be the top of the pile and indeed that particular honour is on the line tonight as we will see the TCW World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden put his title on the line against Sam Keith. I’m Jason Azaria alongside my broadcast partner Shawn Doakes.


And am I pumped! This world championship match has the potential to be a classic. On one side you have the grizzled veteran Sam Keith, a man who has been a champion all over the world. America, Japan, Mexico, you name it, Keith has done it.


But we must not forget that Keith has never been TCW Heavyweight Champion


Not yet. Not yet


Rocky Golden on the other hand is only 26 years old and this youngster really upset the odds when he dethroned Cornell late last year for the title


It was luck. Everybody knows it. Keith will prove to the world that Rocky Golden is a fluke champion


Well that remains to be seen partner. But first we are going to kick off the show with a tag team contest. Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher against Koshiro Ino and an unnamed partner


I will be surprised if Ino even found anybody to team with. Who would want to go up against Law?



Rick Law’s music hits and he and Charlie Thatcher hit the ring http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBeT4ptY9sY

Law looking supremely confident that he has the match-up in the bag.


Koshiro Ino’s music starts

and he makes his way towards the ramp before stopping and pointing back towards the entrance


Danny Fonzarelli appears to the delight of the crowd in attendance. Fonzerelli and Ino shake hands before the match begins. (Law is not happy with Fonzerelli being in the match)


Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli vs Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher

A very entertaining opener that had a fair amount of heat. Thatcher did the majority of in-ring work for his team due to Law’s lack of will to fight Ino. Every time Ino would get the tag, Law would tag right back out. The end came when Ino charged across the ring and flung himself over the top rope to take Law out of his corner. Fonzarelli took this opportunity to hit the Retro Rocket for the 1,2,3. Law managing to escape before Ino could do too much damage leaving Thatcher without a second thought.


Rating: B-



Why the hell did Fonzarelli help Ino?


He obviously has a lot of respect for Ino. But what a great match to kick off the show with!



Ino takes the microphone and thanks Fonzarelli for teaming with him. Fonzarelli shakes his hand one more time before heading backstage. Ino begins to address the crowd.

Ino: (Heavy Japanese accent) Law. This isn’t over. I want to face you one on one. You betrayed me. I cannot forgive that...........You and me at Malice In Wonderland!


The crowd cheer loudly as Ino places the microphone on to the canvas. The cheers soon give way to yells of warning as Law has come back down the ramp and entered the ring. With his back to the entrance Ino fails to realise until it is too late. BANG! Law hits the Long Arm of The Law. Knocking Ino out cold. To add further insult to injury, Law places The Syndicate’s emblem over Ino’s prone body. The crowd loudly boo Law as he smiles and slowly makes his way backstage.


Rating: C-


What a despicable move by Law. This must bring back some bad memories for Ino. It was during a tag team match against The Syndicate when Rick Law betrayed him.


Ino should have kept his eye on the ball. If he is foolish enough to do that then he deserves what he gets



Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

Freddy Huggins entrance-

Bryan Vessey entrance- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7VAZ2SCPEE


A nice solid match that saw Vessey inflict the majority of the offence on Huggins. However, it certainly wasn’t all one sided as Huggins used his speed to out-manoeuvre Vessey and hit him with several dropkicks and armdrags that had the veteran reeling. This didn’t last for long though as Vessey managed to catch the elusive Huggins and hit the Vessey Driver leading to the 1,2,3. Not even Laura Huggins could prevent her brother from losing this one.


Rating: C+



As the match ended Eddie Peak’s music hit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7VAZ2SCPEE

Vessey quickly prepared himself for Peak to come down to the ring.....but Peak didn’t appear.



Did you see Vessey’s reaction? He is clearly terrified of Peak


I’m not so sure about that. I believe Vessey knows exactly what Peak is like. Peak is mentally unstable and attacked Vessey 2 weeks ago.


Looks like Peak has gotten in Vessey’s head


I can’t argue with that...........But up next, the TCW All Action Championship is up for grabs as the champion Edd Stone competes against the challenger Benny Benson



TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Benny Benson

Benny Benson entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUBwjyhRweQ

Edd Stone entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MLp7YNTznE


A fast paced match that unfortunately suffered due to Edd Stone’s lack of experience. There were a couple of memorable moments however, including Benson taking a fall from the top of the turnbuckle to the floor. Stone looked to have control when he avoided a corner body splash and rolled Benson up for the near fall. Stone almost got the same victory over Benson as he did the previous week against Tana. As peak set himself to deliver a brainbuster, Benson reversed the situation and dropped Stone with the Shockwave From Next Year. Benson made the cover as the referee counted the one........two........three. Benson picks up the victory and the TCW All Action Championship.


Rating: D+


The crowd loudly cheered Benson who has made one hell of an impact in TCW considering the short amount of time he has been here. Benson celebrated with the title held aloft before proudly strapping the gold around his waist.


Rating: C+



We have a new All Action Champion in TCW. Benny Benson has beaten Stone. Stone cannot believe it.


I can’t believe it either. Where was Troy Tornado? Why didn’t he jump Benson during the match?


Who knows, all I know is that there is a new champion in TCW and his name is Benny Benson



The L.A. Connection vs Texas Buffalo

Texas Buffalo entrance- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bph2gEpT2bQ

The L.A. Connection entrance-


The L.A Connection come to the ring with the TCW Tag titles that they stole from The New Wave last week. Surprisingly they still get cheered. They must have earned the fans respect when they beat The New Wave Last week. The match itself wasn;t that great, but not through the lack of trying on the part of the Connection. Texas Buffalo just seemed to be unwilling to put their all into the match. At about the 14 minute mark, Aaron Andrews landed his Flying Cross Body on American Buffalo which caused the big man to hit his head on the canvas hard. With Pete unable to help, the L.A. Connection managed to get the pinfall. As the bell sounded The New Wave came running down the entrance and into the ring. Fortunately Andrews and Fortune were able to escape the ring still in possession of the TCW Tag titles. The New Wave take the microphone.


Scout: You know something guys? You had better enjoy holding those titles as long as you can, because believe me when I say this. You will never get another chance to do it again. Not whilst Guide and I are still here.


Guide: You can run, but you can’t hide. Eventually The New Wave is gonna catch ya.


Rating: D+



Strong words from the tag team champions right there. No doubt the L.A Connection will have a response to that next week. But up next we have our World Heavyweight Championship match. Rocky Golden vs Sam Keith. Let’s head to ringside.



TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

Sam Keith entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrML6s1wNHk

Rocky Golden entrance-


In a 35 minute battle, both champion and challenger gave it their all to take home the victory. Sam Keith hit several chops to the chest of Golden causing his chest to turn beet red. Golden refused to be disheartened and hit Keith with everything he had. As the match passed the 30 minute mark both men looked exhausted. Keith went to his patented Neutron Plex but Golden realising he was in danger applied a small package........1......2......... Just as the referee’s hand hit the mat for a third time, Keith managed to pop his foot underneath the bottom rope. At least that is what it looked like to some. However, Rocky Golden was declared the winner via pinfall.


Rating: B-



What a travesty! Keith had his foot under the bottom rope. How could he have lost.


It didn’t look like his foot was under the rope. It was a really close call either way. Give the referee the benefit of the doubt. He was in a better position than any to see and he says Rocky got the pin.


This is a miscarriage of justice.


Well I’m afraid that is all we have time for tonight folks, but be sure to tune in next week for more hard hitting TCW action!




Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli defeated Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher

Bryan Vessey defeated Freddy Huggins

Benny Benson defeated Edd Stone for the TCW All Action Championship

The L.A. Connection defeated Texas Buffalo

Rocky Golden defeated Sam Keith to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship


Show Rating: C

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Prediction Results


Rocky Golden vs Sam Keith was Match of The Night


Truth: 3/6


Davide83: 4/6


KingofKings: 3/6


angeldelayette: 4/6


Jaded: 3/6


Teh_Showtime: 4/6


Rayelek: 4/6



Round Winner


Congratulations Davide83, angeldelayette and Rayelek you have won this round!



Overall Standings


1st: Truth = 1


1st: Davide83 = 1


1st: angeldelayette = 1


1st: Rayelek = 1


1st: Teh_Showtime = 1


2nd: KingofKings


2nd: Jaded


2nd: jwt13


2nd: Woodsmeister


2nd: Kainlock


2nd: The-619


2nd: Liamo



nice to see so many participating already. Thank you for all the kind messages. They are greatly apreciated.


As an added note, I hope you approve/like my song selections. If not feel free to suggest otherwise.

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Even the best laid plans can fall apart. Never have truer words been spoken. Having booked two shows so far for TCW, I felt that things were going well. No complaints backstage, even after I changed the locker room rules. That was a big decision for me to make. Should I create the atmosphere that I think will help this company the most or should I leave things as they were for fear of rocking the boat. In the end I decided to enforce new rules, but suplemented them with a few treats for the boys and girls such as an onsight masseuse and catering. Although I am starting to regret the latter. Do you know how much some of these guys eat? Small armies have nothing on Giant Tana. But on the whole I was settling in.........that was until the 2nd show went off the air.


After returning to the locker room, Rocky Golden found that one of the boys in the back had ribbed him by locking his stuff in a cupboard and hiding the key. Now Rocky took the joke well and played along until Joey Minnesota pushed it a little too far. A joke that was made cut a little too deep with Golden and after a few heated words Minnesota actually took a swing at the champ. Fortunately the rest of the locker seperated them before anybody got hurt.


It came to me to decide the fate of Minnesota.


"Sit yourself down Joey"


He sits himself down looking slightly concerned


"Joey. I can't tolerate this sort of behaviour. You went too far with the joke and you can't take shots at the guys or girls."


"I know. Things got a little out of hand."


"I thought you got all this out of your system."


"I have"


"So this is the last time I will hear anything like this happening again?"


"You have my word Jack."


"OK, get back to the locker room."


That may make next weeks main event slightly difficult. Lets hope things work out.

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TCW is proud to present another stacked Tuesday night card for TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Main Event

Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins



Rest of Card

The New Wave vs The Tag Team Specialists


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey vs Genghis Rahn


Eddie Peak vs Giant Tana


Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher vs Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli


Joshua Taylor vs Brent Hill



An epic 6-man tag team match will be headlining the card. With so much hatred involved who will be able to come out with the victory. Will Ino get a measure of revenge in the tag team rematch and what will Troy Tornado have to say about not appearing last week. All this and more next Tuesday on TCW Presents Total Wrestling.

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Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


The New Wave vs The Tag Team Specialists (Match of the Night)


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey vs Genghis Rahn

Eddie Peak vs Giant Tana


Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher vs Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli


Joshua Taylor vs Brent Hill

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Guest KingOfKings

Main Event

Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins



Rest of Card

The New Wave vs The Tag Team Specialists


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey vs Genghis Rahn


Eddie Peak vs Giant Tana


Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher vs Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli


Joshua Taylor vs Brent Hill

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Main Event

Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


The New Wave vs The Tag Team Specialists


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey vs Genghis Rahn


Eddie Peak vs Giant Tana


Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher vs Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli


Joshua Taylor vs Brent Hill

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Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


The New Wave vs The Tag Team Specialists


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey vs Genghis Rahn


Eddie Peak vs Giant Tana


Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher vs Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli


Joshua Taylor vs Brent Hill

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Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


The New Wave vs The Tag Team Specialists


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey vs Genghis Rahn


Eddie Peak vs Giant Tana


Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher vs Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli


Joshua Taylor vs Brent Hill


Main Event for the match of the night

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Main Event

Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins



Rest of Card

The New Wave vs The Tag Team Specialists


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey vs Genghis Rahn

Eddie Peak vs Giant Tana


Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher vs Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli


Joshua Taylor vs Brent Hill

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 3, January 2010

The Theatre of Dreams (North west)

Attendance: 10,000



Hello and welcome everyone to TCW Presents Total Wrestling. We have a night full of hard hitting wrestling action for you fans, so sit back and relax. I’m Jason Azaria alongside my broadcast partner Shawn Doakes.


I still can’t believe the travesty that occurred last week. Sam Keith was robbed of the TCW Heavyweight Championship.


Oh will you stop that already. Rocky Golden won fair and square. Only you seem to think that there was some foul play afoot.


I’m sure Keith believes exactly what I do. He deserves a rematch and I will be first to sign the petition for one.


I’m sure you would. But right now that is beside the point. We are about to kick tonight’s show off so let’s head down to ringside for our opening contest.



Joshua Taylor vs Brent Hill

Brent Hill entrance -

Joshua Taylor entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23Ivt-ikYIk


A nice opening contest that warmed the crowd up sufficiently. Taylor used technical wrestling to his advantage. Using various trips and takedowns, Taylor seemed to have control despite Hill’s counter wrestling. Hill did hit several jaw rattling forearms and uppercut but was unable to fully capitalise on any advantage he may have had. Taylor eventually earned the victory by hitting the Butterfly Driver (A variation of a Double Underarm DDT)


Rating: C+



Nice display of technical wrestling right there by both athletes.


Now normally I don’t agree with you, but on this occasion I do. A very enjoyable match to watch.


Coming up next we have a tag team rematch from last week and you have got to wonder what kind of mindset Ino is in.


Well if he is as easily distracted this week he will be on the losing end of the decision.



Rick Law & Charlie Thatcher vs Koshiro Ino & Danny Fonzarelli

Charlie Thatcher entrance -

Rick Law entrance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBeT4ptY9sY

Danny Fonzarelli entrance

Koshiro Ino entrance -


Rick Law struts to the ring very arrogantly. He took advantage of an unaware Ino last week and is very proud of having done so. Ino wastes no time in trying to get his hands on Law and jumps straight on him before the bell. The referee does manage to maintain some order and allows the match to start. A very evenly matched contest with neither team truly dominating. The end came when a distracted Ino was blasted with The Long Arm of The Law from behind, once again knocking him out cold. Law then fell into the cover for the 1,2,3.


Law grabs the microphone.


Law: You want to get another beating from me do ya?........Fine. You got it............I accept your challenge


He throws the mic at Ino’s body before heading back up the ramp


Rating: B-



Two weeks in a row. Haha. Man, Ino needs to pay attention to the matter at hand. Law has gotten the better of him time and time again.


But you have to think his luck is going to run out sometime soon. Perhaps his luck will run out at Malice In Wonderland.


I doubt it.



Eddie Peak vs Giant Tana

Eddie Peak entrance -

Giant Tana entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqz1ojIQTBk


A relatively short match up that lacked heat. Peak eventually pulled out the victory with The Peak of Perfection at around the 10 minute mark. After the match Eddie Peak looked around expecting to see Bryan Vessey. Nobody was there.


Rating: C



Good win by Peak there, but did you notice him look around nervously after the bell?


I think you are seeing things Azaria. Peak was just staring out at the crowd.


Well, we will have to agree to disagree on that one. But up next we will see a triple threat match between Vessey, Rahn and Bach.



Sammy Bach vs Bryan Vessey vs Genghis Rahn

Sammy Bach entrance -

Genghis Rahn entrance -

Bryan Vessey entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7VAZ2SCPEE


An entertaining contest that saw almost non-stop hard hitting action by all three competitors. Bach evidently was hoping that Rahn would double team Vessey with him but Rahn wanted no part of any tactics. In fact Rahn almost appeared to be “teaming” with Vessey more than he was working with Bach. Vessey was momentarily incapacitated by a low blow from Bach. Having turned around, Bach was met with a vicious right hand that dropped Bach hard. Vessey used this moment to capitalise and push Rahn out of the ring before covering Bach for the pinfall victory. Rahn seemed to smile before he headed backstage. Maybe he was impressed with Vessey using intelligence to pick up the win. Vessey celebrated with the crowd as he was going up the ramp. As soon as he went through the curtains he was hit with a bat causing him to fall back through the curtains. Standing above him, Eddie Peak crashed the bat one more time over Vessey’s left arm which made a sickening thud. Vessey writhed in pain as Peak laughed sadistically


Rating: B-



That is how you get it done. Brilliant move by Peak!


Brilliant? Where I come from that is called a cheap shot.


Well it doesn’t matter what you call it. It worked. End of discussion



Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado

Troy Tornado entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI2COawqMJQ&feature=PlayList&p=450695C9BB0BFD85&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=1

Benny Benson entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUBwjyhRweQ


A very entertaining back and forth bout that saw Benson begin to get the upper hand at around about the 15 minute mark. After driving the boots into Tornado in the corner the referee had to pull Benson away to force the break. Meanwhile Tornado rolled to the outside and picked up a chair. As Benson went to grab Tornado to pull him back into the ring, Tornado cracked the chair into the skull of his opponent. Given no other choice the ref was forced to award the bout a DQ victory for Benson. Tornado chased the referee out of the ring before picking up a microphone.


Tornado: I have had a lot of people asking me the question. Why, why Troy did you not interfere last week? Why did you allow Benson to win the All Action title. (long pause) Well the answer is very simple. I want nothing more than to wipe you off the face of professional wrestling Benson. But I want more than that. Not only do I want to tear you limb from limb. I want to break you mentally as I have said before. I let you win the title because I want to take that championship from your cold bloody hands. When I face you at Malice In Wonderland I am going to take your health....... your livelihood........ and your belt.


Tornado spits on Benson before exiting the ring.



I knew Tornado had a plan for Benson


Well, it looks like we have another match set for Malice In Wonderland. Benson vs Tornado for the TCW All Action Championship. What a brawl that will be.



The New Wave vs The Tag Team Specialists

The Tag Team Specialists entrance -

The New Wave entrance -


The New Wave came to the ring still without their tag team titles. As the match began, the L.A. Connection made their way to the top of the entrance. Scout and Guide fail to realise this and continue on with their match which ends when The Wave of Mutilation incapacitates Robert Oxford for the pin. After the bell the New Wave chase the L.A. Connection out of the arena.


Rating: C



Well now it is time for the main event of the evening. The Syndicate and Sam Keith go up against The Freedom Fighters and the TCW Champion Rocky Golden.


Hopefully Sam Keith will make Rocky pay for cheating last week



Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Sam Keith entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrML6s1wNHk

The Syndicate entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42TecZrMiLg

The Freedom Fighters entrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt_ro2aerQg

Rocky Golden entrance -


A great main event contest that saw all parties give it their best. 33 minutes of give and take left the crowd standing cheering for Golden and the Freedom Fighters to beat their opponents. Golden had Hawkins reeling after several hard kicks and palm strikes and looked to finish the match there and then, but a referee distraction by Sam Keith allowed Wolf to hit a low blow before landing the Full Moon Rising for the one....two.....three. The Syndicate had stolen one.


Rating: B


I knew Keith wouldn’t let Golden get away without some form of retribution


And I am just being told that we will see Rocky Golden defend his TCW Heavyweight title against Sam Keith at Malice In Wonderland.


Justice is served. Rocky will be beaten and beaten badly.


What an amazing main event we have just witnessed. On behalf of Shawn Doakes and myself, goodnight folks, we will see you all next Tuesday!




Jushua Taylor defeated Brent Hill

Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher defeated Koshiro Ino and Rick Law

Eddie Peak defeated Giant Tana

Bryan Vessey defeated Sammy Bach and Genghis Rahn (Triple Threat)

Benny Benson defeated Troy Tornado by DQ

The New Wave defeated The Tag Team Specialists

The Syndicate and Sam Keith defeated The Freedom Fighters and Rocky Golden


Show Rating: B-

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Guest KingOfKings
Good show. I believe I got two predictions wrong. Threw me a swerve there letting the heels go over two weeks in a row. NO way it will happen thrice. Keep up the good work
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Prediction Results


The Syndicate & Sam Keith vs The Freedom Fighters & Rocky Golden was Match of The Night


Jaded: 4/8


KingofKings: 4/8


Antithesis: 3/8


drmacbeth: 5/8


Davide83: 6/8


Establishement: 4/8



Round Winner

Congratulations Davide83. You have won this round!




1st: Davide83 = 2


2nd: Truth = 1


2nd: angeldelayette = 1


2nd: Rayelek = 1


2nd: Teh_Showtime = 1


3rd: KingofKings


3rd: Jaded


3rd: jwt13


3rd: Woodsmeister


3rd: Kainlock


3rd: The-619


3rd: Liamo


3rd: Antithesis


3rd: drmacbeth


3rd: Establishment



Feel free to add comments whether good or bad. Any feedback is welcome. Hope you enjoyed the show.

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Good show. I believe I got two predictions wrong. Threw me a swerve there letting the heels go over two weeks in a row. NO way it will happen thrice. Keep up the good work


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Unfortuantely you got 3 matches wrong and didn't get the match of the night. I will double check though to make sure. Here's hoping someone gets a full card right. In fact, I will award a bonus round point if anybody is able to guess the entire card from top to bottom correctly.


On a side note: Knowing how much you mark for Wolf Hawkins, I'm sure you approve of how the main event ended.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Full Card


Main Event

Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell


Rest Of Card

Bryan Vessey & Genghis Rahn vs Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado


Joshua Taylor vs Sammy Bach


Flying Jimmy Fox vs Rick Law


The L.A. Connection vs Texas Buffalo


The New Wave vs The Machines


Charlie Thatcher vs Danny Fonzarelli

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Main Event

Rocky Golden vs Tommy Cornell


Rest Of Card

Bryan Vessey & Genghis Rahn vs Eddie Peak & Troy Tornado


Joshua Taylor vs Sammy Bach


Flying Jimmy Fox vs Rick Law


The L.A. Connection vs Texas Buffalo


The New Wave vs The Machines


Charlie Thatcher vs Danny Fonzarelli

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