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WCW 1999: The Kings Are Dead; Long Live The Kings

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I know, I know, no pictures! Do people think they are necessary, because they are always a ball ache to put in! I enjoyed this show the most since I came back from gardening leave, hopefully getting back into the swing a bit now. As always all feedback is read and appreciated, keep reaching for those WCW points!


WCW Points


Beejus= 115 points

Tristram=100 points

Totti=90 points

Nobby McDonald= 50 points

Juggaloninjalee=50 ponts

BHK1978= 30 points

michgcs= 10 points

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WCW Nitro Preview


Jeff Jarrett promised an untouchable army, and he delivered. The new Untouchables, comprising of Jarrett, Sting, Chris Kanyon and Sid Vicious made their mark in controversial style on Thunder, attacking Bret Hart and Bill Goldberg, as well as owners Chris Jericho and The Giant. As a result, Jericho and The Giant have made a blockbuster main event for tonight, as Sting and Jarrett must team up to face Goldberg and Bret Hart! Goldberg and Bret are of course due to compete against each other at WCW Mayhem, so how will they be able to co-exist tonight?


In other news, there is still one spot left in the tag team Mayhem match, and it will be filled tonight as The Tequila Slammers take on Shane Douglas and Billy Kidman. Trouble has been brewing between Kidman and Douglas for the past couple of weeks, based around their personal and business relationships with Torrie Wilson. Will Torrie be with the two men at ringside tonight given her fall from the apron last week? Will Kidman and Douglas be able to put their differences aside for long enough to make their way to Mayhem? Will The Slammers, fresh of a victory against DDP and Benoit, be able to continue their roll and get the last spot?


Speaking of DDP, with only a week or so until his match with Chris Benoit, tonight he faces The Total Package Lex Luger. DDP and Benoit's tag match ended in disarray last week, as Benoit attempted to crossface his Mayhem opponent, leaving DDP furious. Will DDP take out his aggression on a very capable Luger tonight? Will Benoit show his face?


And in our final scheduled match of the night, Cruiserweight champion Rey Mysterio Jnr must face an opponent he knows all too well, Psychosis. Rey has had his mind on the bizarre behaviour of Chavo Guerrero Jnr for the past few weeks so must be relishing the opportunity to re-concentrate on in ring competition. Psychosis will know only too well though that a victory tonight will put him right back in the title picture.


All this, plus the ongoing saga of Hulk Hogan, the promised return of a mystery man, The Macho Man, Chris Candido and more, only on WCW Nitro!


Quick picks


Rey Mysterio Jnr vs Psychosis


Lex Luger vs DDP


Shane Douglas and Billy Kidman vs The Tequila Slammers


Bret Hart and Goldberg vs Sting and Jeff Jarrett

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Rey Mysterio Jnr vs Psychosis

Would really like to see Psi winning this one, but I don't see it happening since Rey has the story running with Chavo. Really liking how Eddy you're getting with Chavo, too.


Lex Luger vs DDP

Man, Luger just sounds like a total JTTS in your Nitro preview.


Shane Douglas and Billy Kidman vs The Tequila Slammers

Last time I went with the enemy partners, so this time I'll go against them. Logic! I see the Douglas/Kidman feud going to Starrcade though, and that's good.


Bret Hart and Goldberg vs Sting and Jeff Jarrett

Wow, a lot of enemy partners this Nitro.


Really liked the end of Thunder, a solid push for Kanyon is a good thing. US title in his near future? Who even has that belt at the moment anyways? That's why Kanyon should win it, so that we have a memorable champ! Either him or Candido. Speaking of Candido, your Macho interview on Thunder was creepy, just because it had the right amount of rambling for it to sound just like him.

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Thanks for all the predictions guys!




Would really like to see Psi winning this one, but I don't see it happening since Rey has the story running with Chavo. Really liking how Eddy you're getting with Chavo, too.


Yeah, Chavo is getting a lot like Eddy! I promise you though, hand on heart, that Chavo will not claim to be dominic's pappi!

Man, Luger just sounds like a total JTTS in your Nitro preview.


Here's the thing with Luger. Without giving too much away, I was never much of a fan of his. That being said, he has been having some really good matches and has great chemistry with a lot of guys...so I may have to reconsider and give him a nice little push as a reward!


Last time I went with the enemy partners, so this time I'll go against them. Logic! I see the Douglas/Kidman feud going to Starrcade though, and that's good.


I like the logic man! There are definitely a lot of issues between Kidman and Douglas that need to be resolved whether they win this match are not.


Wow, a lot of enemy partners this Nitro.


Yes there are, and there were technically two last week too! I'm not a big fan of using partners who can't get along either. IT always seems like a bit of lazy booking to me and something that WCW kinda drove into the ground. Hopefully it's not coming across too much like that. Kidman and Douglas have a natural connection in Torrie, and Goldberg and Bret would naturally want to get their hands on The Untouchables after the beatdown. Plus, I suppose Bret and Goldberg aren't really enemies, just heated opponents! That's my story anyway and I'm sticking to it!


Really liked the end of Thunder, a solid push for Kanyon is a good thing. US title in his near future? Who even has that belt at the moment anyways? That's why Kanyon should win it, so that we have a memorable champ! Either him or Candido. Speaking of Candido, your Macho interview on Thunder was creepy, just because it had the right amount of rambling for it to sound just like him.


Thanks for the comment on the Macho interview! I love writing Macho man promo's! Him and Piper are the best to write for because you can go off on such bizarre tangents! Now I just need to sign up Warrior to complete the unholy trinity...


As for the US champion...well that would be the man standing slightly to the left of Kanyon, and about a foot above him, mr Sid Vicious. I know I've not done a lot with him lately, but business is about to pick up for our US champ. Being part of The Untouchables I see him as more of the inforcer of the group, but there's at least one feud still in the pipeline for him.


Thanks for all the feedback Beejus. It really is great to get comments, good or bad, as it makes writing all the more worthwhile.


Nitro is booked and in the process of being written. Hopefully should get through the bulk of it today.

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Before Nitro can officially begin, a lone cameraman positioned outside The Moody Coliseum runs towards the back entrance where a limo has just pulled up. The driver exits the vehicle and opens the back seat door. Out steps a brand new Versace loafer, wide fitting, US size 9. A perfectly hand tailored Saville Row suit follows it, as the camera pans up to reveal...






























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TONY- Welcome to WCW Nitro, the show that defines monday night! I am Tony Schiavone joined here as always by Bobby The Brain Heenan and Professor Mike Tenay, and guys, can you believe that The Nature Boy is here tonight?


MIKE- We thought Flair had been sent home with pay. The last we heard he was living it up on a cruise ship somewhere in the Bahamas!


BOBBY- Yeah well Ric Flairs sea legs aint what they used to be guys. Welcome home buddy!


TONY- It's always great to see Ric Flair, and what a night he chose to return. With less than one week to go until WCW Mayhem, the stakes have certainly never been higher. Tonight, following the appalling attack during their contract signing, Bill Goldberg and Bret Hart have agreed to put their professional differences to one side as they face off against The World Champion Sting and Jeff Jarrett.


MIKE- What a main event that's going to be, Tony. There are so many combustibles in the ring at one time. I'll tell you this, I wouldn't like to be the referee during that encounter.


TONY- As well as that we have...


But poor Tony never gets to finish that thought, as the gang of hoodlums collectively know as The Untouchables make their way down to ringside. They all wear Sting T-shirts, except surprisingly for Sting, who looks resplendent in his trench coat and face-paint combination. Jeff Jarrett grabs a microphone as the four men line up in the ring.


JARRETT- Aww man, colour me embarrassed! Can you believe we all wore the same outfit tonight? I knew I should have called ahead!


STING- I hope you all paid for those!


Jeff, I've got to be honest with you my friend. When you told me you had an army I was more than a little sceptical. But when I look at the talent in the ring, I think I might have underestimated you.


Look, if you will, at Chris Kanyon. Who better than Kanyon? The most innovative member of the WCW roster with an eye for the extreme. It is your unpredictability that makes you great, Chris, and your offence makes you Untouchable...


Big, bad, Sid Vicious. What can I say? As tall as he is wide and twice as strong. The United States Champion and The Master of The Universe. Your size has always made you great, Sid, but your strength...your strength makes you truly Untouchable...


Then there's you, Jeff. My trusty lieutenant, The King of Controversy, The man who outwitted Hulk Hogan and cost him his place in WCW. But you aren't all bells and whistles, Jeff. You back it up where it matters, in the ring. Your madness makes you a great commodity, Jeff, but it is the method to your madness that makes you simply Untouchable!


And finally, there's me! The Icon! The man who possesses more skill and ring craft in his index finger than the rest of WCW combined! One of the most decorated WCW wrestlers in history, as well as the current and reigning WCW Champion! This super-sexy, one size fits me, hand crafted, 24 and a half carat slice of fried gold perfection makes me great...and I, and my belt, are UNTOUCHABLE!


Last week on Thunder, we sent a message. A message of intent to both the owners of WCW, and the men who think they are worthy of facing me for this title. I have news for you Bret, Goldberg, neither of you have what it takes to be the WCW World Heavyweight champion. It is better to realise that now than by embarrassing yourself in front of thousands of people at Starrcade!


As for you, Giant, Jericho, I've said it before and I'll say it again, we could have joined forces and made WCW a fortune! Your short sightedness will be your downfall, because WE are going to make your lives a misery! You see, this is just the begi...

Sting does not look happy about being interrupted, especially by the two owners of WCW, The Giant and Chris Jericho.


JERICHO- Welcome....to.....WCW.....is........


STING- ...Cut the crap, Jericho! Nobody wants to hear your offbeat shenanigans.


JERICHO- Maybe your right, String. Maybe I should put the offbeat shenanigans to one side for the night and ask you what the hell you think you were doing on Thunder? Don't you realise I could fire you all on the spot?


JARRETT- You aint firing nobody, Chris! The way I see it, your all talk! You say this is the new WCW and how things are gonna change, but here we are still running the place. Still calling all the shots!


GIANT- You know, Jarrett, you're really starting to piss me off...and you really wont like me when I'm pissed off...


JARRETT- So why don't you come down here and show me just how pissed off you are, big guy!


The Giant begins to walk down the ramp but Jericho tries to restrain him.


JERICHO- As much as we'd love to come down there, kick String and Jeff Jerkys collective asses, it aint gonna happen. We are your bosses, Junior! We can't fight everybody we have a problem with anymore, those days are over...


GIANT- ...What we can do though, is make people kick your asses for us! That's why tonight, Jarrett, Sting, you're gonna team up against the tag team of Bret The Hitman Hart, and Da Man Bill Goldberg!


STING- How convenient! How fitting that the two of you over rated hacks hide behind your buddies like the cowards you are! Just remember this, we've already beat you down once, just think how easily we could do it again. And next time, you won't be able to tell the tale afterwards!


Jericho and The Giant make their way backstage as The Untouchables continue to gloat in the ring.


BOBBY- The Untouchables are right! What a couple of cowards!


TONY- How can you say that, Bobby? We know exactly what they are both capable of, but like they say, those days are over. We may not like it but we can respect it.


BOBBY- Speak for yourself!



Rey Mysterio Jnr vs Psychosis


The two masked warriors put on a great cruiserweight style match, highlighted with the occasional highspot, but grounded in the exemplary fundamentals of both men. On another night, in another history, Psychosis could have won this one, but Rey has bigger fish to fry at Mayhem.

Here is your winner, Rey Mysterio Jnr!

After the match, Rey struggles to his feet, clearly exhausted from the hard fought victory, and reaches for a microphone. With panted breath he begins to talk.


REY- Let me get one thing perfectly clear... Chavo Guerrero is talking out of his ass! Chavo, I used to consider you a friend, ma familia. Even when we were fighting each other, I could feel the love, essa. But lately, you've been talking a lot of crap about me, trying to turn the fans against me. Well it's not going to work Chavito. You don't intimidate me, I know you're blowing smoke. At Mayhem, like you said, we go to war one more time, with The Cruiser title on the line. And you might even beat me, Chavo, because nobody can deny you're a great competitor, but you're living in a dream world if you think I'm going to let you win!


So how about I reveal my 'leetle seecret' right now? How about I tell the world exactly what you've been afraid to tell them? You see, the truth is, my big secret is...that there is no secret!


And with that, Rey celebrates with his fans, safe in the knowledge that he is an honest and decent man...unless Chavo can prove otherwise...




Meanwhile, in the office of Jericho and The Giant, Ric Flair is sat in a leather recliner with his feet on the coffee table. He peruses the latest edition of playboy, flicking eagerly through the playmates


RIC-Had...had...had...need...had....had...woooooo, definitely need...


Jericho and The Giant stumble into the room still irate from the words of The Untouchables when they spot Flair.


JERICHO- Well if it isn't the dirtiest player in the game! How the hell are you, naitch?


RIC- Fella's! I must say I like what you've done with the place!


JERICHO- I'm glad you approve. I take it your being here means you agree to our proposal?


RIC- Are you kidding me? I've not seen that many zero's since Mr Spock did his last book signing! The Nature Boy is good to go, baby! Wooo!


GIANT- OK, great! Good to have you on board Ric, I'll let him know...


RIC- Wait a minute, wait a damn minute Giant! I'll be the one to tell him, and I'll do it in the ring...by the way, somebody needs to tell Heff that his centerfolds prefer Space Mountain to The Grotto...


Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location backstage, The Untouchables are causing a little Mayhem of their own.


STING- It's time, boys, time to show Jericho and The Giant who's running WCW!


They enter the car park, where a pristine Jaguar XJ and and a GMC 1999 Envoy sit side by side, waiting for their owners to return.


STING- Ahhhh, material possessions, the way to the heart of all business men! Unfortunately, Untouchables don't care for consumer goods, only the prestige and honour of being the best.


Jarrett reaches into a back pack, and pulls out three shiny new crowbars...


JARRETT- OK, new recruits, listen up! You heard what Sting said, Jericho and The Giant need to learn a lesson! I assume you both know how to use one of these! By the time we're finished, I don't want to be able to see my face in these cars, do I make myself clear?


KANYON- Sir, yes sir!


JARRETT- I can't hear you Private Vicious!


Sid just looks at him, snarls and grabs the crowbar


JARRETT-...good enough, now get to work, men!


Jarrett, Kanyon and Sid go to work on the cars. smashing windows, destroying wing mirrors and generally destroying the once glorious vehicles. Sting watches on allowing Jarrett to direct traffic.




TONY- What a pointless waist of two beautiful cars! The Untouchables have gone too far this time! I hope Jericho and The Giant read them the riot act!


BOBBY- I think they were parked in a handicap zone, Tony!


TONY- Oh come on!

As we head to the ring, we see the familiar tartan adorning the canvas and a well known Scotsman with a microphone. It can mean only one thing. It's time for Pipers Pit!


PIPER- Oh boy! It's time for the talkshow they said was too hot for TV! The show where anything goes, like a Sid and Nancy dirty weekend in Tijuana! And I need to go ahead and put a big old disclaimer on Pipers Pit tonight...you see, there are some sights that aren't fit for human consumption. Some images that even I think are highly distasteful! So, tuck the kids up in bed Sally, because I'm talking about something more brutal than Jimmy Snuka's skull destroying that poor defenceless coconut! I'm talking about a couple of guys who make Santa with Muscles almost watchable...almost. Take it from me, I've seen these two in the changing room, and I don't care how cold the water gets! Make no mistake, Texas, The Dirty South just got a whole lot dirtier! Buff Bagwell, Mark Jindrak, Team Electric Boogaloo!

B-Boy Bagwell and Marky Mark Jindrak body pop their way down to the ring.


BAGWELL- If I didn't know you better, Piper, I'd think you didn't like the two of us!


PIPER- There's a fine line between love and hate, kid, and somehow you manage to straddle them both cowboy! Now, there's a reason I invited you out here, Buff Ball sack. It seems to me, and I'm a keen observer, that there's a liiiiiiiittle bit of tension between you and Harlem Heat. Call it Scottish intuition if you like, but I get a feeling you both wanna ring their scrawny necks!


BAGWELL- Well that's reall observant of you, Sherlock! And since Harlem Heat refuse to show their faces around here, we gotta do all the talking! Mayhem is less than a week away, daddio, and the tag team Mayhem match is beginning to take shape.


PIPER- What the hell is a Mayhem match?


BAGWELL- I wish I knew, crazy legs, but whatever the match, you better believe that me and Marky Mark are coming out on top!


JINDRAK- Let me set it out for you. Here's how it goes, we don't care if you're down with the rocksteady crew or not. Every other team in the Mayhem match is standing in our way of beating the Fresno out of Booker and Stevie. Hell, put Boogaloo Sam an' Poppin Pete in and we'd still Neck-o-flex our way to Starrcade!


PIPER- I have no idea what you just said. Seriously. Did ma Jindrak hit you over the head with the dictionary?


BAGWELL- Words don't mean a thing if you believe in the beat! What my main man Marky double is trying to say is that Harlem Heat better watch out, because one way or another we're gonna get our hands on em! They can send Steve Blackman out here all they want, their only delaying the inevitable! So, Icemen, Waywards Sons, Slammers or Douglas and Kidman, it don't matter. Bring all you got to Mayhem, because Team Electric Boogaloo are coming after you!


Bagwell and Jindrak mug for the crowd before exiting up the ramp. Piper looks on in disbelief at all their jive talking. But here comes Blackman through the crowd! He slides into the ring and goes to work on Piper with the Kendo Stick! Team Electric Boogaloo rush back to the ring, but it is too late. Blackman escapes back through the crowd as TEB tend to a bleeding Piper.



In the back, Kidman and Douglas are arguing over something or other until Torrie breaks them up.


TORRIE- Alright you two, enough is enough! Do you know how hard it was to convince Jericho to even give you this match? You beat The Tequila Slammers tonight and you get into the tag team Mayhem match. I didn't spend the last few days getting you this shot just for you to blow it!


DOUGLAS- Torries right. This is a great opportunity, Kid, I need to know I can trust you out there.


KIDMAN- You trust me? That's rich, Shane! I need to know you aren't going to pull a fast one!


TORRIE- Guys, look, you work together and you're a match for anybody, but if you screw around, then The Slammers will take you apart. Look what happened to DDP and Benoit last week. So go out there and prove you can get along. If you can't do it for each other, if you can't do it for yourselves, do it for me.


Kidman and Douglas vs The Tequila Slammers


Before the match can begin, Torrie tries to make her way to the ring with her team. Kidman tells her to wait in the back, but Douglas lets her through, much to the annoyance of Billy.


When the match starts, it takes a moment for Kidman and Douglas to make their mark, still more concerned with their differences than beating The Slammers.


Thankfully, they soon start to realise the importance of the match, Perhaps it is the presence of Torrie at ringside spurring them on. Whatever it is, it seems to work, as the tags begin to flow more organically and they actually begin to work as a team.


The Slammers certainly weren't expecting it, and look a little shell shocked by the rally. It is this that allows Douglas to hit the Belly to Belly Suplex, and Kidman to go up top for the shooting star!

Here are your winners, Billy Kidman and Shane Douglas!


TONY- What a victory! The Slammers are certainly no pushovers, this is a major victory for Kidman and Douglas, maybe they can put their differences to one side?


BOBBY-I wouldn't be so sure, that stunk to me of beginners luck!


MIKE- Call it what you want, it was certainly impressive. What a come down for The Slammers, who don't look happy at all.




As The Tequila Slammers make their way through the curtain, Larry Zbyszko grabs hold of them for an impromptu interview.


LARRY- Guys, guys. Talk us through what happened out there.


BAM- Well, Larry, truth is, we got sloppy. We allowed our opponents to contol a match we should have dominated.


LARRY- This has got to be a huge setback for your tag title chances. Where do The Slammers go from here, guys?


KONNAN- You're right, man. We wanted in that Mayhem match badly!


BAM- It ain't the end of the world though, buddy. All we have to do is refocus. Spend all day in the gym, all night watching video tape, and dream of those tag titles, man.


KONNAN- Yeah...we could do that. Or we could just go grab a couple of cerveza's?


BAM- Yeah, we'll probably just do that.


The Slammers walk off laughing, leaving Larry dumbfounded.





TONY- Well folks, that completes the line up for the tag team Mayhem match this sunday night. Team Electric Boogaloo, The Icemen, The Waywards Sons, and Douglas and Kidman will battle it out, with the winner getting to face Harlem Heat for the tag titles at Starrcade.


MIKE- What a great lineup...

In a night of many interruptions, Mike Tenay is the latest victim, as Also Sprach Zarathustra hits the speakers.


TONY- That music can only mean one thing, guys, Ric Flair is on his way to the ring!


And indeed he is. He slowly walks the ramp, styling and profiling for all to see. It seems to take him an age to get to the ring, but the crowd laps up every moment of it. He eventually gets there and reaches for a microphone.


RIC- Whats causin all this? A fourteen time, stylin and profilin, jet flyin, limousine ridin, kiss stealin, wheelin dealin, son of a gun. The? dirtiest player in the game, space mountain. Whether you bitches like it or don't like it, learn to love, because it is the best thing going today.


You know, every once in a while, the good people at Disney close Space Mountain down, they shut it down, wooooo! Even the strongest ride in the park needs a little maintenance every now and again. But you know what? On the day they re-open it, the queue goes all the way around the block!


He runs the ropes and removes his jacket


I came out here for one reason, and one reason ONLY! I was sitting back with a pina colada at the captains table aboard the USS Nature boy when I got a phone call. A phone call from the new owners of WCW. They begged me...BEGGED ME! To come back to WCW and reprise my roll as The Governor!


They cried and moaned about all the troubles they were having with The Untouchables, and they wanted me to help sort out the mess! Well I thought about it for a minute, the longest minute of my life baby, but I said no way! NO WAY! Y'see...There's still a fire that burns underneath this perfectly tailored suite. There's still a desire to go up against the best in WCW! I've still got it, it never left!Which is why I told Jericho and The Giant that I'd come back, but I'd do it on my own terms. I'd do it in the ring!


Now before I go any further, Sting, Untouchables, your date with destiny will come! But you gotta get to the back of the line, because there's one man, one immortal I need to deal with first. HULK HOGAN! The last time I saw you, woooooo, I had no choice but to fire you from WCW. It's a decision I regret, but one I had to make. But the world has a funny way of righting itself tough guy! Karma, they say, is a bitch!


Six days time....MAYHEM! Live on PPV, Hulk Hogan. One more time....one more time....ONE MORE TIME! Me and you, toe to toe! That's right, I'm calling you out! To be the man, you gotta beat the man, buddy! Woooooo! So if you beat me, you can have your little WCW contract back! Lose, and thats it, all your nine lives are out! I know you're not here tonight, so I'll see you Sunday, in the ring. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


TONY- Oh my god, that's huge news! Ric Flair just challenged Hogan to a match at Mayhem!


MIKE- Ric knew what he was doing out there. The dirtiest player in the game doesn't fool me, guys. He knows he owes Hogan for what he did to him.


BOBBY- Are you calling Flair a softie? How dare you?!


MIKE- Oh, he's still the same Nature Boy. He just knows Hogan deserves another chance.


TONY- All I know is that that's another stellar matchup to add to the list for Mayhem guys! What an event that's shaping up to be!




DDP vs Lex Luger


DDP looks all business tonight. He knows the challenge he faces at Mayhem but doesn't overlook the challenge in front of him tonight. Lex Luger took Bret Hart to the wire last week proving he is not a man to take lightly.


Indeed, Luger has perhaps the better of the early offence, but DDP has one thing that Luger doesn't...DIAMOND CUTTER!


Here is your winner, DDP!


TONY- Wow! He truly can hit that The Diamond Cutter from absolutely anywhere!


MIKE- Indeed he can, in many ways it is similar to Benoits Crossface in that it can be applied in an instance, and both moves can use your opponents momentum against them, as we just saw with Luger.


BOBBY- Yeah, Luger had this one won until DDP cheated with the Diamond Cutter...

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Benoit comes down to ringside. He applauds DDP mockingly before sliding into the ring with him. They quickly get in each others faces...and Benoit goes for the Crossface again...but DDP slips out of it and goes for the Diamond Cutter... but Benoit Slips out of THAT! He jumps out of the ring and back up the ramp as DDP motions just how close he had come to hitting Benoit with The Cutter.


TONY- Oh boy, I get the feeling that whoever gets their pattented move in first is going to win their match at Mayhem.


BOBBY- Gee, you dont say?



Savage is backstage, alone, walking towards the ring.


TONY- There he is! The Macho Madness himself, Randy Savage. And it looks like there is no Elizabeth with him tonight.


BOBBY- I have it on good authority that Elizabeth is staying with relatives until after Randy's match with Candido at Mayhem.


MIKE- Well that sounds like a very good idea to me, guys, Candido has been hell bent on making Elizabeth part of his depraved Candido Cam for weeks now.


TONY- But that begs the question what does Savage want out here tonight?


Savage enters the ring with a crazed look in his eyes.


SAVAGE- Oooooooooh yeah! Here we are, deep in the heart of Texas, six days before I get to put my hands around the neck of that piece of work Chris Candido! Candido, I have it on good authority that your here tonight, so how about you be a man for once in your cotton pickin life and get out here! Don't worry, yeah, the Macho Madness knows he can't touch you until Mayhem. I just want a word in your ear, a chance to get through to you that Elizabet is mine and mine alone!

Savage waits but there is no sign of Candido.


SAVAGE- Make it easy on yourself Candido! Lets talk! Or is it just defenceless women you're interested in punk?


He waits again but is beginning to run out of patience. He is about to leave when the Turnertron springs into action.



CANDIDO- Well, well, well! If it isn't Randy Savage! I'm sorry but I'm a little tied up at the moment. It seems a voyeurs work is never done my friend.


SAVAGE- There you go again hiding behind...


CANDIDO- ...You're going to have to wait till Mayhem like the rest of these asshats! Did you really think I was going to come out there and face you tonight?


SAVAGE- Shut up a minute punk...


CANDIDO- You want me to come down there and let you talk me out of my infatuation with Elizabeth?


SAVAGE- Leave Elizabet out of...


CANDIDO- Six days Savage, and I'm all yours. But in the meantime, remember to smile, because you never know when you'll be on Candido Camera...


The screen flickers off as Savage is fuming in the ring. He's about ready to run up the ramp and find Candido when the screen comes back on...



CANDIDO- Well, well, well! If it isn't Randy Savage! I'm sorry but I'm a little tied up at the moment. It seems a voyeurs work is never done my friend.


Savage begins to smell a rat.


CANDIDO- ...You're going to have to wait till Mayhem like the rest of these asshats! Did you really think I was going to come out there and face you tonight?


It was a video all along! Savage pulls out his cellphone and rings a number but there is no answer. He sprints to the back with an incredibly worried look on his face.




TONY- I don't like the look of this. Candido is a dangerous individual!


The camera's follow Savage who rushes to his car and screeches out of the arena.


MIKE- Folks, we've got camera's following the situation there, we will let you know if any more news becomes available. I just hope that Candido hasn't got to Elizabeth, guys.


TONY- It doesn't look good does it? Candido obviously had some kind of plan he had put in place...I guess all we can do is wait and see.


MIKE- Indeed, we still have our main event to look forward to tonight. And it's going to happen right after this short commercial break.






Bret and Goldberg hardly acknowledge each other on their way to the ring. They know that they will be opponents in six short days, but that there is more at stake than title matches here tonight. Tonight is about getting even with the men who beat them down on Thunder.


The Untouchables come to the ring in mass. All four walk the aisle, Kanyon still carrying his now dented crowbar. Like Jackals they surround the ring, threatening to enter and take them out again. Bret and Goldberg look at each other, give a nod of understanding...then they dive out of the ring onto The Untouchables! Bret and Goldberg actually get the better of the brawl until the numbers game starts to catch up with them understandably. Slowly but surely The Untouchables turn the tide, and we can only fear the worst for their foes.


But here comes Jericho and The Giant! They join the brawl! There is absolute carnage as all eight men brawl around the ringside area! Eventually, Bret, Goldberg, Giant and Jericho manage to chase the untouchables back up the ramp. Jericho grabs a microphone from Dave Penzer.


JERICHO- Sting! You want to face us? Be careful what you wish for!


GIANT- At Mayhem, it's gonna be Sting and Jarrett against Jericho and The Giant!


JERICHO- And just to stop you assclowns from trying to get involved, it's going to take place inside a steel cage!

Sting and The Untouchables can't believe it! Sting grabs a microphone.


STING- You...you can't do that! This is discrimination of the highest order! You cannot conduct such a conflict of interests!


JERICHO- We can do whatever the hell we want, Sting! Didn't you get the memo? The way I see it, we are doing the entire roster a favour by kicking your collective asses, Jnr!


GIANT- Oh, and Kanyon, Sid, don't think you two are getting away lightly. You see, you two also have a tag match this Sunday, and it's against two men you know very well!

Giant motions for The Untouchables to turn around. When they do, they are confronted by...





















The Steiner brothers chase The Untouchables back to the ring! They take care of Sid and Kanyon, whilst the four men in the ring get their hands on Sting and Jarrett once more. Spear to Sting from Goldberg! Chokeslam to Jarrett from The Giant!


Bret sets up Sting and Jericho sets up Jarrett. The crowd know whats coming and they are blowing the roof off the arena! Bret sets up the legs and locks in The Sharpshooter on Sting! Jericho rolls Jarrett over and has him in The Walls Of Jericho! Nitro fades to the screams of agony of The Untouchables! What a night!

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Here are the new WCW point tallies


Beejus= 135 points

Tristram=110 points

Totti=90 points

Juggaloninjalee=65 points

Nobby McDonald= 50 points

BHK1978= 30 points

michgcs= 15 points


Even though there is a Thunder between now and Mayhem, I thought I would put up the card in full. This is the final card so feel free to comment and predict on it. I'll be putting up the Thunder preview a little later too.






Da Man Bill Goldberg vs Bret The Hitman Hart in a number one contenders match. The winner faces Sting at Starrcade for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship



WCW owners Chris Jericho and The Giant VS The Untouchable Icon Sting and The King Of Controversy Jeff Jarrett in a steel cage match




The Immortal Hulk Hogan VS The Nature Boy Ric Flair. If Hogan wins, he gets a new WCW contract.




The Master of The Universe Sid Vicious and Chris Kanyon vs Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner and The DFG Rick Steiner.




Macho Madness Randy Savage VS Chris Candido




Rey Mysterio Jnr vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr for The Cruiserweight Title




The Wayward Sons VS Shane Douglas and Billy Kidman VS Team Electric Boogaloo VS The Icemen in a four team Mayhem Match. The winner gets a shot at Harlem Heat for the World Tag Team Titles at Starrcade




Diamond Dallas Page VS Chris Benoit

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This week on Thunder.


Following on from an explosive Nitro, WCW Thunder comes to you live from Dodge City for the last show before Mayhem!


The battle lines have been drawn. We now know that WCW owners Chris Jericho and The Giant will make their in ring returns at Mayhem against Untouchable members Sting and Jeff Jarrett. Tonight, we get the match that should have main evented Nitro, as Sting and Jarrett take on Bret Hart and Goldberg. This time, however, all other members of The Untouchables have been banned from ringside.


Ric Flair has requested a warm up match before his bout with Hulk Hogan at Mayhem. His wish was duly granted by the owners, as tonight we see Ric Flair take on Steven Regal.


WCW Cruiser-weight Champion Rey Mysterio Jnr will team up with Psychosis to take on his Mayhem opponent Chave Guerrero Jnr and his partner Juvi Guerrera.


Elsewhere, in a preview of sorts to the tag team Mayhem match, one member from each team involved will take part in a four way match tonight. Billy Kidman will take on Eddy Guerrero of The Wayward Sons, Elix Skipper of The Icemen and Mark Jindrak of Team Electric Boogaloo.


In another Mayhem Preview, the returning Scott Steiner will go to battle against Chris Kanyon of The Untouchables.


All this plus lots lots more, only on WCW Thunder!




Sting/Jarrett VS Bret/Goldberg


Ric Flair VS Steven Regal


Kidman VS Jindrak VS Eddy Guerrero VS Elix Skipper


Rey/Psychosis VS Chavo/ Juvi


Scott Steiner VS Chris Kanyon

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I'll do Mayhem predictions after Thunder is over, so I can better grasp who's more likely to do what after the go-home show.


Sting/Jarrett VS Bret/Goldberg

I figure this way we can build some solid momentum for them going into Mayhem.


Ric Flair VS Steven Regal

Should be an awesome match no matter who wins, but Regal just doesn't sound like he'd have the overness for picking up a win here.


Kidman VS Jindrak VS Eddy Guerrero VS Elix Skipper



Rey/Psychosis VS Chavo/Juvi

Well, I figure Rey will pick up the win at Mayhem, so Chavo cheating 2 win here will make it better. Just kinda saddening that this means I'm going against Psi again. You know, I'm a little bit surprised that there's been no interaction at all between Eddy and Chavo. Chavito's really stealing Eddy's schtick here while he's off teaming with Berlyn. Just seems like it'd be something Eddy would do to be all "Hey Chavito, Rey's cool, lay off" or something. Maybe I'm forgetting a big falling out or whatever, but it just strikes me as odd.


Scott Steiner VS Chris Kanyon

Tough one to call. Steiner is just coming back, but Kanyon needs to look good as a new Untouchable. Also, given how well you are at rambling Savage and Piper, I can't wait to see Scotty on the mic here.


Ok Nitro thoughts. Why, if they're going to end up beating up the Untouchables and facing them at Mayhem anyways, did Giant and Jericho not just go down to the ring at the beginning of the show? Did they have to spend the whole show re-reading their contracts to see if they can legally Liontamer people?

As excited as I am to see a Scott Steiner interview, I'm not excited to see Rick around. It's cool to have the Steiners around, sure, but all Scott really needs is a bitch on each arm and he's solid.

Think WCW noticed that their intro video was from 1998?

Seems like Piper's crazy has rubbed off on B-Boy and M-Squared.

I'm really hoping there's a plan for Hogan and Flair. Flair is set, I have no problems with that, but Hogan just... ehh, it's Hogan. He's either Superman or Lex Luthor, there really can be no in-between. Just seems like you've got the perfect heel going in Sting, so no need for Hulk to be Hollywood, and you have Bret or Goldberg to be your Superman. So he feels a little pointless. At least Savage is here to put over Candido. Hey, you could always sign Mike Awesome and have Hulk put him over! Pleeeeeeease?

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Ok Nitro thoughts. Why, if they're going to end up beating up the Untouchables and facing them at Mayhem anyways, did Giant and Jericho not just go down to the ring at the beginning of the show? Did they have to spend the whole show re-reading their contracts to see if they can legally Liontamer people?

As excited as I am to see a Scott Steiner interview, I'm not excited to see Rick around. It's cool to have the Steiners around, sure, but all Scott really needs is a bitch on each arm and he's solid.

Think WCW noticed that their intro video was from 1998?

Seems like Piper's crazy has rubbed off on B-Boy and M-Squared.

I'm really hoping there's a plan for Hogan and Flair. Flair is set, I have no problems with that, but Hogan just... ehh, it's Hogan. He's either Superman or Lex Luthor, there really can be no in-between. Just seems like you've got the perfect heel going in Sting, so no need for Hulk to be Hollywood, and you have Bret or Goldberg to be your Superman. So he feels a little pointless. At least Savage is here to put over Candido. Hey, you could always sign Mike Awesome and have Hulk put him over! Pleeeeeeease?


Hey Beejus. Thanks for the great comments. Ok, here goes...


My writings probably not good enough to get across everything I want, so I'm kinda glad you picked up on a few things so I can explain a little further.


Reading back, I don't think this came across very well in the show, and it probably would have been better spread out over a few show. I wanted Jericho and The Giant to be caught in two minds. I was trying to get across a bit of a conflict between them being the owners, but still being wrestlers. Should they get even with The Untouchables in the ring, or try and solve their problems like the businessmen they were trying to be? In the end, I guess the call of the ring proved to much, (especially with their beautiful cars being wrecked and all!)


I'm not sure if you read my Original WCW diary, (http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=55126 if your interested,) but there is a lot of history between The Steiners and Sid Vicious. Basically, Sid beat Rick to unify the TV and US titles, Rick went out of his way to get some kind of rematch, and Sid put him on the shelf with a brutal attack. Scott sat out a few weeks helping his brother get back to fitness, and they kinda returned just before Halloween Havoc...but they haven't been seen since Jericho and The Giant took over, so I'm using my get out of jail, nobody remembers what happened three weeks ago card! Rick and Scott certainly have unfinished business with Sid.


WCW seen to be having a habit of showing the wrong videos lately huh?


Yeah, Piper does seem to be rubbing off on Team Electric Boogaloo. I guess I just like writing crazy promo's. I see Piper as an integral part of getting TEB over, especially Jindrak, who has pretty low stats at the moment. Hope they don't come across too much as a Too Cool rip off, given the names and ring moves, although I suppose it does seem to be quite a WCW thing to do!


There's definitely a plan for Hogan. As random as some of this diary might seem, there's pretty much a plan for everyone. I never said they were good plans, but hey, a plan is a plan! I've actually deviated a little bit from what I originally intended to do with Hogan but I think it's for the better.Things should pick up for him after Mayhem for sure.


Whether heel of face, I think your right, Hogan has a history of overshadowing the characters of others. Hopefully, the way in which I book Hogan from here on in will be more of a side show. A special attraction if you will. I want him to be his larger than life self, but perhaps not impact on ongoing storylines.


Sting is definitely my centerpiece. When I think about writing and booking the shows, Sting is the first person I think of. I try to channel a little bit of modern day Chris Jericho, along with a little bit of Horsemen Flair, all mixed up with the elements that make Sting unique.


Awesome doesn't seem to want to sign at the moment, between the boss man getting antsy about me signing people from cult promotions, and Awesome wanting to stay loyal to ECW (I know, shocking,) he seems out of reach for now. Who knows about the future though eh?


Ahhh Savage. Would you believe he's the most over guy on my roster at the moment? Candido is coming on wonders being involved with him, and win or lose at Mayhem, this feud is definitely going to carry on a little longer.


Thanks again for all the comments, I really appreciate you taking the time to not only read but also to provide feedback!

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I actually did read all of that, because I have far too much time on my hands. Having had a recent broken ankle will do that. (It's mostly all better now.) Problem is, I read it over the course of one sitting, so I probably skimmed all of that out.
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Ouch! I know how that feels buddy! I was off work for about 4 months with a broken ankle. Glad it's better now.


I would imagine you would skim the Rick Steiner bits if you hate him! Not to worry, I don't suppose it matters too much, and it was a hell of a long time ago. I seem to have a nasty habit of leaving diaries for ages then coming back to them when nobody cares anymore!

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The Good Week / Bad Week Report




It's been a bad week for The Insane Clown Posse, as Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope (if that is their real names...) were released from their pay per appearance deals by WCW.




Congratulations to Barry 'Bull' Buchanan, who was recalled to the main roster of The WWF this week after a stint at OVW. You may remember him as Recon from The Truth Commission...yeah me neither.




Despite housing some of the most promising young talent in wrestling and consistently selling out small arena's in Canada, Stampede Wrestling appears close to losing its television deal. Stampede Television has put out consistently low ratings in it's late night Sunday slot. I'm no genius, but perhaps it has something to do with the show BEING ON LATE ON SUNDAY NIGHT! What do CTV Sportsnet expect?




Young Teddy Hart works for the fore mentioned Stampede Wrestling, so how has he had a good week? Well, those lucky few at The Moosejaw Center and the lucky even fewer who found Stampede Television, were witness to a great match between Teddy Hart and Jason Neidhart. Whatever happens to Stampede, it is a nailed on certainty that Teddy will find his way into one of the big three. As long as he has a quarter of the fabled Hart temperament I'm sure he will do just fine.

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I ain't no gringo like my boy William Bonney yo, but I feel the need, the need fo speed and the need to get bawdy bawdy and... Rawdy rawdy. Oh yeah! Ora Le! Ariba La Raza!



Thundering Dixie


Sting/Jarrett VS Bret/Goldberg - Somehow Bret Hart and Goldberg overcome their differences, this match will test their tag team trust and communication, but they will alleviate this problem by picking up a new iPhone on a new 24 month Vodafone deal.


Ric Flair VS Steven Regal - I was speaking to Ric Flair as we dropped down to Electric Avenue, and he said he was going to take it higher against Steven Regal.


Kidman VS Jindrak VS Eddy Guerrero VS Elix Skipper - I was hanging and banging with my boy Derek Jeter and he told me that his boy Eddy Guerrero would slide a curveball past these homies


Rey/Psychosis VS Chavo/ Juvi - I enquired as to how much the worth of the relative tag team masks were. The shop-keeper advised me Chavo had no mask, just a short stick horse called Pepe. This put more value in the Rey/Psychosis masks, and after a wiff of the very best hu-hu grass in the southwest I decided to take Rey and Psychosis.


Scott Steiner VS Chris Kanyon - Because if Scott Steiner doesn't get a drive-by Kanyon Kutter pre-match, then we have an issue, you and I. And I don't think you could serenade me enough to get over it.




Bret Hart - Goldberg's going to get a face full of muff. You know, steel muff, like the one that Bret Hart strapped around his chest one time.


Sting and Jeff Jarrett - Because if you go down to get wood today you're in for a big big surprise...


Hogan - It's in Hogan's contract that he wins the match to get a contract.


Vicious and Kanyon - don't be jobbing my boy Kanyon yo. Because if you do, myself and Joe Montana are going to throw you a hail mary of cheeseburgers. Sounds good? Not ones that have been sitting on the kitchen window ledge for six weeks straight in Arizona.


Randy Savage - I don't job... OOOH YEAH!


Chavito - Chavo will bring forth the spirit of Jesse James and Billy the Kid to unravel another tumultous win


The Wayward Sons - expect interference from K.I.T.T.


Chris Benoit - Because Billie Jean is not his lover. She's just a girl who claimed that he is the one.

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The Kid strolls down the corridor, his ease of movement clearly noted by the beautiful women on WCW. He tips his hat to them as he goes about his business. Stacy Keibler stops him in his track.


STACY- Wow, Kid! Where did you get those pants? They look great on you!


KID- Why thanks Stacy. My friend in New Zealand sent them in the post only today. I thought at first they might be a little revealing, but I totally enjoy the freedom they provide.


STACY- I for one really dig a man who could wear trousers such as these. Join me for a drink tonight?


KID- Well, I don't know if we should mix business and pleasure...but what the hell! New Pants, New Me!


He continues to skip through the arena, delighted to be on the receiving end of such attention. He finally gets to his destination, the office of a certain Mr Jericho and Mr Giant.


JERICHO- Hey Kid...is there something different about you? You get a hair cut?


KID- No.


GIANT- You been working out?


KID- Guess again!


JERICHO- Well whatever it is, you look great!


KID- Thanks guys!


GIANT- Don't mention it. Anyway, the reason we wanted to speak to you is because we just got off the phone with a certain Ken Shamrock.


KID-The Ken Shamrock?


JERICHO- The very same. Now it turns out his WWF contract is coming up, so we offered him a deal here. You know, written contract, slightly more than the F are offering him, relocation expenses.


KID- And what did he say?


GIANT- Well he said he wanted a PPA contract, so he could play the field a little bit. I mean, it's not ideal, but I suppose we could.


JERICHO- Yeah, so we offer him a PPA contract


KID- And..?


GIANT- The son of a bitch says how dare we not offer him a written contract and hangs up on us!


KID- Really, that's too bad.


JERICHO- I know, Shamrock would have been great to have around. Can you imagine a fued between him and Benoit?


KID- Oh well, what will be will be.


GIANT- I can't believe you're taking it so well, man.


KID- Giant...lets just say I'm wearing the right kind of trouser!



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hey, how come stacy keibler never approached ME when i tried to wear those cool pants? :rolleyes:



Sting/Jarrett VS Bret/Goldberg


Ric Flair VS Steven Regal


Kidman VS Jindrak VS Eddy Guerrero VS Elix Skipper


Rey/Psychosis VS Chavo/ Juvi


Scott Steiner VS Chris Kanyon

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Guest cmdrsam
hey, how come stacy keibler never approached ME when i tried to wear those cool pants? :rolleyes:



Sting/Jarrett VS Bret/Goldberg


Ric Flair VS Steven Regal


Kidman VS Jindrak VS Eddy Guerrero VS Elix Skipper


Rey/Psychosis VS Chavo/ Juvi


Scott Steiner VS Chris Kanyon



No but rumor has it Chris Kanyon loved them however.:p

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