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WEXXV: "Tohoku Death Trip"

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Munemitsu SENMATSU vs. BULL Wrecker

I'm rooting for a push for the guy who'll do anything, and I mean ANYTHING

Patient PEAK vs. Battle SAKATA

Doug Peak is...weird. He's not really good in any way and he's not even crazy enough to pull off a deathmatch in my game at least...

Hiroshi MORISUE vs. Gareth WAYNE

See my thoughts on Bull Wrecker

Team WEXXV (Kajahara & Ohishi) vs. The Church Of Pain (Century & Wood)

As much as I'd love to root for Larry Wood & Travis Century, I can tell they're outmatched here...

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Yeah, you're killing my Netbook here FIN! :p But it does look nice, once I've adjusted Firefox's zoom so much that I can barely read the text. :D Loving the new gimmicks for Lee and Peak, but since I know nothing about WEXXV besides Ryu is their God and Battle SAKATA is an awesome name, I think I'll leave the predictions until the dynasty gets going. ;)
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It was my first ever live event with WEXXV. Iwata Hall had nearly 800 in attendance for the first Warrior Engine show of the year. I was so nervous and anxious, running around the backstage doing the usual stuff that I had practised for: Painting the facepaint of Morisue and Sakata, hiding Wayne's booze and helping Doug with his straightjacket, stuff like that. It was pretty chaotic back then as even our booking was somewhat done on the go as the show went along. The owner Ryu Kajahara and Motoichi Arakida, my uncle, were the bookers but they were getting old and had begun forgetting things and thus I got the job. To keep things in order and trying to keep the show together.. ..



Our announcers Yamazaki and Shigeka were hyping up the show at the announcers table, they seemed to be ready to start the show. All WEXXV shows were taped for DVD as, surprise surprise, we didn't have a TV nor a PPV-deal. I liked it this way as there wasn't any risk of botching stuff in-ring or outside of it as we could always take another take. Sure it looked kinda goofy for the live audience but our DVD's were popular and that kind of 'must-get' merchandise for our hardcore fans, or so I was told atleast.





The lights dimmed.
















Gorefest Tour, Day I (Tuesday)

Iwata Hall, Tohoku. Attendance: 787








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Ryu Kajahara's gentle theme started and the place erupted, the fans knew exactly who was coming to open the show. The gentle sound of the theme echoed in the darkness with shades of green being projected to the ramp. The theme quickly changed to the old familiar WEXXV theme, lights came back and Kajahara was standing tall on the ramp! I had never heard 800 people roar like that, chills went up my spine as I watched Ryu from behind the curtains.




Ryu had a small smile on his face as he made his way to the ring and grabbed the mic while the WEXXV fans were chanting his name..







Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first WEXXV show of the year!"


The crowd knew what was coming and they joined Ryu in his familiar catchphrase opening.


This ain't GCG, this ain't Burning Hammer, this ain't PGHW!










W E X X F'N V!!



The crowd started chanting WEXXV even louder than they chanted Ryu's name. And yes, he liked to implement English cursewords to his promos as he thought it was extremely funny (which it was due to the Japanese accent of ours that makes English sound quite weird) but the real meaning is actually deeper than that since it's more of a ridicule towards Phil Vibert. The story goes way back to 2005 to the founding of WEXXV, DAVE's relationship with the company, the shared workers and all the bad blood between the owners which created this hatred between the two but enough about that.



We've got an awesome show for you all tonight. Well our shows are always awesome and if this show sucks it might be your fault. On a more serious note we got four matches tonight but there's one thing missing.."



Ryu shows of his WEXXV Warrior's Heart championship to the crowd.




a #1 Contender's match."



With that in mind, the Deathmatch between Hiroshi Morisue and Gareth Wayne will now be for the #1 Contender's spot for my Warrior's Heart title and the winner of that match will face me this Saturday right here at the Iwata Hall!"



That's then but this is now. Let's get this f'n show started. Lower the cage!"


Ryu drops down from the ring while the cage gets lowered. The first match of the year was about to start.





















Munemitsu SENMATSU vs. BULL Wrecker

Cage Classic

77% - 23%



The crowd was pumped and ready for the match. The former two-time Warrior's Heart champion Senmatsu and the 'new gyu' Bull Wrecker got the honour of being in the first match of the year. We didn't want to burn up the crowd right from the start and thus the match was decided to be a cage match but it didn't quite have the effect we had hoped for. Not only was the match quite boring because of it's lack of weapons it was also too long. I was so glad when the match ended, Senmatsu defeated Bull with the Release Powerbomb. Had it been any longer, I would have gone to ringside to smash my head into the cage. It was an 'ok' performance from the two nonetheless.



Munemitsu Senmatsu defeated Bull Wrecker in a 1 vs 1 Cage Classic match in 9:59 by pinfall with a Release Powerbomb.
























Patient PEAK © vs. Battle SAKATA

KOTD Championship


83% - 17%



Now we were talking: Tables, barbed wire, bed of nails, light tubes, thumbtacks, barbed wire boards, weapons. King Of the Deathmatch title was on the line as Peak took on Sakata in a Deathmatch. Just before the bell rang Dr. Lee released patient Peak from the straightjacket and the maniac was loose! Peak rampaged across the ring straight into Sakata who shoved Peak away with a tackle. While there were no Face/Heel divide in WEXXV, there wasn't a question of which wrestler was the crowd favourite as a huge 'Sakata!' chant started! Sakata kept the pressure on Peak with few elbow drops, then whipping him to the ropes, trying to hit the Sakata Twist but Peak resorted to dirty tactics with a thumb to the eye saving himself.






Dr. Lee threw a bag of thumbtacks to Peak which he ripped open and spread the tacks all over the ring. Sakata was still favouring his eye when Peak used the opportunity and tripped Sakata with a double leg takedown right onto the tacks! Peak kept holding on to Sakata's legs and turned him around and boston crab was locked in! Sakata didn't know what to do as his hands were now full of tacks and so was his stomach aswell. Sakata had no choice but to try to out-power Peak, which he did eventually, by straightening his legs to get out of the hold. Peak was sent flying off to the other side while Sakata got up and shook some of the tacks off his body. Peak ran again towards Sakata and yet again the rush backfired as Sakata quickly grabbed Peak's arm and wrenched it violently, pushing Peak into the mat and right into the same thumbtacks!






Sakata released the hold and hit few intense kicks across Peak's body and dropped out of the ring. With the help of Morisue the two threw a barbedwire board into the ring. While Sakata climbed back into the ring with a handful of light tubes, Morisue set up a table on the ringside. Sakata tries to lift Peak to Sakata Twist once again but Peak fights back and runs to ropes and back, Sakata picks up a light tube and smashes it across Peak's head! Peak no-sells the hit and grabs a light tube himself and the two begin smashing the light tubes to each others head's until Sakata tells Peak to run to the ropes. When Peak comes back Sakata sidesteppes and Peak almost falls into the barbedwire board but gets his balance right just time.






Sakata bounces off the ropes from the other side of the ring and hits a thunderous lariat that knocks Peak into the board.. And over it! Peak doesn't get stuck into board as he instead just rolls trough it backwards, ripping his back on the barbedwire in the process! Sakata can't believe what had just happened and circles the board around, Peak is seriously hurting and holding his back. Sakata comes over, Peak kicks him to gut and lifts him to his shoulders, House Of Horrors (Death Valley Driver) coming!



Sakata slips behind!






Reverse Sakata Twist! A modified 180* Front Suplex! Sakata sends Peak right onto the barbedwire board, back first, with Sakata falling right on top of Peak for the cover!



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Battle Sakata wins the KOTD championship!


Result: Battle Sakata defeated Patient Peak in a 1 vs 1 Deathmatch match in 9:08 by pinfall with a Sakata Twist.
Battle Sakata wins the WEXXV King Of Death Matches title.


















Dr. Lee can't believe it as he just stares at the ring with a shocked expression on his face while Doug gazes at the ceiling as even his deranged mind realises that he just lost the match and the title. Dr. Lee jumps into the ring and starts pulling Peak off from the barbedwire board while Morisue and Sakata celebrate in the ring.






Carrying a chair wrapped with barbedwire, Gareth Wayne rushes into the ring and levels both members of Brothers In Vengeance, Morisue starts bleeding from the forehead. Dr. Lee and Peak join in on the assault but the Brothers out-power their enemies, pushing them away and keeping the original members of S.O.B at bay. Battle Sakata sends Peak flying out from the ring with a hard lariat while Morisue is brawling with Wayne. Dr. Lee attacks Sakata from behind but Sakata is having none of it as he grabs Lee by the waist, lifts him up into the suplex and sends him out of the ring with the Sakata Twist trough the table Morisue had set up on the ringside!




Sakata finally drops from the ring but stays on ringside as the #1 Contender's match between Morisue and Wayne officially starts.
























Hiroshi MORISUE vs. Gareth WAYNE

#1 Contender's Match


50% - 50%




The same kind of action continues non-stop as the two brawlers keep brawling in the ring. Patient Peak is shown heading back carrying his therapist on his shoulders, leaving Gareth Wayne all alone in the ring. Battle Sakata on the other hand is still on the ringside, enjoying his new KOTD championship belt. After several strikes Morisue and Wayne stop for a bit as they decide to do the basic test of strenght and it comes clear that they are indeed quite evenly matched as neither can get the advantage.






After a lot of pushing and shoving back and forth the two go back to trading hard strikes and finally Morisue gets the advantage with a palm thrust combo, followed with a simple scoop slam onto the same thumbtacks that Peak spread into the ring in the previous match. Wayne absorbs the punishment and fights back, even getting a neckbreaker done on Morisue. Wayne picks up the same barbedwire covered chair that he hit Morisue before the match even officially started and does it again right across Morisue's already bloody face. Wayne keeps the pressure on the head with knuckle punches to the open wound followed up with a sleeper hold, Morisue counters with a backdrop!






Both men roll out of the ring to get more weapons; Wayne goes for a baseball bat with thumbtacks all over it while Morisue slides few tables into the ring. Wayne shouts obscenities to Sakata who just ignores the S.O.B leader. Back in the ring Wayne tries to hit Morisue with the bat but Morisue gets a hold of Wayne's arm just before the strike and sends him to the mat with a very clumsy looking arm drag. Wayne quickly gets back up and hits nasty looking uppercut which rocks Morisue. Wayne lifts the big man up for his patented shoulderbreaker which connects!






Wayne picks up the bat and starts hitting the right arm of Morisue with it, the arm quickly changes colour to red due to the thumbtacks in the bat. Wayne continues the assault by picking up a broken light tube from the floor and ramming it against Morisue's arm, hitting it again and again with the sharp broken glass. Wayne then spends some time setting up a table which gives Morisue an opening as he does a running tackle, sending Wayne down to the canvas on top of the thumbtacks. Morisue lifts Wayne up using his left hand and hits his trademark Running Powerslam trough the table Wayne himself just set up!



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Only two as Wayne kicks out, Morisue didn't get all behind the move due to the damage on his right arm. Morisue quickly sets up another table near the corner of the ring and places the barbedwire board on top of it! Morisue drags Wayne to the corner and climbs up to the second rope with Wayne in his arms as he goes for a second rope powerslam but Wayne hits a low blow!







Battle Sakata shouts orders at Morisue when patient Peak suddenly comes back to the ringside and attacks Sakata, connecting with the House of Horrors on the ringside floor! Sakata is knocked out and Peak just simply returns to the backstage as quickly as he came, as he got the job done. Wayne drops down from the ropes, grabs the barbedwire chair and swings wildly at Morisue! One, two, three hits across the face of Morisue connect and the big man is reeling. Wayne climbs up a bit and grabs Morisue from the head and waist, sending him crashing down trough the table with a Brainbuster!!


Wayne reaches up for the cover!



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Two!! Morisue gets his shoulders up just in time! Morisue spits blood from his mouth as the wound in his forehead is bleeding more profusely after the shots to the head from the chair. Wayne places the chair and light tubes in the middle of the ring, lifts Morisue up and down with his trademark Brainbuster for the second time!



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Gareth Wayne wins the match!


Result: Gareth Wayne defeated Hiroshi Morisue in a 1 vs 1 Deathmatch match in 12:43 by pinfall with a Brainbuster.
Gareth Wayne is the new #1 Contender for the Warrior's Heart title.




















Battle Sakata is still a bit daized and confused on the ringside due to the attack from Peak while Wayne still continues his attack on Morisue in the ring. Wayne unwraps the barbedwire off the chair and wraps it around Morisue's head instead, pulling it tighter and tighter around his head as blood drips from all around Morisue's head. The assault is brutal and leaves Morisue completely destroyed. Wayne stands up tall next to Morisue's battered body, looking down with a frown on his face and then as if adding insult to injury, spits on Morisue's face and walks away.
























Team WEXXV (Kajahara & Ohishi) vs. The Church Of Pain (Century & Wood)

First Blood

78% - 22%




It was time for our main event and already half of the ring canvas was coloured red due all the blood but luckily it was going to stay that way since the last match was a First Blood match between four oldest members of the roster. The match had a slow pace troughout as the physical condition and stamina levels of the four competitors weren't anything to write home about. Still the match was the best of evening due to the experience levels of the said veterans and because Kajahara is just so damn popular.






At one point in the match Ohishi tripped on the mat and landed on top of the tacks but the tacks didn't cause such a bleeding which the referee Takemura would quality as 'bleeding' in a First Blood match altough Church Of Pain did their best to protest.






Near the 14 minute mark after countless near-bleedings and counter moves, almost by accident Larry Wood's back started to bleed when Kimitada Ohishi whipped a coil of barbedwire into it which resulted the referee Takemura to call for the bell.





Result: Ryu Kajahara and Kimitada Ohishi defeated The Church Of Pain in a 2 vs 2 First Blood match in 13:57 when Kimitada Ohishi made Larry Wood bleed.

















Kajahara and Ohishi celebrated the victory while The Church Of Pain wasn't having none of it as Wood couldn't realise why Takemura had called for the bell so early and so quickly due to mere cut Wood had gotten on his back. The cut was actually a rather deep and wide but because Wood himself couldn't see it he didn't know how severe it really was. Travis Century had already left the ring due to disappointment and was heading to back when something snapped inside Wood's head as he leveled both opponents, Kajahara and Ohishi, with thunderous Running Big Foots!



Wood dropped out of the ring, grabbed a chair and hit both veterans once but did a throat cutting sign at Ohishi before the hit, almost as if challenging him into a new match.
















While Kajahara and Ohishi being treated by the EMT's and staff members a video played at the end of the show hyping up the WEXXV Warrior's Heart championship match between Ryu Kajahara vs. Gareth Wayne on this Saturday's show, replaying a bit from the opening promo to Wayne def. Morisue match and the post-match attack of Wood on Kajahara and Ohishi.









Overall Grade:









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Nice show, FIN. I'm sad to say that even though PSW is a larger size we're getting about the same match scores. Curse you Ryu and your insane entertainment skills! Curse you Larry Wood and your awesome ability and menace! And most of all, curse me for not seeing the title change from Doug Peak. I figured with the new gimmick he might actually get a shot, but I guess I forgot the most important part which is that he can't wrestle for crap :p
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Great show, but can you make the screen slightly less stretched. It's hard to read if you have to keep moving the screen to read the end of each line.


Better now? I've dropped the width from 1500 to 1000 but now it looks really crap and I have to center all the borders now to make it look less crap.


Anyways thanks for all the predictions and comments, hope you liked the show and blaablaablaa. I'll go over the survey options next time so that we can have a decent prediction list of users and their correct answers and so on. The next show preview should be up today :)


E: Doesn't look that bad in the end though. I hope that now the diary is more readable to those with lower resolutions!

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Better now? I've dropped the width from 1500 to 1000 but now it looks really crap and I have to center all the borders now to make it look less crap.


Anyways thanks for all the predictions and comments, hope you liked the show and blaablaablaa. I'll go over the survey options next time so that we can have a decent prediction list of users and their correct answers and so on. The next show preview should be up today :)


E: Doesn't look that bad in the end though. I hope that now the diary is more readable to those with lower resolutions!


Ah. Now I can actually read the show ;)

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Oh and ReapeR I just noticed that you're viewing this: Huge thanks for the awesome belt renders which I presume are your doings? :)


Your welcome. Nice show by the way. Love the little audio clips.


I'll be following this.


As for the titles, I wasn't sure if the Warrior's Heart title was too much for a "Garbage" fed, but thought the look was pretty cool. However, I was worried I might get yelled at for having a Deathmatch title instead of Deathmatches. But it seems like it worked out fine in the end.



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Wednesday, Week 1 of Jan

The first show of the year was a moderate success. No one got injured and the fans left home happy. We didn't use that many wrestlers in the first show as we were unsure of how many fans would actually turn out and there was some speculation about our finances but as it turned out we didn't lose nor gain any money from the show which isn't as bad as it may sound. I'm guessing it'll be like that for the time being until we move to Miyagi Athletic Field which has capacity of 2,000 people.



We crowned a new KOTD champion out of Battle Sakata and Gareth Wayne is now the new #1 contender for Ryu's title. Also we had started negotiations with several talent and I'm really hoping that they would sign with us since I've got great gimmicks in store for all of the wrestlers in question.



There seemed to be a weird problem as far as matches were concerned: The veteran workers had the experience factor to them and they could carry anyone trough the matches but they weren't willing to put their bodies on the line as much anymore compared to the young folks due to bad physical shape and the amount of injuries the veterans have had in their careers. Vice versa the youngster were willing to bump and bleed without any care in the world but couldn't produce good matches on their own.













Gorefest Tour, Day II (Saturday)

Iwata Hall, Tohoku








Kimitada Ohishi vs. Larry Wood









Brothers In Vengeance vs. The S.O.B (Bull Wrecker & Travis Century)












http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/WEXXV/Brothers.png http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/WEXXV/Brothers.png

Naga-Mori © vs. American Psychos

WEXXV Blood Brothers

Ladder Match










Dallas McWade vs. Munemitsu Senmatsu

Texas Death Match












Ryu Kajahara © vs. Gareth Wayne

WEXXV Warrior's Heart

Hardcore Match











Click here to take survey for WEXXV Gorefest Tour, Day II








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Weird, I think I closed that survey poll already for the first show :o BigPapa, it's the right show, I checked.


Well, I feel less stupid then... sorta... Though more stupid for pointing out my perceived but not actual stupidity, which then also makes me feel rightfully stupid again. Back where I started!


I'm just going to go back to blaming the tabs on my browers...

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Back to the chaos that had manifested itself as WEXXV.



I didn't like the fact that we kinda had just one or two major storylines. The S.O.B vs. Team WEXXV had 14 guys in it or in other words everyone in the roster except Eguichi The Amazing and the trio of The New Dawn (Senmatsu, Morioka and Nagahama). I had not heard if we had signed more people into the promotion nor did I have the guts to ask Ryu or Motoichi about the storylines. My job was just following orders altough I hinted my uncle about a suggestion concerning our deathmatches.. I browsed around the net the other night and found out that PSW uses a 'pussified' Deathmatch which had no bed of nails nor light tubes and I proposed that we should add some kind of 'American Deathmatch' to our match types and maybe some of the more conservative wrestlers would agree to wrestle within that set-up.




I guess I'll just have to 'wait and see', said Jim Henson.

















Gorefest Tour, Day II (Saturday)

Iwata Hall, Tohoku. Attendance: 829










Ryu Kajahara started the show with a promo hyping his upcoming WEXXV Warrior's Heart championship match with Gareth Wayne.



Nothing fancy tonight people. I was a bit naiive thinking that everything would go just fine in the first show of the year.. Conveniently forgetting a group called the S.O.B was in the house."



Don't get me wrong, I'm not sweating them, at all. They are nothing compared to the likes of Ohishi, Brothers In Vengeance, Kajiwara, Konoe, Makioka.. The guys who have built this company from the start."



The first match of the night is a match that was requested from both sides, Ohishi and Wood, due to the post-match beating that happened in the last show."



Wayne.. I have a mixed attitude towards you. We're fellow veterans of the business and you are a former champion like I am.. The difference being that I'm a four time champion.. While you are a one time champion.. It's going to stay that way, believe me."



Ryu grabs a note he had written before the promo and reads it out in English:



I will never give up this title. Never.. I will not quit, I will not submit, I will not get pinned. You're going to have to destroy me in order to get this f'n belt. You hear me?!"



Kajahara grabs a lighter from his pocket and sets the note on fire, throwing it into the middle of the ring , turning his back to the ring as he simply walks away.




















Kimitada Ohishi vs. Larry Wood




Larry Wood starts the match with fast pace, leveling Ohishi off his feet with a huge lariat. Ohishi has hard time getting up as Wood continously keeps hitting knee strikes all over the 'Tokyo Tornado's' body. Wood drops out of the ring and finds a cheese grader from under the ring! Wood tries to slide the grader acros Ohishi's forehead but the veteran interrupts the attempt by grabbing Wood by the arms and whipping him across the ring with an armdrag.




Ohishi shifts the momentum with a heavy DDT but Wood no-sells the move and hits a running elbow, Ohishi no-sells the strike aswell and the two trade hard slaps to the chest, the crowd pops for the show of warrior spirit! Ohishi orders Wood into the ropes and braces himself for a lariat which Wood hits to no effect. Ohishi just roars back at Wood who goes to the ropes again, Ohishi braces the lariat again. Wood goes for the ropes for the third time when suddenly Ohishi runs to the side to the other ropes. Wood bounces back from the ropes but Ohishi is nowhere to be seen for a second, until Ohishi comes from the side and levels Wood with a nasty lariat of his own! Wood rolls out of the ring due to the sheer impact of the blow as crowd cheers to Ohishi.




Ohishi comes to the side of the ring and leans on the ropes, trying to grab Wood by the hair but gets a chair smashes to the face instead! Ohishi falls to the canvas while Wood climbs back to the ring while still holding onto the chair.




Wood smashes Ohishi across the body with the chair and then switches the weapon into the cheese grader! Wood presses the grades against Ohishi's head and grinds it across, opening up cut all across Ohishi's head. Blood spews around the ring with each strike with the grinder, Ohishi hits the grinder away from Wood's hand with his fist, trying to shift the momentum. Ohishi does the Stomach Claw but Wood out-powers the old man.




Wood shoves Ohishi away, grabs the chair and swungs it wildly across Ohishi who's shaking more and more with each shot. Wood drops the chair into the middle of the ring, lifts Ohishi up and down with the Double Handed Choke Bomb!



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Result: Larry Wood defeated Kimitada Ohishi in 9:06 by pinfall with a Double Handed Choke Bomb.
Wood and Ohishi seemed to have Good Chemistry.




















Brothers In Vengeance vs. The S.O.B (Bull Wrecker & Travis Century)




Brothers In Vengeance were no match for the S.O.B members who failed miserably in teaming up against the more exprienced duo. Bull and Century hit each other with weapons and collided in the ring, some of the botches were so ugly that the crowd just boo'd at them. Even though some botches are really easy to cover up in hardcore matches, there were too many in this match. Luckily Battle Sakata, the new reigning WEXXV KOTD champion, finishes Travic Century with the Sakata Twist to bring an end to this terrible match.



Result: Brothers In Vengeance defeated Bull Wrecker and Travis Century in a 2 vs 2 Deathmatch match in 8:59 when Battle Sakata defeated Travis Century by pinfall with a Sakata Twist.
There was Bad Tag chemistry between Bull and Century.




















Munemitsu Senmatsu had a promo hyping his team of Naga-Mori taking on American Psychos in a tag match.



I've heard about this 'war'.. Over WEXXV. For months, months and months.. The S.O.B this.. The Team WEXXV that.. .."



For nothing. You see.. They, the others, have forgotten the tribe of valour, the true faces behind Warrior Engine. The New Dawn. They have forgotten about Munemitsu Senmatsu, Mamoru Nagahama and Matsudaira Morioka. The true champions of WEXXV."



We're gonna end this war because there shouldn't even be a war in the first place. We were the champions at one time in the history of this company. We knew that were the best. We still are the best in this company."



Naga-Mori here are once again the champions, the WEXXV Blood Brothers.. They are the current three time champions. A feat that no other tag team in the history of WEXXV has accomplished thus far and tonight they will demolish the American Psychos with their technical excellence. They will rip them apart, limb by limb."



I am a two time WEXXV Warrior's Heart champion and I assure you.. I will get my championship back from Ryu or Gareth, sooner rather than later. Doesn't matter who the champion is going to be, I will get my title back around my waist, where it rightfully belongs."


Mark my words. Before this tour is over, The New Dawn will come and have gold around it's waist."























Naga-Mori © vs. American Psychos

WEXXV Blood Brothers

Ladder Match



This match was a classic example of technical skills versus brute power; Naga-Mori started the match with some really good wrestling as they kept American Psychos in the canvas for minutes until all hell broke loose when the Psychos started using weapons and especially the ladders to their advantage; Lee even spiked Morioka into a ladder with an amazing Asylum Buster.




That wasn't enough for the Psychos as Naga-Mori made their first succesfull defence of the titles when Mamoru Nagahama hit Backdrop Suplexes to both Psycho's, slamming them on top of the ladders and climbing up a ladder that was set-up in the middle of ring and retrieving the titles.



Result: Naga-Mori defeated American Psychos in a 2 vs 2 Ladder match in 9:08 when Mamoru Nagahama retrieved the item.
Naga-Mori make defence number 1 of their WEXXV Blood Brothers titles.




















Dallas McWade vs. Munemitsu Senmatsu

Texas Death Match



Dallas McWade seemed to underestimate the rookie Munemitsu in this match as to his surprise he found out that Senmatsu was in fact more powerful than him which distracted the veteran a bit. Senmatsu had some good momentum going into the match and McWade seemed to be just another victim in his path in the quest of retaining the Warrior's Heart title. The match had good crowd and decent in-ring action but clearly the fans wanted something more than a Texas Deathmatch.



In the end Senmatsu hit two Super Smash Lariats for the pinfall and the ten count to score the victory in this somewhat throw-away match.



Result: Munemitsu Senmatsu defeated Dallas McWade in 9:57 when Dallas McWade was pinned with a Super Smash Lariat and could not beat a ten count.




















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It was time for our main event. Kajahara made his huge, specialised entrance to the ring. The entrance made me realise just how big name Kajahara really was. He was up there with likes of Inukai, Tatsuko, Hughes, Vessey, Hoshino, Kunomasu.. Just a step below of the likes of Kudo, Mushashibo, Jimbo.. Some were in their prime, some were already legendary in Japanese wrestling scene and Ryu Kajahara was one of them. He didn't have the technical supremacy of Eisaku Kunomasu, nor the stamina levels of Nobuatsu Tatsuko, nor had he ever worked for any of the big three in Japan or held any major titles in his career.



But he had the heart and the guts that were incomparable to any other man in Japan. There wasn't a man in Japanese wrestling scene with better microphone or acting skills. There wasn't a man in Japan with more charisma than him. He was as tough as they come.



He was Ryu Kajahara. The Warrior's Heart champion. The crowd went nuts when his theme started and he made this slow walk into the ring, greeting the fans at ringside. The chant of 'Kajahara! Kajahara!' echoed troughout the Iwata Hall. The entrance was so good that even I got excited about the match.































Ryu Kajahara © vs. Gareth Wayne

WEXXV Warrior's Heart

Hardcore Match




The two leaders of their respective stables lock horns as they engage in typical collar-and-elbow position, trying to get the upper hand psychologically. Wayne finally trips Kajahara into the mat and laughs as the 52 year old veteran slowly makes his way back to his feet. Kajahara doesn't like the c0ckyness of Wayne at all and it clearly shows as Kajahara charges at Wayne and takes him down and starts punching him wildly from left and right. Kajahara stands up and whips Wayne into the ropes and sends him down a military press and then posing for the crowd in a Sam Strong fashion, flexing his muscles and showing that he has still got it.







Wayne however has already stood up and hits Kajahara with a flying knee to the back, sending the old man trough the ropes and into the ringside floor. Wayne goes after him and starts choking him with some cables lying on the floor, accidentally cutting the feedback from the cameras for our DVD for a minute or so. Luckily a WEXXV fan was filming the show with his camera and we loaned the missing footage from him for our DVD.







Wayne dragged Kajahara over to the steelsteps in the corner and rammed Ryu's head into them, even hitting a nasty looking Curb Stomp, slamming Ryu's head even harder into the steps with the aid of his foot. Kajahara retialited by grabbing Wayne from the tights, sending him straight to the corner ringpost. The two were now on the other side of one corner of the ring as they both went under the ring momentarily, trying to find some weapons or items that they could use. Wayne had a chair while Kajahara grabbed a bag of thumbtacks with him as they made their way back to the ring.







Wayne was the first to use his weapon of choice as he slammed Kajahara with the chair but to no avail as Kajahara simple shrugged the hit off and manhandled Wayne with a snap suplex. Kajahara spread the thumbtacks all over the ring and tried to suplex Wayne on top of them but Wayne countered the move into a DDT in mid-air, driving Kajahara's head into the tacks! Cover!!


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Kajahara gets his shoulders up in time, the top of his head looks like a pincushion due to all the tacks. Wayne continues the assault by hitting a series of knuckle punches to Kajahara's head. Kajahara crawls over to get the chair while Wayne gets a table from the outside. Back in the ring, Kajahara floors Wayne with the chair and sets up the table. Kajahara drags Wayne on top of it and guys for the turnbuckle but he's way too slow to get the job done as Wayne interrupts the attempt. Powerbomb trough the table!



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Kajahara kicks out! Wayne starts smashing Kajahara with the chair, repeatedly, goes for the cover but gets just a two count again. Wayne gets more and more frustrated as he leaves the ring once again, trying to find something that would stop Kajahara. A barbedwire baseball bat! Kajahara is still on his knees, crawling off from the wreckage when Wayne hits him with the baseball bat right across the face, breaking Kajahara's nose in the process!







Kajahara's face was so ugly at this point of the match as there was blood everywhere and his nose had a weird shape, he was clearly in pain but the adreraline was still flowing so perhaps he didn't feel it at all. Kajahara did the Strong taunt once again, almost no-selling the whole hit with the bat as he just stood up and started throwing haymakers at Wayne, flooring him with hard strikes. Kajahara grabbed the bat and hit Wayne into the midsection with it, then followed up with an even more brutal chairshot! The two dropped to the ground simultanously, the only difference was that Wayne dropped flat on his back and Kajahara kneeled to gather a bunch of thumbtacks into his hand.









Kajahara had his hands full of tacks when he grabbed Wayne by the head with his left hand and did the Kajahara Claw with his right hand, pushing the tacks to Wayne's mouth while doing the mandible claw move!! Wayne started to scream due to all the tacks piercing his mouth and tongue while Kajahara just increased the power of the hold, trying to choke Wayne!









Wayne struggles and fights back, trying to get up but the more Wayne struggles to get away the tighter Kajahara locks in the Claw!





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Wayne taps out! Kajahara retains the title!


Result: Ryu Kajahara defeated Gareth Wayne in 9:58 by submission with a Kajahara Claw.
Ryu Kajahara makes defence number 1 of his WEXXV Warrior's Heart title.




















Kajahara is relieved to come out of the match as the winner, defending his championship succesfully for the first time this year when suddenly he gets attacked by Wayne: Wayne connects with the Brainbuster, dropping the already exhausted Kajahara head-first to the canvas.




Wayne isn't done yet as he drops out of the ring and slides a bed of nails and a pack of light tubes into the ring, the crowd gasps in horror and at the same time, excitement. The referee Yamazaki tries to stop Wayne but gets a light tube smashed across his face as a reward. Wayne drags Kajahara over to the bed of nails and starts to grind Kajahara's face across the nails but they do little to no damage due to the amount of the nails grouped together and due to Kajahara resisting the attack. Wayne releases the hold as he understands that it's not going anywhere. Kajahara sits up and turns around, trying to clean up his eyes from all the blood.




When he finally does get his face clean he lowers his arms, a mistake which he would regret for the rest of his life, because Wayne had picked up several light tubes and was already in mid-swing, aiming for Kajahara's face.




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Wayne blasts Kajahara with the light tubes, catching him right in the face, right between the eyes. Kajahara immediately drops to the floor in agony, blood everywhere, screaming about his eyes. A host of officials charge down, and he is stretchered out, apparently blinded, while Gareth Wayne quickly realises what he had done.





Disappointed for the loss and shocked about what he had just done, Wayne retreats to the back as the show ends in a dramatic scene.







Overall Grade:




* I'm in a hurry, I'll do the prediction list stuff when I get back home. Hope you liked the show! :)

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I had never seen such an ending to a wrestling show. Gareth Wayne's sloppyness increased the effect of the beating, he had probably been drinking that day. The few nasty hits that he did in that match and after were more brutal than what he had originally intended for but I guess that Ryu didn't really care. Ryu was still in the hospital because of his eyes and the broken nose, I didn't know how severe the eye injury was.



Here's the prediction list results, thanks guys for participating. I'm hoping that the next show will be even better.



critical-23, FlameSnoopy DANGEROOUUUS~! (
), MrOnu, smurphy1014,


The Celt, randomfreeze, SeanMcFly, Apupunchau, Huntman


: praguepride, Wheelz316, Kingtutt, Bigpapa42, InfernalMIKO, TheKenwyne.


'Surplus' Kajahara t-shirts go to critical-23, FlameSnoopy, MrOnu and smurphy1014 for their fine effort. Hopefully the predicting will be harder on the next show..



Oh and the negotiations .. We signed all four workers. They'll be debuting in the next show!












Monday, Week 2 of Jan

I got a phonecall from Uncle.. He can't make it to the show due to illness.


Great. So it was just going to be Ryu and.. Me, atleast in some way. I called Ryu and he said that he's going to be there but only in a minor part which didn't make my job any easier. Luckily we had few wrestlers who had atleast some booking skill and the experience or atleast could carry each other troughout the matches without problems.



I have a bad feeling about this..

















Sunday, Week 1 of Jan



Gorefest Tour, Day III (Tuesday)

Week 2, Jan

Iwata Hall, Tohoku








Team WEXXV vs. American Psychos









Eguichi & Zeshin vs. ??? & ???









http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/WEXXV/Brothers.png http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/WEXXV/Brothers.png


Naga-Mori © vs. ??? & ???

WEXXV Blood Brothers

Ladder Match








Kimitada Ohishi vs. Gareth Wayne









Larry Wood vs. Munemitsu Senmatsu

#1 Contender's Match










<a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RFDVH2Y">Click here to take survey</a>







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OOC: Argh. I'm so .. Drawing blank. Huge writer's block, huge. Once again. I've yet completed a single month of playtime in TEW2010, on any save. I've hardly played it at all.. Imagine that.


As much as I love the crazy characters and all this stuff related to diary making, I'm not a natural writer who would just write and write and come up with stuff. The language barrier will always be there and writing by default always takes more time from me than from a native English speaker.


There's three choices which I'm now contemplating.


1.) Continue as usual.


2.) Make the diary more like infinitywpi's amazing diarys, his CZCW style of writing, perhaps incorporate some tutorial stuff into it aswell.


3.) Make this diary game into a 'Tutorial' one: 'How to play as WEXXV in TEW2010' and how to book in general. :)


I'm very much leaning on the third one but I wanted to hear your guys opinion, I don't want to disappoint. I know that many people will say the basic 'do what you want' etc. I also know that my tutorial diaries were quite popular right near the end of TEW08 and I thought that there might be need for a tutorial diary for TEW2010 aswell.


Here's a poll!


<a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PMWR5GZ">Click here to take survey for the change of Diary style!</a>





Do DM's:

Battle, Doug Peak, Hiroshi, Hyotaru, Jack Vegas, JOJI, Kokei Shoda, Taheiji, Tatsukichi,



Weird Waldo injured







Week 1 Gorefest I

1,000 Iwata Hall


Ryu Kajahara comes out to open the show.


Ryu: "Hello and welcome to the first show of the year! We're not going to waste any time in starting the show so without further adeu I'm proud to announce that we're going to have a very special 3vs3 WEXXV Deathmatch right here at the great Iwata Hall! On the other side of the ring we will have the S.O.B members Jack Vegas, Dallas McWade and Henry Lee. They will compete againt Taheiji Konoe and another two wrestlers who are both making their return to Warrior Engine. Please welcome,






Ryu: "But one demon isn't enough, is it? Please welcome back,






Out they come to make their first appearance as the newest signings. D+



Kajahara + improv

Nishio Wildman B+ Yamanaka Vigilante B+



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Ieshige Nishio, Takesi Yamanaka and Taheiji Konoe defeated The S.O.B. (Jack Vegas, Dallas McWade and Henry Lee) in a Deathmatch match in 10:06 when Taheiji Konoe defeated Jack Vegas by pinfall with a Savage Cradle DDT. D-




The match is over, and Ieshige Nishio is celebrating. Takesi Yamanaka walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect, but Nishio just laughs and refuses the handshake. E+




Mamoru Nagahama announces that he has decided to give himself a challenge tonight, and if he cannot win the match in under 5 minutes he'll admit defeat. He introduces Matsudaira Morioka as his opponent. D-




In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Naga-Mori defeated Hyotaru and Kokei Shoda in a Ladder match in 9:55 when Mamoru Nagahama retrieved the item. Naga-Mori make defence number 3 of their WEXXV Blood Brothers titles. D

Mamoru off his game, Huotaru boo'd lack of wrestling. lifted the crowd.



Mamoru matsudaira poor gimmick.

Naga-Mori attacks Shoda and Hyotaru in the ring, and knock them down and out. Nagahama pulls a ladder out from under the ring, and slides it in. They use it to batter their fallen opponents even more, and they end the assault by setting it up and posing on it, above the downed bodies of Shoda and Hyotaru. E-




In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Daruma I defeated Toyokuni Hardcore in 9:58 by pinfall with a Running Tackle following interference from Daruma II. D-


Toyokuni off his game poor gimmick

Toyokuni Hardcore is being attacked by The Forlorn Hope in the ring. Seeing the assault, Tatsukichi Shichirobei comes running in and fights them both off, saving Toyokuni Hardcore from a serious beating. E



Tatsu Daruma I poor gimmick

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Battle Sakata defeated Doug Peak and Tatsukichi Shichirobei in a Deathmatch match in 10:49 when Battle Sakata defeated Tatsukichi Shichirobei by pinfall with a Sakata Twist. Battle Sakata wins the WEXXV King Of Death Matches title. C-



all crazy bumps. lifted the crowd.

Battle Sakata is in the ring, post-match. He climbs the ropes and proceeds to put himself through a table, just for the hell of it. D-




In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Hiroshi Morisue defeated Munemitsu Senmatsu in a Deathmatch match in 17:26 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. Hiroshi Morisue makes defence number 4 of his WEXXV Warrior's Heart title. C





Maniac E-



Morisue and Kajahara are in the ring. Out of nowhere, Munemitsu Senmatsu hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves both team mates completely destroyed. C-




Ryu Kajahara cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Munemitsu Senmatsu. B+


Overall rating: C

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